Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 76, March/April 2004
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle:
A Challenge for Nonproliferation
Lawrence Scheinman
More than a half-century into the nuclear age the world
continues to wrestle with the challenge of reconciling the
development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes with preventing
states using their nuclear knowledge, technology and assets to
acquire nuclear weapons. Article IV of the NPT affirms that member
states have the "inalienable right...to develop, research,
production and use of nuclear energy without discrimination and in
conformity with Articles I and II of this treaty."
From the beginning this was understood by its proponents to presumptively encompass all fuel cycle actvities, despite the fact
that uranium enrichment and plutonium production potentially put a state in a position to produce weapons usable material. As a former chairman of the Israeli Atomic Energy
Commission, David Bergmann once observed "...by developing atomic
energy for peaceful uses, you reach the nuclear weapon option.
There are not two atomic energies."
Interest in institutional arrangements for the nuclear fuel
cycle date back to the start of the nuclear age when the United
States tabled a proposal for international ownership and control of
sensitive nuclear fuel cycle activities (Baruch Plan, 1946).
Responding to recent concerns relating particularly to the nuclear
programmes of Iran and North Korea, IAEA Director-General Mohamed
ElBaradei has again raised questions about institutional
strategies, suggesting that enrichment and reprocessing be limited
to facilities under international control and that the management
and disposition of spent nuclear fuel also be brought under some
form of multinational arrangement.
The essay below is one that I first published in
International Organization in 1981. Arguing that many of the
ideas and arguments are still relevant (and still unsolved),
Disarmament Diplomacy requested permission to reprint it, in
order to stimulate discussion and avoid reinventing the wheel. My
intention in 1981 had been to explore the concept, the historical
experience, and lessons to be drawn from specific cases with a view
to providing insight into what was then an emerging discussion of
the potential utility, role and prospects for institutional
approaches to the problem posed by Article IV for
What makes an old issue more acute today is that the environment
in which it arises is different from that of a scant decade
earlier. Four considerations are particularly relevant.
First, the once predominating Cold War and the disciplines it
imposed on state behaviour have been displaced by regional
political-security agendas. For some states whose sense of security
is more tenuous the prospect of being in a position to develop a
nuclear deterrent if necessary may be greater. For others,
aspirations to regional predominance and/or international standing
may motivate a similar interest. In either event, regional and
international stability stand to suffer if those incentives
translate into concrete actions.
Second, over time sources of supply of sensitive nuclear
technologies or their components, particularly dual-use items, have
multiplied and expanded beyond states to illicit, blackmarket
transfers as underscored in the recent revelations of the
activities of A.Q. Khan in relation of Libya and Iran. Even among
states, not all adhere to the nuclear supplier guidelines or
exercise sufficient controls on the transfer of sensitive
technologies by companies or industries under their
Third is the experience of states party to the NPT either
conducting clandestine weapons relevant activities or more
ominously using their NPT status to openly and legally accrue fuel
cycle capabilities that could put them in a position to rapidly
transition to nuclear weapon status should they decide at some
point in time to invoke the NPT withdrawal clause. That facilities
and activities be declared and under international safeguards is
critically important, but that speaks only to capabilities, not to
motivation and intention.
Fourth is the fact that national security and international
stability is now threatened not only by the risk of state
proliferation but as well by the potential of organized
transnational terrorist groups obtaining access to weapons-usable
materials. The larger the number of potential sources of such
materials the greater the risk to the social order.
How to come to grips with these problems is now a matter of
immediate concern, with attention focused on a range of responses
including further strengthening of safeguards, tightening export
controls, pro-actively interdicting transfers of dangerous
technologies and equipment, and exploring innovative institutional
arrangements that would forestall the spread of nationally owned
and operated sensitive fuel cycle activities. We hope this 23-year
old essay will stimulate more in-depth discussion with a view to
finding security enhancing solutions.
Multinational Alternatives and Nuclear Nonproliferation
The application of multinational institutional arrangements to
sensitive nuclear fuel cycle facilities has attracted the attention
of nonproliferation policymakers since the outset of the nuclear
age. The Baruch Plan was the earliest and most far reaching
formulation of this approach. It proposed that, rather than leaving
potentially dangerous nuclear activities to national development,
subject only to inspection to assure non-diversion of technology
for military purposes, such activities should be placed under
international ownership and control.
Institutional arrangements in the Atoms-for-Peace era conversely
emphasized political commitments and verification safeguards,
rather than organizational strategies designed to curtail the
spread of national fuel cycle facilities, and, indeed, expected the
spread of such facilities as fuel cycle development progressed. In
the past decade, especially since 1974, there has been a resurgence
of interest in institutional arrangement more comprehensive than
international safeguards, and considerable attention is again being
given to multinational alternatives. In this chapter we will
examine the rationale for multinational institutions, and then
review some of the multinational experience in the nuclear sector.
We will consider why multinational approaches have drawn renewed
attention in the years since the 1974 Indian detonation. We will
also assess the political feasibility of multinational approaches
to fuel cycle problems, and evaluate the potential policy
consequences for non- proliferation.
The rationale for multinational institutional arrangements
The rationale for multinational institutional arrangements for
the nuclear fuel cycle is relatively straightforward. The
dispersion of nationally controlled sensitive facilities now
threatens to transform weapons proliferation; the adequacy of
international verification safeguards for preventing this is at
issue, while bilateral controls are becoming less feasible and less
effective, and the international community is not ready for more
comprehensive international solutions.
The objective of nonproliferation policy is to maintain a
separation between peaceful and non-peaceful uses of nuclear
energy, and to ensure that access to the peaceful benefits of
nuclear technology does not increase the risk of weapons spread.
International cooperation in peaceful nuclear energy has thus far
been premised on political commitments to use nuclear transfers
exclusively for peaceful purposes, combined with an acceptance of
international safeguards to verify compliance with such
No nuclear fuel cycle is entirely free of some proliferation
risk, but the level of nuclear activity in virtually all the
non-nuclear weapon states was generally regarded, until the early
1970s, as fitting within the capabilities of IAEA safeguards. The
dissemination of materials and facilities which could pose a
serious proliferation risk (plutonium, highly enriched uranium,
reprocessing facilities, enrichment plants) was very limited.
International nuclear commerce was conducted on the basis of the
political commitments referred to above, reinforced by the NPT,
which extended safeguards undertakings for participating
non-nuclear weapon states to all peaceful nuclear activities,
regardless of whether they were based on imported or indigenously
developed materials. And there was high confidence in the system of
inter- national safeguards to verify compliance with those
commitments. Coincidentally, this was an era in which the United
States exerted predominant influence over the shape, structure, and
conditions of international nuclear development and
As discussed by Joseph Nye in this issue, an erosion of
confidence in the international nuclear regime set in with the
diminishing of U.S. predominance, and the increasing dispersion of
sensitive technologies for which verification safeguards were not
fully adequate. This was accompanied in 1974 by the graphic
illustration of the Indian test, showing the ultrafine line between
peaceful and non-peaceful uses of nuclear technology, and also
suggesting a limited effectiveness of international safeguards
alone for sustaining a nonproliferation regime. The transition to a
new and more complex level of nuclear development, leading states
into a position to possess directly weapons-usable materials, put a
fundamentally different cast on the definition of regime
The central problem for nonproliferation policy after 1974,
then, was how to cope with this challenge to regime effectiveness.
In principle the problem could be approached technically (seeking
to modify materials or facilities to neutralize their proliferation
threat, identifying alternative fuel cycles which might avoid or
limit access to sensitive materials), institutionally (establishing
rules and arrangements to reduce the risks associated with
deployment of sensitive technologies, such as limiting the
character, location and operation of sensitive facilities, and
placing conditions on the use of the material they produce), or
through a combination of mutually reinforcing technical and
institutional measures.
