Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 86, Autumn 2007
Rethinking Security Interests for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in
the Middle East
Rebecca Johnson
A nuclear weapon free zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East began to be
mooted during the 1960s, and was formally put on the
non-proliferation and security agenda in 1974 by Egypt and Iran. In
1990 the nuclear-weapon-free concept was broadened to encompass the
idea of a "zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle
East" (WMDFZ).
Though Israel's development of a nuclear arsenal (believed now
to be between 60 and 80 nuclear weapons with different designs and
yields) was the primary reason for many states to back the
initiative, the call for such a zone was frequently employed as a
mechanism for stigmatizing Israel and to fulfil other political and
diplomatic purposes, rather than being genuinely pursued. Israel,
for its part, accepted the idea of a NWFZ in principle (though it
preferred the WMDFZ concept), but sought to deflect calls for
progress or negotiations by setting peace and security in the
Middle East as a precondition before it was prepared to discuss a
NWFZ have essentially functioned as confidence-building
arrangements to enhance regional stability in the absence of full
regional adherence to multilateral, global constraints. In this
regard, an essential prerequisite is that the relevant states
perceive the regional arrangements to be in their national security
interests. Until now, Israel has not perceived any security benefit
for itself in a regional NWFZ. On the contrary, it has benefited
from the constraints imposed on its neighbours through their
participation in multilateral regimes, especially the nuclear
restraints based around the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which
Israel has not joined.
Whether perceived in Israel yet or not, the cost-benefit
calculation is changing, due to erosion of the non-proliferation
regime, Iran's incipient nuclear programme, the declining political
'marginal utility' for nuclear weapon possessors (including Israel)
as more states acquire such capabilities, and the irrelevance of
nuclear weapons for Israel's core security, which depends on a just
settlement with the Palestinians. To a greater extent than before,
it is in Israel's direct interests to ensure that the global
non-proliferation regime is reinforced and that no further states
in its own region use the deficiencies of the NPT to develop
nuclear weapon capabilities or options of their own.
The idea of a WMD-free zone in the Middle East is one whose time
has now come. Like the other regional NWFZ, it can be constructed
to plug gaps in the global regime and provide stronger mechanisms
to address issues of specific concern, such as missiles and
delivery vehicles, proliferation sensitive fuel cycle technologies,
enhanced verification, and security assurances.
It is now in the interests of all states in the region,
including Israel, to rethink regional security and recognize that
there is an intrinsic value to a NWFZ or WMDFZ in the Middle East
for their own national security as well as regional relations and
the sustainability of the global non-proliferation regimes. It is
time to start laying the groundwork for a more constructive
approach to opening discussions in earnest. For this, all countries
need to set aside the rigid and unattainable preconditions that
have been used to prevent progress in the past, and recognize that
these conditions can be worked on as part of the process towards
building a NWFZ or WMDFZ.
Much has been said and written about the 'what': i.e.
scope, technical and political provisions and verification for such
a zone. To avoid reinventing the wheel, this article will focus on
how to get to the starting line and bring the relevant
governments to take this objective more seriously as a realisable
regional measure for security and non-proliferation.
Background on NWFZ
The first nuclear weapon free zone was opened for signature 40
years ago, on February 14, 1967, to cover Latin America and the
Caribbean. The Tlatelolco Treaty was led by Mexico at a time of
nuclear build-up and instability in the region, with military
antagonism between several countries. Brazil and Argentina competed
for regional power projection, with military build-up in both
countries that included nuclear weapon programmes. And it was
achieved just four years after the deployment of Soviet nuclear
weapons in Cuba as part of the Cold War US-Soviet rivalries had
nearly led to global nuclear war. Though some states in the region
did not fully abandon their nuclear ambitions or activities for
many years, and the final state - Cuba - did not formally accede
until October 2002, the Tlatelolco Treaty played a very important
role in building regional security and creating a nuclear-free norm
that helped make rival governments abandon their nuclear weapon
A year later the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (NPT) was concluded. Though the NPT governed global
non-proliferation and was, at least in the minds of the non-nuclear
weapon states parties, intended to facilitate the universal
elimination of nuclear weapons, it recognized the value of regional
agreements. Article VII stated: "Nothing in this Treaty affects
the right of any group of States to conclude regional treaties in
order to assure the total absence of nuclear weapons in their
respective territories."
