Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 85, Summer 2007
Representation from the Trenches: Ongoing Monitoring for Implementing
the BWC
Filippa Lentzos
States parties to the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC)
will hold their next Meeting of Experts in Geneva from 20-24 August 2007.
This follows the decision made by the Sixth Review Conference to continue
the 'intersessional process' of 2003-2005. As described by Richard Guthrie
in the last issue of Disarmament Diplomacy,[1] the Review Conference agreed a work programme
for 2007-2010 comprising an annual one-week Meeting of States Parties
preceded each year by a one-week Meeting of Experts. States parties also
agreed topics to be discussed at each year's meetings, and that the meetings
would additionally cover 'recurring topics'.
The two set topics for the 2007 meetings relate to national implementation.[2] This was also the subject of the 2003 intersessional
meetings, where debate focussed heavily on implementing legislation without
meaningfully considering wider issues relating to effective national implementation
of the Convention. It is anticipated that in the 2007 meetings, states
parties will once again restrict their discussions, focussing on criminalization,
cross-boundary transfer controls and law enforcement.[3]
Whilst acknowledging the importance of such matters, this paper suggests
that a more comprehensive discussion of national implementation is needed.
It argues that enacting legislation and putting institutional mechanisms
in place to implement that legislation are not going to be enough. National
implementation of the BWC is an ongoing process; to monitor relevant life
science activities effectively, states parties need to establish oversight
mechanisms at multiple stages in the research and development (R&D) process,
with successive systems overlapping to ensure maximum confidence in the
information collected.
After presenting some background to this argument, the paper provides
detailed examples of different oversight mechanisms that states parties
might find helpful in identifying gaps in their existing national oversight
frameworks. It concludes with a discussion on the roles of statutory and
voluntary/self-governance mechanisms for life science oversight, arguing
that while statutory mechanisms are requisite to effective oversight,
informal monitoring systems also play a critical role.
National implementation is an ongoing process
National implementation comprises three components:
- Legislation to transpose treaty obligations into national law.
- Means of enforcing the legislation once breaches are identified.
- Methods for monitoring relevant work with biological agents and toxins
within the national territory.
The discussion on national implementation at the 2007 intersessional
meetings needs to consider all three components. For states parties that
have not yet implemented their BWC commitments, dialogue needs to continue
on how to transpose treaty obligations into national law - through legislation
specifically designed for this purpose, through legislation that encompasses
more than the objectives of the BWC, or through an array of already existing
Also important is a continuation of the discussion on appropriate means
of enforcement once breaches are identified. This discussion must not
limit itself to 'big stick' enforcement actions like levying fines, arrests,
prosecuting and imprisonment. It also needs to consider 'softer' approaches
to regulation like requiring changes in research procedures, serving improvements
notices or prohibition notices, and withdrawing consent for questionable
However, enacting legislation and enforcing that legislation only form
part of national implementation. The third component, the ongoing day-to-day
monitoring of the life sciences, seems to have been left off the agenda
for the 2007 meetings. This is a significant omission, as effective
oversight frameworks or risk regulation regimes must possess all three
components with clear linkages between them.[4]
Ongoing monitoring is particularly important in the context of the BWC
because biological weapons and their associated technologies have a large
dual use overlap; they use identical components to a vast array of legitimate
activities, including biomedical, bioscience and biodefence R&D. Because
of this, and the comprehensive nature of the BWC's prohibitions, implementation
of the Convention needs to include the continuous oversight of peaceful,
prophylactic and protective life science activities to prevent their misuse
or misapplication.
States parties - particularly those that already have legislation transposing
BWC obligations into national law - need to focus their efforts on the
adequacy of the oversight frameworks they have in place. They need to
consider how their present oversight frameworks operate in practice and
how best to address any gaps that may exist.
There is a range of methods for monitoring relevant work with biological
agents and toxins that covers various stages in the R&D process. This
fact, combined with the different kinds of relevant life science activities
and the varying national contexts, means that appropriate oversight mechanisms
or monitoring systems will vary between states parties. There is no one-size-fits-all
approach to address the potential misuse of biological agents and toxins,
and, more broadly, the misapplication of the techniques and knowledge
developing in the life sciences.
