Welcome TO AIDD website, Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy

We’ve been providing research, analysis and strategies for disarmament, peace and security since 1995.

As a UK-based civil society organisation with United Nations (ECOSOC) consultative status, we engage with governments, parliamentarians and civil society around the world. Through education, talks, presentations and publications AIDD continues to highlight threats to human security and positive actions we can all take to tackle the threats and risks we face from violence, weapons, wars and climate destruction.

AIDD is involved with campaigners around the world to develop feminist-humanitarian strategies and antiviolent actions to take forward UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security and tackle violence in all its aspects.  Our objectives are empowering women and girls and building a more secure, free, just and peaceful world for everyone. 

Through this website you can access over 50 contemporaneous analyses that Dr Rebecca Eleanor-Johnson wrote for OpenDemocracy from 2010 on the humanitarian disarmament strategies and processes that led to the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).  With her ringside seat as first president of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) in Geneva, she shared in the collective Nobel Peace Prize awarded to ICAN in 2017 for all the work that went into achieving the TPNW, and encourage next generations to carry the TPNW forward to implementation and global disarmament.

AIDD and our Edinburgh colleagues (co-located with UN House Scotland) serve on ICAN’s International Steering Group and jointly coordinate information and activism among ICAN partners and TPNW supporters in the UK. We work with activists around the world to connect climate and nuclear information and campaigns, and persuade our governments to prevent the use of nuclear weapons, join the TPNW, and end all nuclear-weapons production, financing, and all activities that would enable anyone to acquire or use a nuclear weapon. 

We are still reconstructing and updating our website with recent publications and resources, as well as early pieces on nonviolent activism and the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp of the 1980s, reports from the 1994-96 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) negotiations and Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) meetings from 1994.  Clicking on ‘Disarmament Diplomacy’ under ‘Resources’ should take you to the archives from Acronym Institute’s early years, including key reports and issues of our in-house journal Disarmament Diplomacy from 1996-2009.