Viewed by some as a stop-gap measure to keep hopes for progress
in disarmament and non-proliferation alive during the Cold War, the
pursuit of NWFZ has emerged as one of the real success stories in
the history of international peace and security. Four more NWFZ
have followed: the 1985 Rarotonga Treaty in the South Pacific; the
1995 Bangkok Treaty in Southeast Asia; the 1996 Pelindaba Treaty
covering Africa; and, most recently the Treaty of Semipalatinsk
covering five Central Asian republics, which was signed in
Existing zones now cover the Southern Hemisphere, and the
Central Asian NWFZ expands the application of the concept to a zone
entirely north of the equator. Speaking at the 40th anniversary of
the Tlatelolco Treaty in Mexico, the Director-General of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Dr Mohamed ElBaradei,
said: "Today these five NWFZ cover between them nearly two-thirds
of the countries of the world and virtually the entirety of the
southern hemisphere. In effect, NWFZ constitute important first
steps to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world."[1]
These zones serve important functions. They fill the gap in the
NPT that allowed the foreign deployment of nuclear weapons on the
territory of non nuclear weapon states; no such weapons may be
lawfully stationed in the zones. They complement and reinforce the
basic non-proliferation commitments of the NPT. Through their
protocols, they give members of these regimes the legally-binding
negative security assurances that many such states have sought for
decades. Some contribute to the strengthening of full-scope IAEA
safeguards by requiring domestic implementation and/or the
application of such safeguards for exports leaving the region, and
they also help to strengthen the global norm against nuclear
testing pending entry into force of the CTBT.
Yet it should not be glossed over that these regimes also face
many challenges. The Pelindaba Treaty, though almost a decade old,
has not yet entered into force. Of all the protocols to the various
NWFZ treaties containing obligations and commitments for the P-5
nuclear weapon states (NWS), only the relevant protocol to the
Tlatelolco Treaty has been ratified by all five. None of the NWS
has ratified the protocol to the Bangkok Treaty, although China has
said it may independently agree to it. None of the zones has
provisions for commitments or assurances from the three de
facto nuclear weapon possessors outside the NPT - India, Israel
and Pakistan (D-3).
Many states parties to the zones have failed to conclude their
required full-scope safeguards agreements with the IAEA, and only a
handful have ratified the Additional Protocol. While the treaties
are of indefinite duration they also contain withdrawal clauses,
opening up questions about the potential reversibility of such
arrangements. Proposals to establish a NWFZ in South Asia were
shelved indefinitely following the nuclear tests in 1998, and
efforts to start the process towards a NWFZ in the Middle East have
been repeatedly stymied.
Pressure for a NWFZ in the Middle East
As concerns in the Middle East grew over Israel's nuclear weapon
programme, Egypt and Iran in 1974 formally proposed the concept of
a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East in a joint resolution
to the UN General Assembly. The subsequent use of chemical weapons
by Saddam Hussein in the 1980s, and growing concerns about
biological and chemical weapons programmes in a number of states in
the region, led President Mubarak of Egypt to launch a broader
initiative for a zone free of WMD in the Middle East in 1990. This
was not intended to be a replacement to the original NWFZ concept,
but something to be pursued in parallel.[2]
In 1995, concerns about Israel almost derailed agreement on
extending the NPT. Some of the Arab states had made clear that they
would not support indefinite extension of the NPT as long as Israel
remained outside the Treaty. Two - Libya and Syria - actually said
that they would not support any extension of the NPT without
a timetable for Israel's accession. Arab States therefore sponsored
a resolution on the Middle East. When this hit stalemate during the
conference endgame in the final week, they asked the Conference
President, Jayantha Dhanapala to take it over. He brokered a deal
whereby the resolution dropped its explicit stigmatization of
Israel, which the United States and others opposed, but was given
greater authority and weight through sponsorship by the three
depositary states, Britain, Russia and the United States.[3]
In addition to calling on all states in the region, without
exception, to accede to the NPT and put all their nuclear
facilities under IAEA safeguards, the resolution in operative
paragraph 1:
"Endorses the aims and objectives of the Middle East
peace process and recognizes that efforts in this regard, as well
as other efforts, contribute to, inter alia, a Middle East zone
free of nuclear weapons as well as other weapons of mass
The Resolution on the Middle East was adopted without a vote (in
effect by consensus) directly following the adoption of the
decisions on strengthening the review process and on Principles and
Objectives (P&O) for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament,
which also cross-referenced the issue in its paragraph 6:
"The development of nuclear-weapon-free zones, especially in
regions of tension, such as in the Middle East, as well as the
establishment of zones free of all weapons of mass destruction,
should be encouraged as a matter of priority, taking into account
the specific characteristics of each region."
Notably, this was qualified by paragraph 5, which reiterated the
understanding that:
"The conviction that the establishment of internationally
recognized nuclear-weapon-free zones, on the basis of arrangements
freely arrived at among the States of the region concerned,
enhances global and regional peace and security is
Part of the political context that underpins these fundamental
agreements for many states in the Middle East is that during the
period 1994-2000 Egypt took the lead in persuading all remaining
Arab states to become NPT parties and to support the extension of
the NPT in 1995, with the understanding that the United States and
other Western countries had given their undertaking that if the
Arab states joined the Treaty and supported its extension, Israel
would be put under much greater pressure to give up its nuclear
Following desultory negotiations initiated in 1975, the UN
Disarmament Commission in 1999 adopted a set of "Guidelines" on the
establishment of further NWFZ.[5] The General Assembly and the nuclear weapon states
have also recognized the nuclear-weapon-free status of Mongolia.
