Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 89, Winter 2008
In the News
UK Debates on Nuclear Disarmament
Documents include:
- A world without nuclear weapons, UK
Foreign Secretary David Miliband, www.guardian.co.uk, 8 December
- Lifting the Nuclear Shadow: Creating the
conditions for abolishing nuclear weapons, Foreign &
Commonwealth Office, 4 February 2009.
- Preventing a New Age of Nuclear
Insecurity, The Rt Hon William Hague MP, 23 July 2008.
- Sir Malcolm Rifkind, Foreign Affairs and
Defence debate, House of Commons, 10 December 2008.
- Security and Liberty in a Globalised
World, Liberal Democrat Policy Paper, September 2008,
- Shared Destinies, IPPR Commission on
National Security Interim Report, 27 November 2008, excerpts
- UK does not need a Nuclear Deterrent,
Letter from Field Marshal Lord Bramall, General Lord Ramsbotham and
General Sir Hugh Beach to the Times, 16 January 2009.
Following outgoing UK Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett's
speech on nuclear disarmament to the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace Conference in June 2007 (see Disarmament Diplomacy No. 86, Autumn 2007),
there has been increasing emphasis on creating the conditions for
UK and global nuclear disarmament. Over the past year, all three of
the main political parties at Westminster have set out new policy
positions on the issue. There have also been a number of statements
and initiatives from senior political and military figures.
In her oral evidence to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs
Committee, which is currently conducting an inquiry on Global
Security: Non-Proliferation, the Prime Minister's special adviser,
Baroness Shirley Williams, raised concerns about prospects for the
NPT: "I have not often heard such outspoken comments as I heard at
the 2008 preparatory committee of the NPT in Geneva a few months
ago, particularly from some rather surprising countries... In fact,
it was clear at the meeting of the review conference that Lord
Malloch-Brown and I attended in May, that there was a very powerful
feeling that something had to be done by the nuclear weapon
states." (See Proliferation in
Parliament, December 2008)
In December Foreign Secretary David Miliband outlined his
position on achieving "A world without nuclear weapons" in a >Guardian blog article, and on February 4
issued the full FCO report, titled "Lifting
the Nuclear Shadow: Creating the conditions for abolishing nuclear
weapons". Miliband called for "re-energised action on
multilateral nuclear disarmament" along with a six point plan
including CTBT entry into force; agreement on deep cuts to US and
Russian nuclear arsenals; stopping proliferation by Iran and North
Korea; fissile material cut off talks; a new IAEA-led system to
reduce the risk of proliferation from civil nuclear programmes; and
exploration of the military and technical issues required for
further reductions and elimination of nuclear weapons. Despite the
government's decision to renew Trident, Miliband argued that the UK
has "moved to a minimum credible nuclear deterrent based on one
system" and "reduced our operationally available arsenal by a
further 20% in the last 12 months".
For the Conservative Party, Shadow Foreign
Secretary William Hague called for an eight point plan to
tackling nuclear proliferation in a speech to the International
Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in July 2008. Welcoming the
"steps that the British government has taken to put Britain at the
forefront of the debate on nuclear reductions and to propose a
means of bringing the fuel cycle under international control",
Hague called for action now to be "raised to a higher level of
political priority and government commitment". The steps advocated
by the Conservatives include: P5 strategic dialogue on nuclear
reductions; working with partners to reinvigorate the NPT and close
loopholes such as that on withdrawal; a mechanism to bring the
nuclear fuel cycle under international control; a strengthened
system of IAEA safeguards and inspections; steps to block the trade
in proliferation-related technologies; disruption of financial
networks that support proliferation; and a more robust approach to
In the House of Commons, former Conservative
Defence Secretary and Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind
called for progress on multilateral nuclear disarmament, arguing
that "there can be no credible, logical or rational reason why we
cannot massively reduce the number of nuclear weapons from the
27,000 around the world-mostly in the US and Russia-to a tiny
number, even if the deterrent argument still holds sway."
An interim report from the Institute for Public
Policy Research's Commission on National Security launched by
Labour's former Defence Secretary and NATO Secretary-General Lord
(George) Robertson and former Liberal Democrat leader Lord (Paddy)
Ashdown calls for UK support for "the creation of a world free of
nuclear weapons". Arguing that "action on non-proliferation is
urgent ahead of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in
2010", the IPPR report calls on the UK government to "use all of
its influence inside NATO to ensure that the review of NATO's
strategic concept, being carried out in 2009 and 2010, produces a
result sensitive to and supportive of the requirements of a
successful outcome to the NPT Review Conference in 2010."
Of the major parties at Westminster, the Liberal Democrats are
presently the only one that supports immediate reductions to the
UK's nuclear arsenal. A policy paper endorsed by
the party's national conference in September 2008 argues for "a
50% cut in Britain's nuclear arsenal and retaining a multilateral
negotiating position on further warhead reductions and any future
system replacement for Trident. A final decision on the manufacture
of a successor system does not need to be taken until 2014."
A world without nuclear weapons
UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband, Comment is Free,
www.guardian.co.uk, 8 December 2008.
The UK has cut its stockpile of atomic weapons, but we need a
new multilateral drive to avoid the risk of nuclear proliferation.
The huge and complex challenges posed by the global economic crisis
are producing a concerted, international response. Yet, at the same
time, we cannot afford to lose sight of other pressing strategic
challenges facing the world, including the question of nuclear
Today, we face new risks within a new nuclear context. Nuclear
power is one of the energy sources more countries are likely to
turn to in order to reduce carbon emissions while meeting rising
energy demand. As a result, the technologies and materials for
making nuclear weapons may become more widely dispersed,
potentially raising the dangers of them falling into the wrong
During my visit to the United Arab Emirates a couple of weeks
ago, I saw an excellent example of how a responsible government can
set about drawing on the powerful potential benefits of nuclear
energy for their people and their economy - we have signed an
agreement with the UAE to support their development of this
important resource.
But just across the Strait of Hormuz from the UAE lies a very
different example - Iran, whose leaders are taking a starkly
different approach, persisting with suspect nuclear activities in
defiance of no less than five UN security council resolutions. I am
convinced that the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran poses the most
immediate threat to the region's stability. A nuclear-armed Iran
would be a massive blow to the prospects for comprehensive and just
solutions to the problems of the Middle East as a whole.
Iran's leaders have a clear choice: dispel all doubts about
their country's nuclear programme and work with the international
community to develop the peaceful benefits of nuclear energy for
their country, or face further isolation and sanctions if they
continue to defy world opinion.
But for international action against proliferation to be fully
effective, and to attract the commitment of the entire
international community, it needs to include re-energised action on
multilateral nuclear disarmament.
The UK is committed to working actively to create a world free
from nuclear weapons. There has been significant progress. Since
the end of the cold war, the explosive power of nuclear arsenals in
the UK, US, Russia and France has been cut dramatically - by about
75%. As a nation, we have moved to a minimum credible nuclear
deterrent based on one system and we have reduced our operationally
available arsenal by a further 20% in the last 12 months. We now
only possess around 1% of the global nuclear warhead stockpile.
But nuclear disarmament cannot take place in isolation from the
international security situation, which is why we took the decision
last year to maintain our deterrent. Creating the conditions that
will enable further progress requires action by all states. We need
to build a global coalition around not only a shared vision of a
world free of nuclear weapons but also of how we are going to work
together to make it happen. We must find common cause and move from
a decade of deadlock to a decade of progress.
