Proliferation in Parliament
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Compiled by Nicola Butler, Spring 2009
Previous editions of Proliferation in Parliament are available at
Prospects for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review
Conference 2010
Latest analysis of the 2009
NPT PrepCom and the Outlook for the 2010 Review Conference, by Rebecca
Johnson is now available in Arms Control Today. Johnson writes, "The
real challenge... is not about what kind of document can be adopted in
2010, but what kind of agreements and commitments are undertaken, and
whether the NPT parties have the political will and institutional capacity
to ensure their implementation. Although the positive atmospherics of
the 2009 PrepCom give cause for hope, the 2010 review conference will
be successful only if it results in decisions that are taken seriously
and implemented. For this, the key governments need to project beyond
2010 and work hard over the next year to develop convincing action plans
and apply the requisite resources for meeting proliferation challenges
and moving toward a world free of nuclear weapons."
Cabinet Reshuffle
With David Miliband staying on as Foreign Secretary, Defence Secretary
John Hutton has quit on personal grounds to be replaced by one of his
ministers, Bob Ainsworth. Lord Malloch-Brown will also continue as Foreign
Office Minister. With the government still in flux following the results
of the local and European elections and fallout from the expenses scandal,
a list of junior ministers is not yet available.
Lifting the nuclear shadow
In recent months John Hutton whose constituency includes the BAE
systems plant that would build any future generation of Trident submarines
had been robustly asserting his support for Trident submarine replacement,
at times appearing to undermine attempts by David Miliband and Gordon
Brown to position themselves at "forefront of the international campaign
to accelerate disarmament".
A new Secretary of State for Defence, who does not have the constituency
link with BAE Systems in Barrow, offers an opportunity for the Ministry
of Defence to come into line with Foreign Office and Downing Street policy
on disarmament, and to begin to readdress long overdue issues such as
the rationale and timing of Trident replacement before the Initial Gate
decision on procurement is taken.
On 4 February Miliband launched Lifting
the Nuclear Shadow: Creating the Conditions for Abolishing Nuclear Weapons,
a Foreign & Commonwealth Office Policy Information Paper, which gives
UK support to the goal of a nuclear weapons free world. Whilst the paper
stops short of announcing any new initiatives by Britain, the tone has
changed: "We have made clear that when it will be useful to include
in any negotiations the small proportion of the world's nuclear weapons
that belong to the UK, we will willingly do so," the paper states.
Also on 4 February, Foreign Office Minister Bill
Rammell gave evidence to the Foreign Affairs Committee Inquiry on
Global Security: Non-Proliferation. Rammell called for "greater momentum
internationally" on disarmament, but rejected
suggestions from Labour MP Fabian Hamilton that continuing to build
Trident submarines and to have "a nuclear deterrent, while telling
other countries that they may not have them, is a little embarrassing".
As Mr Hamilton pointed out an FCO memorandum to the Committee states that,
"Counter-proliferation efforts risk being undermined if other states perceive,
rightly or wrongly, that the Nuclear Weapon States are not delivering
on their side of the bargain and actively pursuing nuclear disarmament".
This was followed on 17 March, by a speech
from Gordon Brown setting out his support for "multilateralism",
but also calling for "far wider use of civil nuclear power"
to combat climate change. Brown announced that the UK intended to publish
a "Road to 2010" set of proposals this summer to include "a
credible road map towards disarmament by all the nuclear weapon states,
through measures that will command the confidence of all the non-nuclear
weapon states." Regarding the UK's plans to replace its Trident submarines,
Brown was limited to announcing a reduction from 16 missile tubes (as
carried by the current submarines) to 12 for the next generation - a reduction
that makes little difference in practice to the UK's nuclear operations
or posture.
Meanwhile, over in Barrow-in-Furness...
Although the UK has yet to reach the Initial Gate decision on Trident
replacement on whether to proceed to the design stage (expected this autumn),
let alone the Main Gate decision on whether to proceed with procurement
(not expected until 2014, during the next Parliament), Hutton gave the
impression that the decision on Trident submarine procurement was already
a done deal. In January he told a defence
industry conference in Barrow-in-Furness that it was "the Government’s
intention to build the successor nuclear deterrent." "The anticipated
injection of £10-15 billion at today’s prices should help ensure the viability
of the ship-building industry for future decades," he added.
