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Disarmament DocumentationBack to Disarmament Documentation Director-General Dr Mohamed ElBaradei statement to IAEA General Conference, September 18, 2006Statement to the Fiftieth Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference 2006 by IAEA Director General Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA General Conference, Vienna, September 18, 2006. Anniversaries are a time of reflection and renewal. There is much to be learned by looking back on the 50-year history of Atoms for Peace in its many applications - from the days of the first power reactor operations, safeguards inspections, safety guidance and transfer of nuclear technology, all the way to our programme today. In celebrating our 50th anniversary, our goal is to broaden awareness of the scope of the Agency´s mission and activities - our contributions to development, nuclear safety and security, and nuclear non-proliferation - and to provide forums to review the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Nuclear Power Technology Changes in Nuclear Power In the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident, the continued viability of nuclear power was viewed with skepticism for almost two decades. But recently we have seen rising expectations regarding the role of nuclear power. The rapid growth in global energy demand is putting a premium on all energy sources. Climate change concerns have highlighted the advantages of nuclear power in terms of its minimal greenhouse gas emissions. And the sustained nuclear safety and productivity record over the past twenty years has made nuclear operating costs relatively low and stable. There are currently 442 nuclear power reactors operating in 30 countries. They total about 370 gigawatts of generating capacity, and they supply about 16 per cent of the world´s electricity. This percentage has been roughly stable since 1986, indicating that nuclear power has grown at about the same rate as total global electricity for the past 20 years. To date, the use of nuclear power has been concentrated in industrialized countries. In terms of new construction, however, the pattern is different. Of the 28 new reactors under construction, 16 are in developing countries. And while the highest percentage of existing reactors is in North America and Western Europe, recent expansion has been concentrated in Asia and Eastern Europe. China, India and the Russian Federation currently have the most ambitious plans for near-term nuclear expansion. As I mentioned last year, Russia intends to double its nuclear generating capacity by 2020; China plans a more than five-fold expansion in capacity by the same date; and India anticipates an eight-fold increase by 2022. But they are not alone. Finland is building a new reactor, and France also plans to begin construction of a new reactor next year. These are the first new nuclear plants to be constructed in Western Europe since 1991. South Africa also intends to start construction next year of a small modular reactor. Argentina last month decided to restart construction of its third nuclear plant. In the United States of America, energy companies and consortia have announced plans to submit applications for construction and operating licences for at least 15 new reactors over the next two years. These are some of the new construction plans for countries with established nuclear power programmes. But several other countries, such as Indonesia, Turkey and Vietnam, are also seriously planning for the introduction of nuclear power. Energy for Development and Global Energy
Security In that regard, I was pleased that the expanded G8 Summit in St. Petersburg this summer emphasized the importance of "global energy security". During my participation there, I emphasized that, in my view, global energy security means fulfilling the energy needs of all countries. Approximately 1.6 billion people have no access to electricity, and 2.4 billion continue to rely on traditional biomass, because they have no access to modern fuels. The current global organization of energy resource management and distribution is fragmented - in terms of both geographical coverage and the types of energy resources managed. Global structures for setting norms, oversight and monitoring exist in many other key sectors - such as the World Trade Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization or the Bretton Woods institutions overseeing finance. However, no similar global structure currently exists for energy overall. At the expanded G8 summit, I raised the question of whether consideration should be given to the development of a global energy framework and an associated international energy organization. Such a framework and organization would be designed to address key questions and challenges. What are our current and expected energy needs - globally, regionally, and in particular in developing countries - and how can we best address them? What are the primary global concerns related to energy security? What priority areas of R&D should be coordinated globally to address these challenges? How might we ensure transparent, open and functioning competitive markets to address the needs of both producers and consumers? How can developing countries build the capacity - and secure the financing - to meet their energy needs? As a sophisticated technology, nuclear power requires a correspondingly sophisticated infrastructure. For new countries considering nuclear power, it is essential to ensure that the necessary infrastructure will be available. "Infrastructure" includes many components - from industrial infrastructure such as manufacturing facilities, to the legal and regulatory framework, to the institutional measures to ensure safety and security, to the necessary human and financial resources. The Agency recently published guidance on the infrastructure needed for countries to introduce nuclear power. We