Disarmament Diplomacy
Issue No. 79, April/May 2005
2004 UN First Committee:
Better Organised, with Deep Divisions
Rebecca Johnson
The 59th First Committee (Disarmament and International
Security), chaired by Ambassador Luis Alfonso de Alba of Mexico,
adopted 52 resolutions and 3 decisions during its five-week meeting
from October 4 to November 5, but this tally does not adequately
reflect the constructive changes and considerable additional work
carried out under the leadership of the most dynamic and determined
Chair seen for many years. The First Committee also benefited from
having a new Secretary, Cheryl Stoute, who transferred from the
Department of Disarmament Affairs to become Chief of the UN
Disarmament and Decolonisation Affairs Branch, including
responsibilities for the First Committee.
US oppositionalism
Taking place in the shadow of the US elections, in which George
W. Bush was elected president for a further four years, the 59th
First Committee was at times in virtual limbo. Some resolutions,
most notably on the fissile materials treaty, were delayed till
after November 2, in hope that the election results would make
compromise possible. The votes tell the underlying political story.
Of 22 resolutions adopted by recorded vote, the United States voted
against 16. In the Generally Assembly the tiny Pacific Island of
Palau was dragged along, and like the proverbial figleaf, Palau's
powerless vote only served to accentuate the US's nakedness. This
role is particularly bitter for the people of Palau who lost a long
battle with US power during the 1980s in valiant efforts to
preserve their independence, peaceful status and environmental
On the occasions when it did not vote against, the US was
generally among the abstainers. In addition to forcing cover from
Palau and sometimes Micronesia and the Marshall Islands (two other
Pacific territories completely under US control, with large
military bases and legacies of contamination from nuclear testing),
US voting patterns were frequently echoed by Israel. Though
sometimes contained by collective EU votes, the United Kingdom also
switched from some of its past positions to vote more closely with
the United States, most shockingly in its abstention on Canada's
resolution supporting negotiations on a verifiable cut-off treaty,
where consensus was broken for the first time since 1993.
Four votes - the United States, Israel, Palau and Haiti - stood
between the resolution seeking negotiations to prevent an arms race
in outer space (PAROS) and consensus.
By contrast, almost all the resolutions dealing with biological
and chemical arms and conventional weapons such as landmines, small
arms and light weapons (SALW), were adopted without a vote,
including a new resolution on Man Portable Air Defence Systems
(MANPADS), introduced by Australia. Moreover, as various
resolutions sponsored by African, Asian and Latin American states
indicated, there is a growing sense of collective responsibility,
especially in some regions, for tackling these less apocalyptic,
but no less deadly weapons.
Useful practical reforms adopted
For several years the First Committee has spent time talking
about doing something to reform its own workings, which had become
ritualistic, routine, and cumbersome. In his opening address,
Ambassador de Alba observed that the multilateral system for
disarmament and international security was in a state of paralysis,
mentioning specifically the Conference on Disarmament and the UN
Disarmament Commission. He therefore emphasised that it was the
duty of the First Committee to reaffirm the urgent need for
progress and to identify practical measures on substantive issues.
To this end, the universal political and normative environment
needed to be made more conducive to dialogue than at present, based
on shared interests and enabling collective action.
Though he was up against some very entrenched national
positions, the Chair managed to pilot through several important
improvements. Traditionally, the First Committee begins with a
General Debate in which many ambassadors provide longer versions of
the disarmament-related aspects of the presentations their heads of
state have already made to the General Assembly in September. In
the past, the doors were then closed for 'informal' meetings, which
were defined as closed to NGOs because there were no verbatim
records. Yet delegations did little more than make further
speeches, this time geared towards various themed 'clusters'. They
also introduced their resolutions.
In 2004, following the General Debate, there were thematic
sessions on key issues such as prevention of an arms race in outer
space (PAROS), nuclear disarmament and conventional disarmament
(small arms and light weapons). Not only were these made open to
civil society this year, through the sensible device of designating
them 'informal' - i.e. without verbatim records - and
'open'; de Alba also instituted two other long overdue innovations
by inviting experts and officials and encouraging
Some, such as the Directors of the three UN Regional Centres for
peace and disarmament and the heads of certain agencies had formal
roles within the system, but did not usually speak; the new process
made it possible for them to highlight priority issues and respond
to questions from the delegations. As part of the Chair's
innovations, Dr Patricia Lewis, Director of the UN Institute for
Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), was invited to kick off the
discussions on reform, to stimulate thinking in a session that was
genuinely intended to be interactive, with questions and responses.
Inevitably, the first attempts were rather stilted, but many
thought it was a good start and expected it to work better once
delegations got more used to discussing controversial issues
instead of just pontificating about them.
As can be seen from the resolutions listed below, a number carry
instructions for a study or a Group of Governmental Experts to be
established. The United States initially argued for such studies to
be limited to one a year. Despite sympathy with the US desire to
ensure closer monitoring of the financial and resource outlay put
into such studies, there was scant support for arbitrarily limiting
the numbers. However, there was considerable endorsement for the
Chair's proposal to utilise the results of the studies more fully
and effectively. Arguing for reports to have a more substantive
role in Committee deliberations, de Alba suggested developing a
template to facilitate more structured responses from governments,
and inviting representatives from Groups of Experts to give interim
progress reports and introduce the main findings in a relevant
interactive, thematic session. Arguing also for a more "conceptual
and analytic" approach, the Chair stressed the importance of making
such reports available electronically to widen their audience and
Following steps undertaken in 2002 and 2003 to rationalise the
work of the First Committee, both the United States and the Group
of Non-Aligned States had submitted draft resolutions on "Improving
the effectiveness of the methods of work of the First Committee".
Though not mutually exclusive, the drafts took rival approaches. To
avoid divisive votes on the two resolutions, the Chair encouraged
the proposers to hold intensive negotiations to seek a compromise
text, also involving other interested parties. The compromise,
which was put to the First Committee on its final day, November 5,
incorporated ideas from the Chair, the NAM, the US, the EU and
Because many agenda items have changed little over the years and
are regarded as routine, there is already acceptance for bringing
some resolutions up for consideration every two or three years
instead of annually. Although the US had wanted this to be
automatic, it did not obtain agreement for reasons of politics and
the difficulties some perceived in ensuring the right criteria.
Instead, the First Committee agreed that biennialisation or
triennialisation of resolutions should be encouraged on a voluntary
basis wherever appropriate.
They also agreed to strive for more concise and action-oriented
resolutions, and endorsed the holding of more focussed, interactive
debates. Sponsors of resolutions are encouraged to consult with a
view to finding commonalities and merging texts on similar issues.
Accepting much of the Chair's non-paper, the resolution endorses
the suggestions of including presentations and focussing
discussions on the work of expert groups, regional centres, UNIDIR
and other relevant specialists. At the behest of the United States,
the resolution also requires that the Committee be informed of
estimated costs for resolutions and decisions that have been
The 2004 First Committee resolutions, as in past years, were
grouped in accordance with ten issue-based clusters. Some of these
clusters, such as PAROS and something called "related matters of
disarmament and international security", contained only one
resolution each, while there was abiding confusion about the
distinctions being made when some resolutions were allocated to
'international security' and some to 'other disarmament matters'.
Ambassador de Alba succeeded in getting agreement to reduce the ten
clusters to seven, more logically distributed. These are: nuclear
weapons; other weapons of mass destruction; outer space;
conventional weapons; regional disarmament and security; other
disarmament measures and international security; and disarmament
In the listing and analysis of the 2004 resolutions and decision
provided below, the Acronym Institute suggests an even more
fundamental rationalisation, turning the ten clusters into five:
(i) nuclear, chemical, biological weapons, missiles and outer
space; (ii) regional security and nuclear weapon free zones; (iii)
conventional weapons; (iv) international security, disarmament
principles and measures; and finally (v) disarmament machinery and
Clusters iii-v are rather similar to the Chair's clusters
iv-vii, though not identical. Clusters i and ii, however,
illustrate differing logics. Neither is right or wrong; inevitably
the allocation of certain topics or resolutions may appear logical
to some, but arbitrary or politically sensitive to others. While
there may be understandable political reasons for keeping nuclear
separate from delivery means and other WMD, there are also
advantages in putting all WMD, delivery means and space arms
resolutions together. Particularly if thematic cluster debates are
envisaged, these are issues that have impact on each other and can
be more coherently addressed if the linkages are recognised. PAROS
is included here because space launch technology and missile
defence relate closely to missiles, and both missile proliferation
and the weaponisation of space are likely to result in the kind of
destabilisation of international security and mass destructive
consequences associated with WMD. Similarly, there are important
ways in which WMD, missiles, and the Hague Code of Conduct are
While it is obvious that nuclear weapons and nuclear-weapon-free
zones (NWFZ) are linked, putting NWFZs in a cluster together with
regional security underlines that NWFZs are actually about the
renunciation of nuclear weapons. Not only do they prohibit nuclear
weapon-related activities within their zones of compliance, but
they also act as a regional mechanism for confidence-building, and
can thus contribute to regional disarmament, stability and what
some resolutions call "good neighbourliness". By contrast, when
NWFZs are lumped in with the more controversial nuclear
resolutions, their relevance in helping to build the conditions for
potential proliferators to pull back from the brink may be obscured
by the debates about nuclear dangers, the rationalisation of
nuclear forces at lower levels, and the continuing failure of the
nuclear powers to accomplish nuclear disarmament.
The 59th First Committee was more interesting and substantive
than most. Ambassador de Alba made very creditable inroads into
past entrenched rituals and has helped breathe new air into the
First Committee's lungs. Whether the air will represent renewed
life and vigour remains to seen. As we head towards the 60th
General Assembly, it will be important for de Alba's successors to
carry on with the principles of openness, interactivity, and more
effective sharing of information, ideas and responsibility seen in
Summary and Analysis of Resolutions
Below is a comprehensive summary and analysis of the 52
resolutions and 3 decisions adopted by the 59th First Committee and
General Assembly. Unlike in past years, I have included comments
from the general debate as well as statements in explanation of
vote. Our aim is to highlight interventions of political
significance and give greater space to controversial resolutions
than to routine, procedural or symbolic ones.
Voting is given as for: against: abstention. The votes in
the First Committee took place between October 27 and November 5,
2004. The General Assembly adopted all the resolutions and draft
decisions featured here on December 3, 2004.
'Consensus' denotes that a resolution was adopted without a
vote. Some countries state that they have not participated in the
consensus, while others prefer to be counted absent by not voting.
A draft decision may be requested instead of a resolution, either
when there is too much controversy to enable a resolution to go
forward or to ensure the issue is on the UNGA agenda for a future
The First Committee votes are shown first, followed by the votes
in the UN General Assembly on December 3, 2004. The resolutions
have been grouped according to subject, but not corresponding to
the clusters used by the Committee in 2004. 'Rev' denotes an agreed
revision incorporated before action was taken. Where possible we
identify the introducer, which has normally taken the lead in
negotiating with others on the text, but for a list of all
co-sponsors, check the UN documents.
Some resolutions were taken in parts. In this case, PP refers to
preambular paragraph and OP refers to operative paragraph. The
preambular paragraphs normally provide background and context,
while the operative paragraphs underline obligations that have not
yet been met or contain requests or instructions.
Numbers given here are from the official records. With regard to
General Assembly votes, states that are in serious arrears with
their payments to the UN are recorded as absent, whether or not
they voted, which explains why even the co-sponsors of some
resolutions are not recorded in the votes. There may also be
discrepancies in voting figures due to requests by delegations for
their votes to be recorded after missing or making mistakes during
the electronic voting procedure. For full details of UNGA action on
the texts, see the UN/DDA website http://www.un.org/ga/59/first.
This report on the 2004 First Committee and General
Assembly votes relating to International Security and Disarmament
was written and compiled by Rebecca Johnson, who attended the First
Committee from October 18 to November 5, 2004.
I apologise for its delay, due to illness, and would
particularly like to thank and credit Merav Datan and Jim Wurst,
who provided me with reports on the General Debate. These have been
incorporated where possible into the discussions on key resolutions
on a number of substantive issues.
This report has also benefited from the greater openness
instituted by the Chair, Ambassador de Alba, in enabling NGOs to
hear the thematic debates. This was greatly welcomed, as was the
continued right of civil society to be present during the voting. I
would also like to thank Ms Cheryl Stoute and her team on the
Secretariat for their unfailing courtesy towards NGOs and their
help in obtaining resolutions and the information necessary to
ensure that this report is as accurate as it can be. Any mistakes
are my own.
Summary and Explanations
Nuclear, Chemical, Biological Weapons, Missiles and Outer
Regional Security and Nuclear Weapon Free Zones
Conventional Weapons
International Security, Disarmament Principles and
Disarmament Machinery and Education
Nuclear, Chemical, Biological Weapons, Missiles and Outer
UNGA 59/109 (L.25/Rev.1)
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Introduced by New Zealand, in accordance with tradition
on behalf also of Mexico and Australia, with
overwhelming, cross-group co-sponsorship and endorsement.