Countries unilaterally prohibiting nuclear weapons through domestic
legislation include Austria, the Philippines, and New Zealand.
At the 2000 NPT Review Conference there was yet again an
eleventh hour stand-off on the issue of how to deal with the Middle
East. This was resolved and the Review Conference was able to adopt
a substantive final document containing, among other things, the
Thirteen Steps for implementation of the NPT's disarmament
obligations. It also reaffirmed the 1995 Resolution and confirmed
"the importance of Israel's accession to the NPT and the
placement of all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive IAEA
safeguards". Although the 2000 NPT Review Conference also
agreed that states should submit annual "reports" on their efforts
to implement both the nuclear disarmament commitments and the 1995
Resolution calling for the establishment of a WMD-free zone in the
Middle East, the NWS have only recently begun to issue such reports
in good faith.
Laying the Groundwork for a NWFZ in the Middle East
The 1995 Resolution linked the peace process with getting a
WMDFZ in the Middle East. Various diplomatic documents also uphold
the principle that NWFZ should be established "on the basis of
arrangements freely arrived at among the States of the region
As discussed in more detail by Merav Datan in the following
article, Arab states want to focus on nuclear weapons (though they
have extended this to include chemical and biological weapons),
while Israel wants to focus on normalisation and peace treaties.[6] While both need to be
addressed, the dialogues tend to go past each other. The two
aspects - the elimination of nuclear weapons from the Middle East
and establishing a more effective peace and security framework for
countries in the region - are too often linked with the purpose of
blocking initiatives, when in fact they would be
mutually-reinforcing. Each affects the other: perceptions of peace
and security are clearly a relevant factor when considering a
WMD-free zone, but achievement of peace and security should not be
made a precondition.
This suggests that it would not be possible to resolve the
nuclear issue on its own, since the regional peace and security
issues are too entangled. At the same time, however, the link does
not mean that no progress can be made towards a NWFZ until all the
complexities of regional peace and security are resolved. That
would be - and has been - a recipe for doing nothing.
There is a parallel with how some of the NWS address the nuclear
disarmament obligation in Article VI of the NPT. There, they argue,
nuclear disarmament cannot happen without general and complete
disarmament; here, Israel argues, a NWFZ or even WMDFZ cannot
happen without peace and security.
The problem is that while general disarmament and enhanced peace
and security are clearly important and relevant, they are too often
evoked as if they are essential preconditions, and it is hard not
to become cynical that this is deliberately done to justify
retaining the respective nuclear arsenals, i.e. an example of
setting the goalposts so far away that no progress seems possible -
so making it pointless even to try. The correlation should not be
treated as linear or sequential, but the two objectives need to be
seen in dynamic parallel, requiring simultaneous efforts to make
It is therefore important to move beyond the rhetoric to
consider what would be the groundwork or conditions needed to
facilitate establishing a NWFZ or WMD-free zone in the Middle
Each country (or at least the key states) needs to come to
the determination that such a zone would be in their security
A principal reason why a Middle-East NWFZ has never got off the
ground is that it was assumed not to be feasible, and so the
concept was employed mostly as a political football, to accomplish
other political and diplomatic purposes, such as attacking Israel.
That is now beginning to change, offering new opportunities to make
some progress. Here I sketch some of the considerations feeding
into a change of perception regarding the actual security interests
of significant states in the region. These are gleaned from recent
conversations, discussions and visits to the key countries in the
region, but are deliberately couched as general observations, not
attached to any particular interlocutor. I offer the observations
as analysis bullet-points without here evaluating how widely the
perceptions are held and whether or not such perceptions are valid.
It is hoped they may serve to provoke discussion and further
analysis, not least in the countries concerned.
Arab States' Considerations
The Arab League has developed a framework for a draft NWFZ
treaty, looking not only at issues such as monitoring, verification
and inspection, but also trying to take into consideration the
security concerns of all the states in the region including Israel
and Iran. They want this to be the basis for moving ahead in
discussions leading to negotiations.
They view the Western/US state-by-state approach to be biased,
with little positive impact on regional security.
The WMD-rationale given by the US and UK administrations for
launching war on Iraq in 2003 has weakened the credibility of
international non-proliferation strategies (and accusations). The
conduct of the war and Iraq's growing fragility has further
undermined security and stability in the Middle East.
The Arab states would strongly reject formal overtures to get
the D-3 non-members of the NPT to behave "as if" they were
members[8] , as this would be
seen as legitimizing Israel's nuclear weapons and rewarding those
who refused to join the NPT. They would view such an approach as
punishing, or at least diminishing the sacrifice and security value
for, those who are NPT states parties in good standing.