are working to define a set of milestones for the development of this infrastructure, which will assist us in prioritizing our support for those Member States. It is clear that nuclear energy might not be the choice of all countries - and some, such as Germany and Sweden, have decided to phase out their nuclear power programmes. Other countries have also adopted a policy against the use of nuclear power. However, for those Member States that choose to use nuclear power, there is much the Agency can do to make this option accessible, affordable, safe and secure. Rising expectations for nuclear power also focus attention on uranium resources. The spot price for uranium has risen more than five-fold during the last few years. The global identified uranium resources are large and enough for 85 years of consumption at the 2004 rate of electricity generation, according to the Red Book that the Agency publishes jointly with the OECD/NEA. But the uranium has to be made available, which will require increased activities in exploration, mining and milling. During the last year we have seen substantial increases in exploration and development activities to match projected future demand. The Agency assists a number of Member States in uranium exploration and development. Advances in Nuclear Innovation The INPRO Steering Committee recently decided to begin Phase Two, which will, inter alia, focus on innovative approaches to infrastructure and institutional development for countries beginning nuclear power programmes, as well as on the development of collaborative projects. INPRO will also continue to work closely with the Generation IV International Forum - a cooperative international initiative working on innovative reactor technologies. Through information exchange and Coordinated Research Projects (CRPs), the Agency is also assisting other innovative R&D efforts, on topics that include: enhanced passive safety systems; small reactors without onsite refuelling; partitioning and transmutation to reduce long lived nuclides in nuclear waste; proliferation resistant approaches to plutonium production; and non-electric applications of nuclear power. ITER Plant Life Management and Decommissioning of Nuclear
Facilities We are also receiving more requests for assistance with decommissioning projects. The Agency is currently providing such assistance to 12 Member States, in addition to two regional projects. In the USA, three nuclear power plants have been fully decommissioned in the last two years, and considerable progress has been made at other nuclear sites in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Addressing Waste and Fuel Cycle
Issues In many countries, the trend is continuing towards long term spent fuel storage time - with consideration of extensions of storage to 100 years or longer. As a result, there is an ongoing focus on the development of more advanced storage technologies and sustainable institutional frameworks. Nuclear Knowledge Management Nuclear Applications Much of the Agency´s scientific work is focused on the transfer of peaceful nuclear technology in applications related to health, agriculture, industry, water management and preservation of the environment. The Agency works to build up Member State scientific and technical capacities in a manner that supports their national development priorities. Partnerships with other organizations help to optimize the effectiveness of the nuclear technology delivered. And comparative assessments are used to ensure that the nuclear applications being offered are cost effective. These efforts are making meaningful contributions to social and economic development. Let me offer a few examples. Improving Nutrition Management Cancer Control But PACT is also working on a more ambitious scale, to integrate radiotherapy into the broader framework of cancer prevention and control. Over the past year, relationships have been built with the leading organizations in the field of cancer control and research - including WHO, the International Agency for Research in Cancer, the International Union Against Cancer, and other national and international bodies and professional societies - in order to assist Member States with comprehensive cancer control programmes. Collaborative efforts are now underway to create model demonstration sites for cancer control in Albania, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, the United Republic of Tanzania, Vietnam and Yemen. These sites will be used to attract additional donors, by raising the profile of cancer as a global health concern. Control of Communicable Diseases Worldwide, there has been no outbreak of rinderpest since 2003, and all indications are that this animal disease will be officially declared as eradicated by 2010. The Agency continues to work with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, using nuclear techniques to evaluate animal samples as part of the annual surveillance for global rinderpest eradication. Mongolia, Pakistan and Yemen are the latest in a long series of countries to benefit from using rinderpest surveillance guidelines developed by the Agency and adopted by OIE. Sterile Insect Technique In the Southern Rift Valley in Ethiopia, tsetse population suppression in preparation for sterile tsetse fly releases has already reduced the prevalence of nagana disease in livestock in certain areas. The Japan-funded UN Trust Fund for Human Security has awarded $1.7 million to this project, and the USA has contributed an additional $1.6 million. Soil Management Plant Mutation Breeding A similar success is a new variety of banana being used in Sudan, with a 30 per cent increase in yield over local plants. This high yield variety was selected through local testing of banana varieties developed through mutation breeding in the late 1990s at the Agency's Laboratories at Seibersdorf. Water Resources Management To help countries become more self-sufficient in isotope hydrology, the