Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 88, Summer 2008
Economic Insecurity: Threat or Opportunity?
Rebecca Johnson
It would be ironic if the historical legacy of President George
W. Bush were to be the eclipse of US hegemony. The United States
was riding high, 'master of the universe' in 1989-91, when the
Soviet Union collapsed due to its military over-stretch, economic
mismanagement, and ideological and social contradictions. Are we
now hearing the other shoe drop? If so, what are the security
The Soviet political system had been stretched to breaking point
by domestic repression, the nuclear arms race and a massive but
unproductive military budget, while at the same time it was exposed
as an international and military loser by its failures in
Afghanistan. A weakened economy was made worse by corrupt officials
more interested in following a mechanistic blueprint or feathering
their own nests than building a productive infrastructure
responsive to the people's needs. In many ways the recent economic
melt-down in the United States echoes the period just before the
Soviet disintegration ended the cold war.
Like its former rival, the United States let its
military-industrial profiteers rule for far too long. If the
Pentagon's contractors wanted it, the Pentagon got it. Instead of
any kind of peace dividend at the end of the cold war, NATO was
extended, providing new markets for US military technology, weapons
and out-dated ideologies that continued to treat Russia as an
adversary, to the detriment of Europe's long term security
interests. The tragedies of September 11, 2001 became an
irresistible justification for any amount of expenditure on
surveillance and military equipment. As long as Americans were kept
afraid of their own shadows the friends of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld
and Rove could spend, spend, spend, without demonstrating
necessity, competence or accountability. Greedy bankers and clever
stock market gamblers thought they were on to a good thing when
they bought and sold imaginary assets to make billions of paper
profits that they converted into personal wealth. To do so, they
exploited others' faith, ignorance and desperation. Congressional
Representatives may have balked at taking $700 billion of US
taxpayers' money to bail-out the casino bankers, yet for years
Congress has nodded through obese defence budgets, bankrolling the
war in Iraq and mortgaging America's future to the tune of
trillions of dollars.
Ill-conceived and mismanaged from the very beginning, the Iraq
war was Haliburton's version of the sub-prime loans, giving huge
bonus pay-outs every day to a privileged few. By cruel irony, some
of the many families now facing foreclosure on their homes are also
paying the price for Bush's wars when their children come home
maimed - or don't come home at all. The billions spent monthly on
the wrong kind of 'global war on terror', including Iraq, are
beggaring the US exchequer just as surely as the Afghan war and
long years of military overstretch beggared the Soviet economy in
the 1980s.
From 1945 onwards, the United States and Soviet Union were
locked in a symbiotic relationship that turned both of them into
'superpowers'. Nuclear weapons and all the secrets, myths and
rituals that surrounded the making and deploying of these powerful
products of human ingenuity were at the core of their bonded
identities, exemplified by the nuclear arms race, rival military
build-ups, bilateral arms control and competing ideologies and
markets. Russia is now emerging from its post cold war slump, but
it will be disastrous if instead of learning the past's lessons
Putin's acolytes flex their military muscles, modernize the Russian
nuclear arsenal and make the same mistakes all over again.
It's an arch saying that when America sneezes, the world catches
cold. With America now sneezing convulsively, the rest of the world
fears crippling bouts of economic and political flu. If these
financial crises are not handled sensibly, we could end up with
real insecurity all round. Chancers might think they can bait or
poke the wounded mammoth. Just as triumphalism was the wrong
reaction in 1990, we must be wary of those who would take advantage
of America's woes. Economic failures don't have to lead to fascism
and war, but they might.
Will a less powerful United States be better or worse for
international security? Recent years have shown how dangerous US
exceptionalism can be for the rest of the world. But a weakened
America with its economy distorted by dependence on oil and
military contracts may end up in a more desperate place. The
challenge - not just for the next US president - but for the
American people and the world's governments and civil societies
will be to grow differently out of the current economic mess and
learn how to live within our means, environmentally as well as
This economic fiasco could be the catastrophe that many fear, or
it could lead to the making of a more responsible, just and
equitable world. It used to be said: "whoever you vote for the
government always wins". Prove that wrong. Voting is important, but
we ourselves have to make the changes the world needs. It's time to
rein in the profligate makers and guzzlers of arms and oil and stop
gambling our future away. No extinction without representation.
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