Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 90, Spring 2009
Towards a new US Nuclear Posture
A New Strategic Posture for the United States and a Nuclear
Weapons Complex to Support it
Nuclear Weapons Complex Consolidation (NWCC) Policy
Summary and Recommendations[1]
The world of today is very different from that of the Cold War
era. The superpower competition, which drove the deployment of tens
of thousands of nuclear warheads, no longer exists. Nevertheless,
the combined nuclear stockpiles of the United States and Russia
still number roughly 20,000 warheads. Seven other nations (Britain,
France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea) have
independent nuclear arsenals, with a combined 1,000 to 1,200
warheads. New dangers have arisen that present more likely threats
to U.S. security than a deliberate large-scale nuclear attack by
Russia. Terrorists or rogue elements within governments might gain
access to nuclear weapons or the fissile materials needed to make
them. Nuclear-armed states embroiled in regional conflicts or
internal strife could use their nuclear weapons or lose control of
them. And, nuclear-tipped missiles still maintained on high alert
could be launched accidentally. The continued existence of large
nuclear weapon stockpiles in the United States, and in other
countries, does not increase our security, but instead makes it
more precarious. The time for a new approach to nuclear weapons is
long overdue. Countering nuclear proliferation and terrorism and
reducing nuclear arsenals must become the central focus of U.S.
nuclear weapons policy and strategy.
We recommend that the United States lead the world in halting
and reversing nuclear weapons proliferation and reducing the threat
of nuclear weapons. To that end, the United States should
dramatically reduce its own nuclear weapons stockpile and devalue
nuclear weapons as instruments of national security.
This report sets out numerous detailed recommendations for a new
strategic posture and nuclear weapons policy to move toward a world
without nuclear weapons. We discuss steps that can be taken now to
reduce the numbers of nuclear weapons and strategic delivery
vehicles and to lessen the risk inherent in existing nuclear
weapons and materials. The United States should devalue the
importance of nuclear weapons by, among other steps, halting
efforts to improve them. Until an assured international mechanism
for eliminating nuclear weapons is established, the United States
can maintain a more than adequate nuclear deterrent without
modifying or attempting to improve its existing nuclear weapons. We
recommend that the United States refrain from installing new
military capabilities in existing nuclear weapons, freeze the
current designs, and drastically reduce nuclear weapons research
and development activities.
The underpinning of the nuclear weapons policy and strategy
recommended here is a vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.
That vision, articulated by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev at
Reykjavik, Iceland in 1986, was brought back into the political
spotlight through essays in the Wall Street Journal in
January 2007 and January 2008 by former Secretaries of State George
Schultz and Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of Defense William
Perry, and Senator Sam Nunn. Since then, numerous leaders from
around the world, including President Obama, have expressed their
support for the concept. There is no question that this is a
long-term effort. However, the world will be a safer, more secure,
less hostile place when the vision of a world free of nuclear
weapons is realized.
What are nuclear weapons for?
If our recommendations are followed, the United States will
maintain a small but credible nuclear deterrent, until no other
nation has nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons will serve no other
purpose. However, we do not believe that nuclear deterrence is a
legitimate or even a stable long-term position. Rather, we believe
that continued reliance on nuclear weapons is morally unacceptable
and dangerous. We recommend that the United States pursue a
strategy that will lead to the verified and enduring elimination of
nuclear weapons throughout the world as quickly as possible. This
report does not prescribe the political and military security
arrangements that should replace nuclear deterrence. Instead, we
focus on nearer-term changes. We outline a transitional nuclear
deterrent doctrine and the weapons stockpile needed to support it.
We also propose a maintenance strategy and nuclear weapons complex
for a smaller stockpile. Our plan points the United States in a new
direction, positioning it to conduct negotiations with other
nations on building the global institutional arrangements that will
be required to supplant nuclear deterrence and pave the way to
eliminate nuclear weapons.
The immense destructive power of nuclear weapons sets them apart
from any other type of weapon. The term "weapons of mass
destruction" (WMD), which lumps chemical and biological weapons
with nuclear weapons, blurs the very real distinction we see
between them. While we also view the prospective use of chemical or
biological weapons as morally reprehensible, the effects of their
use are different in scale and their production and use are already
banned by international agreement. We believe that military means
other than the threat of nuclear preemption or retaliation can and
must suffice to address these lesser threats. We recommend that the
strategic posture of the United States eliminate any reference to
the use of nuclear weapons in retaliation to (or in preemption of)
other nations' use of chemical or biological weapons or to the
generalized threat of "weapons of mass destruction." Indeed, the
United States should eliminate even veiled threats to use nuclear
weapons from its global military posture and forego integrating the
potential use of nuclear weapons with strategies for use of
conventional force. Both would be a distinct and welcomed change
from the Bush 2001 Nuclear Posture Review. The United States must
live up to its democratic ideals, defending its interests primarily
by engaging other nations through negotiation and reciprocal
accommodation, without invoking a nuclear "ace-in-the-hole."
The United States must respect the principles of the UN Charter.
A responsible strategic policy should reject any notion of an
"exceptional" U.S. privilege to engage in the unilateral use of
military force to further its interests or to extinguish perceived
threats anywhere on the globe. Other than the potential use of
nuclear weapons by others, the United States is not confronted by
any credible threat to its security, or to that of its allies,
which might require nuclear escalation to counter it. Therefore, we
recommend that the President and the Congress declare, without
qualification, that the United States will not be the first nation
to use nuclear weapons in any future conflict. This "no first use"
policy should be reflected in our nuclear force structure and
readiness posture. U.S. nuclear forces should neither be structured
nor postured for preemptive attacks against any other nation.