Successive stages of monitoring
Focussed exclusively on the research end of the R&D process, this article
will now outline several ways of monitoring life science research ranging
from initial risk assessments, through monitoring of work in progress,
to publication of results. Some of these mechanisms are already in place
in some BWC states parties, but few countries have made a concerted effort
to draw up a comprehensive overview of their national frameworks. While
not an exhaustive list, the following overview highlights several key
elements as a starting point for further elaboration and discussion.
Project concept and design
Risk assessments carried out at the initial project concept and design
stage are one way to monitor relevant work with biological agents and
toxins. However, few guidelines have to date been developed on how to
carry out these assessments with potential misuse or misapplication specifically
in mind. A prominent exception is the draft guidance provided by the US
National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB). Established by
the US government in 2004 to provide advice, guidance and leadership on
dual use research oversight, the Board has developed a criterion for identifying
"dual use research of concern": "Research that, based on current understanding,
can be reasonably anticipated to provide knowledge, products, or technologies
that could be directly misapplied by others to pose a threat to public
health and safety, agriculture, plants, animals, the environment, or material".[5]
NSABB has outlined seven categories [6] of information, products or technologies that
might be especially likely to meet the threshold within the criterion
for dual use research of concern. These are knowledge, products or technologies
that could:
- Enhance the harmful consequences of a biological agent or toxin.
- Disrupt immunity or the effectiveness of an immunization without clinical
and/or agricultural justification.
- Confer to a biological agent or toxin, resistance to clinically and/or
agriculturally useful prophylactic or therapeutic interventions against
that agent or toxin, or facilitate their ability to evade detection
- Increase the stability, transmissibility, or the ability to disseminate
a biological agent or toxin.
- Alter the host range or tropism of a biological agent or toxin.
- Enhance the susceptibility of a host population.
- Generate a novel pathogenic agent or toxin, or reconstitute an eradicated
or extinct biological agent. [7]
NSABB recommends that if the knowledge, products or technologies related
to a proposed project are judged to apply to one of these categories,
the project should undergo a more thorough review to determine whether
it does indeed constitute dual use research of concern, and if so, how
the potential for misuse should be managed.
This review should address:
- The potential for, and the ways in which, information from the research
could be misused to pose a threat to public health and safety, agriculture,
plants, animals, the environment or materiel.
- The likelihood that the information might be misused.
- The potential impacts of misuse.
- Strategies for mitigating the risks that information from the research
could be misused.[8]
Funding applications
An additional way of monitoring relevant work with biological agents
and toxins is to conduct similar risk assessments at the funding application
stage. One example where this has been implemented is provided by the
Wellcome Trust - a major funder of biomedical research based in the UK
- who noted its commitment to this in 2003 in its Position Statement
on Bioterrorism and Biomedical Research. Together with the UK's Medical
Research Council and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
Council, the Trust has made changes to its funding application forms,
developed guidance for funding committees, and modified organizational
guidelines on good practice in research.[9]
Initiation of research
Once funding has been sought and granted for a research project, yet
another layer of monitoring may be applied at the project initiation stage.
In some states parties, such as those that are members of the European
Union, there are already requirements that regulatory authorities[10] be notified of certain types of work - like
the genetic modification of micro-organisms or work with particularly
hazardous or dangerous pathogens - before the work starts. Some states
parties may also require that consent for certain types of work be explicitly
granted by regulatory authorities before such work is undertaken. In either
case, notifications and applications for consent provide the regulatory
authorities with an overview of, or some control over, the kinds of research
carried out under their jurisdiction.