Any tacit acceptance of a status quo of non-universality would
undermine the NPT and make it 'impossible' for Arab states to have
long-term confidence in the regime. It could result in pressure on
Arab governments to withdraw from the Treaty, whether or not they
have ambitions to develop nuclear programmes of their own.
Most, but not all, are interested in finding ways to engage with
Israel as a partner in building Middle East peace and security
rather than as an adversary, as traditionally viewed.
An Iranian nuclear option would threaten Middle East stability
more than the current Israeli nuclear arsenal. This cannot be
admitted openly because it is at variance with popular 'Islamic
loyalties' and 'Street' public opinion.
Though they pay lip service to Iran's assurances that the
uranium enrichment programme is solely for peaceful and energy
purposes, Arab governments are deeply concerned at the prospect of
an Iranian nuclear weapons programme. They fear that it is an
attempt to gain power projection and change the balance in the
region to Iran's advantage.
At the same time, they do not discount Iran's security concerns
and regard recent US policy towards Iran to be naive and
counterproductive, as it plays into the ambitions of hard-liners
and undermines moderates who seek to remain within the
non-proliferation regime.
Although there are deep concerns about Iran's military
ambitions, any Israeli, US or British air strikes against Iran,
whether targeted solely at nuclear facilities or not, would cause
massive protests in Arab countries, which the governments of the
region want to avoid.
On a previous visit to Egypt, some senior figures canvassed
'what if?' speculations of their own, suggesting that rather than
putting so much energy into denuclearizing Israel or Iran, more
states in the region should acquire nuclear weapons, thereby
providing mutual deterrence and stability. The argument, familiar
from Kenneth Waltz's writings[9] , seems to have gained a new lease of life from the
proposition that relations between India and Pakistan have actually
stabilized since both went overtly nuclear after their tests in May
1998. Though posed as an intellectual speculation, the fact is that
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and several other countries have recently
expressed interest in developing their own nuclear energy
programmes "for peaceful purposes".
Since it appears that proliferation-promoting "the more the
merrier" arguments are gaining interest in some policy circles in
the Middle East, they will be important to refute. Waltz is wrongly
optimistic: as Scott Sagan and others have pointed out, the more
nuclear weapon possessors - particularly within any volatile region
- the more complex the multiple deterrent relationships and hence
the more points of potential failure that may result in nuclear
weapon use. Moreover, arguments about nuclear weapons bringing
greater stability to relations between India and Pakistan are very
premature and seem to ignore the fact that after the 1998 tests
they clashed in a further war over Kashmir in which officials on
both sides publicly threatened to "nuke" the other country.
Fortunately, wiser heads prevailed and they pulled back. The two
governments may now have instituted more effective controls and
bilateral communication and confidence-building structures, but in
other ways the region remains volatile.
Some interest has been expressed in the idea of a Gulf States
NWFZ/WMDFZ, mooted as an interim step towards a NWFZ for the whole
Middle East Region. Such an initiative may appear attractive to
those who wish to apply a further layer of constraints on Iran, but
as it would not address the Israeli nuclear programme it is thought
unlikely to get off the ground.
Israeli considerations
Israel's policy of nuclear ambiguity - or opacity, as
Avner Cohen characterized it - has contributed to the relatively
low level of domestic debate about nuclear weapons in Israel. The
weapons are not paraded for status as in Pakistan and India, but it
is believed that most Israelis regard nuclear weapons as an
"indispensable" deterrent for what former Prime Minster (PM) Ehud
Barak has called the "indefinite" future.
In 1996, then-PM Binyamin Netanyahu linked the retention of
nuclear weapons not just with regional peace and security, but with
the political transformation of Israel's neighbours: "Until the
region becomes democratic, Israel is forced to retain its strategic
deterrence."[10] However, the
strategic environment in the Middle East is undergoing substantial
change, and Israel's security calculus with regard to nuclear
weapons and non-proliferation now needs to be reassessed.
The following developments are among the first that need to be
taken into account:
The credibility of the NPT and multilateral non-proliferation is
eroding, illustrated by the acrimonious failure of the 2005 NPT
Review Conference, and the treaty's diminished authority. This is
coupled with the loss of credibility of US coercive power,
including its failures in Iraq and Afghanistan and partial
responsibility for provoking (or at least failing to prevent) North
Korea's withdrawal and nuclear test, and its gathering impotence in
the face of Iran's challenge.
There is now a declining political 'marginal utility' for the
nuclear weapon possessors as more states acquire such capabilities
- this applies for the declared NWS as well as Israel. Whether or
not the military utility also declines as the number of possessors
increases depends on one's view of deterrence.
