Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 21, December 1997
The CD Agenda and Future Work
by Rebecca Johnson
The Conference on Disarmament (CD) is in deep crisis - everyone
says so! Certainly, it has not started negotiating anything since
finishing the comprehensive test ban treaty (CTBT) in August 1996,
and did not manage to set up any ad hoc committees during the whole
of 1997. But did this signify the brink of terminal decline, or a
fallow time, when it was better not to plant until the soil
(political and structural conditions) had been replenished
sufficiently to grow sturdy crops?
Some commentators point to the success of the Ottawa Process in
achieving a treaty banning the production, stockpiling, transfer
and use of anti-personnel landmines in under a year. They argue
that such specialised negotiating conferences could be convened on
various arms control issues, independently of the CD.(1) That
ignores the particular conditions which gave rise to the fast track
ban on landmines: a powerful public opinion lobby, backed by
prestigious international institutions such as the Red Cross and
UNICEF; a simple and compelling humanitarian message conveyed by an
aroused media in harrowing pictures and stories that gripped
liberal consciences; a determined and effective initiator - Canada
- with strong domestic support, able to split traditional alliances
and bring in heavyweight regional support, especially from Africa
and Europe; and a significant number of countries who possessed the
weapons in question, but recognised their declining utility, to
lend credibility to the number of signatures on the resulting
Treaty. With this kind of critical mass, the Ottawa Process worked.
The Treaty will undoubtedly contribute to an international norm,
even if some of the heavyweight producer and user States hold out
against joining. What other weapons systems or practices can be
addressed in this way?
Disarmament is a process, of which particular treaties are
end-products or staging posts on the way. In general, the point at
which the CD gets a mandate to negotiate, is when a treaty is
already within sight of a successful outcome. The major part of the
political bargaining takes place prior to negotiations proper. To
judge the CD solely on the grounds of what it has on its
negotiating plate is therefore to miss a vital component of its
role, namely to prepare the ground for negotiations.
It can do this in two ways: by focusing, sustaining and
intensifying pressure through diplomatic channels for measures
achieving high support in the UNGA and international public
opinion; and by convening expert groups to examine technical or
verification questions, providing advance multilateral involvement
in resolving problems that are real or presented impediments to
agreement, such as baseline data and verification. A good example
is the Group of Scientific Experts (GSE), which continued to work
on the seismic verification of nuclear testing during decades when
the CD had little prospect of getting nuclear test ban negotiations
underway. When negotiations finally began, the GSE was able to
contribute its collective experience and expertise to the
international monitoring system of the CTBT. In the lean years,
there were critics who complained the GSE was little more than
'make-work', but the regular exchange of information and ideas
among the scientists and diplomats associated with the work helped
keep the issue alive and provided important technical underpinnings
for the verification regime.
The Work Programme
The CD has several issues on its plate, some for negotiating and
some for discussion, but cannot come to agreement on what it will
do, or how. Three issues are the subject of specific proposals for
negotiations: fissile materials production ban (fissban or FMCT),
nuclear disarmament and landmines. Other issues looked at
unsuccessfully during 1997 include security assurances (NSA),
transparency in armaments (TIA) and prevention of an arms race in
outer space (PAROS).
Deadlock on negotiations
Fissile Materials
In 1995 the CD agreed a mandate to negotiate a FMCT, but has
never convened a committee to start work on the issue. This is
still a front-runner pushed by the Western States in the
Conference. The obstacles take two main forms. Pakistan, Egypt and
others argue that the measure should not merely be a cut-off of
future production, but a genuine fissban covering stockpiles.
India, which, like the nuclear-weapon States (NWS) had favoured a
basic cut-off rather than a fissban, now refuses to enter into any
negotiations unless the CD concurrently negotiates on nuclear
disarmament. The NWS want only a cut-off treaty, one that does not
deal with stocks or 'past production'. The Western NWS and Russia
are against the CD convening an ad hoc committee on nuclear
disarmament. Stalemate. There are a number of possible procedural
solutions, such as convening an ad hoc committee on nuclear
disarmament with two working groups, one of which negotiates the
FMCT, or having the P-5 negotiate a sidebar agreement setting in
place greater transparency and controls over their military stocks.
