Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 91, Summer 2009
Midpoint between Review Conferences: Next Steps to Strengthen
the BWC
Nicholas A. Sims
The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) is half way
between its five-yearly review conferences. This midpoint offers
the opportunity to take stock of what has happened since 2006 and
consider what needs to take centre-stage at the Seventh Review
Conference in 2011. Filippa Lentzos discussed one of the main
themes for the Seventh Review Conference agenda in Disarmament Diplomacy 89: how to improve
the compilation and analysis of returns for the confidence-building
measures (CBMs) inherited from 1987-1991 and reform the CBM
programme so that the measures identified actually build
confidence.[1] Kathryn
McLaughlin's article in the same issue touched on another important
subject for 2011: how to continue improving the intersessional
process and involvement of scientists, including
science-and-technology (S&T) reviews to make sure that
developments relevant to biological weapons are considered in the
right forum at the right time so that they actually inform the
working of the BWC.[2]
This article examines two more key themes for 2011:
strengthening structures for remedying the institutional deficit;
and an accountability framework for organizing collective scrutiny.
They correspond to two chapters in my book The Future of
Biological Disarmament, where they are considered more fully
under the heading 'BWC: Next Steps'.[3] They ought to be among the subjects nearest the
heart of the Seventh Review Conference, prominent on its agenda so
that the necessary decisions can be taken by the Conference.
Strengthening Structures for Remedying the Institutional
Compared with the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the BWC has
very few institutions. The lack of an Organization for the
Prohibition of Biological Weapons (OPBW) equivalent to the
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) may be
attributed to the absence of a BWC verification system, and more
particularly to the deadlock in the BWC Ad Hoc Group. This body,
established in 1995, might have added some 'compliance measures'
verging on verification through the strengthening Protocol it was
trying to negotiate up to July 2001; and it was on track to create
an OPBW. But it failed and the Group, although still notionally
living in suspended animation, shows no sign of being reconvened.
Any future OPBW, if eventually one is instituted, will have a
different origin. It is most likely to arise when the BWC states
parties in the medium-to-long term find they have reached the
limits of what can be done incrementally by means of 'extended
understandings and agreements', a step-by-step route dependent upon
the cumulative effect of language agreed for outcome documents of
successive review conferences. If BWC parties become sufficiently
frustrated by the limitations of this process, they may instead
resolve to negotiate a legal basis for new collective tasks (not
necessarily verification as traditionally understood) and if they
decide that a treaty organization is necessary to carry out such
tasks, then an OPBW could be negotiated and agreed at the same
time. In the meantime the institutional gap which the OPBW would
have filled can best be remedied through less all-encompassing
institutions designed to support the BWC as it stands, unamended
and without a strengthening Protocol. The defining characteristic
of these strengthening structures is that, unlike an OPBW, they
take their authority from review conferences and can be adjusted or
discontinued as the health of the treaty dictates.
The single most concrete achievement of the Sixth Review
Conference was the creation of a BWC Implementation Support
Unit (ISU) within the Geneva Branch of the UN Office for
Disarmament Affairs. Three full-time posts were guaranteed funding
for four years. The ISU came into being in August 2007 and has
provided a welcome focus for coordination as well as an information
resource and much practical support to the BWC states parties. It
has been very careful to respect the limits of its mandate and to
avoid trespassing on political preserves.
In 2011 the Seventh Review Conference should at the very least
renew the mandate of the ISU for a further five years. It could
usefully go further and loosen the tight constraints under which
the ISU is having to operate for its first four years. For
instance, its role in assisting comprehensive implementation of the
BWC could be made as explicit as its role in helping the efforts to
promote universalization by the successive Chairs of the BWC
meetings between review conferences. In practice these two aspects
of BWC promotion are inextricably linked, but as part of a
then-necessary compromise the ISU's 2006 mandate fudged the issue.