In today's world, regional tensions in South Asia, the Middle
East, and the Korean Peninsula are significant drivers of nuclear
weapons development. Resolving tension in those regions must be
seen as an important aspect of the strategic posture and nuclear
weapons policy of our nation. This requires adherence to a set of
principles that will detach nuclear forces and threats of
preemption from the process of resolving political and territorial
disputes. Only then can negotiations reach beyond issues of
national survival and attempt to reconcile the specific conflicting
objectives that are causing tension. Regional military imbalances
should be dealt with through cooperative security negotiations and
arrangements to reduce tension and, if necessary, by commitments of
our own or allied conventional forces, not by the threatened use of
nuclear forces or strategies employing preemptive or preventive
nuclear attacks.
In an ideal world, the question, "what are nuclear weapons for?"
would be moot. There would be no nuclear weapons. As we move toward
that vision, the United States should view its nuclear weapons for
one purpose and one purpose only -- to deter the use of nuclear
weapons by others. The Department of Defense and the National
Nuclear Security Administration should structure U.S. nuclear
forces and the weapons complex accordingly.
Proposed Force Structure and Readiness Posture
We recommend that President Obama clearly articulate his vision
of a world free of nuclear weapons in a major speech. Further,
Congress should firmly establish in legislation the pursuit of a
world free of nuclear weapons as the cornerstone of U.S. nuclear
policy and the guiding principle for decisions regarding nuclear
weapons and the future of the U.S. arsenal. The President and the
Congress must then define a nuclear force level for the United
States that leads the world on the path to zero, but also provides
sufficient deterrence against the use of nuclear weapons by others
along the way.
Cold War theory envisioned massive force-on-force exchanges
between two hostile superpowers bent on achieving some hypothetical
advantage by destroying the other side's capacity for nuclear war
fighting. Such thinking was questionable then and is ludicrous
today. What then is a reasonable starting point for sizing the U.S.
nuclear weapons stockpile? Since the British, French, and Chinese
nuclear forces are all at or below 300 operational warheads, we
believe that the target for the next round of U.S. and Russian
nuclear force reductions should be 500 total warheads each,
including tactical nuclear weapons and any non-deployed warheads,
spares, and reserves. We recommend that the Obama Administration
make every effort to extend the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
(START) with Russia, before it expires at the end of 2009, and
speed up negotiations for a follow-on treaty. The U.S. goal should
be a verifiable treaty with a limit of 500 total warheads in the
active and reserve stockpiles of each nation with commensurate
reductions in delivery vehicles for strategic weapons.
In February 2009, the Obama Administration announced its intent
to seek a limit of 1,000 warheads in the next round of START
negotiations. It is unclear what exactly that figure represents,
but it appears that the Administration is referring to the counting
rules of the 2002 Moscow Treaty, which apply to only "operationally
deployed strategic warheads." That would allow each side to retain
thousands of additional warheads. Quick agreement on an interim
ceiling of 1,000 operationally deployed strategic warheads,
combined with a reduced number of strategic nuclear delivery
vehicles within the current START framework, is a good first step.
However, this should be merely a stepping-stone to a comprehensive
verifiable treaty with a ceiling of 500 total warheads in
the active and reserve stockpiles of each nation.
We recognize that the number 500 may appear somewhat arbitrary.
However, we view getting to 500 total warheads each as a vital
confidence-building step that is not complicated by the need to
address the arsenal sizes of the other nuclear weapons powers. Once
that step is completed, the U.S. and Russia should engage other
nations in multilateral negotiations to reduce all nuclear arsenals
The details of how the U.S. structures its nuclear forces,
within the limit of 500 warheads, are not as important as reducing
the overall numbers. A wide range of force structures with 500
warheads could meet the requirement for a credible, survivable
deterrent. In Chapter 2, we present potential force structures with
as few as two and as many as seven different types of nuclear
weapons. However, we do recommend that the United States remove all
U.S. nuclear weapons from foreign bases. The concept that nuclear
weapons must be forward deployed to slow or stop a massive
conventional attack is outdated. Furthermore, there is little
credibility to claims that U.S. nuclear weapons are needed on
foreign territory to guarantee that the United States would come to
the defense of its allies. Forward basing of U.S. nuclear weapons
is more of a liability than an asset.
We would prefer to see a verifiable treaty with Russia mandating
reciprocal reductions before the United States makes any further
significant reductions in its nuclear stockpile. Such a treaty
would not only provide the U.S. assurance that Russia will match
U.S. reductions, but it would also lay the groundwork for the
verification and transparency measures needed for other states to
join in moving toward the elimination of all nuclear weapons. On
the other hand, we believe that U.S. nuclear forces remain much
larger than needed to deter a nuclear attack by Russia, or any
other nation, and remain sufficiently survivable regardless of the
size of the opposing force. Thus, even if U.S./Russian conclusion
of a new START treaty is delayed, the U.S. should set an example by
unilaterally reducing the size of its nuclear stockpile toward 500
total warheads. As a precaution, the U.S. should not dismantle all
excess warheads, until a treaty is concluded with Russia or Russia
transparently follows the U.S. lead in reducing its stockpile.[2] If the U.S. did so, it could
lose leverage in negotiations with Russia for an agreement to
verify the irreversible destruction of excess nuclear warheads,
which is essential for achieving the longer-term goal of a world
free of nuclear weapons.
The United States and Russia each maintain about 2,000 nuclear
warheads on land- and sea-based missiles on ready alert. This ready
alert status is another carryover from the Cold War and needlessly
feeds an adversarial posture between two nations that generally are
on otherwise cordial terms. It also elevates the seeming importance
of nuclear weapons in our strategic policy and represents an
unnecessary risk of mistaken, accidental, or unauthorized launch of
a nuclear weapon. Maintaining a high alert status places a
continuing burden on command and control systems to correctly
identify and respond to a real attack, while never mistaking
peaceful space launches or military flight tests for an attack in
progress. The U.S. and Russia long ago removed their strategic
bombers from ready alert and do not keep nuclear payloads onboard
those aircraft.
