Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 90, Spring 2009
Will President Obama meet the Challenge to Control the
Conventional Arms Trade?
Natalie Goldring
The United Nations has increasingly been coming to grips with
the challenges posed by the global trade in conventional weapons.
It has largely done so over the opposition of the US government.
During the Bush administration, the United States regularly
attempted to block efforts by its allies to curb small arms and
light weapons (SALW), and also impeded more recent efforts to
promote an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). This article provides an update
on international efforts to curb the arms trade and asks: Will
President Obama's message of hope and change extend to controlling
conventional weapons transfers?
By necessity, this must be a provisional analysis, as few
sub-cabinet officials are in place and the new administration has
not yet articulated many policy approaches on these issues.
However, if the Obama administration is willing to take on the
challenges posed by conventional as well as nuclear weapons, this
article suggests some relatively low cost, high impact initiatives
it could begin to implement now.
The 2001 UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and
Light Weapons in All its Aspects put these weapons onto the
international diplomatic agenda and produced a Programme of Action
to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms
and Light Weapons (PoA) that has served as the framework for the
UN's work ever since. At the time, many analysts and advocates were
frustrated with the limited scope and ambition of the document,
which had been weakened during a lengthy preparatory process and
tough negotiations in which reluctant states had made their
agreement contingent on a substantial watering down of many
Subsequent biennial meetings in 2003 and 2005 were generally
disappointing. Advocates of more stringent controls on the licit
and illicit trade in small arms and light weapons wanted to
strengthen the PoA and take the UN's approach forward. Instead, we
found ourselves having to fight to prevent a roll back of progress
achieved in 2001, as international relations deteriorated.
In 2006, the United Nations held the first review conference for
the Programme of Action. Measured in both substantive and
procedural terms, the conference was also a disappointment. As
documented in previous articles, it failed to resolve key issues.[1] The consensus process made it
possible for progress to be blocked by a single country. This was
usually the United States, which did not even allow a final
statement from the meeting to be agreed.
In his evaluation of the outcome, the Chair of the 2006 Review
Conference, Prasad Kariyawasam of Sri Lanka, cited several causes,
including the failure to make progress during the Preparatory
Committee meeting for the conference; disagreements over what the
conference agenda should cover; the fact that some countries were
not willing to seek or agree to compromise; and the treating of
consensus as if it equalled unanimity. He also referred to a
"malaise" affecting all disarmament work in multilateral fora at
the time.[2]
The final document that states were negotiating in 2006 was
weaker in many respects than the 2001 Programme of Action. The US
determination to block a new agreement therefore had the
consequence of preventing the PoA from being formally diluted, an
irony that appeared lost on the Bush administration. This was
because the UN gives a great deal of deference to precedent and
generally continues to follow earlier agreements unless they have
been directly overruled or supplanted. Though this unintended
consequence may have been better than the alternative, the aim of
conventional arms control advocates was to move forward to build a
more effective regime. After the disappointments of the 2006 Review
Conference, few had high hopes for the 2008 Biennial Meeting of
The 2008 Biennial Meeting of States
Ambassador Dalius Cekuolis of Lithuania was only appointed as
the chair-designate of the 2008 Biennial Meeting of States in
December 2007, about seven months before the meeting opened. In
addition, no funding was provided for preparatory meetings, and the
conference itself was limited to a single week. To overcome these
significant obstacles, Cekuolis developed a new strategy and
immediately began substantive and procedural organizational tasks.
In his first round of consultations, held in New York and Geneva,
he stressed the need to find a different way to operate, in both
the preparatory process and in the meeting itself.
The conference mandate already included discussion of the
implementation of the International Tracing Instrument (formally
known as the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify
and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and
Light Weapons), so that was a given focal point for the discussion.
The International Tracing Instrument was approved by the General
Assembly in 2005, to improve governments' marking of small arms and
light weapons, and to increase the likelihood of tracing the
illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.