Isotope Hydrology Laboratory at Seibersdorf is testing and adapting an alternative, low cost laser instrument for stable isotope measurements. This should enable much wider use of this technique at lower cost and with less operator training. Industrial Applications Radiation treatment has also proven effective in converting some pollutants into harmless end products. The treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater is an important part of environmental engineering, and electron beam treatment is a comparatively new method for wastewater purification. For example, in the Republic of Korea, a high power accelerator and wastewater treatment system has been installed to treat textile dyeing wastewater. Oceans and Climate Change Nuclear Safety and Security The safety and security of nuclear activities around the globe remain key elements of the Agency´s mandate. Two decades after the Chernobyl accident, it is clear that the efforts to build a global nuclear safety regime are paying off. Operational safety performance at nuclear power plants remains strong. Occupational radiation protection indicators once again showed improvement over the past year. More Member States are taking a proactive role in radiation source safety. And we are continuing to make strides in strengthening physical protection at nuclear facilities and enhancing the security of nuclear material and radioactive sources worldwide. But nuclear safety is not an issue that can ever be regarded as "fixed". The strong, steady safety performance of recent years is reassuring. But the sporadic recurrence of events of concern make clear that the promotion of a strong safety culture - for both operators and regulators - should always be viewed as a "work in progress". Status of International Safety and Security
Instruments To facilitate information exchange among parties to the em>Early Notification and Assistance Conventions, a single web-based portal for nuclear and radiological incidents and emergencies is under development. We are also developing a Code of Conduct that complements these conventions by providing guidance on implementation to States and relevant international organizations, and will promote a harmonized response during such events. The Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) now has 59 Contracting Parties, including all countries with operating nuclear power plants. As requested by the Parties, the Agency will continue to provide feedback to the CNS Review Meetings based on issues identified during Agency safety missions to nuclear power plants. The second review meeting of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management took place in May. The membership of the Joint Convention has increased from 34 to 41 Contracting Parties, which together cover about 95 per cent of the world's radioactive waste inventory. The Contracting Parties signaled their commitment to improve national strategies for spent fuel and radioactive waste management, to engage stakeholders on waste issues, and to enhance the control of disused sealed sources. A strengthened international nuclear security framework is emerging based on obligations contained in the amended Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM), the new International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, relevant Security Council resolutions, the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and related Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources. The amended CPPNM is central to strengthening the international framework, but I would note that, out of 120 States Parties, only five have so far accepted the amendment. I would encourage all States Party to accept the amendment at an early date. Safety Standards In addition, as requested by the General Conference last year, a review has been conducted of the International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources, known as the BSS. The review concluded that, while revision of the BSS is not urgently required, it would be beneficial. The BSS revision process will therefore be started later this year. To promote the use of IAEA Safety Standards, the Secretariat has developed multimedia presentations to explain the content of about 20 key standards on topics such as legal infrastructure and nuclear power plant design and operation. A variety of training materials and courses are also available. Safety Review Services A reduced scope IRRS was conducted for the United Kingdom Nuclear Installations Inspectorate in March of this year. A full scope service will be conducted in France in November. The Agency has also received requests for IRRS missions from Australia, Canada and Spain, and other Member States have expressed interest in having such missions in the near future. I would request all countries to take advantage of this service. I remain convinced that transparency and introspection are essential ingredients of an effective nuclear safety culture. Regulators´ Conference Regional Safety Networks INSAG Radiological Protection of
Patients Safety of Transport of Radioactive
Material Also, as requested by the General Conference, a technical meeting was convened in May to discuss the denial of shipments of radioactive material. The experts recommended the establishment of a steering committee to improve understanding of the underlying issues, and to act as the focal point for receiving notifications of these denials of shipment. The first meeting of the steering committee will take place in November. Nuclear Liability
Regime In that regard, I should emphasize that coverage for nuclear liability is an important corollary of nuclear safety. In the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident, substantial improvements were made to the international nuclear liability regime. However, two decades later, more than 50 per cent of the world´s nuclear power reactors are not covered by this regime. Given the renewed interest in nuclear power, this shortfall is a matter of concern. I therefore call on all States with nuclear power programmes and related industries to join this regime. Emergency Response Nuclear Security and Protection Against Nuclear