Apologists for any WMD programmes and ambitions in the Middle
East regularly evoke Israel's nuclear arsenal as their
justification. Though not a cause, it is a potent excuse, which
further weakens the WMD non-proliferation and disarmament
Iran's nuclear ambitions and uranium enrichment programme -
whether or not the fuel cycle programme is directly weaponized -
are causing other states in the region to hedge their bets and seek
nuclear options.
Nuclear weapons are irrelevant for Israeli security where it
matters in real terms, i.e. on the ground and in relation to
Palestine. Its failures in the recent war with Hezbollah, as well
as the failures of the US-Iraq war, have exposed the weaknesses of
pitting a high tech war machine against a low tech but numerous
For several decades, Israel has benefited from its status of
nuclear opacity. There was little incentive to discuss getting rid
of its nuclear weapons while the non-proliferation regime was
working fairly effectively. Indeed, Israelis tend to view their
opaque and ambiguous policy as a form of restraint, and do not
understand that it is more likely to be viewed as a provocation by
By staying outside the NPT, Israel benefited as a 'free rider'
on the treaty-based regime, and was quite happy with that situation
as long as it delivered - i.e. as long as its neighbours signed up
to the Treaty and were monitored and constrained by it. Israel
profited from the regime's restrictions on its neighbours while
developing its own nuclear weapons and avoiding having to pay any
price of constraints and obligations such as those undertaken by
NPT parties.
The conflict in the Middle East pre-dates Israel's nuclear
programme, but Israel's policy of nuclear opacity and the
widespread assumption that it has a significant nuclear arsenal
serves as an excuse and impediment to efforts to persuade other
states in the region to adhere to and abide by non-proliferation
regulations and commitments. An interesting question to consider is
whether it would be better for Israel to abandon its policy of
nuclear opacity and openly declare its nuclear capability as India
and Pakistan have done.
The political impact of such a declaration would primarily
depend on the reasons and motivations for going public with what is
already widely 'known' and, most importantly, the response of the
international community. If there were international - and
especially Western - condemnation, that would play well in the
region, whereas if the West and others appeared to accept or
condone Israel's position as a nuclear weapon possessor that could
exacerbate tensions in the region and so risk further
Two very different scenarios might be envisaged. One, that a
declaration by Israel would be welcomed if it were accompanied by
greater transparency, for example information on the number and
type of weapons in its arsenal, doctrine, command and control etc.
Such information would be essential as part of the process of
building towards a NWFZ (or WMDFZ) in the Middle East and would
enable the international community to deal more openly with Israel
and therefore to engage Israel in talks about reduction and
Alternatively, depending on the circumstances, an open
declaration of its nuclear capability by Israel could be perceived
by its neighbours as an act of aggression or threat, and might thus
inflame public opinion in the region, potentially provoking
neighbouring governments to take drastic action or make
counterproductive gestures like withdrawing from the NPT.
If the cost-benefit calculation for Israel is changing (even if
this may not yet be recognized except by a very few in policy
circles), then Israelis may soon come to see an intrinsic value to
a NWFZ/WMD-free zone in the Middle East as well, which could result
in a more constructive approach to opening discussions in earnest,
setting aside any preconditions.
Iranian considerations
Iran now appears to have a uranium enrichment programme with
industrial capabilities. It claims to want full fuel cycle
technology for peaceful purposes only, but there is a widespread
assumption that it seeks a nuclear weapon option, if it has not yet
decided to acquire a definite capability. This assumption is
underpinned by reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency
and the history and architecture of Iran's nuclear and missile
It is contradicted in public statements, such as the very strong
and unequivocal statement made by Mr G. Ali Khoshroo, then Iran's
Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs, in May
2003 at the Geneva Preparatory Committee meeting for the 2005 NPT
Review Conference: "unlike some others, we consider the acquiring,
development and use of nuclear weapons inhuman, immoral, illegal
and against our basic principles. They have no place in Iran's
defence doctrine. They do not add to our security, nor do they help
us to rid the Middle East of weapons of mass destruction, which is
in our supreme interests." Since Khoshroo's statement, Iran's
highest leaders have declared nuclear weapons 'unIslamic'. This is
good political theatre, but it is also very compelling and would
haunt any Iranian government that sought to get nuclear weapons in
the future, leaving it exposed to condemnation for religious
hypocrisy as well as violation of its treaty obligations.
Iran is a volatile and divided country, where President
Ahmadinejad's election is viewed as part of an ongoing domestic
power struggle between "fundamentalists" and "moderates" (such
terms are both loaded and relative). Such nuclear ambitions as
there are appear to be fuelled more by perceptions of nuclear
weapons as a currency of power, especially regional power, and the
perceived value of nuclear deterrence in keeping US military
threats at bay, than by immediate concerns about WMD threats from
its neighbours, including Israel.