During the election campaign, Senator Obama declared, "As
President, I will immediately stand down all nuclear forces to be
reduced under the Moscow Treaty and urge Russia to do the same." We
do not think that is enough. We recommend that President Obama
order steps to begin de-alerting all U.S. nuclear forces in a
manner that lengthens the time, but does not compromise the
capability, for U.S. retaliation in the event of a nuclear attack.
He should also encourage Russia to take similar measures. The
saying goes that "timing is everything." In this case, the
objective is reciprocal measures that impose physical delays in
responding to perceived attacks and provocations. That would allow
for more rational deliberations, before either side takes steps
that could lead to a nuclear apocalypse. De-alerting forces would
also greatly reduce the potential for an accidental or unauthorized
launch of nuclear weapons. As we discuss in Chapter 3, de-alerting
of land- and sea-based missiles goes well beyond simply changing
the targeting instructions of those missiles, which can be quickly
As with reducing the number of nuclear weapons, we believe that
the United States can begin de-alerting its missile forces without
prior assurance of Russian reciprocity. However, to maintain
leverage in treaty negotiations on the necessary transparency
measures, full de-alerting of U.S. nuclear forces should await
reciprocal steps by Russia and other nations within the context of
a verifiable agreement. De-alerting a significant portion of U.S.
missiles could help ease Russian concerns about the potential
vulnerability of its strategic forces and help that nation follow
the U.S. lead in further reducing and de-alerting its nuclear
forces. Such steps would greatly demonstrate to the world that the
U.S. and Russia are stepping away from their reliance on nuclear
deterrence as the organizing principle of their geopolitical
relationship and are, at last, serious about meeting their
obligations under Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Article VI requires all treaty signatories "to pursue
negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to
cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear
disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament
under strict and effective international control."
Additional Steps to Reduce the Threat of Nuclear Weapons
A Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
First and foremost among the additional steps, we recommend that
President Obama resubmit the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
(CTBT) to the U.S. Senate for ratification and, following U.S.
ratification, work with the remaining nations that must approve the
treaty before it enters into force. Universal adherence to a Test
Ban Treaty is important for limiting both the proliferation of
nuclear weapons and the further development of new types of weapons
in those nations already possessing them.
The CTBT has been signed by 180 states and ratified by 146.
However, before it can enter into force, all 44 nations that
possessed nuclear research or power reactors in 1996 must ratify
it. Of those 44 nations, three - India, Pakistan, and North Korea -
have not signed the treaty. A further six nations -- the United
States, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, and Israel -- have signed,
but not yet ratified the treaty. Ratification of the CTBT by the
United States would send a strong message to the world regarding
its new strategic posture and would strengthen the
Non-Proliferation Treaty. China has stated it would ratify the CTBT
when the U.S. does so. With all five permanent members of the
Security Council on board, parties to the treaty could bring
stronger pressure on the remaining holdouts.
In 1999, the U.S. Senate failed to gain the necessary two-thirds
majority to ratify the CTBT, in part due to misplaced concerns that
the treaty could not be effectively verified and that the United
States might need to test to maintain its deterrent. Since then,
verification techniques have improved and detection networks have
been expanded. Regarding the potential need for the U.S. to test,
every year since 1999, the Secretaries of Defense and Energy, on
the advice of the head of the Strategic Command and the directors
of the nuclear weapons labs, have certified that there was no need
to perform a nuclear test to assure the reliability or safety of
the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. In Chapter 5 of this report, we
discuss procedures that would better guarantee that the U.S. could
maintain its deterrent indefinitely without nuclear testing and
without spending nearly as much money on nuclear weapons research
as is currently spent.
While ratifying the CTBT is important, it would be a mistake for
the Obama Administration to strike a deal with the weapons labs to
give them more resources and leeway for modifying or improving
nuclear weapons in return for their support for the treaty, as some
have suggested. Increasing R & D spending on nuclear weapons
technology or improving nuclear weapons would send the wrong
message to the world regarding the continuing importance of these
weapons in U.S. security policy, open the U.S. to charges of
nuclear hypocrisy, and undercut many of the political benefits of
ratifying the CTBT.
Ban on the Production of Fissile Material Directly Usable In
Nuclear Weapons
The most difficult step in obtaining a nuclear weapon is
producing or otherwise acquiring the fissile materials -- plutonium
(Pu) or highly enriched uranium (HEU) -- needed to make them work.
Ending the production of fissile materials and reducing and
eventually eliminating existing material stockpiles is a key step
on the road to a world without nuclear weapons. A treaty to cut off
the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons has been
discussed in international circles for more than two decades, but
negotiations are deadlocked over two issues - whether to include
existing stocks of fissile material in the treaty and whether to
make the treaty verifiable. We recommend that the U.S. seek to
jump-start negotiations on a Fissile Materials Cutoff Treaty
(FMCT), at the UN Conference on Disarmament, by agreeing to begin
the negotiations without preconditions. Once treaty negotiations
begin, the U.S. should seek a verifiable treaty that addresses
existing stocks of fissile materials as well as new
Retrieve and Secure Global Stocks of Weapons Usable Fissile
Beyond seeking a fissile materials cutoff treaty, there is much
that the U.S. can do to reduce the amount of separated plutonium
and HEU in this country and around the world. The most urgent
objectives in this regard are the global elimination of civil and
poorly secured military stocks of HEU. The U.S. and Russia have
cooperated for more than fifteen years to improve the security of
military stockpiles of fissile materials that were at high risk
after the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, more work remains
to be done. In addition, about 130 research reactors around the
world are still fueled by HEU. They represent an unacceptable
proliferation danger, especially since the technology exists to
fuel all but a handful of them with low enriched uranium (LEU).
We recommend that the Obama Administration place greater
emphasis and more resources on securing all fissile materials and,
in particular, on significantly reducing the use of HEU in civil
reactors and research facilities throughout the world.