Terrorism Over the past year, over 30 evaluation missions related to nuclear and radiological security have been carried out - in some cases including a combined emphasis on relevant safety aspects. The results of these missions help to identify the needs of States and have provided valuable inputs for the development of Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plans (INSSPs) for individual countries. To date, dozens of INSSPs have been drafted and are in various stages of development and implementation. Capacity building activities in the past year have included: nuclear security training courses, with participation from 88 States; the supply of detection and monitoring equipment; the procurement of physical protection equipment to improve the security of nuclear power plants and other installations; and assistance in protecting locations containing high activity radioactive sources. These activities and upgrades have had a positive impact on nuclear security and, depending on funding, will continue. The pace of training will also be sustained over the coming year. The Agency has completed its work with Russia and the USA on a tripartite initiative to secure and manage radioactive sources in countries of the former Soviet Union. A significant amount of radioactive material has been secured, and the effort has resulted in much greater regional awareness of this problem. The Agency also has arranged the recovery of over 100 high activity and neutron sources in Africa and Latin America. The Agency´s Illicit Trafficking Database now has 93 States participating. Analysis of this database is providing insight into trends, risks, and trafficking methods and routes. The number of incidents - more than 100 per year for the past three years - demonstrates a persistent problem with trafficking, thefts, losses and other unauthorized activities involving nuclear or radioactive material. The number of incidents involving detection of materials at borders has increased substantially in recent years. This is clearly due, in part, to the increased deployment by States of detection and monitoring equipment. I should note, however, that over 90 per cent of the funding for implementation of the Nuclear Security Plan continues to be provided through extrabudgetary contributions to the Nuclear Security Fund, and sustained adequate funding for the 2006-2009 Nuclear Security Plan is not yet assured. To ensure that limited funds are used effectively, the Agency is working with Member States to improve coordination and prioritization. Research Reactor Conversion Requests for IAEA assistance in these activities is increasing. Over the past year, reactors in Chile and Romania were converted, with Agency support, and similar efforts are ongoing in Poland and Portugal. Additional requests have been received from Bulgaria, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. In the Chilean case, technical assistance was also provided with the fabrication and qualification of domestically produced LEU fuel. An additional four take-back shipments of fresh fuel are being planned. In June in Oslo, an international conference was held to discuss strategies for minimizing the use of HEU in the civilian sector. Participants were in agreement on the potential for shifting civilian sector activities to the use of LEU; however, concerns were voiced that strategies for HEU minimization should not result in giving a limited number of countries better scientific results and therefore a commercial advantage. The need to reduce military stocks of HEU was also emphasized as an important contribution to ongoing non-proliferation and disarmament efforts. Nuclear Verification The nuclear non-proliferation and arms control regime continues to face a broad set of challenges. The past few years have underscored the Agency´s important role in preventing proliferation. Status of Safeguards Agreements and Additional
Protocols The Safeguards Implementation Report and Safeguards
Statement for 2005 The Agency is working to reach the same conclusion with respect to all other States with CSAs and additional protocols in force. At this stage, for those States and others without additional protocols, the Secretariat could only conclude that declared nuclear material remained in peaceful activities. As of the end of 2005, 36 non-nuclear-weapon States party to the NPT had not yet fulfilled their obligation to bring CSAs with the Agency into force. For these States, we could not draw any safeguards conclusions. Small Quantities Protocols Implementation of Safeguards Verification Activities in
Iraq Implementation of Safeguards in the
Democratic People´s Republic of Korea Implementation of the NPT Safeguards
Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran As I have indicated in the past, all the nuclear material declared by Iran to the Agency has been accounted for - and, apart from the small quantities previously reported to the Board, there have been no further findings of undeclared nuclear material in Iran. But as I have just stated, because of the inability of the Agency to make progress in resolving the outstanding issues relevant to the scope and nature of Iran´s current and past centrifuge enrichment programme, the Agency cannot make any further progress in its efforts to provide assurances about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran. This continues to be a matter of serious concern. In addition to the Agency´s current verification activities in Iran, I remain hopeful that, through the ongoing dialogue between Iran and its European and other partners, the conditions will be created to engage in a long overdue negotiation that aims to achieve a comprehensive settlement that, on the one hand, would address the international community´s concerns about the peaceful nature of Iran´s nuclear programme, while on the other hand addressing Iran´s economic, political and security concerns. Application of Agency Safeguards in the Middle
