Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 42, December 1999
Withdrawal Clauses In Disarmament Treaties: A Questionable
By Nicholas A. Sims
This article considers the place of the withdrawal clause in
disarmament treaties and the question of whether they have been too
unthinkingly assimilated into the familiar practice of disarmament
The logic of withdrawal clauses can be accommodated within arms
control, but sits less easily with disarmament. There are logical
difficulties with the insertion of withdrawal clauses into certain
models of disarmament treaty which try to build irreversibility
into their structures. More generally, the presence of a withdrawal
clause may detract from the expectations of durability which a
disarmament treaty regime seeks to promote; it runs counter to the
emergence of a 'regime of permanence', which is evolving both in
the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) and the Chemical
Weapons Convention (CWC).
The conclusion is reached that, as the abolitionist agenda
advances, careful thought needs to be given to whether any proposed
Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC) should include a withdrawal clause
or not.
It seems certain that the Protocol to the BWC being negotiated
by the Ad Hoc Group in Geneva will include a withdrawal clause,
along the lines of the one found in the BWC itself at Article 13.2:
"Each State Party to this Convention shall in exercising its
national sovereignty have the right to withdraw from the Convention
if it decides that extraordinary events, related to the
subject-matter of the Convention, have jeopardised the supreme
interests of its country. It shall give notice of such withdrawal
to all other States Parties to the Convention and to the United
Nations Security Council three months in advance. Such notice shall
include a statement of the extraordinary events it regards as
having jeopardised its supreme interests."
The Ad Hoc Group has still to decide the length of notice and
the list of bodies to be notified. But the principle of a
withdrawal clause based on Article 13.2 of the BWC is not
The BWC was the fifth multilateral treaty in the
field of arms control and disarmament to contain such a
withdrawal clause. It followed identical provisions in the NPT
(Article 10.1) and the 1971 Sea Bed Treaty (Article 8), which were
its immediate predecessors in the Geneva negotiating body. The 1963
PTBT (Article 4) and the 1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco (Article 30)
also referred to "supreme interests" and required three months'
notice but differed slightly in their wording, especially with
respect to the lists of those to be notified.
The inclusion of a withdrawal clause in any treaty may be
criticised as offering too easy an escape route once obligations
become onerous. It puts temptation in the way of any government
which finds a treaty even mildly inconvenient. And it calls into
question the lofty notions of 'good faith' and pacta sunt servanda
('treaties are to be kept') in which treaty-makers not unreasonably
like to immerse the fruits of their negotiations.
On the other hand, as noted by Alan James in his 1972 analysis
of the five treaties of 1963-1972:
"At first sight this arrangement might seem rather odd, and
even, perhaps, destructive of the treaties' central purposes. But
the ability to shed an obligation lawfully by no means makes one as
free, effectively, as if one had no obligation in the first place.
And it is arguable that the break clauses make no substantial
difference at all to the treaties' strength, being simply an
unusually frank acknowledgement of a real possibility and an
attempt to minimise the damaging side-effects of such an
Any credible analysis has to embrace both law and politics, and
ask the question: "What legal and political purposes does the
withdrawal clause serve?"
Legal Purposes of Withdrawal
If it serves a purpose at all in legal terms it is principally
that it constrains the otherwise potentially destructive effect on
a treaty regime of the international legal doctrine of Fundamental
Change of Circumstances. This doctrine is sometimes known as Rebus
Sic Stantibus, from the clausula rebus sic stantibus (the little
clause 'things remaining as they are'), which is sometimes
controversially said to be an implied term in any international
The withdrawal clause says that not every fundamental change,
however defined, suffices as a pretext for withdrawal from these
treaties. Instead it introduces three tests:
a. Extra-ordinariness;
b. Treaty relevance; and
c. Magnitude of threat to national security.
These tests, applied in combination, narrow the range of events
which can properly be invoked to justify withdrawal.
