Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 91, Summer 2009
Unfinished Business: Lessons from the CTBT Negotiations
Rebecca Johnson
Anyone who participated in the Conference on Disarmament (CD)
when it negotiated the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) from
January 1994 to September 1996 would agree that the work was hard
and long, but few would have wanted to be anywhere else. The
atmosphere was crackling with intelligence and passion, as
diplomats, scientists and civil society activists argued for their
preferences, exchanged information, challenged each other, and
crafted treaty language in collectively intense efforts to find the
best solutions, especially on the critical issues of scope,
verification and entry into force. There were conflicts and high
drama, quiet deals and angry confrontations, political successes
and missed opportunities.
My book, "Unfinished Business", published by the United Nations
Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in May 2009, tells the
story of how the CTBT was fought for and negotiated, analyzing the
key decision points and highlighting the roles played by civil
society actors as well as governments. Though it focuses on the
test ban treaty as it was negotiated in the immediate post-cold-war
period, the book contains lessons of contemporary relevance for
diplomats and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) seeking to
bring further disarmament treaties to fruition. Whether aiming to
put a nuclear weapons convention onto governments' agendas, or pave
the way to negotiate space security agreements, or finally get the
deadlocked CD to carry out its mandate to negotiate a fissile
materials treaty, this history of the CTBT negotiations contains
useful insights and theoretical perspectives on how to foster
positive-sum solutions that integrate different national and
international needs and interests.
By comparison with what was expected or thought feasible when
the test ban negotiations opened in 1994, some outcomes - the zero
yield scope, for example - were more or better than anticipated,
while others were worse. The resulting treaty has a robust
verification regime and makes an invaluable contribution to nuclear
disarmament as well as non-proliferation. Its Achilles heel - the
weakness that continues to undermine the CTBT - is Article XIV on
entry into force, which placed the bar so high that despite having
some 181 signatories and 149 ratifications, it has not yet been
possible to bring the test ban into full legal effect.
Nevertheless, the CTBT Organization, based in Vienna, has been
effectively established and is well on the way to meeting the
monitoring and verification requirements in the treaty.
Unfinished Business focuses on the multilateral processes
and actors that brought the CTBT to the United Nations on 24
September 1996, where it was signed by the leaders of the major
nuclear-weapon states and more than half the world. The final
chapter brings the CTBT up to date. The major remaining political
challenge is to enable entry into force by convincing the remaining
states to sign and ratify the treaty. There are also technical
challenges, and the book briefly discusses the CTBTO's advances in
setting up the International Monitoring System (IMS) and developing
procedures for carrying out on-site inspections (OSI), most
recently through exercises such as IFE08 (an Integrated Field
Exercise, coordinated by the CTBTO at the former Soviet
Semipalatinsk test site, in Kazakhstan in September 2008). These
matters are not the focus of the present article, as they are
addressed contemporaneously in this issue of Disarmament
Diplomacy 91 by former US Ambassador Thomas Graham and nuclear
weapons specialist Dr David Hafemeister in "Nuclear Testing and
Proliferation - an Inextricable Connection".
In response to interest expressed by CD representatives, I will
analyze here some of the lessons that can be drawn from the CTBT
negotiations to improve our understanding of the dynamics of
multilateral arms negotiations. As the CD stands again on the brink
of negotiating a fissban, as noted by Canada's ambassador Paul
Meyer in his article on the fissile material (cut-off) treaty
[FM(C)T], also in this issue of Disarmament Diplomacy 91, I
will focus particularly on the programme of work at hand.
What's in a name?
As early as 1954, India and Japan, as well as civil society
campaigners, had put the concept of a comprehensive treaty banning
all nuclear testing onto the political agenda. Unfinished
Business briefly summarizes how efforts to achieve this total
test ban failed and how US President Kennedy, Soviet
General-Secretary Krushchev and UK Prime Minister Macmillan decided
to agree a Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) in 1963. France and China
refused to sign and continued to test in the atmosphere for some
years after, but despite these violations and years of political
setbacks, many states and NGOs continued to hold up the demand for
a truly comprehensive test ban as a necessary and achievable
objective. Now a growing number of NGOs and governments are
mobilizing around the objective of a comprehensive treaty to
abolish nuclear weapons, generally referred to as a nuclear weapons
convention (NWC), after the biological and chemical weapons
conventions. Though opponents like to depict calls for a NWC as
undermining the existing NPT-based agreements, such a criticism is
as absurd as claims that calls for a CTBT undermined the PTBT. Nor
are the nuclear-weapon states right to dismiss calls for a NWC as
"premature". As with the CTBT in relation to the PTBT, the fact
that a NWC is being advocated now is recognition that the full
implementation of the NPT's preamble and Article VI will involve a
more complex treaty that will require greater levels of monitoring
and verification than can be assured under the NPT, and
negotiations on the comprehensive treaty will be able to bring in
non-states parties to the NPT on a non-discriminatory basis.