Even so, evoking Israel's nuclear weapons and reminding the
world that Iran was the victim of Iraqi chemical weapons are
important inflammatory and justificatory tools for the current
leadership, which uses them to garner support for the nuclear
programme and silence domestic critics.
Arab countries find it difficult to take a public stand,
although they are also very concerned about Iran's nuclear
programme and ambitions. Their apparent ambivalence is due to
complicated regional relations and Islamist 'loyalties',
particularly in the face of US and Israeli pressure on Iran.
In addition, many Arab states consider it "unfair" that Iran
should be criticized for uranium enrichment that is not prohibited
under the NPT and which several Western non-nuclear weapon states
have pursued without criticism. So there is a perception that there
is one rule for the developed states that are "friends of the US"
and another rule for everyone else, especially developing countries
and Muslims. There may be ways in which the European Union or other
NPT states could engage more constructively with the Arab states
and so draw them into more effective pressure on Iran to forego
weapons options and ambitions.
If Iran were to renounce uranium enrichment and the nuclear
weapons option, there would need to be many carrots on the table,
incentives ranging from security assurances to World Trade
Organization (WTO) membership.
Iran's presumed nuclear weapon ambitions pose a challenge to the
NPT's wide and permissive encouragement of nuclear fuel cycle
development and require the international institutions to rethink
the relationship between civil and military nuclear technologies.
One of the toughest challenges will be to find non-discriminatory
ways to address the nuclear fuel-nuclear proliferation link. There
are potential traps in both exceptionalist and universalist
approaches. The exceptionalist approach would identify "states of
concern" and impose special restrictions on them, while allowing
"good guys" to carry on as usual. By contrast, universalist
approaches would place restrictions equally on all, which could
provoke resentment and opposition from those that consider
themselves virtuous.
Approaches to get talks moving
Insistence on preconditions being met has bedevilled past
attempts to get states to think seriously about making progress
towards the mutually-declared objective of a WMDFZ. If these
preconditions could be set aside, what might be the conditions and
approaches that could get talks moving? Is there a role for Track 2
work, including technical experts to lay the groundwork, especially
in working out the parameters for verification and enforcement?
Alternatively, do governments have to be engaged from the very
beginning, because this issue fundamentally concerns national
security? Is it better to base initial negotiations on a core group
of governments - in which case, which are they? ('Core' and
'periphery' may be associated with definition of the region or of
states with certain capabilities or regional influence or some
other relevant characteristic.)
The Middle East has the additional complexity of
security-relevant neighbours on all sides, some of whom have
nuclear weapons (India, Pakistan) or bases (US/NATO nuclear bases
in Turkey, for example, or nuclear armed submarines deployed in the
area). What roles are required or desirable for external powers,
allies, the UN Security Council and P-5, the European Union or
other neighbours?
In addition to the IAEA's monitoring of those states that are
parties to the NPT, is there a role for neutral states or players
to mediate and facilitate discussions/negotiations, either as the
UN Department (now Office) for Disarmament Affairs did for the
Central Asian NWFZ, or a special representative on behalf of the
NPT? If so, on what basis should such outside players be involved?
Since some important regional players are already signed up to the
African NWFZ, is there a confidence-building role related to the
Pelindaba Treaty?
Considerations to be addressed
Problems of geographic scope: what is meant by the Middle East?
For the purposes of any NWFZ it would have to include Iran and
Israel, but how is the region affected by nuclear NATO having
Turkey on one border, while nuclear Pakistan abuts Iran? Does a
distinction need to be made that also takes into account the
political geography of the EU's 'New Middle East' and NATO's
'Greater Middle East'?
Whether to include and if so, how to address missiles and
delivery vehicles, especially ballistic missiles, widely recognized
to be most directly associated with the delivery of nuclear,
biological and chemical warheads. (Missile programmes, like WMD,
are perceived as serving a 'power projection' role.)
Nuclear calculations cannot ignore conventional arms, though
recent events show that even if an early driver for Israel was its
fear of being conventionally out-gunned by its neighbours, its
sophisticated modern non-nuclear forces are more than enough to
fulfil any deterrence or other military mission assigned to its
nuclear force - with the paradox that this still does not bring
peace or security, as long as the outstanding occupation and
political issues with the Palestinians remain unresolved.
What would be the role of security guarantees, who should
provide them, and would anyone trust them? Arguably more vital in
the case of the Middle East than for other NWFZ, it will be
important to resolve concerns about the conditional security
assurances from the NWS in UNSCR 255 (1968) and 984 (1995). Should
India and Pakistan provide security assurances on the same basis as
the NPT-recognized NWS? If so, will this entail a de facto
recognition of their nuclear status?
Is Israel's nuclear status now so politically embedded that even
if normalization and peace were achieved it would assert a
rationalization for retaining nuclear weapons (à la France
and Britain)? In other words, even if Israel's initial development
of nuclear weapons had been provoked by security concerns and a
calculation that a nuclear arsenal would deter neighbouring states
from attacking, removal of those perceived threats would not
necessarily result in Israel's denuclearization.