East The General Conference has also asked me to organize a forum on the relevance of the experience of other regions with existing nuclear-weapon-free zones - including confidence building and verification measures - for establishing such a zone in the region of the Middle East. To date, however, consultations with concerned States of the region have failed to produce an agreement on the agenda for such a forum. I remain ready to convene this forum, if and when the concerned States are able to reach agreement on how to move forward. Efforts to Increase Safeguards Effectiveness and
Efficiency The number of environmental samples taken during the course of both routine inspection and complementary access has grown significantly. This increases the burden on the analytical and evaluation resources of both the Agency and its Network of Analytical Laboratories (NWAL). I encourage additional Member States to submit candidate laboratories for NWAL qualification. Remote monitoring is an important part of both traditional and integrated safeguards, as a cost effective way of verifying the control of nuclear material. Last year, we began working with the European Space Agency to assess the potential use of secure satellite communications for remote monitoring. Initial field testing of this technology was successful, and we are now working on a feasibility study to assess the relevance of satellite communication both for safeguards purposes, as well as for the safety and security related uses of the Agency´s Incident and Emergency Centre. For the Agency to cope with ongoing verification challenges and continuous evolution in technology, we will need to make use of advanced information sources, improved analytical tools and processes, and staff with specialized analysis skills. The Integrated Safeguards Information System (ISIS) re-engineering project, which began in July 2005, is aimed at producing by 2009 a fully integrated information system, which will significantly upgrade our current capabilities, and is necessary to support an information driven safeguards system. This ambitious project is funded through regular budget and extrabudgetary resources, and it is clear that bringing it to completion will require continued Member State assistance, in terms of both financial and technical contributions. The Advisory Committee on Safeguards and Verification has also begun considering issues related to ways and means to further strengthen the Agency's safeguards system. I would ask Member States to support the Committee's efforts to move forward expeditiously on these and other issues. Technical Cooperation Programme For fifty years, technical cooperation has been a principal mechanism for implementing the Agency´s basic mission of Atoms for Peace. But over that time, the relationship between Member States and the Secretariat has evolved in key aspects. Fifty years ago, many of the Member States that participated in the Technical "Assistance" Programme lacked all but the most rudimentary capabilities for applying nuclear science and technology. The IAEA was a centre of technical expertise that provided aid to developing Member States as a one-way transfer of technology - often in the form of "turnkey" projects - to establish basic scientific and technical capabilities. Today, we have evolved to a partnership that hinges on cooperation - the sharing of knowledge and expertise. Many Member State institutions now have capabilities equal to or exceeding those of the Secretariat. As a result, experience gained in one Member State is often called upon by another Member State through a variety of mechanisms. The substance of cooperation has also changed, because it increasingly focuses on the transfer of knowledge and technology to address specific development problems. The Agency´s Medium Term Strategy envisions an evolving strategic partnership with Member States that maximizes the roles and responsibilities of national institutions to develop and apply nuclear technologies for sustainable development. In this roadmap, strong regional resource centres - as well as regional expertise, goods and services - will be used to deliver Agency programmes. This type of partnership with Member States will be essential if Agency goals and objectives are to be achieved. Similarly, partnerships that achieve synergy with other UN organizations are key to effective delivery of the Agency´s programme. This might be considered the ultimate "one-house" approach, because the shared vision and commitment of the Secretariat and the Member States will be the driving force for its success. To illustrate, consider a few examples of Member States that have taken on leadership roles in advancing nuclear science and technology for development. Ghana joined the Agency in 1960. Over the intervening years, Ghana´s TC programme has covered topics ranging from isotope hydrology and industrial applications of nuclear technology to nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. As Ghana´s technical institutions and capabilities have grown, they have provided more than 80 international experts to support TC projects in Africa and other regions. They have hosted some 30 fellows and scientific visitors, and more than 25 training events. Recently the Agency supported the opening of the School for Nuclear and Allied Sciences (SNAS) at the University of Ghana in Accra, a new regional training resource that the Government intends to use not only to train local specialists, but also to make available to engineers and scientists from neighbouring countries and the region. The Czech Republic formally joined the Agency in 1993 following the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, which