Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 86, Autumn 2007
New Impetus, Old Excuses - Report on the Conference on
Disarmament in 2007
Michael Hamel-Green
For some ten years the Conference on Disarmament (CD) has been
"negotiating about negotiating" - deadlocked procedurally despite
having adopted a mandate in 1995 to negotiate a fissile materials
treaty. The last substantive CD negotiations were on the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which concluded in 1996.
Apart from a few weeks in 1998, year after year the CD has
failed to reach the unanimous consensus required under its strict
rules of procedure. In the final plenary of its 2007 session,
Brazil's Ambassador Carlos Paranhos likened CD delegates' work to
the fate of Sisyphus in Greek mythology: "rolling a stone again and
again to the top of the mountain and letting it fall down on its
own weight".[1] This year the
stone was again rolled to the top and the CD teetered on the brink
of adopting a programme of work. Though it did not succeed in
establishing formal negotiations, progress was made, and achieving
the final breakthrough will now be the task of the new "P6" - the
six conference presidents who will be responsible for leading the
Conference in 2008. In accordance with the CD's convention of
alphabetical rotation, these are the ambassadors of: Tunisia,
Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States and
So close....
The 2007 CD came closer than ever to reaching consensus. By the
end of the year all but three of the 65 member states had agreed on
a compromise programme advanced by the 2007 presidents (South
Africa, Sri Lanka, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Syria).
Their carefully crafted proposal (dubbed "L1" after its CD
reference number) called for immediate negotiations on a treaty
banning the production of fissile materials for weapons, variously
referred to as a fissile material treaty (FMT), fissban or fissile
material cut-off treaty (FMCT), depending on political perspective.
Such a treaty has long been viewed as the next - and increasingly
urgent - step in global efforts to prevent further nuclear weapon
proliferation and a renewed nuclear arms race. The L1 proposal also
called for substantive discussions on three other "core" measures:
prevention of an arms race in outer space (PAROS); negative
security assurances (NSA); and nuclear disarmament and the
prevention of nuclear war.[2]
So how did the CD come so close to a substantive work programme
and yet fail to agree? And what was achieved in 2007 that might
finally bring a breakthrough next year?
Keeping in mind the enormous challenge of having to reach
consensus between 65 states, big, and small, North and South, East
and West, nuclear and non-nuclear, potential success depends
critically on many things: the international environment, attitudes
and policies in the capitals, diplomatic skills of the delegates
and conference presidents, and the CD's own formal and informal
ways of doing business.
A major breakthrough occurred when US Ambassador Christina Rocca
declared that, despite reservations, the US would "not stand in the
way of consensus on the P-6 proposal", adding that "After all the
wasted years of fighting over a procedural mechanism, you and your
fellow presidents have presented us a way forward. This proposal
perfectly fits the definition of compromise in that there is
something in it for everyone not to like. In this regard, if the CD
cannot agree to this compromise, we do not believe it will ever be
able to break out of its stalemate".[3] This was particularly significant, in view of the
Bush Administration's previously selective and generally
antagonistic attitude towards multilateralism and disarmament.
Widely regarded as an important factor in enabling the CD to move
so close to agreement, a much more experienced and constructive
team has replaced the inexperienced, politically naive appointees
on the US delegation during the first part of President Bush's
tenure in the White House, a widely welcomed and encouraging
development for the whole conference. In addition to engaging more
constructively, the US has put more effort into explaining its
In earlier periods of CD drought, the positions of one or more
of the major nuclear powers, particularly the United States, were
usually central to the problem. Though US positions on PAROS and
its advocacy of a simple, no-verification FMCT are still a factor,
the principal opposition to the L1 proposal has come from two other
nuclear weapon possessors, China and Pakistan, together with a
third state, Iran, which appears to be taking an initial step
towards nuclear weapon capability by developing its own uranium
enrichment facilities. Each of these three countries indicated that
they were not ready to agree to the L1 proposal, although none
excluded the possibility of accepting it at a later date. A fourth
country, Israel, has avoided making any direct declaration of
opposition to L1, but is known to be concerned about fissban
negotiations going ahead.
All the remaining CD delegations (including Britain and Russia)
either clearly supported the proposal or, like the United States
and France, said that, notwithstanding reservations they might
have, it was a reasonable compromise and they would not oppose it.
Though some, like Egypt, continued to express reservations, the
main concerns of many NAM countries when the L1 proposal was first
put forward in March were allayed by a Complementary Presidential
Statement (CRP5)[4] which
clarified the P6 understanding that the proposed programme would
not "prejudice any past, present or future position" of any
country, would not set any "preconditions for the negotiations",
and would not "preclude any outcomes for the substantive
discussions" (such as the "possibility of future negotiations under
any agenda item"). Combined with a linking document (CRP6)[5] that would give Conference
approval for "implementation" of L1 to be guided by the
Presidential Statement, these are understood to mean that there is
nothing stopping either (a) substantive negotiation of such
contested issues as verification, existing stockpiles, and entry
into force in the context of the fissban; or (b) the proposed
substantive discussions on PAROS, NSAs and nuclear disarmament
proceeding on to actual negotiations in subsequent years.
Cooperation among Presidents
Though changes in the international environment set some of the
parameters for what was possible at the CD, the fact that the CD
came so close to achieving consensus in 2007 was due in no small
part to some innovative changes in its own processes and approaches
over the last two years. These in turn were the result of the
skilful and determined efforts of recent presidents, with
particularly noteworthy initiatives undertaken by Poland's
Ambassador Zdzislaw Rapacki in 2006, and in 2007 by Ambassadors
Glaudine Mtshali of South Africa, Elisabet Borsiin Bonnier (Sweden)
and Jürg Streuli (Switzerland), who conducted many of the
intensive consultations with individual delegations.