Just as the UK has set out its vision of a world without nuclear
weapons, so has US president-elect Barack Obama. I believe the
moment is now right to work with the new US administration and our
partners for a renewed drive: to stop proliferation, to realise the
benefits of nuclear energy and radically accelerate progress on six
key steps necessary to move the world towards the abolition of
nuclear weapons.
1) Bringing the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty into
force. Early US ratification would do much to encourage the few
remaining states to follow suit, thereby finally enabling the
treaty - concluded in 1996 - to take legal effect and ban all
nuclear weapons test explosions.
2) US-Russia negotiations and agreement on substantial further
reductions in their nuclear arsenals.
3) Stopping proliferation in Iran and North Korea and renewing
agreement among all the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty states
that the way forward must include tougher measures to prevent
4) Multilateral negotiations, without preconditions, on a treaty
to cut off the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons.
This is vital to help make reductions in nuclear weapons
irreversible and to establish many of the mechanisms that would
constitute the core of an eventual regime to oversee a global
5) Working for agreement on a new International Atomic Energy
Agency-led system that would help states wishing to develop a civil
nuclear energy industry to do so without increasing the risks of
nuclear weapon proliferation. The UK has contributed serious
thinking on the options for addressing this and will host a
conference of experts early in 2009, which will focus on this
6) Exploration of the many complex political, military and
technical issues that need to be resolved if the states that
possess nuclear weapons are to reduce and ultimately eliminate
their arsenals securely, and to prevent nuclear weapons from ever
reemerging. The UK is already giving a lead: next year, we have
proposed hosting a meeting on disarmament with policymakers and
scientists from the five recognised nuclear weapon states. UK
experts have developed a research collaboration with Norway and the
non-governmental organisation Vertic into the technical issues
associated with international verification of nuclear
Fresh, demonstrable progress on the path towards a world without
nuclear weapons has the potential to deliver a dual dividend: to
crack down on proliferation and to promote international security.
We do not underestimate the challenges ahead but I am determined to
energise international diplomacy in order to make much-needed
headway. The next review conference of the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty will take place in May 2010. Its success
is critical to the peace and stability we all strive for. Between
now and then, we need to demonstrate not only our good intentions,
but our readiness to act.
Source: Guardian website, www.guardian.co.uk.
Lifting the Nuclear Shadow: Creating
the conditions for abolishing nuclear weapons
Released by FCO, 4 February 2009
Executive Summary
Nuclear weapons remain potentially the most destructive threat
to global security. Since the end of the Cold War there has been
significant progress in reducing the dangers of nuclear weapons.
The UK has reduced the total explosive power of its nuclear arsenal
by some 75%. The US, Russia and France have also made very
significant reductions.
But new nuclear threats are emerging. There is increasing
concern over the risks of nuclear weapons spreading to states like
Iran and North Korea or to terrorists. And we need to be careful
that the renaissance of nuclear power for good reasons concerning
climate change and energy security does not lead to the much wider
spread of the more proliferation-sensitive nuclear
The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has sought to re-energise
international efforts to combat these threats, issuing a call "to
accelerate disarmament amongst possessor states, to prevent
proliferation to new states and to ultimately achieve a world that
is free from nuclear weapons."
Achieving a global ban on all nuclear weapons requires the
creation of conditions which will give confidence to all those who
are covered by a nuclear deterrent (over half of the world's
population) that their security will be greater in a world without
nuclear weapons than with them.
There are three main sets of such conditions and six specific
steps to help create them which are potentially attainable within
the next few years.
Condition 1: watertight means to prevent nuclear weapons
from spreading to more states or to terrorists at the same time as
nuclear energy is expanding;
Step 1: stopping further proliferation and securing
agreement among all the Non-Proliferation Treaty states that the
way forward must include tougher measures to prevent proliferation
and tighten security, and the vigorous implementation of such
measures, including practical help to states which need it.
Step 2: working with the International Atomic Energy
Agency to help states which want to develop a civil nuclear energy
industry to do so in ways which are safe and secure and which
minimise the risks of nuclear weapons spreading. The Prime Minister
has called a conference in London in March 2009 to further
co-operation on these issues.
Condition 2: minimal arsenals and an international legal
framework which puts tight, verified constraints on nuclear
Step 3: US-Russia negotiations and agreement on
substantial further reductions in their total nuclear arsenals.
This needs to be complemented by efforts by other states with
nuclear weapons to reduce and keep their own forces to an absolute
minimum. The UK and France have made significant reductions. But
China, India and Pakistan are believed to be expanding their
nuclear weapons capabilities.
Step 4: bringing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty into
force, banning all nuclear weapons test explosions and thereby
constraining the qualitative development of nuclear weapons. Nine
states still need to ratify the Treaty to enable it to be brought
into force.
Step 5: starting negotiations, without preconditions, and
making progress on a Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty. This is vital
to help make reductions in nuclear weapons irreversible and to
establish many of the mechanisms that would constitute the core of
an eventual regime to oversee a global ban. The UK is urging those
countries still blocking the start of negotiations to reassess
their position.
Condition 3: finding solutions to the challenges of
moving from small numbers of nuclear weapons to zero in ways which
enhance security.
Step 6: exploring the many complex political, military,
technical and institutional issues which will need to be resolved
if the states which possess nuclear weapons are to reduce and
ultimately to eliminate their arsenals securely and to prevent
nuclear weapons from ever re-emerging. A strategic dialogue among
the five Nuclear Weapon States (and, in due course, others) needs
to lay the groundwork. The UK is doing ground-breaking work on how
to verify nuclear disarmament and has proposed a conference of the
Nuclear Weapon States in 2009 to discuss confidence building.
Over the longer-term, there will need to be:
- improved political relationships between key states, building
trust and understanding between these countries to the point that a
nuclear exchange between them becomes unthinkable. Long-standing
disputes need to be resolved to remove key causes of conflict and
- consideration given to ways to ensure that limiting or banning
nuclear weapons does not provoke arms races in other forms of
weapons - chemical, biological or conventional; and
- collective security arrangements to enforce a global ban on
nuclear weapons and to maintain international security in a world
without them. This is likely to require the reform and
strengthening of international institutions and the international
rules-based system as a whole.
Although the challenges are considerable, progress on these six
steps would mark a decisive break from the deadlock of the past
decade. Making progress will require the active engagement of the
entire international community. The UK is working to build a broad
coalition of governments, international organisations,
non-governmental organisations and businesses which share the
vision of a world free of nuclear weapons and to forge agreement on
how we will work together to make it happen.
The full report is available from the FCO at: www.fco.gov.uk/resources/en/pdf/pdf1/nuclear-paper.
See also the Acronym Institute website at: www.acronym.org.uk/docs/0902/fco.pdf.
Preventing a New Age of Nuclear
The Rt Hon William Hague MP, Conservative Shadow Foreign
Secretary, speech to International Institute of Strategic Studies,
23 July 2008
Two years ago I gave a speech here at IISS in which I warned of
a crisis in the global non-proliferation regime caused by the
actions of countries like Iran and North Korea, the nuclear black
market, the threat of nuclear terrorism, and stalemate over the
future of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. I called on the
international community to overcome its divided and uncertain
response to these challenges. Since then, while there have been
some welcome developments, the crisis over nuclear proliferation
has grown.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the Middle East.