Such compromises, however, are unlikely to work unless the
underlying political difficulties have been resolved, particularly
the role sought for a fissile material production ban in
contributing to nuclear disarmament or only in curbing horizontal
At the beginning of 1997, the US tried to put landmines on the
agenda. At first this was opposed by two different groups: from
those who disliked the concept of a landmines ban and from those
committed to the Ottawa process, who feared that the CD would be
used to derail the fast-track approach and would then fail to
produce a credible alternative in a reasonable period of time. As
the year wore on and it became clear that the Ottawa Treaty would
be achieved, the CD was able to appoint a special coordinator on
the issue.
After his consultations, Ambassador John Campbell told the CD
that "a clear majority of delegation members of the Conference are
in favour, or at least not opposed to, appropriate work
commencing in the CD on landmines." The preferred mandate appeared
to be a step-by-step or phased approach, beginning with work on
exports, imports or transfers, as proposed by the United Kingdom in
January 1997. However, Campbell noted that at least two delegations
opposed work on landmines in the CD and others preferred a
different approach.(2) With the United States continuing to push
indefatigably for landmines to be addressed in the CD, and many
delegations fearing the consequences if the CD spends another year
without a programme of work, it is possible that a landmines
committee might be convened in 1998.
Nuclear Disarmament
It is the policy of the non-aligned group of CD States - the
G-21 - to call for an ad hoc committee on nuclear disarmament.
Twenty-six delegations from the G-21, supported by others, proposed
a mandate for the committee to be convened to start negotiating a
'phased programme of nuclear disarmament for the complete
elimination of nuclear weapons within a specified framework of
time', with working groups to negotiate i) a binding commitment to
the objective; ii) a time-table for further steps; and iii) a
fissban, based on the 1995 Shannon report.(3) However, the Director
of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), John Holum,
had already made clear his view that the CD lacked the "capacity",
stating: "It will set back disarmament. We cannot and should not
agree to it. That is true today. It will be equally true next year,
and five years in the future."(4) At present it does not look as if
the United States wants either landmines negotiations or a fissban
badly enough to relax its opposition to a nuclear disarmament
committee and let any of the proposed compromises go ahead (such as
a committee without a negotiating mandate or a committee with a
working group mandated to negotiate a fissban or FMCT). Nor is it
clear that India, playing its own hardline game from the other
side, would agree to any practical compromise. The prognosis
continues to be stalemate.
Other Issues for Consideration
For years the CD item on preventing an arms race in outer space
(PAROS) seemed to be a hangover from the Cold War. With new
developments in laser technology, and pressure from the US Congress
to weaken the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, the
militarisation of space has garnered renewed interest and concern.
This year's resolution in the UN General Assembly, which called for
the CD to re-examine and update the mandate for establishing a
PAROS committee, was backed by 128 countries, including the
non-aligned, Russia, Japan, Australia, Canada and New
Security Assurances
Pakistan obtained 116 votes for its UNGA resolution calling for
the CD to "actively continue intensive negotiations" on guarantees
to non-nuclear-weapon States that nuclear weapons will not be
threatened or used against them.(6) Among the 51 countries which
abstained were the NATO States, Russia and South Africa. The
purpose of such a resolution is to harmonise and extend the
security assurances given individually by the five nuclear powers
into a legally binding treaty. Many western delegations question
the necessity for this, while others, such as South Africa,
consider that the NPT is a more appropriate forum for addressing
security assurances, regarding them as a benefit for adherents of
the non-proliferation regime. At the 1997 meeting of NPT Parties,
South Africa pushed hard for time to be allocated in the future for
the NPT review process to consider security assurances more
India's traditional resolution calling for a treaty prohibiting
the use of nuclear weapons received 109 votes in favour, with 30
against (mostly NATO) and 27 abstentions. It is no accident that
India and Pakistan, which remain outside any non-proliferation
agreements, sponsor these resolutions, which seek to bypass the
conditions imposed on assurances granted in the context of
nuclear-weapon-free zones and the NPT.
Transparency in Armaments
Judging from the difficulties in the UN First Committee on
transparency, it will continue to be difficult to get agreement on
what the CD should do on this issue. The traditional resolution,
backing the implementation and further development of the UN
Register of Conventional Arms, achieved 155 votes, with 11
abstentions.(7) However, there was opposition in the form of
abstentions from China and several non-aligned members of the CD to
paragraphs calling for a group of governmental experts to be
convened in 2000 and for the CD to continue work.
