Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 87, Spring 2008
US and Russian Public Opinion on Arms Control and Space
Nancy Gallagher
The past decade has witnessed a growing gap between the
magnitude of the security problems demanding multilateral
cooperation and the level of leadership devoted to developing an
effective international response. Diplomats working to prevent
proliferation, eliminate existing nuclear threats, and avert a new
round of military competition in space are watching the
presidential elections in the United States and Russia. The
prospects for diplomacy will differ greatly depending on whether
leadership changes bring a renewed commitment to constructive
multilateralism, a continued neglect of cooperative security
arrangements, or a complete disintegration of key treaty regimes
that have helped slow the spread of nuclear weapons, stabilize
US-Russian strategic relations, and transform European security
It is too early in the US election cycle to predict the victor,
let alone to know how vigorously and effectively that person will
pursue security policies that they have described vaguely, at best,
as they campaign to represent their party at the time of writing
(November 2007). On the Democratic side, Barack Obama has advocated
a nuclear-weapons-free world and opposed weapons in space, and both
he and Hillary Clinton have expressed support for long-standing
items on the arms control agenda, such as US ratification of the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The major Republican
candidates have said little to compare their approach to arms
control and nonproliferation with that of George W. Bush's
administration beyond calling for accelerated efforts to build
missile defence, restrict new countries' access to advanced nuclear
technology, and improve intelligence.[1] Vladimir Putin's replacement as president by Dmitry
Anatolyevich Medvedev this spring may be predictable, but the
structure of the next Russian government and its propensity towards
nationalist or multilateral security policies remain unclear.
Public opinion polls are an omnipresent feature of presidential
campaigns, especially in the United States, but their main purpose
is to find out which candidate is ahead in the race, not to
determine what the voters think the winner should do about
particular policy problems. Therefore, the Center for International
and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) and its affiliated Program
in International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) undertook a joint study,
described in Appendix I, of American and Russian public attitudes
toward nuclear weapons, arms control, and more far-reaching forms
of security cooperation. There is no reason to believe that
citizens in either country currently care enough about these issues
to alter the outcome of the elections, or that public opinion
matters enough to affect the security choices of the next US or
Russian administration. Even so, public opinion is an important
resource that leaders can mobilize to influence elite-level
security debates. If the next US and Russian leaders wanted to
reverse the downward spiral in strategic relations and undertake
the bold multilateral initiatives needed to match the magnitude of
emerging global security challenges, they would be more likely to
do so if public opinion is on their side.
We found that the American and Russian publics remain
surprisingly interested in security cooperation and supportive of
efforts to negotiate legally binding treaties with effective
verification. Whether the question involved general attitudes,
specific items on the current arms control agenda, or more
visionary proposals for eliminating nuclear weapons and averting
space weapons, respondents usually favoured cooperation by large
margins. This held true across party lines in the United States,
providing evidence of public support for change regardless of which
party wins the election.
These findings could give courage to future US and Russian
leaders who would need to overcome entrenched bureaucratic
resistance to the negotiation of new security accords and
legislative opposition to their ratification. Leaders and diplomats
from other countries that want to see much more vigorous
multilateral action on shared security problems might also find
some useful insights from the polls as they think about how to make
progress during this transition year.
General attitudes towards arms control and verification
Despite the deterioration of US-Russian strategic relations at
the leadership level, the citizens of the two countries place a
high priority on joint efforts to prevent proliferation and other
forms of security cooperation. When we asked whether their leaders
should make cooperating with the other country to achieve a given
policy objective "a top priority", an "important priority, but not
a top priority", or "not a top priority", respondents were nearly
unanimous in choosing one of the top two categories. We asked about
potential areas for security cooperation - stopping the spread of
nuclear weapons, preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons,
preventing terrorists from acquiring nuclear weapons, preventing an
arms race in space, and controlling the spread of infectious
disease. On almost all of these, cooperation was viewed as highly
desirable: the percentage of respondents who did not
consider cooperation on a given issue to be important was usually
five percent or lower. In only two cases did this percentage rise
to ten (Russians on the Iranian nuclear programme) or higher (14
percent for Americans on weapons in space).
There was a strong consensus among both the American and Russian
publics that nuclear weapons should play a very limited role in
security strategy. When respondents were asked about the
circumstances under which their country should use nuclear weapons,
20 percent of Americans and 14 percent of Russians chose "never",
while 54 percent of Americans and 63 percent of Russians chose
"only in response to a nuclear attack". Only 25 percent of
Americans and 11 percent of Russians thought that there were
circumstances under which their country should use nuclear weapons
even if it had not suffered a nuclear attack. Hence, 71 percent of
Americans favoured having an explicit "no first use" policy, while
only 26 percent thought that this would be "a bad idea".
