Rebecca Johnson's keynote presentation and additional slides for the break-out workshop on feminist nonviolence for peace activism, delivered at Braziers Park Actions for Peace conference, UK, 20-21 September 2019. To download this PDF please click on the link below:...
Year: 2019
Trump and Putin have killed off a vital nuclear treaty. Here’s how we fight back. Article by Rebecca Johnson via The Guardian
Trump and Putin have killed off a vital nuclear treaty. Here's how we fight back. Â Article by Rebecca Johnson via The Guardian 2 August 2019. Click on the link below to see the original article in The Guardian: ...

What to look for in the 2019 NPT by Rebecca Johnson via ELN
Commissioned by the European Leadership Network and published on 29 April 2019 as states parties to the NPT meet at the UN in New York, Rebecca Johnson's article considers the political and diplomatic challenges that the PrepCom will need to address. To download this...
Will non-proliferation and nuclear restraint be weakened in 2020? by Rebecca Johnson via ELN
In her article dated 24 May 2019, Rebecca Johnson analyses the outcome and key issues from the Third Preparatory Committee meeting for the 2020 NPT Review Conference, including deteriorating relations among nuclear armed states, especially Russia and the United States...
Nuclear Ban Treaty chapter
Read Rebecca Johnson's 2019 analysis of the Nuclear Ban Treaty's origins, provisions and purpose, just been published in the new book from the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Nuclear Disarmament: A Critical Assessment. Dr Johnson's chapter, titled 'The Nuclear Ban Treaty...

Stalemate for Trump and Kim, as India and Pakistan risk Nuclear War over Kashmir
Article by Rebecca Johnson via openDemocracy Description This latest article from Rebecca Johnson considers nuclear risks the important role of multilateral treaties, including the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, in denuclearizing all regions and...

Women, security and banning nuclear weapons
This powerpoint presentation on "Women, security and banning nuclear weapons" was given by Rebecca Johnson to an audience of students and interested members of the public on 21 February 2019, at the School of Oriental and African Students (SOAS), University of London....

Who gains from Trump trashing the INF treaty Putin and Lockheed Martin
Read this article on the Open Democracy website Photo:Â Bob Naylor

House of Lords NPT Submission
Submission to the House of Lords International Relations Committee Inquiry on the NPT and nuclear disarmament. Written evidence submitted by Dr Rebecca Johnson on behalf of the Acronym Institute January 2019. To download this PDF please click on the link below:...

“Nuclear Weapons Treaties – Why they matter for security” Presentation by Rebecca Johnson
Dr Johnson's January 2019 presentation to Shrivenham Defence Academy, UK, on the importance for our collective security of not undermining existing nuclear agreements, such as the 1987 INF Treaty, the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the 1968 NPT;...