Rapacki, as the first president of 2006, held some 350 meetings
before the CD opened. Out of these came the suggestion that the six
designated presidents for the year should meet regularly and
coordinate a common approach with the aim of developing an
achievable presidents' "platform" for substantive work. Rapacki and
the other 2006 presidents enlisted the support of "Friends of the
President" to facilitate structured discussions. This pushing at
the boundaries of CD convention and practice was widely (but not
universally) welcomed as paving the way for substantive work on a
range of disarmament issues encompassed by the agenda. The
coordination provided greater coherence and continuity, in marked
contrast with the past. Previously, with the presidency rotating
every four working weeks or so, each president had tended to work
individually and then pass the baton onto to the next one. With
little influence beyond their own short incumbency, the default
practice was to hold their own round of consultations with
delegations and repeat the same working methods that had failed the
CD already - little more than a ritualistic going through the
motions in many cases.
The P6 ambassadors who held the presidency in 2006 put their
experience of working together in a "P6 Vision Paper".[6] They also met together with the
incoming 2007 presidents to share their experience and promote
continuity. The Vision Paper noted the value of achieving
"coherence and continuity of all CD President's activities",
arranging for structured debates on all agenda items, and involving
experts. It warned, however, that the conference could not just go
on remaking decisions; it needed to move on to actual negotiations
on those issues that were mature for such negotiations. It also
suggested extending the time for focused structural discussions
rather than limiting them to one week per agenda item.
Fortunately for the CD, the tenacious and astute South African
ambassador, Glaudine Mtshali, was the first president of 2007. In
the intersessional period between the 2006 and 2007 CD sessions,
she drew from her predecessors' experiences and persuaded her
fellow five presidents not only to continue the cooperative P6
approach developed in 2006, but to extend and build upon it in a
number of very effective ways.
Following a marathon round of consultations with all delegations
(starting during the first Committee in October 2006), Ambassador
Mtshali gained support for the P6 to designate coordinators for
each of the seven substantive areas on the CD agenda, and having
the discussions run concurrently and with greater duration over a
period of weeks. This replaced the previous pattern of consecutive
discussions on agenda items limited to just a week or so. The idea
was to have a kind of race or competition that would test which
subjects generated the greatest interest and most detailed
proposals. This in turn would be a guide as to which of the CD
agenda items were most likely to be mature enough for immediate
negotiation and/or substantive discussions.
As the Coordinators' reports revealed, the fissban came out
first, with PAROS not far behind, NSA in third place, and the
remaining 'competitors' strung out behind. (This is not to devalue
the importance of the unplaced entries but merely to say that,
within the consensus rule context, the level of interest, or number
of delegations showing interest, was insufficient to carry the
other proposals forward as feasible negotiation-stage or
near-negotiation-stage topics). The concrete outcome of the various
consultations and innovations was the presidents' L1 Proposal put
forward on March 25, 2007.
The hold-out states
Despite the positive response of most delegations and the
presidential statements of assurance that issues such as
verification and stockpiles could be addressed in fissban
negotiations, Pakistan, Iran and China have continued to obstruct
agreement on the P6 proposal for CD work.
In Pakistan's case, there are evident concerns that a
cut-off treaty would leave it the most strategically disadvantaged
of the nuclear weapon possessors, since it has relatively small
stocks of fissile materials (approximately 1.3 tonnes of highly
enriched uranium and 0.064 tonnes of plutonium compared to 0.52
tonnes of highly enriched uranium and 5.92 tonnes of plutonium
possessed by India).[7] Its
concerns have been further aggravated by the US-India nuclear
In theory, Pakistan should gain some benefit from India being
capped, but it appears to take the view that a non-verified treaty
would be no constraint on India and that the proposed US-India
agreement will give India access to greater fissile stocks for its
weapons, through loopholes and through the increase to its overall
supply of fissile material. One particular loophole may be whether
India allows its thorium and fast breeder reactor programmes to be
covered by IAEA safeguards.
Ambassador Masood Khan noted in a statement to the final 2007
session that Pakistan had "serious and substantive concerns" over
L1, following an interdepartmental review of the issues that
included consideration by Pakistan's National Command Authority
(NCA, chaired by President Pervez Musharraf).[8] The August 2007 NCA statement emphasized that
the proposed US-India nuclear agreement "would have implications on
strategic stability as it would enable India to produce significant
quantities of fissile material and nuclear weapons from
unsafeguarded nuclear reactors", and that strategic stability would
have been "better served if the US had considered a package
approach for Pakistan and India...with a view to preventing a
nuclear arms race in the region".[9] In relation to CD negotiations, the NCA statement
went on to "reiterate Pakistan's position in favour of a
non-discriminatory, multilateral and internationally verifiable
treaty, taking into account the security concerns of all states".
This did not directly rule out agreeing to CD negotiations, but
Khan foreshadowed that Pakistan wanted to pursue further
consultations to seek a CD work programme mandate that would
explicitly refer to the aim of negotiating an "effectively
verifiable" FMT and to the "possibility of taking up...the scope of
the treaty and the existing stocks of fissile material" and giving
"equal and balanced treatment" to all of the four core issues.
One reading of Pakistan's position suggested by the NCA
statement's linkage of the "strategic implications" of the proposed
US-India nuclear deal to Pakistan's position on fissban
negotiations is that Pakistan's leadership is seeking a bargaining
chip with the United States to secure a similar nuclear agreement.
Even so, Pakistan's concerns about the US-India nuclear deal and
scepticism about the adequacy, applicability and effectiveness of
safeguards, are shared by others. Due to the widespread nature of
such concerns, advance assurances from Washington that it would be
prepared at least to discuss verification questions would be
helpful. Since the US-India nuclear cooperation proposal has
created a further rationale or excuse for Pakistan to veto CD
negotiations, it would seem particularly incumbent on the US to use
its considerable diplomatic influence to bring Pakistan on
Further, in October 2007, the Indian Prime Minister indicated
that the proposed deal had been indefinitely deferred due to
opposition within the Indian Government's own ruling coalition.[10] If the deal was Pakistan's
principal concern, then there would now seem to be far less excuse
for Pakistan to hold up CD FMCT negotiations.