Increase U.S. Nuclear Transparency and Seek Comparable
Disclosure by Other Nuclear States
Before the world can be free of nuclear weapons, the community
of nations must be assured that no nation has clandestine stores of
nuclear weapons or weapons material. This will require an enormous
worldwide shift toward transparency in nuclear matters. Eventually
it will require a comprehensive treaty regime with strict
monitoring and control measures. We believe the U.S. government
should prepare for that by leading the world in increasing the
openness and transparency of its own nuclear weapons programs.
We recommend that the Obama Administration declassify and
publicly release all information pertaining to U.S. nuclear weapons
that would not weaken our national security,
- The numbers and types of nuclear weapons in the U.S. stockpile
and plans for the future;
- The numbers and types of warheads awaiting dismantlement and
past, present and projected rates of dismantlement;
- Basic information regarding each type of nuclear weapon in the
stockpile or awaiting dismantlement, such as their yield and when
they were built, modified, or refurbished; and
- The aggregate amounts of Pu, HEU, and tritium contained in: (a)
nuclear weapons in the active and reserve stockpiles (b) material
stockpiles reserved for use in nuclear weapons, including material
in components and weapons awaiting dismantlement (c) stockpiles
reserved for other uses (e.g. naval propulsion, radioisotope power
sources) and (c) amounts declared excess to weapons and other
military uses and made available for disposition or civil use.
In chapter 3, we specify additional information that the
Administration should declassify to encourage informed public
debate on issues such as maintaining the reliability and safety of
the U.S. stockpile, without nuclear testing.
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), a
semi-autonomous arm of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), is
responsible for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile.
NNSA also dismantles nuclear weapons after they are removed from
service. In the past, the same organization designed, built, and
tested new nuclear weapons, and it still maintains capabilities to
do so, but the United States has not developed a completely new
nuclear weapon in nearly two decades. NNSA conducts its activities
at eight major sites around the country, which are collectively
referred to as the "nuclear weapons complex."
In October 2008, NNSA released a Final Supplemental Programmatic
Environmental Impact Statement (SPEIS) on Complex Transformation.
According to NNSA, the SPEIS "analyzes the potential environmental
impacts of reasonable alternatives to continue transformation of
the nuclear weapons complex to be smaller, more responsive,
efficient, and secure in order to meet national security
requirements." On December 19, 2008, NNSA published two "Records of
Decision" in the Federal Register setting forth its plans for
Complex Transformation. According to NNSA, those decisions will
result in a smaller and more efficient weapons complex.
However, under NNSA's plan, nuclear weapons activities would
continue indefinitely at all eight existing sites. We believe that
NNSA's plan, based on continuing support for a stockpile of several
thousand weapons and the saber-rattling strategy of the 2001
Nuclear Posture Review for employing them, was woefully outdated
even before it was published. In Chapters 5 and 6 of this report,
we present a plan for a smaller, more secure, less costly complex
to support the nuclear weapons stockpile as it is reduced to 500
weapons and beyond. We recommend that NNSA significantly modify
how it maintains nuclear weapons and that it shrink and consolidate
the nuclear weapons complex from eight sites spread around the
country to only three sites (LANL, SNL-NM, and Pantex) that are
within 280 miles of each other. Our complex would be: 1) sharply
reduced in scale; 2) an interim step toward a nuclear weapons free
world; and 3) would result in no net increase in nuclear weapons
activities or funding at any of the three remaining sites.
A map on the inside front cover of this report shows the eight
sites in the nuclear weapons complex, as it is today, and the
three-site nuclear weapons complex as it would be under our plan to
support residual operations for a stockpile of 500 or fewer nuclear
Shrinking and consolidating the nuclear weapons complex would
demonstrate U.S. leadership toward a world free of nuclear weapons
and would save taxpayers billions of dollars. While we are
confident in the merits of our plan, we strongly emphasize that due
process needs to be followed before it can be implemented. For
example, there has to be analysis and public review of such a
"major federal action" under the National Environmental Policy Act
to insure that potential environmental impacts are properly
considered, mitigated, or best of all avoided. Environmental
justice issues and Tribal concerns must also be met, the latter on
a government-to-government basis as needed. We believe these
important concerns can be satisfactorily met, because shrinking the
nuclear weapons complex, made possible by a dramatically reduced
and technologically stable stockpile, should result in reducing the
overall level of activity at each of the three remaining sites
(with the possible exception of a short-term increase in
dismantlements at Pantex). Another way of saying this is that
existing capacity at the three remaining sites could adequately
meet the residual workload, as an interim step toward total, global
nuclear disarmament. We reiterate, before any major missions are
transferred from one site to another within the weapons complex
there must be due process involving all potentially impacted
Curatorship: A new Strategy for Maintaining the Weapons
Shortly after the U.S. entered a moratorium on underground
testing of nuclear weapons in 1992, NNSA's predecessor, the DOE's
Office of Defense Programs, adopted a strategy called "Stockpile
Stewardship" for maintaining the nuclear weapons stockpile in the
absence of testing. The strategy sought to "replace" nuclear
testing with costly new experimental and computational
capabilities, in an effort to model precisely the behavior of
exploding nuclear weapons that could no longer be detonated
underground in Nevada. NNSA has made considerable progress in this
modeling effort, but there is a fatal flaw in its strategy. The
more confident the weapons labs have become in their modeling
capabilities, the more they have been tempted to modify the nuclear
weapons in the stockpile. However, computer simulations cannot
provide the same level of confidence in modified warheads that was
provided for the original warheads through full-scale nuclear
tests. Presidents Clinton and Bush, on the advice of their
Secretaries of Defense and Energy, repeatedly certified that the
nuclear weapons in the current stockpile are safe and reliable.
However, over time, if changes continue to be introduced into
warheads, the level of confidence in the stockpile will
inevitably diminish.