Its CBM-assisting functions could also benefit from restatement in
clearer terms. A voluntary fund might be set up to augment the
budgetary assessments on states parties (£33,412 from the UK)
which have provided its core funding (£280,013 in 2008).[4] Such a fund would enable the
ISU to extend its activities when specifically authorized, without
detriment to its core tasks. And it would also benefit greatly from
a modest expansion in staffing, from three to five as its full-time
complement for the next quinquennium, to be augmented as necessary
when meetings are in session.
So far, the assumption is that the BWC simply retains an ISU.
But there is much to be said for establishing a Standing
Secretariat that would subsume the ISU's functions but
service the BWC as a whole. Such a secretariat was recommended in
2006 by the WMD Commission chaired by Hans Blix.[5] It would not need to be much bigger, or more
expensive, than a slightly-expanded ISU as described above. If
given a mandate of broad scope and indefinite duration it could
respond more effectively to changing circumstances and needs and
promote the treaty in its entirety. By contrast, the ISU by its
very nature is more narrowly oriented, and so has the disadvantage
of relative inflexibility.
As noted in my book, "In 2006 administration, promotion of
universalization and CBM-facilitation appeared as the top
priorities, and the ISU was tasked accordingly. But in a few years'
time states parties' perceptions of where help is most needed may
have shifted. A standing secretariat may then be better placed to
adjust priorities."[6] In this
perspective, an ISU is a second-best remedy; but renewal of its
mandate, preferably expanded, for 2011-2016 would still be much
better than nothing if a standing secretariat is unobtainable.
One of the easiest next steps to take would be to formalize the
BWC Annual Meeting. The Meeting of States Parties
preceded by a Meeting of Experts has been the agreed format for the
intersessional programmes of 2003-2005 and 2007-2010. Each year
these bodies are confined to their allocated topic or topics. In
2006 the Sixth Review Conference ostensibly rejected the notion of
recurrent agenda items. This is despite the fact that it had
previously taken other decisions that meant that in the second
series (unlike the first) there would always be two recurrent
items. This was ensured by requiring the ISU to report on its
activities and for the Chair each year to report on progress
towards universalization.
It is high time to discard the pretence that each year's work
programme is self-contained. A BWC Annual Meeting would be a
natural evolution out of the Meeting of States Parties as it has
developed through the first two intersessional series. It could
still deal with special topics allocated year by year but its core
agenda would embrace the central concerns of the treaty. An
Accountability Framework (discussed below) would provide at least
one substantive session. Collective scrutiny of BWC-relevant
developments in science and technology would provide another. And a
systematic discussion of each year's CBM returns could be a
Freeing up its agenda by removing the constraints insisted on in
2002 would enable the Annual Meeting to serve the needs of the BWC
with greater precision and build momentum year on year instead of
having to leave most aspects of the Convention to be reviewed at
five-year intervals. (Review conferences would still assess the
health of the BWC and steer its course for the next five years, but
would do their job more effectively if there were annual meetings
in between.) Instituting BWC Annual Meetings with a freed-up agenda
would also nurture a balanced approach to the evolution of the BWC
treaty regime in each of its sectors.[7]
The Chair would continue to report on progress towards BWC
universality, and the ISU on its activities. There would be value
in taking stock of parallel but independent regime-building
developments outside the BWC framework: these might range from the
development of prudential constraints on biotechnology and other
areas of research (which could help bolster the BWC constraint on
weapons development) to the use of the international criminal law
to establish individual responsibility and eliminate impunity by
specifically criminalizing chemical and biological weapon
activities.[8] It is also
hoped that the Seventh Review Conference succeeds in adopting an
Action Plan on Comprehensive Implementation. This was proposed by
the President of the Sixth Review Conference, Ambassador Masood
Khan (Pakistan) in 2006, but at too late a point in the Conference
to be adopted.[9] Such an
Action Plan, embracing elements of Article IV (on national
implementation) and Article X (on development / peaceful exchanges
of S&T) without limiting itself to either, would provide rich
subject matter for comparison of experience and exhortation to
greater efforts.
