Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 91, Summer 2009
Japan's Challenges and Dilemmas over Nuclear Disarmament
Masa Takubo
According to sources close to the US Nuclear Posture Review
(NPR) process, Japan is being referred to as a major obstacle in
the road toward a world free of nuclear weapons.[1] Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) close to
the Obama administration have it that this process is seriously
considering whether the US could adopt a policy declaring that the
only purpose of its nuclear weapons is to deter the use of nuclear
weapons by others (called "core deterrence" by the US National
Academy of Sciences' Committee on International Security and Arms
Control).[2] However, US
administration proponents of the nuclear status quo cite Japanese
anxieties about moving away from the cold war doctrine of extended
deterrence and the prospect of deeper reductions in the US nuclear
arsenal as reasons why the United States should not change its
nuclear policy. They say that ignoring its ally's concerns would
prompt Japan to acquire nuclear weapons. This is a particularly
topical issue, as the deadline for the NPR is December 2009,
although US government sources indicate that most of the key
decisions will be made by October.
This article explores how real and widespread such security
concerns actually are in Japan, with consideration of Japanese
attitudes to nuclear weapons and its likely responses if the United
States were to adopt a core deterrence policy. Looking more broadly
at the relationship between Japan and the United States, it is
important to analyze whether the concerns are as serious and
insurmountable as is being suggested, or whether Japan's dilemmas
are being deliberately invoked to prevent the kind of major
overhaul of US nuclear policies that would be necessary to fulfil
President Obama's stated objective of building peace and security
without nuclear weapons.
Japan takes pride in having adopted three non-nuclear
principles, which were formalized in 1967 by Prime Minister Eisaku
Sato, and which specify a clear commitment to not possessing and
not producing nuclear weapons, as well as not permitting their
entry into the country.[3]
Japan is also a strong supporter of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty (NPT) and lead sponsor for a widely-supported UN General
Assembly resolution on nuclear disarmament that has been adopted
every year since 1994.[4] Why
then is it suspected that Japan will seek a nuclear capability if
the US adopts a core deterrence policy?
The answer to this lies in the history of Japan's nuclear
policy. When Japan adopted its three non-nuclear principles, it
was, in Sato's mind, part of a package in which protection by the
"nuclear umbrella" of US extended deterrence was a precondition.[5] The implication is that Japan
will not seek nuclear weapons as long as the nuclear umbrella is
regarded as reliable. This also has negative implications for
global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament. Since there is a
fear (either perceived or real) that Japan might acquire its own
nuclear arsenal if the umbrella is withdrawn or comes to be
regarded as unreliable, the arrangement in effect gives Japan the
leverage to put pressure on the United States to avoid taking any
significant steps to reduce the salience of nuclear weapons in its
security and military doctrines, thereby impeding progress on
freeing the world of nuclear weapons.
One way to solve Japan's dilemma of wanting to be regarded as a
nuclear disarmament leader while continuing to be protected by the
US nuclear umbrella is for Japan to encourage the Obama
administration to adopt a core deterrence policy accompanied by a
no-first-use (NFU) declaration to avoid any ambiguity.
What, then, is Japan's position on US nuclear deterrence? In
1982 the government expressed its view that the US nuclear umbrella
provides for a first use option in retaliation for an attack by
conventional weapons. This explanation was made in response to a
question raised by Diet member Takahiro Yokomichi on 19 February,
1982 concerning a statement made in the previous year by Eugene
Rostow, Director of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
Rostow had said that, as with its extended deterrence policy for
West Europe (in existence since the 1950s), the United States would
be prepared to use nuclear weapons if the Soviet Union attacked
Japan with conventional weapons.[6] On 25 June, 1982, a government official told the
Diet that this understanding was implied in a 1975 press statement
issued jointly by President Gerald Ford and Prime Minister Takeo
Miki.[7] The official said,
referring to the joint statement: "We believe that in the sense
that all the measures are included, it would mean that the nuclear
deterrent or retaliation would not be limited to nuclear attacks
against Japan."[8]
Later, on 5 August, 1998, in a meeting in Hiroshima organized by
the Japan Congress Against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikin),
a Ministry of Foreign Affairs official, Yasunari Morino, explained
why Japan did not join the New Agenda Coalition, a group of
non-nuclear nations that had issued a declaration calling for a
reinvigoration of efforts to build a world free of nuclear weapons
in June 1998.[9] Confirming
that the key stumbling block for Japan was the New Agenda
Coalition's call for the nuclear-weapon states to commit to a
no-first-use policy, Morino stated, "If you promised no first use,
the effect of deterrence would be weakened considerably. We
strongly doubt whether we could guarantee the security of Japan...