International sanctions and diplomacy have failed so far to stop
Iran's nuclear programme. The United States government has
presented evidence that Syria was constructing a secret nuclear
reactor with North Korean technology and assistance. And two weeks
ago Iran test-fired a range of missiles aimed at demonstrating that
it can disrupt oil flows through the Straits of Hormuz and target
Israel, U.S. forces in Iraq and even parts of Europe. Israel has
also conducted long-range military exercises that were widely
portrayed as a dry run for a bombing mission against Iran's nuclear
Given these events, some might argue that it is the wrong time
to talk about the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and that
governments should concentrate all their efforts on the crisis over
Iran. However I believe that it is precisely this tendency to deal
with each proliferation crisis as a one-off that fundamentally
hampers our ability to stem the global spread of nuclear weapons.
In the space of relatively few years we have been confronted by
confirmed nuclear weapons programmes in Iraq, North Korea and
Libya, and concealed nuclear activities and a suspected nuclear
weapons programme in Iran. While all these cases are different,
they have important features in common - including how these
countries acquired their technology, how they hid their activities
(in the case of Iran for nearly two decades), and how they
successfully held off international pressure for many years.
With every prospect of the pace of nuclear proliferation
increasing, we must lift our gaze to look at the coming crises, not
just the current one. The certainties of the Cold War, when nuclear
weapons were concentrated in the hands of a few and
mutually-assured destruction prevailed, have been replaced by a far
more unpredictable array of threats. We are facing a new era of
nuclear insecurity which left unchecked, could lead to the
unravelling of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which has been
a fundamental pillar of our global security for the last four
decades. We therefore must act now while time is still on our side
and while there is a remaining chance of turning this tide.
Since I last spoke on this subject there has been a resurgence
of interest in nuclear weapons issues. On the other side of the
Atlantic, George Shultz, Henry Kissinger, William Perry and Sam
Nunn have proposed an initiative to "reverse reliance on nuclear
weapons globally...and ultimately end them as a threat to the
world", which has drawn attention from around the globe. It has
given much needed intellectual force and impetus to the debate
about how to make the world safer from nuclear weapons and has
attracted the support of leading figures from the worlds of
defence, politics and academia, including in this country.
The two US Presidential candidates have also both given major
speeches on the need to make nuclear non-proliferation a higher
priority. Senator McCain has committed himself to reducing the size
of the US nuclear arsenal "to the lowest number" needed to maintain
US security and commitments. Senator Obama has spoken of the need
for "deep cuts" in US and Russian nuclear stockpiles. Both have
embraced the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.
We welcome the fact that these ideas are being debated in the
United States, as the country with the largest number of
operationally active nuclear warheads in the world and stockpiles
second only to Russia, and whose weight and influence is
indispensable to the success of any global initiative.
We also welcome the specific proposals put forward by Shultz,
Kissinger, Perry and Nunn for changes to the Cold War posture of
deployed nuclear weapons to reduce the danger of an accidental or
unauthorized use, for action to secure global stocks of fissile
material, and for substantial reductions in the size of nuclear
forces in all states that possess them - something that the UK has
already done.
Addressing the existence of stockpiles of nuclear weapons is an
integral part of efforts to reduce the risks of nuclear weapons and
a fundamental commitment under the NPT, which requires
"negotiations in good faith on effective measures" on nuclear
disarmament and on "a treaty on general and complete disarmament
under strict and effective international control". Britain has an
excellent record. We have reduced our nuclear capability to a
single system and the explosive power of our nuclear arsenal by 75%
since the Cold War, more than any other nuclear weapons power, and
the government has recently proposed using Britain as a
"laboratory" to explore how disarmament could be verified. Showing
that we take our disarmament commitments seriously is a vital part
of winning the moral argument against nuclear proliferation.
However no amount of nuclear disarmament will protect us from
the dangers of nuclear weapons without a more comprehensive
approach to nuclear proliferation, which is by far the biggest
challenge we face today. There is an urgent need for a concerted
effort to put the brakes on nuclear proliferation, without which
steps towards reducing nuclear stockpiles worldwide will have
little effect.
The evidence for this is clear: more countries have acquired or
attempted to acquire nuclear weapons technology despite progress
that has already been made in reducing nuclear stockpiles
worldwide. The US and Russia, which together possess 95% of the
world's nuclear weapons, have destroyed over 13,000 warheads
between them since 1987. It is a little-known and startling fact
that one in ten homes, schools and businesses in the US receives
electricity generated from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads, and
that by 2013 the equivalent of 20,000 warheads will have been
turned into nuclear fuel - enough to power the entire United States
for about two years. Concrete and progressive steps to reduce
arsenals have been taken, without denting the trend towards an
increasing number of nuclear weapons states.
Although some countries have renounced nuclear weapons
programmes or given up nuclear weapons on their soil, there are
many more nuclear weapons powers today than when the
Non-Proliferation Treaty was created, which aimed to limit the
possession of nuclear weapons to five recognised powers: the United
States, Russia, China, Britain and France. Today the global picture
is far more complex - with Israel an undeclared nuclear power which
has not signed the NPT, Pakistan and India as declared nuclear
powers also outside the Treaty, and North Korea which pulled out of
the Treaty and declared itself a de-facto nuclear power. In the
light of this, not only is achieving nuclear disarmament now far
harder than it was even at the height of the Cold War, but the
risks of nuclear confrontation and the spread of nuclear technology
are greater. Furthermore, unilateral disarmament by one or more of
the nuclear weapons states would not change the rationale which
drives some countries to seek nuclear capability.
Take the example of Iran. The driving factors behind Iran's
nuclear programme . its relative weakness in conventional forces,
its perception of being militarily encircled and its desire to
ensure the survival of the Revolution. will remain whether or not
the US and Russia make further reductions in their respective
stockpiles. Iran knows full well that it cannot match the US or
Israel in conventional forces, and that this position would be
significantly altered if it had its own deterrent. This bigger
picture of an uncertain world is also why I believe that the UK is
right to take steps to retain its minimum strategic nuclear
deterrent and why the Conservative Party supports the decision to
renew the Trident submarines.
In short, proliferation, not the risk of accidental or
deliberate nuclear war between the five original nuclear powers, is
the greatest threat we face today. There are five major sources of
this new threat:
First, the barriers to becoming a nuclear weapons power are
considerably lower now than they were in the past. It was
previously the case that only the most advanced nations had the
technological capability to develop a nuclear weapons programme.
This is no longer true. Although we have not yet reached the state
predicted by President Eisenhower half a century ago that "the
knowledge [then] possessed by several nations will eventually be
shared by others - possibly all others", it is increasingly likely
to become a reality. Much of the most significant nuclear
technology is 50 years old, and up to 40 countries are now
considered to have the technical know-how to produce nuclear
Secondly, a thriving black market exists operating as a one-stop
shop for would-be nuclear powers, so that even those countries such
as Libya which did not have the indigenous base for a nuclear
weapons programme were able to import it from abroad, leapfrogging
the years of complex research and development normally needed.
