Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 90, Spring 2009
Towards 2010 and Beyond
Challenges for the NPT: Iran and North Korea
Michael Spies
This article gives an update on developments in the past year
relating to two key challenges for the nuclear non-proliferation
regime: Iran and North Korea. It focuses on developments in Iran's
nuclear programme and the progress of the IAEA investigation into
Iran's past nuclear activities and possible weaponization work; and
looks at how prospects for diplomatic progress are improving
following the change of US administration. The article also
considers developments relating to the nuclear programme of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), and attempts to
restart the Six Party Talks (involving China, DPRK, Japan, Republic
of Korea, Russia, and the United States), which have been stalled
as a result of ongoing disagreements over verification. Tensions in
the area have risen again, following the DPRK's recent attempted
launch of a long range Taepodong missile that it claimed was
to put a satellite in orbit.
The international dispute over Iran's nuclear programme has
shifted from stalemate to renewed hope in the year since the 2008
NPT PrepCom. Prospects for achieving a negotiated settlement had
been stalemated since 2006, principally over the condition
principally stipulated by the European Union and the United States,
that Iran suspend its "proliferation sensitive" nuclear activities
before any negotiations can begin.
The inauguration of US President Barack Obama has heralded a
fresh approach, signalled by the President's personal call for
engagement with Iran based on "mutual respect". Together with
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's pledge to reset relations with
Russia, this has increased prospects for cooperation, though much
may depend on Iranian elections later this year. Though it is still
early days, the Obama administration has indicated that it intends
to be present at all future meetings between Iran and the group of
six key players variously described as the 'EU-3 plus 3' or the
'P-5 plus 1', which comprises France, Germany, the United Kingdom
(the EU-3) together with the three remaining permanent members of
the UN Security Council, China, Russia and the United States. In
this the administration is carrying through a change of approach
initiated by the Bush administration when it sent a representative
to the talks for the first time in July 2008.
In a further positive development, the 'EU-3 plus 3' has now
asked EU High Representative Javier Solana to invite Iran to talks
without preconditions. US attempts to "reset" relations with Russia
may also help to create more positive conditions for progress, as
Russian cooperation and support is critical to achieving a unified
Since the 2002 revelations that Iran was pursuing industrial
scale uranium enrichment and that much of the development of its
nuclear fuel cycle programme had been in secret (and in
contravention of its NPT safeguards agreement), many governments
have insisted that Iran restore international confidence in the
peaceful nature of its nuclear programme. To some governments,
particularly those of the western powers, such restoration of
confidence can only come through Iran's cessation of uranium
enrichment, reprocessing, and heavy water-related activities,
called "proliferation sensitive activities" by the UN Security
For others, the satisfactory conclusion of the International
Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) investigations into Iran's past
nuclear activities, the resolution of all outstanding issues, and
the certification that there are no undeclared nuclear activities
in the country[1] should be
the unequivocal goal. To these governments, many of which have not
played a major role in moving the direction of the issue
internationally, requiring suspension of nuclear activities is only
a means and not an end in itself.
Developments in Iran's nuclear programme
Iran suspended aspects of its nuclear programme between 2003 and
2006, while it pursued negotiations with the EU-3 over its nuclear
programme. Following the breakdown of the EU-3 talks in August
2005, Iran resumed uranium conversion work, resulting in the IAEA
Board reporting the case to the UN Security Council.[2] Iran then resumed uranium
enrichment work in January 2006, prompting the intervention of the
UN Security Council, which demanded that Iran suspend all
proliferation sensitive activities.[3] As of April 2009, Iran shows no signs of suspending
uranium enrichment or heavy water-related programmes, though the
IAEA reports that Iran has not pursued any reprocessing beyond
laboratory-scale experiments between 1988 and 1993.
Uranium conversion
Iran declared its commercial-scale uranium conversion plant to
the IAEA in 2000 and began operations in March 2004. Between March
2008 and March 2009, Iran has produced 42 tonnes of uranium
hexafluoride (UF6) gas at its Uranium Conversion Facility at
Esfahan.[4] It has produced
357 tonnes since March 2004, all of which has remained under IAEA
safeguards. Nuclear Fuel reported that as of November 2008, Iran
had solved issues related to impurities in its indigenously mined
and milled uranium, allowing it to use domestic feedstock
exclusively for its conversion and enrichment operations.[5]
Uranium enrichment
Iran announced installation of the first 3,000 centrifuges at
its commercial-scale Fuel Enrichment Plant at Natanz in January
2006. In February 2007, it completed installation of this first
unit, consisting of eighteen 164-machine cascades comprised of IR-1
centrifuges. In 2008, Iran began installation of four other units
of similar configurations, completing installation of three
additional 164-machine IR-1 cascades by May 2008.[6] By March 2009 it had completed
installation of fifteen cascades in the second unit, though only
six cascades were being fed with uranium. Iran also continued to
operate a 20-machine IR-1 cascade, a 10-machine IR-2 cascade, and
single IR-1, IR-2, and IR-3 centrifuges at its adjacent Pilot Fuel
Enrichment Plant.[7]
Between early 2007 and November 2008, Iran "miscalculated" the
amount of low enriched uranium (LEU) it was producing, causing the
IAEA to revise upwards its estimates of Iranian production by about
a third.[8] According to IAEA
officials quoted in Nuclear Fuel, the formula Iran used to
calculate its output contained errors. The officials emphasized,
however, the conclusion of the latest IAEA report that no nuclear
material had been diverted.[9]
According to the IAEA, since February 2007 Iran has produced an
estimated 1,010 kg of uranium enriched to about 3.5% U-235, all of
which has remained under safeguards.[10]
Reactor programmes
Following adoption of UN Security Council resolution 1747
(2007), in March 2007 Iran reverted to an earlier version of its
subsidiary safeguards agreement, severely restricting the IAEA's
ability to verify the design of its 40 MW(t) IR-40 heavy water
research reactor under construction at Arak. The IAEA conducted its
last design information verification inspection of IR-40 in August
2008. In January 2009, Iran refused to permit further IAEA access
to IR-40 until the facility is ready to receive nuclear
materials.[11] Construction of
the reactor started in 2006 and it is not expected to come online
until 2014.