Updating the resolutions of 2000, 2002 and 2003, this CTBT
resolution welcomes the Joint Ministerial statement reaffirming
support for the CTBT signed in New York on September 23, 2004 and
underlines the continuing urgency of the treaty and its entry into
force. It notes that 173 states have signed, including 41 of the 44
needed for entry into force, and that 119 states have ratified,
including 33 of the 44. Remaining states, especially the necessary
11, are urged to accelerate their ratification process to enable
the treaty to enter into force. The resolution urges all states to
maintain their existing moratoria and to refrain from doing
anything that would defeat the CTBT's object and purpose in the
meanwhile (such as conducting a nuclear explosion). Also, in light
of apparent reluctance from Brazil and some other developing
states, the resolution "underlines the need to maintain momentum
towards completion of the verification regime".
First Committee: 147-1-4
UNGA: 177-2-4
The fact that the CTBT resolution was co-sponsored by over 100
states and overwhelmingly adopted came as no surprise. Throughout
the GA and General Debate there had been frequent calls for entry
into force of the CTBT and specifically for the eleven states whose
ratification is needed to "adhere to the treaty without further
delay". Kazakhstan, which has "firsthand knowledge of horrendous
effects of nuclear testing," reaffirmed "its principled position
regarding a total ban of all nuclear testing." Tanzania announced
that it had recently ratified the CTBT, adding that though it has
no nuclear capability, "we believe our signature to the Treaty
confirms that the CTBT is one of the most important instruments for
advancing global nuclear non-proliferation." Brazil, speaking for
the Rio Group, said that the group "reiterates its position for the
total elimination of all nuclear testing and stresses the
significance of achieving universal adherence to the [CTBT]
including by all Nuclear Weapon States." The Rio Group also
"highlight[s] the importance of maintaining a moratorium on
nuclear-weapon-test-explosion or any other explosions pending the
entry into force of that Treaty." China termed the CTBT "of
milestone significance for promoting nuclear non-proliferation and
nuclear disarmament" and expressed its commitment to the moratorium
on nuclear testing pending the treaty's entry into force. As it has
claimed for several years now, China said it was "actively
promoting consideration and ratification of the treaty by the
National People's Congress in accordance with due legal
procedures." So far, the legal procedures have not seemed to be
functioning sufficiently well for China to ratify, however, leading
most observers to assume that it is still waiting for the United
Russia, which ratified in 2000, views the CTBT "as a key
instrument in nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation [whose]
significant is evidenced by the foreign ministers' new joint
statement in support of the CTBT adopted by the General Assembly on
23 September 2004" calling on all states to sign and ratify the
treaty if they have not yet done so. Several states echoed this
call and welcomed the foreign ministers' statement.
The CTBT resolution was adopted in the FC by 147 votes to one
against (the United States, as it has done for the past 4 years).
As in 2003 and 2002, there were 4 abstentions (Colombia, India,
Mauritius and Syria). It is understood that despite their
reservations, these states would have allowed the resolution to be
adopted without a vote if the Bush administration had not been so
adamant that its opposition to the CTBT required it to vote against
this anodyne but symbolically important resolution. In the GA, the
US shamefully forced Palau, a small Pacific protectorate that
during the 1980s held out for years against US pressure to
relinquish its nuclear free status, to add a second opposition
vote. This only served to underline Washington's extreme isolation
on this issue, as the CTBT was endorsed overwhelmingly with 177 GA
votes in favour.
As it had done in 2003, the US in the FC baldly explained that
it had voted against the CTBT resolution "as we have repeatedly
made clear, the US does not support that treaty and will not become
a party to that treaty". The US pledged instead to maintain its
In addition to the large number of states that had emphasised
their support for the CTBT during the FC debates, the Netherlands
on behalf of the EU and associated states reinforced this message
before the vote, saying that the EU "attaches utmost importance to
the early entry into force of the treaty and will continue to call
on those states that have not yet done so to sign and ratify the
CTBT, without delay and without conditions." Noting that both the
legally binding prohibition on nuclear testing and a credible
verification regime "are vital", the EU also pledged strong support
for the Special Representative of the ratifying states [Jaap
Ramaker, former NL ambassador and head of the final year of CTB
negotiations in the CD, appointed by the 2003 Article XIV
conference] who would be visiting a number of states "to promote
universal adherence to the CTBT".
Israel, which has signed but not ratified, explained that it
voted in favour because it was committed to the CTBT's objectives
and was playing an active role with regard to practical procedures
for verification (especially the OSI operational manuals). Israel,
however, had reservations about the wording of OP1, which urged
signature and ratification "without delay and without conditions"
and said that the completion of the verification regime was a
"prerequisite" for entry into force; that verification should be
"effective but immune to abuse" , and that remaining "salient
political issues" should be resolved. Since entry into force did
not look imminent, Israel emphasised the importance of adhering to
the commitment not to conduct nuclear tests (abiding by moratoria)
and the necessity to continue to provide sufficient funds for the
CTBTO, saying that the international monitoring system (IMS) and
international data centre (IDC) needed to be operated and tested
and that the seismic operations should be expanded. Pakistan, which
is not yet a signatory, explained that it voted in favour of the
resolution because it supports the CTBT's objectives, but
considered that "as regards the call in the resolution for
promoting signatures and ratifications leading to CTBT's entry into
force, this goal will of course be facilitated when major erstwhile
supporters of the CTBT decide to restore their support." Pakistan
also remarked that "acceptance of the CTBT obligations on a
regional basis in South Asia will also facilitate its entry into
In terms familiar from last year's explanation of its
abstention, Colombia referred to a "constitutional difficulty" with
regard to ratifying the CTBT and hoped further discussions with the
CTBTO and others would remove this impediment. It is understood
that Colombia's national laws preclude its payment for a treaty
until it ratifies; since September 1996, in accordance with the UN
resolution adopting the CTBT, states have been paying towards the
establishment of the CTBTO. Colombia is concerned that when it
deposits its ratification it will be hit with a large bill for
backdated contributions which, according to its domestic law, it is
not permitted to pay.
Syria said it abstained because the CTBT did not enshrine
security assurances against the use or threat of nuclear weapons to
non-nuclear weapon states, that it did not refer to the development
of new types of nuclear weaponry but "confines itself to banning
only explosions". Syria complained about the inclusion of Israel as
part of the Middle East and South Asia (MESA) regional group in the
treaty. Although sanctions were explicitly ruled out during the
entry into force negotiations in August 1996, Syria claimed concern
that signatories could take measures against non-signatories that
would fall under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/81 (L.34)
The Conference on Disarmament decision (CD/1547) of 11 August 1998
to establish, under item 1 of its Agenda Entitled "Cessation of the
Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Disarmament", an ad hoc committee to
negotiate, on the basis of the report of the Special Coordinator
(CD/1299) and the mandate contained therein, a non-discriminatory,
multilateral and international and effectively verifiable treaty
banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or
other nuclear explosive devices [Fissban]
Introduced by Canada with co-sponsorship of a wide
cross-group of states
Identical to the resolution adopted by consensus in 2003, the Fissban
resolution failed to get consensus, chiefly because of US opposition to
the reference to verification in its title and the CD mandate. The US,
which in 2004 conducted an internal review which concluded that effective
verification of the cut-off treaty was "not achievable", insisted on a
vote and voted against. To the astonishment of many Fissban supporters,
especially in the rest of the EU, Britain abstained, together with Israel,
which has long been reluctant about negotiating a fissban that could open
its facilities to observation and monitoring. Like last year, the resolution
emphasises the value of a treaty banning the production of fissile material
in contributing to nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation,
recalls the decision of the CD to establish an ad hoc committee to negotiate
such a treaty and urges it to establish a programme of work to enable
fissban negotiations to commence.
First Committee: 147-1-2
UNGA: 179-2-2
One of the most controversial resolutions this year, both the EU and
the NAC divided on whether it would be better for Canada to withdraw the
resolution or have the US openly vote against. Having announced its internal
decision about fissban verification in the CD in July-August 2004, the
US repeated its opposition several times during the First Committee and
gave the UN notice that if the resolution was put, it would vote against.
As a consequence, supporters of a fissban were divided between those who
wanted Canada to withdraw the resolution rather than have a confrontation
and lose the consensus of previous years, and those who argued that the
international community should stick to its principles and not just collapse
in silence when the Bush administration demands something different from
what was agreed by previous administrations.
In the General Debate, the United States astonished many by characterising
its insistence on a non-verified cutoff treaty as the initiation of negotiations
for the "rapid conclusion of a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty [FMCT] as
an effort to "break the logjam" at the Conference on Disarmament. Following
on from the US statement of July 29, 2004 at the CD announcing the results
of its internal, inter-agency deliberations the US reiterated its position
that "effective international verification of an FMCT is not realistically
achievable" and called on the CD to "begin such negotiations as soon as
possible" adding that an "important advantage" is that "it will be possible
to conclude such a negotiation far faster than would be the case with
an FMCT that sought to achieve effective verifiability." Though China
said that it is "now studying in a serious manner the proposal of negotiating
a FMCT without verification", others, including Australia, Norway and
the New Agenda states continued to hold that a fissban should include
verification measures.
The FC vote was 147 in favour, rising to 179 in the GA, with
only the US opposed (the poor tiny Pacific island of Palau was
again forced to make up the opposition numbers to 2 in the GA).
Israel, which has been unconvinced about joining in a fissban from
the beginning, abstained, which came as no surprise, since it had
been the US that persuaded Israel to allow the CD to convene
negotiations in 1998. These unfortunately lasted only a few weeks
and the CD has since been deadlocked over its work programme. The
UK abstention shocked many: in explanation, UK Ambassador John
Freeman criticised the co-sponsors and said that "as currently
worded, the resolution divides the international community". The UK
disappointed its allies by reinforcing rather than reversing this
position with an abstention in the GA, while saying it remained
"fully committed" to the FMCT and to "appropriate verification" in
light of changed circumstances.
By contrast, France voted in favour, while also expressing
concern that the resolution had not taken into account developments
during the past year. Ambassador François Rivasseau was
unhappy with Canada's handling of the resolution and complained
that its own attempts to avoid divisions had not sufficiently been
taken into account. Unlike the UK, however, France voted to
"demonstrate its support for a cut-off treaty in the CD". In the
corridors, while many were divided about the political wisdom of
pushing the resolution when it was clear the US intended to break
consensus, many were also very critical of the UK for abstaining,
arguing that it would have been wiser to have voted in favour and
explained its objections, as France had done.
US Ambassador Jackie Sanders reiterated Washington's position
that the US supported negotiations on a fissile material cut-off
treaty that would "establish a legally binding barrier [and]
contribute to arms control and nonproliferation goals" but "the US
has concluded that the treaty would not be effectively verifiable".
Since both the title and the text of the resolution refer to a
"quote 'internationally and effectively verifiable treaty' unquote"
the US has had to vote against. Israel said it viewed the FMCT "in
both regional and global contexts" and that "issues related to
nuclear disarmament can be dealt with only after achieving lasting
relations of peace and reconciliation...[and] overall regional
security and stability. Noting recent developments with regard to
"the misuse and un-checked dissemination of nuclear fuel cycle
capabilities", Israel argued that "an overall priority in
nonproliferation should be assigned to developing a new effective
nonproliferation arrangement pertaining to the nuclear fuel
Among other explanations of vote, Russia considered that there
should have been no need for a vote and confirmed Moscow's
willingness "to commence negotiations on the basis of a broad
mandate". Russia's careful phrasing left open whether its criticism
was directed towards the United States for breaking consensus or
the resolution's sponsors for bringing the division into the open.
Egypt argued that the mandate allowed for extending the scope to
deal with nuclear materials, reiterating its position that it
should also address stockpiles. Indonesia considered it
unfortunate" that consensus was not reachable on L.34 since
"verifying such a treaty is technically feasible and politically
possible, and it is in everyone's core interests to make the treaty
more than symbolic gesture". Indonesia considered that "the dangers
posed by today's nuclear weapons necessitate prompt and vigorous
action to dismantle arsenals and block the transfer, stockpiling
and production of highly enriched uranium and plutonium as the
fissile material needed to build nuclear weapons."
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/75 (L.22)
A New Agenda: Accelerating the Implementation of Nuclear
Disarmament Commitments
Introduced by Sweden on behalf of the New Agenda
Changing tack from the omnibus resolutions of recent years
(last year's, for example, contained 30 operative paragraphs), the
New Agenda resolution in 2004 is short and innocuously worded with
the purpose of garnering maximum support in the run-up to the 2005
NPT Review Conference. It recalls the unequivocal undertaking given
by the NWS to eliminate nuclear weapons at the 2000 Review
Conference, while also noting that the ultimate objective of the
disarmament process is general and complete disarmament under
strict and effective control. In only 8 operative paragraphs, the
resolution calls on all states to "fully comply with commitments
made regarding nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation
and not to act in any way that may be detrimental to nuclear
disarmament and non-proliferation or that may lead to a new nuclear
arms race". States were also called on to "accelerate the
implementation" of the practical steps for nuclear disarmament
agreed in 2000 and to resume fissban negotiations in the CD on the
basis of the 1995 (Shannon) Mandate. The principles of
irreversibility and transparency, as well as verification, were
underlined as "imperative", and the resolution called for the CD to
establish a subsidiary body to deal with nuclear disarmament.