The fissban has been on the CD's programme of work for many
years. As with the CTBT, there are fundamental differences of view
about the aims and purposes of the designated treaty, particularly
with regard to the balance between disarmament and
non-proliferation objectives. Unlike the CTBT, these differences of
view are even reflected in the title states are willing to use to
describe the fissban they are willing to negotiate.
Some of the current nuclear "haves", notably the nuclear-weapon
states, India and Israel, prioritize the objective of
non-proliferation, and emphasize that only a ban on future
production is to be addressed. They and their allies intentionally
use the acronym FMCT to demonstrate that they are primarily - or
solely - interested in negotiating a cut-off treaty. Others,
particularly nonaligned states (and, according to its position
statements, Pakistan), argue that the treaty should explicitly
contribute to disarmament as well as non-proliferation, and for
this, stocks need to be included. The preferred acronyms for this
are FMT for 'Fissile Material Treaty' or (my preference) fissban.
Such terms do not prejudge the scope in the way that FMCT appears
to rule out past production, but are (unsurprisingly) used most
often by those who want stocks to be addressed. It is important to
recall that CD/1299 (the March 1995 Shannon report) provides for
stocks to be considered as part of the negotiations although they
are not mentioned in the narrower mandate contained within the
The CD as negotiating forum
Most diplomats would agree that if we were designing a
negotiating forum for multilateral disarmament treaties now, it
would look somewhat different from this Conference on Disarmament,
which emerged in phases through the cold war, with its current
mandate and rules formed through the crucible of the first UN
Special Session on Disarmament in 1978.
At that time, the United States and Soviet Union insisted that
the CD make all its decisions by consensus, including all
procedural decisions which also have to be adopted every year. That
might have been cold war realpolitik in the 1970s, but it has
overburdened the CD in the 21st century. It is debilitating and
counterproductive for governments to know that any decision they
take can be blocked or renegotiated the following year. If everyone
were keen and eager for disarmament negotiations, they wouldn't be
so difficult to achieve. Negotiations are needed precisely because
some states want to hold on to weapons or practices that the
majority of governments and civil society deem inconsistent with
our wider security and humanitarian exigencies and values. So
handing every state a de facto veto on starting those negotiations
is a recipe for paralysis.
The CD was developed at a time when national security was
regarded as paramount, and every government got to determine its
own definition of national security, whether this included
developing tens of thousands of nuclear weapons, pursuing armed
conflict for oil, minerals or territory, or even torturing and
executing civilians with dissident views. In the past 30 years such
notions of the sovereign right of governments to pursue their own
determinations of national security have come under question,
particularly if they undermine international peace, security and
human rights or cause indiscriminate harm to civilians.
Like other international institutions, the CD needs to be
restructured as a forum where processes of challenge and change can
take place, and where governments are encouraged - and also
persuaded - to reframe their understandings of national security to
become consistent with - or at least responsive towards -
international and human security imperatives.
This does not mean that the CD rules should enable treaty
decisions to be imposed by riding roughshod over governments'
concerns. This may be the spectre raised by objectors to CD reform,
but it is not what anyone is suggesting. However, the present
system, where the consensus rule is invoked to prevent the CD
getting started is untenable. By denying all states the opportunity
to participate in the process of reaching convergence, which is
what negotiations should be about, the current system rides
roughshod over the security needs and objectives of the vast
majority of states and peoples. The CD has almost used up the
international community's patience. Without reform this forum will
not survive much longer.
The point here is not that national security and interests
should be subsumed in favour of others' interests - few states
would agree to that. The point is to create a process whereby
actual security interests can be given priority over the special
interests of the few that have vested military or economic
interests in maintaining an insecure status quo. As practised in
the CD, the consensus rule gives a carte blanche to a single
reluctant government to impose its narrow determination of
particular national interests on everyone else and block
developments that could greatly enhance its country's actual
security, as well as improving the security of others.
The argument for CD reform is based on modern understandings of
how national interests are formed and shaped. Far from being fixed
and necessarily competitive, as outdated realist theories would
have us believe, perceptions of national security are the product
of a number of changing factors. From global heating and climate
change to weapons of mass destruction and terrorism, our 21st
century security threats are transboundary and global. In today's
world, the concept of national security has no meaning in a vacuum.
It makes sense only in relation to international and regional
security. Nor can governments be assumed to have a sacrosanct
monopoly on defining and protecting their countries' security, as
poor governance is itself a cause of great 'national' insecurity
for many people.
