Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 88, Summer 2008
In the News
Concerns as US-India Nuclear Deal Goes Through
Three years after US President George W. Bush and Indian Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh shook hands on a regime-busting bilateral
nuclear cooperation agreement, the US-India deal looks set to
overcome national and international concerns and long-standing
legal hurdles. On 6 September, the Bush administration succeeded in
its campaign to secure a waiver for India - which has never become
party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) - thereby
lifting international nuclear trade restrictions imposed in the
1970s to support the nonproliferation regime.
Acceding to pressure from the United States and in some cases
from their own domestic nuclear manufacturers and suppliers who are
eager to profit from the opening of India's potentially large
nuclear market, the 45-member Nuclear Suppliers' Group (NSG) agreed
to waiver after resuming discussions in September and securing
India's reiteration of its current nuclear testing moratorium
pledge. Once the NSG had agreed to the lifting of nuclear export
restrictions to India, the US Congress agreed to bypass existing US
non-proliferation law and approve a bilateral nuclear cooperation
agreement between the United States and India on an expedited
On 27 September, the US House of Representatives voted to accept
the deal by 298 votes to 117, closely followed by the Senate which
approved the legislation by 86-13. On 8 October Bush signed the
United States-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval and
Nonproliferation Enhancement Act, which approves the US-India "123
Agreement". Designated HR 7081, upon signing this became public law
NSG waiver raises concerns
Prime Minister Singh hailed the NSG decision as marking "the end
of India's decades-long isolation from the nuclear mainstream and
of the technology denial regime."[1] The Washington-based Arms Control Association, on
whose reports this summary is largely based, noted with concern
that the US-India deal reverses decades of policy that had been
developed to reinforce the NPT and encourage states to renounce the
option of using nuclear technology for weapons purposes.
The US-India deal attracted enormous criticism internationally
and within both countries after it was announced on 18 July 2005.
Nuclear exports to India had been curtailed by the United States,
Canada and others after it conducted a nuclear explosion in 1974
that broke Indian commitments to to use nuclear materials and
technology obtained from them for peaceful purposes only.
Spearheaded by the United States, the NSG developed at this time to
establish rules for nuclear commerce that would encourage the
peaceful uses of nuclear energy but restrict access to countries
that held open military nuclear options and did not join the
India's nuclear programme and development of nuclear weapons
were further challenged when in 1992 the NSG adopted a rule that
required all but the five nuclear-weapon states defined in the NPT
to permit International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) oversight of
their full nuclear complex in order to be eligible for most nuclear
trade. India has not opened up its entire nuclear complex to IAEA
inspection, so the 1992 rule effectively barred India from global
nuclear commerce. It was that rule that the NSG members agreed in
September to waive for India. Currently there are no plans to do
the same for Israel and Pakistan, which also operated unsafeguarded
nuclear facilities outside the NPT.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who personally lobbied
foreign officials by phone during the NSG deliberations, told
reporters on 6 September that the waiver was a "very big step
forward for the nonproliferation framework." But some NSG members
did not share Rice's enthusiasm. Reuters reported that after
the NSG conclave, one diplomat remarked, "NPT RIP?" Another
diplomat told the same reporter that the final decision met with
"complete silence in the room. No clapping, nothing." The diplomat
said the quiet reception reflected that "a lot of us felt pressured
to some extent into a decision by the Americans, and few [NSG
members] were totally satisfied."[2]
Many states were unhappy with the initial US-proposed waiver
when the NSG meeting opened. Though some early critics, such as
Japan, had fallen silent, Austria, Ireland, the Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway and Switzerland led calls for amending the draft to
provide for the termination of nuclear trade with India if that
country were to conduct any further nuclear tests, and to prohibit
certain transfers, such as uranium-enrichment and spent fuel
reprocessing technologies that can be used to produce material for
nuclear bombs as well as fuel for nuclear reactors. India
strenuously opposed such measures and demanded a "clean"
Austria, Ireland, and New Zealand reportedly resisted US
pressure longer than other NSG members, but eventually acquiesced
in the adoption of the waiver after some slight modifications and a
statement by Pranab Mukherjee, India's external affairs minister on
5 September. Mukherjee reiterated previous Indian positions to
adhere to its post-1998 nuclear testing moratorium: "We remain
committed to a voluntary, unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing.