Although the NAC did not sponsor a separate resolution this year on
non-strategic nuclear weapons, they called on the NWS "to take
further steps to reduce their non-strategic nuclear arsenals and
not to develop new types of nuclear weapons, in accordance with
their commitment to diminish the role of nuclear weapons in their
security policies." A separate vote was requested on OP2, which
called on states to "spare no efforts" to achieve universal
adherence to the NPT and early entry into force of the
First Committee: OP2 153-4-5
Whole resolution: 135-5-25
UNGA: OP2 170-4-3
Whole resolution: 151-6-24
OP2, which called on states to achieve universal adherence to
the NPT and early entry into force of the CTBT, was taken
separately and overwhelmingly adopted. The FC votes against were
India, Israel, the United States and - to the surprise of many -
France, although it is a party to the NPT and has ratified and
fully supports the CTBT. (France undid this anomaly by voting in
favour of OP2 in the GA). The abstainers on OP2 in the GA were
Mauritius, Bhutan, and Pakistan, as Monaco and Uzbekistan shifted
to votes in favour.
There were few explanations of vote, but the FC votes against
the whole resolution were United Kingdom, US, France, Israel and
Latvia, joined by Palau in the GA. Abstainers included Russia,
Spain, Portugal, Australia, India, Italy, Iceland, Denmark, Poland,
Slovenia and Hungary and a number of other former Eastern-bloc new
NATO members or applicants. China and Pakistan both voted in
favour, as did most of the NAM, although some were concerned that
the resolution had been diluted or weakened too far. Of particular
importance, eight NATO states braved US displeasure - which had
been forcefully conveyed at meetings in New York and
demarchés in capitals - to vote in favour. These were:
Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Lithuania,
Luxembourg and Turkey. It was also noted that Japan this year voted
in favour of the NAC resolution, as did South Korea. Pakistan said
that it voted in favour of the whole resolution after abstaining on
OP2. Ignoring the fact that the NAC resolution was pared down to
the bare minimum, Russia complained that the NAC resolution was
"silent on progress". In general, the vote suggested that the NAC's
gamble of presenting a short, relatively innocuous resolution had
not paid off, despite the eight NATO votes in favour.
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UNGA 59/76 (L.23)
A Path to the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Introduced by Japan, together with Australia, and a
number of others
Japan's traditional omnibus resolution, which highlights
the NPT and underlines the importance of fulfilling obligations
already undertaken, was stronger and therefore more controversial
than in previous year, causing great consternation among some of
Japan's allies, especially those such as the United States, that
are reneging on past agreements. The resolution emphasises the
agreements of 2000, which are substantially listed (paraphrased and
updated at times, which provoked censure from the New Agenda, who
abstained en bloc). The resolution also calls for the CD to
establish a programme of work in 2004, and for a fissban to be
concluded within five years. It stresses the need for, and
importance of, a successful outcome of the 2005 NPT Review
Conference and calls upon all states to maintain standards of
physical protection of nuclear materials and
First Committee: 151-2-16
UNGA: 165-3-16
Despite being longer and more controversial than in past years,
Japan's resolution was resoundingly adopted by 151 votes in the FC,
rising to 165 in the GA. India and the United States opposed,
joined by browbeaten Palau in the GA. The 16 abstentions included
the New Agenda countries, China, India, Israel, Pakistan, Iran,
Bhutan, Malta, Cuba, Myanmar(Burma) and DPRK. Once again, the
principal reason for the US opposition to its ally's moderate,
NPT-reinforcing resolution was Japan's call for early entry into
force of the CTBT and for a verifiable fissile material ban. Sweden
said that the New Agenda states abstained because they believed the
2000 commitments should be upheld in their entirety. Papering over
divisions among the New Agenda, several of whom had wanted to vote
for Japan's resolution, Sweden also thanked the co-sponsors for
their engagement in discussions on these issues, and said the NAC
looked forward to working together with Japan in the future.
Japan's strategy of keeping a strong focus and not backing down in
the face of US displeasure clearly paid off in the overwhelming
support it garnered from the vast majority of states.
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UNGA 59/83 (L.39)
Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of
Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear
Introduced by Malaysia with co-sponsorship from over 50
NAM states
First tabled after the ICJ advisory opinion of July 1996
on the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, this resolution
underlines the ICJ's major unanimous conclusion that "there exists
an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion
negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects
under strict and effective international control" (OP1) and links
it with a call for immediate negotiations on a nuclear weapon
convention (OP2). It recalls many international obligations,
including the principles and objectives adopted at the 1995 NPT
Review Conference, the 2000 Review Conference thirteen steps, the
various nuclear-weapons-free zones, and traditional NAM positions,
such as a timebound framework for nuclear disarmament. In this
regard, it stresses that the CD should "commence negotiations on a
phased programme for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons
with a specified framework of time" (PP12).
First Committee: OP1: 156-3-5
Whole resolution: 118-28-21
UNGA: OP1: 170-5-4
Whole resolution: 132-29-24
In the General Debate, Myanmar (Burma) on behalf of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), highlighted the
1996 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons and reaffirmed its
unanimous conclusion that "there exists an obligation to pursue in
good faith and bring to conclusion [sic] negotiations leading to
nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective
international control." Bangladesh emphasised in this context "the
necessity to start negotiations on a phased programme for the
complete elimination of nuclear weapons with a specified framework
of time, including a Nuclear Weapons Convention." The fact that the
ICJ opinion figured in so few statements indicates that this is now
a traditional but not very significant resolution, except for the
overwhelming vote given to OP1, which "underlines once again the
unanimous conclusion of the International Court of Justice that
there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a
conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its
aspects under strict and effective international control".
OP1 received overwhelming support from 156 states, rising to 170
in the GA. 3 against and 5 abstentions. Israel, Russia and the
United States (joined in the GA by Palau and the UK) voted against.
In the FC, Belarus, Britain, France, Latvia and Uzbekistan
abstained, but Britain switched sides to voted against OP1 in the
GA. As in previous years, the main arguments employed by countries
supporting OP1 but not the resolution as a whole centred on
complaints that the ICJ opinion should not have been quoted
"selectively" or that it was premature to call on states to
negotiate a nuclear weapon convention.
The vote falls off substantially for the whole resolution.
China, most NAM states and the New Agenda Coalition supported,
while NATO and Western-aligned states either opposed or abstained.
As in past years, a separate vote was called on The criticism of
selectivity appears disingenuous, since instead of getting bogged
down in the equivocal or indeterminate parts of the opinion, the
resolution's purpose is to draw attention to the most relevant,
unanimous conclusion: the judges, whatever their provenance, found
themselves united on the obligation to negotiate nuclear
disarmament. In the absence of any specific legal prohibition
against the possession or use of nuclear weapons at the time, the
ICJ considered that use would generally be contrary to the
principles and rules of humanitarian law. However, looking at the
body of law as a whole, they were divided over whether there might
possibly be circumstances under which nuclear weapon use would not
be unlawful, and if so, what these extreme circumstances might
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/77 (L.26/Rev.1)
Nuclear disarmament
Introduced by Myanmar (Burma) with co-sponsorship from a
declining number of NAM states, but notably not New Agenda states
or Chile, nor India or Pakistan.
With 22 OPs, as last year, this traditional omnibus
resolution on nuclear disarmament evokes past NAM declarations and
recommendations, UN Special Sessions on Disarmament and the
Millennium Declaration, and the NPT agreements especially from
2000. The vote on this traditional nuclear disarmament resolution
splits unchallengingly along group lines; it is backed by most of
the NAM, and opposed by NATO and its aligned states. China and some
NAC countries voted in favour; Russia and other NAC countries
(Sweden and Ireland) abstained. India said it abstained because of
the references to the NPT. Japan abstained, saying it shared the
resolution's goal of the total elimination of nuclear weapons, it
rejected the approach based on a timebound framework and considered
that "realistic and progressive" incremental steps were
First Committee: 93-42-18
UNGA: 117-43-21
The vote on this ritual nuclear disarmament resolution continues
to split unchallengingly along group lines; it is backed by most of
the NAM, and opposed by NATO and its aligned states. China and some
NAC countries voted in favour; Russia and other NAC countries
(Sweden and Ireland) abstained. India said it abstained because of
the references to the NPT. Japan abstained because although it
shared the resolution's goal of the total elimination of nuclear
weapons, it rejected the approach based on a timebound framework
and considered that "realistic and progressive" incremental steps
were preferable.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/94 (L.56)
Bilateral Strategic Nuclear Arms Reductions and the New Strategic
Introduced by the Russian Federation and co-sponsored by
the United States
In its second appearance, this resolution welcomes the
Moscow Treaty, which it characterises as "as important result of
the new bilateral strategic relationship". With an eye on the 2005
NPT Review Conference, the resolution in OP4 "acknowledges the
contribution that the United States of America and the Russian
Federation have made to nuclear disarmament by reducing their
deployed strategic warheads by about half since the end of the cold
war" and then lists in details various reductions made by each of
these states. The resolution underlines the NPT link by also
"welcoming the determination of the two countries to work
together... to meet their respective obligations under article VI
[of the NPT]", and then in OP8 by characterising the Presidential
Initiatives of 1991-2 (which have not been verifiably implemented)
as "a major step forward in the meeting by the Russian Federation
and the United States of America of their obligations under article
VI [of the NPT]". Noting "with approval" measures to halt the
production of fissile material, the resolution also welcomes
initiatives to dispose of excess fissile materials, and invites
both the United States and the Russian Federation to keep others
informed of their respective strategic offensive
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
The US and Russia hoped to get this resolution through quickly
on the first day, but it was delayed until the final day as a
number of New Agenda and NAM states raised concerns about some of
its assertions. In particular, they questioned the validity of OP4
and OP8. Providing an explanation of an "interpretive character"
for going along with the consensus, Sweden stated on behalf of the
NAC that since they could not verify the information given by the
sponsors, they understood the resolution to be, in effect, the
provision of "valuable information" given to the GA. Furthermore,
"the sponsors ask the UNGA to acknowledge the contribution to
nuclear disarmament made by the reduction of their deployed
strategic warheads. Naturally we acknowledge that reduced
deployment is a positive development. At the same time we hold the
view that reductions in deployment and operational status cannot
replace irreversible cuts in and actual destruction of nuclear
weapons." In language clearly repudiating the resolution's purpose
of equating the bilateral reductions with fulfilment of article VI,
Sweden said that the NAC looked "forward to continued developments
leading to their total elimination in line with obligations of the
Explicitly mentioning OP4, Indonesia expressed serious
reservations about the resolution, notwithstanding the fact that it
had ended up joining consensus. Reaffirming its commitment to both
nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation, Indonesia said: "We deem
it necessary to reiterate that reduction in deployments and in
operational status cannot substitute for irreversible cuts in, and
the total elimination of nuclear weapons. The United States and
Russia have missed the opportunity to verifiably dismantle their
still massive cold war era nuclear arsenals and reduce the role of
nuclear weapons in their military strategies. Moreover, new nuclear
weapons and possibly renewed nuclear testing are on the horizon."
Indonesia concluded, "While these reductions are to be welcomed, in
our view they do not fulfil the unequivocal undertaking under
Article VI of the NPT to accomplish the total elimination of their
nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament."
Cuba also objected, deploring that one of the sponsors had
refused to negotiate on those aspects of the text that so many
found disturbing. Cuba called on the nuclear weapon states to abide
by the commitments they have undertaken in the context of the
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/91 (L.50)
Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation
Introduced by Chile on behalf of 114 of the HCoC's 117
This new resolution welcomes the adoption of the HCoC on
November 25, 2002 and its already high membership, describing the
code of conduct as a "practical step against the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery". The
resolution then invites all remaining states to subscribe to the
Code, while also encouraging "further ways and means" to deal with
ballistic missiles. In its preamble, it expresses concern about the
increasing regional and global security challenges, relating them
to "the ongoing proliferation of ballistic missiles capable of
delivering weapons of mass destruction", and references both the UN
and regional and international efforts. The resolution attracted
more controversy than the proposers expected, as Iran and Egypt
tabled three amendments. Though the purpose of the amendments was
to emphasise the importance of the UN's role and the need for
comprehensive approaches addressing not only ballistic but other
kinds of missiles, and not only proliferation but missile
development, they were treated by the co-sponsors as "killer
amendments" and heavily defeated.
First Committee 137-2-16
UNGA: 161-2-15
After the three amendments, to PP7, OP1 and OP4 were
respectively rejected by 21-103-8, 17-104-10, and 23-103-6, the
unamended HCoC resolution was overwhelmingly adopted by the FC.