As the CTBT experience demonstrated, through the process of
negotiations, many governments come to change or recast their
perceptions of their state's interests and security. The process of
negotiations demonstrates the benefits of cooperative security and
the interdependence of national, regional and international
security. Negotiations should not be aimed at over-riding national
security considerations but to facilitate governments to reshape
their understanding of national security and to come to the
understanding that however large or small, powerful or independent
a country is, harmonizing with the security needs and interests of
the wider international community will enhance rather than diminish
its own security environment.
Negotiating for positive-sum solutions
In the past, it was assumed that security negotiations were a
zero sum game, and that for at least some states it would be
necessary to 'give up' or 'surrender' some national interests. Now
that we understand security to be interdependent and interlinked,
we recognize that one country cannot obtain security at the expense
of others.
Unfinished Business considers the differences between
integrative negotiations - the strategies and tactics for reaching
positive sum convergence - and traditional, distributive
negotiating approaches, which assume that if there are winners
there must also be losers. Though the CTBT negotiations contained
examples and elements of both distributive and integrative
convergence, it became clear that better and more sustainable
decisions arose through integrative convergence than through the
concealing, obstructing and manipulative tactics traditionally
employed by zero sum practitioners. On pages 54-55, for example, I
list the range of tactics I observed delegations employing the
CTBT, developing beyond the tactics identified by Dutch and
Canadian academics, particularly with regard to tactics that can
facilitate agreements.[1]
Learning lessons from the CTBT
Different kinds of lessons can be drawn from the CTBT
negotiations. Below I focus on those that may be particularly
useful for the CD in its efforts to make progress on a fissban.
Start without preconditions - states' objectives and
dynamics can be shaped by factors that emerge through the process
of negotiations, thereby facilitating progressive solutions that
were previously ruled out
There are parallels between the CTBT and the fissban in the
emphasis some states put on whether the primary objective should be
non-proliferation or disarmament. States that seek to specify
certain outcomes or delineate the parameters of negotiations before
allowing negotiations to go ahead are nearly always masking their
real policy preference, which is to have no negotiations at all.
Once there is basic agreement to negotiate, the mandate should be
broad enough to accommodate different perspectives on what the
final treaty should encompass. It is a mistake to create too narrow
a mandate or to try to prenegotiate agreements on controversial
issues. The process of negotiations at its best can reveal or
create new solutions to contested issues.
Unfinished Business details how this worked for the CTBT
on the issue of scope, which was as deeply contested as the current
argument over stocks in the fissban. A core interest shared by the
P-5 nuclear-weapon states was to preserve their nuclear weapon
programmes while curbing the options of others. As the negotiations
convened in January 1994, all the state negotiators, including the
nonaligned, believed that the P-5 would refuse to agree to a test
ban treaty unless they could retain some nuclear testing options.
However, though the P-5 shared the aim of keeping open some testing
options under the rubric of "activities not prohibited", they
couldn't agree on what these should be - a low threshold,
exceptions for safety tests or the right to conduct "peaceful
nuclear explosions". They conducted their scope negotiations in
their own minilateral forum, away from the multilateral CD, but
failed to reach agreement because their asymmetrical technological
capabilities, political distrust and rivalries impeded their
collective attempts to agree on even a maximum threshold for
conducting low-yield hydronuclear experiments.
The non-nuclear negotiators did not subscribe to the P-5's
objective of maintaining nuclear infrastructures and options, but
their ability to mount a coherent opposition was diluted by the
acceptance of nuclear deterrence (and therefore the ability to
maintain and develop nuclear weapons) by an influential group of
nuclear allies. Characterized in my book as "non-proliferation
regime-builders", these states saw themselves as pragmatic, and
devoted themselves especially to getting the technical parts of the
treaty worked out. At times they assisted the nonaligned states to
promote disarmament objectives, but often they saw their role as
keeping the nuclear-weapon states on track by reining in the more
challenging disarmament-related proposals. Another group - most but
not all of whom were from the G-21 group of nonaligned states -
took the role of "disarmament regime-builders", and pushed not only
for a workable treaty but for one that would also lead towards
disarmament. Their effectiveness was diminished by inadequate
resources and lack of unity on some of the major substantive
issues. This was primarily due to the presence of India and
Pakistan in the G-21, but there were others who also complicated
attempts to advance substantive joint proposals because they put
regional or national agendas above the disarmament goals.
Despite starting off with ideas for a CTBT that would have been
comprehensive in name but partial in application, the P-5 ended up
with a zero-yield scope that reflected the hopes (if not
expectations) of the structurally marginalized disarmament
advocates more closely than their own perceived national interests.