Similarly, speaking at a keel laying ceremony for the nuclear hunter
killer submarine Audacious in March, Hutton
reiterated the importance to the defence industry of avoiding a break
in construction in Barrow, saying that "the replacement for the Vanguard
class will be our next great undertaking".
Addressing the think tank IPPR, Hutton insisted that "this
Government has made its choice: to continue to ensure that the cornerstone
of our nation’s security policy is maintained through our independent
nuclear deterrent. And at a cost of less than 0.2 per cent of UK’s
GDP over the lifetime of the deterrent, this represents good value insurance
in an increasingly changing and uncertain world."
Continuing At Sea Deterrence
With Hutton in charge, Brown's options for reductions may well have been
constrained by the Ministry of Defence's commitment to maintain "continuous
at sea deterrence" (CASD), the practice of maintaining a UK Trident
submarine on patrol at all times, highlighted by the Public
Accounts Committee report on the United Kingdom's Future Deterrent Capability.
The Ministry of Defence argues that CASD requires it to press ahead with
procurement as quickly as possible in order to have the first successor
submarine operational by 2024 when the first two of the existing Trident
fleet are expected to have left service. It appears to be pursuing this
path without any regard to developments in nuclear non-proliferation and
disarmament - like President Obama's
call for all the nuclear weapon states to be involved in further disarmament
efforts. The MoD also argues that CASD may require the UK to procure four
rather than three new submarines - although it states that a decision
on this will depend on the technology.
But the government has yet to make the case for the necessity of CASD
and there are increasingly high level calls to reexamine the issue. In
June 2006, the House
of Commons Defence Committee recommended that, "In the light
of the reduced threat we currently face, an alternative possibility would
be to retain a deterrent, but not continuously at sea."
Conservatives Question Trident
Conservative leader David
Cameron has prompted questions over what a Tory government would do about
Trident. Asked three times at his April press conference about potential
savings from the defence budget Cameron said "We support things that are
in the forward defence programme because we think there is good justification
for all of them. But that doesn't mean in these difficult circumstances
that you don't have to look - just as you're looking across government
- look at all these things. But when you are reviewing spending you have
to review all spending."
His remarks follow stories in the Guardian and the FT suggesting
that senior Conservatives including Defence Committee chair James Arbuthnot,
former Armed Forces Minister Nicholas Soames and former chair of the Public
Accounts Committee David Davis are urging Cameron to look again at Trident.
is quoted as saying that, "The financial situation has got significantly
worse... So the conclusions that need to be drawn from that are going
to be more stark. We need to have a debate about the means of deterrent
and what is the most effective deterrent. I think there is more of an
appetite for such a debate in the country now."
These comments follow an oped in the FT, in which David
Davis argues that "We should also, as Conservatives, address
some of our own sacred cows. There is no firmer advocate of nuclear deterrence
than me, but even I have some difficulty seeing the justification for
a wholesale upgrade of Trident. Our system was designed to maintain retaliatory
capacity after a full-scale Soviet nuclear onslaught. Now our likeliest
nuclear adversary will be a much smaller, less-sophisticated state. Should
not the costs reflect that?"
senior Conservatives, including those from the Foreign Affairs and
Defence teams are reportedly more supportive of replacing Trident and
the Conservative debate replacement has prompted a swift rebuttal from
the defence
industry, which claims that its senior executives have been privately
assured that Trident replacement will go ahead.
Economic Costs
The cost of Trident is also coming under increasing pressure in Parliament
amidst growing concerns about the level of government debt and the impact
of the recession. In April, former Foreign Minister
Chris Mullin asked the Prime Minister if "the Government are
a little strapped for cash at the moment, might this be the moment to
reconsider our commitment to spend £20 billion on a new generation of
nuclear weapons?"
A question from Labour MP John Mann revealed that "Costs
are greater in 2009-10 than previously announced due to the agreement
with the US to design and manufacture a Common Missile Compartment."