Former CIA director George Tenet argued that "in the current
marketplace, if you have a hundred million dollars, you can be your
own nuclear power." Four years after the discovery of the
operations of the rogue Pakistani scientist AQ Khan - who Tenet
described as "at least as dangerous as Osama Bin Laden", we are
still trying to piece together the extent of his network, which
spanned 30 different countries. Only last month, encrypted
documents on a computer seized from Swiss members of the network
revealed a design for a compact nuclear device that could be fitted
onto a ballistic missile; an advanced system that no-one had known
that AQ Khan was supplying. More ominously still, we don't know who
may have bought these designs, or how many other copies exist. Only
a fraction of the black market has been exposed and few people have
been successfully prosecuted. We are also behind the curve in
learning how to catch and expose these individuals, more likely to
be engineers and businessmen than the terrorist of popular
Thirdly, it is no longer beyond the power of terrorist groups to
acquire the nuclear material necessary to detonate a nuclear device
in one of our cities. We face the nightmarish combination of
insecure nuclear research reactors and stockpiles of nuclear
material across the world, coupled with porous borders and
international terrorists groups known to have sought nuclear
capability. Russia is a particular focus of this concern as its
stockpiles are widely dispersed and believed in some cases to be
poorly guarded. Pakistan is another source of worry. The Director
General of the IAEA recently warned that "there are no grounds for
the international community to consider relaxing its vigilance"
over the threat of nuclear terrorism, the consequences of which
would be obviously be devastating beyond anything we have yet
encountered in the long catalogue of terrorist atrocities.
Fourthly, we have to grapple with the dangers of the nuclear
fuel cycle. Once a country knows how to produce enriched uranium
for a civilian power programme, it has overcome one of the greatest
hurdles to acquiring a nuclear weapon. It can do this while being a
member of the NPT, allowing it to "cheat" the Treaty, as North
Korea did. Not only is it extremely difficult to detect the moment
when a state possessing civilian nuclear power decides to switch to
a secret nuclear weapons programme, the international community is
also then left with very little time to react.
Countries no longer even need to continue all the way to a
nuclear test, but can linger on the threshold, being "virtual"
nuclear weapons powers with the ability to assemble a weapon at
very short notice. At which stage therefore should we be alarmed?
There were jitters when thirteen countries in the Middle East
announced new or revived plans to pursue or explore civilian
nuclear energy in the space of eleven months between 2006 and 2007.
Most will probably choose to buy their nuclear fuel on the
international market, but some may wish to develop the full fuel
cycle as Iran is doing. If Iran does emerge as a nuclear power in
their doorstep, would they then feel compelled to pursue their own
nuclear weapons programmes? The combination of high oil prices,
finite oil reserves, and climate change, means that increasing
numbers of countries will consider nuclear power to meet their
energy needs. The dilemma of the fuel cycle is one which will only
get worse. As things stand, we do not have an answer.
And finally, the absence of effective control of proliferation
has contributed to the reluctance by nuclear weapons powers to
assist with the transfer of peaceful nuclear technology to states
who want it. This has undermined the central bargain of the NPT
that states which promised not to pursue nuclear weapons would
receive access to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes as an
"inalienable right". As a result, non-nuclear weapons states feel
they have lost out on the promised advantages of the NPT, and the
international consensus about how to address nuclear threats has
been weakened. Every five years all members of the NPT meet to
review the progress of the Treaty. The last review conference, in
2005 was so mired in disagreement that it could not even agree a
final document. In the words of former UN Secretary General Kofi
Annan, "'mutually assured destruction' has been replaced by
mutually assured paralysis. This sends a terrible signal of
disunity and waning respect for the Treaty's authority. It creates
a vacuum that can be exploited." Iran has played on perceptions
that non-nuclear weapons states have been denied access to
technology by presenting itself as a champion of the rights of
developing states and pledging to share its nuclear technology with
others, implying that this is a dispute about access to technology
rather than Iran's violation of the NPT.
It is this serious proliferation crisis which the international
community has not addressed with sufficient rigour so far, and
which requires a new concerted approach. This is not a problem that
has arisen overnight to take the world by surprise. The warning has
been written loud and clear in the actions of Iran and North Korea,
in the blunt responses of countries who say privately that if Iran
goes nuclear, they will have no choice but to consider their
options, and in the bulletins of intelligence communities who tell
us that terrorists continue to try to acquire the means to inflict
mass casualties.
The international community has given the impression of
fire-fighting in the wake of each crisis, with no consistent
approach: North Korea has been dealt with through the Six Party
Talks, largely outside the Security Council. Iran was dealt with
initially by the European Troika of Britain, France and Germany, it
then moved to the Security Council and is now handled by the
so-called "P5+1", the five permanent members of the Security
Council and Germany. But proliferation problems cannot forever be
solved one country at a time. What would happen if we were suddenly
faced by five or six cases of proliferation simultaneously, as
could conceivably happen if Iran successfully acquires a nuclear
weapon? How would we prevent the risk of nuclear war when 'new'
nuclear weapons powers, not constrained by experience,
civil-military checks and balances or arms control agreements come
into conflict? We only have to think about what the world could
look like in five years, to understand why we have to do better:
these problems will become more difficult to respond to, in a more
challenging global environment and with increasing calls on our
diplomats, soldiers and resources.
In short we cannot deal only with the known threats posed by
existing nuclear stockpiles, but we must also address the reality
of the proliferation threat as it evolves and becomes less
predictable and even more dangerous.
I want to set out eight proposals which I believe the British
government should adopt and champion publicly now.
1. First, there needs to be strategic dialogue between Britain,
the United States, France, Russia and China on how to achieve
future reductions in nuclear stockpiles, on ways to reduce further
the risk of nuclear confrontation or accidental nuclear war, and
how to make progress on our disarmament commitments in a way that
strengthens the NPT. Britain should propose a Conference of the
five recognised nuclear weapons powers that should take place
before the 2010 NPT Review Conference to seek agreement.
2. Britain should launch a new effort to address the decline of
the NPT and restore the broken consensus at its heart, with the
goal of making the 2010 NPT Review Conference a success after 10
years of failure and recriminations. We cannot hope to build better
understanding and cooperation between nuclear and non-nuclear
states unless we engage with countries which have not pursued a
nuclear weapon even though they are considered to have the
capability to do so, such as Argentina, Brazil, and Japan. These
are some of the prominent non-nuclear weapons states and our
natural partners in addressing these issues. And as part of the
drive to reinvigorate the NPT, we should aim to bring the three
nuclear powers outside its remit - India, Pakistan and Israel -
within the wider non-proliferation regime.
3. There are specific steps which must be taken to close the
loopholes in the Non-Proliferation Treaty. We must seek agreement
about how to respond when a country either commits a serious breach
of the Non-Proliferation Treaty or withdraws from it altogether. At
the moment, there is no automatic procedure whereby a breach of the
Treaty will be referred to the Security Council. This means that
valuable time which could be spent addressing a suspected nuclear
weapons programme is lost in political dispute about whether the
Security Council should be discussing the matter at all. It took
two years after Iran's secret nuclear programme was exposed to the
world for the issue to be referred to the Security Council, and
many further months for UN sanctions to finally be agreed. Iran has
continued its programme almost uninterrupted throughout this
period, with the result that has all but acquired the ability to
enrich uranium to the level needed for a nuclear weapon. There
needs to be a mechanism, preferably a Security Council Resolution,
which would automatically refer a country to the Security Council
in cases where a serious breach of the NPT has taken place. The
international community is also powerless to respond when a country
withdraws from the NPT, as North Korea did. While the Sovereign
right of any country to withdraw from a Treaty has to be respected,
the NPT is not like any other Treaty and the risks associated with
its abuse are uniquely dangerous. This could 12 be addressed by a
UN resolution which again, would immediately trigger discussions at
the Security Council if a country withdraws from the NPT or
announces it will do so. The IAEA would be required to report
immediately on the nuclear activities of that country and whether
there were grounds to suspect it was concealing a nuclear weapons
programme. The resolution could also include the provision for
international sanctions if the country in question were found to
have breached the NPT.
