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Disarmament DocumentationBack to Disarmament Documentation Draft Text on eliminating intermediate and shorter range missiles, proposed by Russia, 13 February 2008"Basic elements of an international legally-binding arrangement on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range (ground-launched) missiles, open for broad international accession" 13-02-2008 Preamble The States Parties to this Arrangement, Guided by the objective of strengthening strategic stability both globally and regionally, Convinced that the measures set forth in this Arrangement will help to reduce the risk of outbreak of war and strengthen international peace and security, Determined to act with a view to achieving effective progress towards general and complete disarmament under strict international control, Desiring to contribute to the realization of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 General Obligations 1. Each State Party to this Arrangement upon entry into force of this Arrangement and thereafter shall not produce or flight-test any intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles or produce any stages of such missiles or any launchers of such missiles. 2. Each State Party to this Arrangement shall eliminate all its intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles and launchers of such missiles, as well as all support structures and equipment associated with such missiles and launchers, being in its possession or ownership, or being located in any site under its jurisdiction or control, under categories subject to an agreement, so that no later than the agreed date after entry into force of this Arrangement and thereafter no such missiles, launchers or support structures and equipment shall be possessed by each State Party. Article II Rules of Accounting and Definitions of Types of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles Provisions for rules of accounting and definitions of types of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles are subject to an agreement. Article III Limitations on Stationing and Transit of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles Provisions for stationing and transit of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles are subject to an agreement. Article IV Exchange of an Information Related to the Obligations Provisions for exchange of an information under categories of data, related to the obligations provided for by this Arrangement, are subject to an agreement. Article V Elimination Procedures Each State Party to this Arrangement shall eliminate all its intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles and launchers of such missiles, and all support structures and support equipment associated with such missiles and launchers in accordance with the procedures which are subject to an agreement. Article VI Rules of Compliance Verification Provisions for rules of compliance verification are subject to an agreement. Article VII Definitions Definitions of the terms "ballistic missile and ground-launched ballistic missile (GLBM)", "cruise missile and ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM)", "GLBM launcher", "GLCM launcher", "intermediate-range missile", "shorter-range missile" and others may be based on the definitions set forth in Article II of the Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, and are subject to an agreement. Article VIII The Organization for Implementation of the Arrangement The States Parties to this Arrangement shall come to an agreement about mechanism of implementation of the subject and the objective of this Arrangement. Article IX Duration of the Arrangement This Arrangement shall be of unlimited duration. Article X Amendments, Signature, Accession, Ratification, Entry into Force, Reservations, Depositary, Authentic Texts Provisions for amendments, signature, accession, ratification, entry into force, reservations, depositary, authentic texts are subject to an agreement. Source: Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, www.russianembassy.org. |