After numerous delays, the Russian firm Atomstroyexport began
its first shipments of LEU fuel to the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant
in December 2007. The fuel rods remain under IAEA seal. Iran
reported that it would begin loading fuel at Bushehr after April
In December 2007, the US National Intelligence Council reported
"with high confidence that in fall 2003, Iran halted its nuclear
weapons programme." The report defined "nuclear weapons programme"
as "nuclear weapon design and weaponization work and covert uranium
conversion-related and uranium enrichment-related work."[13] The Council's National
Intelligence Estimate (NIE) assessed that until late 2003, military
entities in Iran "were working under government direction to
develop nuclear weapons".
In March 2009, US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair
reaffirmed this finding, adding that Iran "had not restarted these
activities as of at least mid-2007".[14] Blair suggested that the US intelligence community
was of the opinion that no Iranian political decision had been made
to acquire a nuclear weapon, though he admitted there was
uncertainty as to what national security criteria or deadlines
might influence such a decision.
Resolving outstanding issues with the IAEA
In August 2007, Iran and the IAEA agreed to a work plan to
resolve outstanding issues related to the Agency's investigation
into Iran's past nuclear activities.[15] The resolution of these issues would be necessary
for the IAEA to provide assurances to the international community
regarding Iran's claim that its nuclear programme is exclusively
peaceful. If Iran were also implementing the Additional Protocol,
the satisfactory resolution of the IAEA investigation would also
allow the Agency to begin the process to draw conclusions regarding
the absence of any undeclared nuclear materials or activities in
Iran. A key factor for NPT concerns, however, is that the IAEA
generally lacks authority and the capability to investigate
possible weaponization programmes absent a nexus to nuclear
The work plan originally identified and provided a schedule for
resolving seven outstanding issues:
- Plutonium experiment discrepancies;
- The origins of its acquisition and development of P-1 and P-2
uranium gas centrifuges;
- Unexplained uranium contamination;
- The nature of a document found in Iran that described
procedures for casting uranium metal in hemispheres;
- Explanations regarding the purpose of Iranian experiments with
- Issues related to the administration of the Gchine uranium
mine; and
- Explanation of alleged studies pertaining to conversion of
uranium to uranium tetrafluoride (UF4), high explosives, and
missile reentry vehicles, the so-called Green Salt Project.
By April 2008, the IAEA had closed the docket on several issues,
including those related to the plutonium experiments,[16] the origin of Iran's centrifuge
programmes,[17] uranium
contamination,[18] the
polonium experiments,[19] and
the past and current administration of the Gchine mine.[20] The IAEA, however, has not been
able to make progress on the far more serious issues related to
alleged studies regarding the design of nuclear weapons usable
components, a modified reentry vehicle for the Shahab-3
intermediate-range ballistic missile suitable for nuclear weapons
use, development of additional and undeclared uranium conversion
activities, as well as the presence of a document that discussed
the production and shaping of uranium metal.[21] The IAEA has assessed that these allegations
point to a possible military-nuclear connection. Much, if not all,
of the evidence related to these allegations has come from
documents either shown or given to the IAEA by foreign
After April 2008, the IAEA and Iran continued an inconclusive
dialogue. Iran conceded that some of the information in the
documents are factually correct, but insisted that the documents
themselves were fabrications.[22] Despite repeated calls by the IAEA for Iran to
assist in resolving these outstanding issues,[23] the Agency was unable to make any further
progress, "resulting from Iran's lack of cooperation".[24]
The IAEA has thus been unable to provide assurances regarding
the lack of any undeclared nuclear activities in Iran. Despite this
continuing stalemate, the IAEA has stressed that it "has no
information - apart from the uranium metal document - on the actual
design or manufacture by Iran of nuclear material components of a
nuclear weapon or of certain other key components, such as
initiators, or on related nuclear physics studies (GOV/2008/15,
para. 24). Nor has the Agency detected the actual use of nuclear
material in connection with the alleged studies."[25]
Dual Track Strategy: International sanctions and diplomacy
In February 2006, at the behest of France, the UK, and the
United States, the UN Security Council embarked on a programme to
incrementally escalate international pressure on Iran to suspend
its uranium enrichment and heavy water reactor programmes and to
cooperate with the IAEA. As part of a dual track strategy, after
June 2006 the moves to increase pressure on Iran were coupled with
attempts by the EU-3 plus 3 to draw Iran into negotiations by
offering economic incentives in return for suspending its
"proliferation sensitive" activities.
Pushing forward on the dual tracks (March-May
By May 2008, the Security Council had adopted four resolutions
on Iran, including three imposing sanctions on Iran's nuclear and
ballistic missile programmes.[26] Resolution 1803 (2008), adopted on 3 March 2008 by
a vote of 14-0 with Indonesia abstaining, extended travel and
financial sanctions to additional individuals associated with
Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. Despite voting in
favour, several elected members of the Council voiced concerns
about the resolution and the diplomatic process with Iran.[27] At the insistence of the
Russians, the resolution also presupposed the further development
of incentives for Iran within the EU-3 plus 3 context, building
upon the June 2006 proposal.[28]
On 2 May 2008, EU-3 plus 3 foreign ministers met in London to
discuss next steps on Iran. The six nations agreed to provide Iran
with an updated version of their June 2006 package of incentives,
offering negotiations and aid in exchange for Iran suspending its
uranium enrichment and heavy water reactor programmes.[29] Splits began to emerge as UK
Foreign Secretary David Miliband described Iran's uranium
enrichment programme as a "threat", which caused the Russian
Foreign Ministry to comment that that this characterization was
Miliband's personal view rather than a statement of fact.[30] Chinese officials also added
their objections.[31] In
addition, the United States reportedly rebuffed Russian attempts to
include a promise of security guarantees to Iran in exchange for
cooperation to resolve the nuclear impasse.[32]
Before the EU-3 plus 3 could finalize its updated package, Iran
delivered its own counter-proposal on 14 May 2008, for
"comprehensive and thorough negotiations" and for long-term
cooperation, but omitting reference to security assurances or to
specific solutions for the nuclear challenges.[33]
Further impasse (May-August 2008)
On 14 June 2008, EU Foreign Policy chief Javier Solana delivered
the "repackaged" EU-3 plus 3 proposal, which essentially restated
the terms of and elaborated upon the June 2006 offer.[34] In a letter accompanying the
proposal, the group reaffirmed the basic condition attached to
their approach, holding that "[F]ormal negotiations can start as
soon as Iran's enrichment-related and reprocessing activities are
suspended."[35] The reported
purpose of the renewed initiative was to reach out to the Iranian
public rather than to the government.[36] Presaging further impasse, before receiving the
proposal Iranian officials reaffirmed that Iran would not accept
any offer for negotiations that required it to suspend its nuclear
programmes as a precondition.[37]
Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki provided Iran's first
official response on 5 July 2008, noting there were similarities in
Iran's May proposal and the EU-3 plus 3 offer, but refusing to
agree to suspension.[38] The
EU-3 plus 3 nonetheless met Iran's lead negotiator in Geneva on 19
July to hear the government's full response. In a significant
diplomatic shift by the Bush administration, the United States sent
a representative to the talks with Iran. Iran reportedly presented
the group with a "framework and timetable for comprehensive
negotiations" based on its May proposal, but again refused to
discuss suspending its uranium enrichment programme. The six powers
gave Iran two weeks to provide a positive response to their
Iran's reply arrived on 5 August 2008 (two days after the EU-3
plus 3's deadline), but was dismissed as insufficient as it had
again failed to address suspension.[40] On 6 August 2008 there were further attempts to
resolve the Iranian impasse, but while the US and UK clearly
expressed the expectation that the EU-3 plus 3 would pursue
additional sanctions,[41]
Russian officials denied there was any agreement for this.