In fact both technical and institutional strategies were devised
for dealing with the problem of sensitive materials. Explicitly
technical approaches lie outside the purpose of this essay.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that extensive technical
analyses of fuel cycles (and particularly their components) were
undertaken at the national and international levels. These
assessments suggested various technical ways of increasing fuel
cycle proliferation-resistance, but they also underscored the
economic, technical, and timeliness limitations inherent in many of
them. The International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation (INFCE), for
example, found several potential technical improvements which were
more promising for dealing with sub-national seizure threats than
national proliferation risks, either because the technical
improvement could be reversed, or because a determined state could
build a clandestine facility to carry out the illicit activity. As
one analyst has pointed out, "one of the clearest messages to
emerge from these studies (INFCE, NASAP) is that, in general, the
impact of (technical) measures on the full range of proliferation
risks is limited"2 i.e., they do not, of themselves,
compensate for the identified deficiencies of verification
safeguards for sensitive materials and facilities, since they do
not come to grips with the issue of prevention of misuse. This does
not foreclose deployment of existing, or as yet unidentified,
technical approaches to improving the proliferation resistance of
the nuclear fuel cycle, but it does place them in a less prominent
context than some might have anticipated.
Institutional responses have both near- and long-term
dimensions. They also address a different level of the
problem-control over misappropriation of nuclear material and
technology, rather than the detection of such misappropriation,
which is the central thrust of international safeguards today. In
the near-term, the American-initiated supplier state discussions
(in what came to be known as the London Group) sought to achieve
some consensus on export policy - to avoid the risk that commercial
competition would undermine international safeguards objectives.
Following its own intended export policy practice, the United
States also sought agreement for a moratorium on further transfers
of sensitive technology, or at least a mandatory supplier state
involvement wherever any future transfer might be made. The
eventual supplier guideline dealing with this matter only
recommends, but does not require, such involvement;3 but
the principal supplier states capable of making such transfers have
indicated their intention not to make any such further transfers in
the foreseeable future.
Seeking to impose a moratorium on transfers of sensitive
technology might be an appropriate initial response to gain time
while more far-reaching and effective international arrangements
are devised, but technology denial itself cannot be a viable
long-term nonproliferation strategy. Some structurally-
intermediate arrangement to deal with the problem over the longer
term has to be found, if nonproliferation is to remain
effective-since national forbearance in seeking access to advanced
higher-risk technologies cannot last indefinitely, and Baruch-type
solutions remain inconsistent with political realities.
In such circumstances, a number of alternatives can be
identified, including:
(1) supplier-state commitments to fully-reliable assurance of
supply, together with multilateral and/or international fall-back
provisions in the event of supplier breach of obligation, such as
an internationally negotiated nuclear fuel safety net, or an
international nuclear fuel bank;
(2) the conducting of sensitive activities on a national basis,
under carefully defined and significantly augmented international
controls, particularly over resulting sensitive nuclear materials;
(3) joint arrangements for technological activity, such as
multinational sensitive fuel cycle ventures.
All of these approaches deal in some measure with the problem of
control, although the extent to which they do so depends heavily on
the commitments to which the participants agree. The first approach
really amounts to a consumer dependence on enhanced supplier
integrity, coupled with international mechanisms in the event of a
breach of commitment. While potentially attractive to many, this
approach, as suggested in the analysis undertaken in the INFCE
Working Group III, may not be satisfactory where countries want
reduced external dependence or a direct equity stake in the supply
system upon which they must rely.4 The second approach
essentially endorses national development and deployment of
sensitive fuel cycle facilities, although under substantially
upgraded controls and restraints.5 Whereas the first
alternative appears weighted toward nonproliferation interests, by
implicitly curtailing the spread of sensitive activities, and thus
may not adequately meet all energy security concerns, the second
alternative very likely would be found deficient on
nonproliferation criteria.
The third approach, that of multinational arrangements, is
tantamount to denationalizing sensitive fuel cycle activities by
placing decisions on the operation of nuclear facilities, as well
as on the disposition of their product, in the hands of the
collectivity rather than the individual states. On its face it
appears to meet energy security concerns by providing participants
with a legal and economic stake in the supply system, and to meet
nonproliferation concerns by limiting the spread of sensitive
facilities, localizing and complicating the risk of proliferation,
and going beyond conventional verification safeguards. It also,
however, involves the development of new organizational
arrangements of a potentially complex political, economic, and
managerial nature, and importantly requires states' agreement
forsaking exclusively national control over energy technology.
In the remainder of this article we will explore the various
aspects of multinational institutional arrangements as they relate
to nonproliferation. Any evaluation must take three factors into
(I) There is no single, generic multinational formula that would
be satisfactory for all technologies and all partners. While all
such ventures will have to meet certain basic requirements,
successful implementation of multinationalism will depend on the
flexibility of its application. One of the apparent virtues of the
multinational concept is that it is capable of being developed in a
variety of ways, as such ventures as EURODIF; URENCO and EUROCHEMIC
(2) Multinational arrangements are not stand-alone
nonproliferation options. Arranging multinational ownership,
management, or operation does not offer any significant
nonproliferation benefit by itself, and even could have the
counterproductive effect of stimulating an unnecessary early
deployment of high-risk technology. Multinational arrangements must
be part of an integrated regime which covers not only the facility
itself, but the material produced-although different organizations
could have different responsibilities under an umbrella regime. In
the case of multinational reprocessing, for example, it would
contribute little to nonproliferation if participating members were
free to remove the separated plutonium from the reprocessing plant
to use as they saw fit, subject only to international safeguards.
To be effective, in nonproliferation terms, a multinational
arrangement would have to ensure not only that the facility and its
technology could not be abused, but also that its product would be
subject to appropriate international or multi-national controls
over its storage, release, use, and disposition. For maximum
effectiveness, the control arrangements would have to be
established in a framework of understandings and commitments
incorporating all of the principal elements of sensitive fuel cycle
(3) An institutional arrangement can only be as strong as the
foundation upon which it is built. Multinationalism, or any other
institutional approach, cannot substitute for consensus; it can
only reflect and reinforce that consensus. To be viable,
institutions must be politically acceptable, thus requiring a
consensus on the nature, purpose, and limits of the nuclear fuel
cycle, and on how nonproliferation and energy security goals relate
to one another.
Multinationalism in historic perspective
The term multinational has been used to describe a broad array
of institutional arrangements, from joint ownership and management
of facilities at one end of the spectrum, to market-sharing
arrangements between nationally owned and operated facilities at
the other.6 While this demonstrates flexibility, it also
entails a lack of precision that reduces the analytic utility of
the concept. We will use multinational in the broad sense when
discussing different specific ventures; but in later evaluating
multinationalism for nonproliferation objectives, we will define it
as an arrangement in which three or more governments agree to the
establishment of an entity involving joint ownership, and where
national decisions regarding the entity are subordinate to group
determination. Joint ownership mayor may not extend to joint
operation. The essential point is that control and decision making
are not defined or carried out on a purely national basis.
Some generic observations
A number of multinational ventures in sensitive nuclear fuel
cycle activities have been established in the past. Almost without
exception they have involved the West European countries which were
technologically advanced and shared common interests. They have
been largely focused on the development and initial deployment of
emerging nuclear technologies, and they have been primarily
motivated by economic, technical, commercial, or resource
considerations, rather than by nonproliferation concerns. This does
not mean that nonproliferation factors were entirely lacking in the
shaping of the arrangements, or that nonproliferation did not
benefit from their establishment. But it does underscore the
factors which have been most important in prompting states to
accept some limitation on national decision making and authority.