The turning point was the decision to go to zero, which was almost
entirely determined by transnational civil society action pressing
on governments outside Geneva.
International public reaction to the resumption of French
nuclear testing provided a sudden policy-shaping jolt that pushed
President Clinton off the fence. The swiftness and intensity of
public outrage, expressed through boycotts and demonstrations in
many countries, caused France to seek a popular compromise. Acres
of newsprint, and thousands of letters reminded the United States
that a total test ban was an important and popular objective. The
protests also conveyed the warning that if testing were not
properly banned, there could be a revival of the kind of
anti-nuclear protest movements witnessed in the 1980s. The second
important factor in shaping the zero yield decision was the
provision of technically relevant solution-oriented information by
governmental and non-governmental scientists (sometimes working
together, as in the JASON group) and arms controllers in
This experience demonstrates the importance of leaving enough
room in the negotiating mandate and structures to allow for the
initially-envisaged zone of possible agreement to be redrawn in the
negotiations, as political, strategic and civil society factors may
influence governments to reassess key states' security needs and
Employ rules of procedure constructively so that
differences can be worked out through the process of
Rules are supposed to facilitate communication and convergence.
If, on the contrary, they facilitate obstruction and deadlock, they
need to be adapted. If they cannot be changed formally, because
consensus would require the agreement of those who have a vested
interest in hanging on to rules that can be abused and manipulated,
then ways can be found to shift the logjam and get things moving
with the creative application of alternative interpretations and
For example, after getting the CTBT negotiations off to a flying
start in 1994 as part of a CD work programme that included ad hoc
committees also on Prevention of an arms race in outer space
(PAROS), Transparency in armaments (TIA) and Negative Security
Assurances (NSA), the package became unravelled as the workload was
stretching some delegations to breaking point. Most delegations in
1995 wanted to drop the other committees and focus full time on the
CTBT negotiations, but for symbolic and political reasons, some
states did not want to be seen to advocate this. As a consequence,
the CD failed to agree an agenda at the beginning of 1995. That
could have led to paralysis, but the commitment to negotiate the
CTBT was by that time sufficiently high that the first CD President
of 1995 got agreement to continue CTBT negotiations as if there was
an agenda. This was quietly formalized much later in the year and
the precedent was evoked in 1996 to enable the negotiations to
carry on until the treaty was concluded. There are further examples
of administrative and political solutions being successfully used
to overcome procedural obstruction, but let's move on and look at
the treaty itself.
Treaties are all different, so negotiations should be
structured appropriately
The CTBT mandate contained instructions to establish two working
groups, on verification and on legal and institutional issues.
Hence, the Chair of the Nuclear Test Ban Committee had a core
bureau comprising the Chairs of these two working groups. All three
appointments rotated annually among the CD groups (the G21 group of
nonaligned CD members, the Western group and others (WEOG) and the
Eastern European group, which had diminished in size at the end of
the cold war). All three chairs could choose Friends of the Chair
for specific tasks, and there could be further subdivisions of
labour if required.
That the Fissban mandate gives no such instructions is not
necessarily a loss. Though a lot of technical and educational work
was accomplished in the first year of the CTBT's verification
working group, nothing much could get pinned down until the
breakthrough decisions on the zero yield scope in the second year.
As Ambassador Bernhard Brasack noted in his thoughtful parting
statement, the fissban has three core issues which are
interdependent: scope, definitions and verification. [2] To these I would add a fourth -
legal and institutional - for issues such as entry into force and
the usual treaty requirements dealing with reservations,
amendments, withdrawal and so on. Many of these may be standard and
able to be imported from other treaties, but as the CTBT experience
taught us, some may be more political than might at first sight
appear. This caution applies not only to entry into force, which
nearly derailed the CTBT (and still might); but also issues such as
withdrawal and procedures for review and amendments, particularly
if the world moves closer towards nuclear disarmament, when it
might be deemed unacceptable for international security to hold
open options such as withdrawal from the treaty.
Like the CTBT, the fissban has three basic interest groups
(which are not the same as the CD groupings): the NPT-recognized
nuclear-weapon states (the P-5); the nuclear weapon possessors
outside the NPT (the D-3 or, if North Korea is not addressed
diplomatically, D-4); and NPT non-nuclear-weapon states. These
groups are not, however, internally cohesive, but have both shared
and conflicting perceptions of interests and objectives.
