Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 86, Autumn 2007
UK news and key policy documents
UK Foreign Policy emphasizes Disarmament while MoD presses
ahead with Renewing Trident
A few days before Gordon Brown took over from Tony Blair as
Prime Minister on July 1, Blair's last Foreign Secretary, Margaret Beckett, gave an apparently ground-breaking
speech at the Conference of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace in Washington DC. In it she made a passionate
case for nuclear disarmament, notwithstanding her government's
recent decision to start the process of renewing the UK's
submarine-launched nuclear weapons, Trident. Since Beckett was
about to be replaced as Foreign Secretary, some dismissed her
speech as a last attempt to expiate her sins for complying with
Blair's insistence that she lead the charge to replace a nuclear
weapon system that she had previously seen through and opposed. But
it was more than this, for after Brown assumed the leadership,
Foreign Office officials and diplomats drew attention to the speech
as an important policy statement. Indeed, it was acknowledged that
in view of the proximity of her speech to Blair's exit from
government, Beckett had consulted with Brown before delivering
Less than a month later, on July 19, the new Foreign Secretary,
David Miliband laid out his foreign policy
stall with a speech at Chatham House, titled "New Diplomacy:
Challenges for Foreign Policy".
In mid November, Prime Minister Gordon
Brown gave the annual Mansion House speech at the Lord Mayor's
Banquet, in which he described his approach as "hard-headed
internationalism: - internationalist because global challenges need
global solutions and nations must cooperate across borders - often
with hard-headed intervention - to give expression to our shared
interests and shared values; hard-headed because we will not shirk
from the difficult long term decisions and because only through
reform of our international rules and institutions will we achieve
concrete, on-the-ground results."
Below, compiled by Nicola Butler we reproduce these speeches
from Beckett and Miliband and excerpts from selected speeches and
statements relevant to foreign and arms control policy, including
from Gordon Brown, so that readers can assess for themselves the
foreign policy ideas and drivers of Brown's Labour government. To
complete the picture from Westminster, we have excerpted a second
speech from Miliband, on Europe 2030: Model
Power not Superpower, which he delivered at the College of
Europe, Bruges, November 15.
Two further documentary excerpts are included, as they are
likely to be of interest to Disarmament Diplomacy's readers:
the sections on Trident in the Ministry of Defence
Accounts, published July 23, 2007; and the Written Statement on Ballistic Missile Defence given by the
Secretary of State for Defence Des Browne, just as the House of
Commons recessed for its summer holidays on July 25, 2007.
In a fulsome endorsement of US ballistic missile defence (BMD)
plans, Browne mentioned that the upgrades at the Fylingdales base
(Yorkshire) were complete and that operations would be switched to
the new US radar equipment in August. Despite previous government
denials, he went on to confirm that new equipment to support the
BMD system was being installed and operated by the US government at
Menwith Hill, near Fylingdales. Data from this equipment would be
shared between the US and UK, and would feed into US missile
The final news section concerns Scotland, and reproduces the First Minister's letter of October 15 to NPT
parties, explaining the recently-elected Scottish government's
policy objective of making Scotland into a nuclear free country,
and inviting support for Scotland to become an Observer at NPT
meetings. We also include an official press release on the Scottish Government's Summit for a Future
Without Nuclear Weapons, held in Glasgow, October 22.
Secretary of State for Foreign &
Commonwealth Affairs Margaret Beckett, Speech to the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace Non-Proliferation Conference,
Washington DC, June 25, 2007
I expect that many - perhaps all - of you here today read an
article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal at the start of
this year. The writers would be as familiar to an audience in this
country as they are respected across the globe: George Shultz,
William Perry, Henry Kissinger, Sam Nunn.
The article made the case for, and I quote, "a bold initiative
consistent with America's moral heritage". That initiative was to
re-ignite the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons and to
redouble effort on the practical measures towards it.
The need for such vision and action is all too apparent.
Last year, Kofi Annan said - and he was right - that the world
risks becoming mired in a sterile stand-off between those who care
most about disarmament and those who care most about proliferation.
The dangers of, what he termed, such mutually assured paralysis are
dangers to us all. Weak action on disarmament, weak consensus on
proliferation are in none of our interests. And any solution must
be a dual one that sees movement on both proliferation and
disarmament - a revitalisation, in other words, of the grand
bargain struck in 1968, when the Non-Proliferation Treaty was
What makes this the time to break the stand-off ?
Today the non-proliferation regime is under particular pressure.
We have already seen the emergence of a mixture of further declared
and undeclared nuclear powers. And now, two countries - Iran and
North Korea, both signatories of the NPT - stand in open defiance
of the international community. Their actions have profound and
direct implications for global security. Each of them also raises
the serious prospect of proliferation across their region.
In the case of Iran, in particular, if the regime is trying to
acquire nuclear weapons - and there are very few either in that
region or outside it who seriously doubt that that is the
goal - then it is raising the spectre of a huge push for
proliferation in what is already one of the most unstable parts of
the world.
That alone makes the debate on disarmament and non-proliferation
we have to have today different in degree: it has become more
immediate and more urgent.
On top of that, we must respond to other underlying trends that
are putting added pressure on the original non-proliferation
regime. One of those, just one, is the emergence of Al Qaeda and
its offshoots - terrorists whom we know to be actively seeking
nuclear materials.
Another though is the anticipated drive towards civil, nuclear
power as the twin imperatives of energy security and climate
security are factored into energy policy across the world. How can
we ensure this does not lead to either nuclear materials or
particularly potentially dangerous nuclear know-how - particularly
enrichment and reprocessing technologies - being diverted for
military use or just falling into the wrong hands? How do we do so
without prejudice to the economic development of countries that
have every right under the NPT to develop a civil, nuclear
And last there are some very specific triggers for action - key
impending decisions - that are fast approaching. The START treaty
will expire in 2009. We will need to start thinking about how we
move from a bilateral disarmament framework built by the US and
Russia to one more suited to our multi-polar world.
And then in 2010 we will have the NPT Review Conference itself.
By the time that is held, we need the international community to be
foursquare and united behind a global non-proliferation regime. We
can't afford for that conference to be a fractured or fractious
one: rather we need to strengthen the NPT in all its aspects.
That may all sound quite challenging - I meant it to. But there
is no reason to believe that we cannot rise to that challenge.
Let's look at some of the facts. Despite the recent log-jam, the
basic non-proliferation consensus is and has been remarkably
resilient. The grand bargain of the NPT has, by and large, held for
the past 40 years. The vast majority of states - including many
that have the technology to do so if they chose - have decided not
to develop nuclear weapons. And far fewer states than was once
feared have acquired and retained nuclear weapons.
Even more encouragingly, and much less well known outside this
room, many more states - South Africa, Libya, Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
Belarus, Argentina, Brazil - have given up active nuclear weapons
programmes, turned back from pursuing such programmes, or - as the
case of the former Soviet Union countries - chosen to hand over
weapons on their territory.
And of course the Nuclear Weapons States themselves have made
significant reductions in their nuclear arsenals, which I will come
to later.
So we have grounds for optimism; but we have none for
complacency. The successes we have had in the past have not come
about by accident but by applied effort. And we will need much more
of the same in the months and years to come. That will mean
continued momentum and consensus on non-proliferation, certainly.
But, and this is my main argument today, the chances of achieving
that are greatly increased if we can also point to genuine
commitment and to concrete action on nuclear disarmament.
Given the proliferation challenges we face, it is not surprising
that so much of our focus should be on non-proliferation
For the reasons I gave a moment ago, stopping and reversing
nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran has to remain a key
priority for the whole international community.
With North Korea the best hope to reverse their nuclear
programme remains patient multilateral diplomacy underpinned by
sanctions regimes.
As for Iran, the generous offer the E3+3 made in June 2006 is
still on the table. Sadly Iran has chosen not to comply with its
international legal obligations, thereby enabling negotiations to
resume. That forced us to seek a further Security Council
Resolution. And we will do so again if necessary.
The US contribution on Iran has, naturally, been critical. It
made the Vienna offer both attractive and credible - showing that
the entire international community was willing to welcome
Iran back into its ranks provided that it conformed to
international norms on the nuclear file and elsewhere. And I have
no doubt that the close co-operation between the US, Europe, Russia
and China has been a powerful point of leverage on the Iranians. We
must hope that it succeeds.
The US has also taken the lead on much of the vital work that is
going on to prevent existing nuclear material falling into the
hands of terrorists and rogue states. That framework is perhaps
more robust than ever before - the Global Threat Reduction
Initiative, the Proliferation Security Initiative, the Global
Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and efforts to prevent the
financing of proliferation.
Meanwhile, there is some imaginative work going on aimed at
persuading states that they can have guaranteed supplies of
electricity from nuclear power without the need to acquire
enrichment and reprocessing technologies. For example, the work on
fuel supply assurances following the report of the IAEA expert
group; the US's own Global Nuclear Energy Partnership initiative on
more proliferation-resistant technologies; and the UK's own
proposal for advanced export approval of nuclear fuel that cannot
subsequently be revoked - the so-called "enrichment bond".
But the important point is this: in none of these areas will we
stand a chance of success unless the international community is
united in purpose and in action.
And what that Wall Street Journal article, and for that matter
Kofi Annan, have been quite right to identify is that our efforts
on non-proliferation will be dangerously undermined if others
believe - however unfairly -that the terms of the grand bargain
have changed, that nuclear weapon states have abandoned any
commitment to disarmament.
The point of doing more on disarmament, then, is not to convince
the Iranians or the North Koreans. I do not believe for a second
that further reductions in our nuclear weapons would have a
material effect on their nuclear ambitions.
Rather the point of doing more is this: because the moderate
majority of states - our natural and vital allies on
non-proliferation - want us to do more. And if we do not, we risk
helping Iran and North Korea in their efforts to muddy the water,
to turn the blame for their own nuclear intransigence back onto us.
They can undermine our arguments for strong international action in
support of the NPT by painting us as doing too little too late to
fulfil our own obligations.