Consistent with the limited role they see for nuclear weapons,
most Americans assume that the current US arsenal is much smaller
than it actually is. When respondents were asked for their "best
guess" about the number of US nuclear weapons, the median answer
was 1000, roughly a factor of ten lower than the actual size.
Americans also believe that a small arsenal would be sufficient to
deter other countries from attacking; with the median response for
all Americans being 500.[2]
The median answers given by Russians were slightly higher (1391 in
the current arsenal and 1000 needed for deterrence), but only about
15 percent of Russians were willing to answer these questions, so
less weight should be put on their responses.
When we asked Americans a generic question about their attitudes
to arms control, a slim majority (51 percent) took the position
that verified agreements were valuable despite the possibility of
minor violations. However, 45 percent were more inclined to say
that arms control is not a good idea because other countries might
cheat and the treaty could give a false sense of security. Whenever
we asked about a specific weapon, though, Americans strongly
preferred having a verifiable legal agreement rather than informal
policy coordination or no cooperation at all. For example, 79
percent of Americans thought that "when the US and Russia decrease
their nuclear arms, they should make it part of a legally binding
and verifiable agreement" while only 20 percent thought they
"should do it through a general understanding that each country
decides on its own how to implement".
When we gave respondents four options to indicate their attitude
toward nuclear weapons, seven percent of Americans said they were
morally wrong and wanted to eliminate their own country's stockpile
regardless of what other countries did, 38 percent favoured gradual
verified global elimination, and 33 percent supported verifiable
international agreements to reduce but not eliminate them
completely. Only 19 percent of Americans - and an identical
percentage of Russians - chose, "nuclear weapons give [their
country] a uniquely powerful position in the world. It is not in
the interest of [Country] to participate in treaties that would
reduce or eliminate its nuclear arsenal."[3]
Taken together, the answers to these questions suggest that
while the Bush administration's claims that arms control is a relic
of the Cold War might be superficially attractive both to the part
of the public that has never liked legal constraints on US military
capabilities and to the part that wants to believe in spontaneous
cooperation, the overwhelming majority of Americans still believe
that legally binding, verifiable treaties are an important tool for
managing contemporary security challenges.
To assess attitudes toward existing verification mechanisms, we
asked about the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the
organization with which respondents were most likely to be
familiar. Twice as many Americans (54 percent) and five times as
many Russians (40 percent) regarded the IAEA's influence on the
world as "mainly positive" compared with the number who saw it as
"mainly negative" (27 percent of Americans and 8 percent of
We also asked about the level of intrusiveness associated with
international inspections, and found that the old stereotype of
Americans wanting more intrusive verification and Russians
resisting it is only partially true. A majority of Americans (53
percent) do think that there are too many limits on international
inspectors, but 26 percent think that there are not enough limits.
Very few Russians (12 percent) thought that there were too few
limits on inspectors, with much larger numbers thinking that there
were too many limits (24 percent), that the limits were about right
(27 percent), or declining to answer (37 percent).
Another surprising result was a preference among American and
Russian respondents for multilateral over bilateral arrangements.
We asked two different questions about improving nuclear security
by increasing transparency, one in which the US and Russia would
exchange information and create systems to monitor each other's
stocks of weapons and weapons-grade material, and another in which
all countries would exchange information about their stocks. More
Americans opposed the bilateral transparency proposal (54 percent)
than favoured it (44 percent), but they strongly favoured the
multilateral transparency proposal (75 percent for, 22 percent
against). Russian respondents supported both transparency
proposals, but the margin of support for the multilateral version
(52 percent for, 24 percent against) was much larger than the
margin of support for the bilateral option (44 percent for, 27
percent against). Current tensions in the US-Russian bilateral
relationship may explain the difference, especially since the
bilateral version of the question went beyond an information
exchange to include monitoring and mentioned the risk that sharing
such information could compromise national security.
Support for incremental arms control
We asked about various existing and proposed agreements that are
long-standing elements of the international agenda for gradually
reducing the number of nuclear weapons in the world, decreasing
their likelihood of use, constraining their future development, and
strengthening other controls on weapons of mass destruction. A
consistent picture emerged of strong popular support in both the
United States and Russia. There was generally very little drop off
in support when we followed up with a more ambitious form of the
proposal, suggesting that some ideas which are assumed to be too
far outside the bounds of political acceptability would actually
enjoy a substantial degree of public support.
One sequence of questions started by asking about the 2002
Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT), which committed the
US and Russia to reduce their number of operationally deployed
strategic nuclear warheads to 2,200 by the end of 2012.
Eighty-eight percent of Americans and 65 percent of Russians
supported this agreement, with only 11 percent and 15 percent
respectively opposed. Almost as many people favoured more ambitious
agreements to reach SORT levels sooner than 2012 (71 percent of
Americans and 55 percent of Russians) and to reduce US and Russian
arsenals to some number significantly lower than the SORT levels
(71 percent of Americans and 58 percent of Russians).