Only if a state party decides that a particular event is (a)
extraordinary, and (b) related to the subject-matter of the treaty
in question, and (c) of such magnitude as an actual threat to
national security that it has already jeopardised the supreme
interests of its country, can it draw up the required statement of
explanation and embark on the withdrawal procedure laid down in the
So far, so satisfactory. The occasions which might precipitate
withdrawal are duly restricted by the requirement that each of
three tests must be satisfied.
Nevertheless, the withdrawal clause suffers from the
disadvantage that the whole assessment is within the sole
prerogative of the withdrawing state. It decides for itself whether
the three conditions have been met. It exercises its own judgement,
which is then the final authority in the matter, regardless of how
partial or faulty that judgement appears to others. There is no
trace of deference to the judgement of international society, or
even to that of the collectivity of states parties, which might be
supposed to have some legal standing in the case.
Another criticism of this legal justification for the withdrawal
clause is that it assumes a greater legitimacy for Fundamental
Change of Circumstances than that questionable doctrine deserves.
It undermines, even contradicts, the principle of pacta sunt
servanda, cornerstone of the whole law of treaties.2
Length of Notice of Withdrawal3
A subsidiary legal purpose of the withdrawal clause is to
specify the procedure for withdrawal, ensuring that all interested
parties are informed well in advance, with an explanation. All five
treaties in the 1963-1972 series required three months' notice.
Walter Krutzsch and Ralf Trapp have written of the equivalent 90
days' notice requirement in Article 16.2 of the 1993 CWC: "The time
span should enable States Parties either to try to convince the
State Party in question not to insist on its decision (for instance
by providing additional assistance against use or threat of use of
chemical weapons) or to prepare individually
or collectively for measures adequate to cope with an adverse
situation resulting from such a withdrawal."4
For its next treaty, however, the CD doubled the notice
required. The 1996 CTBT, in Article 9.3, sets a minimum of six
months. The same length of notice is under consideration for
Article 15.2 of the BWC Protocol.5
Political Purposes of Withdrawal
The withdrawal clause in multilateral treaties for arms control
(but less certainly, as will be argued below, in disarmament
treaties) serves two main political purposes. Arguably, these are
only the international and domestic-political aspects of the same
purpose: the preservation of national security.
Internationally, it offers a legitimate way out if an action by
a non-party - testing or acquiring nuclear weapons, for example -
fundamentally upsets the whole set of security assumptions upon
which the bargain was based. Action by a party to the treaty might
also have this effect, but is in principle less likely, and in any
case is subject to whatever implicit or explicit sanctions the
treaty may contain: sanctions which can logically not be applied to
a state outside that treaty.
Domestically, it enables the proponents of a treaty within
governments to reassure nervous legislators or military planners
that they are not putting at risk the supreme national interests of
their country. Without a withdrawal clause, however unlikely it is
ever to be invoked in practice, a treaty might fall at the hurdle
of domestic political acceptability. But with such a clause a US
president, for example, is in a marginally stronger position to
obtain advice and consent to ratification from a two-thirds
majority in the Senate. Whatever option is being foregone under the
treaty in question it is not being given up irrevocably.
Rebecca Johnson has emphasised this safety-net function - and
also its limited effect beyond psychological reassurance - in her
analysis of the conclusion of the CTBT negotiations in 1996: "The
general view in Geneva was that such an interpretation of supreme
interests acts as an insurance net (and appeases military factions
or reassures hawks during ratification debates). In practice it
would be difficult to withdraw on that basis after the treaty had
entered into force, for fear of unravelling not only the CTBT, but
the wider credibility of international non-proliferation and arms
control treaties."6
In those negotiations, moreover, governments had expressed
themselves with unaccustomed frankness on the subject of what would
trigger the use of the withdrawal clause.