The second hold-out state, Iran, is insisting on the need
for the CD work programme to specify simultaneous negotiations on
all four core issues. It is also concerned that the fissban
negotiations should be based on the 1995 Shannon Mandate[11] and cover verification and
stockpiles. Ostensibly, Iran's concern to have simultaneous
negotiations relates to the priority it places on the issue of
security assurances to non-nuclear NPT states. In the Iranian view,
such assurances were promised as part of the 2000 NPT Review
Conference, and they are seeking, along with many other NAM
countries, the negotiation of a binding treaty that would provide
unconditional security assurances to all non-nuclear members of the
NPT. One of Tehran's key themes is that Iran has been pursuing a
nuclear-weapon-free zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East for more than
three decades, while Israel has been permitted to steadily increase
its nuclear weapon capacity. In Iran's view, there is a limit to
how long other states can be expected to continue to accept this
situation without substantive progress towards regional
denuclearization and binding security assurances for non-nuclear
The Iranian position may be interpreted in several ways. On the
one hand, Iran perceives a real need for negative security
assurances in the context of implicit or explicit US threats to use
force if Iran goes ahead with its uranium enrichment plans. On the
other hand, if there are uncertainties about whether Iran is
actually complying with its NPT obligations and IAEA safeguards
requirements, then its blocking of CD negotiations on a fissban
could be read as intentionally pre-empting further treaty obstacles
to its own acquisition of a nuclear weapon capability. As the
nuclear crisis continues there is the danger that the nuclear
weapon option, while clearly at variance with Iran's NPT
obligations and declared policy of only pursuing peaceful uses of
nuclear energy, may be presented as a warranted "deterrent" against
military action by either Israel or the United States, and
justifiable in the absence of progress on Middle East arms control
that would lock in Israel as well as other regional states.
Negotiations at the CD will be critically affected by the
unfolding crisis over Iran's nuclear intentions. Among the many
adverse consequences if the US and/or Israel were tempted to
intervene with air strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities as the
clock runs down on the Bush Administration, it should be obvious
that CD hopes for negotiations would be scuppered, though that
might be the least of the casualties arising from such a policy
On the other hand, if more effective diplomacy can be brought to
bear on the Iranian nuclear crisis, then there may be a basis for
removing Tehran's opposition to the CD work programme. Just as
earlier Russian and Chinese concerns over PAROS negotiations were
addressed through the constructive compromise embodied in the L1
plus CRP5 formula that made it clear that negotiations could be an
outcome of initial substantive discussions, so there could
be further consultations with Iran about its political and
procedural concerns. Certainly, the L1 package does not preclude
the taking up of the substantive concerns that Iran has put
forward. More discussion in the CD about practical options for
sequencing negotiations might be helpful, rather than dismissing
out of hand Iran's "principle" of "equal treatment of the four
issues". For example, one might envisage negotiations on a fissban
commencing in 2008, followed by Prevention of Placement of Weapons
in Outer Space Treaty (PPWT) in 2009-10, and nuclear disarmament
negotiations in 2011. This is already possible under the L1
formulation though formidable political barriers might remain in
place, especially on NSAs, as there is considerable opposition to
addressing an NPT-related issue like security assurances in the CD
context, which includes nuclear weapon possessors outside the
China, which wielded the main veto in 1999-2001, has
changed its position on the CD programme of work several times. Its
reasons for holding out against agreement this time are less
obvious than those of Pakistan and Iran. At the May 2007 NPT
PrepCom meeting, China went on record calling for the CD to "arrive
at comprehensive and balanced programme of work as soon as
possible" on all four core issues, which is what most consider the
L1 proposal to offer.
China's initial concern, shared by Russia, was that the CD
should begin negotiations on PAROS. However, blocking the L1
proposal prevents not only fissban negotiations but also
substantive discussions and follow-on negotiations on the
PAROS-related PPWT, which China is jointly pursuing with Russia - a
self-defeating stance if this were China's genuine concern. It
would also seem to be in China's interests to have a fissban to cap
the fissile materials production of India (and, indeed, Pakistan,
though Beijing would be unlikely to admit this publicly). Some
might also consider that though the envisaged cut-off treaty is not
directed towards civilian nuclear stockpiles, it could be harnessed
to increase controls over Japan's large and growing stockpile of
plutonium (approximately 154 tonnes).[12]
China's position may be related to concerns over its own fissile
stocks, which are much smaller (approximately 26 tonnes) than the
those of the US (approximately 587 tonnes) or Russia (approximately
915 tonnes).[13] China is
understood not to have produced fissile material for weapons
purposes since 1991.[14] But
it is also the one P-5 nuclear weapon state that has not declared a
moratorium on weapons-related fissile material production. It
justifies this position on the grounds that such unilateral
measures are weak and unverifiable, and that what is needed is a
binding and verifiable treaty.
Be that as it may, China's position suggests a desire to keep
its options open until such a treaty is concluded. This may be
related to a perceived, potential requirement to expand its nuclear
arsenal to maintain "nuclear deterrence credibility" in light of US
ballistic missile defence (BMD) deployments, or if it finds itself
spiralling into a deadly nuclear pas de deux with its
increasingly powerful neighbour, India, which is now
anachronistically pursuing the holy grail of would-be nuclear
weapon states, namely a triad of air, sea and land based
nuclear weapons.