Individual risk assessments focussed on the safety and/or security of
proposed work often form a central part of both notifications and applications
for consent. These tend to address the agent's hazardous properties, such
as its pathogenicity, epidemiology, infectious dose, routes of transmission,
medical data, and environmental stability. They will also often address
the nature of the work to be carried out, including where the work will
be conducted and who will carry it out, the amount of agent used and procedures
to be undertaken, the equipment to be used and how it will be decontaminated,
whether the work is routine, one-off or undertaken out of hours or by
lone workers, whether it could create aerosols or splashes, etc. These
sorts of risk assessments are then used to inform what adequate and/or
appropriate safety and security measures would be.
In some countries, risk assessments of proposed projects with biological
agents and toxins may be reviewed internally through local review committees
rather than through scrutiny by external regulators. Depending on the
size and kind of institution (academic, private, commercial, military),
these reviews may range from the quite informal to the very formal and
Sometimes the meetings of local review committees are open to the public,
or minutes of the meetings and submitted documents are available to the
public on request. For other states parties, public registers of information
on projects with biological agents and toxins may be kept by regulators
or funders. This is the case in the UK, for example, where information[11] on all contained-use work with genetically modified
micro-organisms is held in a central register and made available to the
public in hard copy at the Health and Safety Executive or electronically
Ongoing research
There are several ways to monitor research with biological agents and
toxins while it is being carried out, the most prominent of which is inspection
by regulatory authorities of laboratory premises and the working practices
of the researchers there. A health and safety inspection of a biological
laboratory in the UK, for example, would typically comprise both scrutiny
of laboratory documentation - particularly going through the various risk
assessments the laboratory had carried out for its projects - and a visit
to the actual laboratory, during the course of which the inspectors would
speak to the researchers working there to check that the written policies
and procedures were being adhered to.[12]
There may also be inspections of laboratory premises and routines through
accreditation regimes (for example the ISO standards of the International
Organization for Standardization or the Good Laboratory Practice and Good
Manufacturing Practice standards) or through inspection programmes internal
to institutions. These are often carried out by individuals in departments
specifically dedicated to health and safety and environmental concerns.
Less formalized, although as important, are inspections by peers, who
take on the role of biosafety officers alongside their principal jobs
as researchers. Even less formalized but still a highly significant oversight
mechanism is day-to-day peer observation in the laboratory. As NSABB,
among others,[13] has noted: "Researchers are the most critical
element in the oversight of dual use life sciences research. They know
the work best and are in the best position to anticipate the types of
knowledge, products, or technologies that might be generated, the potential
for misuse and the degree of immediacy of that threat".[14]
The same point was made by a laboratory head at a large San Francisco
Bay Area biotechnology company in a particularly candid interview carried
out as part of a study looking at the implementation and impact of biosafety
and biosecurity regulations in laboratories.[15] He noted that early on, for a small company,
"the biosafety people tend to be very technical as they are usually still
working as researchers and only doing the biosafety job on a part time
basis. At around 150 employees companies can no longer rely on part-time
biosafety officers. Ironically, it is when professional biosafety people
are employed that you loose an understanding of what's going on. They
are administrators in inclination and ability. They only know the regulations
you have to comply with. Mid-size companies move away from using scientists
towards administrators that don't know what's going on at the bench top
He went on to say that "EH&S [Environment, Health & Safety] don't deal
with the real safety issues, they only handle the bureaucracy. They are
administrators. They may chair the safety committee, but even so they
pretty much just turn the wheels. Most EH&S safety people are technically
incompetent, and completely antithetical to people in research. There
is a natural schism between EH&S and scientists, and the earlier you are
in the R&D process the bigger the gulf". He showed me a copy of the Atlanta-based
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) publication Biosafety in Microbiological
and Biomedical Laboratories, and commented, "See, it only applies
to standard viruses. There is no guidance for genetically modified viruses
or for very large volumes of viruses. In the synthetic virus era you have
to make your own rules - it has to be self-policing; you cannot have a
set standard".
His laboratory works on genetically engineering viruses: "We can derive
strains that are more infectious than HIV. Yet, the biosafety officers
are busy pushing airborne pathogens regulations. The real safety issues
are inherently self-policed. The pursuit of following safety regulations
is a distraction. You can't develop regulations fast enough to follow
evolving research. With basic research you have to depend on representation
from the trenches to know what is going on".