In addition to the required focus on the International Tracing
Instrument, Cekuolis suggested focusing on illicit brokering and
stockpile management and destruction or disposal of surplus
weapons. He also stressed the need to discuss two cross-cutting
issues: international cooperation, assistance and capacity
building; and how to improve the small arms process.
By the time of his April round of consultations, he had only
received national reports from 49 countries. This was
disappointing, as he wanted countries to use those reports as a
substitute for the traditionally lengthy general statements in the
Biennial Meeting. Accordingly, he focused significant attention on
this issue in his April consultations.
Cekuolis also appointed a set of facilitators to help prepare
work on the core conference issues. Jürg Streuli, Permanent
Representative of Switzerland to the Conference on Disarmament
(CD), dealt with stockpile management and surplus weapons disposal.
Daniel Avila Camacho of the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the
United Nations Office at Geneva led consideration of international
cooperation, assistance, and national capacity building. Hossam Aly
of the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations in New
York, took the lead on preparations for the International Tracing
Instrument, and Jong Kwon Youn of the Permanent Mission of the
Republic of Korea to the United Nations in New York, worked on
illicit brokering in small arms and light weapons. Cekuolis charged
these four with developing discussion papers and developing a plan
for each of their sessions of the Biennial Meeting. He also
negotiated a provisional agenda and a draft programme of work
during this time.
Overcoming past barriers to success
Aided by his Bureau of key diplomats, Cekuolis avoided some past
problems by controlling the process and agenda much more closely
than had been the case in the past. He did not permit the painfully
inefficient sessions on agenda structure that had plagued prior
conferences and preparatory committee meetings.
Cekuolis also took some unusual steps to enable increased
participation by civil society, an issue on which the UN lags
behind many other fora. While civil society representation on some
national delegations has become more common, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) have usually been formally limited to a
half-day presentation on the issues at SALW conferences. In
addition, negotiating sessions have generally been closed to NGO
representatives. By contrast, this time, NGOs led two sessions of
the 2008 conference, and virtually the entire conference was open
to civil society participation. This was a key change. It suggested
a realization that much of the expertise in the room belonged to
the NGO researchers.
As happens in many international fora, a few countries sought to
undermine the process. In this case, Iran was in the principal role
as spoiler, rather than the United States. The conference required
unusual procedures to produce an agreed final document, including a
vote on the final document itself. This vote was arguably the most
important change Cekuolis made.
When questioned during the week, he was deliberately vague on
his intentions but left open the possibility of a vote if delegates
were unsuccessful in reaching consensus on a final document.
However, there were indications that the Bureau did not expect
matters to get to that stage. As late as the last morning of the
conference, some Bureau members did not seem to understand how the
voting process would work if it were necessary.
On the last day of the conference, Cekuolis suspended the
plenary session several times, in an unsuccessful attempt to
continue private negotiations and secure Iran's agreement to the
final report. Iran continued to insist on either opening the
document to line-by-line negotiation (effectively killing it, given
the time constraints) or removing the substantive sections of the
document and downgrading them to a Chair's report.
After a series of procedural steps documenting the lack of
consensus, the meeting recessed into another conference room that
had voting facilities. In the end, only Iran and Zimbabwe abstained
from the resolution to adopt the final report of the conference.
The United States chose to be absent, but the other four permanent
members of the UN Security Council all voted in favour.
The difficulty of the organizers' task was compounded by the
fact that the meeting was held over the objections of the United
States. The US government had opposed continuing negotiations on
implementation of the PoA, particularly with respect to regular
meetings. The US argued that countries would be better off doing
the work, rather than meeting to report on it. The fact that the
United States still pays a larger share of the costs of UN-based
events than other countries was presumably also a factor.