Even if the US and Japan promised NFU, there is this question of
whether other countries keep the promise of NFU or not."[10] By this time, with the cold war
between the US and Soviet Union over, government officials and
security experts in Japan started to have North Korea's chemical
and biological weapons and China's conventional weapons build-up in
More recently, when asked about encouraging the United States to
adopt a no-first-use policy, Prime Minister Taro Aso told a press
conference held on 9 August, 2009 in Nagasaki: "In international
society, there exist large arsenals including nuclear forces... It
could disturb the deterrence balance and undermine security to have
a discussion separating nuclear weapons from other weapons".
Reiterating what Masahiko Komura had said when Foreign Minister in
1999, Aso went on to say, "Even if a nuclear power says it won't
make a preemptive strike, there's no way to verify its intentions.
I wonder if that's a realistic way to ensure Japan's safety."
Such assertions about the difficulty of verifying a NFU
declaration may have China in mind, as China has maintained a
no-first-use policy since 1964. It should be noted that Japan's
responses here confuse, intentionally or unintentionally, the
no-first-use policies of an adversary, that is, China, and those of
Japan's ally, the United States. Prime Minister Aso's remarks were
made in response to a question about US policy, in the context of
the US perhaps being able to make a contribution to the efforts
toward global nuclear disarmament by declaring a no-first-use
policy. It should be remembered that even if the US makes a
no-first-use declaration, an adversary that threatened Japan with a
nuclear attack would risk nuclear retaliation by the United States.
This threat of retaliation is supposed to work as a deterrent.
Without entering into debate about whether such a retaliatory
nuclear strike would be valid or appropriate, adoption of a
no-first-use policy and core deterrence would not entail abandoning
this threat.
In addition to the above-mentioned concerns about North Korea's
chemical and biological weapons and the conventional weapons
build-up in China, government officials and security experts in
Japan have privately expressed fears about deeper reductions in US
nuclear forces prompting China to increase or maintain its force
structure with the intention of gaining a rough parity with the
United States.
Taken together, it is clear that some Japanese officials are
concerned about deep cuts in the US arsenal and the potential
adoption of core deterrence and no-first-use policies. But at the
same time, Japan has made statements supporting the prohibition of
the use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries.
Ambassador Sumio Tarui, for example, said at a 2008 NPT Preparatory
Committee session, "On signing the NPT in 1970, Japan emphasized in
its official statement that 'the nuclear-weapon States must not
have recourse to use nuclear weapons or threaten to use such
weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States.' That position has
remained unchanged, and Japan lends its basic support to the
concept of negative security assurances (NSAs)."[11]
Behind the scenes, however, the concerns that Japan has conveyed
to the United States contradict such assertions. In 2003, for
example, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported, "Mitoji Yabunaka,
director general of the Foreign Ministry's Asian and Oceanian
Affairs Bureau, filed the request with James Kelly, US assistant
secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs... to make
sure the United States does not again [as in 1994] promise not to
use its nuclear weapons against North Korea if Pyongyang agrees to
dismantle its nuclear development program."[12]
A further example is given by Hans Kristensen of the Federation
of American Scientists. In his blog discussing nuclear-tipped
Tomahawk land attack missiles (TLAM/N) Kristensen points out that
Japan is being cited as the main reason for extending the life of
the TLAM/N, which have been virtually retired since the days of
President George H. W. Bush.[13] The final report of the Congressional Commission
on the Strategic Posture of the United States of America, led by
William J. Perry and James R. Schlesinger and published in 2009,
says: "In Asia, extended deterrence relies heavily on the
deployment of nuclear cruise missiles on some Los Angeles class
attack submarines - the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile/Nuclear
(TLAM/N). This capability will be retired in 2013 unless steps are
taken to maintain it. U.S. allies in Asia are not integrated in the
same way [as NATO countries] into nuclear planning and have not
been asked to make commitments to delivery systems. In our work as
a Commission it has become clear to us that some U.S. allies in
Asia would be very concerned by TLAM/N retirement."[14]
Kristensen notes, "According to several sources, Japanese
government officials provided the Commission with a written list of
requirements for the nuclear umbrella." Such concerns have also
been expressed by former Japanese government officials and security
experts at international conferences.[15]
The importance of listening to Japan's concerns was explained by
James Schlesinger in testimony on the Commission's report to the
House of Representatives Armed Services Committee on 6 May, 2009.