Each of the four principal nuclear ventures normally regarded as
multinational-URENCO and EURODIF (uranium enrichment consortia),
and EUROCHEMIC and United Reprocessors Group (URG) (spent fuel
reprocessing and plutonium separation consortia)-placed
restrictions on the transfer of technology to parties outside the
arrangement, but principally for commercial reasons. In the case of
EURODIF no provision was made for sharing the most sensitive
(barrier) technology even among consortia members-the technology
being reserved exclusively to the host state. On the other hand, in
no instance was membership in the venture conditioned on national
renunciation of efforts to develop the technology covered by the
agreement, or alternative technologies which could provide
sensitive material. This is, of course, precisely the kind of
consideration that arises when non- proliferation objectives are
taken into account. It is clear from this example, however, that
nonproliferation and economic considerations can coincide and be
mutually reinforcing, and that state acceptance of restraints in
order to achieve a technical or resource benefit can work to the
advantage of non- proliferation.
Efforts to sustain multinational arrangements over time have
been somewhat less successful in reprocessing than similar efforts
in the field of uranium enrichment. In part this is because
reprocessing technology is much more widely known, and uses more
conventional industrial techniques than enrichment, which until
recently was based exclusively on a very sophisticated,
industrially-complex and highly classified gaseous diffusion
technology. Even the newer and presumably simpler centrifuge
enrichment technology is still in an emergent state, and subject to
the kind of uncertainties which made joint ventures involving cost-
and risk-sharing more appealing.
It might also be explained by the fact that reprocessing is
essential to the use of breeder reactors. Such breeders have
generally been regarded as the ultimate rationale for making a
large-scale nuclear commitment in the first place. For countries
committed to deployment of breeders, economy-of-scale arguments for
multinational facilities would not be very persuasive, since
national plants in this area would rival multinational facilities
in size. As national facilities, moreover, they would not be
burdened by the inevitable problems of joint management and
For countries with smaller programs, the attractions of large
multinational reprocessing facilities could be significant, if they
brought state-of-the-art technology and economies of scale to bear
in support of their own more modest requirements. However, even
these countries might find smaller national plants preferable, for
the same operational and management reasons as countries with
larger programs, and might not even find economy-of-scale arguments
so persuasive, in view of the relatively modest cost (several
percent) attributable to reprocessing, as compared with the total
cost of nuclear power generation.
Specific historic cases
EUROCHEMIC, the first multinational nuclear venture, was created
in the 1950s under the auspices of the European Nuclear Energy
Agency (ENEA) of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation
(OEEC).7 Its termination in 1974, in the face of
competition from larger national installations in member countries,
has frequently been offered as proof of the weakness and
improbability of effective multinational arrangements. This, of
course, quite misses the point. EUROCHEMIC was established to serve
as a training center in which reprocessing technologies could be
acquired, various fuel types and techniques could be explored., and
industrial experience could be developed. It was not designed as a
means of averting the spread of reprocessing technology, or as an
alternative to national development, even though some of its
members (particularly the smaller states) might have hoped for the
eventual emergence of a single European reprocessing consortium
which would provide a partner- ship of a magnitude beyond their
purely national capabilities. In terms of its mandate, EUROCHEMIC
was a success. It facilitated and launched the basis for industrial
capability in a new technological field. If it did not evolve into
Europe's commercial industrial reprocessing enterprise, this must
be measured against its mandate.
In view of its avowed technology transfer purpose, and the
absence of any ban on parallel national technological development,
EUROCHEMIC would not be a particularly good model for
nonproliferation-oriented multinationalism. On the other hand, ten
years of such multinational training and development activity in a
high technology area represents an experience and institutional
dynamic which can provide important lessons for future ventures-
lessons with respect to the appropriate breadth or limitation of
mission, organizational arrangements, allocation of ownership
shares and interest, financial obligation, and degree of restraint
imposed on participants regarding parallel activity. Indeed, its
provision for an external control organ of participating state
governments to deal with problems of common concern while avoiding
interference in operational activities has been taken into account
by subsequent multinational nuclear industrial ventures.
URG is a successor multinational reprocessing venture to
EUROCHEMIC in only the broadest sense of that term. It was created
in the early 1970s by the three principal partners in
EUROCHEMIC-Great Britain, France, and the Federal Republic of
Germany-basically in anticipation of an overcapacity of
reprocessing services and a desire to avoid the risk of destructive
competition among European industries.8 It was intended
to rationalize the use of existing capacity, to coordinate
planning, construction, and deployment of new plants, and to
facilitate the exchange of technical information. One of its first
acts, in retrospect of no mean significance, was to successfully
encourage deferral of German plans to build a commercial
reprocessing plant. Deferral ultimately pushed construction of that
plant at Gorleben into a rather changed domestic and international
context, with environmental and antinuclear forces at home
contesting continued nuclear development in West Germany, and with
American nonproliferation policy encouraging continued deferral of
commercial reprocessing plant construction, until economically
justified in the framework of a firmly established breeder reactor
development program.
When reprocessing came to be seen as a problem of under-capacity
in the mid-1970s, as a result of changes in U.S. nuclear planning,
and a slowdown in both Great Britain and France for technical
reasons, URG still played a market-planning role in the allocation
of existing and planned capacity, although more emphasis was given
to technical exchanges than to commercial coordination. URG neither
owns nor operates reprocessing plants; while the transfer of URG
country technology to non-URG countries requires the unanimous
consent of the three shareholders, and apparently their governments
as well (unless laboratory scale transfers are involved, which
would be a significant transfer in nonproliferation terms, though
not in a commercial or industrial sense), the organization is an
international collaborative arrangement rather than a multinational
The two uranium enrichment consortia, URENCO and EURODIF, are
institutional expressions of the movement towards a European
enrichment capability which first appeared in the early days of
EURA TOM, but was largely deflected by U .S. policies that undercut
the economic appeal of a European enrichment program.9
Today, despite strain, they represent two different economic and
industrial models of multinational ownership and operation, neither
of which was established for explicitly nonproliferation purposes,
but both of which contribute to that end.
URENCO is the more complex of the two organizations, embracing
enrichment facilities in three countries-Great Britain, West
Germany and the Netherlands. Based on the Treaty of Almelo, URENCO
owns and operates gas centrifuge enrichment facilities in the three
participating states, helps to coordinate research and development
(which, since 1974, is the responsibility of each of the
shareholders individually, rather than a collective responsibility)
assures equal access to developments in centrifuge technology by
any of the members, and executes contracts for the sale of services
to third countries, based on the unanimous agreement of the
Industrial-operational and political responsibilities are kept
separate. An intergovernmental Joint Committee, on which each of
the participating governments has equal representation and voting
rights, and which operates on the principle of unanimity, deals
with all political aspects of URENCO activities. This includes such
issues as membership, supervision, and control of the dissemination
of centrifuge technology, and safeguards and nonproliferation
conditions associated with contracts for enrichment services.
URENCO provides a good example of the potential nonproliferation
value of multinational arrangements, as well as the viability and
utility of separating political and other decision-making
authority. In 1975, the Federal Republic of Germany contracted to
sell URENCO enriched uranium to Brazil. Although the agreement
provided for the application of international safeguards to the
material, it did not place any restrictions on the extraction and
storage of plutonium produced in burning the URENCO-supplied fuel.
This was regarded as insufficient by the Dutch government, as a
result of which West Ger- many ultimately had to negotiate a
revised agreement with the government of Brazil, including a
requirement that any plutonium derived from URENCO-supplied fuel
would be placed under an acceptable international plutonium storage
regime. Multinationalism, in this case, helped to reinforce a non-
proliferation objective, and, because of the division of political
and managerial authority, did so without disrupting the industrial
and operational responsibilities of the organization.
EURODIF involves five participating countries-France, Italy,
Spain, Belgium and Iran-but only one enrichment
facility.11 Unlike URENCO, which has an external market
orientation, EURODIF is intended to serve the domestic fuel
requirements of its members. The level of investment of each member
corresponds to its percentage share of the product, and sensitive
barrier technology is provided and held by only one member, France.
