Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 87, Spring 2008
In the News
Oslo Conference on Achieving the Vision of a
World Free of Nuclear Weapons
Jonas Gahr Støre, Norwegian Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Statement to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, March
4, 2008 (excerpts)
Mr President, It is a great pleasure for me to attend the
Conference on Disarmament (CD) at this particular moment in time.
Allow me - since this is my first presence at the CD - to make a
few comments on the context of our efforts to work towards the
vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.
Last week, in Oslo, we assembled a conference of about 100
participants from 29 different countries, focusing on what it would
take to revive that very notion: what concrete steps are attainable
to reach our shared vision - both in short and in long terms?
The meeting was a common undertaking by the Government of
Norway, the Nuclear Threat Initiative led by former US Senator Sam
Nunn, and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University led by
Former US Secretary of State George Shultz - as well as with the
participation of IAEA Director General Mohamed El Baradei.
We had two days of intense discussions - discussions that
included both the idealists and the realists. It struck me, that a
new common ground is emerging to address these critical issues -
issues which continue to concern our very existence - but have
glided, however, down the scale of international attention and
Perhaps new generations of political leadership gradually
dropped the focus on nuclear weapons and the threat from
proliferation after the cold war. Perhaps issues such as the fight
against poverty, climate change, global health and other key issues
of globalisation have taken prominence. Perhaps have we been
lacking imagination to frame the broad and shared security
challenge, that we all face in the presence of abundant nuclear
weapons: the threat from proliferation, and the scenario of nuclear
technology and material falling into the hands of criminals and
My point is this: that the paradigm of Mutually Assured
Destruction served as an easy way to grasp concept of the cold war.
Today, that very concept is gradually becoming obsolete in the face
of a fragmented and complex nuclear threat scenario.
But still, we are far from agreeing on a new unifying concept
that can help steer our action.
We have the treaties - and we need to respect them - and we need
to revise them.
But we lack the mobilising roadmap that can marshal the
political will and resolve needed.
As Secretary Shultz said in Oslo: this is, above all, a
political and diplomatic endeavour.
His message was repeated when I attended a session of elderly
statesmen in London last Sunday - a meeting of key decision makers
from the US, Russian and European administrations during the last
four decades where gathered to discuss today's challenges. At this
meeting, I also had the pleasure to meet with Minister of State Mr
Saudabayey, who is present here today. Kazakhstan has demonstrated
that national security does not depend on the possession of nuclear
Emerging with renewed vigour out of both the Oslo and the London
meetings was the vision of a world without nuclear weapons.
We should not expect short term results. But remember how it
took this vision at Reykjavik in 1986 to launch a series of major
breakthroughs in nuclear disarmament until the process came to a
halt around year 2000.
A vision of a world without nuclear weapons is a vision of
strengthened security - for all of us.
Look to Latin America: by declaring Latin America a nuclear
weapons free zone, a whole continent escaped the nuclear logic. The
result for Latin American states was improved security and -
equally important - states with scarce resources where able to give
priority to large development agendas in benefit of the public.
So, I believe this is our key challenge: to recreate the power
of the vision of Reykjavik in a way that unites the realists and
the idealists. To establish a roadmap that - relying on a
representative consensus - identifies the concrete and
implementable steps that we must take.
So, let me share with you five key principles emerging from our
discussions at the Oslo Conference last week. I list them as
Norway's input to the work of the CD - to inspire our reflections
on concrete steps, that can help end the endless deadlocks that
have plagued us for all too long.
Let us not be derailed by procedural issues. Let us put the
substantive issues on the table.
First, achieving the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons
commands committed leadership at the highest levels. Leaders must
engage with key domestic stakeholders, including security
establishments, the scientific community, and in particular, the
general public.
Second, to sustain our vision and build momentum behind it
concrete and implementable steps must be taken now. And they must
be taken unilaterally. Negotiations required for deep cuts in
nuclear arsenals must commence.
This means reducing the role of nuclear weapons in doctrines and
in operational status. And this means fulfilling the promise of
long-sought agreements like the CTBT and an FMCT, and outstanding
commitments made in 1995 and 2000.
To ensure necessary confidence in these and other steps, we must
be willing to undertake binding agreements with credible
Taking disarmament seriously also means taking regional
conflicts seriously. International efforts should focus as much on
regional conflicts which have not "gone critical", as much as they
do with those that have.
Third, moving ahead requires consensus among all states -
nuclear-weapon states and non-nuclear weapon states alike. Article
VI of the NPT places the obligation to bring about disarmament on
all states.
No doubt, states with the largest arsenals have a leadership
role to play. But our vision will only be achievable if we are able
to advance the agenda on non-proliferation and disarmament
together, and if we work together on reliable verification tools
and collective security arrangements. If we draw on common purpose
to work together among militaries, among scientists, among
diplomats and among governments, the benefits could be felt in many
other fields as well.