An Annual Meeting could also handle the 'consolidation agenda'
of progress towards completion of long-standing collective
commitments. The BWC parties long ago committed themselves to
joining the 1925 Geneva Protocol and, since it came into existence,
the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. Not all have done so. Those
which are already parties to the 1925 Protocol need to complete the
process of ridding themselves of reservations which purport to
reserve a right of retaliation with bacteriological warfare. BWC
Review Conferences called for the withdrawal of such reservations
in 1991 and, more forcefully, in 1996 and 2006. They are evidently
incompatible with the absolute renunciation of bacteriological
warfare which adherence to the BWC logically entails. Ireland,
declaring that to maintain its 1930 reservation would undermine the
BWC, took action accordingly in 1972; by 2002 nineteen governments
had followed its example. But almost as many states parties to the
1925 Protocol and the BWC have yet to take the necessary action.[10]
In 2005, on the eightieth anniversary of the Protocol, further
calls for the withdrawal of the remaining reservations came jointly
from its depositary government (France) and its host-country
(Switzerland), and also from Kofi Annan as UN Secretary-General.
The UN General Assembly repeated this call most recently on 2
December 2008, in its customary biennial resolution on Measures to
uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol.[11] It may be that some governments
are embarrassed to admit to holding on to legal positions that
imply a half-hearted commitment to the BWC; others may consider the
reservations politically obsolete or legally superseded. Three
review conferences, however, have agreed on what they need to do:
simply withdraw their reservations. And if they want to save face,
or blame a colonial past from which (in some cases) they may have
inherited an unwanted reservation, they can always call it a
regularization of their Geneva Protocol status for the avoidance of
The Chairs of BWC intersessional meetings now report each year
on prospects for individual accessions and ratifications, in the
framework of promoting universalization. (One notable improvement
since 2006 is that they contact the foreign ministers of
non-parties and follow this up with their permanent missions in New
York, and then report state by state on which non-parties are
thought to be nearest to accession or ratification.) Why not also
report on the BWC's progress towards completing its 'consolidation
agenda'? There would then be a stronger incentive for the minority
of BWC parties which have dragged their heels to move forward and
become parties also to the 1925 Protocol, without reservation, and
to the CWC - and, if already parties to the 1925 Protocol, to
withdraw any surviving reservations inconsistent with their BWC
Another proposal for consideration is whether the BWC Annual
Meeting should be preceded by a single Meeting of Experts or served
by working groups, which might have a continuing existence. What is
important is that the overall allocation of BWC time in the year
should not be further diminished from the present two weeks (down
from three following a decision of the Sixth Review
The BWC exists in a scientific context which has altered
drastically from the assumptions of the 1972 text and is still
changing fast. One way to address this is through establishment of
a Scientific Advisory Panel. Science and technology
input to review conferences has been spasmodic, and never
systematically considered. In any case, in view of the pace of
development and innovation in the biosciences, five years is too
long an interval for S&T reviews. Kathryn McLaughlin has
commented on how S&T matters like the rise of synthetic biology
are beginning to appear in the margins of the August BWC Meetings
of Experts devoted to specific topics.[12] Assessments need to be pooled and discussed by the
BWC community as a whole. These collective S&T reviews need to
be undertaken every year in an expert forum. Whether organized as
an appointed panel or as a looser network of scientific advisers, a
forum of this kind would enable different specialisms, as well as
different governments, to feed in their assessments of what is
happening in the life sciences and elsewhere in the S&T
universe that has a bearing on the health of the BWC. States
parties need to be informed, in particular, of those areas where
the balance of incentives and disincentives that upholds BWC
compliance is coming under pressure, any 'mid-spectrum' gaps
emerging between the BWC and CWC, and other issues the Annual
Meeting should consider. It does not matter, for example, if some
potential weapons, notably toxins, are banned twice over; it does
matter if some are not banned at all.