Contrary to the perception that Americans and Russians believe
that maintaining some type of superpower status requires keeping
far more nuclear weapons than any other country has, we found that
majorities in both countries would favour reducing their arsenals
down to the level of other nuclear weapon states. After being told
that that no country besides the US and Russia has more than 400
active nuclear weapons, 59 percent of Americans and 53 percent of
Russians said that they would favour an agreement to reduce their
number of active nuclear weapons to 400, assuming that the other
countries would agree not to increase their arsenals above it. Only
38 percent of Americans and 21 percent of Russians opposed an
agreement limiting all nuclear arsenals to very low levels.
Many experts believe that the use doctrine and alert status of
nuclear forces are at least as important as the total number of
weapons in the US and Russian arsenals. It is hard to imagine the
leadership of either country deliberately launching a massive
unprovoked nuclear attack on the other side, regardless of how many
hundreds or thousands of nuclear weapons the targeted state would
have available for retaliation. Inadvertent nuclear use scenarios
seem somewhat more plausible under current security circumstances.
Both the US and Russian early warning systems have experienced
false alarms in the past and could be manipulated by terrorists in
the future. Concerns about Russian command and control of nuclear
weapons increased after the break-up of the Soviet Union, and the
fallibility of US arrangements was demonstrated by the 2007 "bent
spear" incident in which planes were mistakenly loaded, flown and
left sitting on a runway for hours with nuclear rather than
conventional missiles. Moreover, growing asymmetries between the
strategic military capabilities of the United States and its
allies, on the one hand, and Russia on the other, could heighten
Russia's sense of vulnerability to pre-emptive attack and its
inclination to "use them or lose them" if it believed that war was
We used a pair of pro and con arguments to assess public
attitudes toward national launch-on-warning policies. In both
countries, almost twice as many people preferred the option that
would minimize the chance of mistakes over the one that would
maximize the retaliatory threat. We found that 65 percent of
Americans and 47 percent of Russians agreed that "early warning
systems can make mistakes" and that even if some of their missiles
were attacked first, their country "will always have plenty of
options for nuclear retaliation". Only 34 percent of Americans and
26 percent of Russians thought that their "policy should be to
immediately launch nuclear weapons if early warning systems detect
incoming nuclear missiles [because] this will keep our missiles
from being destroyed by the in-coming missile and will help deter
an enemy from considering an attack".
We also asked whether respondents wanted their leaders to work
with other countries on lowering the risks of accidental nuclear
war by negotiating a verifiable de-alerting accord. Seventy-nine
percent of Americans and 66 percent of Russians favoured an
agreement to reduce the number of nuclear weapons on high alert,
while almost as many (64 percent of Americans and 59 percent of
Russians) also supported an agreement to take all nuclear weapons
off high alert.
Public approval of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
(CTBT) remains very high in both the United States and Russia.
Eighty percent of Americans - including 73 percent of Republicans -
said that the United States should participate in the Treaty, while
only 18 percent said that it should not. Seventy-nine percent of
Russians supported the CTBT, while only ten percent opposed Russian
participation. Interestingly, when we asked Americans, "do you
think the US does or does not participate in the treaty that
prohibits nuclear weapon test explosions world-wide", 56 percent
incorrectly thought that the United States does participate, while
only 37 percent knew that the United States has so far refused to
ratify the Treaty.
Because the United States has not conducted a nuclear test since
1992, the average American citizen may not differentiate between a
moratorium as a matter of national policy and as an international
legal obligation. This finding is consistent, however, with other
polls showing that Americans tend to assume that the foreign policy
positions taken by their elected officials and preferred candidates
for public office are in line with the respondent's own ideas about
what would constitute reasonable policy even when the politician's
actual positions are quite different.[4]
Since few people outside of diplomatic circles know much about
the prospects for a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT), we told
respondents that there was a proposal for a "world-wide ban on
producing any more nuclear explosive material suitable for nuclear
weapons". We then asked whether the benefits of a global cut-off
outweighed the possibility that their own country might some day
want more nuclear explosive material for weapons. Even without
being told that both the United States and Russia already have
national moratoria on fissile material production and support the
negotiation of a global treaty, Americans favoured a ban by almost
a two to one margin (64 percent to 34 percent). Support cut across
party lines, with 54 percent of Republicans, 63 percent of
Democrats, and 76 percent of Independents backing the proposed
accord. Russians favoured an FMCT by almost a four to one margin
(55 percent to 14 percent).