4. We have to agree a mechanism to bring the nuclear fuel cycle
under international control. High oil prices and mounting concern
about climate change will make nuclear energy more attractive to
many, just as burgeoning populations and growing economies in the
developing world will make it increasingly necessary to many. We
are already seeing an increased demand for the construction of new
nuclear facilities worldwide as well as the supply of enriched
uranium to power them. Proliferation control needs to keep pace
with this fast changing reality. Whether it takes the form of
international partnerships of a small number of states producing
nuclear fuel, or a network of 'fuel banks', these proposals must be
adopted and implemented as soon as is practicable. Britain should
make this one of the top priorities of its international diplomacy.
Addressing the dangers of the nuclear fuel cycle will make it
possible to launch wider efforts to make the peaceful applications
of nuclear technology available to all those countries who desire
5. We need to strengthen the IAEA and the international system
of safeguards and inspections. We need to face the fact that the
existing inspections regime was unable to detect Iraq, Libya or
Iran's covert programmes. After over four years of inspections, we
still do not know the extent of Iran's nuclear programme and any
activities they may be concealing. We still cannot be sure that
Iran does not have secret sites where it is enriching uranium or
conducting weaponization studies. This hampers our diplomacy and
indeed increases the risk of military confrontation. The Additional
Protocol, which gives the IAEA extra inspection powers, ought to be
made a universal requirement for all countries within the NPT at
the 2010 Review Conference, the momentum for which needs to be
developed now. We must also ensure that the IAEA has the resources
it needs. The IAEA monitors hundreds of tonnes of nuclear material
in hundreds of facilities across the world, to ensure that it is
not diverted from civilian to military purposes. It has sounded a
warning about its ability to maintain this important work over the
long term, since the amount of nuclear material it has to monitor
has increased more than tenfold since the 1980s, while its budget
has remained virtually static. Indeed as one report noted, the
safeguards budget of the IAEA is not more than the budget of the
police department of the city in which it is located. We have a
vital interest in making sure the Agency's budget will be able to
sustain the growing demands it will face and have to ensure that
Member States are devoting sufficient resources to it.
6. We must urgently improve the international ability to track
and block the trade in nuclear weapons technology and to isolate
countries engaged in these practices. For an example of why this is
important, one only has to look at Iran's missile capability, which
includes Shahab-3 missiles based on North Korean technology which
may one day give Iran the ability to threaten Europe. Part of the
solution must be increasing our ability to interdict suspect
vessels carrying such material. This currently happens on an
informal basis under the Proliferation Security Initiative, which
is a set of principles to which member states adhere and resolve to
"seriously consider" boarding suspect vessels of another state, and
does not impose mandatory steps on its members. It also has no
international secretariat, no shared databases, and no established
funding. This flexibility might be strength, but it doesn't
guarantee its sustainability. Its reach is also limited. Key
countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan remain outside
the PSI, as do India, China, and South Korea. The urgent need to
counter proliferation from North Korea makes it vital that we
increase Asian participation in the PSI, as well as other important
countries which still do not participate. To do so we must find
ways of making it more acceptable to those countries currently
opposed to involvement.
7. We must act to disrupt the financial networks that support
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Identifying and
blocking these activities is essential as a means to slow down
illicit nuclear programmes and to put pressure on the governments
behind them. The Iranian regime, for example, has been accused of
disguising its hand in terrorism and weapons proliferation by using
front companies and intermediaries to obtain dual-use technology
and materials. The Security Council decided in 2007 to ban a major
Iranian bank, Bank Sepah from the international financial system.
The Financial Action Task Force has also warned that Iran's lack of
money laundering and counter-terrorism controls means that it poses
a significant threat to the international financial system. These
developments have had a significant effect on the willingness of
international banks and companies to do business with Iran and
increased the isolation of the regime. We await the Financial
Action Taskforce's report on Proliferation Finance, which will
study the techniques and trends of proliferation finance, and
provide recommendations to all governments on how to address the
threat. Building on these recommendations, we must urgently develop
the capacity at a national and international level to isolate
nuclear proliferators from the international financial system. We
must ensure that we have the right expertise and experience within
our government departments to keep on top of this fast-expanding
area and the capacity to assist other countries which do not have
the means to do so. Many countries have been unable to meet their
obligations under UN Resolutions to establish domestic laws and
controls against WMD proliferation. This must be addressed, for our
collective security against nuclear proliferation or a nuclear
attack could be shattered by a single point of vulnerability.
8. Finally, we must deal more resolutely with existing cases of
nuclear proliferation, learning the lessons of Libya and North
Korea. First and foremost this means a step change in the
international community's response to Iran's nuclear programme. The
components of a successful diplomatic strategy have been slowly and
painfully assembled in the form of limited sanctions, and a
diplomatic offer holding out of prospect of normalisation of
relations and economic benefits if a long-term settlement is
reached. However there has yet to be any breakthrough comparable to
North Korea's recent symbolic destruction of the notorious Yongbyon
tower at its main atomic reactor and declaration of its nuclear
facilities. Success in persuading Libya to relinquish its nuclear
programme, and recent progress with North Korea, was the result of
an intensity of diplomacy, incentives and isolation we have barely
yet to muster on Iran. In the Conservative Party we have argued
that the ability of the US to dangle carrots in front of Iran
requires Europe to wield a bigger stick. In particular, Britain and
other European nations should ban new investment in Iranian oil and
gas, and the use of export credits to subsidise trade with Iran. As
a part of the strategy to deal with Iran, Britain should also
increase its level of dialogue with Middle Eastern and particularly
Gulf countries most affected by Iran's nuclear programme, to
address their security concerns and gain their fullest possible
support for international sanctions.
The need for further decreases in nuclear stockpiles and working
towards a world free of the fear of the use of nuclear weapons is
as important a goal as tackling global warming. But a strategy to
achieve this goal must go beyond unilateral action by the nuclear
weapons states. Nuclear weapons are no longer a stand-alone issue
in relations between the great powers - but are bound up into wider
issues of energy security, regional security, regional power, and
actions by non-states actors. Our strategy to deal with nuclear
proliferation needs to be commensurately broad.
The NPT is the world's most universally upheld treaty . only
four states in the world are not members. It entrenched a consensus
that nuclear weapons are among the most dangerous threats to our
planet and that reducing these dangers requires efforts by all
countries. We must not allow it to be fatally undermined by threats
that the makers of the treaty could not have predicted.
Governments, including our own, have to accord
counter-proliferation the highest priority. Reducing the risk posed
by weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons in particular is
not a party political issue but a vital national interest which
needs a common purpose and shared vision. We welcome the steps that
the British government has taken to put Britain at the forefront of
the debate on nuclear reductions and to propose a means of bringing
the fuel cycle under international control. But such action now
needs to be raised to a higher level of political priority and
government commitment.
As a case in point, the EU adopted sanctions in 2007 banning
Iranian students from receiving training in nuclear sciences in any
member state, only for it to emerge later in the year that 60
Iranian nationals had been granted places at British universities
to study advanced nuclear physics and engineering. This did not
give the impression of an effective and joined-up
counter-proliferation strategy.
We have to impart greater urgency to our efforts. Reading the
great speeches of the 1950s and 1980s which led to the creation of
the NPT and the International Atomic Energy Agency, one is struck
by the vividness of the threat and the extent of the terror caused
by the spectre of nuclear war. JFK, for example, spoke of a
"nuclear sword of Damocles" hanging "by the slenderest of threads"
over "the head of every man, woman and child" in the world, and
"capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation
or madness". This sense of urgency no longer pervades the debate on
nuclear proliferation. I believe we need to have a galvanising
moment somewhat akin to the momentum mustered by the early
champions of nuclear arms control if the division and inertia of
recent years is to be overcome.