Disintegration of East-West cooperation (August 2008 to
January 2009).
Before any of the western powers could push for a fourth round
of sanctions, increased antagonism between Russia and the west
following the onset of the Russia-Georgia conflict in August 2008,
diminished prospects for unified action on Iran and ultimately
pushed the issue off the agenda for the remainder of the Bush
Maintaining that the time was not right to pursue additional
sanctions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that it was
necessary to continue to create conditions for negotiation and that
the "invariable" aim "consists of helping the IAEA make certain
that there are no military aspects in the nuclear programme of
Iran".[42] Though Russia
argued that the most recent IAEA report progress in engaging Iran,
many commentators attributed the hardening of the Russian position
to fallout from intense western criticism of Russia and support for
Georgia during the August 2008 conflict.[43]
The outcome of these divisions was UN Security Council
resolution 1835, adopted on 27 September 2008. Without mentioning
what Russia referred to as "counterproductive threats",[44] the resolution was aimed at
"preserving" the EU-3 plus 3 mechanism while furthering the search
for a diplomatic solution. It reaffirmed past statements and
resolutions on Iran's nuclear programme, noted the most recent IAEA
report, and called on Iran to implement the requirements of the
IAEA Board of Governors and the Security Council. Whereas previous
resolutions had been drafted and submitted by France, Germany and
the UK, resolution 1835 was also co-sponsored by Council members
Belgium, China, Croatia, Italy and Russia.[45]
In early October, Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili
sent a letter to the EU-3 plus 3 renewing Iran's call for talks
within the framework of its 14 May proposal.[46] The EU-3 plus 3 were unable to agree to any
further steps after a 20 October 2008 call involving political
directors. Given the impasse among the six powers, some western
parties began to consider additional sanctions outside the UN and
EU-3 plus 3 contexts.[47]
The prospects for meaningful pressure on Iran outside the
framework of the EU-3 plus 3 remained dim, however, without Russian
cooperation. Underlining the sensitive state of east-west
relations, Russian officials reacted sharply to the unilateral US
sanctions imposed under its Iran, North Korea and Syria
Nonproliferation Act on Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport.
Russia regarded the move as "an unfriendly act which cannot but
have an adverse impact on our dialogue with Washington",
particularly in the context of the EU-3 plus 3 process.[48]
Renewed diplomacy and East-West cooperation (February
Obama had campaigned on the promise of engaging in direct
diplomacy with Iran without preconditions, and he reached out
shortly after becoming President. The New York Times
reported that in February 2009, President Obama sent a secret
letter to President Dmitry Medvedev which was understood to raise
the possibility of reconsidering plans to deploy the US ballistic
missile defense system in Europe in return for greater cooperation
from Russia in efforts to restrain Iran's nuclear and ballistic
missile programmes.[49] Both
US and Russian officials downplayed any suggestion that there might
be a quid pro quo. Describing the letter as a reply to one sent by
President Medvedev to President Obama following his inauguration,
Russian officials noted that it did not identify any concrete
Despite the change of tone after President Obama assumed office,
the joint statement issued by the EU-3 plus 3 in advance of the
March 2009 IAEA Board meeting was similar to past statements,
calling on Iran to meet the "requirements" of the IAEA Board of
Governors and the UN Security Council and to implement and ratify
the Additional Protocol.[51]
Similarly, while demonstrating the extent of the recent thaw in
US-Russian relations, the 1 April 2009 joint US-Russia presidential
statement-released during the G20 summit in London-addressed the
issue of Iran but did not lay out any new proposals or next steps.
In the statement, the two presidents called on Iran to implement
relevant UN Security Council resolutions and reiterated their
commitment to achieve a diplomatic solution including through the
EU-3 plus 3 process.[52]
However, the EU-3 plus 3 meeting on 8 April in London
demonstrated renewed commitment to reinvigorate the dual track
strategy. In a major split from Bush-era policy, the Obama
administration announced it would be present at all further
meetings between the EU-3 plus 3 and Iran. Further, and of equal
importance, the EU-3 plus 3 directed EU High Representative Solana
to invite Iran to talks without preconditions.