A Legal Advisory Panel could help bring light into
some dark corners of the BWC. Most (not quite all) of the
outstanding legal issues in contention concern the definition of
terms in Article I, and some have a bearing on the vital question
of how far biodefence programmes can go without breaching the
Convention. Governments may hold on to their own juridical
positions as tenaciously as they do their S&T assessments, but
in a multilateral treaty it ought surely to be possible to bring
them into the open. This requires a panel of legal experts to
provide the necessary forum and advise the Annual Meeting.
A possible objection is that such a forum might serve to amplify
discordant voices and provide another arena for acrimonious
exchanges. As discussed in more detail in my book, such concerns
have to be weighed against "the corrosive effect on the BWC in the
longer run of allowing rival interpretations to continue
indefinitely, with no concerted attempt to resolve them being made
by the states parties collectively. If different governments
understand their obligations differently, there is an absence of
symmetry which at best is unhelpful and at worst erodes the basic
reciprocity of obligation on which all treaty relationships are
The BWC's institutional deficit is as noteworthy at the national
level as at the international. Under Article VII.4 of the Chemical
Weapons Convention, every state party has to "designate or
establish a [CWC] National Authority to serve as the national focal
point for effective liaison with the [OPCW] and other States
Parties". The BWC has no equivalent provision (nor of course an
Organization), but the ISU is building up a list of named focal or
contact points within governments, for liaison with itself and with
the other parties.
This minimal infrastructure was commended to all states parties
in 2006. One aim for 2011 should be an upgrading of this
commendation of focal or contact points to a clear call for
BWC National Authorities in each capital. The Seventh
Review Conference could declare this to be part of fulfilling
Article IV (on national implementation), as the Sixth already
declared that penal legislation is integral to effective national
implementation. The National Authority would coordinate
implementation and reporting, and all aspects of fulfilment of the
state's obligations. Some states parties might co-locate their BWC
and CWC National Authorities or even, like the Czech Republic,
merge them into a single National Authority. It would be useful at
the Seventh Review Conference for states to share their experience
in such areas and discuss the Prague model and other mechanisms,
with a view to helping everyone identify the essential components
and build on best practice, which could be adapted as necessary to
their own circumstances.
What is important is that the institutional deficit in capitals,
as well as at Geneva, should be remedied. Otherwise it looks as if
governments are taking the BWC less seriously than the CWC, or are
making the mistake of supposing they can have biological
disarmament on the cheap.
Returning to the remedies at the international level, the
question of integration/separability arises. As discussed in
greater detail in my book, there is an evident synergy among the
institutions proposed: "They could stand alone; but there is
also a logic of integration according to which the Annual Meeting
would be able to operate better for receiving advice from panels of
scientific and legal experts, and for being served by a standing
secretariat... Likewise, the panels and the secretariat would be
able to operate better for the regular political direction of the
Annual Meeting to which they would report. In more abstract terms,
the interplay between the technical and political realms, and
between law, science and diplomacy, would be enhanced by such
integration. Throughout the history of disarmament, these have been
recurrent and damaging disjunctions. There is a good opportunity to
overcome them in the case of the BWC, and the next steps for the
Convention should therefore include a determined attack on the
institutional deficit by the addition of new strengthening
structures or interim support mechanisms to the ISU agreed in
Accountability Framework for Organizing Collective
Accountability should be a key concept in a healthy multilateral
treaty. Every state party accounts to every other state party for
the performance of its treaty obligations. Because it is
multilateral, the BWC affords them the convenience of universal
accountability, accounting to everyone in a single document instead
of explaining themselves to each treaty partner separately. The
downside is that with 163 states parties, of which some are more
conscious than others of their responsibilities and some are more
conscientious in the exercise of those responsibilities,
reciprocity is imperfect; and the obvious remedies available to an
aggrieved party in a bilateral treaty if openness is unequal or
compliance one-sided are simply not available. Some parties do not
join in but still receive information from others because
accountability is universal. Some free-rider problems are
inevitable; a diffuse reciprocity is the most we can hope for. The
challenge now is to organize accountability on a systematic basis
which maximizes the value of that diffuse reciprocity. This can