We cannot afford to be complacent and must recognise that
proliferation is a moving target - that the decision for states to
forgo nuclear weapons is not irrevocable - and that the
decision-making process of states about their security needs is a
continuum. We cannot afford to switch off for a number of years
while we are preoccupied in other areas.
We need to take action now to address the financing of nuclear
proliferation and the nuclear black market; to create a nuclear
fuel mechanism to prevent proliferation through the fuel cycle, to
establish a chain of response enshrined in a UN Security Council
Resolution to deal with countries which breach the NPT or withdraw
from it, and above all, we must redouble of efforts to prevent Iran
from acquiring a nuclear weapon and shattering the NPT.
As the starting point for a such a concerted strategy to revive
the NPT, we should seek a common approach with America which would
combine the influence of one of the world's most powerful nuclear
weapons states with the moral authority of the UK as the nuclear
weapons state with arguably the best record in this area. An
important starting point might be dialogue between the US and UK
about ways to build a consensus and bring in other countries . a
vital issue for the incoming President of the United States. We
ought to seize the opportunity of combining a new US administration
with a major British effort to push these and similar ideas. This
would be a real and meaningful use of the special relationship. It
is an urgent one.
Source IISS website:
Sir Malcolm Rifkind, Debate on the
Address, Foreign Affairs and Defence, House of Commons, 10 December
Sir Malcolm Rifkind (Conservative MP for Kensington and
Chelsea): I listened with interest to the remarks of the hon.
Member for Islington, North (Jeremy Corbyn) about nuclear weapons.
On the Trident decision, the point on which I think he is mistaken
is that the need is for multilateral, not unilateral, nuclear
disarmament. I do not believe that the Government's decision is
irreversible. I have no doubt that if there were scope for major
progress on nuclear disarmament over the coming period, it could be
revisited in the context of what was happening around the
.... I believe that the whole issue of nuclear weapons will be
increasingly important over the next 12 months and the period
thereafter, partly because the first foreign policy crisis with
which President Obama will have to deal will be the question of
nuclear weapons in Iran-and how he deals with that will also be
influenced by what is happening on the wider nuclear weapons
front-but also because I believe the time has come for major
consideration of where the world is going with regard to the
overall question of nuclear weapons.
Over the last two days, I have attended an international
conference in Paris arranged by the new Global Zero organisation.
It may be thought that the conclusion that was reached was not a
surprising one, but it was surprising in one sense. I shall come to
that in a moment. The conference reached the conclusion that there
was an urgent need for a massive reduction in the number of nuclear
arsenals around the world, and for serious consideration of the
question of ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons.
Members may ask what was surprising about that, given that over
the years many conferences have reached the same conclusion. It was
extraordinary, however, in view of the composition of the
conference. To put it mildly, none of the usual suspects were
there. It was not a collection of professional peace campaigners.
Among those present were a former President of the United States, a
former American national security adviser, Foreign Ministers and
former Defence Ministers of NATO countries and nuclear weapons
states, and air marshals, generals and other senior military
personnel from countries with nuclear weapons.
The conference followed an initiative taken nearly two years ago
in articles that appeared in the American press signed by Henry
Kissinger, George Shultz and others. In this country, a number of
us have made similar proposals. An early-day motion is currently
before the House, signed by 277 Members including, I believe, some
57 of my hon. Friends. We have to ask why those of us who have so
often been identified with realpolitik are becoming strongly
convinced of the need for a fundamental debate on the overall
question of nuclear weapons, along with a change of approach to one
of greater urgency. Essentially, it is because realpolitik means
being influenced by real events and not by idealism or theoretical
issues, and the real world has changed substantially since the end
of the cold war.
.... At the end of the cold war, the United States and the
Soviet Union between them had between 26,000 and 27,000 operational
nuclear weapons. That figure is now down to about 12,000-between
5,000 and 6,000 each. Nuclear weapons have also been successfully
eliminated from Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine in the former
Soviet Union, and there have been local achievements, such as South
Africa giving up its nuclear weapons and Libya being persuaded not
to conduct a weapons of mass destruction programme.
In the past few years, however, that whole process has stalled
dramatically. There is no evidence of any further impetus with
regard to the United States and Russia, who between them have 95
per cent. of all the nuclear weapons in the world. That is becoming
an increasingly serious matter because the continuation of the
non-proliferation treaty, which comes up for debate in 2010, can no
longer be taken for granted. Not only have we seen serious new
proliferation in recent years, such as in Israel, India and
Pakistan, but now there is the possibility of Iran acquiring
nuclear weapons as well; the North Korea situation is not yet
resolved, and we know that if Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons,
it would only be a matter of time before the Arab states did so as
There is, therefore, a serious new urgency, and the arguments
that were valid during the cold war are no longer valid in the same
way. The countries that had nuclear weapons during the cold war
were overwhelmingly the great powers involved in that cold war, and
they needed nuclear weapons because of the perceived conventional
superiority of the Soviet Union and the need to prevent any
war-conventional or nuclear-from breaking out.
Because they have 95 per cent. of all nuclear weapons, the key
to progress lies with the United States and Russia. If they were
both able to make massive further reductions in their nuclear
arsenals, they would know they could do so without any change in
the relative power of the two states and their ability to deter any
possible attack on themselves. Even if we believe in deterrence, we
do not need 5,000 nuclear weapons to prevent an attack by our
enemy; 500 would clearly destroy the world several times over.
There is, therefore, no logical argument of defence why the
Russians and the Americans cannot now approach a further stage in
these negotiations by at the very least reducing their nuclear
arsenals to 500 or 400, or even 200 or 300, without any change in
fundamental defence strategy.... I think both that the United
States has been premature in giving such emphasis to a ballistic
missile programme long before there is any real threat of the kind
suggested and that the Russians have grossly overreacted to some
unarmed missile defence systems that might be placed in the Czech
Republic and Poland. Therefore, I think both countries have to look
at this afresh and try to move forward in a more sensible way.
To return to my theme, if the Americans and Russians were able
to make such major progress, that would itself send a massive
signal to the NPT negotiations and help to ensure a continuation of
that treaty. In addition, it would very greatly strengthen future
President Obama in dealing with the Iranian threat. If he is able
to demonstrate to the world not only that the United States is
making massive reductions in its nuclear arsenal, but that he is
prepared to negotiate-as he has said he is-with the Iranians on a
resolution to the problems they face, either the Iranians will
respond positively or if they fail to do so President Obama would
be able to expect, and would receive, much greater international
support for any tough measures that might then be needed against
the Iranians. Therefore, no loss would be involved in the American
position; instead it could be enormously enhanced.
The second half of this debate is about not only a reduction in
nuclear arsenals, which would ultimately have to include the United
Kingdom, China, France and other nuclear powers, but whether it is
possible actually to contemplate their elimination. That is, of
course, a very difficult issue, because there is a crucial
difference between a country reducing the number of nuclear weapons
it has to 150, 100 or even 50 and removing them completely. If a
country has even five or 10 nuclear weapons and its opponent has
the same, the relative position between the two countries remains
the same. Compared with a country that does not have nuclear
weapons, a country with five or 10 weapons is enormously powerful
in a way that the other is not; in the kingdom of the blind, the
one-eyed man is king.