And that need to appear consistent, incidentally, is just as
true at the regional level. The international community's clear
commitment to a Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in successive
UN resolutions has been vital in building regional support for a
tough line against Iran.
So what does doing more - and indeed being seen to do more - on
disarmament actually mean?
First, I think we need to be much more open about the
disarmament steps we are already taking or have taken. Here
in the long-standing, and perhaps understandable, culture of
increased secrecy that surrounds the nuclear world we may be our
own worst enemy. There is little public remembrance or recognition
of the vast cuts in warheads - some 40 000 - made by the US and the
former USSR since the end of the Cold War. Nor, for that that
matter, the cuts that France and the UK have made to our much
smaller stocks. We all need to do more, much more, to address that.
And I welcome the US State Department's recent moves in that
But we would be kidding ourselves if we thought that this was a
problem only of perception- simply of a failure to communicate,
although that failure is very real. The sense of stagnation is real
enough. The expiry of the remaining US-Russia arms control deals;
the continued existence of large arsenals; the stalemate on a
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty.
They all point to an absence of debate at the highest levels on
disarmament and a collective inability thus far to come up with a
clear, forward plan.
What we need is both vision - a scenario for a world free of
nuclear weapons. And action - progressive steps to reduce warhead
numbers and to limit the role of nuclear weapons in security
policy. These two strands are separate but they are mutually
reinforcing. Both are necessary, both at the moment are too
Let me start with the vision because, perhaps, that is the
harder case to make. After all, we all signed up to the goal of the
eventual abolition of nuclear weapons back in 1968; so what does
simply restating that goal achieve today?
More I think than you might imagine. Because, and I'll be blunt,
there are, I was going to say some, but I think many who are in
danger of losing faith in the possibility of ever reaching that
That would, I think, be a grave mistake. The judgement we made
forty years ago, that the eventual abolition of nuclear weapons was
in all of our interests - is just as true today as it was then. For
more than sixty years, good management and good fortune have meant
that nuclear arsenals have not been used. But we cannot rely just
on history to repeat itself.
It would be a grave mistake for another reason, too. It
underestimates the power that commitment and vision can have in
driving action.
A parallel can be drawn with some of those other decades-long
campaigns conducted as we've striven for a more civilized
When William Wilberforce began his famous campaign, the practice
of one set of people enslaving another had existed for thousands of
years. He had the courage to challenge that paradigm; and in so
doing helped with many others to bring an end to the terrible evil
of the transatlantic slave trade.
Would he have achieved half as much, would he have inspired the
same fervour in others if he had set out to 'regulate' or 'reduce'
the slave trade rather than abolish it? I doubt it.
Similarly the Millennium Development Goals, the cancellation of
third-world debt, increased overseas aid were all motivated by the
belief that one day, however far off it might seem, we could "Make
Poverty History".
So too with nuclear weapons. Believing that the eventual
abolition of nuclear weapons is possible can act as a spur
for action on disarmament. Believing, at whatever level, that it is
not possible, is the surest path to inaction. If there will always
be nuclear weapons, what does it matter if there are 1000 or 10
And just as the vision gives rise to action, conversely so does
action give meaning to the vision. As that Wall Street Journal
article put it, and again I quote: "Without the bold vision, the
actions will not be perceived as fair and urgent. Without the
actions, the vision will not be perceived as realistic or
By actions, I do not mean that the nuclear weapons states should
be making immediate and unrealistic promises - committing to speedy
abolition, setting a timetable to zero.
The truth is that I rather doubt - although I would wish it
otherwise - that we will see the total elimination of nuclear
weapons perhaps in my lifetime. To reach that point would require
much more than disarmament diplomacy, convoluted enough though that
is in itself. It would require a much more secure and predictable
global political context.
That context does not exist today. Indeed it is why, only a few
months ago, the UK took the decision to retain our ability to have
an independent nuclear deterrent beyond the 2020s.
But acknowledging that the conditions for disarmament do not
exist today does not mean resigning ourselves to the idea that
nuclear weapons can never be abolished in the future. Nor does it
prevent us from taking steps to reduce numbers now and to start
thinking about how we would go about reaching that eventual goal of
eliminating all nuclear weapons.
That is why in taking the decision to retain our ability to have
nuclear weapons, the UK government was very clear about four
things. First that we would be open and frank with our own citizens
and with our international partners about what we were doing and
why. It is all being done upfront and in public - not as in the
past, behind the scenes. Second that we would be very clear and up
front that when the political conditions existed, we would give up
our remaining nuclear weapons. Third that we were not enhancing our
nuclear capability in any way and would continue to act strictly in
accordance with our NPT obligations. And fourth that we would
reduce our stock of operationally available warheads by a further
20 per cent - to the very minimum we considered viable to maintain
an independent nuclear deterrent.
This was our way - and I can assure you it was a difficult
process - to resolve the dilemma between our genuine commitment to
abolition and our considered judgement that sadly now was not the
time to take a unilateral step to totally disarm.
It's the same dilemma every nuclear weapons state faces. And we
can all make the same choices in recommitting to the goal of
abolition and taking practical steps towards achieving that
Practical steps include further reductions in warhead numbers,
particularly in the world's biggest arsenals. There are still over
20 000 warheads in the world. And the US and Russia hold about 96
per cent of them.
Almost no-one - politician, military strategist or scientist -
thinks that warheads in those numbers are still necessary to
guarantee international security. So it should not be controversial
to suggest that there remains room for further significant
reductions. So I hope that the Moscow Treaty will be succeeded by
further clear commitments to significantly lower numbers of
warheads - and include, if possible, tactical as well as strategic,
nuclear weapons.
Since we no longer live in a bipolar world, those future
commitments may no longer require strict parity. They could be
unilateral undertakings. Certainly the UK experience - and indeed
the United States' own experience with the reduction of its
tactical weapons in Europe - is that substantial reductions can be
achieved through independent re-examination of what is
really needed to deter: that approach has allowed the UK to
reduce our operationally available warheads by nearly half over the
last ten years from what was already a comparatively low base. We
have also reduced the readiness of the nuclear force that remains.
We now only have one boat on patrol at any one time, carrying no
more than 48 warheads - and our missiles are not targeted at any
specific sites.
Commitments like these need not even be enshrined in formal
treaties. The UK's reductions, after all, are not. But clearly both
the US and Russia will require sufficient assurance that their
interests and their strategic stability will be safeguarded. Part
of the solution may be provided by the extension of the most useful
transparency and confidence building measures in the START
framework, should the US and Russia agree to do so.
And I should make clear here again, that when it will be useful
to include in any negotiations the one per cent of the world's
nuclear weapons that belong to the UK, we will willingly do so.
In addition to these further reductions, we need to press on
with both the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and with the Fissile
Material Cut-Off Treaty. Both limit - in real and practical ways -
the ability of states party to develop new weapons and to expand
their nuclear capabilities. And as such they therefore both play a
very powerful symbolic role too - they signal to the rest of the
world that the race for more and bigger weapons is over, and that
the direction from now on will be down and not up. That's why we
are so keen for those countries that have not yet done so to ratify
the CTBT. The moratorium observed by all the nuclear weapon states
is a great step forward; but by allowing the CTBT to enter into
force - and, of course, US ratification would provide a great deal
of impetus - we would be showing that this is a permanent decision,
a permanent change and in the right direction.
At the same time, I believe that we will need to look again at
how we manage global transparency and global verification. This
will have to extend beyond the bilateral arrangements between
Russia and the US. If we are serious about complete nuclear
disarmament we should begin now to build deeper relationships on
disarmament between nuclear weapon states.
For our part, the UK is ready and willing to engage with other
members of the P5 on transparency and confidence building measures.
Verification will be particularly key - any future verification
regime for a world free of nuclear weapons will need to be tried
and tested. In my opinion, it will need to place more emphasis on
the warheads themselves than the current arrangement which focuses
primarily on delivery systems. That will become particularly true
as numbers of warheads drop.
And we have to keep doing the hard diplomatic work on the
underlying political conditions - resolving the ongoing sources of
tension in the world, not least in the Middle East and between
Pakistan and India. We also need to build a more mature, balanced
and stable relationship between ourselves and Russia.
And since I have the non-proliferation elite gathered in one
room, let me emphasize the importance this and future UK
governments will place on the agreement of an international and
legally binding arms trade treaty. Conflicts across the globe are
made more likely and more intense by those who trade all arms in an
irresponsible and unregulated way. And an arms trade treaty would
contribute to a focus on arms reduction and help build a safer
And when it comes to building this new impetus for global
nuclear disarmament, I want the UK to be at the forefront of both
the thinking and the practical work. To be, as it were, a
"disarmament laboratory".
As far as new thinking goes, the International Institute of
Strategic Studies is planning an in-depth study to help determine
the requirements for the eventual elimination of all nuclear
weapons. We will participate in that study and provide funding for
one of their workshops, focussing on some of the crucial technical
questions in this area.
The study and subsequent workshops will offer a thorough and
systematic analysis of what a commitment to a world free of nuclear
weapons means in practice. What weapons and facilities will have to
go before we can say that nuclear weapons are abolished? What
safeguards will we have to put in place over civil nuclear
facilities? How do we increase transparency and put in place a
verification regime so that everyone can be confident that no-one
else has or is developing nuclear weapons? And finally - and
perhaps this is perhaps the greatest challenge of all - what path
can we take to complete nuclear disarmament that avoids creating
new instabilities themselves potentially damaging to global
And then we have these new areas of practical work. This will
concentrate on the challenge of creating a robust, trusted and
effective system of verification that does not give away national
security or proliferation sensitive information.
Almost a decade ago, we asked the UK's Atomic Weapons
Establishment to begin developing our expertise in methods and
techniques to verify the reduction and elimination of nuclear
weapons. We reported on this work throughout the last
Non-Proliferation Treaty review cycle. Now we intend to build on
that work, looking more deeply at several key stages in the
verification process - and again report our findings as soon as
One area we will be looking at further is authentication - in
other words confirming that an object presented for dismantlement
as a warhead is indeed a warhead. There are profound security
challenges in doing that. We need to find ways to carry out that
task without revealing sensitive information. At the moment we are
developing technical contacts with Norway in this area. As a
non-nuclear weapons state they will offer a valuable alternative
perspective on our research.