Other non-sensitive technology is shared, and non-sensitive
equipment procurement is allocated among the members. Thus, while
excluding the transfer or sharing of sensitive technology, EURODIF
does provide participants with security of supply, an equity share
in a production enterprise utilizing proven advanced technology,
and industrial spin-off benefits in all but the directly sensitive
technology sector. Because EURODIF is not a manufacturing entity as
is URENCO, this places limitations on the scope of spin-off
benefits; but it does offer an added inducement, beyond that of
access on a preferred basis to a secure supply of enriched uranium.
EURODIF partners also have access to the data and information
necessary to reach informed judgments on decisions in which all the
participants share.
EURODIF is simple and straightforward in comparison with URENCO,
since management, operations, and technology remain under the
national control of the host state, and its potential contribution
as a model for nonproliferation is proportionately greater. On the
other hand, precisely because of the managerial, operational, and
technological limitations this approach imposes on all but the host
nation, its appeal may be limited to states which have little
interest 'in the opportunity to participate in management-related
activities or to have access to advanced technology, but are
content to have assured access to fuel supply on a timely,
predictable, and economically attractive basis.
Neither of the two enrichment consortia have been trouble free.
URENCO has faced difficulties both in terms of technology and
investment. It was originally intended that URENCO would develop a
single centrifuge technology that would be exploited on a
centralized basis. All of the participants, however, already had
made heavy investments in technology development at the time URENCO
was established, and they proved unwilling to forego this
investment in favor of a common technological approach. As a
result, it was decided in 1974 to permit each of the shareholders
to continue developing its own technology and to determine which
technology it will use in building new facilities. Insofar as
investment was concerned, URENCO plants were to be built with equal
ownership and investment by the three partners, regardless of
location. By the mid-1970s that formula was revised in favor of a
two-thirds national, one-third partners investment arrangement, in
response to differences among the shareholders regarding the
timeliness of constructing new facilities and the appropriate
marketing philosophy.12 At the present time, the formula
has been revised to reflect a 90 percent national ownership in
URENCO facilities. This change also has affected the management
distribution, making each of the plants far less multinational than
originally intended. All facilities, however, operate under the
provisions and constraints of the Treaty of Almelo, and no
shareholder has the ability to take any significant action without
the approval of the other two partners.
EURODIF's problems have been of a somewhat different nature.
Changes in the pace of national nuclear development has affected
the timing of requirements for enriched uranium, particularly in
Italy which took a 23 percent share in EURODIF production at the
time the organization was created. Unable to absorb its share of
EURODIF production, yet required to take and pay for it, Italy has
sought to alter its relationship to the consortium.13
Some Italian political leaders have gone so far as to urge
withdrawal entirely, but the dominant view has been to negotiate a
reduction in Italy's share in EURODIF. This was accomplished in the
summer of 1980 when the French partner, Cogema, agreed in principle
to purchase more than one-half of Italy's interest, reducing the
latter from 23 percent to 16 percent of EURODIF and,
correspondingly, increasing Cogema's share of EURODIF from 42
percent to 51 percent, giving it majority control of the
organization and further reducing its multinational character. This
and the URENCO experience point up economic sensitivities of
multinational arrangements which may serve as a lesson for other
nations contemplating similar ventures. While not precluding
continued interest in such arrangements, this experience could make
economic justification and rationale even more salient than before
in decisions to follow a multinational fuel cycle strategy.
As two U.S. initiatives which failed to materialize demonstrate,
not all efforts to establish multinational nuclear consortia have
been successful.14 In 1971, in the context of growing
European sentiment favoring an increased in- dependence of supply
and a development of a European-based enrichment enterprise
(already reflected in the URENCO agreement and French initiatives
to establish what became EURODIF), the United States offered to
transfer enrichment technology under specified conditions. Those
conditions included an acceptance of international safeguards and
controls over plant and product, an opportunity for American
industry to compete in supplying components and services, an
avoidance of direct competition with U .S. enrichment production
activities and, most importantly, an establishment of a
multinational consortium to receive the transferred technology and
to construct and operate a plant. Classified information, including
information relevant to making an informed economic and technical
judgment regarding the offer, was to be withheld until a commitment
to construct a plant was made by the multinational consortium. This
meant that the consortium would not know what it was getting until
agreement was reached, an arrangement often referred to as "buying
a pig in a poke." In addition, only diffusion technology would be
shared with the multinational group, while centrifuge technology,
in which European interest was growing, would be accessible only to
American domestic firms, whom the U.S. government (in particular,
the AEC) was seeking to interest in assuming responsibility for
future enrichment activity, on the ground that enrichment had
reached commercial status.
This offer was rejected by the industrial states to which it was
directed. The technology transfer conditions were regarded as
unacceptable, not because of the multinational requirement, but
because of the insistence that commitment to the project precede
access to information and technology. The latter requirement was
perceived by the Europeans as signifying lack of serious U.S.
intent, and as a ploy to head off movement toward increased in-
dependence in nuclear fuel supply-in other words, as a political
and commercial strategy to preserve U .S. nuclear influence and to
avert the emergence of a strong and independent competitive
enrichment industry. Suspicions about U.S. commercial motivations
made later nonproliferation-motivated U.S. proposals suspect.
A second initiative was taken in 1974 at the Washington Energy
Conference, against the background of the oil crisis and its
emphasis on increased cooperation among the industrial states in
developing alternative sources of energy supply. Nuclear energy was
one of the centerpieces of efforts to diversify the energy resource
base, and Secretary of State Kissinger stressed American readiness
to explore the sharing of enrichment technologies, and the
establishment of multinational arrangements to that end. Departing
from its earlier offer, the United States now indicated interest in
cooperative arrangements in centrifuge as well as diffusion
technology - a proposition which (had it been made in 1971) would
have found a responsive audience in Europe, where the lower capital
and operating costs of centrifuges were appealing. The offer also
avoided the offensive preconditions that characterized the 1971
Despite the greater openness and flexibility of this American
initiative, there was little serious interest on the part of
others. To some extent this might have reflected continued
uncertainty about U.S. motives and objectives. More probably, it
reflected the fact that URENCO had gotten underway between 1971 and
1974 and was in the process of shaking out some of the problems
associated with multinationalization, while EURODIF was just
beginning as a multinational entity; both were concerned to avoid
any unnecessary complicating side-excursions which might have
unsettling effects on such new ventures. These concerns, of course,
relate back in part to uncertainty about ultimate American
intentions. Additionally, the negotiating of a multinational
arrangement, and the launching of a multinational enterprise, had
moved from hypothesis to experience; this made many of the
prospective partners for a joint activity extremely cautious about
moving into further international institutional arrangements.
In any event, the 1974 initiative did not result in the
launching of a new multinational enterprise; but it also did not
lead to a termination of U .S. interest in exploring the
possibilities for applying multinational formulas to sensitive fuel
cycle activities.
Some interim conclusions
Before turning to the more recent and more explicitly
nonproliferation-inspired interest in multinationalism, it would be
useful to draw some conclusions from the historic experience just
discussed. Four points in particular would seem to bear
Most significant, perhaps, states have in a number of instances
voluntarily entered into arrangements which place constraints on
their capacity to act independently in response to purely national
dictates and interests. In none of the cases, of course, did
participation in a multinational venture preclude national pursuit
of a research and development program in that
technology;15 and in some cases (e.g., EUROCHEMIC),
acquisition of technology and experience motivated participation in
the first place. It is not to be excluded, however, that a
satisfactory experience in a multinational venture, in securing
reliable and adequate supplies of fuels or services without a sense
of undue dependence on an external source of supply, could lead
states to conclude that this way of meeting their nuclear
requirements is preferable to more independent, but possibly more
costly and technologically less sophisticated, alternatives.
Not all states would share this view - for some, technological
parity, independence, or other considerations would preclude
participation in such ventures, unless doing so did not impair
concurrent or future ability to choose a national alternative
strategy. But this does not void the general point that
multinational institutional arrangements have been successfully
implemented in sensitive high technology areas and could become an
important component of a future international nuclear regime.