The Chinese reluctance to join CD consensus on the P6 proposal
has surprised those who regard Chinese positions as the most
"user-friendly" of the official P-5 nuclear powers, as illustrated
by their long advocacy of unconditional security assurances to
non-nuclear countries and commitment not to use nuclear weapons
first. By contrast, Britain, France, and the United States have
persistently refused to give such unconditional and legally binding
non-use undertakings, reserving the right both to first use and to
use against non-nuclear countries in certain circumstances,
including (explicitly for France and the United States) use in
retaliation against chemical or biological weapon attack. Though
the Soviet Union shared some of China's declaratory positions,
including no-first-use, at the end of the Cold War, Russian
doctrine moved much closer to the positions of the NATO nuclear
In addition to reiterating its declaratory willingness to limit
the conditions under which it would use nuclear weapons, China has
explicitly supported the FMCT in NPT statements, and has made a
point of reminding the two major nuclear powers, the US and Russia,
of their special responsibility for nuclear disarmament and for
taking "the lead in drastically reducing their nuclear
armaments".[15] Even so, in
2007, it was not the US and Russia who held back negotiations on an
FMCT and substantive discussions on other vital disarmament
measures. Despite serious US-Russian bilateral tensions over
deployment of missile defence systems in Europe, Russia and the
United States showed the very kind of leadership that China has
called for, while China, with its own special responsibilities as a
permanent Security Council member, held back the best chance in a
decade for moving forward on a suite of multilateral disarmament
Whilst China was not at this stage prepared to support the L1
proposal, it did put forward its own suggestion for resolving the
deadlock. This was to combine the L1 and the Complementary
Presidential Statement (CPS) into one document with some minor
amendments (an idea that India had previously suggested and
continues to support). However, it emphasized that this would
require further consultation with capitals and that combining the
texts might be a step forward but was not necessarily sufficient in
and of itself. China also continued to insist that the CD work
programme should include an Ad Hoc Committee for the PAROS
discussions rather than just a Coordinator, as presently
One advantage of combining the documents is that the
understandings advanced in the CPS would be more clearly "owned" by
the Conference as a whole rather than by the presidents, although
it could be argued that the linking document on implementing L1 on
the basis of the CPS already achieves this. The potential
disadvantage would be that if the text of the L1 package were
reopened, there could be pressure to include new elements on which
there may be even less possibility of consensus. However, despite
its risks, the proposal gives hope to some that China is still very
open to further consultations and the chance of finding a basis for
consensus in 2008.
On the other hand, if China, for its own strategic or tactical
purposes, is not genuine about wanting fissban negotiations, then
its procedural moves in the CD might well be interpreted as an
example of what the outgoing Swedish Ambassador Elisabet
Borsiin-Bonnier, in her impassioned farewell speech, castigated as
"hiding behind the commas of the rules of procedure and shamelessly
abusing the consensus rule to abort any attempt to seriously tackle
difficult or sensitive issues - in effect making the whole
multilateral approach to disarmament and arms control hostage to
their own particular perceptions, preferences or dictates".[16]
Israel is a fourth state that is perceived to be reluctant to
sign up to the L1 mandate, following a statement by Ambassador
Itzhak Levanon that while Israel agreed to the 2007 CD agenda, it
believed that this agenda "does not appropriately reflect a
realistic effort to address today's security challenges".[17] From the Israeli perspective, the
highest priorities for the CD should be to address threats of
terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Though an adequately verified fissban might provide an additional
layer of constraint on Iran, which would presumably be in Israel's
interests, it would also require Israel's own fissile material
stockpiles to be declared and monitored. This could pose problems
for maintaining Israel's long standing policy of nuclear ambiguity.
However, as discussed elsewhere in this issue of Disarmament
Diplomacy, this policy warrants review in the context of what
Israel might achieve through multilateral nuclear and weapons of
mass destruction (WMD) arms control measures, regionally and
What was achieved in 2007?
The CD's Report to the UN General Assembly for 2007 talked of
"substantial progress by conducting important thematic debates on
all agenda items" even though the CD "could not yet reach consensus
on a programme of work". It noted that "a momentum was created to
move the CD out of its longstanding stalemate", and urged that
"efforts to reach an agreement to start substantive work must be
continued".[19] The sense that
a momentum had indeed been created was underlined by almost all
delegations, with even hold-out states expressing appreciation for
the value of the thematic debates. Similarly, the resolution to the
UN First Committee and the UN General Assembly sponsored by Syria
(as the last of the 2007 presidents) on behalf of the CD, "takes
note of the strong collective interest of the Conference to build
on the increased level and focus of its activities throughout 2007
and to commence substantive work as soon as possible during its
2008 session" and requests the incoming president to conduct
consultations during the intersessional period.[20]
A glimpse of what some of these thematic debates produced is
given in the Coordinators' summaries to the P6.[21] The debates covered not only the four core
issues but also three other areas that form an agreed part of the
CD agenda, derived from the "decalogue" developed in the 1978 First
Special Session on Disarmament.
The very detailed discussions coordinated by Ambassador Carlo
Trezza of Italy were structured along the specific areas that would
need to be covered in actual treaty negotiations, such as purposes,
preamble, definitions, scope, verification, compliance, settlement
of disputes, entry into force, ratification, duration, withdrawal,
review and amendment procedure. Taking up the maximum time
available, they involved the active and engaged participation of a
large number of delegations, a review of all past CD documentation
on the issue, and advice from experts. In the Coordinator's view,
the discussion was "intensive and constructive", with many
delegations indicating that a fissile materials treaty "ranked high
among CD priorities", was relevant to the forthcoming NPT Review
Process, and "was now ripe for immediate negotiations".
Generally supported positions by the great majority of
delegations included: the need for definitions "to be further
discussed with experts"; the need for the fissban's scope to
"encompass additional aspects such as transfers of fissile
material, assistance in production, accountancy, disposition of
excess fissile material, decommissioning of production facilities";
the desirability of separately considering "naval and maritime
propulsion, space propulsion, civil research reactors", which many
thought should be exempted; the need for IAEA input on such matters
as "definitions, stocks and verification"; the need for
"transparency on fissile material inventories already in place by
nuclear weapon states" (while welcoming the transparency measures
"already undertaken by some NWS").
