Proliferation in Parliament
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Compiled by Nicola Butler, Summer 2009
Previous editions of Proliferation in Parliament are available at
Cross party support for a review of Trident replacement
gathers momentum
Parliamentarians of all parties have joined calls for the Ministry of
Defence's 'Initial Gate' decision (on whether to proceed to the next stage
of Trident procurement) to be postponed pending further debate on Trident
replacement and the alternatives.
The Initial Gate was originally scheduled for September 2009 — whilst
Parliament is in recess. Although the possibility of a delay until after
the 2010 NPT Review Conference and thus the UK general election has been
widely reported and welcomed in the media in recent weeks (see for example:
submarine deal delayed and Sense
on Trident), behind the scenes the Ministry of Defence appears determined
to push the decision through as close as possible to the original schedule,
despite parliamentary opposition. As a result it is now unclear exactly
when the decision will be taken. The latest information
given to parliament is the rather vague statement that Ministers "currently
expect to consider initial gate later this year."
Defence Ministers argue that the Initial Gate is a minor step involving
replacement of the submarine platform alone, that does not require parliamentary
approval. This suggests that proponents of Trident replacement within
the MoD would rather take the criticism for making decisions behind closed
doors (a strategy that has been repeatedly
condemned by the Commons Defence Committee when applied to previous
decisions such as allowing the Bush administration to use Fylingdales
and Menwith Hill as part of its missile defence programme), than face
the prospect of a reopening of the debate on the future of the UK's nuclear
forces in the current financial climate.
With increasing pressure on government spending due to the recession
and particular pressure on the Defence budget due to the UK's commitments
in Afghanistan, the debate on whether and how to replace Trident is growing
in strength within all the main political parties.
The Liberal Democrats now formally oppose like-for-like replacement,
there is reportedly growing opposition on the Labour backbenches and there
is now increasing discussion on the Conservative benches about what form
any replacement should take and whether it could be smaller and cheaper.
In July former Chair of the Public Accounts
Committee David Davis MP (Con) added his voice to the calls for a
review. Citing evidence from Richard Garwin to the Defence Committee,
Davis argues for "an obvious choice to extend the Vanguards' life";
or to "convert an existing Astute-class hunter-killer submarine";
and to "save billions more by having three, not four, boats".
Calls for Initial Gate to be delayed
In June 2009, in its report on Global Security:
Non-Proliferation, the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, which includes
members of all the main political parties at Westminster, recommended
"that the Government should not take any decision at the Initial
Gate stage until Parliament has had the chance to scrutinise the matter
in a debate".
An Early Day Motion sponsored by Jeremy Corbyn
MP (Lab) requesting that "the Initial Gate decision be delayed
until Parliament is in session and can be presented with the report for
scrutiny" has also attracted a higher than usual level of support
with 165 MPs of all political parties.
In the Lords, Lord Judd has also called on
the Government to "reassess the replacement of Trident because
of the vast expenditure involved" and said that it was "essential
that the House should have an opportunity to debate this issue before
initial gate decisions are made."
In an adjournment debate on Nuclear Weapons
Proliferation Gavin Strang MP underlined the "real concern—certainly
among Labour Members" about the decision and said he did not see
why it had to be made in September: "I would like to think that there
could be some movement on this point." David
Stroud (Lab/Co-op), also expressed the anger felt by some on the Labour
benches, describing the decision to go through the initial gate in September
as "more than a little bizarre" and called for the Government
to be "brought kicking and screaming back to this place" so
that MPs could "properly debate whether that is the right way forward".
Responding for the Government, Foreign Office
Parliamentary Under-Secretary Chris Bryant argued that the decisions
taken so far on Trident renewal did "not mean that we have taken
an irreversible decision that commits us irrevocably to possessing nuclear
weapons for the next 40 to 50 years." Nor did it mean that the Government
had "decided to 'replace Trident'". It was simply a decision
to "begin concept and design work to make possible a replacement
for the platform," said Bryant, claiming that this was "not
a replacement for Trident itself." "We do not believe that a
unilateral decision to make it impossible for us to maintain Trident beyond
its current life expectancy would make the dramatic difference that some
suggest it would," he added.