This prompted Liberal Democrat spokesperson Nick
Harvey to probe "from which budget the additional expenditure
on the nuclear deterrent" is being drawn.
Warhead Co-operation with the US
A series of written questions from Nick Harvey MP also revealed a continuing
high level of co-operation between the UK and the US on warhead development
and maintenance. Whilst the UK insists that no decision has yet been taken
on whether to develop a new warhead, "additional
research is currently being undertaken, some in collaboration with
the US, on how we may need to refurbish or replace our current warheads
to help inform decisions."
In 2008 there were 280 meetings of the 17 Joint
Working Groups that cover practically all aspects of warhead technology.
In addition AWE personnel were involved in hundreds of visits to US facilities
including Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories
and the Nevada Test Site. Britain has also increased its contribution
to the controversial US National Ignition Facility.
Environmental Costs and Risks
A question from Angus Robertson MP (SNP) revealed that the collision
between HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant is only the latest in a long list
of submarine accidents and fires. Further
questions from Robertson concerned the seven nuclear
submarines that are currently laid up at Rosyth awaiting decommissioning
(a further four are laid up at Devonport). A total of 27 nuclear submarines
will eventually need to be decommissioned and UK afloat storage is expected
to run out by 2020. The MoD intends to make an announcement on its plans
for decommissioning and a proposed dismantling site in 2010. But decommissioning
will involve significant risks and require interim storage of intermediate
level waste (ILW) until at least 2040.
Towards 2010
In the House of Lords, Baroness Williams of Crosby
initiated a highly significant and informed debate on Nuclear Proliferation,
noting that the "fundamental bargain on which the NPT rests... has
unquestionably eroded." Reflecting the growing mood of support for
greater progress on nuclear disarmament, many Lords gave their support
to the Kissinger, Nunn, Perry and Schultz initiatives and the letters
to the Times by Hurd, Owen, Rifkind and Robertson (see Proliferation
in Parliament Summer 2008) and by former British military leaders
(see Proliferation in Parliament, Winter 2008 - 2009).
Speaking in the debate Lord Owen argued
that "this country has been spending far beyond its means... it is
abundantly clear, taking into account a 25 per cent trade-weighting reduction
in the value of sterling, that the bill will be far higher than first
thought. Also, we see day by day our defence budget so obviously squeezed
that it is causing actual deaths among our servicemen. No Government who
come in after the next election will be able to avoid looking again at
the question of Trident replacement; that is not credible."
Owen called for the decision on Trident replacement to be reviewed prior
to the Main Gate decision, "I pray in aid, first, that the decision
announced to Parliament in 2007 in another place is more tentative than
many people have understood. It says that there must be a review by 2014,
and explains the decision-making framework of 2009the first phase
of submarine replacementthen 2011 and 2013. I was struck by a recent
book by Michael Quinlan, the high priest of nuclear theory and a remarkably
able man. Even he was not dismissive of the need to reconsider the 2007
choice by Parliament. He wrote that it should take place, not later
than about 2013."
"If we are serious about ultimately moving to abolition of nuclear
weapons, some countries will have to move faster than others. It seems
logical that those of us who have chosen a minimum deterrent must be ready
at some appropriate moment to take the first step. I agree that this will
not be in the immediate future of the next 10 years. However, I find it
very hard to consider spending billions of pounds on a deterrent that
will last into the 2050s when it is possible to retain our nuclear option
over the next 15 to 20 years at a much cheaper rate, and hold open the
option of giving up nuclear weapons," he stated.
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer highlighted
the risks still posed by nuclear weapons saying that, "De-alerting
to a more acceptable level that does not lay us open to such random rolls
of the dice must be the highest priority."
Former chief of the Defence staff Lord Guthrie
of Craigiebank made clear that he was in favour of the UK retaining
nuclear weapons, but also agreed "very strongly with the views of
the noble Lord, Lord Owen, on Tridents replacement. Although I do
not think the time is right to abandon nuclear weapons, we should seriously
examine the number of submarines that we have and whether we always need
to have one boat at sea."