As noted above, the P-5 formed a minilateral negotiating forum
in the CTBT that tried to reconcile their own differences and
present common positions, largely unsuccessfully. They are likely
to coordinate private, minilateral sidebar negotiations again, but
this time they need to think far more carefully than before about
how such minilateral talks interface with the multilateral
One legitimate argument for P-5 minilaterals is that they can
discuss certain technical issues that can't be fully shared with
NNWS without violating the NPT. But such minilateral negotiations
can also cause resentment and may undermine the multilateral
principles and benefits of the negotiations. And where would this
leave the D-3 (or 4)? Excluded from privileged P-5 talks that have
a bearing on their fissile material production technologies or,
alternatively, invited in, which could be politically unacceptable
for most non-nuclear-weapon states, especially in regions of
concern such as the Middle East?
It is sometimes assumed that because an arms control or
disarmament measure will directly affect facilities and practices
in countries that have the weapons these states have a more
direct interest in what goes into the treaty. We need to
look at this from a different angle. The nuclear haves undoubtedly
have vested interests, but so do the other 180-plus nations that
voluntarily renounced the right to make nuclear weapons and who,
therefore, have an overwhelming - and equally direct - security
interest in preventing further horizontal and vertical
proliferation and moving everyone towards nuclear disarmament.
Diplomats and officials that had completed negotiations on the
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) a few years before had a tendency
to reproduce tactics used then on the basis that if they worked
before they would work again. That is not necessarily so. In the
CWC, the entry-into-force provision was ignored for much of the
negotiations and fell into place in the endgame when the tough
issues had been resolved. Most CD members (and, it has to be
admitted, NGOs) expected the same thing to happen in the CTBT, and
so neglected to address the divisions on this issue until the final
year, when they ran out of time because the September 1996 target
date identified in the US moratorium legislation had come to be
seen by practically everyone as a deadline. Unlike in the CWC, some
states sought to use the entry-into-force provision in the CTBT as
a lever, to bring reluctant states or regional rivals into the
treaty. India felt particularly targeted by these states, which
included Pakistan and the United Kingdom.
The details of what went wrong are in the book. The key point to
highlight here is that states cannot be coerced or guilt-tripped
into joining a treaty. They need to be persuaded that it is in
their security interests as well as being in the collective
interests of the larger community. Issues where states have strong
political motivations underlying their preferences, such as entry
into force, should not be left to last. In particular, entry into
force ought to be made sufficiently flexible to enable the treaty
to take full legal effect even before every target state has signed
and ratified. If a treaty enters into force sooner rather than
later, then the processes of embedding the norms, rules and
institutional benefits of the new regime are more likely to draw
the hold-outs in - political persuasion, in other words, works
better than legal coercion to bring governments into international
Structuring Fissban Negotiations
Since the Shannon mandate neither lights the CD's structural way
nor ties its hands, how should the fissban negotiations be
structured? There are no easy answers, but drawing from the CTBT
and other multilateral arms control negotiations, the following
suggestions may prove helpful.
Friends of the Chair and other delegating
Under the authority of the overall Chair, it will be necessary
to delegate some issues to working groups or other subsidiary
bodies, convened by Friends of the Chair. It might also be useful
to consider designating coordinators for some issues. In both cases
there will need to be ways to report back regularly to the CD as a
whole as part of an open and accountable process. In relation to
this, two cautionary points need to be made.
First, decisions on these groups and chairs should not be made
subject to consensus. That would be a recipe for disaster. Choose
the Chair of the negotiations wisely each year, and give her or him
your confidence, assistance and advice. Rotation of the Chair among
the groups was no problem for the CTBT and is regarded as an
important political principle to aid equitable representation.
However, for the sake of coherence and continuity, the Chair of the
negotiations should be appointed for each full year. It would also
be desirable that when appointing Friends of the Chair and
coordinators, the Chairs should take into account geographical and
gender representation as well as skills and experience, but these
should be guiding principles and not a rotational straitjacket. Any
groups or delegations that feel they are being overlooked or
unfairly treated can always raise such concerns in the CD context
and a Chair that fails to share the tasks around would make her or
his job much harder (and so, would probably not be a very effective
Second, as the negotiations progress, some issues will get
resolved, and new challenges will come to the fore. So the
structure should provide sufficient continuity to see negotiations
through, but also some flexibility to allow for moving forward.
Beware of instituting working groups or coordinators with the
requirement that they continue throughout the negotiations. That
kind of gesture politics will just create bureaucracy and may get
in the way - remember the proverb that too many cooks spoil the
Verification - allow for evolving technologies
The head treaty (the core treaty text without additional
protocols or annexes), consistent with the scope and obligations
decided upon, will need to identify the core principles and
requirements of verification, including issues such as monitoring
of declared sites, required declarations, routine and 'random'
(what used to be called 'challenge') on-site inspections (OSI),
inspection of undeclared sites, the rights, responsibilities and
protections for the inspected party as well as for the inspectors)
and so on.
