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Issue No. 91, Summer 2009
Rank | State | % of total | US$ (mil) |
1 | United States | 30.51 | 34,901 |
2 | Russia | 24.95 | 28,536 |
3 | Germany | 10.01 | 11,450 |
4 | France | 8.40 | 9,607 |
5 | United Kingdom | 4.49 | 5,132 |
6 | Netherlands | 3.32 | 3,803 |
7 | Italy | 2.41 | 2,761 |
8 | Spain | 1.86 | 2,123 |
9 | Ukraine | 1.82 | 2,083 |
10 | Sweden | 1.76 | 2,012 |
11 | Israel | 1.75 | 2,007 |
12 | China | 1.67 | 1,908 |
13 | Canada | 1.16 | 1,322 |
14 | Switzerland | 1.10 | 1,262 |
15 | Belgium | 0.62 | 704 |
16 | Poland | 0.48 | 549 |
17 | South Korea | 0.39 | 450 |
18 | South Africa | 0.37 | 427 |
19 | Finland | 0.21 | 244 |
20 | Montenegro | 0.18 | 208 |
All others | 2.53 | 2,889 | |
Total | 100 | 114,386 |
Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database.
Figures are expressed in USD (millions) at constant 1990 prices
and may not add up due to rounding.
The issue of parameters also continued to be highly divisive with governments still unable to agree to more than a baseline of placing the principles of the UN Charter at the centre of an ATT.[35] The OEWG discussions focused on two primary areas: what principles should be applied; and how principles could or should be applied.
The OEWG sought to make progress towards identifying a common set of standards where governments would have a presumption to deny an arms transfer. Delegations agreed that any such criteria should be drawn from existing international law and that an ATT would not create any new international norms. The chair noted a general view that any parameters must be objective, non-discriminatory, and politically stable.
The discussions continued to reveal a widely divergent, but not necessarily irreconcilable, range of views regarding applying the principles of the UN Charter, international humanitarian law, human rights law, or other existing international principles to arms transfer decisions. The Indian delegation opined that the Group's inability to agree on parameters was closely linked to the lack of consensus over the goals and objectives of an ATT.[36]
Consistency with UN Charter
There continued to be consensus on the bottom line that any ATT should be based on, or at least not inconsistent with, the principles of the UN Charter, which should be applied in a non-discriminatory way. A number of governments cited the need to ensure adherence to the Charter's provisions barring the threat or use of force,[37] non-interference in the domestic affairs of states,[38] implementation of UN Security Council decisions including arms embargoes[39] and the right to individual or collective self-defence.[40]
Beyond the UN Charter, the only principle that enjoys consensus is that governments should prevent arms transfers that risk diversion to terrorist or organized criminal use.
International Humanitarian Law
Statements to the OEWG expressed broad, cross-regional support for incorporating international humanitarian law (IHL), though few identified specific principles.[41] In a compilation of global principles for an ATT, a group of NGOs argued that arms transfers should be denied when they are likely to be used to commit: gross violations of IHL; serious violations of IHL; or genocide and crimes against humanity.[42]
A number of delegations also expressed support for using an ATT to deal with humanitarian issues stemming from armed conflict.[43] Potential provisions dealing with armed conflict include preventing arms transfers to conflict regions[44] or preventing arms transfers to users that national authorities assess might engage in humanitarian offences.
Human Rights
Inclusion of human rights standards also continued to see cross-regional support, though with less widespread enthusiasm than IHL.[45] Pakistan spoke out against inclusion of human rights standards, arguing that, in a treaty based on national-based implementation, such national assessments would be subject to political abuse.
A number of delegations also called for incorporation of human, social, or economic development needs-likely in the form of some criteria that mandate an exporting state to assess whether or not the importing state is diverting resources from the needs of its population through arms purchases. Others called for arms transfer decisions to take into account regional stability.
Few delegations spoke against inclusion of IHL and human rights standards in an ATT-China, however, did remark the subjects should be "handled with caution". It is clear from the lack of consensus-aside from the anodyne recognition that both importers and exporters have responsibilities-that some continue to stand against inclusion of such standards, at least until greater clarity is achieved on identifying the principles and objectives.
Perhaps crucial to securing and maintaining support for an ATT, a number of governments have cautioned that a Treaty must not overrule existing national or international export control standards. Norway suggested the treaty should allow for states to adopt and maintain standards that are more stringent than that imposed by an ATT. The United States echoed this sentiment, warning that it would not be interested in any effort that undercut its existing export controls or that permitted arms transfers to "destabilizing users".
Several delegations, including developed and developing states, recognized the need for cooperation and assistance to small states in implementing the treaty. France specified such measures must be voluntary.