Then we will be looking more closely at chain of custody issues
- in other words how to provide confidence that the items that
emerge from the dismantlement process have indeed come from the
authenticated object that went into that process to begin with.
Here we face the challenge of managing access to sensitive nuclear
facilities. We have already carried out some trial inspections of
facilities to draw lessons for the handling of access under any
future inspections regime.
And last we intend to examine how to provide confidence that the
dismantled components of a nuclear warhead are not being returned
to use in new warheads. This will have to involve some form of
monitored storage, with a difficult balance once again to be struck
between security concerns and verification requirements. We are
currently working on the design concepts for building such a
monitored store, so that we can more fully investigate these
complex practical issues.
The initiatives I have announced today are only small ones. But
they are, I hope you will agree, in the right direction - a signal
of intent and purpose to ourselves and to others. We will talk more
and do more with our international partners - those who have
nuclear weapons, and those who do not - in the weeks and months to
I said earlier that I am not confident, cannot be confident,
that I would live to see a world free of nuclear weapons. My
sadness at such a thought is real. Mine, like yours, is a
generation that has existed under the shadow of the bomb - knowing
that weapons existed which could bring an end to humanity itself.
We have become almost accustomed to that steady underlying dread,
punctuated by the sharper fear of each new nuclear crisis: Cuba in
1962, the Able Archer scare of 1983, the stand-off between India
and Pakistan in 2002.
But there is a danger in familiarity with something so terrible.
If we allow our efforts on disarmament to slacken, if we allow
ourselves to take the non-proliferation consensus for granted, the
nuclear shadow that hangs over us will lengthen and it will deepen.
And it may, one day, blot out the light for good.
So my commitment to that vision, truly visionary in its day, of
a world free of nuclear weapons is undimmed. And although we in
this room may never reach the end of that road, we can take those
first further steps down it. For any generation, that would be a
noble calling. For ours, it is a duty.
Source: UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, www.fco.gov.uk
New Diplomacy: Challenges for Foreign
Rt. Hon. David Miliband MP, Foreign Secretary, Chatham House
Speech, July 19, 2007
This is an exciting and important time in British politics.
After 10 years in government, the Labour Party is seeking under new
leadership to set out and deliver a renewed vision for the future
of the country that builds on the social, economic and political
changes introduced since 1997. The battle of ideas over the next
couple of years will in my view determine the direction of our
country over the next 20. So the stakes are high: will progressive
forces establish a new centre of gravity in politics, or will the
20th Century pattern of conservative dominance interrupted by
bursts of radicalism become the norm again?
Today I want to address the relevance of foreign policy to the
drive to build a better Britain, the priorities for foreign
engagement, and the powers available to us to advance our goals. In
that context it is right but also symbolic that I give my first
speech as Foreign Secretary with organisations that symbolise the
old and new strengths we will need in foreign policy: the insight,
knowledge and expertise of Chatham House and the capacity for
engagement with people on a global scale demonstrated by Avaaz.
Every Foreign Secretary quotes Lord Palmerston, who famously
said we have no permanent allies and no permanent enemies, only
permanent interests. But is it true? Today, we have permanent
alliances. The US is the single most important bilateral
relationship. We are committed members of the EU. We are proud of
our role in the UN, on the Security Council, and the Commonwealth.
These alliances are founded on shared values and embedded in shared
institutions. The evolution in foreign policy is driven by changing
circumstances and the changing distribution of power, not by
changes in values and alliances. This evolution depends on new
thinking and new solutions.
My argument today is this: Britain should respond to the real
insecurities and opportunities that exist in the world not by
retreating from international engagement, but by using our
strengths so that we are a force for good for Britain by being a
force for good in the world. The old distinction, between foreign
policy that affected foreigners and domestic policy that affected
our citizens, has collapsed. So foreign policy is about values and
interests together.
Britain brings to this task real strengths. A new Prime Minister
with a clear view of how the national interest is best served by
international engagement. An economy that is increasingly the
banker to the world. Culture that is globally admired. Ditto
military forces. And alliances that stretch North, East, South and
But foreign policy goals and methods must adapt to a series of
shifts in the distribution of power: a world where the security
threat is not just from excessive state power, but increasingly
from terrorism and conflict within failed states; a world where
economic prosperity depends on new bargains between industrialized
and developing countries; a world where social change is fostered
not just through government-to-government relationships but between
businesses, NGOs, and faith groups.
In this new context, we need to think how we can deploy
Britain's assets - both the soft power of ideas and influence, and
the harder power of our economic and military incentives and
interventions - to promote the international security and
prosperity on which we all depend.
This thinking on a new diplomacy can begin in the Foreign
Office, but it needs to draw on the widest base of ideas. I want to
end tonight by setting out the questions I am asking of the FCO and
want us to work on together - in the seminar rooms of Chatham House
and among the million members of Avaaz.
A Better Britain
I am a departmental Minister but also a member of the
Government. So it is important I start from the overall aims of the
government, and then explain how I think foreign policy can play a
role in delivering them.
The new government's project is focused on three core elements,
each of which require an active foreign policy.
First, our prosperity relies on a more open Britain - open to
new investment and trade, to new people and ideas. In the 21st
century, the successful countries of the world will be those that
are more open in their social structures, more open in their
political structure
Second, our security relies on tackling instability and
injustice at home and abroad. It requires cooperation with
countries on terrorism, migration and organized crime. It requires
collective action on the great existential threats, from nuclear
proliferation to climate change.
Third, our mission to give power to people to shape their lives
depends not just on local accountability but also global
institutions, global agreements and global links.
The vision is a Britain that is a global hub. Just as the City
of London acts as the centre of the global financial market,
British cities and institutions and ideas can become the hubs for
scientific, cultural and political collaboration. But the vision
needs to be delivered in new circumstances with new tools.
The Changing Distribution of Power
The environment for diplomacy has been affected by a series of
shifts in the distribution of power at international level.
'Balance of power' is no longer a basis for diplomacy. Today, the
new diplomacy needs to reflect the new distribution of power.
First, for much of the last century our security concerns were
primarily about excessive and expansionist state power, threatening
their own citizens or neighbouring countries. Today, some of the
greatest threats are likely to emerge in countries where state
power is too weak not too strong - too weak to clamp down on the
creeping threat of global terrorism. The implication is clear:
building the capacity of states must go hand in hand with building
democratic accountability. While we have actually seen a
substantial reduction in the size of conventional and nuclear
arsenals since the end of the cold war, the sense of insecurity
felt by our citizens may actually have increased. Across the world,
people are demanding more power for themselves. Our task is to make
this a force for progress not destruction.
Second, over the next two decades, with the growing strength of
China and India, we are likely to see political, economic and
military power more geographically dispersed than it has been since
the rise to global dominance of the European Empires in the 19th
Century. This makes our most important bilateral relationship -
with the United States - more not less important. It makes the case
for our leading role within the European Union and NATO more
obvious than ever. It makes our membership of the Security Council
and therefore our work with Russia and China more vital than ever.
It makes our determination to champion UN reform - with Security
Council membership for a larger group of countries - more relevant
than ever. And it actually offers a new basis for a vibrant
Commonwealth as a unique network of nations.
Third, there is a mismatch between national power and global
problems. The risk of financial crises, climate change, and health
pandemics cannot be mitigated by individual countries; they require
collective action on a global scale. Managing the risks from
globalisation and maximising the benefits requires institutional
innovation and the development of the EU reflects this.
Fourth, the power to coordinate at scale can be done without the
hierarchies of bureaucracies or the price mechanism of markets -
either the helping hand of the state or the invisible hand of the
market. Technology is enabling networks to challenge the power of
traditional incumbents, economically and politically. In benign
forms, it can be seen with Linux challenging Microsoft Windows,
Wikipedia challenging Encyclopaedia Britannica or political
campaigns such as Make Poverty History, Stop Climate Chaos, or Move
On. Less welcome, obviously, is the increasing capacity of
extremists and terrorists to coordinate their disparate activities
without the vulnerability of a single point of control. The power
of technology to connect people across the world needs to be put to
strategic use.
The new distribution of power changes the way we need to analyse
threats and exploit opportunities. Our security is threatened by
terrorist networks using the freedom of an open society, but can be
enhanced by the spread of democracy and good governance. Our
prosperity is threatened by climate change but can be enhanced by
free trade. Our sense of powerlessness is exacerbated by the
weakness of international institutions, but can be diminished by
the potential of new networks. In other words, there are new
sources of insecurity, but also new resources for prosperity.
Soft and hard power
This has implications not just for foreign policy priorities,
but how we go about pursuing them. If we are to continue to be a
force for good, we need to be smart about how and when we combine
the soft power of ideas and influence and the hard power of
economic and military incentives and interventions.
The first source of power, set out by the Prime Minister, is
winning the battle of ideas.
This means being clear about objectives. Our objective is not
domination. It is not to force others to live as we do. In a world
as diverse and complex as ours, it is to establish, on however thin
a basis, a set of rights and responsibilities, by which we can live
side by side. Our aim must be to galvanise all the resources of
moderation to block the path of radical extremism. Nowhere is this
more the case than in the Middle East, and in the drive for a
two-state solution.
We need to be clear about values. For example, the declaration
at the World Summit in 2005 that the international community has a
'Responsibility to Protect' populations from genocide, ethnic
cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity marks a vital new
stage in the debate about the relationship between human rights and
national sovereignty.
So we are right, in my view, to work urgently to avoid a repeat
of the 1990s catastrophe in the Balkans, by backing the Ahtisaari
Plan for Kosovo strongly.
The battle of ideas also means being clear about facts and
evidence - such as whether it is in our financial self-interest to
tackle climate change. The Stern Review showed that the UK can have
a major impact on debates across the globe by reframing climate
change as an economic as well as an environmental challenge. So I
believe Margaret Beckett was profoundly right to take the debate
about climate change into the Security Council earlier this year,
to reflect the importance of climate change to international
We need to find similar ways of leading thought on other areas,
whether this is concrete and immediate challenges such as nuclear
disarmament and proliferation or longer term challenges such as the
future of global institutions.