The negotiations will also need to decide on the implementing
organization (IO) - its structure and decision-making
procedures and relationship with the IAEA or other international
bodies, for example. It should not, however, try to get consensus
on all the technical details, procedures and technologies to be
used for verification. Hindsight shows that this was done to excess
in the CWC and CTBT, and is neither necessary nor useful, as any
verification regime needs to be able to respond to make the best
use of technological innovations. As studies such as the
International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM)[3] demonstrate beyond doubt, the fissban -
whether a basic FMCT or more complex FMT - is verifiable, but the
CD negotiations do not have to dot every i and cross every t of
what this should entail. This would be unnecessarily time-consuming
and probably self defeating. Technologies and skills are advancing
all the time, and it would make for a more sustainable and
effective treaty if such evolution were factored in from the
That does not mean that treaty negotiators can ignore
verification. Far from it: it will be important to negotiate and
agree on the verification principles, powers and protections as
well as what kind of implementing organization will be best for
this kind of treaty. Though negotiations should identify the basic
verification elements, the detail is best left to the IO, which,
after all, will be governed by states parties to the treaty.
The CTBT provides a number of examples of how highly contested
questions during the negotiations have been resolved or overtaken
as certain technologies have advanced more rapidly than predicted.
For example, sampling technologies to detect radioactive noble
gases emitted by nuclear explosions, such as argon and xenon, were
nearly left out of the IMS, as some states argued that their short
half life would render detection unlikely or unreliable. Noble gas
detection turned out to be one of the crucial elements picked up by
the CTBTO when North Korea conducted its first underground
In a further example, illustrated in Unfinished Business,
China pushed hard for a dedicated network of satellites to be made
part of the CTBT verification regime. This proposal was defeated on
grounds of its high cost, though many shared China's concerns that
information from nationally-controlled satellites would not
necessarily be shared and that such "national technical means"
(NTM) could give some states an advantage over others. The
revolution in commercial satellite technology and programmes such
as GoogleEarth, have given the average citizen at home monitoring
capabilities that are better than NTM capabilities when the CTBT
was being negotiated.
Of course, the basic verification principles and purposes cannot
be determined without a sound understanding of the technologies of
fissile material production and the techniques and technologies
available for verification. Some kind of Group of Scientific
Experts with the appropriate knowledge and expertise could meet in
parallel to the diplomatic negotiations, with individually
reporting conduits to their delegations and groups as well as
periodic presentations to the Fissban Committee, allowing for
questions and exchanges of views and information relating the
technical understandings to the policy negotiations and
Target dates and time-lines
Though reluctant states are wary about committing to timetables
for nuclear disarmament, setting a target date for commencing
negotiations or completing a specific treaty can concentrate
attention and enable negotiating frameworks and plans to be
developed. When US Senate legislation mandated the initial
nine-month moratorium in October 1992, it set the September 1996
target date for completion of the CTBT. Later adopted as an
international target date, this helped drive the negotiations
forward and made it more difficult to derail or bog the talks
negotiations down with petty delaying tactics. This does not always
work. In 1995, the NPT Review Conference called for "early
conclusion" of the fissban, and later UN resolutions sought to pin
this down to within five years, yet more than a decade later,
negotiations have not yet started. If the CD manages to convene the
fissban working group and negotiate in 2010, then it might be
helpful for UN resolutions to call for the treaty's conclusion by
September 2013 or 2014. This would mean the treaty could be adopted
and signed before the next NPT Review Conference. A year of
intensive negotiations ought to be adequate for a treaty of this
sort, and with other important and, arguably, more future-relevant
measures on the CD horizon such as a space security treaty or
prenegotiations on a framework for a nuclear weapon convention, it
would be a mistake to tie the international community's main
negotiating forum up for too long on this kind of interim
As a consequence, the fissban may be losing some of its
relevance, and the time may come when states decide that it will be
more productive to negotiate this partial measure as part of more
comprehensive negotiations aimed at the prohibition and total
elimination of nuclear weapons (which would, at least, solve the
tricky fissban disagreements over stocks, since these would be
technically and politically easier to address in the context of
verifying nuclear disarmament.
Conclusions from the book
Multilateralism does not require participation by all states,
but it needs to be representative to be credible. If states have
directly participated in the negotiations, they are more likely to
have a sense of ownership regarding the outcome, making universal
implementation more likely. Due to the differences among
governments, multilateralism must have structures and mechanisms
for addressing asymmetries in a fair and cost-effective manner. The
institutionalization of differential obligations in the nuclear
non-proliferation regime gives rise to special challenges in
negotiating nuclear weapons treaties, but these are not
insurmountable as long as the interests of all states in building
peace and security in a world free of nuclear weapons is
In addition to the need to reform the CD, Unfinished
Business highlights four key conclusions.