Subsequent press reports indicate that a new US-EU diplomatic
strategy toward dealing with Iran could involve greater
flexibility. Reportedly, US and EU policy makers are considering an
approach that would allow Iran to continue operating its full
nuclear programme during the initial phases of talks, while
focusing on broadening inspections. In response President
Ahmadinejad told the press that Iran was also preparing a new
proposal, saying that if the United States adopted a respectful
tone, "The Iranian nation might forget the past and start a new
Towards 2010
As the NPT itself lacks means for enforcement, its review
proceedings can be difficult settings in which to deal with
compliance issues. The NPT rules of procedure do not require
consensus, but this is the general and preferred approach for
decision-making in the NPT context. As Iran has demonstrated in the
past, if the NPT parties want consensus on all procedural and
substantive issues, then this gives any party that is criticized
the power to block agreement. The challenges relating to Iran are
thus unlikely to be resolved within the framework of the NPT review
process, though delegations have real opportunities to tighten the
safeguards regime and to advance measures dealing with treaty
At the 2009 PrepCom, NPT parties face a situation with Iran that
is somewhat different from previously. While focus will still
remain to some extent on securing Iran's compliance with Security
Council resolutions, many governments will undoubtedly prefer to
combine such calls with support for renewed efforts to restore
confidence in the nature of Iran's nuclear programme. Given the
recent diplomatic thaw, many delegations may elect to highlight
recent positive statements from both sides rather than to provoke
confrontation with unnecessary and aggressive rhetoric.
A less acrimonious approach during NPT proceedings could
alleviate some of the procedural wrangling - such as that
experienced during the 2007 PrepCom - inherent in a consensus-based
process, especially if some NPT parties seek to censure another.
This in turn could allow delegations more time to focus on
achieving agreement on issues where consensus is possible,
including on bolstering the integrity of the NPT regime to better
guard against further proliferation crises.
North Korea
Efforts to achieve the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula have stalled once again following sporadic progress in
2008. Developments include the agreement of a DPRK declaration of
its nuclear programmes in May 2008, as part of the October 2007 six
party agreement on Second Phase actions.[54] Disagreements quickly emerged, however, on
verification of the declaration, with some elements of the Bush
administration pushing for an agreement permitting more intrusive
action, prior to removing the DPRK from the State Department's list
of states sponsors of terrorism.
This precipitated a mini-crisis in September 2008 with the DPRK
asking the IAEA to remove seals and cameras from equipment and
ejecting international inspectors from Yongbyon. Following further
bilateral talks between North Korean and US officials in October, a
revised verification protocol was agreed and the DPRK was finally
removed from the State Department's terrorism list. Subsequently,
however, talks have floundered again over the issue of verification
and apparent backtracking by the DPRK on the October agreement.
After taking office, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
signalled the Obama administration's intention to continue with the
approach pursued towards the end of the Bush administration, in
which bilateral contact was combined with the six party talks.
Instead of emulating the Bush administration's emphasis on an
alleged uranium programme that the DPRK denies, which was an
obstacle to progress in the past, the new administration has also
indicated its intention to focus on the DPRK's plutonium programme
as this presents the most pressing threat to international
Against a background of deteriorating relations between North
and South Korea, the DPRK increased tensions in April 2009 with the
launch across Japan of a Taepo-dong ballistic missile that
it claimed was to place a satellite in orbit. In the face of
criticism from the United States and others, who viewed the launch
as a flight test for its destabilizing long-range ballistic missile
programme, the DPRK followed with a threat to withdraw from the six
party talks.
Current international efforts revolve around implementation of
the September 2005 Joint Statement, the first major breakthrough of
the Six Party Talks. The Joint Statement committed the parties to
achieve verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the
return of the DPRK to the NPT and to IAEA safeguards; steps by the
DPRK and Japan to normalize relations and resolve outstanding
issues; the provision of energy assistance to the DPRK; and
negotiation of permanent peace on the Peninsula and exploration of
promoting regional security cooperation.
In February 2007 the six parties agreed to a two-phased Initial
Action Agreement to implement the 2005 Joint Statement. Under the
first phase of the agreement, within 60 days the DPRK was to have
verifiably shut down its Yongbyon nuclear facility and provided a
full declaration of its nuclear programme. In parallel, the United
States and Japan agreed to enter into bilateral processes with the
DPRK, intended to result in the normalization of relations.
Specifically, the United States would remove the DPRK from its list
of state sponsors of terrorism and the Trading with the Enemy Act.
Further, the parties agreed to provide the DPRK with an initial
shipment of 50,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil. The IAEA verified the
shut down of the DPRK nuclear programme on 18 July 2007.
On 3 October 2007, the six parties agreed to second phase
actions, in accordance with which the parties codified the
denuclearization commitments previously expressed by the DPRK,
including the disabling of its 5 MW(e) plutonium production
reactor, radiochemical laboratory (plutonium reprocessing plant),
and nuclear fuel rod assembly facility at Yongbyon, as well as
making a complete declaration of its nuclear programmes.[55] These steps were intended to be
accomplished by the end of 2007.
The October 2007 agreement committed the United States to lead
and provide initial funding for disablement activities. The
agreement also contained a basic DPRK non-proliferation commitment
to not transfer any "nuclear materials, technology, or know-how."
The DPRK began disablement of its nuclear facilities in November
2007, but there was no declaration of its nuclear programme by the
end of the 2007, amid disagreement with the United States over
disclosure of alleged uranium enrichment activities, which the US
government insisted upon.[56]
In early 2008, the parties remained stuck on the DPRK's
declaration of its nuclear programme and so could not agree to the
scope of the declaration because the US continued to push for
disclosure of an alleged uranium enrichment programme that DPRK
denied. In addition, North Korea was attempting to link its
submission of the declaration to steps by the the United States to
remove the DPRK from its terrorism list and to drop sanctions.[57]
Toward the DPRK nuclear declaration
In early May 2008 a deal was finally reached with the DPRK
giving the United States a large quantity of documents related to
its plutonium production, and reportedly "acknowledging"
discussions on uranium enrichment.[58] Though news reports suggested that the documents
revealed a discrepancy between the DPRK's accounting of its
plutonium production versus estimates produced by US intelligence,
the US Statement Department denied there were any such
In late May, there were various permutations of bilateral
discussions with the intent of agreeing to a timeframe for the
submission of the DPRK declaration and the development of a
mechanism to verify it and the removal of the DPRK from US
sanctions lists. By the end of May, the United States and the DPRK
were still unable to agree to a specific timetable for the
In June 2008, the Six Party Talks achieved some breakthroughs.