In introducing the resolution, Chile observed that the HCoC "is
a political undertaking intended to contribute positively to
international security and to strengthen all Disarmament and Arms
Control Treaties and Mechanisms.... [W]e strive for global security
through politically binding measures such as the restraint in the
development, testing and deployment of such Missiles. Also, by
means of Transparency and Confidence Building Measures, including
Annual Reports and Pre-launch Notifications."
Iran and Egypt voted against, arguing that the HCoC is deficient
in the areas of peaceful uses, cooperation and assistance, it
ignores cruise missiles "which are the most common type of missiles
in terms of use and proliferation", and addresses only ballistic
missiles without addressing them as a means of delivery for nuclear
weapons. Most particularly, Egypt said it was concerned that in
dismissing the amendments, the HCoC co-sponsors had voted "against
a positive role for the United Nations...[and] against further
steps towards the further development of the HCoC..." Iran accused
the co-sponsors of the HCoC resolution of having a "leave it or
take it" approach. They opposed again in the GA. Abstainers
included Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cuba, India,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Pakistan, Syria, United
Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
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UNGA 59/67 (L.6/Rev.1)
Introduced by Iran, together with Egypt and
In its sixth year, following two panels of government
experts, this resolution requests a report to be prepared with the
support of UNIDIR, taking into account the views of Member States
regarding "the issue of missiles, in all its aspects". It also
requests a further panel of governmental experts to be established
in 2007 "on the basis on equitable geographical distribution, to
explore the issues further.
First Committee: 98-2-60
UNGA: 119-4-60
There have been two previous panels on missiles. The first,
which reported back in 2002, provided a useful overview, but
irreconcilable differences of approach among the panellists and the
states they represented meant that the panel could not agree on
recommendations. [See "The Issue of Missiles in all its Aspects",
DDA Report of the Secretary General, A/57/229 (2003).] The second
was able to go no further than the first. In the General Debate,
several states raised this question of the failure of the second
panel of governmental experts on missiles to reach consensus on its
report. According to Iran, which has sponsored the resolutions on
missiles establishing the successive panels of governmental
experts, this situation "prompts us all to work more seriously and
dedicatedly... we should acknowledge that our endeavour in this
regard is at the initial stage of a longer process" in which "it is
imperative to redouble our efforts."
Others, however, were far from convinced, and many considered
this resolution should have been held back this year. Nevertheless,
the United States and Israel were the only states prepared to vote
against (joined by Micronesia and Palau in the GA). Importantly,
the voting shows that while the sponsors accused each other of
making no or inadequate reference to the approach favoured by their
own resolution, a significant number of NAM states - including
Chile, the lead sponsor for the HCoC resolution - voted for both.
Speaking on behalf of the bloc of EU and associated states that
abstained, the Netherlands underlined that "our abstention must not
be regarded as a lack of commitment... on the contrary the EU is
convinced the proliferation of ballistic missiles capable of
delivering weapons of mass destruction puts at risk the security of
all states and peoples... as well as cruise missiles and UAV are a
growing cause of concern within the EU...[but] the EU remains of
the opinion that another panel of experts would only be meaningful
if based on an agreed specific mandate which ensured that added
value could be offered..." This was clearly intended to put into
perspective the votes of those who had rejected the
Iranian-Egyptian amendments to L.50. Some 60 HCoC members abstained
(including the EU and NATO). Giving an explanation similar to the
previous year, Japan said it had participated in the first of the
two panels on missiles, but objected to L.6/Rev.1 because it
contained no acknowledgement of the ongoing process towards
universalisation of the HCoC and no explicit reference to the
proliferation of missiles as delivery vehicles for WMD. The
Republic of Korea had participated in the second panel, which had
been unable to adopt a final report, and they were sceptical of the
proposal to convene another panel "due to the fundamental
differences in perceptions and views... among states" which were
unlikely soon to be dissipated. Others specifically rejected the
interpretation that opponents of Iran's amendments were against
further development of the HCoC or a role for the United Nations.
In further explanations of votes, China said that though it had not
joined HCoC, it would continue in its consultations. China voted in
favour of both resolutions, and emphasised that the UN should also
be fully utilised. Russia also voted in favour of both, arguing
that the most appropriate forum for dealing with missiles was the
UN, as Russia had proposed in its Global Control System (GCS), but
on the other hand, the HCoC was the "first real step towards
countering ballistic missiles".
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UNGA 59/79 (L.30)
Reducing Nuclear Danger
Introduced by India with co-sponsorship from several NAM
Now in its seventh year, this dealerting resolution has
become a ritual. It focuses on the adoption of measures to prevent
accidents arising from computer or other technical malfunctions, as
well as nuclear postures based on "hair-trigger alert". In addition
to general exhortations for all member states to work to prevent
nuclear proliferation and promote nuclear disarmament, it calls for
a review of nuclear doctrines (OP1), specifically by the five NWS
(OP2), and calls for implementation of the seven recommendations in
the report of the Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Disarmament
Matters and the Millennium Declaration related to reducing nuclear
dangers and the risks of nuclear war.
First Committee 106-46-16
UNGA: 116-46-18
First tabled by India in 1998, the same year as it conducted
nuclear tests and knocked on the door to be admitted to the nuclear
'club' as a NWS, this is an odd, hybrid resolution. Though many
agree that more must be done to reduce nuclear danger, the vote
splits along NAM-Western lines, with China, Japan, South Korea and
a few Eastern European/Central Asian states abstaining. The high
number of negative votes from NATO-EU aligned states reflects their
deep scepticism about India's underlying motive for this
resolution. The references to preventing nuclear accidents are
taken by some to relate to the controversial question of whether
India and Pakistan should receive assistance or technologies, such
as permissive action links (PALs), developed by some of the NWS in
this regard. Furthermore, de-alerting, which was promoted as an
interim step by the Canberra Commission and others during the
1990s, is less popular with disarmament advocates since the Moscow
Treaty effectively presented the withdrawal of weapons from
deployment as a substitute for irreversible, transparent and
verifiable nuclear disarmament.
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UNGA 59/64 (L.44)
Conclusion of Effective International Arrangements to Assure
Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Against the Use or Threat of Use of
Nuclear Weapons [NSA]
Introduced by Pakistan with co-sponsorship from a handful
of NAM states
Pakistan's traditional resolution on security assurances,
tabled since 1990, is carried forward with few changes over the
years, despite Pakistan's own nuclear tests and assertion of
nuclear weapon possession and status. It evokes numerous past UN
and NAM meetings and declarations, asserts the need to safeguard
the "independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty" of
non-nuclear weapon states against the use or threat of use of
nuclear weapons, and argues that, until nuclear disarmament has
been achieved universally, a common approach on security assurances
needs to be negotiated. Among the six OPs, three refer to the CD,
which is called on to "actively continue intensive negotiations" on
effective international arrangements.
First Committee 109-0-61
UNGA: 118-0-63
During the General Debate, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Cuba,
Ecuador, Iran, Laos, Mongolia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and
Viet Nam were among those who noted the importance of negative
security assurances. Several states specifically called for a
legally binding instrument on assurances to non-nuclear weapon
states in the context of the NPT rather than the wider purview
encompassed by this resolution. India and Pakistan both referred to
the importance of security assurances to non-nuclear weapon states,
though it appears that they want to be acknowledged as in a
position to give such assurances rather than to receive them, as
was the case when Pakistan first sponsored this resolution.
The voting pattern on Pakistan's resolution changed little over
the years, with most of the NAM voted in favour, and NATO and
European states abstained en bloc. Though none oppose
outright, because the concept of security assurances is one that
even its opponents feel the need to pay lip service to, the lack of
enthusiasm reflects the tired language and view that this
resolution is widely regarded as having outlived its usefulness, at
least in this form. Although some may be dissatisfied with the
security assurances contained in UNSC 984 (1995), many view this
issue as more appropriately dealt with in the context of the NPT,
rather than the CD. The United States reiterated its opposition to
"any proposal for a negative security assurances treaty or global,
legally binding security assurances regime".
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UNGA 59/102 (L.29)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons
Introduced by India with the co-sponsorship of thirty NAM
This rival resolution (dating back many years), for which
India, despite its own nuclear testing and weapons capabilities,
continues to take the lead in sponsoring, evokes the July 1996 ICJ
opinion and various past UN resolutions, and argues that a
multilateral, universal and binding agreement prohibiting the use
or threat of use of nuclear weapons would contribute to the total
elimination of nuclear threats. Despite regretting the CD's
inability to agree any kind of a work plan, the two OPs continue to
request the CD to commence negotiations on an international
convention "prohibiting the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons
under any circumstances" and to report the results to the General
First Committee 111-46-12
UNGA: 125-48-12
This is a further example of an important issue being given
short shrift because of the resolution's provenance and ritualistic
appearance year after year. The vote divided along traditional
lines, with most NAM states and China voting in favour, and the
EU/NATO aligned bloc, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan voting
against. Russia was among the handful that abstained.
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UNGA 59/514 (L.15) draft decision
United Nations Conference to Identify Ways of Eliminating Nuclear
Dangers in the Context of Nuclear Disarmament
Introduced by Mexico
This decision puts the item entitled "United Nations
conference to identify ways of eliminating nuclear dangers in the
context of nuclear disarmament" onto the agenda of the 60th session
of the General Assembly.
First Committee 119-6-4
UNGA: 138-5-38
Mexico continues to do its utmost to get this conference off the
ground. The US, UK, France voted against, together with Poland,
Israel and Monaco in the FC. In the GA, Israel switched to an
abstention, Palau joined the opposition, and Monaco disappeared.
The New Agenda states voted in favour, as did most of the NAM. Most
European countries abstained.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/65 (L.36)
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS)
Introduced by Egypt with traditional co-sponsorship by
Sri Lanka, as well as support from China and the
Russian Federation and a host of non-aligned states.
Noting "the importance and urgency" of the issue and that
"the prevention of an arms race in outer space would avert a grave
danger for international peace and security", this resolution
reaffirms that the exploration and use of outer space should be for
peaceful purposes only and should be carried out "for the benefit
and in the interest of all countries, irrespective of their degree
of economic or scientific development". The resolution underlines
the importance of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and other
international instruments but recognises that the current "legal
regime applicable to outer space does not in and of itself
guarantee the prevention of an arms race in outer space" and that
"there is a need to consolidate and reinforce that regime and
enhance its effectiveness and that it is important to comply
strictly with existing agreements, both bilateral and
multilateral". It emphasises the need for "further measures with
appropriate and effective provisions for verification to prevent an
arms race in outer space", recognises "the growing convergence of
views on the elaboration of measures designed to strengthen
transparency, confidence and security in the peaceful uses of outer
space", and calls on the Conference on Disarmament to complete
examining and updating its mandate from 1992 and establish an ad
hoc committee on PAROS in its 2005 session.
First Committee 167-0-2
UNGA: 178-0-4
An even larger vote in the First Committee, but exactly the same
in the GA as last year. As before, no-one voted against. In
abstaining, the United States and Israel managed to get Haiti and
Palau to swell their numbers in the GA. Neither they nor the EU
states this time gave an explanation of vote.
During the FC, a special session was devoted to 'prevention of
an arms race in outer space' on Tuesday October 19. Of most
importance, Russia used the occasion to announce a new policy of no
first deployment of weapons in outer space and called on all other
space-faring and space-using nations to join in this pledge. Russia
also joined China in emphasising their joint initiative in the
Conference on Disarmament, where they have submitted a draft treaty
containing the basic elements of a potential instrument that would
prohibit the placement of weapons in space. Canada and Sweden both
called for a more coordinated approach to promote security in
space, involving other bodies such as COPUOS and OOSA and a range
of military and civilian stakeholders, as well as governments.
Others spoke to support the Egyptian-Sri Lankan resolution and/or
to support or qualify support for the CD to address PAROS. As
traditional co-sponsor for the PAROS resolution, Sri Lanka made the
strong point that the "annual presentation of the PAROS resolution
in the First Committee and the almost universal endorsement of its
principles... has had the salutary effect of according to these
objectives, the status of customary law."
In its general statement, Russia's Ambassador Leonid Skotnikov
said: "In his address to the current UN General Assembly the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia drew once again attention to
the task of keeping outer space weapons-free. As is known, in the
interests of achieving this aim, Russia and China in co-authorship
with a number of other states submitted to the Conference on
Disarmament a draft of basic elements of a comprehensive agreement
on non-placement of weapons in outer space. The draft sets forth
the following fundamental obligations: not to place in orbit around
the Earth any objects carrying any kinds of weapons, not to install
such weapons on celestial bodies and not to station such weapons in
outer space in any other manner; not to resort to the threat or use
of force against outer space objects. The conceptual discussion of
this issue has advanced over the last year. We hope that the work
of the CD will be unblocked and an ad hoc Committee on Outer Space
will be reestablished to start multilateral substantive discussion
of a draft agreement.