The second source of power is influence within institutions.
Britain acting alone does not possess the power or legitimacy to
directly effect change on the scale required. Acting with others we
can make a difference.
Multilateral action is not a soft option. Just look at
Afghanistan - a country that symbolises our dual goal of protecting
our national security and promoting human rights. Our forces are
deployed as part of a NATO operation involving over 30 countries,
backed by a UN mandate. The military operation is backed by a
comprehensive approach including EU and UN investment in
development and humanitarian assistance.
Multilateralism does not replace the need for bilateral
relationships. If we want Britain to be a global hub we need a
strong relationship with the leading global power. The US is our
single most important bilateral partnership because of shared
values but also because of political reality. The US is the world's
largest economy. Engaged - whether on the Middle East Peace Process
or climate change or international development - it has the
greatest capacity to do good of any country in the world. That is
why we welcome the commitment of President Bush to give priority to
long term political negotiation on a two-state solution side-by
side with short-term humanitarian support for the Palestinian
Government, led by President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad.
Some people try to compare our relationship with the US with our
position in the European Union. But the EU is not a bilateral
relationship - we are members of the EU. That membership is an
asset in economic terms - guaranteeing open markets and setting
common standards where needed. It is an asset in tackling crime.
And it needs to be a greater asset in foreign policy - not
substituting for nation states but giving better expression to the
common commitments of nation states. That is why we support the
proposal to amend the EU Treaties so that we have at our disposal a
single Representative to take forward our Common Foreign and
Security Policy where all 27 Member States wish to act together and
give authority to do so. It just makes sense.
All multilateral institutions need a strong sense of purpose.
The EU was founded to tackle a threat that no longer exists:
conflict within western Europe. If it is to renew its mandate, it
needs to find a new raison d'etre, including, I believe, a focus on
addressing one of the greatest threats to our future prosperity and
security: climate change. Creating an Environmental Union is as big
a challenge in the 21st century as peace in Europe was in the
Our longer term challenge is to adapt and strengthen other
multilateral institutions and networks to renew their mandates,
reform the way they work, and adapt more quickly to new threats and
new opportunities.
If ideas and influence are examples of so called 'soft power',
then the third source of power - incentives and sanctions -
represent harder power. We should use them to maximum effect.
History suggests that the attraction of becoming members of 'clubs'
such as the WTO, NATO, or most profoundly the EU, is a powerful
one. The benefits of free-trade or military protection when linked
to states playing by the rules can incentivise reform and establish
norms of behaviour. For example, I am a strong supporter of Turkish
accession talks with the EU. The prospect of EU membership has
built a bridge to a key Muslim country. But it has also in recent
years helped contribute to the abolition of the death penalty and
improved the rights of women and minorities.
A balanced package of incentives and sanctions are also required
to apply pressure. Iran has every right to be a secure, rich
country. But it doesn't have a right to undermine the stability of
its neighbours. That is why we are taking a dual track approach. We
are continuing to discuss further sanctions with the group of
nations that comprise the E3+3, an international coalition brought
together to address concerns about Iran's nuclear programme. In
parallel, through the E3+3 process, we are offering a comprehensive
package of incentives. These include reaffirming Iran's right to
nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in
conformity with Articles I and II of the NPT, improving Iran's
access to the international economy, markets and capital and
support for a new conference to promote dialogue and cooperation on
regional security issues.
Fourth, there will be cases where direct intervention will be
This can take a range of forms: aid convoys, police training of
security forces or deploying peacekeepers. In some areas, however,
military intervention will be necessary. It was right in Kosovo in
1999 to deal with the terrible ethnic cleansing going on there.
Almost a decade later, it is right that the UN and African Union
are working together to put a strengthened force into Darfur to
protect vulnerable civilians there, and right too that under French
leadership the EU is working on deploying a small military force
along the Chad/Darfur border. In Iraq, the Prime Minister has made
clear that we will fulfil our international obligations and our
obligations to the Iraqi people. Our objective is to support the
democratically elected government. Our roles are defined by UN
resolutions. Our current efforts are directed towards the
development of a strong Iraqi security capacity and the political
reconciliation which we know must be at the heart of progress.
We have a range of tools at our command. The changing
distribution of power in the world means we must be a force for
good by virtue not of choosing hard or soft power, but combining
both. In a world of conflicts within states, national sovereignty
is no answer to complaints about the systematic abuse of human
rights. In a world where challenges cut across country borders, we
need more than ever to build regional and global institutions that
are more effective and more legitimate. In a world where the 'power
to destroy' is greater, we need both economic incentives and
guarantees of security combined with a continued role for hard
power interventions.
Challenges for the Foreign Office
So Britain under Gordon Brown's leadership has the strength to
make a difference in the world, and thereby make a difference to
Britain. My job is to ensure that the FCO makes the most effective
contribution possible to that drive. After three weeks, I am even
more confident that we have the people to be successful. But after
three weeks it is also right to share with you questions I am
asking about how the Foreign Office can make the greatest
First, priorities. Given the levers I have just described, where
should the UK concentrate its global effort: where are we most
needed, and where can most effect change? The FCO currently has 10
'strategic priorities'. All are important. But can any organisation
really have 10 priorities? There are important public services that
support British nationals and British business overseas, from our
consular and visa services to UKTI. But policy priorities need
rigour and clarity.
My 'starter for 10' is that in the coming months, we must focus
on helping to tackle the causes and consequences of extremism,
radicalisation and conflict; we must shape a sustainable global
response to the challenge of climate change and the need for low
carbon economic development; and we must build a more effective EU
to help build prosperity and security within European borders and
beyond. But I want your views.
Second, cooperation across UK government. The Foreign Office is
a unique global asset. But diplomacy has to be allied to other
assets across government, in particular, aid, trade, investment and
military intervention. How can we improve coordination across the
FCO and other departments on particular countries and
Third, how can we engage beyond Whitehall, with faith groups,
NGOs, business and universities. The old diplomacy was defined by a
world of limited information. It was a veritable secret garden of
negotiations. And secret negotiation still matters.
But we live in a world where the views of a Pashtun farmer, and
the conflict he faces between illegal opium production and legal
farming, holds the fate of a critical country in the balance. So
the new diplomacy is public as well as private, mass as well as
elite, real-time as well as deliberative. And that needs to be
reflected in the way we do our business.
My predecessors in the Foreign Office, or at least that part of
it which was the Colonial Office, looked out at an Empire. That is
no longer the case and never will be the case. But since the
decline of Empire Britain has faced a choice - to engage with the
world or retreat from it? I am clear about my answer: we must
But those of us committed to engaging with the world have faced
profound questions about how to do so. We confront scepticism and
fatalism. John F Kennedy got this right. He said foreign policy
should be based on 'idealism without illusions'. In this speech I
have tried to speak without illusions - about the challenges and
the difficulties. But the idealism is still there - above all about
Britain's ability to be a global hub which lives out its values and
advances them abroad. The job of the Foreign Office is to lead that
debate, and with your help that is what we will do.
Source: UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office website, http://www.fco.gov.uk.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Speech to the
Lord Mayor's Banquet
November 12, 2007 (excerpts)
Tonight, I want to speak about Britain's unique place in the new
world. And where, as a result, our responsibilities lie; how our
national interest can be best advanced; and what we can achieve by
working together internationally and by contributing to building
the strongest and broadest sense of common purpose.
The new context
In the 1820s the then Foreign Secretary George Canning said that
he had 'called the new world into existence to redress the balance
of the old'. The order of the nineteenth century saw European
empires spanning the globe. After World War Two a new international
order was defined by the high stakes of the superpower nuclear
stand off. Both these world orders shaped by political weight and
military power.
In 1989 the old world order dominated by the Cold War came to an
end. But how quickly events have disproved those who celebrated the
end of the Cold War as 'the end of history'. From Bosnia to Darfur,
Rwanda to Afghanistan we have seen a level of disorder and
uncertainty that no-one predicted. And no one foresaw the scale of
the dramatic and seismic shifts in economy, culture and
communications that are now truly global.
Our international institutions built for just 50 sheltered
economies in what became a bipolar world are not fit for purpose in
an interdependent world of 200 states where global flows of
commerce, people and ideas defy borders. With such transformative
change comes a clear obligation, but also a great opportunity, to
write a new chapter -- to set down for a new era a better 21st
century way of delivering peace and prosperity.
Of course the first duty of Government - our abiding obligation
- is and will always be the safety of the British people, the
protection of the British national interest. And let me affirm our
commitment that we will always be vigilant and resolute, never
leave ourselves vulnerable, but will at all times support and
strengthen our armed forces, our defences and our security. Yet the
timeless values that underpin our policies at home - our belief in
the liberty of all, in security and justice for all, in economic
opportunity andenvironmental protection shared by all - are also
ideals that I believe that it is in our national interest to
promote abroad. But we do so in a changing world where six new
global forces unique to our generation are demonstrating our
growing interdependence and pressing the international community to
discover common purpose.
First, few expected when the adamantine certainties of the Cold
War came to an end, we would have to address the constantly
changing uncertainties of violence and instability from failed
states and rogue states. The spread of terrorism has destroyed the
old assumption that states alone could access destructive weapons.
As dramatic in a different way is a third force for change: global
flows of capital and global sourcing of goods and services have
brought the biggest shift of economic power since the industrial
revolution - the rapid emergence of India and China as global
powers with legitimate global aspirations. The new frontier is that
there is no frontier.