First, the power that matters in negotiations is issue-based
rather than the attributive power that comes with dominant
military, political or economic assets. Issue-based power reflects
the ability to bargain, influence and control outcomes. It is the
power to do, and should not be confused with traditional
notions of power over. To understand how actors with less
attributive power, such as middle powers or civil society, are able
to influence some agreements, it is necessary to focus on what they
do, rather than on what they are or what they
Many states enter negotiations assuming that those with the
greatest levels of attributive power will dominate. Though
attributive power may be a significant component in the
construction of issue-based power, it is not decisive in
negotiations. Negotiators that can employ issue-based power and
cognitive strategies are more likely to prevail, particularly if
they structure their objectives around cooperative, integrative
agreements rather than competitive, distributive outcomes.
When negotiators are described as having "bargaining power" it
means that they are successful in deploying their resources and
capabilities either to change other actors' perceptions of what
constitute acceptable gains or losses or to change the zone of
possible agreements to integrate preferred options that had not
previously been recognized as possibilities. Factors that may be
relevant in determining a bargaining outcome include: ability to
target information, recognize or develop effective strategies, and
coordinate and utilize partnerships or alliances with other
diplomats, governments or civil society; internal policy cohesion
or division; the level of domestic political attention and support;
geostrategic and political positioning; and communication and
diplomatic capabilities, including the utilization of knowledge and
expertise and the strategic importance of the weapon or practice
under consideration.
Second, multilateral diplomacy will deliver better outcomes in
the context of human security and disarmament if negotiators pursue
integrative negotiating strategies that shift the balance from
zero-sum competition among the dominant states towards constructing
shared, regime-enhancing outcomes that benefit a much broader
spectrum of stakeholders. This point was illustrated in the
processes that brought about the zero yield scope and the strong,
shared verification regime. Entry into force, by contrast, can be
viewed as an exception that proves this rule. The 'all or nothing'
approaches taken by several of the key states created a rigid,
zero-sum context that drastically narrowed the perceived zone of
potential agreement during the endgame. The managed convergence
that resulted in the Article XIV Achilles heel has put the treaty's
viability in question for more than a decade.
Third, countries with relatively low attributive power, such as
those that are less equipped in military, economic, political or
technological terms (which is accompanied by institutional
marginalization in many international bodies with their roots in
the cold war) can enhance their issue-based power - and use their
abilities to accomplish regime-building, human-security objectives
- by making alliances with other states and with civil society
actors and organizations. As this CTBT history demonstrates, though
actors with relatively less attributive power may not control
outcomes as directly as some of the P-5, they can have considerable
effect in shaping outcomes if they make strategic use of knowledge
and alliances. The parts played by non-nuclear-weapon middle powers
such as Australia, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands and Sweden, as
well as South Africa's pivotal role during the 1995 NPT Conference,
derived more from their ideas and issue-based alliances than from
their attributive power.
Fourth, following from the previous observations and illustrated
throughout the book, it is clear that civil society, acting
nationally and transnationally, can be of fundamental importance in
fostering integrative convergence that reframes expectations and
expands the zones of perceived and possible agreements. Such an
understanding accords with post-cold-war analyses of the importance
of transnational civil society in constructing political will and
shaping interests through the strategic use of knowledge and public
Those seeking to bring an issue to the negotiating table or
carry multilateral arms control or disarmament negotiations forward
successfully need to pay attention to all of these components.
Unfinished Business
The CTBT was a major objective of the cold war, concluded in the
first decade after its end. By any reasonable standard, this
multilateral treaty is so widely supported that it should be judged
a success. But it has not yet been able to enter into force,
because only 35 of the 44 states required by the entry-into-force
provision have signed and ratified. Because of the high barrier
instituted in Article XIV, the CTBT has suffered in legal limbo for
far too many years. The prolonged uncertainty over the treaty's
future has already had a deleterious effect on the
non-proliferation regime. With nuclear weapons still constituting
one of the world's greatest security threats, the international
community needs to be able to pocket the CTBT and move on to
negotiate the next steps in nuclear disarmament.
The CTBT is a necessary, but not sufficient, component of
non-proliferation and disarmament. It is a first step, not the
last. To let the treaty fail now is not in the interests of anyone
except a nuclear proliferator. These are the kinds of arguments
that need to be made when the United States reconsiders
ratification of the CTBT.