Political acceptability cannot be a priori ruled out.
Certainly none of these ventures would have been initiated or
would have survived if they did not meet important economic
criteria, and this is our second point: multinational arrangements
must demonstrate economic, financial, and commercial viability.
Whether, as some would argue, they must in all respects surpass
alternative national performance is a more debatable point, but
they cannot impose substantial excess costs and expect to survive.
Costly high technologies which can benefit from economies of scale
are attractive possibilities for joint ventures, especially for
countries whose programs are not sufficiently large to justify the
level of technical, financial, and manpower investment that would
be required to put a viable system into place. Where, as in the
case of EUROCHEMIC, the economic rationale fails to be sustained,
the venture terminates. But even in the face of some economic
uncertainty, it is not a foregone conclusion that the arrangement
will collapse if participants are persuaded either of the long-term
logic of the enterprise (e.g., URENCO), or of the even more
substantial costs of seeking purely national alternatives.
For example, a reprocessing enterprise whose economics are
dubious, but which, nevertheless, resolves a waste problem which
might not be easily re- solved on a national basis, may be
preferred despite its economic uncertainty, especially if waste
management arrangements are a precondition for licensing reactor
operations in the participating countries. The key point is that a
multinational venture must make basic economic sense to be
considered, and to survive, in the absence of some compelling other
reasons to establish and operate it in the first place.
A third point relates to structure and organization. Several of
the nuclear ventures, and some other high-technology multinational
consortia such as INTELSAT, have adopted two-tiered governing
structures which serve to separate normal management decision
making from questions which are essentially of a political
nature.16 One formidable argument against multinational
arrangements is that they are not only complex in operational,
financial, and economic terms, but also sensitive to political
differences which could have severe negative effects on their
normal operations. The development of a multi-tiered structure to
separate non-operational from operational activities, and political
from commercial-managerial considerations, does not completely
eliminate the risk, but it does reduce the threat of unnecessary
complications, and the probability that separable decisions will
interfere with each other.
This ties in with the earlier observation about organizational
flexibility. Each of the multinational arrangements discussed had
different attributes, affecting either the degree of technology
sharing (full sharing in URENCO, URG, and EUROCHEMIC; no sharing in
EURODIF); or the financing formulas and claims on the product
(proportionate shares and claims in EURODIF, equal investment
requirements in URENCO at least at the outset); or the scope of
activity (production and marketing in the case of URENCO; fuel
production only in the case of EURODIF; technology development and
training in EUROCHEMIC). This suggests a continuing plausibility
for multinational ventures, consistent with the participants'
objectives in securing supplies of services and fuels, the general
requirements of economic and commercial attractiveness, and the
broader international concern about reinforcing international
safeguards and nonproliferation.
Perhaps the greatest uncertainty arises in transferring the
experiences of primarily technologically advanced industrial
societies to a broader group of states with a much more
heterogeneous set of objectives and priorities, and a rather
different perspective on such concepts as equity,
nondiscrimination, and fair play. If multinationalism means, as it
would, fewer facilities (which may be important for economic
reasons) then locational issues could become very important. A
continued siting of most such facilities in advanced industrial
states because of practical considerations could be rejected by
developing countries as an untenable perpetuation of the technology
gap. Difficulties would also arise because of asymmetries in what
advanced and developing countries could bring to the common
enterprise, and the consequent asymmetries in the allocation of
responsibility and decision-making authority. A major question then
remains on whether, and under what conditions, our past experience
is transferable to future arrangements; to what degree will
alternative institutional arrangements be acceptable on economic,
technological, political, and nonproliferation grounds to the
different potential participants. As noted earlier, generic
solutions are not likely to be identifiable, and each arrangement
will have to be tailored to the project, technology, and
participants involved.
Multinationalism and non-proliferation
Interest in multinational fuel cycle arrangements took on a
sense of urgency with the expansion of peaceful nuclear programs.
Control of nuclear technology had largely been based on political
commitments that were monitored and verified by international
safeguards, designed to detect any illicit effort to divert
material from the peaceful nuclear fuel cycle. The nuclear universe
to which those safeguards applied consisted largely of power and
some research reactors which, with a few exceptions, did not give
access to directly weapons-usable material. Sensitive technologies
and facilities capable of producing directly weapons-usable
materials were confined to a relatively small number of states.
The Indian nuclear test of 1974, and the spread of sensitive
nuclear facilities to countries whose programs were only in a
rudimentary stage of development and lacking any serious rationale
for advanced sensitive technologies, raised fundamental questions
about the adequacy of international safeguards by themselves to
prevent proliferation. As explained in the Nye chapter, a reactive
policy based only on denial would ultimately fail, and would bring
resentment and even greater international instability in its wake.
Longer-range attention focused, therefore, on identifying the
appropriate additive protective measures to deal with the
inevitable spread of nuclear energy and technology. The ultimate
goal was development of a regime embodying agreed rules, norms,
institutions, and proliferation-resistant technologies to reduce
the proliferation risk to manageable proportions. Institutional
arrangements, particularly multinational schemes, figured
prominently among alternative means of reinforcing
nonproliferation, and security considerations thus came to occupy a
place alongside political and commercial considerations in judging
the feasibility of the multinational alternative to purely national
fuel cycle facilities.17
Public support for, and promotion of, multinational concepts for
explicitly nonproliferation considerations was first articulated by
the United States when its representative to the 1974 General
Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency spoke in
support of "the establishment of internationally approved
facilities to handle all the spent fuel arising from power
reactors"18 as an alternative to individual countries
developing their own technology for this purpose. Subsequently, the
United States strongly supported a provision in the final
declaration of the 1975 NPT Review Conference that "regional or
multinational nuclear fuel cycle centers may be an advantageous way
to satisfy, safely and economically, the needs of many states,
while, at the same time facilitating physical protection and the
application of safeguards."19 Multinationalism was also
strongly advocated by Secretary of State Kissinger in a speech
before the UN General Assembly in September 1975, where he stated
that "the greatest single danger of unrestrained nuclear
proliferation resides in the spread under national control of
reprocessing facilities. ...The United States, therefore, proposes,
as a major step to reinforce all other measures, the establishment
of multinational regional nuclear fuel cycle centers."20
One immediate result of this was American endorsement of an IAEA
study of regional nuclear fuel cycle centers.21
Emphasis on multinational strategies was not confined to the
executive branch. H. Con. Res. 371 (Zablocki) reinforced
endorsement of multinational centers, as an alternative to national
development of sensitive portions of the fuel cycle.22
Subsequently Senate Resolution 221 (Pastore-Mondale) expressed
concern over the "proliferation threat posed by the possibility of
development of a large number of independent enrichment and
reprocessing facilities,"23 and argued in support of
U.S. initiatives for the development of regional, multinational
American policy during the past several years has, for a number
of reasons, been ambivalent toward early development of
multinational reprocessing arrangements. One consequence has been
an international uncertainty about real U .S. objectives and intent
in the peaceful nuclear fuel cycle. Three factors deserve emphasis
in this regard.
First, assessments of the justification and timeliness of
plutonium separation evolved considerably. The conventional nuclear
wisdom which prevailed into the mid-1970s had been that the
recycling of plutonium in mixed oxide fuels in light water reactors
was technically logical and economically appropriate. This view
changed amid rising uncertainties regarding the economics of
recycle, and the absence of any compelling resource-scarcity reason
to deploy plutonium in light water reactors. Also important was the
sharply increased sensitivity to the weapons risk in widespread
dissemination of reprocessing facilities and separated
Second, it became increasingly clear in the late 1970s that
disposal of spent fuel in unprocessed form was feasible as a waste
management option, and that, contrary to conventional thinking, the
waste disposal problem was not alleviated by reprocessing, but
rather was of the same order with or without reprocessing. This
revised view was essentially endorsed in the INFCE study.