Similarly in an answer to a written question by Joan Walley MP (Lab),
Foreign Minister Ivan Lewis reiterated that
Britain "stands ready to participate and to act" in broader
multilateral negotiations. However, "A decision now not to renew
our Ship Submersible Ballistic Nuclear (SSBN) submarine fleet would pre-empt
any such negotiation, by committing a future government to unilateral
disarmament at the end of the current fleet’s lifespan, regardless of
the strategic circumstances at that time."
In Defence Oral Questions, Jeremy Corbyn
(Lab) and Jim Devine (Lab) called
for Trident not to be replaced whilst Danny Alexander
(LD) called for the Initial Gate to be deferred, highlighting the
growing body of "retired military officers, former Defence Secretaries
and academics... now saying that Trident is both irrelevant and unaffordable".
In reply Secretary of State for Defence Bob Ainsworth
said that the Government "currently expect[s] to consider initial
gate later this year" and refused to defer it.
In written questions, Ainsworth argued that
it was "not normal for Parliament to be involved in Initial Gate
decisions for procurement projects. I do however propose to update Parliament
on progress after Initial Gate," he added. "The main investment
decision point, and the point at which we would issue the main contracts
to industry for the construction of the new submarines, is still several
years away." Ainsworth insisted that
he would not re-evaluate the Ministry of Defence's recommendation
for an upgraded Trident missile programme, saying that there had been
"no substantive change in international security since then [the
Parliamentary vote on Trident in 2006] that would suggest that a further
vote is required."
The Road to 2010 (but don't mention the 'T' word)
On 16 July 2009, Prime Minister Gordon Brown launched the UK's Road
to 2010 plan, which is intended to "lead"
global efforts for a successful NPT Review Conference. The plan makes
strong linkage between the "reduction and eventual elimination"
of nuclear weapons and the expansion of nuclear power, but stops short
of announcing any new steps towards disarmament by the UK. It makes sweeping
claims for nuclear energy, which is said to play a part in "combating
climate change, global poverty, and energy shortages".
Interestingly the word "Trident" is not used once throughout
the report suggesting that it really is the white elephant in the non-proliferation
room. "The road to zero requires multilateral disarmament. A decision
not to renew our strategic deterrent would commit the UK Government to
unilateral disarmament in still uncertain circumstances," the plan
states. Instead the UK will work on "developing policy ideas to enable
further reductions and ultimately to establish the conditions in which
there is no requirement for the continued existence of nuclear weapons."
The Government has identified "driving
forward a step-change on the nuclear non-proliferation and multilateral
disarmament agenda in 2010" as one of its four priorities for
"international leadership" (Building
Britain's Future, Downing Street), announced by Gordon Brown on 29
June. However, as the Foreign Affairs Committee
notes in its report on Global Security: Non-Proliferation, "the
decision to renew the UK's Trident system is perceived by some foreign
states and some among the British public as appearing to contradict the
Government's declared commitment to strengthening the international nuclear
non-proliferation regime".
The Foreign Affairs Committee further concluded
that "without decisive movement by the five recognised nuclear weapons
states as a whole on nuclear disarmament measures, there is a risk that
the 2010 Review Conference will fail, like its 2005 predecessor".
The Committee recommended that "the Government should aim to come
away from the 2010 NPT Review Conference with agreement on a concrete
plan to take the multilateral nuclear disarmament process forward, with
target dates for specific steps, and with the political commitment from
all nuclear and non-nuclear weapons States Parties to ensure implementation."
Despite its recent enthusiasm for the goal of a world free of nuclear
weapons, the UK government remains reluctant to support efforts for a
Nuclear Weapons Convention on the short term. In response to a written
question from Elfyn Llwyd (PC), Foreign Office
Minister Ivan Lewis clarified the UK's stance as follows: "At the
moment we believe it would be premature to press for a Nuclear Weapons
Convention, which [would] be unlikely to make any headway and would distract
attention from efforts to bolster the NPT. We do nonetheless believe there
may be a role for a Nuclear Weapons Convention in the future when the
time comes to establish a final ban."