best be done by taking forward, independently, the accountability
framework proposed by Canada to the Sixth Review Conference.[15]
States parties' accountability arises from a treaty relationship
between states and is primarily towards one another. But to see
that as the end of the matter accords ill with a human security
perspective, or notions of global civil society, or the still newer
concept of disarmament as humanitarian action. At its simplest the
concept of accountability has to be widened beyond the
state-to-state dimension because others have a legitimate interest
in the BWC too. Biological disarmament is championed by
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other civil society
actors, including those of the medical and scientific professions
with a stake in the health of the BWC. Many such actors have their
own ideas to contribute, along with the credibility and experience
born of long-term commitment to the Convention. As Kathryn
McLaughlin observes, over recent years the ranks of these 'Friends
of the Convention' have been "visibly growing, as BWC discussions
have evolved to encompass a broader range of stakeholders from
different government departments, the scientific communities and
increasingly the private sector".[16] She also notes that the role of NGOs in the life
of the BWC is in transition, towards a closer involvement.
However, governments must not be let off the hook. It is still
they who determine most directly the trajectory of the BWC, and who
can do it the most harm or good. So let accountability start
with governments and build on existing practice, which the wider
community of 'Friends of the Convention' can encourage them to
develop more imaginatively.
An accountability framework for the BWC could build on the
practice of national compliance reporting to review conferences.
This practice goes back to 1979; a request from the very first
PrepCom generated 27 reports to the First Review Conference, in
March 1980, from among the then 87 states parties. Unfortunately
this practice has remained, over three decades, patchy and
unsystematic. Some states parties report more fully and
informatively than others; many, not at all. In 2006 there were
only 22 national compliance reports to the Sixth Review Conference
from among 155 states parties, a diminution only partly
attributable to the advent of concurrent CBM returns from 1987
Even among those governments which report to every review
conference there is no standard structure or set of categories.
Most discouraging of all, perhaps, there is no forum for
consideration and discussion of the national compliance reports
that some governments do take the trouble to offer to their treaty
partners. The officials compiling such reports may wonder whether
they are going to be read, or will simply disappear into the void.
Hence, it is hardly surprising that some are lightweight, reading
as if submitted only for form's sake. A review conference which
does not organize itself to provide a forum for scrutiny offers
little incentive to states parties to supply such reports.
This is where Canada's 2006 idea of an accountability
session within the Annual Meeting comes in. At such a
session, as the concept has been independently developed, states
parties would focus squarely on their accountability, to one
another in the first instance, and ultimately beyond the
state-to-state dimension to the wider humanity they represent. The
knowledge that their reports would be collectively scrutinized in a
forum set aside for the purpose should provide a powerful incentive
to compilers to take the practice seriously.
The basis would be reports on how the BWC is being made to work:
what each party is doing to implement it, obligation by obligation,
or sector by sector, which means largely (but not exclusively)
article by article. (Some cross-cutting issues might need to be
added where they do not fit comfortably under one article heading.
And Articles IV (on national implementation) and V (on consultation
and cooperation) have for some time now been conventionally
subdivided for purposes of report and commentary.) Using the
articles of the Convention, slightly extended and modified, as the
basic building-block of an accountability framework has the
advantage of using a structure with which governments are
reasonably familiar and which several have chosen to use in their
national compliance reports since 1979.
If it is thought impractical, within an accountability session
of manageable length, to scrutinize every state party's entire
performance every year, there could be a five-year cycle over which
the parties' reports would be distributed. Alternatively, there
could be a thematic rotation. Under this alternative, all states
parties would report on a specific, limited, group of articles in a
given year, and on another group of articles the year after. Such
an arrangement would highlight the sectoral quality of the treaty
regime by grouping articles into themes or sectors. It would also
have the advantage of blending well with the allocation of topics
to years for special consideration within a third intersessional
programme for 2012-2015, if the pattern of intersessional meetings
continues beyond the Seventh Review Conference (preferably with
their BWC Annual Meeting status made explicit and a freed-up agenda
which allows recurrent items alongside specific topics allocated to
particular years).