"Russia is pursuing a steady course of preventing the arms race
in outer space. Let us recall that as far back as 1983, the Soviet
Union assumed an obligation not to be the first in placing any kind
of anti-satellite weapons in outer space. We remain committed to
this obligation up to the present day. Moreover, we shall not be
the first to place any weapons in outer space. We call on all
nations with an outer space potential to follow our suit, which
will make it possible to maintain a peaceful status of outer
space. We are confident that this will benefit all the nations
with no exception." [verbatim text from statement]
In the PAROS debate, Russia elaborated further on these
developments in its position, noting that the deployment of weapons
in outer space and therefore PAROS are one of the most important
and urgent tasks facing the international community. From notes of
the oral translation, "Russia traditionally co-sponsors the
Egyptian-Sri Lankan PAROS resolution and will do so again this
year. The world depends more and more on outer space, and there
would be tragic consequences for daily life if satellites were
disrupted, as outer space is an important arena for solving many
problems of humanity, including development, agriculture,
meteorology and communications. The appearance of weapons in outer
space would be fraught with international security considerations,
which must and can be avoided. Outer space must become a sphere for
cooperation and not confrontation. There is a real opportunity
still to prevent the development of outer space as a sphere of
aggression. Today and in the future, the Russian Federation has no
plans for development or deployment of weapons and weapons
components in outer space. We have consistently complied with our
ASAT testing moratorium. In CD/1675, Russia and China elaborated on
a treaty to prevent the use of force or threat of use of force with
respect to space objects. We have been gratified by the support and
constructive discussion of this proposal in Geneva. We are not
insisting on the specific aspects contained in this draft but
tabled it to be a stimulus to thinking and debate. The CD has
experience and is the appropriate international forum to do this
work. Russia and China's proposal is that an Ad Hoc Committee in
the CD would first have a research and not a negotiating mandate.
But we cannot remain as passive bystanders until such a treaty has
been concluded. Therefore Russia has put forward other
Three years ago, at the 56th UN General Assembly, Russia made a
proposal for a moratorium on development and deployment of weapons
in space, and promised to undertake this ourselves. Russia also
took the initiative in providing detailed launch notification and
information with regard to space vehicles and launches. Russia is
now making a new, important and far-reaching initiative: Russia
will not be the first to deploy weapons of any type in outer space.
This is a serious step showing our sense of responsibility, and we
call on all states to follow our example. We believe this can be an
important confidence-building measure and create an indispensable
safety net while negotiations are conducted to get an international
legal instrument to prevent and prohibit the deployment of weapons
in outer space. We hope that this initiative will be discussed in
capitals around the world, and find support, as we also support the
work being done by France, Canada and others on PAROS. There are
many challenges and risks in the world, but this carries urgency
and immediacy while offering practical steps, and we hope all will
also support the PAROS resolution."
Ambassador Hu Xiaodi of China said that the peaceful uses of
outer space are important for the whole world, and would benefit
all countries, but that there were threats because it was regarded
as a 'high frontier', to which military value was increasingly
attached. China warned against pursuing space weapons research and
development, and argued that "if we sit on our hands, outer space
will be made into the fourth medium of warfare after land, sea and
air". China argued that an arms race in space would break strategic
stability, damage relations and international peace and security,
and that the testing of weapons in low earth orbit (LEO) would
"aggravate the already acute problem of space debris". China
considered that the existing international regime has shown its
limitations and falls short of preventing or prohibiting the use of
force with respect to outer space objects, and so China issued two
non-papers in the CD this year in order to stimulate substantive
discussions on PAROS and verification and hopes that next year it
will be possible to take these initiatives further.
Canada asserted that it remained "profoundly opposed to the
weaponisation of space. We want space to be considered as a
universal good". In the GA, Canadian PM Paul Martin had emphasised
this issue: "Space is our final frontier. It has always captured
our imagination. What a tragedy it would be if space became one big
weapons arsenal and the scene of a new arms race. In 1967, the
United Nations agreed that weapons of mass destruction must not be
based in space. The time has come to extend this ban to all
weapons." Canada was committed to a CD ad hoc Committee "to discuss
PAROS in all its aspects and to seeing the Conference eventually
undertake the negotiation of a space weapons ban..." In view of the
CD impasse, Canada suggested that one way to help start the process
"might be for the Conference to establish an experts group to
explore some of the more technical aspects of space security
issues." Canada also wanted more communication between the
space-related work of the First and Fourth Committees, COPUOS, OOSA
etc... Referring to its workshop in Geneva on space security
issues, "a clear message... was that there is a need for a more
comprehensive and coordinated approach to ensuring space security."
Canada welcomed Russia's no-first deployment pledge and encourages
"creative thinking and action" for CBMs and measures to enhance
space security. Arguing that "this international good is simply too
precious to leave unprotected by multilateral action, Canada
suggested that the 40th anniversary of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty
should be used as an opportunity to encourage more ratifications
and bring about the treaty's universality. Canada also supported
the HCoC against ballistic missiles, on which there is a resolution
for the first time, and hoped to see expansion of multilateral
cooperation on this issue.
On behalf of the EU and a host of associated nations, Chris
Sanders of the Netherlands gave a three-point lowest common
denominator statement: 1) The EU is conscious of the growing
involvement of the international community in outer space
activities for development and progress, and is actively
cooperating in various space initiatives [which] should be
developed in a peaceful environment... 2) it is within the CD that
any decision should taken regarding work on PAROS...3) EU supports
establishment of a subsidiary body of the CD to deal with this
matter on the basis of a mandate agreed by all. But at least this
ensured that the EU did not down-grade PAROS in explaining its vote
in favour of the resolution, as happened last year.
Sweden supported the EU statement but added some further
emphasis: space activities are often dual use and involve
cross-cutting issues between civil and military activities and so
space "is a powerful tool not only for welfare but potentially also
for warfare"; the current legal regime provides fundamental rules
on international responsibility and liability for national space
activities, and to this should now be added the HCoC. Supporting
the establishment of a CD subsidiary body, Sweden suggested "as a
first step", informal technical meetings in the CD involving a
wider range of actors and stakeholders in the space field, "such as
international organisations, space agencies, space law academia and
the private sector." Mentioned the importance of linking with
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/110 (L.17/rev.1)
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and
Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and
on Their Destruction [BWC]
Introduced by Hungary with the support of BWC states
Noting with satisfaction the increase in BWC membership to
152 states parties, the resolution underlines the BWC's effective
prohibition of the use of bacteriological (biological) and toxin
weapons and their development, production and stockpiling under all
circumstances. It furthermore records the decisions of the Fifth
Review Conference to discuss and promote common understanding and
effective action: explicitly, in 2003, the "adoption of necessary
national measures to implement" the Convention, "including the
enactment of penal legislation, and national mechanisms to
establish and maintain the security and oversight of pathogenic
micro-organisms and toxins; in 2004 "enhancing international
capabilities for responding to, investigating and mitigating the
effects of cases of alleged use of biological or toxin weapons or
suspicious outbreaks of disease, and strengthening and broadening
national and international institutional efforts and existing
mechanisms for the surveillance, detection, diagnosis and combating
of infectious diseases affecting humans, animals and plants"; and
in 2005 "on the topic of the content, promulgation and adoption of
codes of conduct for scientists", finally calling on all BWC
parties to participate in its implementation. The resolution calls
for further signatures and ratification, increased information
exchange and resources to implement the BWC states parties'
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
There was relief that the BWC resolution went through on
consensus. During the General Debate, a large number of states
called for strengthening the norms against biological and chemical
weapons through the BWC and CWC - particularly in light of the
threat of terrorism - and for greater adherence to these regimes.
Many specifically stressed the importance of strengthening the BWC.
Russia, for example, expressed support for "efforts aimed at making
the [CWC] universal and at setting up national mechanisms of its
implementation: as well as strengthening the BWC regime "by
creating its metrification mechanism." Brazil, on behalf of the Rio
Group, expressed the group's hope that "in the near future we
obtain the universalisation" of the CWC and BWC, including "a
verification mechanism" for the BWC. India noted that new security
challenges involving terrorism and WMD "can be effectively dealt
with only through truly universal and non-discriminatory regimes"
such as these two conventions.
Myanmar (Burma), on behalf of ASEAN, noted the decision of the
Fifth Review Conference of the BWC that states parties should meet
annually in the lead-up to the Sixth Review Conference in 2006 and
that the Meeting of Experts should take place in advance of each
annual meeting. ASEAN also welcomed the August 2003 and July 2004
Meetings of Experts and the first annual meeting of states parties
to the BWC in November 2003, expressing the hope that the second
annual meeting, to be held in December 2004 "will strengthen and
broaden national and international efforts and the optimum
utilization of the existing mechanisms for the surveillance,
detection, diagnosis and combating of infectious diseases affecting
humans animals and plants."
China observed that it is "quite necessary to continue
multilateral discussions aiming at formulating measures to
strengthen the effectiveness of the [BWC]," a process in which
China will continue its "active participation." Several others
expressed their hope for better implementation of the BWC with
some, such as Indonesia, voicing disappointment over lack of
success to date with regard to efforts to formulate measures for
preventing and controlling deliberate biological or toxin
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/72 (L.16)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the
Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons
and on Their Destruction [CWC]
Introduced by Poland on behalf of CWC states parties
This now-traditional resolution noted with satisfaction
that nine more states have brought the parties to the CWC up to
167. The purpose of the resolution is to underline the importance
of the CWC and work of the Organisation for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons (OPCW). It calls for the CWC's "full, universal
and effective implementation" so as to exclude completely the
possibility of any further use of chemical weapons, and underscores
some of the key points in the First Special Session's Political
Declaration, including urging universalisation, effective
application of the verification system, fulfilment of financial
obligations, and the fostering of peaceful international
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
During the debates, there were many general expressions of
support for the CWC and the work of the OPCW, with calls for
universalisation and full implementation of the treaty. In pledging
its support for the CWC, China mentioned its recent co-sponsorship
with the OPCW of the Second Regional Meeting of National
Authorities in Asia. China also urged Japan to make further efforts
at destroying the chemical weapons it had abandoned in China.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/70 (L.12*)
Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol
Introduced by Malaysia on behalf of the NAM
Last seen in 2002, this resolution welcomes that three
more states parties have withdrawn their reservations to the 1925
Protocol, calls on states that continue to maintain reservations to
the Protocol to withdraw them, and renews its call on all states
"to observe strictly the principles and objectives" of the
Protocol, relating this also to "achieving effective progress
towards general and complete disarmament under strict and effective
international control".
First Committee 165-0-3
UNGA: 179-0-5
The United States insisted on a vote and abstained, together
with Israel and the Marshall Islands (joined in the GA by Palau and
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Regional Security and Nuclear Weapon Free Zones
UNGA 59/513 (L.7, Decision)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia
Introduced by Uzbekistan, on behalf of Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan
With negotiations still delicate, the Central Asian states
proposed a draft decision to keep the issue on the UN
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/63 (L.8)
Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the
Middle East
Introduced by Egypt on behalf of the League of Arab
This traditional resolution, which goes back to 1974,
cites the need for the establishment of a nuclear-weapons-free zone
in the Middle East, while at the same time reaffirming the right of
states to develop and acquire nuclear energy for so-called peaceful
purposes. It invites all countries of the region to declare their
support for establishing such a zone.
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
The language of this resolution is deliberately kept moderate to
enable it to be adopted without a vote. Israel explained that it
had joined consensus "notwithstanding substantive and important
reservations regarding certain elements in the resolution".
Repeating the mantra that a NWFZ must be based on "arrangements
freely arrived at among all the states in the region concerned",
Israel argued that the nuclear issue, and all regional security
issues, should be dealt with in the context of the peace process.
In particular, Israel favoured a step by step approach, beginning
with "modest CBMs, followed by the establishment of peaceful
relations and reaching reconciliation..." Characterising a NWFZ in
the Middle East as a "more ambitious goal", Israel said it could
not be established "in situations where some of the states maintain
they are in a state of war with each other, refuse in principle to
maintain peaceful relations with Israel or even recognise its right
to exist".
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/106 (L.37)
The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East
Introduced by Egypt on behalf of the League of Arab
This annual resolution is the less consensual sibling of
the previous, and names Israel, while stressing the need for
universality of the NPT. PP6, on which there was a separate vote,
emphasises the conclusions on the Middle East adopted by NPT
parties in 2000. Noting that Israel is now the only state in the
region that remains outside the NPT it calls upon that state "to
accede... without further delay and not to develop, produce, test
or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons, and to renounce possession of
nuclear weapons, and to place all its unsafeguarded nuclear
facilities under fullscope" IAEA safeguards. In addressing nuclear
proliferation in the Middle East, the resolution does not mention
the IAEA additional protocol or raise concerns about the activities
of any states other than Israel.
First Committee whole resolution 157-4-8
PP6: 154-3-4
UNGA whole resolution 170-5-9
PP6: 169-6-4
First there was a split vote on one of the preambular paragraphs
(PP6), which made reference to the final document of the NPT 2000
Review Conference and called for universal adherence to the Treaty,
as well as strict compliance by all parties with their obligations:
PP6 was adopted by 154:3:4. Israel, India and the United States
opposed, while Pakistan, Mauritius, Bhutan and Papua New Guinea
abstained. The whole resolution was then adopted. The FC no-voters
were Israel, Micronesia, Marshall Islands and the United States,
joined in the GA by Palau.