Third, perhaps most important in view of the diminished economic
or technical urgency of reprocessing and the U.S. preference to
link plutonium separation to economically-justifiable breeder
reactor development. the United States sought to avoid a situation
in which the existence of added institutional arrangements would be
used as a pretext for premature commitments to sensitive nuclear
activity. In other words, multinational alternatives were to be
encouraged when the activity in question was economically
justified, but were not themselves to become an excuse for
undertaking an activity for which no compelling reason existed.
This underlying philosophy is largely reflected in the provision
in the 1978 Nuclear Nonproliferation Act that a necessary condition
for reprocessing or other sensitive fuel cycle activities involving
U.S. origin fuels is that: they take place under "effective
international auspices," and in the provision which requires the
President to seek agreement on policies which include a
"prohibition against reprocessing," except in a facility under
"effective international auspices and inspection."24
While not explicitly requiring a multinational arrangement, this
language, especially in the context of recent nonproliferation
policy, reflects continued U.S. interest in multinational
arrangements as a component of a long-range nonproliferation
Two questions remain to be considered: why should states
acquiesce in the political limitations that multinationalism
entails, and. even if they do, how effective a role can
multinational arrangements play in achieving nonproliferation
The political acceptability of multinationalism
We noted earlier that institutional arrangements can reinforce a
consensus, but cannot create one where it does not exist. In
dealing with the problem of acceptability, we will make several
assumptions regarding consensus, in particular:
(1) that there exists widespread support for finding ways to
meet energy requirements while minimizing the risks of nuclear
weapons proliferation;
(2) that sensitive materials and the facilities which produce
them create special problems for which safeguards alone may not be
adequate to achieve nonproliferation; and
(3) that additional measures reaching beyond traditional
bilateral or multilateral arrangements may therefore be necessary,
including mutual agreement to limit use of nuclear technology and
The first two assumptions seem to have won widespread support in
the recently concluded International Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Evaluation.25 The third also enjoys broad, but more
guarded and qualified, support in the international community. For
example, the dangers of plutonium and reprocessing are recognized,
along with the possibility of minimizing those dangers if
reprocessing were limited to a few large-scale facilities. But
support for taking steps in this direction remains in abeyance, in
the absence of general agreement about who will have access to
what, and when, and with what degree of certainty. In short, the
relinquishing of national control can only be contemplated in the
context of a regime which satisfies such political and economic
requirements as participating states regard as essential. And, even
in these circumstances, it is probable that participating states
will hold relinquishment hostage to continued satisfaction with the
multinational arrangement.
Some states will strongly resist a derogation of national
sovereignty under virtually any conditions. The reasons for this
might range from an un- shakeable conviction that maintaining a
nuclear weapons option is essential to long-term national security
(e.g. Israel or South Africa), to vaguer notions about the prestige
value of full national control over advanced technologies (e.g.
Brazil or Argentina), or about the principle of absolute equality
of all states (e.g. India), to more concrete economic concerns
about security of energy supply, amid uncertainty that this
requirement can be met on a reliable basis through reliance on
external sources of supply.
Some of these states are unlikely to be persuaded to reconsider
their position in the absence of significant changes in the
international political and security environment, or unless they
make a very fundamental reassessment of their own political and
security interests. By the same token, however, their position
should not dictate the objectives to be sought, the shape and
character of the regime to be developed, or the level of effort to
be expended in pursuit of those goals.
States which do not a priori reject the idea of some limitation
on national authority and conduct, and who see genuine security
advantages in a system involving self-restraint (i.e., the vast
majority of industrial states and a significant number of
developing countries) will nevertheless condition giving support
for multinational arrangements on an acceptable balance of benefits
and costs. Nonproliferation may be a valued objective, and even a
priority concern, but the price of securing it will be carefully
weighed, in terms not only of the effectiveness of the measures
proposed to achieve nonproliferation, but also of the costs which
may be incurred in energy security, economics, equity, and
discrimination. There are no inherent reasons why multinational
ventures cannot satisfy chat concern.
In terms of energy security, participation in a multinational
arrangement could remove concern about excessive external
dependence. While not entirely free of risk, and theoretically
subject to the integrity of the host state, equity and/or
managerial participation could enhance the credibility of fuel
supply, by contrast with reliance on independent external
suppliers. The same argument chat works against a host state,
abrogation of its nonproliferation commitments, discussed earlier,
works in favor of enhanced consumer-partner security; a much higher
political threshold must be crossed, before acting contrary to
international commitments, than where the facility is under single-
state control. If the economic terms and conditions are attractive,
and the political undertakings convergent, the multinational
alternative may well be regarded as an effective way to achieve
higher levels of mutual dependence among participating members,
thus securing energy supply and reinforcing market
These considerations are applicable equally to enrichment and
reprocessing. The technology of enrichment is still the preserve of
a relatively few states. Costs and the demands of technological
sophistication, along with close supplier state control of the
technology, serve as deterrents to its dissemination. Dependence
will thus remain characteristic of the enrichment market- place for
some time to come. The uncertainties which have beset supply during
the past several years, as suppliers have sought tighter guarantees
against weapons proliferation, could lead consumer states to seek
equity shares in enrichment facilities, even if the technological
know-how remained (at least for the near-term) the preserve of the
host state. An equity stake in production, and a voice in policy
management, would provide the basic rationale. The interest of the
supplier would be largely nonproliferation, but he also would
benefit in that new excess production capacity would not emerge to
threaten market stability.
Reprocessing is accessible to a larger number of states, so that
the same deterrents which apply for enrichment are not to be found
here. On the other hand, far from resolving the waste management
problem, reprocessing compounds it; it generates dangerous
high-level wastes, posing significant intermediate storage
problems, with permanent disposal technologies remaining to be
demonstrated. New reactor licensing is dependent on defining waste
disposal plans in an increasing number of states, and the lack of a
solution has impeded nuclear development in several cases. The
possibility of avoiding such problems could be a powerful incentive
for a state to join in a multinational arrangement, even if
participation entailed concurrent renunciation of national
reprocessing activity.
Insofar as equity and discrimination are concerned,
multinational arrangements can play an important ameliorative role.
One widespread argument in favor of national reprocessing and
enrichment activity is that such operations are now carried out in
weapons states and in a few advanced industrial countries. Pleas
regarding the weapons proliferation risk remain unconvincing, as
long as these states continue to assert a right to develop these
technologies under exclusive national control; attempts to
foreclose further development elsewhere under these conditions will
likely be seen as nothing more than blatant discrimination,
contradicting the provisions of Article IV of the Nonproliferation
Treaty, which ensured full and complete access to the peaceful
benefits of nuclear energy.
However, multinational arrangements, with the most advanced
nuclear states placing their own sensitive facilities under
multinational auspices, could significantly weaken the argument
about discrimination in the peaceful nuclear sector, and could go
far toward achieving a degree of equity acceptable to most of those
states which were ever willing to consider an alternative to purely
national arrangements. Even if not all existing facilities in the
advanced nuclear states were multinationalized, with multinational
agreement only reached for all new facilities, a substantial inroad
on the claim of discrimination would be made, and one important
barrier to the acceptability of the multinational approach to
nonproliferation would be overcome.
The efficacy of the multinational approach
Two arguments have been raised against the efficacy of
multinational arrangements: limited effectiveness (inability to
prevent eventual dispersion), and potential counter-productiveness
(technology transfer and the legitimation of proliferation-prone
activities). A third argument, inefficiency (administrative -
operational complexity) is not proliferation-related, and is not
treated here.
The argument of limited effectiveness is based on the
presumption that not all potential developers of technology will
join the arrangement, and that entry into a multinational venture
does not foreclose future development of national facilities. In
addition there is a problem in the siting of sensitive fuel cycle
facilities. If they are placed in non-nuclear-weapon states they
could constitute a proliferation risk; if efforts to limit that
risk rest on confining facilities to so-called safe and stable
environments, which essentially mean western industrial states,
then the problem of discrimination arises once again
vis-à-vis aspiring and sensitive Third World countries.