Would an accountability framework ever subsume annual returns in
the CBM mode? Eventually perhaps, but only when firmly established.
In the short term it is more important to reform CBMs in their own
right[17] than to fit them
into a new framework. So, for example, in the period 2012-2015 an
accountability framework could run alongside CBMs, with the
advantage of not being limited to their subject matter. Each state
party can reflect on what it has done to implement the BWC and
announce whatever it considers pertinent under the relevant article
or sector or theme. In scrutinizing a state's report, other parties
can query gaps and ask for clarification or further information.
They can even, if necessary, challenge the veracity of a report.
Accountability is not always comfortable. It has an inherently hard
edge to it.
Because of this hard edge, the accountability framework might
even be seen as a more systematic form of 'appropriate
international procedure' under Article V, less adversarial than the
Consultative Meeting (available since 1980 but only ever used on
one occasion, by Cuba in 1997) but less ad hoc than individual
demarches. It would give substance to the Article V obligation to
consult and cooperate. Of course, the Article V contingency
mechanism of a Consultative Meeting would still be available for
grave issues of compliance diplomacy. So, too, would the ultimate
resort of complaint to the Security Council under Article VI
(noting, however, the stringent conditions built into its text
which have narrowed its applicability so much that it has not been
used even once in the history of the BWC). But one of the
advantages of the accountability framework is its flexibility. It
is neither inherently adversarial nor inherently limited to being a
mere mutual admiration society of the virtuous.
Every state party has an interest in demonstrating its own
compliance and seeking reassurance over the compliance of others.
An accountability framework is the best way of organizing this
collective scrutiny. It maximizes the value of diffuse reciprocity.
It builds on existing (patchy) practice and makes it more
systematic. As a potential outcome of the Seventh Review Conference
it would take the treaty relationship of BWC states parties into a
new era. But first the idea has to be promoted: "To get it on to
the 2011 agenda will require sustained effort and a widening
consensus that the accountability framework offers an egalitarian
method of demonstrating compliance, available to all states parties
without exception."[18]
UK Commitments to Strengthen the BWC
Parliamentarians and others in civil society have a vital role
to play. Some governments need encouragement to give higher
priority to strengthening the BWC. Other governments, already
committed to such strengthening, can be asked precisely what they
propose to do about it at the Seventh Review Conference, item by
item. Here is a recent example of such a statement.
In its report of 14 June 2009 entitled Global Security:
Non-Proliferation, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the UK
House of Commons concentrated understandably on the NPT and other
nuclear-weapon policy issues. But it did not neglect the BWC and
CWC (or conventional weapons). On the BWC it stated:
"We conclude that strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons
Convention should be a priority for the Government in the absence
of a verification protocol. We recommend that in its response to
this Report the Government should comment on the specific
suggestions aimed at achieving this end, set out in previous
paragraphs, and outline what measures it intends to pursue further
at the Seventh Review Conference in 2011. The suggested measures
include an Accountability Framework, Action Plan for Comprehensive
Implementation, better collective scrutiny of developments in
technology, an expansion of the role and staff of the
Implementation Support Unit, formal annual meetings, work to refine
and improve the Confidence-Building Measures, a consolidation
agenda of politically-binding commitments agreed at earlier Review
Conferences and criminalization of biological weapons activities at
the individual level."[19]
Optimistic Context for Next Steps
The context in which these institutional remedies and
accountability framework are proposed is a relatively hopeful one
for the BWC, marked by the recovery of self-confidence which the
modest successes of the Sixth Review Conference engendered. It is a
context in which small steps are more likely to prove acceptable
than drastic changes. The process of reinforcing the strength of
the treaty is assumed to be incremental and evolutionary. Its
success depends on building on what already exists, using the
Convention as it stands more creatively and maximizing its value as
a working treaty.