Arms Control and Disarmament
Arms control agreements are security bargains aimed at
stabilising a set of politico-military relationships, global or
regional, multilateral or bilateral as the case may be. They may
include measures of restraint on the testing, manufacture,
possession, deployment or use of weapons; but they do not
necessarily imply any reduction of armament levels.7
Disarmament, on the other hand, does imply at least a reduction
in armament levels and, classically, the renunciation of a type or
types of weapons, with reduction to zero. The BWC and CWC do not
just seek to preclude any proliferation of the prohibited weapons
to new possessors: equally they require the destruction of those
weapons by states already in possession of them. An NWC would
resemble the BWC and CWC in that respect. In all three cases,
abolition is the essence of disarmament.8
That is why the withdrawal clause, which can be accommodated
within arms control, sits less easily with disarmament. Abolition
is a total, once-and-for-all action by the society of states; and
the members of that society can hardly unite with confidence in
renouncing the totality of a class of weapons - biological,
chemical or, prospectively, nuclear - if there is a legitimised
escape route which each member knows each other member is free to
take. "The logic of withdrawal clauses implies at least a partial
reversibility of the treaties in which they are incorporated. Now
it is by no means generally agreed that a disarmament treaty should
be reversible."9
The problem is that governments have seldom taken any notice of
the academic distinction between arms control and disarmament, and
have been notably reluctant to recognise the radical logic of
disarmament. Even when congratulating themselves upon concluding
the BWC as "the world's first disarmament treaty" - a phrase much
used in 197210 - those same governments had only
recently restored to its text a withdrawal clause discarded at one
stage in 1971.11 They managed to do without one in the
next product of the CCD at Geneva: ironically a treaty which
belonged to the realm of arms control rather than disarmament. This
was the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Environmental
Modification Techniques for Military or Other Hostile Purposes,
which was opened for signature in 1977 and entered into force in
1978. Its Article 7 provided simply for unlimited duration. But
when they resumed negotiation of the much more important CWC -
important not least because it carried forward the disarmament
process from the BWC - they continued to ignore the plea that the
error committed at a late stage in negotiating the BWC should not
be repeated in the CWC12. The withdrawal clause went in,
and stayed in. It was not even a matter of controversy, over the
almost 21 years13 that the CWC was in the making at
The BWC and CWC
The withdrawal clauses sit uneasily in the BWC and CWC as both
treaties develop expectations of durability.
In the BWC a 'regime of permanence' has grown up, through the
first four review conferences and their final declarations, notably
through the renunciation of those reservations to the 1925 Geneva
Protocol which reserved a right of retaliation in kind. The logic
of biological disarmament requires an absolute renunciation of
biological warfare.
Other elements in the evolving BWC 'regime of permanence'
include the perpetuation of a five-year cycle of review
conferences, the extension of its international obligations into
domestic legislation (patchily achieved) and, in prospect, for
States Parties to the new BWC Protocol, a permanent Organisation
for the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons.
The CWC already possesses, established from the outset, its
permanent Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
(OPCW). It includes a clear-cut prohibition of chemical weapon use
in its Article 1 (which also logically requires the abandonment of
the precaution of reserving a retaliatory option), together with
the obligation to entrench national implementation in domestic
legislation and the establishment or designation of CWC National
All these elements contribute to the evolution of a 'regime of
permanence' for the CWC as well, deepening its expectations of
This is not to pretend that all is well with the two
conventions. Far from it: both suffer from lack of universal
participation, suspicions of non-compliance by some States Parties
and fears of proliferatory ambitions on the part of non-States
Parties, not to mention North-South tensions over issues of free
trade and export controls and persistent anxieties over terrorism,
the verifiability of the conventions and their capacity to deter
violations through enabling timely detection and reaction.
But what is significant is the response to these many concerns.
There is a wide range of responses, from criminalising the actions
of individuals and terrorist organisations in international law to
building stronger treaty institutions, and embracing the whole
array of reinforcement measures that the Ad Hoc Group aims to put
into the Protocol in order to strengthen the BWC (see Henrietta
Wilson's report on the BWC negotiations in this issue).