We asked Americans two additional questions about increasing
international controls on fissile material production to reduce the
chances that countries with a civilian nuclear energy programme
would be able to produce fuel suitable for nuclear weapons. One
approach proposed by President Bush involves a commitment by
countries that have advanced nuclear capabilities to provide
reactor-grade fuel to countries that promise not to build their own
enrichment and reprocessing plants, but to deny these advanced
capabilities to any country that does not currently have them,
regardless of their status under the Nonproliferation Treaty
(NPT).[5] Fifty-seven percent
of Americans supported a voluntary version of this proposal in
which "countries that already make nuclear fuel should encourage
other countries not to develop nuclear fuel by offering a
guaranteed supply of nuclear fuel for their power plants, if they
promise not to produce their own", while 40 percent thought it
would be a bad idea.
Almost as many Americans approved of a more comprehensive
approach along the lines of ideas advanced by IAEA Director-General
Mohamed ElBaradei and President Putin - bringing enrichment and
other sensitive nuclear fuel cycle services under international
control on a non-discriminatory basis.[6] Fifty-four percent thought it would be a good idea
to have "a UN agency control all facilities that process nuclear
material and guarantee countries a supply of nuclear fuel for
nuclear power plants", while 44 percent thought that would be "too
big an intrusion on the freedom of countries". A significant
partisan difference did appear on these two questions, though, with
Republicans more strongly supporting the fuel suppliers' consortium
arrangement, while Democrats and Independents were more strongly in
favour of the international control option.
In addition to these questions about nuclear issues, we also
asked about strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons
Convention (BWC). Eighty-seven percent of Americans and 78 percent
of Russians thought that their country should participate in a
protocol to the BWC that would provide for international
inspections, while only 11 percent of Americans and 10 percent of
Russians thought this would be a bad idea. We asked a different
half sample of Americans the same basic question, but included pro
and con arguments pitting the benefits of knowing more about what
was happening in other countries' biological laboratories against
the risk of revealing proprietary information that could give
companies in other countries a commercial advantage. Support
softened slightly, but still remained extremely high (79 percent
for the protocol and only 19 percent against). As with the CTBT, a
large majority of Americans (64 percent) mistakenly believe that
the United States favours negotiating a protocol to the BWC, while
only 31 percent know that their country opposes international
inspections of biological research laboratories.
The BWC allows states to have dangerous pathogens for the
purpose of developing defences against biological weapons, but it
says nothing about the legality or legitimacy of threat assessment
activities - i.e. trying to create pathogens more dangerous than
those that already exist in an effort to identify future risks and
possible responses. The United States has built a large new
facility to do classified research on potential threats, and there
are concerns both about the kinds of work that may be authorized at
the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC)
and about the way that the United States would react if any other
country initiated a similar programme.[7]
A large majority of American respondents (63 percent) rejected
the view that the United States needed to develop new infectious
diseases so as to prepare for the possibility that terrorists might
do so, while only 34 percent thought that the United States needed
"to be ready with new vaccines and antidotes against them". In
fact, three out of four Americans wanted to go beyond unilateral
restraints and negotiate a treaty that would forbid scientists to
develop new infectious diseases.
Eliminating Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear disarmament has long been a cherished goal for many
members of the international diplomatic community, but there have
always been doubts about whether the states that already have
nuclear weapons would ever be willing to eliminate them. Article VI
of the NPT commits members to "negotiations in good faith", not
only on the types of incremental measures discussed above, but also
on "nuclear disarmament, and ... general and complete disarmament
under strict and effective international control". The 1995
Statement on Objectives and Principles and other documents
connected to the NPT strengthened these commitments and spelled the
initial steps out in more concrete detail. The subsequent lack of
progress on bringing the CTBT into force and starting FMCT
negotiations, however, along with renewed emphasis on nuclear
weapons in US and Russian security strategies and the tacit
acceptance by many of India and Pakistan as nuclear weapon states
outside the NPT, have all been disheartening developments.
The idea of a world free of nuclear weapons gained renewed
prominence on the public agenda after George Shultz, William Perry,
Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn published an essay in the Wall Street
Journal. Nuclear weapons are no longer needed for Cold War-style
deterrence, the authors argued. Such weapons are increasingly
hazardous and decreasingly effective in a world where the primary
threats come from proliferation and terrorism.[8] The authors advocated a concerted
international effort to reverse reliance on nuclear weapons, to
prevent their proliferation, and to eliminate them as a threat to
the world. Nuclear elimination should be a guiding objective for
security policy, they argued, not a vague aspirational goal always
being pushed farther into the future.