Although the US government's reasoning may have appeared
sensible on its face, the fact is that such meetings serve as
attention-focusing events. Governments seem to get more done when
they are preparing for international meetings. As mentioned above,
only 49 countries had submitted their national reports by the 31
March 2008 deadline. By the conclusion of the meeting, 105
countries had reported, suggesting that the holding of the meeting
itself prompted some governments to complete and submit their
reports. As recent SALW meetings had ended in near-chaos, with
attempts to broker last-minute agreements generally failing, few
diplomats, activists or analysts had very high expectations going
into the Biennial Meeting. Yet it succeeded in adopting a final
document that was stronger than the drafts, an extremely rare
phenomenon in diplomatic circles.
The final document closely followed the structure initially
suggested by the chair. Three main topics were covered in the body
of the report: international cooperation, assistance and national
capacity-building; illicit brokering; and stockpile management and
surplus disposal. In addition, the annex to the report summarized
the implementation of the International Tracing Instrument. The
report provided an overview of the discussion in each substantive
area. In addition, each of the topics included a section on "The
way forward", with numerous suggestions for follow-on measures that
could be taken at national, subregional, regional, and
international levels.
The final document also mentioned several issues that are key to
civil society, and are not usually mentioned in this setting. These
included gender questions, root causes of conflict, building a
culture of peace, the importance of controlling ammunition,
civilian possession of weapons, and demand for small arms and light
weapons. Though incorporated into the body of the report in a
section on "other issues", their inclusion represents a
Proceedings to date have devoted markedly more attention to the
supply of small arms and light weapons than to demand for those
weapons, for example. The interrelationship between supply and
demand is critical, and requires further attention. In addition,
national delegations gave increased attention to issues related to
gender in their interventions at the 2008 biennial meeting. This
helped prompt what appears to be the first mention of gender issues
in the final conference documents of the various UN meetings on
this issue.
The agreement on a final document and the contents of that
document were not only a diplomatic triumph, but were also in
marked contrast to recent meetings, in that substance triumphed
over process. One factor that may have enabled this outcome was
that the role of the Bush administration was relatively minor. It
appears that a decision was taken for the US delegation to be
absent from most of the proceedings, though it was notably present
for the day devoted to consideration of issues related to the
marking and tracing of small arms and light weapons.
Most importantly, the success of the Biennial Meeting was due to
the effective preparations and strong management by the Chair.
Cekuolis followed a high risk, high reward strategy. He met with
key constituencies around the world, and worked with diplomats and
experts to draft an outcome document. He risked a great deal by
prohibiting line-by-line negotiations during the conference. And he
succeeded in enforcing this policy and bringing about a substantive
outcome, despite strenuous efforts by some participants to make him
abandon his approach.
UN First Committee resolutions
The success of the biennial meeting may have given increased
impetus to efforts to control conventional weapons transfers in the
2008 First Committee and General Assembly. Two of the several
resolutions dealing with conventional weapons in that setting have
particular significance for the issues addressed in this article:
the omnibus resolution on small arms and light weapons; and the
resolution on the Arms Trade Treaty.[3]
Adopted by 181 votes to 1, Resolution 63/72 on "The illicit
trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects" included
agreement to hold the next Biennial Meeting of States in 2010. This
will be followed by a one-week meeting of governmental experts in
2011, focusing on key challenges to implementation of the Programme
of Action. The next Review Conference is scheduled to be held in
2012. As with many arms control resolutions considered during the
Bush administration, the US government was the only "no" vote on
this resolution.
Resolution 63/72 continues the small arms process and provides
options for strengthening the PoA. The election of a new
administration in the United States is likely to remove one of the
largest barriers to progress on this issue. But the United States
was not the only major supplier to oppose strengthening the PoA, so
more obstacles still lie ahead.
Although efforts to develop an Arms Trade Treaty continue to
move forward within the UN process, countries appear to agree more
on the general concept than any specific provisions. Such a treaty
has significant potential, including linking international
humanitarian law and human rights, while also connecting small arms
and light weapons and other kinds of major conventional weapons.
The treaty would help to set global standards and make it more
difficult to undermine national laws controlling conventional
The resolution mandated a series of open-ended working group
meetings, beginning in 2009. The group is charged with seeking
possible areas of consensus for a prospective Arms Trade Treaty.
