Nuclear Ban Treaty chapter

Read Rebecca Johnson's 2019 analysis of the Nuclear Ban Treaty's origins, provisions and purpose, just been published in the new book from the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Nuclear Disarmament: A Critical Assessment. Dr Johnson's chapter, titled 'The Nuclear Ban Treaty...

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Women, security and banning nuclear weapons

Women, security and banning nuclear weapons

This powerpoint presentation on "Women, security and banning nuclear weapons" was given by Rebecca Johnson to an audience of students and interested members of the public on 21 February 2019, at the School of Oriental and African Students (SOAS), University of London....

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House of Lords NPT Submission

House of Lords NPT Submission

Submission to the House of Lords International Relations Committee Inquiry on the NPT and nuclear disarmament. Written evidence submitted by Dr Rebecca Johnson on behalf of the Acronym Institute January 2019. To download this PDF please click on the link below:...

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