We recommend a more conservative approach to maintaining the
existing nuclear weapons stockpile, based on ensuring that today's
safe and reliable warheads are changed as little as possible and
only in response to documented findings that corrective action is
needed to fix a component or condition that could degrade
performance or safety. The key to this approach is our
conclusion that there is no need for the United States to design
any new nuclear weapons or to make performance or safety-enhancing
modifications to existing ones. This technical approach is more
consistent with U.S. initiatives in nuclear non-proliferation and
nuclear threat reduction.
Our methodology is called "Curatorship." Just as a museum
curator maintains artistic treasures and occasionally restores them
to their original condition, so too would NNSA and the Department
of Defense (DoD) maintain nuclear weapons to their original design
and condition, with occasional restorations. NNSA's role in
maintaining nuclear weapons would focus on scrupulous surveillance
and examination of warheads to determine if any component has
changed in any manner that might degrade the safety or performance
of the warhead. If so, it would then restore that part as closely
as possible to its original condition. With changes to warheads
strictly controlled, confidence in the performance of the remaining
warheads would be higher than under Stockpile Stewardship. The
financial cost and the loss of international credibility regarding
nuclear proliferation would be much lower.
Under Stockpile Stewardship, NNSA is performing extensive
"Life-Extension Programs" (LEPs) for each type of warhead in the
stockpile. In practice, "life extension" has become a misnomer for
a nearly complete rebuild and upgrade of a warhead system that is
nowhere near the end of its life. Under the LEPs, NNSA, and DoD
have jointly authorized hundreds of changes to nuclear weapons,
adding new components and modifying weapons' military
characteristics. NNSA and DoD have chosen to make weapons lighter,
more rugged, more tamper proof, and more resistant to
NNSA is currently performing an LEP on the sub-launched W76
warhead, which it estimates will cost over $3 billion. The
extensive changes NNSA is making include adding a new Arming,
Fuzing & Firing (AF&F) system, which will add a ground
burst capability that is more destructive of buried targets than
the previous air burst firing system, and fitting the warhead to a
new reentry body for placement on the D5 missile, which has much
greater accuracy than the previous delivery vehicle. Taken
together, these changes give the W76 a hard-target kill capability,
effectively changing it from a weapon of deterrence to a possible
first-strike nuclear weapon.
In contrast, under Curatorship, NNSA would take a very
conservative approach to modifying warheads. Only if laboratory
experts could present compelling evidence that a warhead component
has degraded, or will soon degrade, and that such degradation could
cause a significant loss of safety or reliability, would NNSA
replace the affected parts. These replacement parts would truly
extend the life of the warhead, without modifying its performance
or military characteristics. NNSA currently takes apart
approximately eleven warheads of each type per year and examines
them under its Surveillance and Evaluation Program. Under
Curatorship, NNSA would increase the scope and importance of the
Surveillance and Evaluation Program to assure that every component
of every warhead design is scrupulously examined and tested each
We recommend that NNSA suspend the current Life Extension
Programs (LEPs) and that the Obama Administration adopt the
Curatorship approach to maintaining the nuclear weapons stockpile.
President Obama should issue a Presidential Decision Directive
(PDD) prohibiting any change in the military characteristics (MCs)
or the Stockpile to Target Sequence (STS) requirements of any
nuclear weapon, unless the change is essential for maintaining the
safety or reliability of the existing warhead. We further recommend
that no changes of any type be made to existing nuclear weapons,
unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
To further that end, we recommend that Congress establish a
stringent change control process for nuclear weapons, in
legislation, including a requirement for outside review of all
changes. Congress should require that both the outside reviewers
and the final decision makers weigh the potential benefits of any
proposed change against the adverse non-proliferation consequences
and the likelihood that changes could, over time, contribute to
reduced confidence in the performance of the warhead. Major changes
should require separate authorization and funding by
The change control process could take many forms, but we believe
it should include some form of review from outside the weapons
laboratories. Independent review might be solicited from the JASON
scientific advisory group, the National Academy of Sciences, or a
new entity established solely for that purpose.
Shrinking Weapons Research under Curatorship
Under the Curatorship approach, we recommend that the NNSA
de-emphasize nuclear weapons science and technology and cease its
quest for more and more detailed simulations of exploding
thermonuclear weapons. The existing codes are sufficient, in
conjunction with limited use of hydrotesting, for the analyses
needed to maintain the stockpile as it is. Improved codes have
little use except for designing new types of nuclear weapons or
verifying the impact of major changes to existing ones. Designing
new nuclear weapons would run counter to U.S. commitments under
Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and would set a bad
example for the rest of the world. President Obama has already
declared that the United States will not design new nuclear
weapons. The NNSA's claim that it needs better computer codes to
maintain existing weapons is tantamount to Iran's claim that it
needs a domestic uranium enrichment capability for nuclear power.
Both claims may provide fig leaves for thinly-veiled nuclear
weapons development programs.
We recommend that NNSA dramatically reduce its research
efforts in several areas, including equation of states studies,
dynamic modeling, studies of the physical and chemical properties
of Pu and HEU, hydrodynamics experiments, and sub-critical
tests. NNSA should continue to validate its codes against
existing test data and apply those codes to questions of relevance
to the existing stockpile. It should also expand the testing and
analysis of components taken from actual warheads in the stockpile
to assure that any changes to components due to aging are
discovered and analyzed before they become detrimental to nuclear
weapons performance. A simple way of putting it is that we
recommend an "engineering" rather than a "science-based" approach
to stockpile maintenance.
