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Disarmament DocumentationBack to Disarmament Documentation US-Russia Joint Understanding on strategic offensive arms, 8 July 2009Joint Understanding, The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 8 July 2009 The President of the United States of America and the President of the Russian Federation have decided on further reductions and limitations of their nations’ strategic offensive arms and on concluding at an early date a new legally binding agreement to replace the current START Treaty, and directed that the new treaty contain, inter alia, the following elements: 1. A provision to the effect that
each Party will reduce and limit its strategic offensive arms so that
seven years after entry into force of the treaty and thereafter, the limits
will be in the range of 500-1100 2. Provisions for calculating these limits. 3. Provisions on definitions, data
exchanges, notifications, eliminations, inspections and verification procedures,
as well as confidence building and transparency measures, as adapted,
simplified, and made 4. A provision to the effect that each Party will determine for itself the composition and structure of its strategic offensive arms. 5. A provision on the interrelationship of strategic offensive and strategic defensive arms. 6. A provision on the impact of intercontinental
ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles in a non-nuclear
configuration on strategic stability. 8. Establishment of an implementation body to resolve questions related to treaty implementation. 9. A provision to the effect that the treaty will not apply to existing patterns of cooperation in the area of strategic offensive arms between a Party and a third state. 10. A duration of the treaty of ten years, unless it is superseded before that time by a subsequent treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms. The Presidents direct their negotiators to finish their work on the treaty at an early date so that they may sign and submit it for ratification in their respective countries. Signed at Moscow, this sixth day of July, 2009, in duplicate, in the English and Russian languages.
FOR THE RUSSIAN Barack Obama Dmitry Medvedev Source: The White House, www.whitehouse.gov. |