A number of delegations cited the need for transparency and reporting provisions and no one spoke against such measures. Some delegations called for some form of verification and compliance mechanism, though Italy argued it would not be feasible to empower some international body with the authority to overrule national decisions to deny an arms export. As noted by the UK Ambassador, there is no right to receive an arms import.
Governments must also decide how any such standards are to be applied to arms transfer decisions. Most governments and NGOs continued to focus on the approach of assessing whether the risk of a given transfer might be used or diverted to illicit use-a risk assessment approach-rather than making decisions based solely on the record of the recipient. This approach is broadly consistent with that advocated by the ICRC,[46] as well as that taken by the Nairobi Protocol, ECOWAS Convention on SALW, and proposals of the Control Arms Campaign.
The risk assessment approach differs from the standard enacted by the EU in its Code of Conduct, which requires members to assess the IHL record of the recipient, though the United Kingdom has advocated for risk assessment in the context of the ATT. Amnesty International has advocated for a multi-tracked assessment including both the risk a transfer might be used or diverted to commit human rights violations[47] and the recipient's respect for-or its attitude towards-human rights law.[48]
The most notable outcome of the second session of the OEWG was its expression of support for "international action" to address the problem of the unregulated trade in conventional arms. For ATT supporters, such an acknowledgment represented a major victory in that it signals consensus within the UN system for some form of action, though without specifying what form that action might take.
A few governments and many NGOs expressed optimism that the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly might be able to contemplate a negotiating mandate. Statements delivered by a few delegations, however, seemed to flatly preclude this possibility, signalling that no action would be conceivable until the OEWG concludes the full term of its mandate in 2011.[49]
Given the large number of major differences on nearly every aspect of an ATT, the remaining sessions of the OEWG, representing only four weeks of meetings spread over two years, might be hard pressed to achieve consensus on any of the items on its agenda. Support for more substantive discussions came from surprising places, however. The United States, offering an "administrative point of caution," argued that the one-week format of the OEWG was insufficient and appealed to states to consider ways to adjust its mandate.
Since the conclusion of the GGE, opposition to an ATT per se has all but evaporated and all governments now agree some form of international action should be taken. Despite this, doubts about feasibility remain amongst several key arms exporting and importing governments, most vocally Egypt, India, and Russia.[50] There is also still no consensus on whether international action should take the form of a legally-binding treaty-the type of action favoured by the overwhelming majority of states.
One-third of the way through its three-year mandate, the OEWG still finds itself in discussion mode, rather than in drafting mode, as it has yet to attempt to work out agreements over the basic goals and objectives, scope, and parameters of an ATT. In the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly, it is possible that ATT proponents may be able to leverage the consensus on the need for international action into agreement for steps beyond the OEWG. Some may still find it premature for a preparatory committee for an international conference to conclude an instrument; an expanded discussion format with a stronger negotiating mandate may be possible.
Absent agreement on the basic elements, rushing the process, may run the risk of failing to secure agreement on key features of an effective Treaty-particularly giving it a legally-binding character and ensuring its scope is sufficient to actually deal with the humanitarian and human rights concerns that gave rise to this initiative. In the end, getting it right should prove to be more important than doing it fast.
It might be fruitful to make progress first toward identifying the problem. The Russian delegation continues to hold a firm position on the necessity of gaining a better understanding of the failing points of regional and sub-regional approaches. In the context of SALW, in 1995 the General Assembly agreed to establish a government expert panel to explore and agree to the nature of the problem first as governments and NGOs built momentum toward what eventually become to the UN Programme of Action. After agreeing to the nature of the problem in 1997, states were able to secure agreement in the next year on both a follow-up process and on a deadline for achieving agreement on action.
The result of the 2008 GGE was especially disappointing in that it was particularly weak on reaching agreement on the problems to be solved, citing only diversion to unauthorized users, transnational crime, and terrorism. For the OWEG, coming to a common understanding of the goals and objectives may go a long way toward settling the feasibility issues and perhaps even breaking down the final barriers of resistance toward negotiating some form of binding treaty.
NGOs have clearly articulated their visions for the principles and objectives of an ATT. Governments should use the upcoming sessions of the OWEG to achieve such a vision as well.
[1] Report of the Open-ended Working Group towards an Arms Trade Treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms, A/AC.277/2009/1, United Nations, New York, 17 July 2009.
[2] Report of the Group of Governmental Experts to examine the feasibility, scope and draft parameters for a comprehensive, legally binding instrument establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms, A/63/334 United Nations, New York, 26 August 2009.
[3] A/AC.277/2009/1, paragraph 23.
[4] Introductory Memorandum, Nobel Peace Laureates' International Code Of Conduct On Arms Transfers, May 1997.
[5] Wade Boese, "European Union Adopts Code of Conduct on Arms Sales," Arms Control Today, May 1998.
[6] Such as UN Security Council resolutions, arms control treaties, and other export control guidelines.