The issue of verification, in Trezza's view, was a "complex and
difficult" one, but he noted that the "principle of verifiability
was not challenged but rather its feasibility and effectiveness,
including from the viewpoint of costs". He also noted that many
believed that the key provisions should be "subject to
verification"; and that there was also the possibility of
addressing this issue at "expert level".
From this author's interviews it appeared that the majority
regarded the US Draft FMCT tabled in May 2006 as a positive step
forward, but all except the US itself wanted to see it strengthened
in the areas of verification and control over stockpiles. Most,
with the exception of Pakistan and Iran, believed that though these
issues are important, they should not be made preconditions for
negotiations so long as they can be addressed in the negotiations
themselves. The US has indicated its willingness to have
verification and control over stockpiles discussed as part of the
negotiations, while maintaining that it believes that it will not
be possible in practice to have "effective" verification and
According to the Coordinator for Prevention of an Arms Race in
Outer Space, Ambassador Paul Meyer of Canada, there was general
support for: improving or enhancing the implementation and
universalization of existing outer space accords; adopting
"transparency and confidence building measures" (TCBMs) that could
complement legal measures (CD/1827, p 30); and having a "dialogue
between the CD and COPUOS" (UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space) on matters of common interest. The urgent need for new
measures in this area was identified by the International WMD
Commission, chaired by Hans Blix, which had argued that while
"there are already a number of international treaties and
instruments regulating space activities... they do not cover the
challenges posed by space-based weapons or ballistic missile
defence. In particular, although some agreements prohibit or
restrict the deployment of weapons or use of force in outer space,
the provisions are limited in scope and coverage. Moreover, none of
the existing legal instruments unequivocally prevents the testing,
deployment and use of weapons - other than nuclear, chemical and
biological weapons - in outer space".[22]
The key initiative considered by the CD in this area was a draft
treaty proposed by Russia with support from China and others. After
several years of consultations, a draft text of what they have
called the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Outer Space Treaty
(PPWT) was circulated at the CD and "reviewed in a comprehensive
manner".[23] The
Russian-Chinese initiative was praised as a "timely one with a view
to cover the loopholes of the current legal system" on peaceful
uses of outer space.[24] In a
detailed compilation of responses to the initiative, there was
widespread recognition amongst the delegations that "the prospect
of weapons in space" is "destabilizing for disarmament,
nonproliferation and international security" and that "prevention
is less costly than remedy".[25] In the course of discussions, the notion that
anyone would gain strategic advantage by introducing weapons and
weapons threats into outer space was ridiculed as "fundamentally
flawed" since "it would threaten the very benefits and developments
it is supposed to protect".[26] Noting that "one special feature of outer space is
its asymmetric aspect", one delegation stressed that "developing a
functioning weapon capability in outer space....is an extremely
complex and expensive endeavour, but the potential countermeasures
could be much less 'high tech'".[27]
With regard to the draft PPWT text, there was much discussion of
definitions, including the definition of 'weapons' in the context
of this treaty. One proposal was to focus on those weapons systems
that are "especially designed" to destroy space objects. Another
was to define space weapons broadly as "ground-to-space",
"space-to-space" and "space-to-ground" weapons without needing to
be more precise about what constitutes a specific weapon.[28]
In terms of the basic obligations, there were suggestions that
the words "testing", "production", "transfer" and "use" should be
incorporated into the intended prohibitions of the PPWT. Some
argued for the treaty to focus on the "whole process from research
to use", with a test ban regarded as a key element since it would
limit "capabilities before they emerge and is the most visible part
to be monitored".[29]
The discussions also considered transparency and confidence
building measures, including such steps as: prior notifications of
launches of space launchers and ballistic missiles, establishment
of an international notification centre, notification of geographic
impact areas, notification of orbital parameters of space objects
and intended functions, and international cooperation on space
monitoring and debris reduction. In particular, UNIDIR presented
ideas developed through several years of expert seminars in Geneva
on outer space security,[30]
including proposals for establishing "rules of the road", such as:
"no simulated attacks on space assets and satellites; no dangerous
manoeuvres; advance notice of manoeuvres; no harmful laser use;
mitigation of debris; advance notice of launch; regulation of
access and launch; and no interferences with national technical
means". Self-declared moratoria on tests and placement of weapons
in space were also welcomed, as Russia has already moved to do in
declaring that it would never be the first to place weapons in
outer space.
Concerns were also raised that the weaponization of space would
mean a proliferation of space debris, posing a hazard to civilian
satellites on which there is increasing dependence for global
communications and economic development. China's recent ASAT test,
which created widespread space debris, was cited as a grim
illustration of this risk.
The one nuclear weapon state to be distinctly unenthusiastic
about working towards a treaty to prevent the weaponization of
space is the United States, which argues that the existing outer
space treaty regime is sufficient and that there is no need to
address a "non-existent" threat of an arms race in outer space.
While it has repeatedly said that it does not have any weapons in
space and has no plans to build such weapons, the US has also
indicated that it is continuing to consider the role of
space-related weapons in protecting its space assets from potential
future attacks.[31]
Looking ahead, Paul Meyer proposed that the CD should either
create an Ad Hoc Committee on PAROS, as proposed several years ago
in an initiative spearheaded by Brazilian Ambassador Celso Amorim
and four others (known as the A5)[32] , or at the very least that discussions should
continue under CD auspices, including informal work on the PPWT
initiative and confidence building measures.