With significantly less weapons R & D under Curatorship,
NNSA could shrink its R & D infrastructure. We recommend
reducing the number of facilities and personnel dedicated to
nuclear weapons research, development, and testing and
consolidating such efforts to LANL and SNL-NM. In particular, we
recommend closing all nuclear weapons R & D facilities at LLNL
and SNL-CA or transferring them to other DOE programs for
non-weapons research. Under our plan, LLNL would retain a small
"red-team" of experts to continue studies and analyses relevant to
Curatorship of the existing stockpile and provide peer review for
certification actions. DOE would shift LLNL's primary mission from
nuclear weapons research to basic science and energy research,
while maintaining strong programs in non-proliferation, safeguards,
transparency and verification of warhead dismantlement,
intelligence, and nuclear emergency response. Also under our plan,
NNSA would cease, or transfer to SNL-NM, all weapons-related
activities at SNL-CA. All other facilities at SNL-CA would be
closed or transferred to other DOE offices or to other
We also recommend that NNSA cease all sub-critical testing
and most other nuclear weapons-related tests and experiments at the
Nevada Test Site (NTS) and transfer the landlord responsibility for
the site to another DOE office or other appropriate entity.
Operations at the U1A facility should be suspended and the facility
closed. DOE or other agencies could continue to operate other
research, development, and testing facilities at NTS, including the
Big Explosives Experimental Facility (BEEF) and large gas guns, as
user facilities.
Shrinking and Consolidating Weapons Production Activities
Along with NNSA's R & D infrastructure, we recommend
shrinking and consolidating NNSA's infrastructure for maintenance
and production of nuclear weapons. We based our strategy for
shrinking and consolidating nuclear weapons production activities
on four guiding principles:
- NNSA should reduce its infrastructure to that needed to support
a total stockpile of 500 nuclear weapons, under a Curatorship
approach, which stringently minimizes changes to existing
- NNSA does not need any capability to produce components that
are not currently in weapons in the stockpile.
- NNSA should expand its capabilities for surveillance of
warheads remaining in the stockpile and retain facilities to
replace genuinely "limited life components," and, if necessary,
replace any other component when there is evidence of a problem
that left unattended could significantly degrade warhead
performance or safety.
- NNSA should dismantle excess warheads and consolidate and
reduce stockpiles of special nuclear materials, as quickly as
possible, to reduce costs and security risks.
Adhering to these principles would result in a much smaller
production complex than exists today. Currently, most nuclear
weapons production and maintenance activities are carried out at
six sites - LANL, Y-12, Pantex, KCP, SNL-NM, and SRS.
- LANL conducts surveillance, production, and other operations on
components containing Pu, particularly the plutonium pit or
"trigger." It also produces nuclear weapons detonators.
- Y-12 conducts surveillance, production and other operations on
components containing uranium.
- Pantex disassembles/assembles warheads for dismantlement,
surveillance, or refurbishment, stores excess pits awaiting
dismantlement, and produces high explosives.
- KCP produces or procures 85 percent of nonnuclear components
for nuclear weapons.
- SRS processes tritium and refills tritium reservoirs.
- SNL-NM conducts surveillance on most nonnuclear components and
produces neutron generators and other parts.
The other locations - LLNL, NTS, SNL-CA -- primarily conduct
supporting nuclear weapons research, development, and testing, but
they also perform some surveillance work.
We believe that a 500-warhead stockpile, with stringent
constraints on modifying those warheads, could be more than
adequately supported by only three sites. Moreover, because nuclear
weapons activities would be sharply curtailed, each of those three
sites should experience a net reduction in workload, with the
possible exception of a short-term increase in dismantlements at
Under our plan: LANL would be responsible for nuclear-related
operations, (primaries, secondaries, and tritium); SNL-NM would
produce or procure most nonnuclear components and, as it has been
doing, integrate weapon functions; and Pantex would have
responsibility for chemical high explosives and for warhead
disassembly/assembly operations, with an increased focus on
dismantlements. All three sites would conduct surveillance on
various components. In addition, supporting research and analysis,
devoted primarily to peer review of important warhead issues, would
continue at LLNL. The timing of consolidation from six production
sites (out of eight sites in all) to three and the sizing of any
new facilities that might be needed to accomplish the consolidation
is difficult to specify. Both depend on the timing of stockpile
reductions to the 500-warhead level and beyond. If the vision of a
world free of nuclear weapons is realized soon, it might be cheaper
merely to wind down activities at the existing sites, without ever
relocating any operations. On the other hand, if stockpile
reductions proceed on a gradual glide path over twenty years or
more, as is more likely, there would be substantial environmental,
security, and cost benefits in consolidating to three sites.
For planning purposes, we assume that the U.S. reduces its
stockpile to 500 total nuclear warheads, beginning now and
concluding between 2015 and 2020, and that consolidation to three
sites is completed shortly after the stockpile is reduced to 500
warheads. Accordingly, we recommend that NNSA begin the planning
needed to shrink and consolidate all production, surveillance, and
disassembly/reassembly activities to LANL, SNL-NM, and Pantex and
prepare for a smaller complex by cancelling or deferring
construction of several large new facilities, including:
- the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) at Y-12,
- a new nonnuclear components manufacturing complex in Kansas
- the "Nuclear Facility" (NF) for the Chemistry and Metallurgy
Research Building Replacement (CMRR) Project at LANL,
- the Weapons Engineering Science and Technology (WEST)
facility, scheduled for construction at LLNL beginning in
- the proposed annex to the High Explosives Application
Facility (HEAF) at LLNL,
- the Pit Disassembly and Conversion Facility (PDCF) planned
for SRS,
- the Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication plant at SRS,
- the Waste Solidification Building (WSB) planned for
Until the pace of arms reductions is clearer, we recommend
that NNSA make no decisions to build new facilities or relocate
facilities that it might need to consolidate production activities,
with one exception. We recommend that NNSA study the alternatives
for transferring essential nonnuclear component fabrication
activities from KCP to SNL-NM, LANL, or the private sector, with a
view toward closing KCP by 2015.