In a statement very similar to the one made last year, Israel
called L.37 "biased" and "an abuse of reality and misuse of the UN"
and said that "singling out Israel is counter productive to
confidence building and peace in the region and does not lend this
body any credibility". Referring obliquely to revelations about the
nuclear programmes of Iran and Libya, Israel condemned the
resolution for its "neglect of the fact that the real risk of
nuclear proliferation in the Middle East emanates from countries
that, despite being parties to international treaties do not comply
with their relevant international obligations".
While the EU voted en bloc in favour of the resolution,
Australia, Canada and Ethiopia joined India, Papua New Guinea,
Trinidad and Tobago, Cameroon and Nauru in abstaining. Australia
explained that while it supported a NWFZ in the Middle East and had
consistently called on Israel to accede to the NPT, it had a number
of problems with L.37 and was concerned that there was no reference
to Iran's proliferation activities.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/85 (L.41)
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Southern Hemisphere and Adjacent Areas
Introduced by Brazil, together with New Zealand,
with the co-sponsorship of a wide cross-group of states in the
southern hemisphere
As in past years, this resolution, which has been led by
Brazil and New Zealand since 1996, caused anxiety for Britain,
France and the United States, which regularly transport nuclear
weapons or materials through the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere,
and offended India and Pakistan, because it refers to a NWFZ in
South Asia. The resolution places its calls for the ratification of
all nuclear-weapon-free-zone treaties and their protocols, as
relevant, in the context of the determined pursuit of "the total
elimination of nuclear weapons" and "the important role of NWFZ in
strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime." It also
recalls "the applicable principles and rules of international law
relating to the freedom of the high seas and the rights of passage
through maritime space", including UNCLOS, but as the votes
reflect, this paragraph has failed to bring the sceptical NWS on
board. Using the traditional language associated with NWFZs, OP5
"welcomes the steps taken to conclude further
nuclear-weapon-free-zone treaties on the basis of arrangements
freely arrived at among the states of the region concerned, and
calls upon all states to consider all relevant proposals, including
those reflected in its resolutions on the establishment of
nuclear-weapon-free-zones in the Middle East and South Asia". A new
preambular paragraph (PP8) welcomes Mexico's decision to host a
conference of states parties signatories to all the NWFZs in
First Committee, October 27: India insisted on separate votes on
OP5, and the last three words of OP5 (..."and South Asia.")
OP5 (last three words of): 139-2-9
OP5: 144-1-8
Resolution as a whole: 149-3-6
UNGA OP5 (last three words of): 159-4-7
UNGA OP5: 166-3-7
UNGA Resolution as a whole: 171-4-8
There was familiar controversy on this resolution calling for a
nuclear weapon free Southern Hemisphere (L.41), which places its
calls for the ratification of all nuclear-weapon-free-zone treaties
and their protocols, as relevant, in the context of the determined
pursuit of "the total elimination of nuclear weapons" and "the
important role of NWFZ in strengthening the nuclear
non-proliferation regime". Despite assurances from Brazil and New
Zealand, also indicated in the preamble, that the draft did not
conflict with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea UNCLOS) or
other norms and international laws relating to navigation, Britain,
France and the United States, who regularly transport nuclear
weapons or materials through the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere,
made their familiar objections and voted against (joined by hapless
Palau in the GA). They reiterated that they had no objection to
NWFZs in principle, but feared that "the real goal of this
resolution is the establishment of a nuclear weapon free zone that
covers the high seas". Spain, which is unhappy that the Canary
Islands, which it regards as part of Spanish territory, is included
in the zone of the African NWFZ, objected to PP8 and gave a lengthy
but unclear explanation of its abstention.
India insisted on a vote to remove specific mention of the need
for a NWFZ in South Asia (the words "and South Asia") from OP5, and
when that failed (139:2:9), insisted on voting against OP5
altogether (144:1:8); failing to achieve any modification of the
resolution, as in past years, India and Pakistan abstained.
India, practically duplicating its statement of previous
years, declared that this aspect of the resolution ran counter to
the established understanding that NWFZ must be freely arrived at
by the states concerned, and queried why South Asia was singled
out, when it was "no more relevant" than a NWFZ in Western Europe
or East or North Asia.
Although this is not the year for resolutions on the specific
NWFZs already in existence, it should be noted that several
positive endorsements were given during the debates. Myanmar on
behalf of ASEAN states welcomed progress in the implementation of
the South East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty and,
specifically, China's announcement in November 2002 that it is
ready to accede to the Protocol. The ASEAN states reiterated their
call to other nuclear weapon states to accede to the Protocol.
Mexico, with the support of states parties to the Treaty of
Tlatelolco and "as a contribution to the 2005 Conference",
announced that it would host a conference of states parties to
nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties "with the aim of fostering a
better coordination among those zones and to ensure scrupulous
respect for legal regimes created by those zones, as well as to
support the establishment of other nuclear-weapon-free zones in
other areas of the world."
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/73 (L.19/Rev.1)
Mongolia's International Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free
Introduced by Mongolia with co-sponsorship from the
United States and Papua New Guinea
Mongolia's resolution regarding its proposed status as a
nuclear-weapon-free zone was last introduced in 2002. With 9 OPs,
it expresses appreciation for efforts to implement resolution 57/67
and two studies on the non-nuclear aspects of Mongolia's
international security. It invites states to cooperate with
Mongolia on this and appeals to the member states of the Asia and
Pacific region to support Mongolia's efforts to join the relevant
regional security and economic arrangements.
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
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UNGA 59/108 (L.35)
Strengthening of Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean
Introduced by Algeria and co-sponsored by a wide
cross-group of states in the Mediterranean region and in Europe
As in previous years,, the resolution takes note of the
"indivisible nature" of security in the Mediterranean and that the
enhancement of cooperation among Mediterranean states created
benefits in the form of economic and social development. It also
asserts that the prospects for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation would
be enhanced by positive developments in Europe, the Maghreb and in
the Middle East. It continues to make note of the need for such
states to cooperate in combating terrorism, crime, illicit arms
transfers and drug trafficking and requests the Secretary-General
to submit a report on the means to strengthen security and
cooperation in the region.
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
Though accepting consensus, certain key riparian states,
including Israel, Syria and Libya, were conspicuous by their
absence from the list of co-sponsors.
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UNGA 59/59 (L.55/Rev.2)
Maintenance of International Security - Good Neighbourliness,
Stability and Development in South-Eastern Europe
Introduced by the Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia with
co-sponsorship of states in the region, as well as Russia and the
United States
Last up in 2002 and arising out of the Balkan wars, this
long resolution calls on states, international organisations and
the UN to respect the principles of territorial integrity and
sovereignty and the inviolability of international borders, and
urges the investment of further efforts in consolidating
South-Eastern Europe as a region of peace, security, stability,
democracy, the rule of law, cooperation and economic development.
It rejects the use of violence in pursuit of political aims, urges
good neighbourliness, and regional development cooperation. It
makes particular mention of the seriousness of the problem of
anti-personnel landmines in the region and the need to take action
against the illicit trade of small arms and light
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/89 (L.47)
Regional Disarmament
Introduced by Pakistan with co-sponsorship from
Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan,
Nepal, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka,
Sudan and Turkey
This routine resolution takes note of recent proposals for
disarmament at both the regional and subregional levels and
maintains the need for efforts to promote regional disarmament to
incorporate the specific characteristics and requirements of each
region. Asserts that efforts towards disarmament must be taken both
regionally and globally and welcomes initiatives already taken.
Purports to support and encourage efforts aimed at promoting
confidence-building measures at various levels as well as easing
regional tensions.
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
One of several for which Pakistan acts as principal sponsor,
this resolution is routinely adopted without a vote, but far from
this being a reflection of its importance, consensus is a reward
for the text remaining inoffensively general and bland.
Nevertheless, it is also viewed with scepticism as part of
Pakistan's ongoing rivalry with India, in which regional approaches
are advocated as a way to undermine the international context and
approach that India favours.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/88 (L.46)
Conventional Arms Control at the Regional and Subregional
Introduced by Pakistan with co-sponsorship from
Bangladesh, Germany, Liberia, Nepal,
Ukraine, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Another customary resolution from Pakistan, this stresses
the special responsibility of "militarily significant" states "with
larger military capabilities" in promoting conventional arms
control and regional peace and security. The resolution requests
the CD to consider developing principles to serve as a framework
for regional agreements, and requests the Secretary-General to seek
the views of member states on the subject.
First Committee: 165-1-1
UNGA: 178-1-1
Too specific for India to go along with consensus, so India
voted against and Bhutan abstained.
Although not the target audience for Pakistan's resolution, this
issue has wider implications that should not become obscured by the
resolution's provenance. For example, conventional arms control in
Europe has its own challenges, though the extraordinarily complex
the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty, which was concluded
by NATO and the Warsaw Pact in 1990 has continued to be useful,
despite the fact that it now limits the number of forces and
deployments for several countries that no longer exist. For
example, Russia informed the FC that in July 2004, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine signed a new agreement on weapons
levels that tie in with the CFE. The 2004 agreement, which Russia
said would "provide a considerable input to European Security...
envisages a considerable adjustment of the limitations... [and]
also opens up a possibility for a wider membership to the treaty."
Belarus completed its "belt of good-neighbourliness" along its
borders, which is a series of confidence and security-building
measures designed to make "a real contribution to the consolidation
of the regional and European security systems."
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/87 (L.45/Rev.2)
Confidence-building Measures in the Regional and Subregional
Introduced by Pakistan with co-sponsorship from
A second outing for this relatively new resolution from
Pakistan, first tabled in 2003. It links CBMs with regional
concerns, builds on UN resolution 57/337 (July 3, 2003), entitled
"Prevention of armed conflict", which calls for states to settle
their disputes by peaceful means, but the language is modified
sufficiently from last year to enable the resolution to be adopted
without a vote. It relates disarmament to development, commenting
that resources released by disarmament could be devoted to economic
and social development and the protection of the environment, and
welcomes the peace processes "already initiated in regions to
resolve their disputes through peaceful means bilaterally or
through mediation, inter alia, by third parties, regional
organisations or the UN", noting also that continuing regional
disputes may endanger international peace and security and
contribute to an arms race. In 9 OPs, the resolution calls for
states to refrain from the use or threat of use of force in the
settlement of disputes; it calls for dialogue, compliance with
bilateral, regional and international arms control and disarmament
agreements, and the promotion of bilateral and regional CBMs to
avoid conflict and prevent the unintended and accidental outbreak
of hostilities.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
India explained that joining the consensus reflected the
importance India attached to confidence building measures, which
could "play a significant role in establishing an atmosphere of
trust, cooperation and confidence, which in turn are conducive to
the resolution of outstanding issues through peaceful means". In
acknowledging that this year's text is an improvement on 2003,
India spelled out that consensus here did not imply acceptance of
the previous resolution, referred to in PP2.
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UNGA 59/96 (L.3)
Regional Confidence-building Measures: Activities of the United
Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in
Central Africa
Introduced by the Central African Republic on behalf of
the Central African states
This resolution supports the work of the Standing Advisory
Committee and promotes CBMs at regional and subregional levels to
ease tensions and conflicts and further peace, stability and
sustainable development in Central Africa. It supports the
establishment of a network of parliamentarians and the creation of
a subregional parliament in Central Africa, and requests voluntary
funding from governmental and nongovernmental organisations to
provide assistance and implementation of the programme of
First Committee, November 4: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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Conventional Weapons
UNGA 59/90 (L.49/rev.2)
Prevention of the Illicit Transfer and Unauthorised Access to and
Use of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS)
Introduced by Australia, with Argentina,
Turkey and a significant group of co-sponsors
This first-time resolution recognises an authorised
government-government trade in MANPADS, the threat posed to civil
aviation and peacekeeping, and the problem of MANPADS in the
context of "the intensified international fight against global
terrorism", because they are "easily carried, concealed, fired and,
in certain circumstances, obtained". The resolution then urges full
implementation of the SALW Programme of Action, and support for
international, regional and national efforts to prevent illicit
transfers. It stresses the importance of "effective and
comprehensive national controls on the production, stockpiling,
transfer and brokering" of MANPADS, and encourages states to enact
or improve legislation, regulations and practices etc, as well as
encouraging "initiatives to exchange information and to mobilise
resources and technical expertise" to assist states in combating
unauthorised use and transfer of MANPADS.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
The UN Register on Conventional Arms, covering imports and
exports of seven categories of major weapons, is now in its 12th
year, and was expanded for the first time to cover two new
categories of weapons, including MANPADS. After the rows last year
there is no Transparency in Armaments (TIA) resolution as such this
year, and little was said in the debate. Traditional allies (such
as the EU) called on all countries to submit data to the register,
while the states that dislike it, which include a number in the
Arab League, simply ignored it. Nevertheless, the underlying issues
of transparency and accountability in conventional arms have been
covered in other ways by other resolutions. Most notably, the
current register (covering 2003) is the first to expand the scope
of the register since it was established. In addition to including
MANPADS, the register lowered the threshold for reporting "large
calibre artillery systems" from 100 mm to 75 mm (thus bringing in
some of the more mobile weapons).