The unprecedented impact of climate change transforms the very
purpose of government. Once quality of life meant the pursuit of
two objectives: economic growth and social cohesion. Now there is a
trinity of aims:prosperity, fairness and environmental care. And as
energy supplies are under pressure there is a new global
competition for natural resources. New global forces at work - from
pandemics to worldwide migration - make the task of overcoming the
great social evils of hunger, illiteracy, disease, squalor and
poverty even more challenging. And if, as Tom Friedman has written,
the defining image of the 20th centurywas a wall representing
division, the defining image of the 21st is a web championing
connections -- a world where we can rightly now talk not just of
the wealth of nations but the wealth of networks. The web cannot be
controlled in the end by any single force or any single leader. And
what happens within it cannot be predicted from day to day.
George Orwell was not quite right: the technology revolution he
foresaw is not a controlling force enslaving people, but for the
most part a liberating force empowering them. In the old order
power affected people but could not easily be affected by them. But
once powerless people now have the potential to be heard andsee
their impact felt in places far away. And because our world is now
so connected and so interdependent it is possible in this century,
for the first time in human history, to contemplate and create a
global society that empowers people.
Why do I believe this is not only possible but essential?
Because we cannot any longer escape the consequences of our
interdependence. The old distinction between 'over there' and 'over
here' does not make sense of this interdependent world. For there
is no longer an 'over there' of terrorism, failed states, poverty,
forced migration and environmental degradation and an 'over here'
that is insulated or immune.Today a nation's self interest today
will be found not in isolation but in cooperation to overcome
shared challenges. And so the underlying issue for our country -
indeed for every country - is how together in this new
interdependent world we renew and strengthen our international
rules, institutions and networks.
My approach is hard-headed internationalism: - internationalist
because global challenges need global solutions and nations must
cooperate across borders - often with hard-headed intervention - to
give expression to our shared interests and shared values; -
hard-headed because we will not shirk from the difficult long term
decisions and because only through reform of our international
rules and institutions will we achieve concrete, on-the-ground
Building a global society means agreeing that the great
interests we share in common are more powerful than the issues that
sometimes divide us. It means articulating and acting upon the
enduring values that define our common humanity and transcending
ideologies of hatred that seek to drive us apart. And critically -
and this is the main theme of my remarks this evening - we must
bring to life these shared interests and shared values by practical
proposals to create the architecture of a new global society.
Britain's alliances
Through our membership of the European Union - which gives us
and 26 other countries the unique opportunity to work together on
economic, environmental and security challenges - and the
Commonwealth, and through our commitment to NATO and the UN, we
have the capacity to work together with all those who share our
vision of the future. And I do not see these as partnerships in
competition with each other but mutually reinforcing.
It is no secret that I am a life long admirer of America. I have
no truck with anti-Americanism in Britain or elsewhere in Europe
and I believe that our ties with America - founded on values we
share - constitute our most important bilateral relationship. And
it is good for Britain, for Europe and for the wider world that
today France and Germany and the European Union are building
stronger relationships with America.
The 20th century showed that when Europe and America are distant
from one another, instability is greater; when partners for
progress the world is stronger. And in the years ahead -
notwithstanding the huge shifts in economic influence underway - I
believe that Europe and America have the best chance for many
decades to achieve historic progress....
- working ever more closely together on the project of building
a global society;
- and helping bring in all continents, including countries today
outside the G8 and the UN Security Council, to give new purpose and
direction to our international institutions.
And while no longer the mightiest militarily, or the largest
economically, the United Kingdom has an important contribution to
make. Just as London has become a global hub linking commerce,
ideas and people from all over the world, so too our enduring
values and our network of alliances, can help secure the changes we
A new framework for security and reconstruction
Today, there is still a gaping hole in our ability to address
the illegitimate threats and use of force against innocent peoples.
It is to the shame of the whole world that the international
community failed to act to prevent genocide in Rwanda. We now
rightly recognise our responsibility to protect behind borders
where there are crimes against humanity.
But if we are to honour that responsibility to protect we
urgently need a new framework to assist reconstruction. With the
systematic use of earlier Security Council action, proper funding
of peacekeepers, targeted sanctions - and their ratcheting up to
include the real threat of international criminal court actions -
we must now set in place the first internationally agreed
procedures to prevent breakdowns of states and societies.
But where breakdowns occur, the UN - and regional bodies such as
the EU and African Union - must now also agree to systematically
combine traditional emergency aid and peacekeeping with
stabilisation, reconstruction and development.
There are many steps the international community can assist with
on the ladder from insecurity and conflict to stability and
prosperity. So I propose that, in future, Security Council
peacekeeping resolutions and UN Envoys should make stablisation,
reconstruction and development an equal priority; that the
international community should be ready to act with a standby
civilian force including police and judiciary who can be deployed
to rebuild civic societies; and that to repair damaged economies we
sponsor local economic development agencies ---- in each area the
international community able to offer a practical route map from
failure to stability.
New initiatives in non-proliferation
And just as we will continue to be a leading nation in
negotiating nuclear arms reductions, so we must be at the forefront
of meeting the challenge of preventing nuclear weapons
proliferation. And with more sophisticated after-the-fact detection
of the source of nuclear materials there must be a determination to
hold to account both active providers and potential users.
I propose internationally agreed access to an enrichment bond or
nuclear fuel bank to help non-nuclear states acquire the new
sources of energy they need. But this offer should be made only as
long as these countries renounce nuclear weapons and meet
internationally enforced non-proliferation standards.
The greatest immediate challenge to non-proliferation is Iran's
nuclear ambitions, hidden from the world for many years in breach
of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Iran has a choice - confrontation with the international
community leading to a tightening of sanctions or, if it changes
its approach and ends support for terrorism, a transformed
relationship with the world.
Unless positive outcomes flow from Javier Solana's report and
the IAEA, we will lead in seeking tougher sanctions both at the UN
and in the European Union, including on oil and gas investment and
the financial sector. Iran should be in no doubt about our
seriousness of purpose.
Small arms kill every 90 seconds so as we call for an Arms Trade
Treaty, Britain is willing to extend export laws to control
extra-territorial brokering and trafficking of small arms, and
potentially other weapons. And having led the way by taking two
types of cluster munitions out of service, we want to work
internationally for a ban on the use, production, transfer and
stockpiling of those cluster munitions which cause unacceptable
harm to civilians.
The renewal of the international institutions
To build not just security but environmental stewardship and
prosperity free of global poverty, I want a G8 for the 21st
century, a UN for the 21st century, and an IMF and World Bank fit
for the 21st century.
And to achieve this I want to play my part in helping the
European Union move away from its past preoccupation with inward
looking institutional reform and I will work with others to propose
a comprehensive agenda for a Global Europe - a Europe that is
outward looking, open, internationalist, able to effectively
respond both through internal reform and external action to the
economic, security and environmental imperatives of
I said my approach was hard headed because I am conscious of
weaknesses in international institutions that need to be addressed,
aware that while resolutions matter results matter even more,
determined to judge success not by the number of initiatives in
conference halls but by practical action for change, and resolute
in my determination that we need fewer rather than more
international bureaucracies. Indeed, we need a new network of
change-makers - often non-governmental organisations - which
deliver concrete action on the ground.
Long term but now also interim options must be examined to
reform a UN Security Council - whose permanent members do not
include Japan, India, Brazil, Germany, or any African country - to
make the Council more representative, more credible and more
The G8 has to increasingly broaden to encompass the influential
emerging economies now outside but that account for more than a
third of the world's economic output. And we need a new coalition
of democracies and civic societies joining together as allies for
progress, with leaders in politics, economics and civil society all
pushing forward reform.
International efforts against terrorism are not a short-term
struggle where we get by through ad-hoc improvisation: this is a
generational challenge. Global terrorist networks demand a global
response. And if there are to be no safe havens for terrorists, and
no hiding places for those financing and harbouring terrorism, we
should work for a concerted global strengthening of law
enforcement, financial supervision and policing and intelligence
Financial disruption in one country can now affect all
countries. The IMF should be transformed with a renewed mandate
that goes far beyond crisis management to crisis prevention - not
only responsible in the manner of an independent central bank for
the independent surveillance of the world economy but becoming its
early warning system.
As we move to a post 2012 global climate change agreement, we
need a strengthened UN role for environmental protection. And while
we strengthen the World Bank's focus on poverty reduction, it must
also become a bank for the environment. So as its new President Bob
Zoellick has argued, it should recognise that the poorest countries
are the most vulnerable to climate change - and help them to adapt
and to finance low carbon economic growth.
Over the summer in places of turmoil as different as Darfur and
Burma - where we will continue to pressure and persuade - the
international community has shown how it can come together.
In Afghanistan we will work with the international community to
match our military and security effort with new support for
political reform and for economic and social development.
And today and together we call on President Musharraf of
Pakistan to restore the constitution and implement the necessary
conditions to guarantee free and fair elections on schedule in
January; release all political prisoners, including members of the
judiciary and human rights activists; to pursue energetically
reconciliation with the political opposition; honour his commitment
to step down as Chief of Army Staff; and relax restrictions on the
Nor will we shirk our obligations to the people and new
democracy of Iraq and to the international community. As we move
next month from our combat role to 'Overwatch' in Basra Province,
we will support economic development to give the people of Basra a
greater stake in the future.
And with the personal leadership of President Bush and the peace
initiative involving all 22 states of the Arab League, there is
potentially a window of opportunity to achieve - thanks to the
political courage of Prime Minister Olmert and President Abbas -
the creation of a viable Palestinian state alongside a secure
For this we need not only a road to Annapolis but a road from
Annapolis: the December donors conference in Paris; Tony Blair's
painstaking work for which I thank him; and Britain's economic road
map for reconstruction in the West Bank and Gaza....
Whether in the Middle East or across the developing world,
indifference to the plight of others is not only wrong, but not in
our interests. That is why we continue to do all we can to reach a
world trade agreement that will be of most benefit to the
But the global poverty emergency cannot be solved by one
organisation or even a coalition of governments on their own: we
now need the concerted efforts of private, public and third sectors
working together ------ a new public-private alliance founded on
promoting trade and growth.
The injustices people inflict on one another are not god-given
but man-made and we have it in our power to become the first
generation in history to deliver to every child the long overdue
basic right to education. And today we also have the science and
medicine to be the first generation to eradicate the preventable
diseases of TB, polio, diptheria and malaria -- and eventually to
cure HIV and AIDS.