We do not subscribe to any arms race, including a nuclear arms
race. We have always tempered the exercise of our strategic
autonomy with a sense of global responsibility. We affirm our
policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons. We are committed to work
with others towards the conclusion of a multilateral Fissile
Material Cut-off Treaty in the Conference on Disarmament that is
universal, non-discriminatory and verifiable."
The text of the approved waiver states that it is "based on the
commitments and actions" described by Mukherjee. Though the
agreement does not contain any explicit provisions that the group
will terminate trade if India were to conduct further nuclear
tests, it mandates that the NSG will meet if a member considers
that "circumstances have arisen which require consultations".
Putting a brave face on the deal, New Zealand declared, "It is our
expectation that in the event of a nuclear test by India, this
exemption will become null and void." Other states made similar
stipulations. However, because the NSG operates by consensus, a
single state could block the suppliers' group from cutting off
trade with India even if it were proved that it had violated the
undertakings made by Mukherjee.
Although Bush and Singh committed to pursuing "full civil
nuclear energy cooperation", the NSG waiver cites existing group
guidelines that members "should exercise restraint" in enrichment
and reprocessing exports, viewed as the most proliferation
sensitive technologies, capable of providing the highly-enriched
uranium and plutonium for making nuclear bombs. The intention of
some NSG members is to develop criteria to limit all future
enrichment and reprocessing transfers. One of the draft criteria
currently being considered would require recipients to be NPT
states parties, which would disqualify India. Expectations that
such a criterion will be adopted at some point in the future helped
the United States dissuade other countries from insisting that a
specific enrichment and reprocessing transfer ban be included as
part of the NSG waiver. As the waiver went through Ireland
underscored this understanding, based on consultations with other
governments, that "no [participating NSG member] currently intends
to transfer to India any facilities, equipment, materials or
technology related to the enrichment of uranium, or the
reprocessing of spent fuel."
The waiver commits each NSG member to provide regular
information on certain "approved transfers" to India and "invites"
each country to share further information on their bilateral
nuclear cooperation agreements with India. France and Russia have
already negotiated preliminary agreements with India and are
expected to sign them within weeks in the hope of landing lucrative
contracts for their nuclear industries before the United States. In
a statement on 22 September, Singh said he was "confident" that a
trip to France before the end of the month would lead to "further
consolidation" of Indian-French civil nuclear cooperation.
Transfers of nuclear materials or technologies to India by France,
Russia or others, however, cannot legally occur until India brings
into force the safeguards agreement that was approved by that IAEA
Board of Governors on 1 August.
IAEA agrees India-specific safeguards
Earlier, India also negotiated an "Indian-specific" safeguards
agreement with the IAEA. Circulated in July and adopted by the
IAEA's 35-member Board of Governers, the agreement would (by the
year 2014) allow inspectors access to 14 of India's 22 existing or
planned nuclear reactors. The 14 facilities are those designated by
India to be for civilian - 'peaceful' - purposes. The agreement in
effect confers a right to maintain secrecy at the other 8 nuclear
facilities, designated 'military', which are involved in making
India's nuclear weapons. The military nuclear facilities would not
be subject to inspections or safeguards by the IAEA.
Though the IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei acknowledged
that the agreement with India was not full scope or comprehensive
he said, "It satisfies India's needs while maintaining all of the
Agency's legal requirements."[3] Concerns have been raised that this agreement flies
in the face of the NPT and non-proliferation norms by treating
India like one of the five defined nuclear weapon states in the
NPT, allowing it to continue to develop its nuclear weapons
programme outside of IAEA safeguards. India's nuclear rival in
South Asia, Pakistan, complained about the substance of this
India-specific arrangement and the manner in which it was being
rushed through the Board of Governors, noting that: "it is likely
to set a precedent for other States which are not members of the
NPT and have military nuclear programmes." He also warned that
granting India special privileges through such a safeguards
agreement "threatens to increase the chances of a nuclear arms race
in the subcontinent."[4]
Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control
Association in Washington said the safeguards agreement needed to
be clarified: "The question is: Can India end safeguards if fuel
supplies are interrupted, even if they've conducted a nuclear test,
or does the agreement require permanent, unconditional
safeguards?"[5] In a further
analysis, Kimball argued that the proposed India-specific
safeguards agreement was inconsistent with IAEA standards and
practices in three critical areas: termination of safeguards;
absence of a declaration listing items and facilities and entry
into force; and status of material subject to safeguards under
previous agreements.