After two days of bilateral talks between Japan and the DPRK, the
two sides agreed on 14 June to take initial steps toward improving
relations. Offering a concession on a key issue for Japan, the DPRK
agreed to reopen an investigation into the abduction of Japanese
citizens in the 1970s and 1980s. Japan, in return, pledged to lift
travel restrictions.[61]
US concession and forward progress
Marking a shift in the US position, in a speech to the Heritage
Foundation on 18 June 2008 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
announced for the first time that once the DPRK delivered its
declaration, "President Bush would then notify Congress of our
intention to remove North Korea from the State Sponsors of
Terrorism list and to cease the application of the Trading with the
Enemy Act."[62] The US
government would then need to wait 45 days until the end of a
required Congressional notice period before it could take the steps
to de-list the DPRK. During that time, the six parties would assess
the level of DPRK cooperation in verifying the completeness of the
In her 18 June speech, Rice also spelled out the US position on
the requirements of the verification regime including the following
elements: on-site access to facilities and sites; collection and
removal of environmental and material samples, as well as forensic
analysis of materials and equipment, at all sites and facilities;
access to design documents, operating and production records,
reports, logbooks, and other records related to production of
nuclear material; and interviews with individuals involved in the
nuclear programme.
During the following week, there were further talks among the
other five powers to prepare for the receipt of the DPRK
declaration, discuss the elements of the verification regime, and
to determine the sequence of follow-up steps. Following the
submission of the declaration, they decided to convene a six-party
Head of Delegation meeting[63]
to set up the verification regime. The United States expressed the
view that such a regime should be set up within 45 days.[64]
On 26 June 2008, the DPRK submitted its nuclear declaration to
the Chinese Chair of the Six Party Talks. The US State Department
subsequently acknowledged that the declaration omitted the DPRK's
nuclear test site from its list of facilities as well as the
uranium enrichment programme.[65] As had been previously announced, US President
Bush responded by announcing that Washington would lift some
sanctions within 45 days.[66]
The next day, the DPRK demolished the 60-foot cooling tower for its
5 MW(e) plutonium production reactor at Yongbyon.[67]
Toward a verification protocol
Agreement of the declaration allowed the parties to convene the
first six party meeting since October 2007. Heads of delegations
met from 8-12 July 2008 to discuss a wide range of issues,
including a verification protocol, the Northeast Asia peace and
security mechanism, fuel oil deliveries, and a target time for
completing the disablement of the Yongbyon facility. During the
meeting, the parties disagreed over aspects of the verification
regime, in particular the role of the IAEA.
The representative from the Republic of Korea expressed
scepticism over the likelihood of a mutually acceptable agreement,
stating "On verification and monitoring mechanism, we took the
common denominator from our positions and gave it to the working
group as a basis for its discussions.... But on this issue, the
differences in positions among the countries are large."[68]
Despite these differences, the meeting ended with the parties
reaching agreement on elements for the verification protocol, as
expressed in a press communiqué circulated by the Chinese
Chair.[69] The parties agreed
that the verification mechanism would include experts from the six
nations, empowered to visit facilities, review documents and
interview technical personnel.
The communiqué sets out that the parties will also seek
to establish a "road map" to outline how the DPRK will dismantle
and abandon its nuclear weapons programmes in the third and final
phase of the disarmament effort. The DPRK agreed to completely
disable its main nuclear facilities by the end of October 2008 and
to allow thorough site inspections to verify that all necessary
steps had been taken. In return the other five parties guaranteed
delivery of all heavy fuel oil promised in exchange by the end of
the same month.
Reflecting the recent diplomatic breakthroughs, the foreign
ministers of the six parties held an informal ministerial meeting
on the sidelines of the ASEAN meeting in Singapore on 23 July 2008.
US Secretary of State Rice reportedly prodded the DPRK to move more
quickly to dismantle its nuclear arms programme. DPRK Foreign
Minister Pak Ui-chun reaffirmed that his government was willing "to
implement its own obligations," including verification, "closely
following the implementation by other parties on the principle of
Diplomatic process falters
Despite the recent achievements and positive atmosphere of the
talks, the process toward achieving a verification protocol broke
down after July 2008. As the 45 day Congressional notice period
expired, the White House confirmed that it would not take any
further action to lift the sanctions until Pyongyang agreed to the
verification protocol. The DPRK, in return, cried foul and
complained about recent US-Korean military exercises, which it said
spoiled the atmosphere for the disarmament discussions. Contrary to
the understandings reached in July, the official DPRK news agency
reported that the government would harden its position against
"verification in line with the international standard", as
specified in the Chinese Chair's 12 July press communiqué.[71]
On 22 August 2008, the United States circulated a revised
verification document to the six parties for comment. On 26 August
2008, the day after the 45 day waiting period had expired, the DPRK
foreign ministry announced the government had stopped disabling its
programme as of 14 August and that it was considering restoring the
Yongbyon complex, citing the failure of the United State to remove
sanctions. The DPRK also followed through on its promise to harden
its line on verification procedures, accusing the United States of
seeking authority to conduct house to house searches, a charge
dismissed by the US State Department.[72]
The situation deteriorated further through September 2008.[73] Meanwhile, the DPRK
continued to attempt to roll back its disablement efforts. Reports
came out of Japan and the Republic of Korea that the DPRK was
actively reconstituting its nuclear programme,[74] but US inspectors took the view that the DPRK
was doing little more than removing equipment from storage.
The DPRK continued to escalate the situation, however. On 22
September, the IAEA confirmed that the DPRK had asked the Agency to
remove seals and cameras from equipment to allow it to carry out
non-nuclear tests. The IAEA complied, stating that these moves did
not affect the shutdown status of the facilities.[75] After the IAEA had completed
removing the seals and cameras on 24 September, the DPRK banned the
inspectors from the radiochemical laboratory (reprocessing plant)
at Yongbyon.[76]
Another step forward and a step back
From 1-3 October US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher
Hill met with lead DPRK nuclear negotiator Kim Kye Gwan over the
revised US draft of the verification protocol. A week later on 11
October the US State Department announced the two countries had
reached agreement on a revised draft and that it would immediately
drop sanctions. The DPRK agreed to resume disablement immediately.