Negative Security Assurances
In the view of NSA Coordinator Ambassador Carlos Paranhos of
Brazil, discussions on security assurances did not succeed in
bridging the differences of view, but did clarify the various
existing and potential NSA options. He noted that the discussions
indicated that while both UN Security Council Resolution 984 and
the security assurances enshrined in nuclear weapon free zones
(NWFZs) are important, there were limitations to each of these
avenues, including "geographic limitation, conditionality, legal
nature and real added value".[33]
A "clear majority" of states "expressed the view on the need for
a global legally-binding instrument to assure NNWS against the use
or threat of use of nuclear weapons to be negotiated".[34] Problems with existing assurances
to states in NWFZs were highlighted in a debate that involved
expert presentations from Professor Jozef Goldblat and Dr Patricia
Lewis, Director of UNIDIR. With only 46 states in NWFZs currently
covered by NSAs, it was noted that only two of the NWFZs
(Tlatelolco and Rarotonga Treaties) have ratifications from almost
all of the P-5 weapon states (the US still has not ratified the
Rarotonga Treaty protocol) and even then with reservations.[35] In addition, Professor Goldblat
argued that the problem of new nuclear weapon possessors not
recognized under the NPT could be solved by a universal treaty
binding on all states.[36]
Apparent inconsistencies in some countries' positions were
revealed. For example, the UK has highlighted NWFZs as a way
forward for NSAs and yet has been highly selective in giving such
assurances, declining to provide guarantees to either the
South-East Asian (Bangkok Treaty) or Central Asian (Semipalatinsk
Treaty) NWFZs. Similarly Norway, Canada and Australia, despite
declaratory support for the NWFZ approach, have declined to support
the Central Asian NWFZ. There are further problems with France and
United States, who are not only very selective about which NWFZs
they will recognize, but have also said they would use nuclear
weapons if attacked with other WMD, such as chemical and biological
weapons, making it difficult to provide assurances based on absence
of nuclear weapons alone, the defining feature of NWFZs.
As a way forward, Paranhos proposed a further substantive round
of CD discussions to resolve the differences, and more specific
structured discussions on the elements of a possible treaty to
provide legally binding security assurances.
Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear
Coordinated by Ambassador Wegger Strømmen of Norway, the
discussions on this agenda item identified a wide range of ideas
for discussion and possible negotiation. These included: a Nuclear
Weapons Convention to prohibit the development, production, and use
of nuclear weapons, and staged variations of this; developing an
overview of the legal, technical and political requirements for a
nuclear weapons free world; non-use and no-first-use agreements;
transparency and confidence building measures, including
de-alerting and reducing operational readiness; and establishing
NWFZs, especially in the Middle East.
These ideas did not generate the same level of CD interest and
support for immediate action as the fissban and PAROS proposals,
even though some are regularly canvassed by means of UN First
Committee and General Assembly resolutions.
New types of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Ambassador Petko Draganov of Bulgaria coordinated discussions on
new types of WMD, which encompassed consideration of a ban on
radiological weapons, a universal comprehensive agreement to ban
the development and manufacture of new types and systems of WMD,
controls over the threat of radiological terrorism, and the issue
of munitions using depleted uranium. As with the agenda item on
"Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race", these were rather generalized
discussions, with no real prospect of being taken forward in the
near future.
Comprehensive Programme of Disarmament
Similarly the Coordinator for discussions on the agenda item
relating to comprehensive disarmament, Ambassador Makarim Wibisono
of Indonesia, could only list a number of ideas raised in
discussions rather than flag any generally agreed proposal that
might meet the consensus requirement. Among the ideas raised were:
further initiatives on landmines, cluster munitions, and small
arms; the need to address the issue of missiles in all its aspects;
and strengthening regimes for WMD nonproliferation, including
questions relating to terrorism and terrorist acquisition.
Reluctance to deal with these issues in the CD did not necessarily
reflect a lack of priority - several of these issues, such as
landmines, cluster munitions and an arms trade treaty, are already
being addressed in other treaty or fora, and many delegations
considered that the CD would either duplicate or undermine progress
that is already underway.
One new issue raised was the use of information and
communication technology for military purposes contrary to the
maintenance of international peace and security. The Coordinator
suggested that this particular agenda area had value as a
discussion forum and "testing ground for any possible new emerging
Transparency in Armaments
Ambassador John Duncan (UK) coordinated the agenda item on
Transparency in Armaments (TIA), where there was also no agreement
on specific CD action, though several issues were discussed,
including: an arms trade treaty, cluster munitions, MANPADS
(surface to air missiles known as man-portable air defence
systems), phosphorus munitions, regional TIA measures, extending
transparency to nuclear weapons, and a transfer ban on arms to
Implications for 2008
Gaining agreement on L1 or an L1 variant is the crucial task
facing next year's CD. The outcomes of the thematic debates as
reported by the coordinators appeared to confirm the L1 approach
that the first priority for immediate negotiations is the fissban,
with PAROS close behind as a growing number of CD states are coming
to the conclusion that outer space security needs to be legally
strengthened, with the draft Russian-Chinese PPWT serving to
concentrate minds on what might be possible. Even in some of the
other CD agenda areas on which there is less prospect of concrete
negotiations, there is scope for further exploration in 2008 to
find potential common ground for future work.
Though there were detailed and productive debates on both the
fissban and PAROS, there was a clear sense that the fissile
materials discussion had been at such a level that the next step
could only be actual negotiations. Indeed, some delegations have
indicated that there is little point in continuing to talk without
a negotiating mandate, since they will only get effective
instructions, including parameters for concessions, once they are
actually engaged in formal negotiations.