Lord Ramsbottom, one of the authors of
the letter to the Times by former retired military leaders, told
the Lords that "the more you look at the practicality and utility
of using weapons with the capability of the Trident system, the more useless
they appear to be as deterrents of the types of violence against which
we are currently, and for the foreseeable future appear likely to be,
faced." He called on the government to exercise "courage and
leadership" on proliferation by "declaring that they will carry
on with what they have for as long as
possible, while considering further reductions or change in the context
of the NPT."
Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs spokesperson
Lord Dykes also highlighted "the fallacious irrationality of
the submarine-based deterrent arguments and their continuation in the
future". He told the Lords: "That hugely expensive so-called
deterrent system has been our mainstay for a long time... The idea of
its continuing on this irrational basis, which is so expensive for countries
of our size of a population of 60 million, with hugely stretched resources
because of the worldwide financial and economic crisis, is to my mind
utterly absurd."
Underlining the importance of achieving some "positive results"
at the 2010 NPT Review Conference Lord Hannay
of Chiswick identified the need for the RevCon "set a clear direction
of travel for both nuclear weapons states and non-nuclear weapons states
for the years ahead, a direction of travel which demonstrates that they
all mean to make a reality of their commitments under the treaty, on the
one hand, to move towards nuclear disarmament and, on the other hand,
to strengthen the safeguards against any blurring of the line between
civil and weapons programmes."
Liberal Democrat Defence spokesperson Lord
Lee of Trafford argued that "while we cannot disinvent nuclear
technology and while, ultimately, I do not believe the worlds superpowers
will ever totally give up their nuclear arsenals, we have to speed up
the disarmament process, reduce excessive stockpiles, support our Governments
step-by-step approach and take a hard look at our Trident replacement
policy. Above all, we have to believe that substantial nuclear disarmament
can be achieved in the Obama slogan Yes we can."
For the Conservatives, spokesperon Lord Astor
of Hever welcomed the Government's Lifting the Nuclear Shadow policy
paper and the Prime Minister's 17 March speech, saying that the Conservatives
had "long called for this country to lead a drive to revive and reinvigorate
the non-proliferation treaty," and that "It is unsurprising
that we should welcome these measures, as they are Conservative proposals."
Responding for the Government Lord Malloch-Brown
argued that, "Beyond the safer fuel cycle, the issue of weapons and
the disarmament example that the UK can or cannot make in terms of Trident
is a key next step." However, "It would not be possible to reduce
the number of submarines in service from four to three, because that would
not allow us constant coverage at sea," he said, acknowledging that
the recent announcement of a reduction in the missile tubes on future
Trident submarines were "marginal changes that we are contemplating,
which fall far short of the prospect that a number of noble Lords properly
raised of the retirement of the weapons system."
Missile Defence - the questions continue
In February former Labour Defence Minister Peter
Kilfoyle succeeded in getting an adjournment debate on missile defence
and the UK's role at Fylingdales and Menwith Hill. Kilfoyle highlighted
government promises to hold a debate on the issue and called for Parliament
"to debate and decide whether the UK should continue to participate
in the US missile defence programme."
Reflecting the change of emphasis on missile defence since Obama's election,
in the government's response, Quentin Davies
MP started by making a statement on whether missile defence interceptors
could be based in the UK - an idea mooted while Blair and Bush were
in power: "There is an illusion, which I wish to lay to rest, that
the Government have a plan to deploy interceptorsan anti-ballistic
missile systemin this country. We have no such current plans. That
is an error in the early-day motion to which I have referred and I hope
that I can lay it to rest," he said. "The Government have made
a commitment that, if we should take a decision to locate an anti-ballistic
missile system with interceptors in this country, there would certainly
be an opportunity for Parliament to debate the matter before we did so.
However, I can assure my hon. Friend that no such decision has been taken
and none is in prospect at the present time." He continued nonetheless
to make the case for continuing with UK involvement at Fylingdales and
Menwith Hill.