had been a Member since 1957. The Czech TC programme has been dominated by the nation´s motivation to strengthen its institutional base for nuclear engineering, chemistry and technology. As a result, the Czech Republic has become a major source of expertise and consultant services. It has provided over 700 project experts, hosted over 50 training events and taken on nearly 500 fellows and scientific visitors. The Nuclear Research Institute at Řež is an excellent example of technical self-reliance and successful collaboration in nuclear science and technology - particularly because of its standing as a source of expertise to Member States in the region and beyond. The Czech Republic now provides more in contributions to the TC programme than it receives from the Technical Cooperation Fund. Brazil joined the Agency in 1957. Brazil´s TC programme has reflected the Government´s interest in establishing strong nuclear engineering and technology institutes, with a strong focus on using nuclear medicine and radiotherapy to improve health services. Brazil has become the largest resource country for the TC programme in the Latin American region. It has provided over 800 international experts, hosted over 1300 fellows and scientific visitors and hosted some 65 training events. Brazil´s National Nuclear Energy Commission manages four national nuclear research institutes and is currently inaugurating a fifth institute in the north of Brazil. The "Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN)" in São Paulo is also a good example of institutional leadership in a developing country, because it combines R&D focused on services and products for national needs (such as radioisotopes, radiation protection and professional training) with regional partnerships. These Member States, and many others, are the best demonstration of the success of the Agency´s TC programme. Properly harnessed, the programme promotes sustainable growth and human security. Management of the Agency TC Programme Funding For 2006, the TCF target is once again $77.5 million. The targets for 2007 and 2008 have been set at $80 million. I would call on all Member States to pay in full and on time their applicable TC contributions, so that funding for the overall TC programme can be assured, sufficient and predictable, and so that we can implement TC programmes as planned for all recipient countries. Regular Budget for 2007 Expansion of the Board of
Governors Women in the Secretariat A key handicap in the Agency´s recruitment of women is the fact that, worldwide, relatively few women choose careers in nuclear science and engineering. This is an issue for the industry and national organizations as well - and, as such, I would urge Member States to take steps to encourage more women to enter these fields. New Framework for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Finally, let me turn to a topic that relates to many aspects of the Agency's work. As we look to the future, it is clear that we face a number of related challenges. The increase in global energy demand is driving a potential expansion in the use of nuclear energy. And concern is mounting regarding the proliferation risks created by the further spread of sensitive nuclear technology, such as uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing. The convergence of the above realities points to the need for the development of a new framework for the nuclear fuel cycle. I have been calling since 2004 for the development of a new, multilateral approach to the nuclear fuel cycle, as a key measure to strengthen non-proliferation and cope with the expected expansion of nuclear power use. The establishment of a framework that is equitable and accessible to all users of nuclear energy acting in accordance with agreed nuclear non-proliferation norms will certainly be a complex endeavour, and therefore in my view will be best addressed through a series of progressive phases:
A broad range of ideas, studies and proposals have been put forward on this topic. My hope is that the discussions this week will enable us to develop a roadmap for moving forward, in close consultation and with the active involvement of our Member States. Fifty years after the Atoms for Peace initiative, it is timely to think of a new framework for the use of nuclear energy - a framework that accounts both for the lessons we have learned and the current reality. This new framework should in my view include: (1) active R&D in nuclear power and nuclear applications; (2) a new framework for the fuel cycle; (3) universal application of comprehensive safeguards and the additional protocol; (4) concrete and rapid progress towards nuclear disarmament; (5) a robust international security regime; (6) an effective and universal nuclear safety regime; and (7) sufficient funding for the Agency to meet its responsibilities. Conclusion Wherever we turn in today´s world, it is evident that the intertwined issues of security and development continue to be the most daunting challenges facing humanity. And it is becoming more evident that the International Atomic Energy Agency has an important role to play in both fields. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Agency, I can think of no better introduction to this time of reflection and renewal - nor any greater honour -- than the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize we received. But we should remember that with recognition and achievement comes also the responsibility to maintain and strengthen our commitment to the mission with which we have been entrusted. As we look to the lessons of the past and the challenges of the future, I would ask that we all remember this ongoing responsibility. The words I spoke in Oslo remain my firm belief: "A durable peace is not a single achievement, but an environment, a process and a commitment." Source: International Atomic Energy Agency, http://www.iaea.org. © 2006 The Acronym Institute. |