Bringing the amount of weapons down to a very small number will
not be easy, but going to zero will be infinitely more challenging.
That does not mean that it cannot be done, because we have been
enormously successful in, effectively, abolishing chemical weapons,
and that is a very encouraging precedent. To be able to contemplate
achieving a reduction to zero, there must be a huge improvement in
the verification and transparency regimes, not only for the weapon
states themselves, but for civil nuclear programmes. That is
because the fissile material in such programmes is also relevant to
the potential production of enriched uranium or plutonium for
nuclear weapons. We would also need to be confident that the
verification and control systems would prevent the fissile material
from getting to terrorist organisations, because those would be the
people who could wreak enormous damage on the wider world.
That is the basis on which we would have to address this issue,
but there is a second aspect to it. One of the arguments that many,
including myself, have used over the years, and which needs to be
addressed if we are ever to contemplate the elimination of nuclear
weapons, is that our eliminating them-assuming that we can do
that-might, in practice, make conventional war more likely. Might
it not be argued that nuclear weapons have helped to prevent
conventional wars from breaking out? That was a powerful argument
during the cold war; indeed, in one of his last speeches as Prime
Minister, Winston Churchill said that "it may well be that we shall
by a process of sublime irony have reached a stage in this story
where safety will be the sturdy child of terror, and survival the
twin brother of annihilation."-[ Official Report, 1 March 1955;
Vol. 537, c. 1899.]
Those are very powerful words. Even in recent years, there is at
least an argument to be made that India and Pakistan are now much
less likely to renew the conventional wars that they have had
several times in the past 30 or 40 years, because both are now
nuclear powers and they know that a conventional conflict might
lead to a nuclear exchange. So this is not a foolish argument and
we cannot simply dismiss it lightly. However, although the argument
is valid, it is becoming progressively less so; indeed, it is
becoming outweighed by other factors.
The crucial argument that was relevant during the cold war was
that if a conventional war ever broke out between the Soviet Union
and the NATO powers, it would, in effect, be a third world war. It
would not just be a local conflict; it would be a global conflict
of dimensions comparable with both the first and second world war.
There is no prospect of a global conflict of that kind in the
foreseeable future. The great powers have not the remotest
intention of going to war with each other, and there is no
fundamental issue that might even lead towards that in the
foreseeable future. The wars that we are trying to avoid are
essentially local conflicts in various parts of the world. That is
still a serious matter, but one cannot use the argument that we
must therefore have nuclear weapons in those countries, because the
logic would then apply to 180 countries around the world, and that
would result in an unsustainable situation.
In any event, even if the India and Pakistan situation in
respect of the outbreak of conventional conflict has, in some way,
been assisted by the fact that they are now both nuclear weapon
states, that must be set against the downside that flows from what
has been happening in recent years. The proliferation of nuclear
weapons states has increased alarmingly, is increasing and, if we
are not careful, will continue increasing so that it will encompass
many more states around the world. We are talking not only about
nuclear weapons states, but about the fissile material that is
available, because when that fissile material is available and
people such as A. Q. Khan in Pakistan are prepared to sell
information to rogue states, the risks of that information getting
into the hands of terrorist organisations become far more
..... President-elect Obama will start with far greater
authority than any other recent American President. If he is
determined, a massive reduction in American and Russian arsenals
can be achieved, at the very least because there is a mutual
interest for both countries in achieving that. Going beyond that
will require a degree of leadership...
I have reached the following conclusions on the issues that I
have mentioned. First, whatever people's views on nuclear weapons,
there can be no credible, logical or rational reason why we cannot
massively reduce the number of nuclear weapons from the 27,000
around the world-mostly in the US and Russia-to a tiny number, even
if the deterrent argument still holds sway. Personally, I believe a
deterrent is necessary unless we can achieve multilateral
Secondly, only by making major progress in that direction can we
be sure of the continuation of the non-proliferation treaty. If we
are having such problems with proliferation when the treaty exists,
one can imagine how disastrous it would be it if fell and was not
renewed. Thirdly, the progress that has to be made cannot be
unilateral. It is no use asking for gestures from individual
countries. At the very least that will do no good, and it may do a
lot of harm. Multilateral disarmament is the best hope for
Fourthly, major enhancement of the verification and transparency
regimes is needed, even though they are already quite
sophisticated. With the advances in modern technology, the
verification that will be available over the next few years will be
of a much higher order. My final point is that we are not talking
about these things happening in a year, or two years or five years.
If we are to make the kind of progress required, it will be 10 to
20 years before we get down to low levels. It is only at that stage
that we will be able to reach the final decision about whether it
is acceptable to go from very small numbers of nuclear weapons to
the actual elimination of this class of weapons, as we did with
chemical weapons. It may be possible, or it may prove to be too
difficult. It is not a decision that we have to reach now, and the
mere attempt to move in that direction will undoubtedly be
beneficial. In any scenario, having far fewer nuclear weapons than
currently exist is infinitely preferable to the status quo, not
least because it reduces the prospect of accidental conflict as
well as removing large amounts of fissile material from the
These are fundamental issues that do not depend on whether we
are right wing or left wing, Labour or Conservative. They affect
every human being for the most obvious of reasons. Victor Hugo once
"More powerful than the march of mighty armies is an idea whose
time has come."
The Global Zero concept is an idea whose time has come, and if
it can help to stop the march of mighty armies, that is an
objective worth achieving.
Source: Hansard, December 10, 2008. Column 600 onwards.
UK Parliament website, www.parliament.uk.
Security and Liberty in a Globalised
Liberal Democrat Policy Paper 86, endorsed by Liberal
Democrat Party Conference, Bournemouth, September 2008,
8.6 Making Nuclear Weapons History
8.6.1 Liberal Democrats believe that Britain must be in the
vanguard of the struggle to make nuclear weapons history. Although
the tension of the Cold War may be over, the legacy of that era in
the form of huge stockpiles of weaponry, particularly in Russia and
the US, remains a significant threat to international security. The
risk of accidental detonation or explosion of a nuclear device or
of materials falling into the hands of terrorists or countries of
concern is a real threat. The proliferation of nuclear weapons
technology presents a profound threat to international
8.6.2 The climate for nuclear disarmament has been poor in
recent years. The unilateral actions of the Bush administration
have been divisive. Its missile defence programme contributed to
the set back of arms control agreements with Russia; the decisions
to invade Iraq on a pretext of mass destruction while avoiding
military confrontation with North Korea have arguably given
non-nuclear states a rational excuse to pursue nuclear weapons.
8.6.3 In this context, the 2010 Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
Review Conference presents a critical opportunity for the
international community to set in train a process of further
disarmament and arms control agreements to reduce and eventually
eliminate nuclear weapons. Although a relatively small nuclear
power, Britain remains a nation of considerable influence and must
play a leading role at the conference. It is essential that the
2010 talks make real progress towards a nuclear-free world.
8.6.4 The fundamental principle on which the NPT is based, that
nuclear powers will reduce their arsenals in return for others not
developing nuclear weapons is at risk. If today's nuclear powers
are to convince other states that it is not in their interests to
have such weapons then they must show that they are prepared to
take serious measures to reduce and eventually eradicate their own
arsenals, and also to back new international control regimes such
as the tighter inspection and monitoring of the uranium enrichment
process and a halt to the production of fissile material.