None of these responses includes dismantling the conventions. On
the contrary, the emphasis is all on universalising them and making
them work more effectively in the service of an ever-widening
collectivity of States Parties. Indefinite duration of ever more
deeply entrenched and irreversible treaty regimes of biological and
chemical disarmament is the assumption on which all this activity
Withdrawal clauses add nothing. If anything, they put a question
mark over the assumption of indefinite duration and run counter to
the emergence of a 'regime of permanence' for the BWC and CWC.
GCD & a Nuclear Weapons Convention
Some treaties build irreversibility into their structure,
emphasising a 'regime of permanence' from the beginning in their
Reversibility can never be ruled out in practice, but it is
illogical to write such a possibility into a treaty for General and
Complete Disarmament (GCD). Indeed it was when GCD was last a live
issue on the diplomatic agenda, roughly from 1958 to 1964, that the
question of reversibility arose.
It was answered in part by giving the concept of GCD a treaty
structure which emphasised sequence: states would only proceed to
the next stage if satisfied that the first stage had been
successfully completed. What should be disarmed at which stage,
supranational control, and the verification of baselines and
remainders, proved to be the major areas of disagreement in rival
draft treaties over which the GCD project
And what of an NWC? The assumption is generally made that its
content, like its title, would broadly follow the pattern of the
BWC and CWC. Indeed, much of its appeal resides in the prospect of
an NWC completing the disarmament of weapons of mass destruction
(WMD), which the treaty-making of 1972 and 1993 began.
If, however, it unthinkingly follows the pattern of the BWC and
CWC (or that of the NPT and test ban treaties) in respect of a
withdrawal clause, it will be an opportunity missed. There may be a
case for a withdrawal clause in certain models of an NWC. But, if
there is, it is one that has to be argued afresh rather than
relying on precedents in the nuclear arms control treaties, which
did not aspire to disarmament, or the biological and chemical
disarmament treaties, which did, but with a questionable logic when
it came to withdrawal clauses.
Interestingly, the Model Convention on Nuclear Weapons produced
by the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
(IALANA), International Network of Engineers & Scientists
Against Proliferation (INESAP) and International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) deliberately prohibits
withdrawal, in its Article 18.5, and explains that this reflects
"the view that the prohibition of nuclear weapons, and the
obligation to eliminate them, have entered the realm of customary
international law from which there should be no
Abolitionists have to confront the objections that weapons
cannot be disinvented or knowledge disowned. But these objections
are typically countered by strengthening treaty provisions of
verification and control, so that the future regime of nuclear
disarmament is rendered more resilient and generates confidence in
its permanent duration; by devising robust international
institutions; and, not least, by emphasising the importance of
popular support so that the passionate commitment to a world free
of nuclear weapons would become deeply embedded in civil society
the world over.
Amendment and review procedures should enable negotiators to
build in sufficient flexibility for disarmament treaties to
survive. Moreover, it is in negotiating tough requirements for
entry into force that states can best insure against the sort of
fundamental disturbance of security assumptions that might
otherwise precipitate a future withdrawal from the treaty.
As the abolitionist agenda advances, an NWC is becoming ever
more conceivable - unlike GCD, which has remained moribund since
1964. 'Getting to Zero' and its attendant problems of verification
and security have attracted much interest.16 Careful
thought needs to be given to whether a withdrawal clause would
strengthen or weaken particular models of treaty-making for
permanent nuclear disarmament.
Notes and references:
1. "Law and Order in International Society", Alan James, The
Bases of International Order: Essays in Honour of C A W Manning
(London: Oxford University Press, 1973) p78.
2. "Rebus Sic Stantibus", in Edmund Jan Osmanczyk. The
Encyclopedia of the UN and International Agreements, 2nd
edn (London: Taylor & Francis, 1990), pp 739-740.