So the next steps in remedying the institutional deficit
include: extending the existing ISU into a Standing Secretariat
(or, failing that, renewing the ISU with an improved mandate and
slightly larger staff); formalizing a BWC Annual Meeting towards
which the meetings of the second intersessional series have been
moving; putting scientific and technological review on to a more
frequent and systematic footing, with advisory panels to pool
expertise on S&T issues, and perhaps legal issues too, as
befits a multilateral treaty; and extending the focal points of
contact in capitals into BWC National Authorities. Likewise,
development of Canada's proposed accountability framework should
build incrementally on the 30 years old, but patchy, practice of
national compliance reporting.
Is this wish-list realistic? Much depends on the attitude of the
United States. John Bolton's undiplomatic forays to Geneva in 2001
and 2002 left a legacy of distrust in the United States and
constrained the first intersessional programme (2003-2005). This
was particularly evident in the run-up to the Sixth Review
Conference when the pervasive question was 'How much will the US
allow?' Even in late 2007 the US delegation was still warning the
Europeans against stretching the limits of the ISU mandate by task
expansion into new, unauthorized areas. In over-reacting to a mild
EU initiative to help the ISU do its job properly, this US 'shot
across the bows' produced a frisson - as no doubt was the
The US was not, however, the only brake on progress in 2006.
Assuming a less grudging attitude to BWC reinforcement from
President Obama's administration, there are two other necessary
One is the formation of a core group of like-minded states, not
necessarily as clearcut and prominent as those which steered the
Ottawa Process to the landmines ban in 1996-97 and the Oslo Process
to the Convention on Cluster Munitions in 2007-08, but with a
similarly shared vision of the outcome they desire. It might be
based on the JACKSNNZ group,[21] with some overlap with the EU-plus and Latin
American groups which were the other two most productive groupings
at the Sixth Review Conference. Its role would include mapping out
the common ground (of which the three groupings had found a great
deal in 2006), identifying viable proposals and steering the main
ones into the agenda-setting process. This needs to be done
earlier, and with greater deliberation, than in 2006. Key stages in
this process will include the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for
the Seventh Review Conference.
Canada tried in vain to make the April 2006 PrepCom a
substantive occasion, but it remained stubbornly procedure-only.
The attempt to give the PrepCom an extended role should be resumed
for 2011. There is no good reason why 'preparation' should be
limited to procedure, when there is so much more that could be
prepared on matters of substance. Why not, for example, work on
draft elements for the final document? Then it would become clearer
which parts needed intensive textual work after the PrepCom. This
would still leave the more intractable issues and related decisions
to be negotiated at the Conference itself, where the core group's
solidarity and determination would be critical to success.
The other necessary condition is the insulation of the BWC, so
far as may be possible, from the repercussions of nuclear
antagonisms. The BWC's Seventh Review Conference will be boosted by
the success of the NPT's Eighth Review Conference, which occurs in
May 2010. Conversely, failure at the 2010 NPT Conference could
undermine the chances of BWC success in 2011 much more than was the
case in 2005-2006,[22] because
the stakes are higher and the potential demoralization greater.