The tone and content of the Road to 2010 are of course a welcome contribution
to the disarmament debate, at least in terms of the mood music. The absence
of concrete steps resulting from the Government's timidity in addressing
the future of Trident and its preference for taking key decisions behind
closed doors is, however, a growing impediment to the UK's ability to
play a leading role in this field.
A less than Strategic Defence Review
On 7 July Secretary of State for Defence Bob Ainsworth announced that
the Government was "beginning a process that
will enable a strategic defence review early in the next Parliament".
Almost immediately MoD officials told the media that as with the department's
last major defence review — the 1998 Strategic Defence Review (SDR) —
Trident will be excluded. "There is no sacred cow besides Trident," defence
officials were quoted as saying (see Trident
excluded from defence review). It is not clear why the Ministry felt
it was appropriate to provide this information in off the record briefings
rather than explicitly in the Minister's written statement to parliament.
It is, regrettably, a huge missed opportunity for the government to consider
its future options, given the current high level of public debate on the
role of UK nuclear weapons.
The terms of the 2010 defence review also appear significantly more limited
than the previous SDR, which was conducted immediately after Labour's
1997 election landslide. At that time the SDR was approached as a 'Foreign
Policy-led' review, against the background of then Labour Foreign Secretary
Robin Cook's goal of an 'Ethical Foreign Policy'. In June IPPR's
Commission on National Security in the 21st Century, led by former
Labour Defence Minister and NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and
Liberal Democrat Peer Lord Ashdown called for a more wide-ranging "Strategic
Review of Security", that included consideration of the future of
Britain's "independent nuclear deterrent" as an "integral
part". In this, their arguments echo the Acronym Institute's call
for a Strategic Security and Defence Review in its 2006 analysis of nuclear
policy Worse than Irrelevant.
The aims of the new Government's review are in effect more limited: to
"ensure that we develop and maintain armed forces appropriate to
the challenges we face and the aims we set ourselves as a nation."
Rather oddly the review is to be "set in the context of the National
Security Strategy", which now appears quite dated in its Bush-era
thinking on WMD, focusing more on "countering the threat of nuclear
weapons and other weapons of mass destruction" and counter-terrorism,
than on current trends towards non-proliferation and disarmament such
as those advocated by the Obama administration.
Unusually for the Ministry of Defence, the results of the initial review
will be published as a Green Paper early in 2010. Historically the MoD
— in contrast with other Whitehall departments — has tended to favour
the "take it or leave it" approach of the Defence White Papers
(which unlike the US defence budget decision making processes, have been
practically impossible for British parliamentarians to influence or amend)
rather than the consultative approach implied by a Green Paper.
Whilst a Green Paper on Defence is clearly a welcome development, in
this case it is also politically expedient for the Government as it enables
it to defer the inevitable hard decisions on spending until after the
general election — a tactic that the MoD has used in the past to defer
politically unpalatable decisions.
NATO-Russia Relations and Missile Defence
The House of Commons Defence Committee's ominously titled Russia:
a new confrontation report, published in July 2009 found that "We
are not convinced that European security will be enhanced by the United
States' planned ballistic missile defence (BMD) system as currently envisaged.
If the US decides to press ahead with its BMD plans, we recommend that
the Government seek ways to involve Russia in its development."
In their Global Security: Non-Proliferation
report the Foreign Affairs Committee were also "not convinced"
that "the United States' planned ballistic missile defence (BMD)
deployments in the Czech Republic and Poland represent a net gain for
European security." The Committee further concluded that the Government's
"early agreement to the inclusion of RAF Fylingdales and Menwith
Hill in the US BMD system was regrettable" and recommended that "the
uncertainty surrounding prospects for the US European BMD system has made
a Parliamentary debate on this issue all the more necessary, and we recommend
that the Government should schedule one before the end of this Parliament."