And with a special UN meeting next year, it is my personal
commitment to work with all people of goodwill to achieve these
By history and conviction, we - Britain - are bearers of the
indispensable idea of individual dignity and mutual respect. But we
act to build a different, better world because we judge that it too
is the best defence of our own future. We know that Britain cannot
be a safe and prosperous island in a turbulent and divided world. A
better world is our best security, our national interest best
advanced by shared international endeavour.
So this is our message - to ourselves, our allies, potential
adversaries and people who, no matter how distant, are now our
neighbours: Our hard-headed internationalism means we will never
retreat from our responsibilities. At all times justice in
jeopardy, security at risk, suffering that cries out will command
our concern.
From the early years of this young century we can already
discern what Britain, the first multinational state, has always
known: that success requires that people of different races,
religions and backgrounds learn to live in harmony with each
We have already seen what our values have taught us: that
progress depends upon openness, freedom, democracy and fairness.
And we are finding that prosperity like peace is indivisible and to
be sustained it has to be shared.
And ... without environmental sustainability, justice and
prosperity are both imperilled and that the best route to long-term
economic growth lies in action to tackle climate change.
These lessons are not an excuse to relax or rest or be
complacent but a summons to act with utmost resolve. For the
pressing challenge for Britain and for the international community
is to harness these insights in a sustained endeavour to reform and
renew our global rules, institutions and networks.
Upon this rests our shared future: a truly global society
empowering people everywhere; not yet here, but in this century
within our grasp.
Source: Downing Street website, www.number10.gov.uk
Europe 2030: Model Power not
Rt. Hon. David Miliband MP, Foreign Secretary, College of
Europe Speech, Bruges, November 15, 2007.
I feel a strong sense of personal history in delivering this
lecture today. My father was born in Brussels, my mother in Poland.
My family history reflects the strife which divided the Continent
and the values which later united it.
This college reflects that history too. You have a sister
college in Poland. The vision of your founder, Henri Brugmans, a
hero of the Dutch resistance, was fired by memories of dark days
listening to BBC reports of resistance struggle against fascism.
And the people we honour this year, Anna Politkovskaya and Hrant
Dink, were exemplars of our basic commitment to freedom of
expression, a founding value of the EU.
But my speech tonight is not about history. It is about the
Europe that you, the students gathered here, will inherit in the
President Sarkozy has suggested we need a Groupe des Sages to
focus on the Europe of 2030. Today I want to enter that debate, not
to engage in a piece of futurology, but to suggest how the EU can
help to shape the world of 2030.
My argument is this:
The prospects and potential for human progress have never been
greater. But our prosperity and security are under threat.
Protectionism seeks to stave off globalisation rather than manage
it. Religious extremists peddle hatred and division. Energy
insecurity and climate change threaten to create a scramble for
resources. And rogue states and failing states risk sparking
conflicts, the damage of which will spill over into Europe.
These threats provide a new raison d'etre for the European
Union. New because the unfinished business of internal reform to
update our economic and social model is on its own not enough to
engage with the big issues, nor the hopes and fears, of European
citizens. For the EU because nation-states, for all their
continuing strengths, are too small to deal on their own with these
big problems, but global governance is too weak. So the EU can be a
pioneer and a leader. Our single market and the standards we set
for it, the attractions of membership, and the legitimacy,
diversity and political clout of 27 member states are big
advantages. The EU will never be a superpower, but could be a model
power of regional cooperation.
For success, the EU must be open to ideas, trade and people. It
must build shared institutions and shared activities with its
neighbours. It must be an Environmental Union as well as a European
Union. And it must be able to deploy soft and hard power to promote
democracy and tackle conflict beyond its borders. As Gordon Brown
said on Monday there is no longer a distinction between 'over
there' and 'over here'.
Twenty Years on from the Bruges Speech
Let me begin with some reflections on Britain's relationship
with Europe. 'We British are as much heirs to the legacy of
European culture as any other nation'. The churches, literature and
language of the UK 'all bear witness to the cultural riches we have
drawn from Europe.' 'Without the European legacy of political ideas
we could not have achieved as much as we did'. 'Our destiny is in
Those are not my words. They were delivered by Margaret Thatcher
to this College in 1988 in her famous Bruges lecture.
But despite these words, Mrs Thatcher's speech was haunted by
demons. A European superstate bringing in socialism by the back
door. A country called Europe that stripped individual nations of
their national identity. Utopian ideals and language that
obstructed practical progress. These were the demons that led her
some years later to conclude that far from being vital to Britain's
progress: 'In my lifetime Europe has been the source of our
problems, not the source of our solutions'.
These demons still haunt some people. But I agree with my
predecessor as Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd who said in 2005:
'The myth that we are threatened with a European superstate is
still nourished in the Conservative cul-de-sac. Certainly there are
Continental idealists who bitterly regret that it has faded away,
but faded it has, as has been clear since Maastricht'.
Open markets, subsidiarity, better regulation and enlargement
are now far more part of the conventional vocabulary of European
debate than a United States of Europe, centralised taxation or a
common industrial policy. The truth is that the EU has enlarged,
remodelled and opened up. It is not and is not going to become a
But neither is it destined to become a superpower. An American
academic has defined a superpower as 'a country that has the
capacity to project dominating power and influence anywhere in the
world... and so may plausibly attain the status of global
There is only one superpower in the world today - the United
States. There may be others on the horizon, such as China and
India, but the US has enormous economic, social, cultural and
military strength. In terms of per capita income alone it will
remain by far the dominant power for my lifetime. For Europeans,
that should not be a source of dread: there is a great shared
project for Europe and America, to embed our values and commitments
in international rules and institutions.
The EU is not and never will be a superpower. An EU of 27 nation
states or more is never going to have the fleetness of foot or the
fiscal base to dominate. In fact economically and demographically
Europe will be less important in the world of 2050 that it was in
the world of 1950.
Our opportunity is different. The EU has the opportunity to be a
model power.
It can chart a course for regional cooperation between
medium-sized and small countries. Through its common action, it can
add value to national effort, and develop shared values amidst
differences of nationality and religion. As a club that countries
want to join, it can persuade countries to play by the rules, and
set global standards. In the way it dispenses its responsibilities
around the world, it can be a role model that others follow.
This speech is intended to set out the basis of such
Global Europe
The EU has been defined for the past 50 years by a focus on
internal change: by a Franco-German bargain over industry and
agriculture, by the creation of a single market and the drive for
basic shared social standards; by EMU. And the need to attend to
internal policy problems remains.
We should be immensely proud that in the post second world war
period Europeans drove down levels of economic inequality and
social injustice. That is the cause that brought me into politics.
And the modernisation of our social and economic systems is
essential to preserve those gains. That is why the UK is fully
engaged in the current debates about policy reform in Europe. But
that will no longer be enough. The defining challenges of the 21st
century are global in scope, not national. We have spent a decade
or more debating institutional reform; everyone who has
participated is exhausted; and the rest of the European population
are either bored or angry. The EU must now apply itself to managing
the risks and maximising the benefits of the next wave of
globalisation, both for its own citizens and around the world. This
is where we need new thinking.
The insecurities and threats of 2030 are clear. A Europe at war
not within its borders, but struggling to cope with forces beyond
its borders. Global capital, people and goods with whom it has not
made peace. Religious extremism and division on its doorstep.
Energy insecurity and climate change which threatens our security
as well as our prosperity. Conflict and instability in regions
where we have economic as well as moral interests.
To avoid that future, we need to base our next generation Europe
on four principles.
Europe Open to the World
My starting point is that a model power in the 21st century must
be one that looks outwards. As Jose Manuel Barroso said, '...global
Europe must be an open Europe'.
So my first guiding principle is that we must keep ourselves
open - open to trade, open to ideas and open to investment.
This is not a foregone conclusion. Across Europe, it is tempting
for producers to seek the shelter of tariffs, for environmentalists
to yearn for a return to a (it has to be said) mythical world of
self-sufficiency, for communities to fear unplanned migration.
I understand the concerns. Openness creates risks and
insecurities as well as opportunities. Our national welfare states
must help people adjust to rapid economic and social change.
This is tough. Migration is a big issue. And while Europe can be
a magnet for the world's best talent, it cannot be a tent for the
world's poorest people. Without some migration, an ageing and
declining population will leave Europe facing economic stagnation
and unsustainable social security bills. But integration of new
communities is vital. We shall only tackle the root cause of
migration - the poor economic prospects in neighbouring countries -
if we continue to open up our markets. That is why, on economic and
social grounds, the case against economic protectionism is
Openness - to new investment, new products and new services -
provides the competitive spur needed to raise our game. An open
regulatory environment provides the basis for the highest value. If
we hold back on open trade, we will only hold back the process of
modernising our economies and raising productivity. We will force
European consumers to pay higher prices. We will strengthen the
hand of protectionist lobbies beyond our borders. We will deny
millions of African farmers a lifeline out of poverty.
If we have the courage to press for more free trade and
investment, and act as a model power in going further and faster
than other countries, we will enrich ourselves and the rest of the
world. That is why we need to put European agriculture on a
sustainable and modern footing: reduce tariffs, open up energy
markets and complete the creation of a single market in
This is not a race to the bottom. Europe is a model for
reconciling economic dynamism with social justice. We must use the
power of the single market to export these values. We have already
seen how the single-market can pull up standards in the rest of the
world. Thanks to the Reach Directive the chemicals in Chinese-made
products have to comply with European standards. The size of our
market means that European low carbon standards can become the
global standard-setter.
Shared institutions and shared activities
My second guiding principle is that we should use the power of
shared institutions and shared activities to help overcome
religious, regional, and cultural divides, especially with the
Islamic world.