[7] To ensure the recipient is meeting its legitimate security needs with the least diversion from human and economic resources.
UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw announced on 30 September 2004 at
the Labour Party annual conference that the United Kingdom would
work toward an ATT.
In March 2005, Straw suggested six points to guide the process for
the Treaty, including that it should: be legally-binding;
negotiated in the UN and backed by the UN's authority; cover all
conventional arms not just small arms; be a separate, self-standing
initiative; be based on "certain core principles which make clear
when exports would be unacceptable"; have an effective mechanism
for enforcement and monitoring; include a wide range of
signatories, including the world's major arms exporters. UK Foreign
Secretary Jack Straw, "Securing a Global Arms Trade Treaty," Speech
at the Institute of Civil Engineers, London, 15 March
[9] "Towards an Arms Trade Treaty," Briefing Paper, Control Arms Campaign, June 2005.
[10] "Regional Support for Arms Trade Treaty," Press Release, Control Arms Campaign, 12 July 2005.
[11] "13 more governments announce support for an Arms Trade Treaty," Press Release, Control Arms Campaign, 15 July 2005.
[12] "EU announces support for international Arms Trade Treaty," Press Release, Control Arms Campaign, 5 October 2005.
[13] These views are available at: www.un.org/disarmament/convarms/ArmsTradeTreaty/html/ATT-ViewsMS.shtml.
[14] Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
[15] See Sarah Parker, "Analysis of States' Views on an Arms Trade Treaty," United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Geneva, November 2008.
[16] Ibid, p. 5-6.
[17] Ibid, p. 9-11.
[18] See Michael Spies, "Between Irrelevance and a New Era: Report on the 2008 First Committee," Disarmament Diplomacy, 89, Winter 2008.
[19] For a comprehensive assessment of government responses to UNGA resolution 61/89 and position on all aspects of an ATT, see Control Arms Campaign, "A Global Arms Trade Treaty: What States Want," November 2007.
[20] Zimbabwe joined the United States in voting against the draft resolution in the First Committee, but switched its vote to yes in the General Assembly. The vote in the First Committee was 147 in favour, 2 against, with 18 abstentions. The vote in the General Assembly was 133 in favour, 1 against, with 19 abstentions. Due to the unusual timing of the vote in the General Assembly, fewer states participated in the vote than in 2006. See "Between Irrelevance and a New Era: Report on the 2008 First Committee," above for a full breakdown of voting.
[21] A/63/240, paragraph 5.
[22] "The Group observed that the weapons being traded in the illicit market can be used for terrorist acts, organised crime and other criminal activities." A/53/334, paragraph 28.
[23] The Group noted the diversion of arms from the legal trade fuels "instability, international terrorism, and transnational crime." A/AC.277/2009/1, paragraph 23.
[24] Ibid, paragraph 19.
[25] Ibid, paragraph 22.
[26] Parker, 2008 notes little support for any form of standing body or secretariat that is empowered to make decisions on making arms export determinations or authorizations.
[27] A/63/334. paragraph 17.
[28] The seven categories of weapons covered by UNRCA include: I. Battle Tanks (weighing at least 16.5 tonnes with a main gun of a calibre of at least 75 mm); II. Armoured Combat Vehicles (designed to carry four or more infantrymen or armed with at least a 12.5 calibre gun or a missile launcher); III. Large Calibre Artillery Systems (with a calibre greater than 75 mm); IV. Combat Aircraft (excluding unarmed trainers); V. Attack Helicopters (defined as possessing integrated fire controls); VI. Warships (with a displacement of more than 500 tonnes or those that can launch missiles or torpedoes greater than 25 km); VII. Missiles and Missile Launchers (with a range greater than 25 km and including cruise missiles and all man-portable air defence systems). In 2006, the UN General Assembly provided for the optional reporting of SALW, which is considered by some as an unofficial eighth category. See UN General Assembly resolution 46/36 L (1992). See also resolutions A/49/316, A/52/316, A/55/281, A/58/274 and A/61/261.
[29] Joseph Farha and Roy Isbister, "The Arms Trade Treaty and military equipment: The case for a comprehensive approach," Saferworld, London, July 2009.
[30] Ibid.
[31] Delegations advocating for a comprehensive approach included Argentina, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Finland, Guatemala, Indonesia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Peru and Switzerland.
[32] See "Global Arms Trade Treaty: What States Want," Control Arms Campaign.
[33] For India, such an outcome would meet its definition of a "non-discriminatory" ATT.
[34] A/RES/46/36 L, paragraph 7.
[35] A/AC.277/2009/1, paragraph 22.
[36] This is consistent with views of the more sceptical delegations, which believe the Group must agree to the goals and objectives, which would guide further discussions.
[37] Article 2.4 of the UN Charter: "All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations."