8.6.5 In order to kick-start those talks, Liberal Democrats are
committed to Britain taking the lead in working towards global
disarmament at the 2010 conference by making a 50% cut in Britain's
nuclear arsenal and retaining a multilateral negotiating position
on further warhead reductions and any future system replacement for
Trident. A final decision on the manufacture of a successor system
does not need to be taken until 2014. Britain has a window of
opportunity to show courage and conviction at the conference, and
take the lead.
8.6.6 Liberal Democrats welcome President Sarkozy's recent
proposals to reduce the French nuclear arsenal. As two-fifths of
the UN Security Council together, with closely aligned national
security interests, Britain and France should work towards a joint
negotiating position at the review conference, representing a
European perspective on nuclear disarmament.
8.6.7 Respected voices in the US security establishment
including George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger
and Sam Nunn have recently called for America to re-engage in the
nuclear disarmament agenda and to show leadership on the world
stage. It is to be hoped that the next President of the United
States will heed their call, believing that the US, along with
Russia, must set early deadlines for reducing their own nuclear
We welcome the recent agreement by President Bush and President
Putin to begin talks on an extension of the START nuclear weapons
reduction programme. But more can be done to enhance security and
reduce the risk of accident. Any remnants of the Cold War posture
that contribute to security or risk of accident should be
8.6.8 We remain sceptical that the current US missile defence
programme, seemingly intended to protect the US against a potential
Iranian threat, will enhance regional or global security. The
controversy over missile defence in Europe and between Russia and
the US has sapped vital political energy from the arms control
agenda. Whilst we are encouraged that the programme now has the
wider backing of NATO, it is essential that intense effort is made
to extend multilateral support for the programme, particularly to
Russia and China.
8.6.9 Liberal Democrats believe that despite the US National
Intelligence Estimate, which judged "with high confidence" that
Iran halted its nuclear weapons programme in 2003, the US, EU and
UN Security Council must continue to take a robust approach in
dealing with Iran. However, Britain, and its European partners,
should grasp the opportunity of the forthcoming change of US
Administration to push for constructive dialogue with Iran,
including a form of comprehensive security guarantee, to persuade
Iran to open its nuclear programme to full international
8.6.10 The 2010 talks should work towards the establishment of a
UN agency managed by the IAEA to oversee the provision of nuclear
fuels and pave the way for stricter access to nuclear technology.
Liberal Democrats would like to see the "Additional Protocol" to
the NPT on greater IAEA verification access brought into force. We
welcome any push towards a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty.
Source: Liberal Democrat Party website, www.libdems.org.uk.
Shared Destinies
IPPR Commission on National Security Interim Report, 27
November 2008, excerpts
Issue-specific and treaty-based multilateralism
Nuclear non-proliferation
Given the growing dangers associated with nuclear weapons, we
believe it is not safe for the world to rely on nuclear deterrence
for long-term security. We therefore support the view that the
long-term goal of our policy must be the creation of a world free
of nuclear weapons and believe action on non-proliferation is
urgent ahead of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in
2010. We know the road to achieving this goal will be long and the
path towards it not always clear, but we call upon the Government
to pursue it actively and to:
- Use all the instruments at its disposal to encourage further
rapid reductions in the strategic arsenals of both Russia and the
United States (see Recommendation 15).
- Pursue a strengthening of the Non-Proliferation Treaty
provisions on monitoring and compliance, to provide greater
assurances to all parties on the effectiveness of the Treaty (see
Recommendation 16).
- Increase further its financial contribution to the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and encourage other
states to do the same (see Recommendation 17).
- Provide further practical help to those states wishing but not
fully able to implement Security Council Resolution 1540 on
improving the security of nuclear stockpiles (see Recommendation
- Provide a financial contribution to the IAEA/Nuclear Threat
Initiative (NTI) nuclear fuel bank fund, which is aimed at
establishing an internationally accessible nuclear fuel bank (see
Recommendation 19).
Use all of its influence inside NATO to ensure that the review
of NATO's strategic concept, being carried out in 2009 and 2010,
produces a result sensitive to and supportive of the requirements
of a successful outcome to the NPT Review Conference in 2010 (see
Recommendation 20).
Moreover, the Government should:
- Seek to use its membership of the P-5 to stimulate a deeper and
more active strategic dialogue on non-proliferation within this
group of states (see Recommendation 21).
- Invite the foreign and defence ministers of the P-5 to a
non-proliferation strategic dialogue meeting prior to the 2010 NPT
Review Conference in pursuit of a joint P-5 position at the
conference (see Recommendation 22).
- Fund and contribute to a second, less formal track of
diplomatic activity involving former senior officials and policy
experts from the P-5 plus India, Pakistan and Israel, if possible.
This would not be easy to put together, but should be attempted and
should be aimed at identifying and thinking through the political
and strategic issues required for a phased progression to zero
nuclear weapons among this group, the representatives of which
would cover the eight key nuclear weapons states (both signatories
and non-signatories of the NPT) (see Recommendation 23). In
- To ensure that non-proliferation issues remain at the forefront
of national political debate and to ensure domestic awareness of
the need for these measures, the Defence Secretary and Foreign
Secretary should make annual joint statements to the House of
Commons on current proliferation concerns and trends, and on the
Government's full range of activities and resources being deployed
to respond to them (see Recommendation 24).
Source: IPPR website, www.ippr.org.uk.
UK does not need a Nuclear Deterrent
Nuclear weapons must not be seen to be vital to the secure
defence of self-respecting nations
Letter from Field Marshal Lord Bramall, General Lord
Ramsbotham and General Sir Hugh Beach to the Times, 16 January
Sir, Recent speeches made by the Prime Minister, Foreign
Secretary and the previous Defence Secretary, and the letter from
Douglas Hurd, Malcolm Rifkind, David Owen and George Robertson in
The Times on June 30, 2008, have placed the issue of a world free
of nuclear weapons firmly on the public agenda. But it is difficult
to see how the United Kingdom can exert any leadership and
influence on this issue if we insist on a costly successor to
Trident that would not only preserve our own nuclear-power status
well into the second half of this century but might actively
encourage others to believe that nuclear weapons were still,
somehow, vital to the secure defence of self-respecting
This is a fallacy which can best be illustrated by analysis of
the British so-called independent deterrent. This force cannot be
seen as independent of the United States in any meaningful sense.
It relies on the United States for the provision and regular
servicing of the D5 missiles. While this country has, in theory,
freedom of action over giving the order to fire, it is unthinkable
that, because of the catastrophic consequences for guilty and
innocent alike, these weapons would ever be launched, or seriously
threatened, without the backing and support of the United
Should this country ever become subject to some sort of nuclear
blackmail - from a terrorist group for example - it must be asked
in what way, and against whom, our nuclear weapons could be used,
or even threatened, to deter or punish. Nuclear weapons have shown
themselves to be completely useless as a deterrent to the threats
and scale of violence we currently, or are likely to, face -
particularly international terrorism; and the more you analyse them
the more unusable they appear.
The much cited "seat at the top table" no longer has the
resonance it once did. Political clout derives much more from
economic strength. Even major-player status in the international
military scene is more likely to find expression through effective,
strategically mobile conventional forces, capable of taking out
pinpoint targets, than through the possession of unusable nuclear
weapons. Our independent deterrent has become virtually irrelevant
except in the context of domestic politics. Rather than
perpetuating Trident, the case is much stronger for funding our
Armed Forces with what they need to meet the commitments actually
laid upon them. In the present economic climate it may well prove
impossible to afford both.
Source: The Times, 16 January 2009,
See following commentary in the Daily Telegraph,
the Independent and the Guardian at:
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