One way to harness or strengthen the effect of peer observation in the
laboratory, as well as to raise awareness among individual researchers
themselves, is to find constructive ways of incorporating concern about
potential misuse into the professional norms of biological scientists,
their training and research practices, and their manuals and standard
operating procedures. These may, for instance, be institutional policies
outlining specific biological hazards (like how to safely handle infectious
materials) and procedures for controlling them, or policies describing
requirements for onsite containment facilities and appropriate practices
for that type of containment (such as when to display biohazard warning
signs, when to use biosafety cabinets, how to disinfect work areas, how
to control access, etc). Documentation on how these policies and procedures
are followed can provide a useful oversight mechanism. Laboratory notebooks
- where the concept, intent and design of experiments are recorded along
with observations made during the experiment and any resulting data where
it is practical to do so - and their review by peers would be another
example of documentary oversight.
Publication of manuscripts
Relevant work with biological agents and toxins can also be monitored
at the publication stage of the research process. For instance, in 2003,
the Journal Editors and Authors Group - comprising 32 leading life science
journals - stated that "scientists and their journals should consider
the appropriate level and design of processes to accomplish effective
review of papers that raise security issues", and that this may, on occasion,
lead an editor to conclude that "the potential harm of publication outweighs
the potential societal benefits [and that in such circumstances] the paper
should be modified, or not be published".[16]
The American Society for Microbiology journals provide one example of
journals that have specific policies and procedures in place. Following
the terrorist attacks in 2001 and the ensuing anthrax letters, the Society
"adopted specific policies and procedures for its journals to provide
a degree of careful scrutiny in the peer review process of submitted manuscripts
dealing with dangerous pathogens".[17] Its Publications Board review process now "seeks
to determine if an article contains details of methods or materials that
might be misused or might pose a threat to public health or safety".[18] Other high-profile journals, such as Science,
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and Nature, have
developed or put in place similar review procedures.
The NSABB in the United States has drafted a set of principles for the
responsible communication of research with dual use potential.[19] The Board argues that if the communication of
dual use research is considered to pose potential security risks, a risk-benefit
analysis of communicating the information should be conducted: "After
weighing the risks and benefits of communicating dual use research findings,
the decision regarding communication is not necessarily a binary (yes/no)
one. Rather, a range of options for communication should be identified
and considered. The options available will depend on the research setting,
e.g. academia, government, private. They could range from full and immediate
communication, to delayed and/or modified communication, to restricted/no
communication, and could be recommended singly or in appropriate combinations
on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of the dual use finding
and the potential risks associated with its communication".[20]
The Board also argues that "it is important to consider not only what
is communicated, but also the way in which it is communicated" and that
"thought should be given to the need for the inclusion of contextual and
explanatory information that might minimize [public] concerns and misunder-standings".[21]
Complementing statutory measures with informal oversight mechanisms
Some of the oversight mechanisms I have outlined in this paper are prescribed
by statutory measures, others are based on voluntary guidelines from regulators
or professional organizations, and some are based on the tacit rules of
the life sciences. The extent to which oversight of peaceful, prophylactic
and protective life science research is best provided through statutory
means or through self-governance by the scientific community is the subject
of ongoing debate.