The fact that 114 states co-sponsored the ATT resolution in the
First Committee is cause for optimism. Even so, the debates
indicate that it may be extremely difficult to achieve consensus on
the substance of such a treaty. The United States and Zimbabwe
voted against this resolution in the First Committee. In the
General Assembly the United States was the only "no" vote, and
Resolution 63/240 "Towards an Arms Trade Treaty" was adopted by 133
votes to 1, with 19 abstentions.
The election of a new administration in the United States may
remove one of the largest obstacles to taking the ATT process to
the next stage. But even though the United States is reportedly
reviewing its position on the ATT, the ATT still faces many
challenges. It is still early in its development, and considering
the prospects for potentially moving toward a treaty is not the
same as actually negotiating a treaty. The United Nations is a
useful place for this initiative if it can keep the process moving,
but working within the UN is not the only viable approach. Informal
consultations have already taken place outside the UN, under the
auspices of interested governments.
Obama administration approaches
As a first-term Senator, Barack Obama indicated his interest in
this issue by joining Senator Dick Lugar (Republican from Indiana)
in an ambitious bi-partisan proposal to control conventional
weapons globally. Though this has contributed to optimism about the
potential of the Obama administration to take a more constructive
attitude towards conventional arms control, the new administration
has been largely silent on these issues. It is therefore too early
to draw robust conclusions about the administration's likely
Conventional weapons issues seem to be largely below the radar
in the early days of the Obama administration, and key positions
have yet to be filled. Other than one brief mention of the
Obama-Lugar initiative to control conventional weapons, the White
House website has very little information on what the new
administration plans to do to curb small arms and light weapons or
conventional weapons transfers.[4] The section on defence only discusses conventional
weapons in the context of issues such as domestic weapons
procurement, preserving global reach in the air, and maintaining
our power projection capacity at sea.[5] The section on foreign policy focuses primarily on
anti-terrorism efforts and nuclear weapons issues, though it
includes strong language about "Israel's Right to Self Defense" and
supporting foreign assistance to Israel.
In her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, Obama's nominee for US Ambassador to the United Nations,
Dr Susan Rice, mentioned the importance of regional political and
security challenges and identified four priorities: improving the
UN's capacity to carry out complex peace operations, addressing
climate change, preventing the spread and use of nuclear weapons,
and implementing the Millennium Development Goals. But the daily
toll of small arms and light weapons received scant attention.[6]
In turn, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stressed in her
confirmation hearing the need to use "smart power" to carry out
American diplomacy and emphasized the need to keep "weapons of mass
destruction" away from terrorists. Speaking of challenges in the
US-Mexico relationship, she couched the issue as "the shared danger
arising from drug-trafficking and the challenges of our border".[7] Absent from her analysis was
the fact that drug-traffickers increase the economic efficiency of
their operations by combining flights to bring drugs north with
return flights that bring US weapons south.
Unfortunately, the US statement to the March 2009 Open Ended
Working Group on an Arms Trade Treaty showed significant cynicism
about controlling conventional weapons transfers. The statement
accused ATT proponents of unrealistic behaviour: "...I have been
struck this week by the number of interventions proclaiming generic
and laudable 'goals, objectives, parameters, and elements' that fit
more appropriately into a treatise following on to Thomas More's
By contrast, in an April 2009 visit to Mexico, President Obama
stressed the urgency of dealing with the drug-gun connection. In a
prepared statement, he said, "...it is absolutely critical that the
United States joins as a full partner in dealing with this issue,
both through initiatives like the Merida Initiative, but also on
our side of the border, in dealing with the flow of guns and cash
Interim steps to improve US standing
Expensive initiatives are highly unlikely in the current
economic climate, but some early, inexpensive steps could be taken
by the Obama administration. Under Ambassador Rice's leadership,
the Obama administration is already beginning to rebuild the United
States' reputation.