Schlesinger said that Japan "is the country that has perhaps the
greatest leaning, amongst the 30 odd nations that we have under the
umbrella, to create its own nuclear force, and therefore, intimate
discussions with the Japanese, I think, are mandatory at this
stage". Former Defense Secretary William Perry concurred, saying
the consequence of failing to pay attention to allies' concerns
"would be that those nations would feel that they had to provide
their own deterrence. They would have to build their own nuclear
This is not the first time that Japan has surfaced as a key
element in the debate concerning US nuclear policies. On a visit to
Japan in the summer of 1997, US Ambassador Thomas Graham, who had
just stepped down as Special Representative of the President for
Arms Control, Non-Proliferation, and Disarmament, emphasized that
there were people in Washington who opposed a US declaration of
no-first-use, saying that it might lead to US allies such as Japan
and Germany acquiring nuclear weapons. Because of this, he stressed
the need for the Japanese people to persuade their government to
adopt a policy supporting no first use.
The last, but not the least, important question is how strong
Japan's objections to US adoption of core deterrence and deeper
nuclear weapons reductions are. Is it actually likely that if the
United States adopts a core deterrence policy and makes a
no-first-use declaration Japan would violate its NPT obligations
and seek to acquire nuclear weapons against the wishes of the US
and world opinion? Former Minister of Defence Shigeru Ishiba, who
is known for his knowledge about nuclear and military affairs, has
this to say about Japan exercising the option to develop nuclear
weapons: "That would naturally mean Japan withdrawing from the NPT.
We would not be able to obtain nuclear fuel... With dependency on
nuclear power for about 40% of [our] electricity, we would
experience a major decline in economic activities. Japan going
nuclear would automatically mean the collapse of the NPT regime and
there would be nuclear countries all around us."[17] Ishiba also noted: "Although the NPT regime
is quite discriminatory it would be better than the whole world
having nuclear weapons." "In any case, the voters would not allow
such a thing as possession of nuclear weapons," observed Ishiba.[18]
There is a big difference between a theoretical possibility and
a realistic probability of Japan 'going nuclear'. And let's
remember that the core deterrence and no-first-use proposals do not
in any way imply the cessation of the Japan-US security
arrangements or a withdrawal of the US nuclear umbrella against
possible nuclear attacks.
Given Japan's public rhetoric in favour of nuclear disarmament
and the sensitivities attached to officials' contradictory concerns
about US moves to reduce the salience and numbers of nuclear
weapons, there is little transparency on this issue, making it
impossible to gauge the level of importance that Japan has put on
the US maintaining current doctrines and force structures or to
have an informed discussion about it.
That may now change. While conservative sections of the Japanese
political and military establishment may be opposed to the US
adopting no-first-use and core deterrence policies, such views are
by no means unanimous. On 30 August, 2009 the Democratic Party of
Japan (DPJ) won a landslide victory in the general election,
defeating the ruling Liberal Democrat Party (LDP), which had been
in almost unbroken power since 1955. According to its nuclear
policy determined in 2000, the DPJ supports no first use, a
position that was underscored on 12 May, 2009 when DPJ
Secretary-General Katsuya Okada (in line to become Foreign Minister
at the time of writing) told a Diet session that "a norm not
allowing at least the first use, or making it illegal to use
nuclear weapons against countries not possessing nuclear weapons
should be established. Japan should be at the forefront of this
effort as a leader."[19] Just
before the election, in response to a questionnaire organized by
Peace Pledge Japan and Governance Design Laboratory, DPJ President
Yukio Hatoyama also expressed the view that no-first-use policies
should be pursued. In view of such positions, we can hope that the
new coalition government will encourage the Obama administration to
pursue nuclear disarmament and adopt appropriate policies to reduce
the salience of nuclear weapons.[20] Whether or not the government gives active support
to specific changes in US doctrine, it is unlikely to stand in the
way if the Obama administration decides to adopt core deterrence
and pursue deeper cuts in the US and Russian arsenals.
All these issues will feed into the US Nuclear Posture Review at
some level. In order to make the best possible contribution to this
process, Japan should become more transparent about what it wants
from the US in terms of extended deterrence and other security
assurances. As Hirofumi Nakasone, then Minister for Foreign
Affairs, stressed in his paper, Conditions towards Zero,[21] published on 27 April, 2009,
transparency is key, both to the process of nuclear disarmament and
to informed and democratic decision-making.