And finally
For those who hope that the nuclear industry may provide solutions to
climate change or nuclear proliferation, figures released by the government
concerning the MOX plant at Sellafield (run by
BNFL) provide a salutory tale. After years of operating problems and dogged
by the scandal of falsifying certifications to overseas customers such
as Japan, a question from former Environment Minister Michael Meacher
revealed that the plant had failed to come close to anticipated levels
of production, with cashflow showing a net loss in millions of pounds
for every year that it has been in operation a very different picture
from the projections given when the government was deciding whether to
proceed with MOX in the 1990s.
Expect similarly dire results from the sister THORP plant at Sellafield.
In this month's issue:
We welcome your comments and feedback. Please send your comments to
Westminster Parliament
Government Speeches and Policy
- UK
statements to the 2009 NPT PrepCom,
May 2009
- Institute for Public Policy Research
Speech Delivered by Secretary of State for Defence, Royal Society
of Arts, London, 27 April 09.
- Speech delivered by Secretary of
State for Defence at the keel laying ceremony for the submarine AUDACIOUS,
Barrow-in-Furness, 24 March 2009
- Right Hon. Gordon Brown, Prime Minister
of the United Kingdom, Speech on nuclear energy and proliferation,
London, 17 March 2009
- Lifting the Nuclear Shadow, Launch
of UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office Policy Information Paper, 4 February
- The Defence Industry in the North-West:
Investing in the Future, Barrow-in-Furness Speech delivered by Secretary
of State For Defence at the Defence Industry Conference, Barrow-in-Furness,
31 January 2009
- NATO at 60: Towards a New Strategic
Concept, Secretary of State for Defence John Hutton, 15 January
Conservatives Question Trident
- Liam
Fox MP, Shadow Defence Secretary, Interview with the Politics Show,
BBC One, 3 May 2009
- Tories
cast doubt on £21bn Trident nuclear missile upgrade, The Guardian,
1 May 2009
- David
Cameron refuses to rule out scrapping/ delaying replacement for Trident,
Conservativehome blog, 30 April 2009
- David
Davis concludes that he cannot justify a wholesale upgrade of Trident,
as he weighs into the debate about public spending, Conservativehome
blog, 30 April 2009
- Tories
under fire from defence industry, FT, 30 April 2009
- It
is time for debate on how to cut public spending, David Davis, FT,
29 April 2009
Select Committees
- Prime Minister, Oral Questions, 6 May
2009 : Column 170
- Devonport Naval Base, Westminster Hall
Debate, 5 May 2009 : Column 41WH
- Prime Minister, Engagements, 29 Apr 2009
: Column 864
- Vanguard Class Nuclear Submarine Reactors,
Defence Oral Questions, 30 Mar 2009 : Column 648
- Defence Policy, Scotland, Oral Questions,
4 Feb 2009 : Column 832
- Nuclear Weapons: Finance, Written Questions,
28 Apr 2009 : Column 1158W
- Trident: Finance, Written Questions, 28
Apr 2009 : Column 1159W
- Trident, Written Questions, 20 Apr 2009
: Column 70W
- Nuclear Submarines, Written Questions,
2 Apr 2009 : Column 1399W
- Nuclear Submarines, Written Questions,
30 Mar 2009 : Column 892W
- Nuclear Submarines, Written Questions,
25 Mar 2009 : Column 440W
- Trident, Written Questions, 24 Mar 2009
: Column 279W
- Trident, Written Questions, 23 Mar 2009
: Column 19W
- HMS Victorious, Written Questions, 23
Mar 2009 : Column 17W
- Submarines: Accidents, Written Questions,
17 Mar 2009 : Column 972W
- Submarines: Accidents, Written Questions,
16 Mar 2009 : Column 836W
- Naval Bases, Written Questions, 11 Mar