This endeavour was initiated on the twentieth anniversary of the
1986 Reykjavik Summit, where President Reagan and General Secretary
Gorbachev agreed orally that their governments should rid the world
of nuclear weapons, so it is sometimes referred to as the Reykjavik
Revisited Project.[9] It has
been endorsed by Mikhail Gorbachev and by former British Foreign
Secretary Margaret Beckett, among other prominent statespeople, and
the ideas have been elaborated and embraced by a growing number of
former US officials and security experts.[10]
We asked Americans and Russians about nuclear elimination as the
final step in our sequence of questions about progressively lower
and more inclusive limits on nuclear weapons. This was in keeping
with the Reykjavik Revisited Project's conception of elimination as
the culminating stage of a step-by-step process to reduce threats,
to demonstrate the benefits of cooperation, and to refine
verification. The question did not cue respondents by mentioning
the Reykjavik Revisited project or any of the other prominent
opinion shapers who once saw nuclear weapons as a guarantor of
security but now believe that the world would be safer without
them. Still, Americans supported global elimination under effective
international verification by a three-to-one margin, while the
Russian margin of support was four-to-one.
This high level of public support for nuclear elimination did
not reflect widespread recognition of their country's legal
obligations under Article VI of the NPT. In fact, only 37 percent
of Americans and 22 percent of Russians realized that their country
had agreed as part of the NPT to work actively toward a world
without nuclear weapons. Approximately the same number of Americans
and Russians endorsed the NPT goal of eventual elimination as those
who expressed personal support for actually eliminating all nuclear
arms under effective verification. Notably, the level of American
support was four percentage points higher when the question
mentioned verification, while the level of Russian support was four
percentage points higher when the question referenced the NPT
The average American or Russian citizen does not believe that
the world is making sufficient progress toward nuclear elimination.
When asked how well they thought the countries with nuclear weapons
have been fulfilling their NPT Article VI obligations, 67 percent
of Americans and 66 percent of Russians answered "not at all well"
or "not very well". Only one percent of Americans and even fewer
Russians thought that their countries were doing "very well". A
sizeable number of Americans (26 percent), but very few Russians (7
percent), chose "somewhat well", with 7 percent of Americans and 27
percent of Russians declining to answer. Most respondents wanted
their country to do more with the other nuclear weapons states to
work toward a nuclear-weapons-free-world, with fewer than 20
percent in either country saying that their governments should not
do more than they are currently doing to achieve this policy
Preventing the Weaponization of Space
The Bush administration has made clear its belief that the
United States must keep a sizeable nuclear arsenal for the
indefinite future. Though Bush has expressed no interest in nuclear
elimination, the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review did endorse the idea
of reduced reliance on nuclear weapons even as the Bush national
security strategy established ambitious goals - not just deterring
existing threats, but preventing hostile states and terrorist
groups from acquiring the technology to make weapons of mass
destruction and defending against any threats that did emerge. To
accomplish this, the Bush administration has sought to supplement
its strategic nuclear weapons with long-range precision
conventional weapons and missile defences, thus shifting emphasis
away from nuclear weapons toward space as a new focus for military
Space plays an integral role in the current US security
strategy. Satellites provide much of the imagery, communications,
and targeting information that gives the US military a huge
advantage over any potential adversary, and space is envisioned as
a basing mode for various offensive and defensive weapons in the
future. The 2006 US National Space Strategy proclaimed the
intention to control space militarily in order to "ensure freedom
of access in space, and, if directed, deny such freedom of access
to adversaries".[11]
Not surprisingly, a number of countries have grave concerns
about the expansion of military space activities being led by the
United States, as evidenced by the near-unanimous international
support for the annual UN General Assembly resolutions calling for
negotiations on additional measures to Prevent an Arms Race in
Outer Space (PAROS).[12] The
United States is the most conspicuous opponent of any new legal
rules to protect satellites or prevent space weapons. The more
progress it makes toward using space to achieve unparalleled
strategic offensive and defensive capabilities, however, the more
likely other countries will be to compensate, for example by
targeting the vulnerable satellites on which the US capabilities
depend or building up their own nuclear forces for deterrence.
Debates about space security policy have occurred almost
exclusively at the expert level, with little media coverage or
public awareness of the changing role that space is playing in US
security strategy and of other countries' concerns about the
implications for strategic stability. China's January 2007 test of
an anti-satellite weapon against one of its own aging weather
satellites, the first destructive ASAT test since the United States
did a comparable test in the mid-1980s, was the only development
related to space security that received mainstream news coverage in
the months before our poll was conducted, so we did not assume that
respondents would know much, if anything, about the issue.
Regardless of their level of awareness, neither public likes the
idea of space weaponization. Eighty-six percent of Americans
thought that cooperative efforts to prevent an arms race in space
should be considered an important or a top priority. The same
percentage of the Russian sample also gave this a high priority,
but 53 percent of Russians put it in the top category, compared
with only 28 percent of Americans.
Both Americans and Russians support the concept of reciprocal
strategic restraint that was a central element of US space security
policy throughout most of the Cold War. When told that no country
currently has weapons in space, 78 percent of Americans and 67
percent of Russians agreed that "as long as no other country puts
weapons in space, it is better for [my country] not to do so
either. We should avoid creating an arms race in space". Only 21
percent of both Russian and American respondents endorsed the
alternate position that their country "should put weapons in space
because it could serve important military purposes such as
protecting [our] satellites". Three quarters of US respondents also
said that they would have more confidence in a Presidential
candidate who expressed support for reciprocal restraint compared
with one who sought military advantage by being the first to put
weapons in space.