Fourth, we should be faithful to the principle of
non-discrimination. It is key to effective multilateralism. Nuclear
weapons face us with collective dangers. We will be well-served by
non-discriminatory approaches to these dangers. We must confront
proliferation with unity and resolve, wherever it occurs.
We must fashion disarmament agreements that include all states.
We must recognize that fuel cycle assurances will succeed only with
a non-discriminatory approach, that recognizes the right of all
states to peaceful uses, and that is sensitive to the need of all
states for energy security.
It is with this spirit that we approach a fuel reserve under the
aegis of the IAEA. This is one example of concrete and
implementable steps that can build momentum for common resolve.
The IAEA considers that 150 million dollars will be needed to
make such a reserve operational. 100 million dollars have been
obtained. Last week Norway pledged five million dollars - 10% of
the remaining fifty. I urge other states to make their
Finally, transparency should be at the heart of our global
efforts. It is required from both nuclear weapon states and
non-nuclear weapon states.
While it is a vital starting point for many of the practical
steps we must take, it also is a means of building the vital
elements of trust and confidence, without which our efforts to
reach zero cannot succeed.
Greater transparency does not necessarily require legal
instruments that can take months or even years to negotiate. It can
be implemented by all states unilaterally starting today.
Mr President, On the basis of these principles, the Chairman's
summary of the Oslo Conference made ten policy recommendations. Let
me share the short version of them with you today:
- National leaders in all states should engage personally, and
they should seek to involve key domestic stakeholders - their
populations in particular - at an early stage. The disarmament
efforts of our times will be an inter-disciplinary endeavour, and
national leaders should also seek to engage experts from all
relevant areas including science, diplomacy, politics, law and the
- The United States and Russia are encouraged to reduce the size
of their arsenals significantly so that nuclear weapon numbers are
measured by the hundred, and not by the thousand. This should be
affected by means of a verified, legally-binding treaty. It is also
important to engage China, and eventually other states that possess
nuclear weapons, in a strategic dialogue to develop a cooperative
approach to nuclear security.
- Non-nuclear weapon states should co-operate with nuclear weapon
states to develop the technology needed for verifying disarmament.
Nuclear weapon states should seize the opportunity presented by
reductions in nuclear weapon numbers to demonstrate this
- All states that possess nuclear weapons are encouraged to make
every effort to reverse their reliance on these weapons as a
contribution towards their elimination. They should also change the
operational status of their nuclear weapons in order to increase
decision time in the event that use is contemplated, and to take
other steps to promote strategic stability.
- Entry into force of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is
crucial to prevent a new nuclear arms race. Until the treaty enters
into force, the existing moratorium on nuclear testing should be
strengthened. Each state that has tested nuclear weapons in the
past should pledge that it will not be the first to restart
testing. In addition, funding for the CTBT's International
Monitoring System must continue.
- A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT) is vital to advance
disarmament and prevent proliferation. In addition to starting
negotiations on an FMCT, the international community should
consider the creation of a voluntary Fissile Material Control
Initiative to enhance the security and transparency of all nuclear
material-including material that may not be subject to an
- Eliminating nuclear arms requires a robust and credible
non-proliferation regime. All states that have not yet done so
should adopt a Comprehensive Safeguard Agreement and an Additional
Protocol. In addition they should sign, ratify and implement all
relevant multilateral instruments to enhance the safety and
security of their nuclear materials.
- In order to help avert the awful prospect of nuclear terrorism,
all states that possess nuclear weapons are urged to take all
necessary measures to ensure that their weapons do not fall into
unauthorized hands.
- We should aim to create a non-discriminatory system of nuclear
fuel supply in close collaboration with the IAEA. In this regard, a
serious and sustained dialogue between producer and consumer is
needed so that consumers have an opportunity to explain their needs
and suppliers have an opportunity to tailor arrangements and
incentives accordingly.
- And finally: We should consider convening a broadly-based
high-level Intergovernmental Panel on Nuclear Disarmament,
analogous to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to
advise governments on the core requirements for abolishing nuclear
Mr President, We all share the responsibility of keeping the
vision of a world free of nuclear weapons alive. Norway will
continue to work within all relevant multilateral forums to ensure
that this vision is followed up with practical and concrete
We will also continue to work on a bilateral basis. Today,
Norway and Russia cooperates in enhancing nuclear safety and
security in north-western Russia. We will also continue our
excellent cooperation with the UK on strengthening disarmament
If we are to achieve results, we must be ready to work in
innovative ways. We must involve all stakeholders, including civil
society. The Oslo Conference last week was indeed an example of
such partnership.
We need more cross-regional cooperation. We will not obtain
results unless we build bridges, and do more to identify areas of
common ground. That is one of the main purposes of the Seven Nation
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