Similarly, if Iran's presumed nuclear weapons ambitions are
primarily fuelled by its perception of nuclear weapons as a
currency of power, especially regional power projection, then would
it give these up for the sake of joining a regional WMD-free
Ways Forward
It is clear that progress will only be made if there are
simultaneous tracks (parallel or otherwise) dealing with a) the
peace and security issues and b) the arms control and disarmament
issues. A recent historical example worth looking at more closely
may be the Helsinki process undertaken at the height of the Cold
War to address conventional arms control, mutual security and a
medley of economic, humanitarian and rights issues relating to East
and West Europe.[11]
The 1975 Helsinki Accords helped pave the way to the
Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) agreements and greater
cooperation and openness on a range of sensitive issues. They were
accomplished through a series of diplomatic meetings begun in 1973,
which addressed three "baskets". The Middle East peace process's
Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) talks were unable to
fulfil this role, but in a changed political environment,
consideration could be given to how to reframe and revive such
interactions among some or all of the relevant countries in the
Middle East.
Adapting Helsinki, then, to a WMD-free zone in the Middle
Basket 1 might include: declaration of principles guiding
relations between the participating states, especially on mutual
security, human rights, confidence-building measures, security
assurances, cooperation on humanitarian issues; cross-border
ethnic, family and refugee issues;
Basket 2 might include: consideration of arms control and
disarmament measures, such as a regional agreement on no first use
of WMD; accession to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
(BWC), the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and the Comprehensive
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT); regional control agreements
regarding fissile materials production, fuel cycle technologies,
and/or missiles; development of a programme and time-table for
putting Israel's nuclear facilities progressively under IAEA
safeguards with a view to dismantling the weapons and preparing
Israel to accede to the NPT.
Basket 3 might include agreements on economic,
scientific, technological and environmental cooperation,
emcompassing shared resources; and also cultural and educational
While some of the negotiations on the baskets could yield
results and interim agreements fairly quickly, the ultimate
objectives relating to the dismantlement of military nuclear
programmes and an overall peace settlement will require political
timetables and step-by-step processes and measures.
An early confidence-building measure might be a binding regional
agreement on no-first-use of WMD. This demand has been promoted
internationally, with reservations that it would allow the declared
NWS to use nuclear weapons in response to biological or chemical
weapon threats. This would risk creating the appearance of
"equivalence" and undermining the security assurances given to NPT
states parties. However, these reservations are not applicable in
the special circumstances of the Middle East, so there is no reason
why the Middle East should not lead the way with a regional
agreement on no-first- use of WMD.
Both timetables will need to be realistic and have sufficient
flexibility and mechanisms for resolving conflicts or compliance
challenges, in order for setbacks to be able to occur (as they
likely will) without derailing the overall progress and agreement.
Similarly, if the CBMs work, the programme would need to be
flexible enough to capitalize on developments that could accelerate
implementation on some or all of the plan of action, but that would
be a very optimistic scenario!
In developing a plan for denuclearizing the region, the process
for ensuring that NPT states parties are fully compliant will be
different from the more complex plan that will need to be developed
for Israel to dismantle its advanced nuclear programme. The only
previous example is South Africa, with an arsenal smaller and less
sophisticated than Israel's. While lessons can undoubtedly be drawn
from the South African experience, it must be accepted that Israel
will need time, security and confidence to dismantle its military
nuclear facilities in ways that maintain the highest standards of
safety, security and non-proliferation.
Because of the different standards of technology and the need to
maintain non-proliferation restrictions and confidentiality,
verification will need to be primarily bilateral with the IAEA,
rather than regionalized. These are just some preliminary ideas
moving forward effectively one the groundwork has been laid.
Untenable and Unpalatable Scenarios
Many fear that if Iran goes forward with any nuclear ambitions,
it could face military strikes or worse. Many also fear that if
Iran does pursue and develop a nuclear weapon capability, others
will follow, with the consequence that it is only a matter of time
before nuclear weapons are used, whether by a state or non-state
terrorist. Any use of nuclear weapons would be devastating and
could lead to a nuclear exchange that would be even more appalling,
not just for the people and areas directly affected, but for the
whole region and, indeed, the world.
But even if one were to dismiss such worst case scenarios,
consider these two hypothetical 'best case' scenarios for 10 years
in the future:
1) the current status quo, with Israel still possessing nuclear
weapons, primarily perceiving them as a political instrument, and
still holding to deterrence and restraint amounting to a practical
taboo on military use; or
2) a situation where both Iran and Israel have nuclear weapons
and use them for political purposes, but without overtly detonating
or threatening to detonate them; other countries in this scenario
would be hedging their bets and seeking to develop or further their
nuclear fuel cycle capabilities to gain at least a technological
option, even if no further decisions were taken to weaponize.