Amid criticism that the US-DPRK agreement granted the DPRK a veto
over challenge inspections, which must be agreed to by mutual
consent, Washington defended the arrangement as containing every
element it sought. State Department officials said they had
achieved agreement that experts from all six parties may
participate in verification activities, including experts from
non-nuclear states; agreement that the IAEA will have an important
consultative and support role in verification; agreement that
experts will have access to all declared facilities, and based on
mutual consent, to undeclared sites; agreement on the use of
scientific procedures, including sampling and forensic activities,
and agreement that all measures contained in the verification
protocol will apply to the plutonium-based programme and any
uranium enrichment and proliferation activities.[77]
On 13 October, the IAEA announced that the DPRK had granted its
inspectors access to the facilities at Yongbyon. The DPRK resumed
discharging the core of the 5 MW(e) plutonium production reactor
the next day. The DPRK also allowed inspectors to resume
implementing containment and surveillance measures at the
reprocessing facility and[78]
the IAEA began reapplying seals on the Yongbyon facilities.[79] By 17 October, the US State
Department reported that 60 percent of the fuel rods had been taken
out of the reactor.[80]
Despite these breakthroughs, the six parties were still unable
to sign a protocol before the end of the 2008-nor by the end of the
Bush administration-amid renewed DPRK stonewalling. A six party
head of delegation meeting, held from 8-11 December, ended without
a protocol in hand. The purpose of the meeting had been to complete
the verification protocol as well as the schedules for disablement
and fuel oil delivery. US Assistant Secretary of State Hill
reported that while the five powers had agreed to the text, which
had been prepared in advance of the meeting by the Chinese, the
DPRK "was not ready really to reach a verification protocol with
all the standards that are required".[81] He said that the DPRK was unwilling to agree in
writing to what they had previously agreed to verbally.
Backwards movement in 2009?
Six party diplomacy got off to a slow and rocky start in 2009,
amid renewed tension between the Koreas, the change of government
in Washington, and DPRK plans to launch a satellite. In January,
the DPRK military announced it was adopting an "all-out
confrontational posture" toward its Southern neighbour, related in
part to a renewed dispute over maritime boundaries.[82] The DPRK further announced on 29
January that it was abandoning a number of confidence-building
agreements between the two Koreas, including a 1991 agreement on
reconciliation and non-aggression.[83]
Though the Obama administration signalled early on that it
remained committed to the six party process, it has not yet
attempted any major new efforts.[84] Demonstrating the importance of East Asia to the
US government, however, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton chose to
visit the region in February in her first foreign trip in her new
In a speech to the Asia Society in New York before her trip,
Clinton emphasized the US government's intention to maintain
continuity in the approach to the DPRK, following the course that
the Bush administration had pursued in its final years. One
difference she mentioned though, in line with a statement she made
during her confirmation hearing, was that pursuing verification of
the alleged DPRK uranium enrichment programme would not be as high
a priority as it was for the Bush administration. She reasoned
that, in light of uncertainty and disagreement within the
intelligence community on the extent of the alleged programme, it
was better to focus on the plutonium issue, as that represented the
DPRK's actual path to the bomb.[85]
As 2009 progresses, attempts to resume the Six Party Talks have
appeared increasingly fraught. Between mid-February and early
April, reports of an anticipated DPRK satellite launch (or missile
test) increased regional tensions and became the latest barrier to
the resumption of negotiations. The 4 April DPRK rocket launch,
which reportedly failed to achieve orbit, resulted in widespread
international criticism. The other participants of the six party
process were split on a response, however, with Japan and the
United States pushing for the imposition of sanctions by the UN
Security Council and China and Russia advocating restraint.[86] Following adoption of a
presidential statement by the UN Security Council rebuking the
DPRK, North Korea's Foreign Ministry issued a statement threatening
the pull out of the Six Party Talks and to restart its nuclear
programme. Once again it expelled IAEA inspectors from the
Resuming and completing the six party process
In a bid to salvage the six party process, Russian Foreign
Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Pyongyang for a two-day trip before
heading down to Seoul in late April 2009. In comments to the media,
Lavrov offered a discouraging prognosis for the early resumption of
talks and urged the parties to focus on the implementation of
existing agreements.[88]
Assuming the parties are able to resume negotiations within the
six party context, a number of steps remain to be taken and agreed
upon toward the full implementation of the 2005 Joint Statement.
First, the matter of verification, left hanging after December
2008, still needs to be addressed and a credible mechanism needs to
be agreed to and put into practice.
Once a verification arrangement is agreed, the parties can move
to the third phase of implementing the February 2007 action plan.
Remaining steps related to denuclearization will then include the
dismantlement of North Korean nuclear facilities and the clearing
out of fissile material stocks, including the dismantlement of any
In conjunction with these steps, the United States will be
expected to take further steps to normalize bilateral relations,
including convening a peace conference to end the armistice put in
place at the end of the Korean War and signing of a peace
agreement. Japan and the DPRK must also agree to steps to improve
bilateral relations, including putting to rest the abduction issue.
In addition, Russia has pledged to help establish a regional
security mechanism. The timing and sequencing of these steps, in
light of progress made in verifying disarmament in the DPRK, would
all be subject to further rounds of the Six Party Talks.
[1] The IAEA is only in the position to
draw such a conclusion for states that adhere to the Additional
The IAEA deferred on taking this step until February 2006,
UN document S/RES/1737 (2006), paragraph 2, 23 December
IAEA document GOV/2009/8, paragraph 12, 22 February
Mark Hibbs, "All of Iran's UF6 centrifuge feed now indigenously
mined, milled," Nuclear Fuel, 15 December 2008.
GOV/2009/8, paragraph 2.
GOV/2009/8, paragraph 4.
Mark Hibbs, "Iran underestimated LEU production, IAEA discovered
during last inventory," Nuclear Fuel, 23 February 2009. The
IAEA reported in Nov 2008 that a total of 630 kg had been produced.
See IAEA document GOV/2008/59, 15 November 2007. In its February
2009 report it revised that number to 839 kg. See
GOV/2009/8, paragraph 3.
GOV/2009/8, paragraph 8.
GOV/2009/8, paragraph 14.
US National Intelligence Council, National Intelligence Estimate:
Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities, November
Dennis C Blair, US Director of National Intelligence, Annual Threat
Assessment of the Intelligence Community, unclassified testimony
before the US Senate Armed Services Committee, 10 March
IAEA document INFCIRC/711, 21 August 2007.