Recognizing that the biggest challenge for 2008 is getting
agreement on the main feature of the L1 proposal, Fissban
Coordinator Carlo Trezzi told the final CD plenary of 2007 that the
conflicts over verification were surmountable: "It should be made
clear to capitals that the main issue is not verification as such
but whether verification should be a precondition for
negotiations...No delegation seems to oppose dealing with such an
issue in a negotiating framework. The principle of verifiability
'per se' was not challenged but rather its feasibility and
effectiveness...This obstacle is surmountable and its solution
could provide a key to a breakthrough".[37] With regard to a second major issue of contention,
existing stockpiles, some states are adamant that they must be
addressed, while others insist that they must be exempted. The
point is that the L1 mandate precludes neither approach, and if
negotiations commenced it will be possible for states to consider
compromise proposals, such as that advanced by Canada[38] , that might become the basis for
While the L1 proposal continues to be stymied by a handful of
delegations, the CD's closeness to reaching consensus on it
demonstrated and vindicated the diplomatic strategies and
approaches developed over the last two years by the successive
presidents, whose cooperative forum approach served to show the
kind of commitment and resolve that could enable the CD to take
advantage of positive developments in the international relations
environment and start negotiations. The new modus operandi has also
increased the number of delegations taking responsibility for the
work of the Conference, either as presidents or agenda item
coordinators, and has developed greater trust and cooperation in
moving beyond narrow and fixed positions.
The next year's P6 appear to be committed to pursuing similarly
cooperative and engaging processes to those that were developed and
refined in 2006-7, as indicated in statements made by some of the
designated presidents at the last CD plenary of 2007. As noted
earlier, the first president for 2008 will be the ambassador for
Tunisia, followed by Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, United
States and Venezuela. The new P6 have already held meetings with
the outgoing P6 to exchange experiences and foster continuity, and
consultations have already begun under Tunisia's auspices.
The presence of two major nuclear powers, the US and UK, amongst
next year's presidents could have implications for 2008, which
could be positive or negative. On the one hand, both countries are
currently engaged in ballistic missile defence developments and
nuclear weapon modernization programmes and so may be reluctant to
see the CD negotiate instruments that could restrain their options
in these areas. Their involvement in the Iraq war has lost them
friends and influence and relations with Iran and China may
complicate efforts to secure consensus.
On the other hand, both the UK and US are supporting the L1
mandate to commence FMCT negotiations and, in relation to this,
appear willing to see discussions go forward on the other core
issues. Moreover, the Geneva ambassadors for these two nuclear
weapon states - Christine Rocca (United States) and John Duncan
(UK) - are already well respected for their diplomatic acumen and
the commitment they have already shown to the L1 approach. In
addition, the UK has signalled that it wants to take a more
vigorous approach to achieving substantive disarmament progress.[39] Provided that their
governments' support for L1 and the CD is genuine, the US and UK
may have greater persuasive powers than most to facilitate
consensus to get the CD working again. The cooperative P6 forum
approach, and the need to assume presidential responsibilities for
the whole conference (and not just pursue their own national
interests) may contribute to the US and UK developing a more
flexible and responsive approach to the wider concerns of the CD
delegations, the great majority of whom are from non-nuclear
Though the United States is no longer viewed as obstructing the
CD work programme, its draft for a cut-off treaty without
verification remains part of the problem. The US claim that
effective verification is not possible has given grist to the mill
for some of the hold-out states, particularly Pakistan. Moreover,
the proposed but now deferred US-India nuclear deal has played into
Pakistan's concerns, although, paradoxically, it may have been a
factor in India itself agreeing to join the L1 consensus since it
was an explicit part of the original July 18 2005 agreement between
President Bush and Prime Minister Singh that India "work with the
U.S. for the conclusion of a multilateral Fissile Material Cut Off
Further, Iran's insistence on prioritizing negative security
assurances is undoubtedly related to perceived threats from the
United States regarding its nuclear programme. Other aspects of the
international environment that may have indirectly influenced the
ability of the CD to reach consensus are the US moves to deploy
missile defence systems in both Europe and Asia and the growing
power and potential rivalry between the Asian giants, China and
The US probably has the least to lose and most to gain (in terms
of controlling horizontal proliferation) from the L1 package which
places the fissban first and delays negotiations on the other
issues. In view of the wider international context, it should not
be beyond the diplomatic capacity of the United States, even in the
remaining year of the Bush Administration, to exercise diplomatic
leverage to ensure that Pakistan and Israel are on board. Since at
least one of the Democrat candidates, Barak Obama, has already
expressed a preparedness to support an internationally verified
fissban, the US elections might open up further opportunities to
carry CD negotiations forward.
China remains an uncertain element, but has given some informal
signals that following further consultations with Beijing it may
join the consensus next year. Iran, too, is an uncertain element,
but it may yet be persuaded by further consultations on
verification and scheduling issues, incentives (especially with
regard to security assurances), and/or pressure from other
delegations, particularly allies from among the G21 Group of
Non-aligned States. Much may depend on developments over Iran's
nuclear programme, with the widespread understanding that any
direct US, Israeli or other military intervention in the coming
year would worsen the situation.
Two kinds of practical fears emerged during 2007 that will need
to be taken on board. One concerns workload and the other
relevance. Despite not adopting a formal programme of work, CD
delegations worked long hours in 2007. Though there is no
procedural bar to having simultaneous rather than sequenced
negotiations, many ambassadors think simultaneous negotiations
would be unrealistic since the resources and staffing of most
delegations would only be able to sustain one treaty negotiation at
a time. At the same time, it must be recognized that many
delegations have been pared back over the past decade of deadlock,
and if negotiations were to commence in earnest, the key countries
would be likely to build their resources and expertise back up.
There are also well-founded concerns that the 2007 informal
discussions were so intensive that any further work in 2008 would
simply be going over the same ground.
As the year ends, the question faced by the governments
represented in the CD is whether they have sufficient commitment
and strong enough shoulders to keep the draft Work Programme from
falling back down to the bottom of the hill.
[1] Ambassador Carlos
Paranhos, Statement to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva,
September 11, 2007.
[2] Presidential Draft
Decision, CD/2007/L.1, June 29, 2007, originally issued on March
23, and reissued for technical reasons.
[3] Ambassador Christine
Rocca, Statement of the United States to the Conference on
Disarmament, Geneva, March 23, 2007.
[4] Complementary
Presidential Statement Reflecting an Understanding of the
Conference on the Implementation of CD/2007/L.1, June 29, 2007,
[5] Draft Decision by the
Conference, CD/2007/CRP.6, June 29, 2007.