This year Egypt put in a rival resolution on transparency, which
focused on weapons of mass destruction (WMD), arguing that
inventories and information should be provided on holdings of
biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as conventional
arms. Declarations of biological and chemical stockpiles and
facilities are part of those treaties, so the primary aim of this
resolution is to have nuclear arms included. Egypt's resolution was
opposed by NATO States, Russia and Australia. Some said they
supported the principle of transparency but feared that the UN
Register would be weakened if it were made to deal with all weapons
at this point.
Supporters of a nuclear arms register have pointed out that the
concept does not require the UN Register itself to include WMD.
They suggest that if transparency procedures on nuclear arms were
set up under other auspices, they would not interfere with the UN
Register of Conventional Arms, but would instead enhance its
credibility. Stigmatising the UN Register for being selective and
discriminatory has been a favourite excuse from countries that do
not wish to participate in greater transparency.
What Should the CD Do?
First, some questions need to be asked about the intended post
Cold War role and objectives of the Conference. Does the
international community need one sole multilateral negotiating
forum, or is this a Cold War relic that should be replaced by
'specialised open-ended negotiating conferences', as Jozef Goldblat
argued.(8) To whom are the 60-odd CD member States responsible?
What is the relationship between the CD and the UN, and does this
need to be clarified, reformulated or made more accountable? Can
the 'Cold War' attributes such as the group system be updated
without the CD falling apart (further)? Does the CD need a wholly
new mandate, and if so, is this best provided internally, by a
fourth UN Special Session on Disarmament (UNSSOD IV), or through
some other agreed mechanism? What are the limits of consensus and
negotiating rules for an arbitrarily selected group of States with
wide variations of polity and political/security interests? How
much negotiation can the CD manage effectively? What ratio of
negotiations and other tasks (deliberations, expert groups etc.)
should the CD aim for?
Already some governments have begun questioning the level at
which they have been resourcing their delegations in Geneva. If the
impasse continues, there is a risk that delegations will be
downgraded and expertise will be dispersed, making it difficult for
the CD to regain the credibility which its negotiations of the CWC
and CTBT have achieved over the past decade. Negotiations and
deliberations are not mutually exclusive if there is an objective
in sight. Only when there is no agreement on purpose and goal do
deliberations degenerate into rituals of hot air. This is the
problem of the UN Disarmament Commission, which now serves little
or no useful purpose. The CD can avoid a similar fate if it is
prepared to accept some overhauling of its structure and
In making the suggestions below, I am aware of how difficult it
is to change even the cosmetics of established rituals and
practices that have evolved over years in international
institutions, to accommodate bureaucratic sensitivities and the
wide variance of political interests and assumptions of power.
However, it is sometimes useful for relative outsiders to say what
they see, in the hope of stimulating a constructive debate on
alternatives to a failing system.
1. If it does not wish to be bypassed by frustrated States (as
in the adoption of the CTBT and the Ottawa Process), the CD must
itself establish an accountable mechanism for getting around
deadlock on adopting its work programme or a completed treaty. The
rule of consensus is important for the process of negotiations, but
requiring full agreement in order to start or conclude makes
unnecessary hostages. Substantive problems have a better chance of
being dealt with in the context of actual negotiations than prior
to their commencement; and if not, a State can stand aside from the
decisions and refuse to sign any formalised agreement. Those States
that wish to adopt a treaty or start negotiating on the basis of an
agreed mandate, however, should not be prevented by the particular
national interests of one or a few States. Experience shows that no
State is obliged or forced to sign a treaty even if it participated
in negotiating it. In Disarmament Diplomacy 17, I argued for
a mechanism of accountability vis-à-vis the United Nations,
but that is not the only viable approach. (9) The important thing
is to find agreed ways through the structural difficulties of
consensus-based negotiations in a forum of diverse States with
asymmetric interests, power and resources, so that the structure
facilitates rather than impedes the development of compromise and
2. The Cold War group system does not work and should be
abolished. For the purposes of rotating posts, a regional model
would do as well. For the purposes of managing decision-making, if
the strictly regional groupings are deemed unacceptable, a looser
structure of alliances (which might vary for different issues)
could operate, with each group selecting a spokesperson to
represent them in the Bureau.