IAEA document GOV/2008/4, paragraph 11, 22 February
Ibid, paragraph 24.
Ibid, paragraph 34.
Ibid, paragraphs 14-25.
GOV/2008/15, paragraph 18; Iran also claimed that allegations
regarding the development of a separate UO2 to UF4 conversion
capability did not make sense in light of the existence of such a
process line that is operational at its Uranium Conversion Facility
at the Esfahan Nuclear Research Centre. Paragraph 19; Iran claimed
its alleged work on exploding bridgewire detonators were for
conventional military and civil purposes. Paragraph 20; Iran
dispute the authenticity of documents related to its alleged
studies to modify the Shahab-3 reentry vehicle to accommodate a
nuclear warhead. Paragraph 22.
IAEA document GOV/2008/38, paragraph 17, 15 September
GOV/2008/59, paragraph 19; GOV/2009/8, paragraph 17.
GOV/2008/38, paragraph 21. The IAEA made a similar statement in
Resolutions S/RES/1696 (2006) of 31 July 2006, S/RES/1737 (2006) of
23 December 2007, S/RES/1747 (2007) of 24 March 2007, and
S/RES/1803 (2008) of 3 March 2008.
Specific concerns included, inter alia: the wisdom of seeking
addition sanctions (South Africa, Indonesia); the pursuit of
suspension of Iran nuclear activities as an end in itself, apart
from Iran's cooperation with the IAEA (South Africa, Indonesia);
the text's lack of recognition of recent progress in the IAEA
investigation, as reflected in its most recent report on Iran
(South Africa, Libya, Viet Nam); provisions permitting the search
of Iranian vessels (South Africa); and the text's failure to
address regional concerns more broadly and specifically Israel's
nuclear weapon programme (Libya). Meeting record of the 5848th
meeting of the UN Security Council, UN document S/PV.5848, 3 March
Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, Transcript of
Response to Russian Media Question Following Middle East Quartet
Meeting and AHLC Ministerial, London, Russian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, 2 May 2008; See also Peter Crail, "New UN Sanctions on
Iran Proposed," Arms Control Today, March 2008.
EU3+3 Statement on Iran's Nuclear Programme, delivered by UK
Foreign Secretary David Miliband, London, 2 May 2008.
Information and Press Department Commentary in Connection with
Foreign Secretary David Miliband's Statement on Outcomes of
Six-Nation Foreign Ministers' Meeting Held in London on May 2,
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 5 May 2008. In this context,
during the 2008 NPT PrepCom, the Russian ambassador accused the
United Kingdom of distorting the essence of the EU3+3 agreement and
going beyond what the parties had agreed to.
China echoed concerns expressed by Russia in a right of reply to
the United Kingdom's characterization of the EU3+3 agreement at the
2008 NPT PrepCom.
Kaveh Afrasiabi, "Security guarantee is missing link in Iran,"
San Francisco Chronicle, page B7, 20 May 2008.
Iran Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mohammed-Ali Hosseini, quoted in
"Recent Iran-IAEA talks 'fruitful,'" PressTV, 19 May
Proposal to Iran by China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation,
the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the European
Union, EU document S210/08, 14 June 2008.
Letter to Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki signed by the
Foreign Ministers of China, France, Germany, Russian Federation,
United Kingdom and the United States of America and by EU High
Representative Javier Solana, EU document S209/08, 14 June
Peter Crail, "Iran Presented with Revamped Incentives," Arms
Control Today, July/August 2008.
Steven Erlanger and Elaine Sciolino, "Bush Says Iran Spurns New
Offer on Uranium," New York Times, 15 June 2008. As reported by the
Times, Iranian government spokesman Gholamhossein Elham
said, "If the package includes suspension it is not debatable at
all. ... Iran's view is clear: any precondition is
Elaine Sciolino, "Iran Responds Obliquely to Nuclear Plan," New
York Times, 5 July 2008. Iranian government spokesman
Gholamhossein Elham subsequently clarified that Iran would not
resume suspension, stating "Iran's stand regarding its peaceful
nuclear program has not changed", quoted in Elaine Sciolino, "Iran
Says Its Nuclear Policy Has Not Changed," New York Times, 6
July 2008.
Elaine Sciolino, "Nuclear Talks With Iran End in a Deadlock,"
New York Times, 20 July 2008.
Andrei Nesterenko, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Response to
a Media Question about the Situation Surrounding the Iranian
Nuclear Program, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow, 6
August 2008. Peter Crail, "Iran Not Receptive to Revised Nuclear
Proposal, Arms Control Today, September 2008.
Gonzalo R Gallegos, Acting Deputy Spokesman, Daily Press Briefing,
official transcript, US Department of State, Washington, DC, 6
August 2008; "Iran: Dispute With Russia On Sanctions," Reuters News
Agency, 7 August 2008.
Sergey Lavrov, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Response to a
Media Question on the Iranian Nuclear Program during the Press
Conference After the Meeting of the Middle East Quartet, New York,
September 26, 2008.
See Scott Peterson, "Russian support for Iran sanctions at risk
amid Georgia rift," Christian Science Monitor, 14 August
2008; Alistair Lyon, "Georgia conflict imperils big-power action on
Iran," Reuters New Agency, 27 August 2008.
Information and Press Department Commentary Regarding Tabling of
Draft Resolution in UNSC on Iran, Russian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, 26 September 2008.
UN document S/PV.5984, 27 September 2008. Though the proposed text
did not contain any sanctions, during the Council's brief meeting
to adopt the resolution, Indonesia expressed its opposition to
further such measures against Iran.
Saeed Jalili, Secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security
Council, Letter to EU High Representative Javier Solana, Mehr News
Agency, 7 October 2008.
Peter Crail, "West May Seek Alternative Sanctions on Iran," Arms
Control Today, November 2008.
Commentary Regarding the Imposition by US State Department of
Sanctions against Rosoboronexport, Russian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, 24 October 2008.
Peter Baker, "Obama Offered Deal to Russia in Secret Letter,"
New York Times, page A1, 3 March 2009.