[6] The P6 Vision Paper,
CD/1809, January 31, 2007.
[7] Total stocks of highly
enriched uranium and plutonium as cited in Hal Feiveson, Alexander
Glaser, Zia Mian, & Frank Von Hippel, 'Fissile Materials:
global stocks, production and elimination', SIPRI Yearbook
2007, SIPRI, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, pp 562
& 566.
[8] Ambassador Masood
Khan, Statement of Pakistan to the Conference on Disarmament,
Geneva, September 13, 2007.
[9] Government of
Pakistan, Statement by the National Command Authority, August 2,
2007, Rawalpindi.
[10] Randeep Ramesh,
'India-US Nuclear Deal Stalls Indefinitely', Guardian
Unlimited, October 16, 2007.
[11] Report of Ambassador
Gerald E. Shannon of Canada on Consultations on the Most
Appropriate Arrangement to Negotiate a Treaty Banning the
Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear
Explosive Devices, CD/1299, March 24, 1995.
[12] ISIS, Global Stocks
of Nuclear Explosive Materials, www.isis-online.org/global_stocks.
[13] Total stocks of
highly enriched uranium and plutonium as cited in Feiveson, Glaser,
Mian, & Hippel, SIPRI Yearbook 2007, op. cit. pp 562
& 566.
[14] Ibid., Tables 12C.1
and 12C.2, pp 562 & 566.
[15] Working Paper on
Nuclear Disarmament and Reduction of the Danger of Nuclear
War, submitted by China to NPT PrepCom,
NPT/Conf.2010/PC.1/WP.46, May 7, 2007.
[16] Ambassador Elisabet
Borsiin Bonnier (Sweden), statement to the CD on the occasion of
her departure, Geneva, August 30, 2007.
[17] Ambassador Itzhak
Levanon of Israel, Statement to the CD, Geneva, February 13,
[18] Rebecca Johnson,
"Rethinking Security Interests for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in
the Middle East"; and Merav Datan, "Building Blocks for a WMD
Disarmament Regime in the Middle East", Disarmament Diplomacy
86 (this issue), Autumn 2007.
[19] Revised Draft Report
of the Conference on Disarmament to the General Assembly of the
United Nations, CD/WP.546/Rev.1, September 13, 2007.
[20] South Africa, Spain,
Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland and Syrian Arab Republic (2007 CD
Presidents), Report of the Conference on Disarmament : draft
resolution to General Assembly First Committee, A/C.1/62/L.11,
October 22, 2007, adopted without a vote, GA/DIS/3356,
[21] Letter Dated 10
August 2007 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament
Addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting
the Reports of the Seven Coordinators submitted to the President of
the Conference on the Work Done during the 2007 Session on Agenda
Items 1-7 and Annexes I to VII, CD/1827, August 16, 2007.
[22] Weapons of Mass
Destruction Commission, Weapons of Terror: Freeing the World of
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons, WMDC Report, 2006, www.wmdcommission.org/files/Weapons_of_Terror.pdf,
p 147.
[23] The original Russian
and Chinese working paper on the draft elements for a PPW treaty
are presented in CD/1679, June 2002, with further comments provided
by the Russian and Chinese delegations in the 2007 document,
Compilation of Comments and Suggestions to the CD Working Paper
on PAROS (CD/1679), CD/1818, February 12, 2007.
[24] Compilation of
Comments and Suggestions to the CD Working Paper on PAROS
(CD/1679), CD/1818, February 12, 2007, p 2.
[25] Ibid., p 2.
[26] Ibid., p 3.
[27] Ibid., p 3.
[28] Ibid., p 10.
[29] Ibid., p 10-11.
[30] The report of the
UNIDIR conference held in April 2007, "Celebrating the Space
Age: 50 Years of Space Technology, 40 Years of the Outer Space
Treaty" was forward for inclusion in the official documents of
the CD by the Canadian Mission, September 10, 2007.
[31] Ambassador Christine
Rocca of the United States of America, Statement to the Conference
on Disarmament on Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space,
Geneva, February 13, 2007.
[32] CD/1693, January 23,
2003. This was a joint proposal put forward by the Ambassadors of
Algeria, Belgium, Colombia, Chile and Sweden and is colloquially
known as the 'Five Ambassadors' (or A5) Initiative. See, for
example, Ambassador Rakesh Sood, 'Overcoming Deadlock in the CD'
and associated documents, Disarmament Diplomacy 73
(October/November 2003), pp 36-41.
[33] Letter Dated 10
August 2007 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament
Addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting
the Reports of the Seven Coordinators submitted to the President of
the Conference on the Work Done during the 2007 Session on Agenda
Items 1-7, Annex IV, CD/1827, August 16, 2007, p 34.
[34] Ibid., p 34.
[35] Ibid., Attachment 2,
p 38.
[36] Jozef Goldblat,
'Negative Security Assurances', Attachment 3 in CD Letter Dated
August 10, 2007, op.cit., p 42.
[37] Ambassador Carlo
Trezza of Italy, Statement to the Conference on Disarmament,
Geneva, September 13, 2007.
[38] Canadian Mission to
CD, An FMCT Scope-Verification Arrangement, CD/1819, March
21, 2007.
[39] See for example,
We Want Results on Disarmament, speech by the UK Foreign
Secretary Margaret Beckett to the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, Washington, June 25, 2007.
[40] US State Department
Fact Sheet, US-India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, Joint
Statement by President Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, July
18, 2005, Office of the Spokesman, Washington DC, July 22,
Michael Hamel-Green is an associate professor
in the School of Social Sciences, Victoria University, Melbourne,
Australia, and a visiting researcher at UNIDIR where he conducted
the research for this article. He is a peace researcher
specializing in regional denuclearization, and would be happy to be
contacted directly at: michael.hamel-green@vu.edu.au.
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