The National Research Council in the United States, which began focussing
on dual use oversight fairly early on in this debate, highlighted three
recent examples of "contentious" life science research in its 2004 report
Biotechnology Research in an Age of Terrorism,[22] and argued that "these cases illustrate that,
to balance the risks [for potential misuse] against the obvious benefits,
one must depend upon expert scientific judgement".[23] It made the further point that: "The qualitative
and case-by-case nature of these judgements is the primary reason the
committee believes it is better to rely on self-governance to manage
this aspect of the problem rather than to attempt to define appropriate
or inappropriate research via regulation".[24]
The draft report of the NSABB Working Group on Oversight Framework Development,
which was presented and discussed at the April 19, 2007 meeting of the
NSABB, echoed this observation. Noting that "The foundation of oversight
of dual use research is investigator awareness, peer review, and local
institutional responsibility", it recommended a mix of self-governance
and non-statutory guidelines: "The responsible conduct and communication
of dual use research of concern depends largely upon the individual conducting
such activities. No criterion or guidance document can anticipate every
possible situation. Motivation, awareness of the dual use issue, and good
judgement are key to the responsible evaluation of research for dual use
potential. It is incumbent upon the institution and the investigator to
adhere to the intent of such guidance as well as to the specifics".[25]
In contrast, the UK government has taken a very different view. In a
Working Paper submitted to the BWC Meeting of Experts in August 2003,
setting out the UK views on core elements needed for effective national
measures to ensure the security and oversight of biological agents and
toxins, it stated that: "The UK believes that some states parties may
have limited numbers and types of facilities handling pathogens and toxins
of key concern. In such cases, such facilities may be largely under direct
or indirect control by the government, which may therefore not find it
necessary to enact legislation in order to ensure that biosecurity measures
are in place. In other countries, including the UK, the broad range of
owners and operators of such facilities and the wider extent of the legitimate
work undertaken (and, therefore, the greater number of targets for unauthorized
acquisition) is such that legislation is likely to be necessary to ensure
that effective biosecurity measures are fully adopted and implemented
nationally. In this situation, relying on facilities to self-regulate
biosecurity is likely to be an inadequate approach, and government-based
formal oversight arrangements based on legislation would be necessary".[27]
The UK working paper goes on to list key regulatory determinants of 1)
which pathogens and toxins should be controlled, 2) what premises - and
activities underway within the premises - are covered, and 3) what measures
must be instituted at them. Noting that in many states parties these would
need to be created by domestic legislation, it also lists a number of
oversight mechanisms: notifications, inspections, appropriately-trained
and resourced officials, etc - to ensure that biosecurity measures are
fully and consistently implemented and maintained.
The UK argument is persuasive, and one that I support. However, as this
article demonstrates, other forms of oversight are also important. Oversight
should not be limited to an exclusively governmental function; there are
important roles for individual scientists, laboratory managers, professional
bodies, trade associations and others in monitoring work and activities
with biological agents and toxins.
"Representation from the trenches" - through peer review of draft projects,
funding applications, laboratory documentation and manuscripts for publication
as well as through peer observation in the laboratory - is fundamental
to providing effective oversight of the rapid pace and nature of change
in the life and biomedical sciences and must be actively supported by
national governments.
Although the debate over the relative balance of formal and informal
monitoring systems is important, it should not detract from the central
points of this article: first, that the ongoing monitoring of activities
relevant to the BWC is an essential component for effective implementation
of the Convention; second, that national oversight frameworks must comprise
overlapping methods for monitoring relevant work with biological agents
and toxins at multiple stages in the R&D process in order to adequately
protect against the potential misuse and misapplication of relevant life
science activities; and third, that in addition to putting formal monitoring
systems in place, states parties must actively encourage the development
of informal monitoring systems.
[1] Richard Guthrie, 'Rising Out of the
Doldrums: Report on the BWC Review Conference', Disarmament
Diplomacy 84, (Spring 2007).
[2] Specifically: "(i) Ways and
means to enhance national implementation, including enforcement of national
legislation, strengthening of national institutions and coordination among
national law enforcement institutions. (ii) Regional and sub-regional
cooperation on implementation of the Convention" See Final Document of
the Sixth Review Conference, Geneva 2006, BWC/CONF.VI/6
[3] Letters dated May 24 and July
10, 2007 to the Permanent Representatives in Geneva of the States Parties
to the BWC from Masood Kahn, Chairman of the 2007 Meeting of Experts and
Meeting of States Parties.