Demonstrating active US government support for negotiations
towards an Arms Trade Treaty would be welcomed by US allies. It
would also send an important message about our willingness to
re-engage in conventional arms control. This would not commit the
United States to specific wording - or even to a treaty. But it
would demonstrate US engagement in an internationally-advocated
process to set a new global norm that takes into account the short-
and long- run benefits and costs of the global arms trade.
Another possibility would be to return to an effort that began
during the Clinton administration, which was to focus on those
small arms and light weapons that are likely to be most useful to
terrorists and non-state actors. The Bush administration was
unwilling to consider any restrictions on transfers to non-state
actors, but if the Obama administration were to revisit this
initiative, the United States might well find common cause with
other governments concerned about arming criminal gangs and
The Obama administration could also begin to develop clearer
distinctions between licit and illicit transfers. The so-called
'grey market' consists of arms transfers that may not technically
be illegal, but have often been concealed - usually for political
or economic reasons. At the 2008 biennial meeting, France offered
an initiative in this respect, proposing closer control of SALW
transfers to "restrict the grey area in which arms traffickers,
non-state actors, terrorist movements and organised crime have
access to arms..."[10] US
support for this initiative would be consistent with the new
administration's emphasis on increasing the transparency of
government decisions and actions.
Significant change on these and related issues is likely to be
impossible unless the Obama administration works to increase
cooperation with civil society groups dedicated to controlling
conventional weapons. Such cooperation would be a welcome change
from the previous US administration, which frequently shut out arms
control groups while including National Rifle Association board
members in its delegations to UN conferences. To combat the scourge
of conventional weapons, it is necessary to draw on the assets,
resources and commitments of knowledgeable NGOs as well as
These are complex issues, and long-term substantive change is
likely to require a more ambitious set of proposals than is
detailed here. By beginning with these modest steps, however, the
United States can start to reverse the worst excesses of the Bush
administration, as President Obama has already begun to do in so
many other areas.
[1] Natalie J. Goldring, "2006 Review
Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons: A Study in
Frustration," Disarmament Diplomacy 84
(Spring 2007).
Prasad Kariyawasam, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the
United Nations, Chair's Statement, October 12, 2006, found at:
For coverage of the 2008 First Committee, see Michael Spies,
"Between Irrelevance and a New Era: Report on the 2008 UN First
Committee," Disarmament Diplomacy 89
(Winter 2008).
White House Fact Sheet, The Agenda: Foreign Policy, accessed at www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/foreign_policy/,
3 April 2009.
White House Fact Sheet, The Agenda: Defense, accessed at www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/defense/,
3 April 2009.
Susan Rice, Statement before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, Nomination Hearing to become Permanent Representative of
the United States to the United Nations, January 15,
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Statement before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee Nomination Hearing To Be Secretary of State, 13
January 2009.
United States Mission to the United Nations, "United States
Statement: ATT Session One," delivered 5 March 2009, accessed at
docs/OEWG09_S1_statements/US-5Mar.PDF 20 April
"Remarks by President Barack Obama at welcoming ceremony," Los
Pinos, Mexico City, Mexico, 16 April 2009, accessed at
-at-Welcoming-Ceremony-in-Mexico-4-16-09/, 20 April 2009. The
Merida Initiative is a cooperative arrangement between the US and
Mexican governments, as well as participating governments in
Central America. It is designed to combat organized crime and drug
Statement delivered by the Representative of France to the 2008
Biennial Meeting of States under topic number 2, Fight illicit
brokering in SALW, 15 July 2008.
Dr. Natalie J. Goldring is a Senior Fellow in
the Center for Peace and Security Studies and an Adjunct Full
Professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University.
Dr. Goldring has written extensively on conventional and nuclear
weapons, the international arms trade, non-proliferation, and small
arms and light weapons. She earned her PhD in Political Science
from MIT, with a specialization in defense and arms control; her
Master's in Public Policy from Harvard's Kennedy School; and her BA
from Wellesley College.
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