In addition, we recommend that NNSA should:
- Remove all Category I and II amounts of special nuclear
material (SNM) from LLNL by the end of 2010 and consolidate SNM to
fewer locations at the sites that retain significant
- Cancel plans for expanding pit production capacity beyond
the currently sanctioned 20 pits per year, but maintain a
capability to fabricate one or two plutonium pits annually at LANL.
Maintain additional production capacity at LANL on cold standby,
with the ability to resume production of up to 20 pits per year
should a generic defect be discovered. As a rule, but only if
necessary, rely on pit "reuse" at Pantex rather than new production
at LANL.
- Increase the pace of dismantling retired warheads at Pantex
from today's rate of 300-400 per year to 800-1,000 per year, or
more, consistent with maintaining safety and without building major
new facilities.
- Continue storing dismantled pits at Pantex and perform a new
site-wide EIS for Pantex to examine whether the safe storage limit
can be increased from 20,000 to 25,000 pits.
- Declare all plutonium outside of warheads in the stockpile
plus a working inventory of 500 kg as excess to national security
- Place plutonium disposition activities in the United States
on hold pending a bottom up review of all reasonable alternatives.
The disposition option(s) chosen should be transparent and should
facilitate future international verification of Pu disposition
under a treaty advancing the elimination of all nuclear
- Dismantle excess canned subassemblies (CSAs) in existing
facilities at Y-12 as rapidly as possible, consistent with safe
operations, which we believe could be 1,000 or more per
- Declare all HEU outside of warheads in the stockpile, a
working inventory of 2,000 kg, and a 50-year reserve held to fuel
US naval vessels as excess to national security needs.
- Relocate residual HEU-related stockpile surveillance and
production activities from Y-12 to LANL after the stockpile is
reduced to 500 or fewer warheads.
- Cease all tritium production and extraction activities by
removing all Tritium Producing Burnable Absorber Rods (TPBARs) from
the Watts Bar nuclear powerplant and closing the Tritium Extraction
Facility at SRS after extracting the tritium from those
- Relocate all residual support for tritium reservoirs
(unloading, purification, recycling, and reloading) from SRS to the
Weapons Engineering Tritium Facility (WETF) at LANL after the
stockpile is reduced below 1,000 warheads.
Table 1 - Summary of Site-Specific Recommendations
Short Term Steps
Longer-Term Plans
Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) |
Significantly reduce nuclear weapons R & D in conformance
with a Curatorship approach and encourage mission
Cancel the CMRR-NF Project and upgrades for LANSCE.
Expand surveillance and testing of existing components.
Cancel plans for expanded pit production. Maintain a capability
to produce 1 or 2 pits/yr with additional capacity in cold standby
to produce up to 20/yr in 12-18 months if needed.
Retain a residual capability to design and certify nuclear
components, if needed.
Relocate support for tritium reservoirs from SRS to
the WETF at LANL when the stockpile is reduced below 1,000
Transfer residual HEU activities from Y-12 to LANL after the
stockpile is reduced to 500 warheads.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) |
Remove all Category I and II SNM from LLNL by the
end of 2010.
Close out SNM processing and handling, except for limited
surveillance activities.
Close most of Superblock, including Buildings 332 and 334.
Close all nuclear weapons R&D facilities or transfer them to
other missions.
Close Site 300 or transfer it for use to other missions.
Cancel plans for new weapons-related facilities, including an
annex to HEAF and a new WEST facility.
Retain independent teams of experts to analyze warhead safety
and reliability issues relevant to the current stockpile.
Peer review recertification of warheads and components and
potential changes to them.
Increase lab activities in basic science and energy
research, while maintaining strong programs in non-proliferation,
safeguards, transparency and verification of warhead dismantlement,
intelligence, and nuclear emergency response.
By 2012, LLNL will no longer be considered part of the nuclear
weapons complex administered by NNSA.
Sandia Lab
New Mexico (SNL-NM) |
Limit experimental facilities primarily to
surveillance and environmental testing of existing components.
Maintain cradle to grave responsibility for design, testing, and
recertification of nearly all existing nonnuclear components.
Fabricate or procure new and replacement components, as needed,
as responsibilities transfer from the KCP.
Retain a residual capability to design and certify nonnuclear
components and perform weapons integration, if needed.
Remain the predominant site for all engineering,
surveillance, production, and dismantlement of nonnuclear
Host future facilities needed for environmental testing of
components as part of the surveillance program.
Continue residual production and maintenance of neutron
generators, including tritium loading of neutron target tubes.
Sandia Lab
California (SNL-CA) |
Close out all NNSA activities. Some facilities may
continue operating for other missions under other entities and some
activities, including surveillance, may transfer to other NNSA
sites. |
By 2012, SNL-CA will no longer be considered part
of the nuclear weapons complex administered by NNSA. |
Nevada Test Site (NTS) |
Cease sub-critical testing and close the U1A
BEEF, large gas guns, and some other facilities could continue
as user facilities with new owners.
Transfer site landlord responsibility from NNSA to another DOE
office or other appropriate entity.
By 2012, NTS will no longer be considered part of
the nuclear weapons complex administered by NNSA. |
Pantex Plant |
Begin process to increase storage capacity from
20,000 to 25,000 pits.
Close pit storage bunkers in Zone 4 and transfer pits to more
secure, underground storage on the site.
Continue operation as the sole facility for routine
disassembly/assembly of nuclear weapons.
Consolidate all high explosive production and fabrication to
Increase dismantlement rate to 800-1,000 warheads
per year. |
Y-12 Facility |
Cancel the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF).
Maintain a capability to fabricate no more than 20 canned
sub-assemblies (CSAs) per year.
Move all HEU, except for processing inventories, into HEUMF by
the end of 2011.
Blend down HEU to 20% U-235 at existing facilities, new
facilities in HEUMF, or B&W-owned facilities.
Expand surveillance of CSAs.
Continue to supply enriched uranium to meet the fuel needs of
the U.S. Navy.