Role of the United States
Observers have noted that one of the ironies of the US-India
deal is that the Bush administration has chosen to do the political
running, when it is clear to many that the Russian and French
nuclear contractors will be among the first and perhaps largest
beneficiaries. Nevertheless, with the administration pulling out
all the stops to get the deal signed, sealed and delivered before
Bush leaves office, the US-India deal is being touted as one of the
administration's top foreign policy initiatives.
Having exerted high level diplomatic pressure on NSG members to
approve the waiver, the Bush administration then urged Congress to
move rapidly to approve the US-India deal so that American
companies would be able to take advantage of the rule change and
compete for future nuclear trade contracts with India. On 10
September Bush submitted the bilateral agreement to the US Congress
and certified that India had filed a safeguards declaration with
the IAEA. Arms Control Today, however received information
from IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming on 18 September that India
had "not yet" done so. The Congressional resolutions sidestepped
the issue by requiring that the list of facilities to be placed
under safeguards is not "materially inconsistent" with the list of
facilities described in a plan presented by the Government of India
to its parliament in May 2006.
The Bush administration also sought to bypass the December 2006
Henry J. Hyde Act, which requires that Congress wait 30 days before
voting on the US-Indian cooperation agreement. Despite this, key
legislators agreed to expedite the process. The Senate Foreign
Relations Committee held one hearing on 18 September and then on 23
September passed a resolution of approval by 19 votes to 2. The
committee rejected by a margin of 15-4 a proposed amendment from
Senator Russell Feingold (Democrat of Wisconsin) that would have
made the agreement's implementation contingent on the NSG amending
its guidelines to ban enrichment and reprocessing exports to states
outside the NPT.
In addition to affirming that trade with India would cease in
the event of a nuclear test, the Bush administration had in January
2008 pledged that US nuclear fuel supply assurances to India "are
not, however, meant to insulate India against the consequences of a
nuclear explosive test or a violation of nonproliferation
commitments." This was part of a series of responses to questions
posed in October 2007 by the House of Representatives Committee on
Foreign Affairs, chaired by Representative Howard Berman (Democrat
of California). Though the Bush administration had asked the
committee to keep these answers confidential, Berman ordered their
release on 2 September, which touched off a fresh round of
recriminations about the deal from Singh's domestic opponents in
India. They charged that his government had falsely conveyed that
the fuel assurances would help India maintain foreign nuclear
supplies even if it tested again.
Berman subsequently agreed to introduce a resolution identical
to the Senate version and allow quick House approval of agreement,
in exchange for a commitment from Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice that the United States will make it a "highest priority" to
achieve a decision at the next NSG meeting to prohibit the export
of enrichment and reprocessing equipment and technology to states
that are not party to the NPT.
On 27 September, after barely an hour of debate, the House
agreed under a suspension of the normal rules of procedure to
approve the resolution of approval for the nuclear trade agreement
by a margin of 298-117. Several senators used a parliamentary rule
to block the committee-approved legislation from being voted on by
the full Senate, but finally relented as Majority Leader Harry Reid
(Democrat of Nevada) threatened to reconvene the Senate for a vote
on the matter later in the month.. On 1 October the Senate engaged
in a brief floor debate on the resolution and on an amendment by
Senators Byron Dorgan (Democrat of North Dakota) and Jeff Bingaman
(Democrat of New Mexico) that sought to clarify that US policy
would require the government to terminate nuclear trade with India
if that country were to resume nuclear testing.
Citing various Bush administration statements and the Hyde Act,
the proponents charged with managing the Bill argued that such an
amendment was unnecessary. As Senator Richard Lugar (Republican of
Indiana) put it: "if India resumes testing, the 123 agreement is
over." The amendment was therefore defeated by voice vote and the
resolution was then approved 86-13. This vote opened the way for
the President to sign the bill and for US and Indian signature of
the 123 agreement.