This new resolution was sponsored by Australia, Argentina and
Turkey, who highlighted the terrorist potential of MANPADS, which
can potentially shoot down civilian as well as military aircraft,
while remaining portable and easily acquired. Israel is a strong
supporter of the resolution, and noted that the threat of
terrorists acquiring WMD "combined with the broadening trend of
suicide terrorism, provides a potentially apocalyptic vehicle for
all who would totally obstruct the changes for a climate of
security and stability." Given the sensitivity of the issue, it was
to the credit of its framers and sponsors that it achieved
consensus this first time around.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/86 (L.43/Rev.1)
The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its
Aspects [SALW]
Introduced by Colombia with a wide cross-group
This substantive and practical resolution expresses its
support for the implementation of the 2001 Programme of Action
(PoA) and the work of various meetings and working groups to this
end, particularly an open-ended working group to negotiate an
international instrument to enable states "to identify and trace,
in a timely and reliable manner, illicit small arms and light
weapons", the first meeting of which convened June 14-25, 2004.
Expressing support for initiatives to mobilise resources and
expertise to further implementation of the Programme of Action, it
decides to convene a two-week UN Conference to review progress from
June 26 to July 7, 2006, in New York (OP1), as well as a two-week
PrepCom January 9-20, 2006 and subsequent sessions if necessary
(OP2). It also decides to convene a second biennial meeting of
states in accordance with the Programme of Action July 11-15, 2005
(OP3). The Secretary General is further requested to "continue to
collate and circulate data and information"
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
The conventional arms debate was dominated by calls for greater
controls over SALW, with strong support for the open-ended working
group negotiating an instrument to mark and trace SALW, as
recommended in the PoA. The goal is to make it easier to trace all
legally-produced arms so that if a weapon turns up in a war zone or
in a country under UN sanctions it will be easier to trace that
weapon back and find out how it was diverted from the legal to
illegal trade. The working group is negotiating an "instrument"
rather than a "treaty," since there are divisions in the working
group over whether the final agreement should be legally - or "only
politically" - binding. Europe, Africa and Latin America are
pushing for the strongest commitment, while the US and some Arab
states are lobbying for a voluntary agreement. Inevitably it was
those arguing for strong constraints that prioritised this issue.
For example, Nigeria told the FC, "The magnitude of the problem
posed by the proliferation of small arms demands that the
instrument envisaged should be legally binding for effective
implementation." Jamaica called for an "early conclusion of an
international convention" on marking and tracing SALW because of
the "destabilising effects" these weapons have "on our economies
and societies." On a positive note, the consensus was underpinned
by what Nepal called "the almost unanimous commitment of the global
community implement" the PoA.
In Latin America, only Colombia is faced with a violent
insurgency, however the drug trade and violent crime are aided by
the easy availability of SALW. Peru referred to two initiatives of
the Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and
Venezuela) which it said "has fulfilled one of the most advance
regional commitments regarding limitation, control and transparency
on conventional armament, including measures of confidence and
verification." First, there is "The Commitment of Lima ...
establishes a plan for prevention, combat and eradication of
illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons" - which Peru
called "the first subregional instrument" enacted to fulfil the
PoA. The "Andean Zone of Peace" is an example of achievement "on
limitation, control and transparency of armament,
confidence-building measures and verification," Peru said.
The Caribbean nations that make up CARICOM have been especially
vocal in their desire to control SALW - it was a CARICOM initiative
that led to the 2001 Conference - because of the across-the-board
effects the weapons have on their small nations. "CARICOM states do
not produce [SALW], nor are we large-scale importers of this
category of weapons," the group told the First Committee, "Yet,
despite our best efforts, we continue to face the uncontrolled
spread of illicit weapons throughout our territories, most times
through the illegal diversion of weapons from the licit trade. As a
result, [SALW] now pose one of the biggest threats to the national
security, and economic and social development of many or our small
countries." These weapons are being used "by those that would seek
to destabilise our region through criminal networks involved in the
trafficking of drugs, weapons and human beings. These activities
pose a dangerous challenge to our security infrastructure and are
helping to undermine the economic and social fabric of our
It is also worth noting that several states, notably Norway,
Malaysia, South Africa and the CARICOM countries, promoted the idea
of a similar instrument governing arms brokers, but there is
resistance to this from countries with highly lucrative arms
industries. Norway argued that it was "essential that... we get
serious about the problem of illicit small arms brokering," while
CARICOM called for "a real commitment to regulate brokering." The
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) called on the First
Committee to establish an expert panel "to develop proposals for an
international system of controls on arms brokers." Though there was
no resolution on arms brokering this year, the groundwork is
clearly beginning to be laid.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/84 (L.40/Rev.1)
Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use,
Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on
Their Destruction [Mine Ban Treaty]
Introduced by Thailand with the co-sponsorship of a wide
cross-group of over 100 states
Now in its sixth year, this resolution welcomes the entry
intro force of the Mine Ban Treaty. The product of independent
negotiations and government/civil-society partnership, the
so-called 'Ottawa Process', this treaty now has 143 states parties.
The resolution calls on all other states to accede without delay
and undertake the full and effective implementation of the treaty.
It renews its call for states and other relevant parties to work
together to remove and destroy anti-personnel mines throughout the
world, help mine victims in all necessary ways, and undertake mine
risk education programmes. It invites and encourages "all
interested states, the United Nations, other relevant international
organisation or institutions, regional organisations the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and relevant
non-governmental organizations" to participate in the programme of
intersessional work established at the first meeting and developed
at subsequent meetings.
First Committee: 140-1-18
UNGA: 157-0-22
Many statements praised the wide adherence to the treaty - now
with 143 states parties, described their national and regional
initiatives to eliminate landmines, and looked forward to a
productive first Review Conference in Nairobi at the end of
Africa countries, including South Africa, pointed to the Common
African Position on Anti-Personnel Landmines adopted in September.
The position "sends a powerful message on Africa's implementation
priorities in this field," said South Africa, noting as "critical
to these challenges... the need for us to intensify our efforts to
mobilise resources to clear mined areas and assist those who have
become victims of this lethal weapon." Forty-eight African states
are parties to the agreement. Brazil on behalf of the Rio Group
also emphasised the importance of this treaty: "Until their
deactivation and destruction, [anti-personnel land mines]
constitute a threat to civilian population and impede the use of
fertile land for agriculture, prevent regional development and
limit employment possibilities."
Many also pointed out that it has been almost one year since the
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) added the new
Protocol V on the explosive remnants of war (ERW), another step to
reduce the indiscriminate maiming of civilians by weapons left over
from long-finished conflicts. The protocol, according to the ICRC,
"provides a prescription for both preventing and remedying the
problems caused" by cluster munitions and other unexploded
ordnance. The ICRC also urged all countries to ratify the protocol,
which Norway had described as "the logical next step is to develop
an instrument on preventive measures with a view to further
reducing the humanitarian risks caused by the use of certain
The vote on the Mine Ban Treaty has consolidated in recent
years, with the same states repeating their abstentions year by
year. After voting against in the FC, the DPRK announced that it
had intended to abstain, but was in fact recorded absent in the GA.
Abstainers were: Azerbaijan, China, Cuba, Egypt, Federated States
of Micronesia, India, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Lebanon, Libya, Marshall Islands, Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Palau,
Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Syria, United States,
Uzbekistan and Viet Nam. In explaining their abstentions, several
states argued that while they shared the resolution's concerns
regarding APL, their "legitimate security needs" and long land
borders prevented them from acceding to the Treaty. They then
sought to push the issue off into other fora, such as the CD or the
CCW. Libya said the Mine Ban Treaty did not hold states responsible
for the problems caused by their mines laid in the territory of
other states. South Korea said it gave money to African states to
help with demining. Singapore said it had indefinitely extended its
moratorium on exporting anti-personnel landmines. Both Cuba and
China argued for a balance between humanitarian concerns and
"legitimate self defence". China said it had sponsored with
Australia a workshop sponsored by the International Campaign to Ban
Landmines (ICBL) on mine clearance in Asia. Reviving a debate from
the 1990s, India said it would support negotiations in the CD to
ban illicit transfers of landmines on the basis of a mandate that
reflected the interests of all parties.
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UNGA 59/107 (L.54)
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain
Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively
Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [CCW]
Introduced by Sweden with wide cross-group
This routine resolution supports the CCW and its
Protocols, covering non-detectable fragments (protocol I),
restrictions on the use of mines, booby traps and other devices
(protocol II), prohibitions or restrictions on the use of
incendiary weapons (protocol III), blinding laser weapons (protocol
IV) etc, as well as the decision by the Second Review Conference in
December 2001 to extend the scope of the CCW to include "armed
conflicts of a non-international character", i.e. civil wars and
intra-state uses. The resolution calls upon all states who remain
outside the CCW to becomes parties as soon as possible and also to
be bound by the Protocols of the Convention. It supports continued
work by the working group on explosive remnants of war (ERW), with
a mandate to negotiate an instrument on post-conflict remedial
measures, and additional work on "mines other than anti-personnel
mines". Also requests the Secretary-General to render any necessary
assistance as may be required for the meeting of CCW states parties
on November 27-28, 2003, and for follow-up work, as decided by the
Second Review Conference.
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
The most important development mentioned by many states has been
the inclusion of explosive remnants of war (ERW - encompassing
cluster bombs and other unexploded munitions and submunitions, as
well as landmines and abandoned ordnance) and the development of a
mandate to negotiate post-conflict remedial measures.
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UNGA 59/74 (L.21)
Assistance to States for Curbing the Illicit Traffic in Small Arms
and Collecting Them
Introduced by Mali on behalf of ECOWAS, co-sponsored by
African states and others
This now regular resolution emphasises the problems caused
by small arms and light weapons (SALW) for security and development
in Africa, most particularly in the Sahelo-Saharan subregion. It
supports the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States)
moratorium on the importation, exportation and manufacture of SALW,
encouraging the international community to support its
implementation. It welcomes the progress made so far, including the
2000 Bamako Declaration on an African Position on the Illicit
Proliferation, Circulation and Trafficking of Small Arms and Light
Weapons, the 2001 UN Programme of Action on the Illicit Trade in
Small Arms and Light Weapons, the conclusion of the African
Conference on the implementation of the Programme of Action in
March 2002. The resolution invites the Secretary-General and states
and organisations to provide assistance in curbing the
proliferation and trafficking in SALW and collecting
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
Conventional disarmament is usually most effective when
countries of a region make common cause in addressing the shared
problems caused by the weapons, and Africa's determination to
reduce the toll on lives and development caused by SALW was the
subject of several interventions during the FC debates. Kenya and
Uganda were among the countries highlighting the new Nairobi
Protocol for the Prevention, Control and Reduction of Small Arms
and Light Weapons in the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa,
signed by eleven countries in the region in April. The protocol
commits the governments to adopt national legislation to prohibit
the "unrestricted civilian possession of small arms," to work for
harmonised measures covering the manufacturing of SALW and the
activities of arms brokers. Kenya said the Great Lakes and Horn of
Africa are "especially vulnerable to the threat posed by the easy
availability of [SALW] which have escalated the conflicts in the
region. Ongoing inter- and intra-state conflicts have resulted in
massive numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons. These
in turn have place an unprecedented strain on the resources of the
region, and indeed to reversals in economic development." Uganda
said it hoped the International Conference on the Great Lakes
Region next month in Tanzania will "grapple with the problem of the
inundation of the region with small arms and light weapons in the
hands of non-state actors resulting from the ending of conflicts in
the region." Uganda asked all countries for political and financial
support for programmes coming out of conference, such as programmes
for disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of
The Economic Council of West African States (ECOWAS) has in
place a voluntary moratorium on the importation and manufacturing
of SALW. Nigeria noted, "Consideration is currently being given to
achieving the ultimate objective of transforming the ECOWAS
moratorium on import/export of small arms from its current status
of a political instrument to that of a legally binding convention"
and asked countries outside the region to assist in achieving this
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UNGA 59/515 (L.48 Decision)
Problems arising from the Accumulation of Conventional Ammunition
Stockpiles in Surplus
Introduced by Bulgaria, with France, Germany and the
This draft decision simply includes this issue as a new item for
the agenda of the 60th General Assembly in 2005.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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UNGA 59/92 (L.52)
Information on confidence-building measures in the field of
conventional arms
Introduced by Argentina with a large group of
This new resolution encourages member states to provide
information and engage in dialogue on CBMs in conventional arms,
and requests the Secretary-General to establish "with the financial
support of states in a position to do so, an electronic database
containing information" on these issues.
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
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International Security, Disarmament Principles and
UNGA 60 (L.33)
Verification in all its Aspects, including the Role of the United
Nations in the Field of Verification
Introduced by Canada.