[4] Filippa Corneliussen, 'Regulating
Biorisks: Developing a Coherent Policy Logic Part I', Biosecurity and
Bioterrorism, Vol.4(2) (2006), pp 160-167, and Filippa Lentzos, 'Regulating
Biorisks: Developing a Coherent Policy Logic Part II', Biosecurity
and Bioterrorism, Vol.5(1) (2007), pp 55-61. For a more general discussion
on coherent oversight frameworks or risk regulation regimes see: C Hood,
H Rothstein, and R Baldwin, The Government of Risk: Understanding Risk
Regulation Regimes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001).
[5] NSABB Draft Guidance Documents,
July 2006, available at www.biosecurityboard.gov
[6] These categories draw to some
extent on the seven "experiments of concern" outlined in the 2004 National
Research Council report Biotechnology Research in an Age of Terrorism.
The NSABB categories, however, have a different purpose and meaning. While
"the seven experiments of concern are classes of experiments that ...
illustrate the types of endeavours or discoveries that will require review
and discussion ... The NSABB categories ... are descriptors of information,
products, or technologies that if produced from life science research,
might define that research as meeting the criterion for being dual use
research of concern". (ibid p 17)
[7] Draft report of the NSABB Working
Group on Oversight Framework Development, presented and discussed at the
19 April 2007 meeting of the NSABB and available at www.biosecurityboard.gov
[8] ibid
[9] A joint BBSRC, MRC and Wellcome
Trust policy statement on "Managing risks of misuse associated with grant
funding activities" September 2005,
[10] Regulatory authorities may
be at a local, state or national level.
[11] This includes information
on the premises, the nature of the work to be carried out at the premises,
the purpose of individual activities, and the characteristics of the genetically
modified micro-organisms involved.
[12] For more detail on how the
Biological Agents Unit of the British Health and Safety Executive carries
out its inspections see: Filippa Corneliussen, 'Regulating Biorisks: Developing
a Coherent Policy Logic Part I', Biosecurity and Bioterrorism,
Vol.4(2) (2006), pp 160-167.
[13] Such as the National Research
Council of the National Academies in the United States or the Royal Society
in the United Kingdom.
[14] See note 8
[15] Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral
Research Fellowship No. 068431/Z/02/Z October 1 2003-September 30 2006
entitled 'Social and Ethical Aspects of Governing Dual-Use Biomedical
Research and Development'. The interview referred to was conducted on
a non-attributable basis, on the understanding that I would publish the
[16] The Journal Editors and Authors
Group, 'Statement on the Consideration of Biodefence and Biosecurity',
Nature, February 2003.
[17] American Society for Microbiology,
'The professional responsibilities of scientists,' presentation to the
BWC Meeting of Experts, Geneva, 16 June 2005.
[18] ibid
[19] See note 5
[20] See note 5
[21] See note 5
[22] The mousepox virus, total
synthesis of the poliovirus genome and recovery of infectious virus, and
comparison of the immune response to a virulence gene from vaccinia and
smallpox. National Research Council, Biotechnology Research in an Age
of Terrorism, 2004, pp 25-29.
[23] ibid, p 109.
[24] ibid, pp 109-10, author's
[25] See note 7
[26] The UK understands 'biosecurity
measures' to be those designed to prevent the unauthorised acquisition
of pathogens, toxins or other bioactive substances of biological origin,
specifically to prevent their potential misuse inconsistent with the provisions
of the BTWC.
[27] United Kingdom working paper,
'The Design of National Mechanisms to Maintain the Security and oversight
of Pathogenic Microorganisms and Toxins', July 15, 2003, BWC/MSP.2003/MX/WP.7/Rev.1,
author's emphasis.
Dr. Filippa Lentzos is a Senior Research Fellow at
the London School of Economics' BIOS Centre. She is also Managing Editor
for BioSocieties, an interdisciplinary journal for social studies of life
The article was made available for use before and during
the Meeting of BWC Experts in Geneva from August 20-24, 2007. It expands
on the 'Making Legislation Work' briefing note by Daniel Feakes, Filippa
Lentzos, Caitríona McLeish and Angela Woodward circulated to Missions
and individual diplomats in Geneva on 11 June 2007, and available at www.lse.ac.uk/collections/bios
and at www.vertic.org.
© 2007 The Acronym Institute.