2009 : Column 428W
- Naval Bases, Written Questions, 10 Mar
2009 : Column 236W
- HMS Superb, Written Questions, 10 Mar
2009 : Column 236W
- Trident Submarines, Written Questions,
9 Mar 2009 : Column 178W
- Trident: Scotland, Written Questions,
9 Mar 2009 : Column 178W
- Clyde Submarine Base: Manpower, Written
Questions, 6 Mar 2009 : Column 1856W
- Nuclear Submarines, Written Questions,
4 Mar 2009 : Column 1587W
- Trident Submarines, Written Questions,
2 Mar 2009 : Column 1373W
- HMS Vanguard, Written Questions, 2 Mar
2009 : Column 1366W
- Nuclear Submarines, Written Questions,
2 Mar 2009 : Column 1369W
- HMS Vanguard, Written Questions, 25 Feb
2009 : Column 820W
- Trident, Written Questions, 23 Feb 2009
: Column 16W
- Defence: Industry, Written Questions,
9 Feb 2009 : Column 1528W
- Trident, Written Questions, 19 January
2009, Column 1052W
- Nuclear Submarines, Written Questions,
12 Jan 2009, Column 108W
- Submarines: Safety, Written Questions,
12 Jan 2009, Column 111W
- Trident Submarines: Maintenance, Written
Questions, 12 Jan 2009, Column 112W
- Astute Class Submarines Finance, Written
Questions, 12 Jan 2009, Column 87W
- Submarines: Construction, Written Questions,
12 Jan 2009, Column 110W
- Trident, Defence Oral Questions, 30 Mar
2009 : Column 651
- Atomic Weapons Establishment, Written
Questions, 29 Apr 2009 : Column 1285W
- Atomic Weapons Establishment: Recruitment,
Written Questions, 28 Apr 2009 : Column 1157W
- AWE Management, Written Questions, 20
Apr 2009 : Column 58W
- UKAEA Limited, Written Ministerial Statement,
30 Mar 2009 : Column 35WS
- AWE Aldermaston, Written Questions, 30
Mar 2009 : Column 887W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 30
Mar 2009 : Column 893W
- AWE Burghfield: Nuclear Weapons, 25 Mar
2009 : Column 433W
- Joint Working Groups, Written Questions,
25 Mar 2009 : Column 439W
- AWE Burghfield: Planning Permission, Written
Questions, 24 Mar 2009 : Column 270W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 24
Mar 2009 : Column 277W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 23
Mar 2009 : Column 17W
- Joint Working Groups, Written Questions,
23 Mar 2009 : Column 17W
- USA: Military Alliances, Written Questions,
20 Mar 2009 : Column 1344W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 16
Mar 2009 : Column 832W
- Nuclear Weapons: Research, Written Questions,
10 Mar 2009 : Column 237W
- BNFL: Sale of Assets, House of Lords,
Written Questions, 3 Mar 2009 : Column WA130
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 2
Mar 2009 : Column 1370W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 27
Feb 2009 : Column 1149W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 12
Feb 2009 : Column 2154W
- AWE Aldermaston, Written Questions, 12
Feb 2009 : Column 2284W
- SERCO, Written Questions, 10 Feb 2009
: Column 1878W
- BNFL: Sale of Assets, House of Lords,
Written Questions, 2 Feb 2009 : Column WA85
- Atomic Weapons Establishment, House of
Lords, Written Questions, 26 Jan 2009 : Column WA2
- AWE Aldermaston, Written Questions, 20
Jan 2009, Column 1314W
- Sale of BNFL Assets, Written Ministerial
Statement, 12 Jan 2009, Column 1WS
- Nuclear Accident Response Organisation: Airwave
Service, Written Questions, 12 Jan 2009, Column 106W
- Sellafield, Written Questions, 2 Apr
2009 : Column 1368W
- Nuclear Proliferation, Debate, House of
Lords, 26 Mar 2009 : Column 788
- Prime Minister Engagements, Oral Questions,
11 Mar 2009 : Column 291
- Energy: Nuclear Fuel Bank, House of Lords
Oral Question, 19 Jan 2009 : Column 1436
- Disarmament, House of Lords, Oral Question,
14 Jan 2009 : Column 1219
- Pakistan: Nuclear Weapons, 6 May 2009