Finally, some analysts would argue that research reactors and
facilities (which produce, or require the use of weapons-usable
materials in significant quantities) are more of a proliferation
risk than production facilities (certainly more widespread), and
that the focus on peaceful fuel cycle production facilities is thus
The argument about potential counter-productiveness contends
that the greatest risk is that multinationalism will accelerate
deployment of sensitive facilities which otherwise might have
evolved more slowly, because project managers will be able to argue
that the risks associated with such activities are now under
effective nonproliferation constraints. If the main argument
against dispersion of sensitive facilities was that international
safeguards could not alone ensure against misuse, and multinational
institutions are then advanced to meet this problem, pressures will
then inevitably mount to relax technological constraints, on the
ground that the proliferation risk has now been resolved.
A second counter-productiveness argument is that multinational
owner- ship and operation would accelerate technology transfer.
Demands for physical transfer of technology might dominate the
politics of the institution, and the information and experience
derived could later be used in a clandestine national plant, to
circumvent the very risks that multinational institutions were
designed to control. In view of this risk, multinationalism might
be less desirable as a nonproliferation measure than would be
reliance on a small number of large national plants sited in a
limited number of stable (read "privileged few") locations.
These are formidable arguments and cannot be dismissed out of
hand. Yet national control under international safeguards alone is
untenable in non- proliferation terms, while monopolizing fuel
cycle technologies in the name of nonproliferation would not be
acceptable to non-nuclear weapon states, and would lead to a more
profound crisis of confidence than exists even today.26
If the objective of nonproliferation is not to foreclose the
legitimate development of sensitive nuclear technologies, but
rather to reduce the risks of abuse or misappropriation, which
increase in a situation of purely national control, then
alternatives to national control become relevant; multinational
ventures thus appear to be a potentially constructive way to bridge
considerations of nonproliferation, energy security, and
With respect to limited effectiveness, two points need to be
made. First, the very existence of multinational facilities removes
some of the conventional justifications for building national
plants, such as lack of alternatives, waste management problems,
resource requirements, technology development, and experience, and
the unacceptability of total dependence on external sources of
supply. Participation in multinational ventures could moreover be
predicated on states' acceptance of commitments not to engage in
parallel national activity, as long as those ventures provide
reliable, economically competitive services on a timely basis.
Second, as we noted in discussing acceptability, if advanced
states participated in such multinational arrangements (perhaps
submitting all, or even some, of their facilities to such a regime)
this could go very far toward neutralizing equity and
discrimination arguments, and could significantly increase the
political threshold for any state's move into a purely nationally
owned and operated facility. It is significant that French
President Giscard d'Estaing, in a February 1979 press conference,
explicitly endorsed the notion of multinational reprocessing for
the future, including consideration of placing future French
facilities under multinational auspices.27 The basic
point is that the more that can be done to remove economic or
technical arguments for national facilities, the more service is
done for nonproliferation. With the presence of multinational
alternatives, the justifications for a national program become far
less persuasive than if no alternatives existed; the degree of
ambiguity surrounding a national decision to develop sensitive
facilities diminishes, and the international community becomes
correspondingly more alert to the possible nuclear intentions of
the state in question. The importance of this point cannot be
stressed too much.
On the issue of potential counter-productiveness, while critics
rightly note that pressures may mount to accelerate and legitimate
high-risk activities, they also overlook two significant factors.
One is that the collectivity of states that would have to share
losses as well as profits in multinational ventures would take an
even harder look at development strategy and timing than would an
individual state which would more likely be swayed by political or
prestige factors; this in itself has the effect of restraint. More
importantly, multinational arrangements, at least as articulated by
the United States, have not been viewed as an isolated
nonproliferation measure, but rather as one component of a more
comprehensive regime. Such a regime has been defined as needing to
cover institutional arrangements for technology dissemination, but
also such questions as the legitimate uses of technology and
material, the appropriate timing for their production and
distribution, and the conditions for their use, storage, transfer,
and ultimate disposition.28
With respect to technology-sharing problems, a distinction
should be made between reprocessing and enrichment. The basic
technology necessary to build a small reprocessing plant dedicated
to deriving modest amounts of material for explosive purposes is
already well known. Technology denial will in no way change that
situation. Hands-on experience in a large commercial facility could
speed up acquisition of the information and expertise to handle a
comparable large-scale plant; but this risk might be better handled
by securing political commitments to preclude replication of any
facility unless it is a part of, and explicitly endorsed by, the
multinational regime. There are strong commercial reasons why this
type of agreement might be sought, quite aside from
nonproliferation concerns. Agreements also might be negotiated to
establish a phased access to certain aspects of technology, based
on the evolution of the participating state's nuclear program, and
the economic need for expanding plant capacity.
Enrichment presents a different problem, because far less
scientific and technological information has been disseminated. As
we have already seen, however, both EURODIF and URENCO appear to
have successfully come to grips with this issue. The service-equity
EURODIF arrangement, which has the stronger nonproliferation value,
may not be regarded as satisfactory in the future, although
satisfaction ultimately depends on the partners, their interests,
and the overall characteristics of the arrangement. It is worth
noting, however, that (from an energy-security point of view)
technology access was a less important issue in the INFCE
working-group discussions on assured supply than was the existence
of a competitive and transparent market with several independent
sources of supply, as free as possible from political intervention
in the absence of violation of nonproliferation
If multinational arrangements are part of a broader protective
regime, it would appear then that they can play an important
nonproliferation role and contribute to the reinforcement of
acceptable international nuclear cooperation. Whatever limitations
they may have, it is reasonably certain that a phased sharing and
dissemination of high-risk technologies under a comprehensive
regime would be preferable to (and ultimately more supportive of
nonproliferation than) alternatives which encouraged or facilitated
national nuclear autonomy.
Some Conclusions
In the final analysis, the most compelling argument for or
against multinational institutional arrangements for sensitive fuel
cycle activities may emerge from the future shape and character of
supplier state (particularly U.S.) nuclear policy. If some form of
extranational control over these activities, above and beyond
international safeguards and nonproliferation commitment becomes
the price for stability of supplier state behavior, and for the
renewed constructive international cooperation which is so
essential to all States, then the multinational approach may come
to be regarded as a politically acceptable alternative to national
ownership arid control. It is not the only alternative that one
could visualize, but it does hold middle ground, between those
alternatives based so much on safeguards that they are more facades
than genuine protective measures, and those which, because of their
extensive reliance on formal international organizations, would
place too heavy a demand on national sovereignty. The performance
of such complex activities as enrichment and reprocessing at a
multinational level among largely homogeneous states would be
difficult enough.
The key question is what the supplier states (especially the
United States which remains so central to any international nuclear
regime) are prepared to offer in return. Most countries are
concerned primarily with reaping the benefits of peaceful nuclear
energy. Energy security, including access to nuclear power on a
timely, predictable, and economically attractive basis is (as we
discussed earlier) their principal objective. Such states seek
supplies of fuel and necessary services, assured against arbitrary
and capricious supplier state behavior. They also seek guarantees
that any new nonproliferation conditions that might later be found
to be necessary (in the context of changing technological or
international political conditions) will not be unilaterally or
arbitrarily imposed on dependent states, but will be dealt with on
a basis of equality and mutual understanding. This has not really
been characteristic of nuclear cooperation during the past several
years, as key suppliers, recognizing defects in the regime,
sometimes took very quick and dramatic action in an effort to
redress the situation.
Finally, such states want a voice in the shaping of the regime,
and in the determination of the rules of the game in which they
have become involved. For the most part they recognize the risks of
widely dispersed weapons-usable materials, and understand the need
for restraint. But they do not accept the notion that some states
are more equal than others in the peaceful nuclear sector, and they
consequently reject the establishment of principles which codify
discrimination. Forbearance in the development of national
sensitive fuel cycle facilities, because the economics of it are
unattractive, or the technology too complex, is one thing.