The best antidote to such demoralization is of course a
successful outcome to the NPT review in 2010. But meanwhile there
is much to be done within the BWC to promote its own health. At
this midpoint between reviews the next steps to make it work better
are clear. The major responsibility for achieving them continues to
rest on the governments of all states parties. "With confidence,
ingenuity and determination they can strengthen the BWC and
reinforce it as a permanent structure on the international scene
and the cornerstone of the treaty regime guarding against the
deliberate weaponization of disease. The future of biological
disarmament demands no less.".[23]
[1] Filippa Lentzos, 'Reaching a Tipping
Point: Strengthening BWC Confidence-Building Measures', Disarmament Diplomacy 89 (Winter 2008), pp
Kathryn McLaughlin, 'Bringing Biologists on Board: Report from the
2008 Meeting of BWC Experts', Disarmament Diplomacy 89 (Winter 2008), pp
Nicholas A. Sims, The Future of Biological Disarmament:
Strengthening the Treaty Ban on Weapons (London: Routledge,
2009), chapter 6 'BWC next steps (1): an Accountability Framework
for organising collective scrutiny', pp 94-114; chapter 7 'BWC next
steps (2): strengthening structures for remedying the institutional
deficit', pp 115-140.
Figures provided in UK House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee,
Global Security: Non-Proliferation, Fourth Report of Session
2008-09, HC 222 (London: The Stationery Office, 2009), p 85,
paragraph 196 of main report.
Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, Weapons of Terror:
Freeing the World of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms
(Stockholm: Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, 2006), p 119,
Recommendation 34.
Sims (2009) p 128.
Sectoral analysis of the BWC treaty regime in Nicholas A. Sims,
The Evolution of Biological Disarmament, SIPRI Chemical
& Biological Warfare Studies 19 (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2001) identified at different stages in their evolution a
multi-layered regime of compliance, a regime of
development and a regime of permanence, incomplete
without (in addition to remedies for the institutional deficit) a
regime of research.
Harvard Sussex Program on CBW Armament and Arms Limitation, 'A
Draft Convention to Prohibit Biological and Chemical Weapons under
International Criminal Law', The CBW Conventions Bulletin 42
(December 1998), pp 1-2.
Masood Khan, 'The 2006 BWC Conference: The President's
Reflections', Disarmament Diplomacy 84
(Spring 2007), p 15.
Sims (2009), pp 25-28.
UNGA Res. 63/53; Disarmament Diplomacy
89 (Winter 2008), p 12, p 22.
McLaughlin (2008), p 47.
Sims (2009), pp 125-126.
Sims (2009), p 137.
Canada, 'Accountability Framework', BWC/CONF.VI/WP.1 (20 October
(2008), pp 46-47.
Lentzos (2008).
Sims (2009), p 112.
UK House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee (2009), paragraph
211, p 91. The 'previous paragraphs' referred to are paragraphs
193-210 within chapter 4 'Biological and chemical weapons'
(paragraphs 166-218) of the main report, pp 73-94.
Sims (2009), p 130. The fullest report of this episode is in Graham
S. Pearson, 'The Biological Weapons Convention Meeting of States
Parties, December 2007', The CBW Conventions Bulletin 78
(February 2008), pp 8-9, p 16.
JACKSNNZ (pronounced "Jacksons") is an informal grouping of seven
BWC states parties which takes its name from their initial letters:
Japan, Australia, Canada, Korea (Republic of), Switzerland, Norway,
New Zealand. All are non-EU and non-nuclear-weapon members of the
Western Group. They emphasize the flexibility of their grouping and
their preference for loose coordination, as opposed to tight
control, of policies and papers which remain national for each. The
JACKSNNZ grouping's significance at the BWC Sixth Review
Conference, and its potential role at the Seventh, are discussed in
Sims (2009), pp 85-88.
The BWC Sixth Review Conference adopted its final document
following a series of failures to agree outcome documents elsewhere
in the realm of disarmament diplomacy, a pattern of which delegates
were well aware and which they were keen to break. The failure of
the Seventh NPT Review Conference to agree a final declaration was
only one of a succession of disappointing conference outcomes in
2005 and 2006 and by November 2006 had been somewhat overshadowed
by others at New York and Geneva.
Sims (2009), p 176.
Nicholas A. Sims is a Reader in International Relations at
the London School of Economics and Political Science. His latest
book is The Future of Biological Disarmament: Strengthening the
Treaty Ban on Weapons (Routledge, 2009, ISBN 978-0-415-47580-8,
£70 hardback).
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