In July former Labour Defence Minister Peter
Kilfoyle MP succeeded in getting a Westminster Hall debate on missile
defence, in which he questioned whether current missile defence plans
could meet the new US administration's criteria for being "affordable,
proven, and responsive to the threat". Kilfoyle also highlighted
that the UK's role in missile defence and that involvement of RAF Menwith
Hill "was agreed without any reference whatever to Parliament".
In the debate, Defence Minister Bill Rammell
argued that current plans for missile defence were not in conflict with
the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons and "could give us greater
security" but expressed concerns that "the technological challenges
involved in constructing an effective missile defence system are considerable".
NATO Nuclear Policy and the Strategic Concept
In response to a written question from Nick Harvey
MP (LD), Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth appeared to suggest that
nuclear policy was already effectively ring fenced in the Strategic Concept
review, at least as far as the British government is concerned. Harvey
asked about the Government's proposals on "(a) nuclear sharing, (b)
nuclear first-strike and (c) the reliance by NATO members on nuclear weapons
as a guarantee for their security", but was told that NATO's Strasbourg/Kehl
summit in April 2009 had already made clear that "Deterrence, based
on an appropriate mix of nuclear and conventional capabilities, remains
a core element of (the Alliance’s) overall strategy" and that this
was to provide the "basis of discussions between Allies on a revised
Strategic Concept".
Whilst the Defence Committee's Russia report highlighted the importance
of the NATO-Russia relationship (as distinct from the US-Russia relationship)
and put considerable emphasis on Russia's nuclear capabilities, it did
not address the continuing issue of NATO's nuclear policies as set out
in the Alliance's Strategic Concept, not least the policy of nuclear sharing.
Perhaps this subject could be scrutinised as part of a future Committee
inquiry into NATO strategy, given that the Alliance is currently conducting
its first review of the Strategic Concept since 1999?
Government confirms Radioactive Releases from Faslane
Following the revelations by Channel Four News and the Guardian
in April that there had been "at least eight radioactive leaks at
the base in the last 10 years" and repeated failures to abide by
safety procedures (see Nuclear Non-Proliferation
News, Summer 2009), parliamentarians have continued to probe MoD procedures
for radioactive waste management at the base. A written
question from Julian Lewis MP (Con) confirmed that there had been
"nine leaks that were potentially radioactive". A written
question from Dai Davies MP (Ind) also revealed a long list of discharges
of liquid radioactive waste at Faslane since 1977. This may be the tip
of the iceberg however, as the radioactive releases are thought to date
further back at least as far as 1967 when the base first hosted Polaris,
but no figures are available for the period 1967 to 1976, when safety
standards may have been even more lax. In addition, no information is
currently available concerning releases from the adjacent Holy Loch base
that hosted US Poseidon and Polaris nuclear submarines from the 1960s
to the 1990s.
Hot air balloons infringe security at Aldermaston
Highlighting the problem of security at nuclear sites, a written question
from Dai Davies MP reveals a number of airborne
security breaches at AWE and other UK nuclear reactors. A hot air
balloon had twice breached the exclusion zone around Aldermaston, whilst
a low flying aircraft had breached flying restrictions at Burghfield.
These breaches highlight the security risks implicit in current government
plans to build a new generation of nuclear reactors.
Sellafield MP calls for two new reactors
In an Adjournment debate obtained by Jamie
Reed (Lab), the MP for Copeland and former Sellafield employee claimed
that Britain could "fulfil its required role in those efforts [Gordon
Brown's proposals for non-proliferation and nuclear energy] only with
Sellafield, THORP and SMP or a successor plant."
Acknowledging that he had an interest in Sellafield, Reed called for
"a vision... that means two new reactors being established on the
site, powered by MOX fuel produced at a new facility on the site."