On space, as on all the other issues in our survey, the American
public does not share the Bush administration's preference for
informal, non-binding types of policy coordination. When we
followed up the question about reciprocal strategic restraint with
a question about a new treaty banning all weapons in space, support
did not decline; instead, it increased by a few percentage points
among both Americans (80 percent) and Russians (72 percent).
Providing a half sample of American respondents with pro and con
arguments did little to decrease support for a treaty banning space
weapons. Seventy-five percent of respondents still thought that a
space weapons ban would be a good idea after they were given two
positions on this issue and asked which was closer to their own
Pro: Such a treaty would stop a new arms race in space
and would forbid weapons that would threaten US satellites, which
are very important for managing US military capabilities.
Con: Such a treaty would make it harder for the US to
do research into missile defense, intended to protect the US
homeland, and to build systems to protect US satellites from
US public support for a space weapons treaty has increased since
we asked the same questions in a 2004 poll on "Americans and WMD
Proliferation".[13] The
percentage of people thinking that a space weapons treaty would be
"a good idea" has moved up six points on the simple form of the
question and ten points on the version that includes pro and con
arguments. Americans also said, by more than a two to one margin,
that on matters of national security, they would have more
confidence in a Presidential candidate who favours a treaty banning
weapons in space than they would in one who opposes it.
We found consistently high American and Russian support on three
questions about negotiating new legal protections for satellites.
The first question asked about a ban on attacking or interfering
with satellites. It provided pro and con arguments that contrasted
the importance of the information that satellites provide to the
respondent's own country with the military benefits their country
might gain from attacking or interfering with somebody else's
The second question asked whether such a ban should apply even
in the midst of a crisis or conflict. It contrasted the greater
likelihood that a conflict would spiral out of control if
belligerents started attacking each other's satellites with the
possibility that an anti-satellite attack might deliver the
decisive knock-out blow to one's adversary.
The third question asked about a ban on testing or deploying
dedicated ASAT weapons. It contrasted the mutual interest that all
major countries have in legal protections for satellites against
the claim that arms control will not stop countries from developing
anti-satellite capabilities.
Regardless either of the treaty details or the types of pro and
con arguments used, American support was in the high seventies
while Russian support was in the low to mid sixties and Russian
opposition was around ten percent. This suggests that the American
and Russian publics endorse the basic logic of mutual legal
protection for vulnerable satellites over the logic of competitive
military space control.
After the Chinese ASAT test, there has been some expert-level
discussion about military measures that the United States could use
to defend its own satellites against such anti-satellite weapons in
the future. One option that was proposed to a Congressional
committee by General Cartwright, then the head of US Strategic
Command and now the Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was
the possibility of using US long-range precision conventional
weapons to attack the anti-satellite missiles themselves or other
nodes in an adversary's ASAT system.[14] We asked about the circumstances under which it
would be legitimate to attack another country's missiles that could
be used as anti-satellite weapons. Americans and Russians
overwhelmingly reject the idea that their country would have the
right to do this as a preventive measure. Only about a third of
Americans and Russians believed it would be legitimate if their
country had strong evidence that an ASAT attack was imminent (37
percent and 27 percent). Barely half said it would be acceptable if
an attack was already under way (54 percent and 50 percent).
It is clear from these opinion poll data that the Bush
administration's long-standing antipathy toward treaties and the
Putin administration's increasingly confrontational stance in
diplomatic arenas do not accurately reflect how the American and
Russian publics want their leaders to behave. There is a deep
reservoir of American and Russian public support for handling a
wide range of security problems through legally binding, verifiable
arms control agreements, including serious efforts to eliminate
nuclear weapons and to prevent the weaponization of space. The vast
majority of the American and Russian publics endorse the basic
logic of cooperative security regardless of the details of a
proposed treaty or the types of pro and con arguments used, and
they are ready to support unprecedented types of agreements that
match the magnitude of security problems facing the world
While it may be encouraging to see high levels of popular
support for cooperation on all the major elements of the arms
control and disarmament agenda, it is also discouraging to realize
how disconnected a country's security policy can be from the
preferences of the people that the leadership purports to
represent. This disparity highlights an important challenge: how
can the policy-making elite who favour cooperative security work
more effectively with non-governmental organizations (NGO) and
other grassroots groups who are trying to mobilize mass opinion so
that it can have a larger impact on national policy and negotiating
Some steps were taken during the 1990s to increase NGOs' access
to information about diplomatic meetings and their ability to
participate on the margins, but this progress has been much slower
in the disarmament and security arena than for other issues, such
as human rights. The major misperceptions we found among Americans
regarding the size of the US nuclear arsenal and the US stance
toward CTBT ratification and the BWC protocol help explain why the
public is not demanding policies more in line with their
preferences. American and Russian media and arms control
organizations bear the largest share of responsibility for
educating and mobilizing their own publics - a difficult job given
all the other demands on citizens' attention - but diplomats from
all countries should think about what they could do to make this
job easier.
