Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 87, Spring 2008
In the News
North Atlantic Council (NAC) Statement on The Conventional
Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty
March 28, 2008
1. NATO Allies remain firmly committed to the CFE Treaty and
wish to achieve the earliest possible entry into force of the
Agreement on Adaptation.
2. Since 1990, the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
(CFE) has provided a verifiable and legally binding framework
governing the conventional armaments of the States Parties within
the area of its application. Its unique system of limitations,
information on military forces and opportunities for cooperative
verification has resulted in an unprecedented degree of
predictability, transparency and mutual confidence. The CFE Treaty,
including its flank regime, has proven to be essential to building
mutually beneficial and cooperative military relationships among
the States Parties, helping to establish a new culture of mutually
cooperative restraint in Europe. 3. The Treaty has been successful
in achieving its objectives and maintaining them for the past
almost sixteen years and proven its viability during a period of
fundamental political change which marked the beginning of a new
era of cooperation on security and disarmament issues in Europe. To
reflect these changes, the Adapted CFE Treaty was signed in 1999.
4. Allies look forward to ratifying the Adapted CFE Treaty, in a
manner consistent with the Alliance's position of principle
contained in paragraph 42 of the 2006 NATO Riga Summit Declaration,
the final statement by Allies at the CFE Extraordinary Conference
in Vienna and Alliance statements reflecting subsequent
developments. Entry into force of the Adapted Treaty would permit
accession by new States Parties, which the Alliance supports. The
Adapted Treaty also reaffirms the principle that foreign forces can
only be stationed on the territory of a member of the Treaty with
that State's free consent.
5. Allies have taken careful note of concerns expressed by the
Russian Federation about the conditions under which the Treaty is
operating, including with regard to the flank regime, NATO
equipment levels and accession to CFE. In fall 2007, the United
States, with the full support of all NATO Allies, proposed to
Russia a package of parallel actions, which, taken together,
address all of the concerns Russia has raised with regard to CFE
and related issues. All Allies are committed to this far-reaching
package, which includes resolution of Russia's commitments related
to the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, and are ready to join with
Russia in its implementation. The package looks ahead to entry into
force of the Adapted CFE Treaty and to its subsequent review to
take account of changes since 1999. It addresses the concerns of
all our CFE partners. The "parallel actions" package will achieve
major results.
6. Upon agreement by NATO and Russia on the parallel actions
7. NATO Allies will move forward on ratification of the Adapted
CFE Treaty in parallel with implementation of specific, agreed
steps by the Russian Federation to resolve outstanding issues
related to Russian forces/facilities in the Republic of Moldova and
Georgia, as outlined in the package.
8. NATO and Russia will urge all CFE states to join in a
political commitment to act in a manner consistent with the object
and purpose of the Adapted CFE Treaty until it enters into force,
and to observe all its equipment ceilings.
9. The NATO members that are not Parties to the CFE Treaty will
publicly reiterate their readiness to request accession to the
Adapted Treaty as soon as it enters into force. Following
consultations with Allies, they will be open to discussions with
all States Parties to the Treaty, including with Russia, on the
conditions for their accession.
10. NATO and Russia will develop a definition of the term
"substantial combat forces" as it is used in the NATO-Russia
Founding Act.
11. Once the Adapted Treaty is in force:
12. NATO Allies will review the operation of the Adapted CFE Treaty
with Russia and other Treaty parties. As part of this review, we
would consider changes, where possible, to the level of equipment
ceilings. This would be an opportunity for all Treaty Partners
including Russia to raise their concerns about any specific
elements of the Adapted Treaty.
13. We regret that the Russian Federation chose unilaterally to
suspend implementation of the CFE Treaty while this important
package is under discussion. Allies have continued fully to
implement their obligations under the CFE Treaty in good faith.
This situation cannot be sustained indefinitely. Russia's
"suspension" risks eroding the integrity of the CFE regime and
undermines the cooperative approach to security which has been a
core of the NATO-Russia relationship and European security for
nearly two decades.
14. We urge the Russian Federation to end its "suspension", and
to work with us to reach agreement on the basis of the parallel
actions package so we can together preserve the benefits of this
landmark regime.
15. Allies remain committed to a continued dialogue with the
Russian Federation that addresses all outstanding concerns in order
to preserve the long term viability of the CFE regime.
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