He said there was a "genuine desire for that from certain companies—they
will be known to the Minister’s Department" to bring forward plans
for a new MOX facility. This is despite the technical and financial failures
of the previous Sellafield MOX plant (SMP), which Reed euphemistically
described as having "under performed" [or in plain English,
having made a loss of £626m, in contrast with industry claims at
the time it was built, see Proliferation in Parliament,
Spring 2009]. Reed also argued against cuts in taxpayer funding to
The problems posed by Sellafield have also been the subject of two written
questions in the European Parliament by German
MEP Rebecca Harms (Green) who highlighted a report by the Norwegian
Radiation Protection Authority (Statens Strålevern) on 'Consequences in
Norway of a hypothetical accident at Sellafield: Potential release — transport
and fallout.' Harms asked the European Commission to verify radioactive
emissions by Sellafield; examine plans for radioactive waste disposal
and publish a "list of those sectors of nuclear research, particularly
in respect of the impact of radiological releases from Sellafield, which
it considers to be 'insufficiently explored'".
Harms also pointed out the "commercial failure
of the Sellafield MOX plant" and warned against calls by Sellafield
workers and the UNITE trades union for "the UK Government to give
the go-ahead to a new MOX plant, based on a French AREVA design, adjacent
to the existing one, which they want closed."
A breach of export controls?
On 19 August, the Committees on Arms Export Controls
released a report revealing that the Ukrainian government had provided
it with a list of UK-registered brokers who had been buying up old Soviet
weapons and selling them on in many cases to countries currently blacklisted
by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The dates of these transactions
remain unclear, but the UK Embassy in Kiev, the Export Control Organisation
and HM Revenue and Customs were all apparently "unaware of the existence
of this list". As the Guardian
writes, "In a sign of acute government sensitivity over the allegations,
the foreign secretary David Miliband has asked senior MPs on a Commons
select committee to suppress evidence of the arms sales." Whilst
Ukraine has given up nuclear weapons following the break up of the Soviet
Union, the story is reminiscent of the UK's then Department of Trade and
Industry turning a blind eye to dealers involved in the A Q Khan network.
Much greater scrutiny is clearly needed into this and to uncover other
kinds of UK-related arms proliferation networks.
In this month's issue:
We welcome your comments and feedback. Please send your comments to
Westminster Parliament
Statements and Documents outside Parliament
Trident and Nuclear Submarines
- Astute Class Submarines, Written Questions,
20 July 2009 : Column 879W
- Clyde Naval Base: Radioactive Waste, Written
Questions, 20 July 2009 : Column 880W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 20
July 2009 : Column 888W
- Freedom of Information: Trident, Written Questions,
14 July 2009 : Column 334W
- Trident, Written Questions, 13 July 2009
: Column 19W
- Trident, Written Questions, 7 July 2009
: Column 634W
- Radioactive Waste: Waste Management, Written
Questions, 7 July 2009 : Column 662W
- Trident, Written Questions, 7 July 2009
: Column 663W
- Nuclear Weapons, House of Lords, Written Questions,
7 July 2009 : Column WA144
- Nuclear Weapons: Public Opinion, Written Questions,
24 Jun 2009 : Column 902W
- Nuclear Weapons: Transport, Written Questions,
24 Jun 2009 : Column 902W
- Nuclear Weapons: Trident, House of Lords,
Written Question, 24 Jun 2009 : Column WA291
- Trident, Written Questions, 22 Jun 2009
: Column 628W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 18
Jun 2009 : Column 468W
- Radioactive Waste: Waste Management, Written
Questions, 17 Jun 2009 : Column 341W
- RAND Corporation, Written Questions, 11
Jun 2009 : Column 1007W
- Submarines, Written Questions, 10 Jun