Increase dismantlement rate for CSAs to at least
1,000 per year.
Transfer all production and surveillance activities (except for
dismantlements) to LANL after the stockpile reaches 500
Complete all dismantlements by 2025, at which point Y-12 will no
longer be considered part of the nuclear weapons complex
administered by NNSA.
Continue operating as a uranium and HEU processing and storage
Downblend all excess HEU to LEU by 2030.
Kansas City Plant (KCP) |
Do not build new plant.
Downsize in place and begin shifting missions to SNL-NM and
All NNSA activities cease by the end of 2015. No
longer considered part of the nuclear weapons complex. |
Savannah River Site (SRS) |
Cancel the PDCF.
Place the MOX fuel plant and the Waste Solidification Building
on hold.
Close the Tritium Extraction Facility after removing tritium
from remaining TPBARs.
Transfer all support for tritium reservoirs from
SRS to LANL, as the stockpile is reduced toward 500 warheads
(between 2015 and 2020), at which time SRS will no longer be
considered part of the nuclear weapons complex administered by
The potential impact of a terrorist attack using nuclear weapons
on U.S. soil is too horrific to permit the ineffective security at
DOE's nuclear weapons facilities that has persisted for many years.
Experts warn that the threat of nuclear terrorism is growing. There
are three main threats from nuclear terrorism on U.S. soil:
- The creation of an improvised nuclear device on site, by
suicidal terrorists, which could be as easy as dropping one
slightly sub-critical piece of HEU on another.
- Intruders' use of conventional explosives on site to create a
radiological dispersal device, also known as a dirty bomb.
- The theft of nuclear materials in order to create a crude
nuclear weapon off-site, which could be used to devastate a U.S.
Numerous security lapses at sites in the nuclear weapons complex
are well-documented and are summarized in Chapter 7 of our report.
We believe that DOE has not done enough to address the deficiencies
these lapses demonstrate and to reduce security risks throughout
the weapons complex. We have three principal recommendations for
improving security.
We recommend that DOE more rapidly reduce the number of
places where Category I and Category II quantities of SNM are
stored. Consolidation is not a new idea. In May 2004, DOE
endorsed consolidation of nuclear materials at fewer sites, and in
fewer, more secure buildings within existing sites. Our proposals,
outlined in Chapters 5 and 6 of this report, would consolidate SNM
much more rapidly and extensively than under NNSA's plan.
We recommend that DOE more rapidly reduce the amount of SNM
in the complex and around the world, with special attention paid to
HEU. NNSA's plan for Complex Transformation does not declare
any additional HEU as excess or set any downblending goals. HEU is
more valuable to terrorists than any other nuclear material,
because it is relatively easy to assemble into a crude nuclear
weapon. However, at great cost and risk, NNSA continues to store
400 MT of HEU in five wooden buildings at Y-12. We would
significantly speed up the downblending of excess HEU by using
existing facilities at Y-12, by adding downblending capability to
the HEUMF, and by making use of private sector downblending
capabilities at BWXT's Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Tennessee and
its Nuclear Products Division in Lynchburg, VA.
We recommend that DOE federalize its protective forces.
Unlike firefighters and other first responders, DOE's protective
force officers do not receive benefits to ensure that they and
their families are cared for in the event of a serious injury or
death. This lack of first responder benefits dampens the protective
force officers' willingness to accept high levels of risk, and
raises a question about whether they will stay and fight if bullets
fly. A federal force would also be easier to select, vet, train,
equip, and control, which would lead to better response.
Cost Savings Under our Plan
Our plan would reduce NNSA's spending on nuclear weapons by $2.3
billion in 2010 compared to the Obama Administration's recently
released 2010 budget request of $6.3 billion. To his credit, the
Obama budget request is itself $660 million less than the Bush
Administration's projection for 2010. Our projected budget for 2015
would cut another $1.55 billion from our 2010 spending level and we
would reduce spending by yet another $0.6 billion in 2020. Under
our plan, NNSA spending on nuclear weapons in 2020 would be about
$2.14 billion in FY09 dollars, which is about one-third what it is
today. More importantly, our plan will greatly reduce nuclear
threats from adversaries abroad, as well as from terrorists
anywhere in the world, and will reduce the risk of nuclear
accidents. In addition, the U.S. would, by example, provide solid
leadership in global nonproliferation efforts, pointing toward a
world without nuclear weapons.
[1] This Summary and Recommendations,
with associated tables and map, is reproduced verbatim with the
permission of the authors (with spelling, punctuation and emphases
as in the original).
At triple today's pace of dismantlement, there would still be
thousands of warheads awaiting dismantlement for the next decade in
any event.
The lead uuthor of this report is Dr Robert L.
Civiak, Civiak@wildblue.net. The contributing authors include:
Christopher Paine (cpaine@nrdc.org) of the Natural Resources
Defense Council; Peter Stockton and Ingrid Drake (idrake@pogo.org)
of the Project On Government Oversight (POGO), Washington D.C. (www.pogo.org) Jay Coghlan
(jay@nukewatch.org) of Nuclear Watch New Mexico); and Marylia
Kelley (marylia@trivalleycares.org) of Tri-Valley CAREs.

This Summary and Recommendations is reproduced verbatim from
the Report A New Strategic Posture for the United States and a
Nuclear Weapons Complex to Support it.
The full report is available from the NWCC Project, which
Natural Resources Defense Council, Washington, DC at www.nrdc.org/nuclear
Nuclear Watch New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM at www.nukewatch.org
Tri-Valley CAREs, Livermore, CA at www.trivalleycares.org
Just Peace of Texas, Amarillo, TX at Justpeace4@yahoo.com
Physicians for Social Responsibility (Greater Kansas City
Chapter) at http://kcnukeswatch.wordpress.com
or www.nukewatch.org/KCNukePlant/index.html
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