Oleg Shchedrov and Jason Webb, "Russia willing to talk missiles,
Iran separate," Reuters News Agency, 3 March 2009.
IAEA document INFCIRC/749, 1 April 2009.
Joint Statement by President Dmitriy Medvedev of the Russian
Federation and President Barack Obama of the United States of
America, 1 April 2009.
Nazila Fathi, "Iran Says It Plans New Nuclear Offer ," New York
Times, Page A12, 16 April 2009.
See Nicola Butler, "Deal or No Deal: Can the North Korea Nuclear
Agreement be Salvaged", <a
href="../dd88/index.htm">Disarmament Diplomacy, No. 88, Summer
See Nicola Butler, "North Korea: Good Progress but Obstacles
Remain", <a href="../dd86/index.htm">Disarmament Diplomacy,
No.86, Autumn 2007</a>.
Throughout 2007, the United States had insisted that the
declaration also include North Korea's alleged uranium enrichment
program, plus an accurate accounting of plutonium stocks. The
United States had long maintained that it possessed evidence that
North Korea had made numerous purchases related to a gas centrifuge
The February and October 2007 agreements did not specify a timeline
or sequence for steps to improve US-DPRK relations.
US officials described the documents, spanning 18,822 pages, as
containing "detailed logs of how much plutonium was produced by
North Korea," which will be "essential to verifying North Korea's
plutonium holdings." Sue Plemming, "North Korea hands over
plutonium documents: U.S.," Reuters News Agency, 8 May
William J Burns, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs,
Response at Media Roundtable in Tokyo, US Embassy, Tokyo, 10 June
Christopher R Hill, US Assistant Secretary of States for East Asian
and Pacific Affairs, Response to Media Questions, Grand Hyatt
Hotel, Beijing, 28 May 2008.
Norimitsu Onishi, "N. Korea Yields Slightly on Abductions," New
York Times, 14 June 2008.
Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State, US Policy Toward Asia,
Address at the Heritage Foundation, Washington DC, 18 June
This is not quite a formal session of the Six Party Talks, though
US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill downplayed the
significance of the distinction.
Christopher R Hill, US Assistant Secretary of States for East Asian
and Pacific Affairs, Response to Media Questions, China World
Hotel, 24 June 2008.
Christopher R Hill, US Assistant Secretary of States for East Asian
and Pacific Affairs, Response to Media Questions, Shangri-la Hotel,
Singapore, 22 July 2008. Hill said the DPRK had indicated that it
no longer maintained an ongoing uranium enrichment programme,
giving reassurances that this would be subject to verification;
Paula DeSutter, US Assistant Secretary of State for Verification,
Compliance, and Implementation, Special Briefing on North Korea, US
Department of State, Washington DC, 11 October 2008.
"US to Take North Korea Off Terror List," Associated Press, 26 June
Norimitsu Onishi, "North Korea's Intent in Razing Tower Is
Unclear," New York Times, 28 June 2008.
Kim Sook quoted in Jack Kim, "Headway made on checking N.Korea
nuclear claims," Reuters News Agency, 11 July 2008.
Heejin Koo, "North Korea Arms-Verification 'Principles' Approved,"
Bloomberg News Agency, 11 July 2008.
Helene Cooper, "In First Meeting, Rice Presses North Korean on
Nuclear Effort," New York Times, 24 July 2008.
"North Korea pours cold water on nuclear talks," International
Herald Tribune, 20 August 2008.
"NKorea says it halts denuclearisation over row with US,"
Agence-France Presse, 26 August 2008.
Christopher R Hill, US Assistant Secretary of States for East Asian
and Pacific Affairs, Response to Media Questions, China World
Hotel, 5 September 2008.
"US doubts N Korea nuclear claims," BBC News, 3 September
Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA Director General, "Introductory Statement
to the Board of Govenors," IAEA Board of Governors, Vienna, 22
September 2008.
Steven Lee Meyers and Elaine Sciolino, "North Koreans Bar
Inspectors at Nuclear Site," New York Times, 24 September
Sean McCormack, US State Department Spokesman, Special Briefing on
North Korea, US Department of State, Washington DC, 11 October
"NKorea grants UN nuclear watchdog access to Yongbyon: IAEA,"
Agence France-Presse, 13 October 2008.
"UN inspectors back inside North Korea: US," Agence France-Presse,
14 October 2008.
"North Korea Sticks to Pact," Reuters News Agency, 18 October
Christopher R Hill, US Assistant Secretary of States for East Asian
and Pacific Affairs, Response to Media Questions, 11 December
Analysts cited in the news report expressed uncertainty as to the
DPRK's motives but speculated that the statements could be intended
to bolster the governments position in the six party process. Choe
Sang-Hun, "Tensions Rise on Korean Peninsula," New York
Times, 18 January 2009.
Choe Sang-Hun, "North Korea Scrapping Accords With South Korea,"
New York Times, 29 January 2009.
New US representative to the Six Party Talks, Stephen Bosworth,
toured the region for the first time in early March 2009 in order
to listen to the view of the other four powers as part of the Obama
administration's policy review.
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, "US-Asia Relations:
Indispensable to Our Future," Remarks at the Asia Society, New
York, 13 February 2009.
Choe Sang-Hun, Helene Cooper and David Sanger, "North Korea Seeks
Political Gain From Rocket Launch," New York Times, 6 April
UN document S/PRST/2009/7, 13 April 2009; Mark Landler, "North
Korea Says It Will Halt Talks and Restart Its Nuclear Program,"
New York Times, 15 April 2009.
"Russia's Lavrov says N. Korea talks unlikely to restart soon," RIA
Novosti, 24 April 2009.
These updates on Iran and North Korea were researched and
written for the Acronym Institute by Michael Spies, with assistance
and contributions from Ray Acheson. Michael Spies is a research
associate with the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy and
was the editor of volumes 25 (2006) and 26 (2007) of the Arms
Control Reporter, published by the Institute for Defense and
Disarmament Studies. Ray Acheson is project director of the
Reaching Critical Will project of the Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom. The review also drew upon the Reaching
Critical Will News in Review, a daily monitor of the NPT
preparatory and review proceeding (See
www.reachingcriticalwill.org.). Nicola Butler contributed editorial
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