2009 : Column 868W
- Submarines, Written Questions, 8 Jun 2009
: Column 702W
- Trident, Written Questions, 8 Jun 2009
: Column 702W
- Trident, Written Questions, 1 Jun 2009
: Column 22W
- Astute Class Submarines, Written Questions,
1 Jun 2009 : Column 40W
- Nuclear Submarines: Decommissioning, Written
Questions, 1 Jun 2009 : Column 48W
- Radioactive Waste: Waste Management, Written
Questions, 21 May 2009 : Column 1507W
- Trident, Written Questions, 20 May 2009
: Column 1417W
- Clyde Submarine Base, Written Questions,
18 May 2009 : Column 1171W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 14
May 2009 : Column 952W
- Submarines: Decommissioning, Written Questions,
14 May 2009 : Column 954W
- Submarines: Radiation Exposure, Written Questions,
14 May 2009 : Column 954W
- Radioactive Waste: Waste Management, Written
Questions, 12 May 2009 : Column 753W
- Submarines, Written Questions, 12 May
2009 : Column 754W
- Clyde Submarine Base, Written Questions,
12 May 2009 : Column 744W
- Trident, House of Lords Written Questions,
5 May 2009 : Column WA111
AWE and Warhead Development
- Trident, Written Questions, 8 July 2009
: Column 791W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 24
Jun 2009 : Column 902W
- Atomic Weapons Establishment, Written Questions,
22 Jun 2009 : Column 620W
- Atomic Weapons Establishment, Written Questions,
18 Jun 2009 : Column 465W
- Atomic Weapons Establishment: Expenditure,
Written Questions, 1 Jun 2009 : Column 41W
- AWE Aldermaston, Written Questions, 20
May 2009 : Column 1413W
Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 15
July 2009 : Column 455W
- Nuclear Weapons: Arms Control, Written Questions,
1 July 2009 : Column 288W
- Nuclear Weapons: Arms Control, Written Questions,
1 July 2009 : Column 248W
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Written
Questions, 30 Jun 2009 : Column 186W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 30
Jun 2009 : Column 187W
- Arms Reduction, House of Lords, Written Questions,
29 Jun 2009 : Column WA1
- Nuclear Weapons,Written Questions, 25
Jun 2009 : Column 1073W
- Nuclear Weapons: Arms Control, Written Questions,
25 Jun 2009 : Column 1073W
- Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions, 8
Jun 2009 : Column 693W
- Arms Control: Nuclear Weapons, Written Questions,
2 Jun 2009 : Column 375W
- USA: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review
Conference, Written Questions, 20 May 2009 : Column 1425W
- Treaties: Parliamentary Scrutiny, House of
Lords Written Questions, 12 May 2009 : Column WA198
Defence Policy
Missile Defence and NATO-Russia relations
Middle East
- Iran, Written Questions, 30 Jun 2009 :
Column 184W
- Iran: Sanctions, Written Questions, 3
Jun 2009 : Column 514W
- Israel: Nuclear Weapons,Written Questions,
20 May 2009 : Column 1424W
- Banks: Iran, Written Questions, 18 May
2009 : Column 1176W
- Iran: Nuclear Power, Written Questions,
14 May 2009 : Column 920W
- Iran: Nuclear Power, Written Questions,
12 May 2009 : Column 689W
North Korea
South Asia
Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear Power Stations: Security, Written
Questions, 16 July 2009 : Column 601W
- Chernobyl: Children, Written Questions,
6 July 2009 : Column 546W
- Plutonium, Written Questions, 29 Jun
2009 : Column 9W
- British Nuclear Fuels, Written Questions,
20 May 2009 : Column 1480W
- Sellafield: Safety, Written Questions,
13 May 2009 : Column 787W
Nuclear Test Veterans
Other Indiscriminate and Inhumane Weapons
- White Phosphorus, Written Questions, 21
July 2009 : Column 1209WOther Indiscriminate and Inhumane Weapons
- Thermobaric Weapons, Written Questions,
20 July 2009 : Column 890W
- White Phosphorus, Written Questions, 6
July 2009 : Column 560W
- Cluster Munitions, Written Questions,
2 July 2009 : Column 384W
- White Phosphorus, Written Questions, 1
Jun 2009 : Column 48W
- Cluster Munitions, House of Lords Written
Questions, 14 May 2009 : Column WA216
Export Controls
European Parliament
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