Japan faces genuine dilemmas, and there needs to be a more open
and detailed public discussion about the implications of core
deterrence and no first use. Such discussions should include the
security benefits and significance of such policies as a concrete
contribution a non-nuclear country like Japan could make to support
global efforts toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. They should
also take into account the negative implications if Japan stands in
the way of US policy changes aimed at reducing the role of nuclear
weapons and moving towards the international objective of a world
free of nuclear weapons. If Japan continues to maintain that the
US, with its world-largest and most sophisticated conventional
forces, must have a first use option to deter attacks on Japan by
chemical, biological and conventional weapons, the argument could
easily be used by those seeking to have their own nuclear weapons.
Furthermore, if Japan is seen as threatening to develop nuclear
weapons if the US replaces its doctrine of nuclear first use with
one of core deterrence, it could undermine the NPT as well as
disarmament efforts, and would look as if Japan wants to hold on to
nuclear weapons even if everybody else gave them up.
In parallel, the fear-mongering claims that Japan will want
nuclear weapons if the US adopts a new policy need to be examined
more rigorously. Misinterpretation of Japan's intentions should not
become the reason for no change. Nor should Japan be used as an
excuse by those who want to keep US nuclear policies stuck in the
cold war.
[1] For example, Gregory Kulacki from the
Union of Concerned Scientists, Frank von Hippel from Princeton
University, and Leonor Tomero from the Center for Non-proliferation
and Arms Control, who visited Japan in July-August period, told
Japanese NGOs and media about this 'Japan' issue being raised in
the context of the Nuclear Posture Review. Statements by Kulacki
and von Hippel are available on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=itFI87hixy0
See also: Joe Cirincione, 'The Pentagon's Nuclear Posture
Landmine', Hufffington Post, 10 August, 2009, available at:
Committee on International Security and Arms Control, National
Academy of Sciences, The Future of U.S. Nuclear Weapons
Policy, 1997, p 15, available at: www.puaf.umd.edu/Fetter/1997-fun.pdf.
The policy of the three non-nuclear principles was first expressed
by Prime Minister Eisaku Sato at the Diet on 11 December, 1967.
Sato explained the relationship between the nuclear umbrella and
the principles as follows: "What should Japan do about its security
under the three principles concerning nuclear weapons: not
possessing, not producing, and not bringing in nuclear weapons?
...When I met President Johnson last time in 1965, and this time
too, I said: 'Could the Japan-U.S. security treaty defend Japan
against any kind of attacks?' In other words, is it useful against
nuclear attacks? President Johnson said [that the U.S.] will
clearly defend Japan against any attacks." See:
In part the Miki-Ford statement said, "In this connection, the
President reassured the Prime Minister that the United States would
continue to abide by its defense commitment to Japan under the
Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security in the event of armed
attack against Japan, whether by nuclear or conventional forces."
The Miki-Ford statement is available at:
The June 1998 declaration, titled 'A Nuclear Weapons Free World:
The Need for a New Agenda', was issued by the Foreign Ministers of
Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, Slovenia, South Africa
and Sweden, though Slovenia subsequently dropped out to pursue NATO
Masa Takubo, 'Sensei Fushiyo Sengen to Nihon no Kakuseisaku' (NFU
declaration and Japan's Nuclear Policy), Gunshuku Mondai
Shiryo, November 1998.
'Govt wants U.S. to keep North Korea N-deterrent', Daily
Yomiuri 23 August, 2003.
Hans Kristensen, 'Japan, TLAM/N, and Extended Deterrence', www.fas.org/blog/ssp/2009/07/tlam.php
See also:Jeffrey Lewis, 'Japan, TLAM/N', www.armscontrolwonk.com/2284/japan-tlamn.
The Final Report of the Congressional Commission on the
Strategic Posture of the United States, p 26, available at: http://media.usip.org/reports/strat_posture_report.pdf.
See the following, for example:
Shigeru Ishiba and Kazuhisa Ogawa, Nhihon no Senso to Heiwa
(Japan's war and peace), (Bijinesu Sha, 2009), p 284.
For a comprehensive assessment of government responses to UNGA
resolution 61/89 and position on all aspects of an ATT, see Control
Arms Campaign, "A Global Arms Trade Treaty: What States Want,"
November 2007.
Diet session, 12 May 2009. See
LDP member Taro Kono argued for a Japan-US joint declaration for
NFU in the Diet in 1999. See:
Since the DPJ does not have the majority in the Upper House it
plans to form a coalition government with two other parties; the
Social Democratic Party (which has been calling for NFU policies)
and the New People's Party (which supports NFU policies with the
condition that deterrence is maintained). See:
Masa Takubo is an independent analyst on nuclear issues,
living in Japan. He is also the Operator of the Nuclear Information
website Kakujoho. This article is based in part on a chapter on
Japan's attitudes toward nuclear disarmament which will be
published in a forthcoming report by the International Panel on
Fissile Materials.
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