There is, after all, a bleak scenario for 2030: a world more
divided by religion, both between and within countries. Greater
threats - both at home and abroad - from terrorists and rogue
states. Growing hostility towards the West. Rejection of the global
economic changes that many people believe has made us rich at their
The EU can help lead the search for an alternative. The EU
itself represents a triumph of shared values. Now we need to find
and express shared values across religious and not just national
lines, so that Europe and its Muslim neighbours enjoy strong,
unbreakable ties, and peace allows us to talk, debate, trade, build
businesses, build communities and build friendships. We can do this
only by creating shared institutions and engaging in shared
activities that provide a living alternative to the narrative which
says the West and the Islamic world are destined to clash.
There are obvious immediate needs:
- in Iraq, where we are moving forward together to bolster the
forces of economic development and political reconciliation
- in the Middle East where the EU Action Plan needs to be a vital
part of the road from Annapolis to a viable Palestinian state
alongside a safe and secure Israel
- and in Lebanon, where the EU has almost 8,000 thousand troops
deployed to help preserve stability.
But our top priority must be to keep our promises on
enlargement. As Vaclav Havel said in December 2002, 'the vision of
becoming part of the EU was... the engine that drove the
democratisation and transformation of' Central and Eastern Europe.
Enlargement is by far our most powerful tool for extending
stability and prosperity.
Countries that are already on the accession path - Turkey and
the Western Balkans - must be given full membership as soon as they
fully meet the criteria. And Turkey and all Cypriots need to play a
constructive role in UN efforts to solve the Cyprus problem and
unify the island on a bi-zonal and bi-communal basis.
If we fail to keep our promises to Turkey, it will signal a deep
and dangerous divide between east and west.
Beyond that, we must keep the door open, retaining the incentive
for change that the prospect of membership provides.
Being part of Europe should be about abiding by the shared rules
- the acquis - that embody our shared values by respecting our
separate identities and traditions.
Not all countries will be eligible for full membership, or show
the will to join. So we should take the European Neighbourhood
Policy a step further. We must state clearly that participation is
not an alternative to membership, or a waiting room. And we must
offer access to the full benefits of the single market.
The first step would be the accession of neighbouring countries
- especially Russia and the Ukraine - to the WTO. Then we must
build on this with comprehensive free-trade agreements. The goal
must be a multilateral free-trade zone around our periphery - a
version of the European Free Trade Association that could gradually
bring the countries of the Mahgreb, the Middle-East and Eastern
Europe in line with the single-market, not as an alternative to
membership, but potentially as a step towards it.
Finally, we need to create more shared activities to build
shared values and bring us closer to our neighbours. ERASMUS
student exchanges have been hugely successfully over the last 20
years in fostering a common understanding and common identity
between European students. Some 150,000 students participate every
year, taking the opportunity to absorb another culture and learn
another language. Let us set the goal that by 2030 a third of our
ERASMUS exchanges will be to countries beyond our borders,
including those of the Middle-East and North Africa.
Preventing Conflict
My third guiding principle is that a model power should champion
international law and human rights not just internally, but
externally too. We need to live by our values and principles beyond
our borders, not just within them.
Peace and democracy has settled across our continent. To that
extent, the EU has been an extraordinary success. But, as the wars
in the Balkans showed, our record is not perfect. And our task will
not be complete until the final piece in the Balkans jigsaw -
Kosovo - is resolved.
But in the future the main threats to our security will come
from farther afield. From failed or fragile states, where law and
order dissolve, where the economy stops, where arbitrary violence
rules, and terrorists can operate at will. We can see the terrible
effects in Darfur and Chad today.
From rogue states, that defy and endanger the international
community by breaking the common rules we have all agreed to abide
by. And from non-state actors - like Al Qaeda - hell-bent on
destroying our way of life.
Europe is well equipped to contribute a positive response to
these threats. Like NATO, its members have shared values which can
generate the political and military commitment for decisive action.
But like the UN, its member states have the full spectrum of
economic, development, legislative, political and military
We must begin by establishing a wider consensus on the rules
governing the international system. We must use the legitimacy and
political clout of 27 members to enshrine the principle of
Responsibility to Protect at the heart of the international system.
We must be prepared to uphold commitments made under the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. We must mobilize member states behind the
establishment of an Arms Trade Treaty.
We must also overcome the blockages to collaboration with NATO.
We welcome the signs of increased willingness on the part of key
partners to do so.
First, European member states must improve their capabilities.
It's embarrassing that when European nations - with almost 2
million men and women under arms - are only able, at a stretch, to
deploy around 100 thousand at any one time. EU countries have
around 1,200 transport helicopters, yet only about 35 are deployed
in Afghanistan. And EU member states haven't provided any
helicopters in Darfur despite the desperate need there.
European nations need to identify the challenges we face; the
capabilities we consequently need; then identify targets for
national investment in equipment, research, development, and
training necessary to make more of our armed forces; work together
for efficiency; and back it up with political drive.
A second thing we must do is to strengthen our ability to
respond to crises in a more comprehensive way. Increasing our
capacity to put peacekeepers into the field - whether on UN, EU or
NATO missions - is a crucial part of cooperation.
As the Prime Minister set out earlier this week, military forces
should be deployed on peacekeeping duties with civilian crisis
management experts as an integral part of the operation. There is
limited value in securing a town if law and order breaks down as
soon as the troops move on. There is limited gain in detaining
terrorists and criminals if there is no courthouse to try them in
or jailhouse to hold them in. Security without development will
soon alienate local populations. Development without security is
impossible. They are two sides of the same coin.
Third, we must use our power and influence, not just to resolve
conflict, but prevent it. We must show we are prepared to take a
lead and fulfil our responsibilities. Javier Solana and George
Robertson, working together for the EU and NATO, brought Macedonia
back from the brink of civil war in 2001. Our military deployment
to north-eastern Congo in helped plug a critical gap in the UN's
presence there in 2003. We have built on UN sanctions to increase
pressure on countries like Iran and Sudan. And where the UN has
been reluctant to act - as on Zimbabwe and Burma, where the regimes
continue to oppress their people - we have introduced our own
Environmental Union
My fourth guiding principle is that any model power in the 21st
century must be a low carbon power, so the European Union must
become an Environmental Union.
More than any other area, the decisions we take on energy now
will affect the world we inhabit in 2030. The investment cycles for
new power plants, new pipelines, and new transport technology
stretch across decades.
In the decisions made at the Spring Council last year, the EU
showed its ambitions to be model power on climate change. By
setting unilateral targets, with the offer to go further if others
do, we are using our political clout to increase the pressure on
others to act. By backing those targets with regulations and a
carbon price, we are beginning to use our economic clout to
transform product markets too. But to become an Environmental Union
but we must go further. We must set ambitious, long term
regulations to phase out carbon emissions in key areas, transform
product markets through the standards we set, and gain economic
advantage in environmental innovation.
The priorities are clear: We must agree a timetable for reducing
average vehicle emissions to 100g/km by 2020-2025 (compared with
average EU emissions of 160 g/km), on the road towards a
zero-emission vehicle standard across Europe.
We must ensure that by 2015, we have 12 demonstration projects
in Carbon Capture and Storage, and that by 2020, all new coal-fired
power stations must be fitted with Carbon Capture and Storage.
We should ensure the long term future of the EU ETS, to include
more sectors of our economy, and to become the hub of a global
carbon market which generates the incentives and the funding for
the shift to low carbon power and transport not just in Europe but
in developing countries. The third phase of the EU ETS provides an
opportunity to scale up and reform the CDM - to move it from a
focus on individual projects, to groups of projects or whole
sectors. We have already agreed to extend the EU ETS to include
aviation, but we must also consider the case for surface transport.
And we should consider moving from individual countries setting
their own allocation to harmonised allocations on the road to
cap-setting done centrally. As the European Central Bank regulates
money supply for the eurozone, it is worth thinking whether the
idea of a European Carbon Bank could in future set limits on the
production of carbon across Europe.
Discussions on the future of the EU budget must take account of
this context. The current budget will be worth 860 billion euros
over 7 years. The three tests for the future of the EU budget are
clear: is it advancing national and European public interest? Is
grant spending the right tool to achieve our objectives, or could
regulation, or loan-finance, provide a better alternative? And is
it demonstrating sound financial management?
Over time, I believe that points to aligning the budget more
closely with the external global challenges we face, in particular,
a focus on climate change. Environmental security not food security
is the challenge of the future.
It is telling that those who are near us, want to join us. And
that those who are far away, want to imitate us. The EU can claim
major successes.
The single market has created peace and prosperity out of a
continent ravaged by war. Enlargement has transformed Central and
Eastern Europe. European forces across the world are active in
preventing and resolving conflict.
These are real achievements. The common view is that they
represent a triumph over institutional arrangements. But the
constitutional debate shows that people don't want major
institutional upheaval. Unanimity is slow but it respects national
identities. The commission is not directly elected but that is
exactly why it avoids the temptation of national and political
affiliation and offers a wider European perspective.
The lesson, I think, is that in politics we tend to overestimate
our ability to influence events in the short term, but we hugely
underestimate our ability to shape our long term future. That is
particularly true for the European Union.
Across Europe, people are feeling a divergence between the
freedom and control they have in their personal lives, and the
sense of powerlessness they face against the great global
challenges we face: from preventing conflict and terrorism to
addressing climate change, energy insecurity, and religious
extremism. They are confident about personal progress, but
pessimistic about societal progress.
Europe has the chance to help fill this void. There is a clear
choice. Focus on internal not external challenges, institutions
rather than ideals. Fail to combine hard and soft power, the
disciplines and benefits of membership with the ability to make a
difference beyond our borders. The result: the return of
protectionism, energy insecurity, division with the Islamic world,
and unmanaged migration from conflict. Or Europe can look global
and become a model regional power. We can use the power of the EU -
the size of our single market, our ability to set global standards,
the negotiating clout of 27 members, the attractions of membership,
the hard power of sanctions and troops, the power of Europe as an
idea and a model - not to substitute for nation states but to do
those things to provide security and prosperity for the next
We are pragmatic. We have missed some opportunities. But
pragmatism and idealism should be partners. And the UK is
determined to make them so.