Israel has described a nuclear weapons capable Iran as
"unacceptable" and currently appears to believe it can maintain
stability with scenario one, but is this realistic? Unless there is
a comprehensive change of policy and non-proliferation
effectiveness, scenario two could well happen. If it does, what
chances are there that such a scenario would be stable or
security-enhancing over time?
If neither of the above scenarios inspires confidence, then the
states of the region need to confront the following choice:
- multiple nuclear programmes in the Middle East and a badly
eroded (barely functional or collapsed) non-proliferation
- a WMD-free zone in the Middle East and a strengthened NPT?
This is the regional equivalent of the challenge posed by the
Tokyo Forum in 1999: "choose between the assured dangers of
proliferation and the challenges of disarmament."[12]
Recent, mostly negative (but some positive) developments mean
that the calculations made by Israel and many Arab states need to
change. Instead of being little more than a rhetorical device, a
WMD-free zone in the Middle East is an idea whose time has now
For the first time a plausible argument can be made that it is
in the direct security interests of all countries in the
region, including Israel, to pursue this objective rather than
trying to deal with the complexities, instability, risks and
expense of multipolar proliferation in the Middle East. Once this
new calculation comes to be more widely accepted, then one of the
key strategic conditions will have been met, making it more
possible to start real talks than at any time since Egypt and Iran
first put forward this initiative. Even so, negotiations will be
tough and politically demanding, and no-one should be surprised if
they take a long time and include several setbacks before there is
any chance of success.
[1] Mohamed ElBaradei,
Director General of the IAEA, Statement on the "Fortieth
Anniversary of the Adoption and Opening for Signature of the Treaty
for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons In Latin America and the
Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco)", Mexico City, February 14,
[2] Mohamed Kadry Said,
"Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone: Regional
Security and Non-Proliferation Issues", in UNIDIR and League of
Arab States, Building a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in
the Middle East: Global Non-Proliferation Regimes and Regional
Experiences, United Nations, Geneva, 2004, p 123.
[3] For a fuller account
of the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference, see Rebecca
Johnson, Indefinite Extension of the Non-Proliferation Treaty:
Risks and Reckonings, ACRONYM
Report No. 7, London, September 1995.
[4] See ibid,
appendixes, for the texts of the decisions and resolution adopted
by the 1995 NPT Review Conference, also available at http://www.acronym.org.uk/npt/npt1995.htm
[5] See Jozef Goldblat,
"Nuclear-weapon-free zone Treaties: Benefits and Deficiencies" in
UNIDIR, op. cit. pp 55-56.
[6] Merav Datan, "Building
Blocks for a WMD Disarmament Regime in the Middle East", Disarmament Diplomacy 86 (this issue), Autumn
[7] The concept of a
WMD-free zone was intended to be pursued in parallel with the NWFZ.
The broadening of the concept had an important political
confidence-building role, recognizing: Saddam Hussein's use of
chemical weapons during the 1980s; Israel's concerns about CBW
programmes in various neighbouring states, and how this played into
justifications for retaining its own nuclear weapon capabilities;
the reluctance of several Mid-East states to accede to the BWC or
CWC unless or until Israel gives up its nuclear weapons and puts
its facilities under full scope safeguards. In practical terms, the
prior existence of the BWC and CWC, both of which prohibit the
production, testing, use etc of the weapons they govern, means that
a regional WMD zone treaty could cut a few practical corners by
requiring adherence to the multilateral treaties. The lack of
agreed verification for the BWC could prove a stumbling block, so
consideration needs to be given to how this can be addressed with
regional mechanisms.
[8] For detail on the "as
if" approaches being put forward by Sverre Lodgaard and others, see
Jenny Nielsen, "Engaging India, Israel and Pakistan in the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Regime", Disarmament
Diplomacy 86 (this issue), Autumn 2007.
[9] Kenneth N. Waltz and
Scott Sagan, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate
Renewed, (2nd edition of the 1995 book, The Spread of
Nuclear Weapons: A Debate, W.W. Norton, 1995).
[10] Quoted in Kadry Said,
op. cit. p 126.
[11] This is an idea that
Patricia Lewis, director of UNIDIR, has explored in various papers
and presentations.
[12] Facing Nuclear
Dangers: The Report of the Tokyo Forum for Nuclear
Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (Japan Institute for
International Affairs and Hiroshima Peace Institute, July 1999),
Recommendation 2, p.57.
Dr Rebecca E. Johnson is Executive Director of
the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy. This paper was
first presented at an International Seminar on "Steps towards a
Middle East Nuclear Free Zone", co-hosted by the Institute for
Peace Studies and Greenpeace International, Bibliotheca
Alexandrina, March 21, 2007.
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