[38] Article 2.7 of the UN Charter.
[39] Article 25 of the UN Charter.
[40] Article 51 of the UN Charter.
[41] Delegations expressing support for inclusion of IHL principles included Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Guatemala, Nigeria, Norway, Palestine, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
[42] Arms Trade Treaty Steering Committee, "Compilation of Global Principles for Arms Transfers," Amnesty International, 2007. At the time of publication, the ATT Steering Committee included the following NGOs: the Africa Peace Forum, the Albert Schweitzer Institute, Amnesty International, Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, Caritas Internationalis, the Friends Committee on National Legislation, Nonviolence International Southeast Asia, the International Action Network on Small Arms, Oxfam International, Project Ploughshares, Saferworld, Sou da Paz, Viva Rio, and the Women's Institute for Alternative Development.
[43] Notably, the United States expressed support for addressing problems related to crimes against humanity, terrorism, and crime.
[44] In resolution A/RES/46/36 L, the UN General Assembly, inter alia, called on states "to exercise due restraint in exports and imports of conventional arms, particularly in situations of tension or conflict". Though non-binding, the repeated adoption of such language by the UNGA demonstrates the political viability of the principle of restricting arms transfers to regions of conflict. Consensus on common standards for the practical implementation of such a standard may prove difficult to achieve, however.
[45] Delegations expressing support for inclusion of human rights standards included Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, Norway, and South Africa.
[46] International Committee of the Red Cross, "Arms Transfer Decisions: Applying international humanitarian law criteria: Practical Guide," Geneva, June 2007.
[47] Amnesty International, "How to Apply Human Rights Standards to Arms Transfer Decisions," Amnesty International Publications, London, 2008.
[48] Respect or attitude toward human rights law would be measured by a number of factors including a recipient's participation to key human rights instruments, its enactment of national legislation related to those instruments, its capacity for preventing and punishing human rights abuses and its cooperation with UN human rights bodies.
[49] Delegations signalling opposition to moving quickly toward a negotiating mandate included India, Russia, and the United States. These delegations, including the United States, also tend to support the so-called step-by-step process.
[50] China backed the Russian position on the issue of feasibility, but otherwise did not contribute much to the discussion.
Table 1. Areas of Agreement identified by
the 2008 Group of Government Experts (A/63/334)
Goals and Objectives |
The need to identify goals and objectives. "The group recognized that the key condition to answer the question of feasibility would lie with the clear definition of the fundamental goals and objectives of a potential arms trade treaty." (para. 17) |
Problems to be addressed. "The group observed that the weapons being traded in the illicit market can be used for terrorist acts, organized crime and other criminal activities. In addition, the Group acknowledged the need to prevent the diversion of conventional arms from the legal into the illicit market." (para. 28) "The group also recognized that numerous unresolved issues in the global conventional arms trade required further discussion." (para. 15) |
Feasibility |
Requisite criteria. "To be feasible, a potential arms trade treaty would need clear definitions and be fair, objective, balanced, non-political, non-discriminatory and universal within the framework of the United Nations." (para. 15) |
Scope |
No Agreement. |
Parameters |
Sources of law. "Experts agreed that principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations would be central to any potential arms trade treaty." (para. 24) |
Responsibilities of importers and exporters. "The group acknowledged the respective responsibilities of exporters and importers." (para. 29) |
Actions to be Taken |
Step-by-step UN Process. "further consideration of efforts within the United Nations to address the international trade in conventional arms is required on a step-by-step basis in an open and transparent manner to achieve, on the basis of consensus, a balance that will provide benefit to all, with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations at the centre of such efforts." (para. 27) |
National measures. "In order to begin improving the current situation, the Group recognized the need for all States to ensure that their national systems and internal controls are at the highest possible standards, and that States in a position to do so could render assistance in this regard, upon request." (para. 29) |
Table 2. Areas of Agreement identified by the 2009 Open Ended
Working Group (A/AC.277/2009/1)
Goals and Objectives |
Problems to be addressed. The group recognized "the need to address the problems relating to unregulated trade in conventional weapons and their diversion to the illicit market" (para. 23) It also recognized that diversion fuels "instability, international terrorism, and transnational crime." (para. 23) |
Scope |
No Agreement. |
Parameters |
Responsibilities of importers and exporters. "respective responsibilities exist for both exporters and importers to address the current situation, based on the principles established in the United Nations Charter, in a non-discriminatory manner." (para. 22) |
Actions to be Taken |
International Action. "the Group supports that international action should be taken to address the problem." (para. 23) |
Michael Spies was part time Research Associate with the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy until taking a job with the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs in September 2009. The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance provided by the Acronym Institute and Mark Marge of the International Action Network Against Small Arms (IANSA) in the preparation of this report.
© 2009 The Acronym Institute.