1. Landmines: in view of the success of the Ottawa
process, with over 140 signatories by the end of December, it would
be counterproductive if the CD were to spend the time and energy of
the international community in ways that undermined or were
inconsistent with the Ottawa Treaty. Rather than tie up the CD's
resources in negotiating partial and incremental measures to
parallel the comprehensive landmines ban already concluded, it
would be far better to establish an open-ended implementation
process alongside Ottawa, open to all States, with a view to
developing information exchanges and addressing the concerns of
hold-out States, and related issues, thereby providing a ladder by
which they can gradually clamber on board. Putting landmines into
the CD at this late date is just a face-saver for a few countries
and runs the serious risk of undermining the Ottawa regime as it is
getting established.
2. Ban on production of fissile materials: if the NWS
refuse to concede anything on either stocks or nuclear disarmament,
they should recognise that they will not now be able to bind India
and Pakistan to a cut-off through multilateral negotiations. In
that case, they should take the issue off the CD agenda and do it
among the P-5. Alternatively, if the five could offer parallel
arrangements on stocks and recognise that the CD has some role in
nuclear disarmament, even if not in negotiating a nuclear
disarmament treaty at this stage, it is worth continuing to try to
get a fissile materials ban through the CD. Such an approach would
also demand compromises from the G-21 States, especially India and
3. Nuclear disarmament: in the near-term, political
pressure should be brought onto the P-5 to negotiate 'qualitative
agreements', including de-alerting, transparency, no modernisation,
no increase of arsenals and so on. Such negotiations would be
likely to be more successful if conducted in a special committee
comprising the P-5, rather than in the multilateral arena. However,
for the talks to be successful, they should be regular and ongoing.
Geneva would be the ideal venue, with the back-up of missions and
personnel with the appropriate political and technical expertise.
Recognising the legitimate interest of the countries which
renounced the possibility of acquiring nuclear weapons by joining
the NPT as NNWS, the CD should also establish an ad hoc committee
on nuclear disarmament, with perhaps a technical working group, to
identify and facilitate future measures, receive progress reports
from the P-5, and lay the groundwork for a future nuclear weapon
4. Security assurances: for political reasons this cannot
be resolved within the context of the CD, and has become a
theological football which takes up time and energy to no great
5. Transparency in armaments: very important issue, but
might be more effectively addressed outside the CD (although the CD
could be used to monitor the register, if desired).
6. PAROS: In light of the renewed concerns discussed
earlier, this issue needs to be re-addressed and should cover both
space-based installations and ground based laser developed for
firing at satellites and targets in space. To prevent further
erosion of the ABM regime, the Treaty should be further
multilateralised, and Britain, France and China should be urged to
join it as soon as possible.
The international community needs the CD for multilateral
negotiations as well as the option of alternative negotiating fora
for specific issues. If the CD were to be jettisoned or (more
likely) allowed to fall into slow decline, it would take a long
time to set effective alternatives in place. The present structure,
however, has become a barrier to effective work and needs to be
overhauled. The CD also needs to define its purpose and
capabilities more clearly and not be afraid of playing a
complementary role to other negotiating initiatives, if they prove
to be more appropriate at certain times or for certain issues. With
regard to nuclear disarmament at present, for example, the
opportunities for achieving further progress among the P-5 are much
higher than getting a multilateral negotiating mandate in the CD.
CD members should look at how the forum can interact with and
enhance such initiatives, while identifying measures that can be
successfully addressed by the Conference.
The dates for the 1998 session are:
19 January to 27 March;
11 May to 26 June;
27 July to 9 September.
Notes and references
1. See for example Jozef Goldblat, 'The CD on the Brink',
Disarmament Diplomacy 18, September 1997.
2. John Campbell, Ambassador of Australia, to the CD Plenary on
August 28, 1997, CD/PV.776. See also Campbell in CD/PV.774 (August
14, 1997).
3. Report of the Conference on Disarmament to the General Assembly
of the United Nations, September 9, 1997, CD/1476.
4. John Holum, Director of ACDA, to the CD Plenary, May 15, 1997,
5. UNGA Resolution 52/37 (formerly L.19 of the UN First
6. UNGA Resolution 52/36 (formerly L.41 of the UN First
7. UNGA Resolution 52/38R (formerly L.43 of the UN First
8. Goldblat, DD18, op.cit.
9. R.Johnson, Making the CD More Accountable, Disarmament
Diplomacy 17, July/August 1997.
Note: This article is based on the author's paper to a
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) meeting
in Geneva on 19 January, 1998.
© 1998 The Acronym Institute.
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