It might be tempting to try to make arms control an issue in the
current US presidential campaign in hopes of raising public
awareness, affecting the outcome of the election, and influencing
what the next president will do on these issues. When asked, the
American public does consider the issues we posed to be important
priorities, and support for most forms of security cooperation is
high among Republicans as well as Democrats and Independents. In
the two questions we asked Americans about hypothetical candidates,
respondents strongly preferred the candidate who favoured a
cooperative security strategy over the one who advocated a
unilateral military approach.[15] Nevertheless, it would probably be a mistake to
try to raise the profile of these issues during the presidential
Since the electoral process gives disproportionate influence to
the most politically active members of the party, the Republican
candidates, if pressed, will more firmly align themselves with the
minority in their party that intensely opposes arms control and
favours missile defence, space dominance, and other efforts to
multiply US military power. These positions would not appeal to
many voters, but that may not matter much when most Americans have
other pressing domestic and political concerns that are more likely
to influence how they vote.
When we framed poll questions in a political context, we got
much lower Republican support than when we asked simply about
respondents' own opinion on the same issue. For example, 71 percent
of Republicans thought that a treaty banning weapons in space would
be a good idea, but only 57 percent of them favoured the candidate
who took this position. In short, whatever minor electoral benefits
might come from politicizing these issues during the election
season would be outweighed by the much higher importance of
preserving the bipartisan support that the next president will need
to make progress on this agenda.
Since a major theme of the US election is voters' desire for
change, there is reason to hope that the next president will want
to move quickly and decisively in a more effective direction. If
part of the goal is to convince the rest of the world that the new
administration is serious about security cooperation, then our poll
shows that the American public would support vigorous action on
CTBT ratification, FMCT negotiations, deep cuts in nuclear weapons,
and a start to serious negotiations about space weapons. The policy
changes to initiate each of these actions could be undertaken by
presidential directive, but they could not be accomplished without
overcoming resistance from entrenched elements of the US security
bureaucracy and their counterparts in other countries. The strength
of public opinion in favour of cooperation could provide important
encouragement to a future president who was already inclined to
undertake these initiatives, but it should not cause him or her to
underestimate the difficulty of dealing both with the bureaucratic
resistance and with the intense minorities opposed to arms control
in Congress and elsewhere. Just as diplomats need a strategy for
informing and mobilizing public opinion, so do national leaders who
are serious about change.
If one recognizes both the possibility of change and the
challenges that must be overcome, then the imperative for the
coming year is to avoid doing anything that would exacerbate
current tensions and make the conditions less favourable for
cooperation once the United States and Russia have new leadership.
All too often in the history of arms control, opportunities for
cooperation are lost because countries are out of sync. Just when
the leadership of one key country moves from a unilateralist phase
towards a more cooperative one, the leadership of a potential
negotiating partner moves in a more unilateralist direction,
perhaps as a delayed response to the first country's actions or for
unrelated reasons. Election seasons can exacerbate this pattern,
especially if candidates believe - rightly or wrongly - that they
can gain a political advantage by expressing belligerent
nationalism or attacking arms control.
Knowing that the American and Russian publics strongly support
cooperative security may make it a bit easier for foreign
governments and candidates who are serious about working together
to avoid over-reacting when other leaders give belligerent speeches
and pledge to develop new weapons. This is not the time to expect
or undertake bold initiatives, but it is a good time to lay the
groundwork for them. Possibly the most important thing that the
diplomatic community could do in the upcoming year is to end the
deadlock in the Conference on Disarmament and show the next
American and Russian presidents that if they are ready to exercise
leadership on behalf of cooperative security, the rest of the world
is ready to resume negotiations.
Appendix I: Design of the polling project
The poll on "Americans and Russians on International Security
and Arms Control" was done in collaboration with
WorldPublicOpinion.org, an international network of opinion
research centres. Knowledge Networks fielded the poll in the United
States from September 13 through 23, 2007. The US sample was
randomly selected and demographically representative. Respondents
were recruited over the telephone, then provided with internet
access to take the survey if they did not already have it. Since
all questions were administered to half the nationwide sample of
1,247 respondents, the margin of error on the US findings is plus
or minus 4.0 percent.
The Levada Center conducted the poll in Russia from September 13
through 24. This survey was fielded using face-to-face interviews,
so fewer questions were asked than on the internet-based poll in
the United States. Each question was also asked of half the Russian
respondents, but the somewhat larger size of the nationwide sample
(1,601) produces a smaller statistical margin of error (3.5
percent) on the Russian findings.