: Column 183W
- Nuclear Weapons: EU Action, Written Questions,
20 Apr 2009 : Column 567W
- Nuclear Disarmament, Written Questions,
2 Apr 2009 : Column 1399W
- Nuclear Weapons: Arms Control, Written
Questions, 1 Apr 2009 : Column 1198W
- Chemical Weapons Convention, Written Ministerial
Statement, 12 Mar 2009 : Column 23WS
- Nuclear Weapons: Arms Control, Written
Questions, 5 Mar 2009 : Column 1748W
- Nuclear Disarmament, Written Questions,
4 Mar 2009 : Column 1596W
- USA: Russia, Written Questions, 2 Mar
2009 : Column 1251W
- Pakistan: Nuclear Power, Written Questions,
24 Feb 2009 : Column 513W
- Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference,
Written Questions, 23 Feb 2009 : Column 16W
- China: Arms Control, Written Questions,
23 Feb 2009 : Column 366W
- Central Asia: Nuclear Weapons, Written
Questions, 12 Feb 2009 : Column 2198W
- Arms Trade: Treaties, Written Questions,
9 Feb 2009 : Column 1528W
- Arms Trade, Written Questions, 9 Feb 2009
: Column 1566W
- Arms Control, Written Questions, 5 Feb
2009 : Column 1408W
- Nuclear Fuels, Written Question, 28 Jan
2009 : Column 605W
- Nuclear Weapons: Arms Control, Written
Questions, 28 Jan 2009 : Column 606W
- Pakistan: Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions,
27 Jan 2009 : Column 313W
- United States Missile Defence Shield,
Adjournment Debate, 4 February 2009, Column 944
- USA: Ballistic Missile Defence, Written
Questions, 20 Apr 2009 : Column 28W
- USA: Military Bases, Written Questions,
2 Apr 2009 : Column 1401W
- RAF Menwith Hill, Written Questions, 30
Mar 2009 : Column 894W
- USA: Military Bases, Written Questions,
30 Mar 2009 : Column 894W
- Ballistic Missile Defence, Written Questions,
25 Mar 2009 : Column 436W
- RAF Menwith Hill, Written Questions, 9
Mar 2009 : Column 176W
- Galileo: Secondment, Written Questions,
6 Mar 2009 : Column 1856W
- RAF Menwith Hill, Written Questions, 5
Mar 2009 : Column 1731W
- Ballistic Missile Defence, Written Questions,
4 Mar 2009 : Column 1586W
- RAF Menwith Hill: Security, Written Questions,
10 Feb 2009 : Column 1878W
- Iran, Foreign Affairs Oral Questions,
31 Mar 2009 : Column 769
- Iran, Westminster Hall Debate, 4 Mar 2009
: Column 255WH
- Iran’s Nuclear Programme, Foreign Affairs
Oral Questions, 24 Feb 2009 : Column 137
- Iran (Missile Development), Defence Oral
Questions, 23 Feb 2009 : Column 11
- Lloyds TSB and Iran (Sanctions), Adjournment
Debate, 12 Feb 2009 : Column 1569
- Iran, House of Lords Oral Questions, 5
Feb 2009 : Column 757
- Iran, Foreign Affairs Oral Questions,
13 January 2009, Column 122
- Iran, Defence Oral Questions, 12 Jan 2009,
Column 4
- Iran: Sanctions, Written Questions, 7
May 2009 : Column 362W
- Iran: Nuclear Weapons, 30 Apr 2009 :
Column 1410W
- Iran: Nuclear Power, 27 Apr 2009 : Column
- Iran: Nuclear Power, Written Questions,
30 Mar 2009 : Column 858W
- Iran, Written Questions, 23 Mar 2009 :
Column 29W
- Iran: Nuclear Power, Written Questions,
23 Mar 2009 : Column 29W
- Iran: Sanctions, Written Questions, 16
Mar 2009 : Column 848W
- Iran: Arms Trade, Written Questions, 13
Mar 2009 : Column 779W
- Iran: Nuclear Power, Written Questions,
5 Mar 2009 : Column 1747W
- Israel: Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions,
27 Feb 2009 : Column 1204W
- Israel: Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions,
23 Feb 2009 : Column 378W
- Iran, Written Questions, 13 Jan 2009,
Column 542W
- Iran: Nuclear Power, Written Questions,
12 Jan 2009, Column 53W
- Israel: Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions,
12 Jan 2009, Column 54W
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