Forbearance on the grounds that it is not healthy for too many
states to engage in sensitive activities, or to stockpile sensitive
material, is quite another.
Pragmatic and judicious use of multinational institutional
arrangements may bridge these different interests, and may thus be
effective in promoting the cause of nonproliferation, while meeting
energy security concerns, and ameliorating the sense of
discrimination which so widely pervades the nuclear arena. The
concept appears basically sound; the challenge ties in fashioning
institutional arrangements so as to meet the political, economic,
operational, and management concerns that inevitably will enter
into any consideration of multinational activity, and so as to
insure that multinationalism does not become a pretext or a
subterfuge for activities which could undermine the stability of
the international nuclear regime.
It would be good to remember how much the nuclear question is
really sui generis, because of the unique attributes of the
problem of proliferation, so that some of the conventional wisdom
from other fields of endeavor, scoffing at multinational formulae,
may not (and indeed should not) apply here.
Multinational institutional arrangements, to repeat, are riot
the whole of a grand design, or a comprehensive solution to
proliferation problems, or even the most appropriate strategy for
all situations. Proliferation is, after all, fundamentally a
political problem; its solution, if one exists, must be found in
the political arena. Everything else is only prologue.
Yet, for many states, multinational arrangements may provide an
opportunity to share in a more sophisticated industria1 activity
than would be the case on a purely national basis; for some others,
such arrangements may simply have to be regarded as a
nonproliferation cost, to be borne in order to maintain a viable
international nuclear system. And that is a common stake.
1. For a general overview of the evolution of nonproliferation
policy and the strategy of the Carter administration see Joseph S.
Nye, "Nonproliferation: The Long- Term Strategy", Foreign
Affairs (April 1978): 60 1-23; and Lawrence Scheinman, "Towards
a New Nonproliferation Regime," Nuclear Materials Management
VII, I (Spring 1978): 25-29. See also Bertrand Goldschmidt, "A
Historical Survey of Nonproliferation Policies", International
Security 11, I (Summer 1977): 69-87.
2. Edward Wonder, "INFCE and International Institutions" in
Next Steps After INFCE: U.S. International Nuclear and
Nonproliferation, Rodney W. Jones, ed. (Washington, D.C.:
Georgetown University, March 1980).
3. International Atomic Energy Agency, "Communications Received
from Certain Member States Regarding Guidelines for the Export of
Nuclear Material, Equipment, and Technology," INFCIRC/254 (Vienna:
IAEA. February 1978).
4. IAEA, "Assurances of Long-Term Supply of Technology, Fuel,
Heavy Water and Services in the Interest of National Needs
Consistent with Nonproliferation", INFCE/PC/2/3 (Vienna: IAEA,
January 1980).
5. This approach is examined and endorsed in Myron B. Kratzer,
Multinational Institutions and Nonproliferation: A New Look.
Occasional Paper No.20 (Muscatine, IA.: The Stanley Foundation,
6. For a useful discussion of multinational nuclear arrangements
see Horst Mendershausen, "The Muitinalionalization of Reprocessing
and Enrichment: How and Where?" a Paper Presented to the
International Conference on Reconciling Energy Needs and
Nonproliferation. Bad-Godesburg (May 1979). See also Abram Chayes
and W. B. Lewis, eds.. International Arrangements for Nuclear
Fuel Reprocessing (Cambridge. Mass. : Ballinger Press,
7. EUROCHEMIC's experience is discussed in Bertrand Goldschmidt,
Le Complexe Atomique (Paris: Fayard, 1980) and more
extensively in International Energy Associates Ltd (IEAL),
"Institutional Arrangements for the Reduction of Proliferation
Risks", Report to the Department of Energy, December 1979.
8. On URG see C. Allday, "Some Experiences in Formation and
Operation of Multinational Uranium-Enrichment and Fuel Reprocessing
Organizations", in Chayes and Lewis. op. cit., pp. 177-88.
9. This early episode is treated in Lawrence Scheinman.
Atomic Energy Po/icy in France Under the Fourth Republic
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965), pp. 177-80.
10. On URENCO, see Report of the Atlantic Council's Nuclear
Fuels Policy Working Group, "Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons
Proliferation", vol. 11 (June, 1978); IEAL, "Institutional
Arrangements for the Reduction of Proliferation Risks," op. cit.;
and C. Allday, op. cit.
11. There is relatively little information available on EURODIF.
A useful if incomplete description is to be found in M. Pecquer, J.
H. Coates and M. Mezin, "Uranium Enrichment: One of Today's
Industrial Realities", Revue de l'Energie 25, 265
(Aug.-Sept. 1974): 199-214.
12. See Allday, op. cit.
13. Nuclear News, June 1980. p.38.
14. The following discussion draws principally on Edward Wonder.
Nuclear Fuel and American Foreign Policy (Boulder. Co. :
Westview Press. 1977) and Bertrand Goldschmidt, Le Complexe
Atomique op. cit. See also Lawrence Scheinman, "Security and a
Transnational System: The Case of Nuclear Energy" in
Transnational Relations and World Politics, Robert 0.
Keohane and Joseph S. Nye. Jr., eds. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press. 1972), pp. 276-300.
15. While one could view the URENCO provision for rotation of
enrichment contract allocations as an effort to delay as long as
possible the construction of an enrichment plant in the FRG, and
URENCO itself as a way to divert any autonomous enrichment activity
in Germany, it still remain true that the FRG was completely free
to develop enrichment technology.
16. On INTELSAT, see Eugene Skolnikoff, "Relevance of INTELSAT
Experience for Organizational Structure of Multinational Nuclear
Fuel Cycle Facilities", in Chayes and Lewis. op. cit. .pp.
17. See references cited in footnote 1 on these points.
18. IAEA, GC(XVIII)/OR. 169(23), (Sept. 1974).
19. U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Documents on
Disarmament, 1975, pp. 146-58, esp. p. 151. 10 Ibid. p.476.
20. See IAEA, Regional Nuclear Fuel Cycle Centers
(Vienna: IAEA, 1977), two volumes.
21. House Concurrent Resolution 371, Congressional
Record, 30 July 1975, p. 25918.
22. House Concurrent Resolution 371, Congressional
Record, 30 July 1975, p. 25918.
23. Senate Resolution 221, Congressional Record, 12
December 1975, p. 521961.
24. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-242), 92
Stat. 210 (1978).42 U.S.C. s 2153b (b)(I) and (2).
25. See, Statement of Ambassador-at-Large Gerard Smith, U.S.
Representative to the INFCE, Final Plenary Conference, 25 February
26. On erosion or confidence, see Bertrand Goldschmidt and Myron
B. Kratzer. Peaceful Nuclear Relations: A Study of the Creation
and Erosion of Confidence, (New York and London: Rockefeller
Foundation and Royal Institute of International Affairs, November
27. Press Conference by Valery Giscard d'Estaing, 15 February
1979, Press and Information Division 79/25, French Embassy.
28. See Nye and Scheinman articles, op. cit.; and Thomas
Pickering, address before the Atomic Industrial Forum, Atlanta,
Georgia, 12 March 1979 (mimeo).
29. See INFCE Working Group III, cited in footnote 3.
The Hon. Lawrence Scheinman is Distinguished
Professor at the Monterey Institute of International Studies and a
retired professor from Cornell University. He served as the
Assistant Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
in the Clinton Administration, responsible for NonProliferation and
Regional Arms Control. This 1981 essay was written after Dr.
Scheinman returned from service as Principal Deputy to the Deputy
Under-Secretary of State for International Security in the Carter
Administration. He also served as Senior Advisor the
Director-General of the IAEA, Hans Blix.
This essay was previously published under the
title "Multinational Alternatives and Nuclear Non-proliferation" in
International Organization, vol. 35, no.1 (Winter,1981)
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