The number of Russians who answered "Don't know", or refused to
answer tended to be much higher than the number of Americans who
did so. Therefore, the percentage of Americans taking a particular
position on a question should not be directly compared with the
percentage of Russians who took that same position. One could
expect, though, that if the "don't know" respondents were pressed
for an answer, they would split along roughly the same percentage
lines as did their compatriots who gave a clear-cut answer.
The findings of this project are in Steven Kull, John
Steinbruner, Nancy Gallagher, Clay Ramsay, and Evan Lewis,
'Americans and Russians on Nuclear Weapons and the Future of
Disarmament', November 9, 2007, and 'Americans and Russians on
Space Weapons', January 24, 2008. These reports, the questionnaire,
and related articles are at
The polling project received support and assistance from the
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Ploughshares
Fund, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Secure World
[1] Zachary Hosford, 'News
Analysis: The 2008 Presidential Primaries and Arms Control',
Arms Control Today, December 2007.
[2] There is an
interesting partisan divergence on this question, with Republicans
and Independents picking the same median answer (1000) for the
current size of the arsenal and the number of weapons needed for
deterrence, and Democrats choosing 1000 as their median guess about
the current arsenal, but specifying 200 as the median answer for
number of nuclear weapons needed to deter a nuclear attack.
[3] Russian percentages on
the other options were also very close to the American numbers,
with eight percent saying nuclear weapons were morally wrong, 31
percent favouring multilateral elimination, 31 percent preferring
reductions, and 11 percent not answering (compared with two percent
of American respondents).
[4] Steven Kull, 'Public
Perceptions of Foreign Policy Positions of the Presidential
Candidates', September 29, 2004, http://www.pipa.org.
[5] 'Remarks by President
Bush on Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation', National
Defense University, February 11, 2004, at http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/20040211-4.html.
[6] Mohamed ElBaradei,
'Saving Ourselves from Destruction', The New York Times.
February 12, 2004 and Vladimir Putin, 'Speech at the Session of the
Eurasian Economic Community Inter-State Council in Expanded
Format', St. Petersburg, January 25, 2006.
[7] John Steinbruner, 'In
the Name of Defence', New Scientist, November 25, 2006,
[8] George P. Shultz,
William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger, and Sam Nunn, 'A World Free
of Nuclear Weapons', The Wall Street Journal, January 4,
2007. The authors of this original op ed (endorsed by about 20
other eminent officials and analysts) published a follow-up
editorial a year later, see note 10.
[9] For more details on
the project, see George Bunn and John B. Rhinelander, 'Reykjavik
Revisited: Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons', World
Security Institute Policy Brief, September 2007,
[10] Mikhail Gorbachev,
'The Nuclear Threat', Wall Street Journal, January 31, 2007,
Margaret Beckett, 'A World Free of Nuclear Weapons', Carnegie
International Nonproliferation Conference, June 25, 2007, and
George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger, and Sam
Nunn, 'Toward a Nuclear-Free World', Wall Street Journal,
January 15, 2008.
[11] The October 6, 2006
unclassified version of the space policy is at: http://www.ostp.gov/html/US%20National%20Space%20Policy.pdf.
[12] PAROS is an agenda
item that dates back to the mid-1980s when the Reagan
Administration's Strategic Defense Initiative sparked a new round
of fears about a superpower arms race in space. The resolution
continues to bear this name even though the current situation is
much less symmetrical. The vote on the 2007 PAROS resolution was
178-1-1 with the United States voting in opposition, and Israel
[13] Steven Kull,
'Americans on WMD Proliferation', April 15, 2004, http://www.cissm.umd.edu/papers/files/wmdprolif_apr04_rpt.pdf.
[14] General Cartwright
raised this possibility during the question and answer session when
he appeared before the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the Senate
Armed Services Committee on March 28, 2007. An excerpt from the
transcript of the Q & A session was included as part of a
statement made by Michael Pillsbury to the US-China Economic and
Security Review Commission, March 30, 2007, at:
[15] Seventy-three percent
of respondents said they would have more confidence in the security
judgment of a candidate who would not be the first to put weapons
in space, compared with 26 percent who favoured the one who would.
Likewise, 67 percent preferred the candidate who voiced support for
a space weapons treaty, while only 31 percent chose the candidate
who opposed such a treaty.
Nancy Gallagher is the Research Director of
the Center for International and Security Studies at the University
of Maryland (CISSM). She is the author of The Politics of
Verification and other works exploring cooperative responses to
global security challenges.
To contact the author or for more research on
issues covered in the CISSM/PIPA, including a forthcoming American
Academy of Arts and Sciences monograph on Reconsidering the Rules
for Space Security, visit: www.cissm.umd.edu.
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