Ministry of Defence Accounts (Trident
Published, 23 July 2007
Independent Nuclear Deterrent
30. The UK's Trident submarine force continued to provide a
constant and independent nuclear deterrent capability at sea, in
support of NATO and as the ultimate guarantee of our national
security. The MoD continues to make the necessary investment at the
Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston to ensure that it has the
requisite facilities and skills to maintain a safe and reliable
Trident warhead stockpile and to prepare for decisions, likely to
be necessary in the next Parliament, on the possible refurbishment
or replacement of the existing warhead. [page 35]
77. Deterrence aims to convince a potential adversary that the
consequence of a particular course of action outweighs the
potential gains. All the UK's military capabilities, conventional
and nuclear, have a role to play in this. The fundamental
principles underpinning nuclear deterrence have not changed since
the end of the Cold War. However deterrence in the 21st Century is
going to be more complex in a multi-faceted and more fragmented
security environment, populated by an array of potential
adversaries and presenting less predictable security challenges.
The UK's deterrence posture must therefore remain flexible enough
to respond to these potential challenges, in whatever form they
present themselves. The publication in December 2006 of the
Government's White Paper The Future of the United Kingdom's Nuclear
Deterrent (see essay on page 60), which Parliament approved in
March 2007, sets out this position against a particular range of
possible future risks and challenges. Nuclear weapons continue to
provide the ultimate guarantee of the UK's security by deterring
and preventing nuclear blackmail and acts of aggression against the
UK's vital interests that cannot be countered by other means. The
UK will retain only the minimum amount of destructive power
required to achieve deterrence objectives. The Government
deliberately maintains ambiguity about precisely when, how and at
what scale the UK would contemplate using nuclear weapons. To do
otherwise would simplify the calculations of a potential aggressor
by defining more precisely the circumstances in which the
Government might consider the use of the UK's nuclear capabilities.
However, the Government has made clear many times over many years
that the UK would only contemplate using nuclear weapons in extreme
circumstances of self-defence and in accordance with the UK's
international legal obligations. [page 55]
The Future of the UK's Nuclear Deterrent
The United Kingdom's nuclear deterrent has been a central plank
of our national security strategy for fifty years. Over this time
no country has ever used a nuclear weapon, nor has there been a
single significant conflict between the world's major powers. The
UK's nuclear deterrent, within NATO, helped make this happen.
Following detailed assessment and analysis, the Government set out
its plans to maintain the UK's nuclear deterrent capability in a
White Paper, The Future of the United Kingdom's Nuclear Deterrent,
published in December 2006. After three months of extensive public
and Parliamentary discussion and debate, the House of Commons voted
in March 2007 to endorse the Government's plans.
The timing of these decisions was driven by the life of the
Vanguard class submarines and the time it will take to develop
replacements. The Department's analysis demonstrated that it was
highly unlikely to be technically feasible or cost effective to
extend the life of the Vanguard class beyond around 30 years, which
already represents a five-year extension to their original design
life. Equally, all the Department's experience, and that of
industry, France and the US, is that it will take around 17 years
to design, build and deploy new ballistic-missile carrying
submarines. Given that the second of the Vanguard class is expected
to leave service around 2024, this means detailed concept and
assessment work needs to begin in 2007 if the UK is to avoid a risk
of a gap in deterrence coverage.
The Rationale for retaining a Nuclear Deterrent
The Government believes that the concept of deterrence is just
as relevant now as it was during the Cold War. Deterrence is about
dissuading a potential adversary from carrying out a particular act
because of the consequences of your likely retaliation. This is not
an especially complex or unique concept. Nor does it have anything
inherently to do with nuclear weapons, or superpower blocs. The
United Kingdom's and our Allies' conventional forces are themselves
a form of deterrent; they can and do deter various different kinds
of states and non-state actors even in today's post-Cold War
But nuclear weapons are unique in terms of their destructive
power, and as such, only nuclear weapons can deter nuclear threats.
No country currently possesses both the capability and intent to
threaten the United Kingdom's vital interests with nuclear weapons.
But the Government has concluded that it is impossible to be
certain that, over the next 20 to 50 years, such a threat may not
re-emerge. This is not just a question of uncertainty, although it
is important to be realistic about the potential to predict with
confidence the strategic developments over these extended periods.
There are also identifiable risks and trends of concern. Large
nuclear arsenals remain around the world, some of which are being
modernised and expanded. Despite international efforts to counter
nuclear proliferation, the number of countries with nuclear weapons
continues to grow, albeit less quickly than some have predicted.
And the Government remains concerned at the implications should
international terrorists get access to nuclear weapons.
The Government will continue to maintain only the minimum
capability the United Kingdom requires. But it believes the best
way to achieve the goal of a world in which there is no place for
nuclear weapons is through a process of international dialogue and
negotiation. The next steps in this process should be the early
entry into force of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the
beginning of negotiations without preconditions on a Fissile
Material Cut Off Treaty which, if successful, would end the
production of weapon-useable nuclear material. But this will
inevitably take time. And in the interim, the Government has a
responsibility to take the steps necessary to ensure our national
security and this includes retention of a minimum, independent
nuclear deterrent. [page 60]
Renewing Trident
The White Paper set out three main decisions:
- to extend the lives of the current Vanguard-class submarines
from their original design life of at least 25 years to 30 years,
and to start work to procure a new class of ballistic-missile
submarines to replace the Vanguard-class;
- to participate in the life extension programme for the Trident
D5 missile, to enable us to keep that missile in service through to
the 2040s; and
- further to reduce the number of operationally available
warheads from fewer than 200 to fewer than 160.
Key to the decision to retain a submarine based deterrent was
the requirement to ensure the credibility of the United Kingdom's
deterrent posture. And fundamental to credibility is the need for
the deterrent to be invulnerable to pre-emptive attack, to be able
to sustain a high degree of readiness, and to be able to deliver
the required destructive power wherever might be required for
effective deterrence. There were no credible alternatives to
retaining a submarine-based system. All the other options were
significantly more vulnerable to pre-emptive attack and all were at
least as expensive as the submarine option, some significantly more
so. This analysis also led to the conclusion that it was necessary
for the foreseeable future for the United Kingdom to continue the
existing posture of continuously maintaining a single submarine on
deterrent patrol.
The Government's initial estimate is that the cost of procuring
a new class of submarines will be in the range £11-14Bn (at
2006-07 prices) for a four submarine solution. This investment will
not come at the expense of the conventional capabilities that Armed
Forces need. Participation in the Trident D5 life extension
programme will cost around £250M and the estimate also
includes some £2-3Bn on renewing infrastructure to support
the deterrent over the lifetime of the new submarines. The
Government will also continue to invest in sustaining capabilities
at the Atomic Weapons Establishment. The bulk of these costs are
likely to be incurred 2012 to 2027. Once the new submarines come
into service, the running costs of the nuclear deterrent are
expected to be similar to those of today.
Future Decisions
The Government envisages placing contracts for the detailed
design and manufacture of the new submarines in the period 2012-14.
It has yet to decide whether the United Kingdom will require a
fleet of three or four submarines to meet future deterrent
requirements. Four Vanguard-class submarines are needed to sustain
continuous deterrent patrols, but work will be undertaken to assess
the scope for sufficiently radical design, operating and support
changes to enable the MoD to maintain continuous deterrent patrols
with a fleet of only three. It is likely to be necessary to decide
on any refurbishment or replacement of our existing nuclear warhead
in the next Parliament. Such a programme might involve procurement
costs of some £2-3Bn. Decisions on any replacement for the
Trident D5 missile are unlikely to be necessary until the 2020s. In
all this, the Government will continue to work closely with the
United States. Details of this collaboration were set out in an
exchange of letters between the Prime Minister and the President of
the United States, signed in December 2006.
Source: Ministry of Defence, www.mod.uk.
Ballistic Missile Defence, Written
Statement by the Secretary of State for Defence Des Browne MP
House of Commons, Written Statement, 25 July 2007, Column
The Secretary of State for Defence (Des Browne): On 5 February
2003 the Secretary of State for Defence announced the Government's
agreement to a request from the US to upgrade the Ballistic Missile
Early Warning System radar at RAF Fylingdales. The UK already makes
a contribution to US capability in the area of missile warning,
through our operation of the radar at RAF Fylingdales. That upgrade
process is now complete and we expect that the radar will switch
its operations to the new equipment from August 2007. There is no
change to the existing UK-US mission for the radar and the station
remains under full UK command. Its primary mission is to warn of
ballistic missile attack, with secondary functions of space
surveillance and satellite warning. The radar will contribute to
the US ballistic missile defence system, alongside a global network
of other US-owned sensors based on land, at sea and in space and
the data it produces is shared between the UK and US military
authorities. The UK will have full insight into the operation of
the US missile defence system when missile engagements take place
that are wholly or partly influenced by data from the radar at RAF
Also, at RAF Menwith Hill, equipment will be installed and
operated by the US Government to allow receipt of satellite
warnings of potentially hostile missile launches, and will pass
this warning data to both UK and US authorities. The data will also
be fed into the US ballistic missile defence system for use in
their response to any missile attack on the US. This will guarantee
the UK's continued access to essential missile attack warning data,
as well as enhancing the US's ability to deal with any attack aimed
at their country.
25 July 2007 : Column 72WS
The Government welcome US plans to place further missile defence
assets in Europe to address the emerging threat from rogue states.
We welcome assurances from the US that the UK and other European
allies will be covered by the system elements they propose to
deploy to Poland and the Czech Republic and we have been exploring
ways in which the UK can continue to contribute to the US system as
well as to any future NATO missile defence system.
These developments reflect the Government's continuing
commitment to supporting the development of the US missile defence
system. We continue to regard this system as a building block to
enhance our national and collective security. NATO has made no
decisions about acquiring missile defence for the alliance, and we
want to examine how the US system can be complemented and built
upon to provide wider coverage for Europe. We have no plans to site
missile interceptors in the UK but will keep this under review as
the threat evolves. We also want to reassure Russia about the
defensive nature and intent of the US system as it develops and to
take forward alliance cooperation with them in the field of missile
Source: House of Commons Hansard, www.parliament.uk.
Compiled by Nicola Butler
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