Mixed Messages
At time of writing, India has not itself signed the agreement,
although Mukherjee said that his government would be "in a position
to sign" at a mutually convenient date after Bush has confirmed US
approval with his signature. Another official confirmed that
insistence on Bush signing first was to alleviate Indian fears
about fuel supplies. India's insistence on the United States going
first exemplifies the dynamic that has characterized the agreement
from its inception: dominated by India's needs and interests, the
US-India deal has had the Bush administration running around the
world, pressuring reluctant allies to go against their better
judgment to allow a hole to be blown through long-established
nonproliferation norms and practices and also contradicting
long-standing US policies. The justification has been to engage
India, but Bush has looked like an over-anxious suitor while India
has achieved what the Tehran Times called a "win-win situation"
that "ends India's nuclear isolation and recognizes the world's
largest democracy as the de facto sixth nuclear power".[6]
Presidential Certification Requirement on NPT Article I
The concluding comment should be given to Daryl Kimball,
executive director of the Arms Control Association, an eminent
nonproliferation expert and one of the foremost American critics of
the US-India deal: "Before exchanging diplomatic notes pursuant to
the 123 agreement, the Congressional resolution of approval
requires that Bush must certify to Congress that entry into force
and implementation of the agreement is consistent with US
obligations under Article I of the [NPT] '...not in any way to
assist, encourage, or induce any non-nuclear weapon State to
manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear
explosive devices...' To be credible, this certification should
take into account any intelligence community assessment that US
supply of nuclear fuel for India's civil nuclear sector will reduce
or eliminate India's need to sacrifice electricity production to
produce weapons-grade plutonium and the potential that this would
increase India's bomb material production capacity and jeopardize
US compliance with Article I of the NPT.
"Furthermore, it should take into account the fact that there is
currently no provision in the 123 agreement or in the proposed
Indian-IAEA safeguards agreement that prohibits India from removing
heavy water from its 'safeguarded' civilian reactors and extracting
tritium, which can be used to boost the explosive yield of nuclear
warheads. Such activity would clearly violate the peaceful use
assurances in the 123 agreement and be cause for termination of the
[1] Statement from Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh, 6 September, 2008.
[2] See Mark Heinrich,
'Nuclear nations approve disputed India trade waiver',
Reuters, 6 September, 2008, www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L6267956.htm.
See also Mark Heinrich, 'Nuclear states mull U.S.-India deal again
as clock ticks', Reuters, 3 September, 2008. www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSL341129820080903
[3] Veronika Oleksyn,
'IAEA board considering Indian nuclear agreement', Associated
Press, 1 August 2008.
[4] Letter to Members of
the IAEA Board of Governors and Members of the Nuclear Suppliers
Group from Ambassador Shahbaz, Permanent Representative of Pakistan
to the International Organizations in Vienna, dated 18 July,
[5] Veronika Oleksyn,
'IAEA board considering Indian nuclear agreement', Associated
Press, 1 August 2008.
[6] Seema Sirohi, 'A
win-win situation for India', Tehran Times, October 14,
This news report has been compiled by Rebecca
Johnson based on documents and reports published by the Arms
Control Association over the past two years and contains excerpts
from the emailed updates provided by ACA and its publication Arms
Control Today on the US-India nuclear deal. For more on ACA and its
work, including the US-India deal, visit www.armscontrol.org.
In addition to expressing gratitude to
executive director Daryl Kimball for permitting Disarmament
Diplomacy to make such extensive use of ACA's material and analysis
here, we would particularly like to pay tribute to ACA's leadership
in raising awareness about the developments and implications of the
US-India deal for nonproliferation and security.
Statement by US President
George W. Bush on the Occasion of Signing H.R. 7081
I am pleased today to sign into law the United States-India
Nuclear Cooperation Approval and Nonproliferation Enhancement Act,
which approves the U.S.-India 123 Agreement. The passage of this
legislation by the Congress marks another major milestone in
achieving the vision that Prime Minister Singh and I set forth on
July 18, 2005, to transform the relationship between our two
countries and to establish a strategic partnership. This Act will
strengthen the relationship between the United States and India and
deliver valuable benefits to both nations.
The legislation does not change the terms of the 123 Agreement
as I submitted it to the Congress. That Agreement is consistent
with the Atomic Energy Act and other elements of U.S. law. This
legislation is important as it enables me to bring the 123
Agreement into force and to accept on behalf of the United States
the obligations contained in the Agreement.
The Agreement grants India advance consent to reprocessing which
will be brought into effect upon conclusion of arrangements and
procedures for a dedicated reprocessing facility under IAEA
safeguards. In addition, the legislation does not change the fuel
assurance commitments that the U.S. Government has made to the
Government of India, as recorded in the 123 Agreement.
The passage of this legislation reflects the common view of my
Administration and the Congress as to the value of nuclear
cooperation and is in the interest of the United States and
Source: The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 8
October 2008.
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