While US ratification of the CTBT before the next 2010 NPT
Review Conference in May would be very helpful in promoting a
positive outcome to strengthen the non-proliferation regime, it
should not be rushed if the support has not been adequately
marshalled. The worst outcome would be for another Senate vote to
fail to reach the two-thirds majority required for ratifying the
CTBT. If, despite the administration's best efforts, it is not
possible to secure Senate approval before the 2010 Review
Conference, then the Obama administration would need to go to that
conference with a strong message of support and plan of action for
the CTBT and nuclear disarmament. Together with initiatives on
devaluing nuclear weapons, reducing their role in military and
security doctrines, and making further and deeper cuts in the
arsenals, such an approach could still have a positive impact on
the NPT.
The restoration of US support for the CTBT, should help bring
about some of the remaining ratifications. If China, which has
expressed support for the treaty since 1996, were willing to move
ahead with its ratification and not wait for the United States,
this would give positive momentum to efforts to convince the US
Senate to ratify the treaty. Chinese ratification would demonstrate
its international status as a leader, not a follower. It would set
a positive example to North Korea and nonaligned countries like
Indonesia, Egypt and Iran, and help governments and civil society
put greater political pressure on Washington and New Delhi - a
win-win strategic move for Beijing. The fact that the Obama
administration is committed to pursuing deeper cuts in the US and
Russian arsenals (and that it displays less enthusiasm than George
W. Bush about projects China considers threatening, such as
ballistic missile defence) may go some way towards fostering a
security context in which Chinese ratification can be finally
With the Obama administration committed to cooperative arms
control and disarmament, India remains the hardest state to
convince of the test ban treaty's merits. Yet India's own security
interests are such that it needs to move beyond its anger over the
CTBT endgame and hostility to NPT indefinite extension in 1995.
Since conducting a series of nuclear tests and declaring itself a
"nuclear-weapon state" in May 1998, India has sought to be
recognized as a responsible nuclear-weapon possessor. An obvious
way to demonstrate this claim would be to cement its current
voluntary moratorium by signing and ratifying the CTBT.
Civil society has a role to play in persuading India to rethink
the CTBT now and join. As a large and diverse democracy, India
engaged in tumultuous debate about the CTBT during 1996. While
majority opinion at that time seemed to favour rejection of the
treaty and the subsequent testing of India's nuclear weapons in May
1998, the main arguments were based on national pride and
opposition to what was portrayed as another discriminatory treaty
that would compound India's exclusion from the nuclear club defined
in the NPT regime. Now that the non-proliferation agenda is being
transformed internationally into one that promotes the total
abolition of nuclear weapons, Indian NGOs need to promote a new
debate about nuclear policy in India, starting with the CTBT. For
this, they must urgently re-engage India's diverse media and civil
society leaders and link the CTBT to India's broader political and
security goals, including its need for regional security and its
national self-image as a progressive and ethical leader.
Like the United States, India should undertake a non-partisan
review of the CTBT's provisions, role, development and benefits as
a first step toward rethinking its policy. India's allies and
trading partners need to exert more influence to persuade that
powerful democracy to overcome the past and see the test ban treaty
for what it is now - a non-discriminatory treaty that provides
regional and global security benefits. As noted by Javier Solana,
the European Union's High Representative for the Common Foreign and
Security Policy (CFSP), "All States have to comply with the same
obligations and all have access, in the same way, to the most
extensive global verification regime ever built".[4] This, in essence, is what Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had advocated so many years ago. It is
not of itself disarmament, but it is an essential step on the
[1] See Johan Kaufmann, The Diplomacy
of International Relations: Selected Writings, Kluwer Law
International, 1998, especially pp. 11-30; Dean G. Pruitt,
Negotiation Behaviour, Academic Press, 1981, especially pp.
153-5; and Fen Osler Hampson with Michael Hart, Multilateral
Negotiations: Lessons from Arms Control, Trade and the
Environment, The Johns Hopkins University Press,
Farewell Statement by Bernhard Brasack, Permanent Representative of
Germany to the Conference on Disarmament, 2 July 2009,
The International Panel on Fissile Materials is an internationally
coordinated project based at the University of Princeton. For more
information, including the draft FM(C)T developed by
non-governmental experts, see the IPFM website at www.fissilematerials.org/ipfm
Javier Solana, "The importance of CTBT universalization", CTBTO
Spectrum, no. 9, 2007, p. 5.
Rebecca Johnson is Executive Director of the Acronym
Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy. Her latest book, Unfinished
Business: the Negotiation of the CTBT and the End of Nuclear
Testing, was published by United Nations in May 2009. It is
available from UNIDIR (382 pages, ISBN 978-92-9045-194-5, UN Sales
No GV.E.09.0.4, price: $50). This article is based on the
conclusions of Unfinished Business and the author's presentations
at three launch events hosted by UNIDIR at the United Nations in
New York and Geneva and by the CTBTO in Vienna. Among the many
people who made the book possible, the author would particularly
like to thank Patricia Lewis and Kerstin Vignard.
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