3. Outside the field of arms control and disarmament,
withdrawal clauses, where they exist at all, commonly specify a
longer period of notice: one year is usual, and two years not
unknown. It is rare for any statement of reason to be required, let
alone any test of justification. Where there is no withdrawal
clause at all, the effect of Article 56 of the 1969 Vienna
Convention on the Law of Treaties is to impose a minimum notice
period of "not less than twelve months" and to place the burden of
proof on the state wishing to withdraw. It has to establish "that
the parties intended to admit the possibility of denunciation or
withdrawal" or, alternatively, that "a right of denunciation or
withdrawal may be implied by the nature of the treaty": a tough
4."A Commentary on the Chemical Weapons Convention", Walter
Krutzsch & Ralf Trapp (Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1994),
5. "Article XV: Duration and Withdrawal", Nicholas A Sims,
Evaluation Paper No 4 in Graham S Pearson & Malcolm R Dando
(series eds), The BWC Protocol: Evaluation Papers (Bradford:
Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, 1999) pp
6. "A Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Signed but not Sealed. A
Review of the CTBT Negotiations in the Conference on Disarmament
January-September 1996", Rebecca Johnson, Acronym Paper No 10 (London:
Disarmament Intelligence Review, May 1997) p60.
7. This description of arms control is based on the classic
definition by Hedley Bull, The Control of the Arms Race (London:
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1961), introduction, p ix.
8. A Nuclear Weapons Convention has been associated
particularly with the Malaysian resolution adopted every year since
1996 by the UN General Assembly, but is not excluded (as a more
distant eventuality) by the more 'moderate' resolutions on nuclear
weapons associated with Japan and (since 1998) with the New Agenda
Coalition. On the significance of these resolutions, their varying
majorities and oppositions, and the First Committee debates which
have revolved around them, see "First Committee Report", Rebecca
Johnson, Disarmament Diplomacy No
10 (November 1996) ; No 20
(November 1997); No 32 (November
1998); No 41 (December 1999). There
has also been much NGO interest (see notes 15 and 16), including a
Model Nuclear Weapons Convention which, in its 1999 form, was a
revised version of the 1997 draft submitted by Costa Rica in UN Doc
9."Approaches to Disarmament", Nicholas A Sims (London:
Friends Peace & International Relations Committee, 1974)
10. Sims (1974) pp 38-39.
11. "Biological disarmament: Britain's new posture", Nicholas
Sims, New Scientist, vol 52 pp 18-20 (December 2, 1971).
12. Sims (1974) p30; repeated in the revised edition (1979) p
13. From March 1972 to August 1992, i.e. 21 annual sessions
of the Conference on Disarmament and its predecessors.
14. "Approaches to Disarmament", Nicholas A Sims, revised
edition (London: Quaker Peace & Service, 1979) pp 104-109; "The
Forgotten Treaties: A Practical Plan for World Disarmament", Allan
McKnight & Keith Suter (Melbourne: Law Council of Australia,
1983) pp 16-54.
15. "Security and Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons
Convention", International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear
Arms, International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against
Proliferation, International Physicians for the Prevention of
Nuclear War (Cambridge, Mass.: IPPNW, 1999) section 2 p53. It
should be noted that a square-bracketed addition to Article 18.5
would bring this prohibition of withdrawal into force only "upon
ratification by all Nuclear Weapons States".
16. See "Nuclear Weapons: The Road to Zero", [Sir] Joseph
Rotblat (ed), Oxford: Westview Press for Pugwash, 1998; "Laying the
Foundations for Getting to Zero: Verifying the Transition to Low
Levels of Nuclear Weapons", Patricia M. Lewis, VERTIC Research
Report No 1, September 1998; "Verifying the Transition from Low
Levels of Nuclear Weapons to Zero", Tom Milne & Henrietta
Wilson, VERTIC Research Report No 2, June 1999; "Virtual Nuclear
Capabilities and Deterrence in a World Without Nuclear Weapons",
George Paloczi-Horvath, VERTIC Research Report No 3, October 1998;
"Sustaining a Verification Regime in a Nuclear Weapon-Free World",
Suzanna van Moyland, VERTIC Research Report No 4, June
Nicholas Sims is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of
International Relations at the London School of Economics and
Political Science, University of London. He specialises in the
diplomacy of disarmament and is the author of "International
Organization for Chemical Disarmament"(1987) and "The Diplomacy of
Biological Disarmament" (1988).
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