Although in the end adopted without a vote, Canada's new
resolution on verification (which had to be withdrawn last year)
was seriously contested, not least by the United States, and
provoked many statements of explanation. The resolution reaffirmed
the "critical importance" and "vital contribution" of effective
verification measures in nonproliferation, arms limitation and
disarmament agreements, and proposed that a panel of government
experts be established by the UN in 2006 to "explore the question
of verification in all its aspects, including the role of the
United Nations in the field of verification".
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
While the majority were supportive of Canada's aims, objections
came from several angles. Britain, the United States and Japan, for
example, said they worried about the scope and parameters of the
proposed expert panel, and emphasised that it should not overlap or
undermine the existing functions of the IAEA, OPCW and existing
instruments. Questioning what the UN study was intended to deal
with, the United States referred back to its statement of October
22, in which it argued that verification, compliance and
enforcement were three interdependent components of policy, weighed
against a state's obligations and commitments.
From a different perspective, India, Pakistan, Egypt and Iran
argued that since the UNDC had already debated and elaborated 16
principles of verification that had been endorsed by the General
Assembly in 1988, the UNDC should be the body to continue the
study, focussing on implementing the principles. Pakistan said that
"in a spirit of cooperation" it went along with the draft
resolution, but it was "not convinced that another Panel of Experts
can make a significant contribution at this stage to the philosophy
of verification". Citing the CTBT and the BWC Protocol as examples,
Pakistan noted, "Major disarmament initiatives since the
verification principles were agreed upon have suffered setbacks...
It is not for want of knowledge in the field of verification that
these initiatives have been sidelined but on account of political
reasons. It seems that the FMCT will suffer a similar fate, since
some now want what used to be termed "toothless arms control".
Pakistan did not want "a new verification paradigm [that] will
negatively impact the existing achievements and consensus" and
firmly objected to "any moves to revise or negate the already
agreed parameters and principles in the field of verification or to
propagate certain fringe experiences, such as UNMOVIC". Pakistan's
warning against "creative but misplaced impulses" makes more sense
in the context of India's statement that it had previously proposed
a single multilateral verification institution under the United
Nations. In Iran's words, "both substantively and procedurally the
UNDC is still the best UN body to explore verification further,
including the role of the UN..." India also considered that
verification must be linked with specific obligations, such as
timebound nuclear disarmament.
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UNGA 59/80 (L.31)
Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass
Introduced by India and co-sponsored by Afghanistan,
several NAM, S Asian states and EU states
Building on a resolution entitled 'Terrorism and Weapons
of Mass Destruction', first tabled in 2002, this resolution calls
on all states to support international efforts and to undertake and
strengthen national measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring
WMD, their means of delivery and materials and technologies related
to their manufacture. It takes note of UNSC resolution 1540 (April
2004) and the Final Documents of the NAM heads of State and
Ministers from 2003 and 2004, as well as the G-8, EU and ASEAN
initiatives. In 5 operative paragraphs, it calls on member states
to support international efforts, urges members to take and
strengthen national measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring
WMD capabilities, encourages regional and international cooperation
to strengthen national capacities. It requests the
Secretary-General to compile a report on measures and seek states'
views of further measures for tackling the global threat posed by
the acquisition by terrorists of WMD.
First Committee consensus
UNGA: consensus
Though its 2002 origins may have been India's use of the
terrorism bandwagon to score points against Pakistan with regard to
Kashmir-related terrorism, the resolution has garnered wider
support, with co-sponsorship from many EU countries, including
France and Britain. Russia also co-sponsored, but China and the
United States did not.
During the debates, many states expressed support for SC
Resolution 1540 as an important contribution to preventing the
acquisition of WMD by non-state actors, though several noted in
this context the importance of implementing, respecting and
strengthening existing treaties. Singapore, for example, said it
sees the issues of disarmament, non-proliferation and terrorism as
"inter-related". While supporting Resolution 1540, Singapore also
called for "universal adherence to multilateral arms control and
non-proliferation treaties such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty, the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons
Convention." Mexico observed that "the international strategy to
combat terrorism tends to emphasize non-proliferation in detriment
of disarmament objectives and in particular the obligations of
nuclear States in the disarmament field."
Sri Lanka observed that the FC is again meeting "at a time when
the international security situation is in crisis" noting
specifically the "tragic events of September in Russia" which have
"returned the spectre of international terrorism to haunt us." In
this context Sri Lanka observed that "[i]t had been assumed for a
long time that the security of a nation state could best be assured
on a weapon-based system relying on every-greater technological
advances. Yet we have in recent times seen that such impressive
arsenals could not deter terrorists or non-state actors" and the
recurrence of "tragedies, aimed at the mostly militarily powerful
of nation states, underlines the need for us to reflect deeply on
the issues of security and the urgent need to work together to
consolidate the international legal regime using all the branches
of the UN system."
Mention of the A.Q. Kahn proliferation network was made by the
United States, Israel and the Republic of Korea, among others.
Pakistan responded indirectly, emphasising the need to consider the
causes that lead to terrorism, and saying that it "has adopted
comprehensive measures to prevent WMD proliferation" including
"effective steps, in cooperation with the international community,
to eliminate an underground proliferation network which had its
tentacles in two dozen countries."
Some states also cautioned against allowing the Security Council
to adopt measures that circumvent the multilateral treaty
negotiating process. A number of states pointed out that the most
effective measure for preventing non-state access to weapons of
mass destruction is through their elimination via "multilaterally
negotiated disarmament agreements" as Mexico noted, adding that
"the success of the strategy in combating terrorism, in particular
on the dangerous front of weapons of mass destruction, necessarily
hinges on the implementation of the disarmament objectives."
Explaining its joining of consensus Brazil put on record that it
regarded UNSC 1540 as specific to addressing the threat of WMD
falling into the hands of terrorists.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/69 (L.11)
Promotion of Multilateralism in the Area of Disarmament and
Introduced by Malaysia on behalf of the NAM
Following on from similar resolutions in 2001, 2002 and
2003, this resolution, though refraining from naming names,
reflects serious international concerns about the Bush
Administration's undermining of multilateral arms control, and
emphasises the centrality of multilateralism in the area of
disarmament and non-proliferation. While recognising "the
complementarity of bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral
negotiations on disarmament", it expresses concern at the
"continuous erosion of multilateralism" in arms regulation,
nonproliferation and disarmament, and characterises multilateralism
as "the core principle" in disarmament and non-proliferation
concerns, negotiations and norm-building. It underlines the
importance of preserving existing agreements, calls on states to
renew and fulfil their commitments to multilateral cooperation. In
its most controversial paragraph, OP6, it requests the states
parties to relevant instruments on WMD "to consult and cooperate
among themselves in resolving their concerns with regard to cases
of non-compliance as well as on implementation..." and "to refrain
from resorting or threatening to resort to unilateral actions or
directing unverified noncompliance against one another to resolve
their concerns". It also requests the Secretary General to seek
states views and report back next year.
First Committee: 109-9-49
UNGA: 125-9-49
The NAM voted in favour, but Western states split between those
who opposed the resolution - primarily the 'Coalition of the
Willing' that joined the invasion of Iraq - and those who
abstained, which included all of the EU except Britain. The
Netherlands explained the abstention of the EU and associated
states, saying that though they were convinced that "a
multilateralist approach to security, including disarmament and
non-proliferation, provides the best way to maintain international
order and... to... uphold, implement and strengthen the
multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation treaties and
agreements", the resolution was "unbalanced" and contained elements
that the EU could not support. In particular, the EU "believes that
unilateral, bilateral and multilateral actions in disarmament and
non-proliferation... bring... positive results." Since these were
not given sufficient credit in the resolution, the EU abstained.
For similar reasons Canada also abstained, arguing that it believes
multilateralism is a core principle but not the core
principle as stated in the resolution. Canada also objected to the
tone of the resolution, viewing it as "restrictive", and emphasised
the importance of unilateral and bilateral approaches, complaining
that these concerns were not acknowledged.
During the general debate there was also a vigorous debate on
multilateralism. China observed that in the face of "ever more
rampant" terrorism and the danger of WMD proliferation, no country
can stand alone and we are "duty bound to push forward the
multilateral arms control and disarmament process." Canada said
that "the best way of dealing with contemporary security threats is
through multilateral cooperation premised on the rule of law.
Legally binding agreements equipped with robust verification
provisions that afford a high degree of assurance that any
non-compliance will be detected, remain, in our estimation, the
preferred means for consolidating advances on the
non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament front." Bangladesh
"remain[s] convinced that establishment of rule of law and
multilateralism is the only option for us in dealing with the
issues relating to international peace and security including
disarmament." Mexico affirmed that the Rio Group was "convinced
that an effective multilateralism is the only path to the
maintenance of international peace and security."
The United States recalled its observations of the previous year
that the international community "stood at a crossroads that would
determine whether multilateral arms control institutions could
break away from Cold War-era thinking and address new and emerging
threats" citing in this context President Bush's remarks in an
address at Whitehall Palace in London that "'the success of
multilateralism is not measured by adherence to forms along, the
tidiness of the process, but by the results we achieve to keep our
nations secure.'" On November 20, 2003, President Bush and UK Prime
Minister Blair issued a Joint Statement on Multilateralism which
"emphasized that, 'Effective multilateralism, and neither
unilateralism nor international paralysis, will guide our
approach.'" From the US perspective, however, "progress over the
past year toward our goal of effective multilateralism in the area
of arms control and disarmament has been mixed" and "[c]andor
requires us to admit ... that we are dismayed by the current state
of the multilateral arms control machinery" adding that "[s]urely
the United States is not alone in this feeling." Although the US
"has made clear its support for the principle of 'effective
multilateralism' ... [i]t would defy logic ... to expect states to
continue to rely on multilateral processes if doing so has the
effect of preventing all action."
By contrast, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)
took the floor to say that "[u]nilateralism based on the supremacy
of power ruthlessly destroys the norms and order of international
relations" adding that "[c]ountries are designated as 'axis of
evil' and 'targets for preemptive nuclear strikes' and the
unilateral military attacks against sovereign States are
perpetrated under the pretext of 'suspicion over the possession of
weapons of mass destruction' [which is] nothing but an artificial
pretext to realize the policy of nuclear threat of a nuclear
superpower aimed at controlling the world by maintaining the
nuclear supremacy and nuclear threats. The development in Iraq
proves it."
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/61 (L.2/rev.1)
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in
the Context of International Security
Introduced by the Russian Federation with co-sponsorship
from Kyrgyzstan
This resolution was first introduced in 1998 with the
intention of highlighting concerns provoked by US plans for missile
defence and space control, it succeeded last year in having a group
of government experts established under UN auspices, due to report
next year. Though adopted without a vote, the resolution is
attracts some reservations, but the language is sufficiently
general not to attract direct opposition. It notes that scientific
and technological developments can have dual-use, civilian and
military applications, and expresses concern regarding the abuse of
information resources and technologies in ways that may "adversely
affect the integrity of the infrastructure of states to the
detriment of their security". Calling on member states to consider
the range of threats to information security,, the resolution notes
with satisfaction the establishment in 2004 of a group of
governmental experts to study "relevant international concepts
aimed at strengthening the security of global information and
telecommunications systems".
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/62 (L.32)
Role of Science and Technology in the Context of International
Security and Disarmament
Introduced by India with co-sponsorship of some thirty
NAM states
This routine resolution highlights both the civilian and
military potential of scientific and technological developments and
stresses the importance of encouraging civilian applications.
Though it acknowledges the role of dual-use items in the
development and upgrading of weapons of mass destruction, the
resolution mainly reflects the concerns of a number of NAM states
regarding export control regimes with emphasis on a perceived
threat by a self-selected cartel of developed states to the
peaceful development rights of others. Declares that the benefits
of advances in the civilian sphere should be available to all and
urges member states to undertake multilateral negotiations towards
this end, with the encouragement of the relevant UN
First Committee: 101-49-17
UNGA: 106-48-21
As in previous years, most NAM states voted in favour, while
states aligned with the Western caucus opposed, objecting that the
resolution side-steps the problems of dual use whereby countries
evoke peaceful purposes to gain access to technology. Arguing that
this also has serious military or weapons implications, the
opponents and abstainers regard the resolution as inadequate and
potentially in contradiction with the international system of
export controls, in which many of them participate.
Back to the Index
UNGA 59/66 (L.5)
National Legislation on Transfer of Arms, Military Equipment and
Dual Use Goods and Technology
Introduced by the Netherlands
This is the second year for this resolution and, in the
wake of the adoption of UNSC 1540, was able to obtain consensus.
The resolution evokes 1540 in OP1 and invites member states "to
enact or improve national legislation, regulations and procedures
to exercise effective control over the transfer of arms, military
equipment and dual-use good and technology, while ensuring that
such legislation, regulations and procedures are consistent with
the obligations of states parties under international treaties." In
OP2 states are encouraged to provide the UN, on a voluntary basis,
with information on their national legislation, regulations and
procedures regarding arms transfers etc.
The resolution, which builds on the Netherlands'
traditional role in supporting the UN Conventional Arms Register,
had a rocky start. It was withdrawn in 2002 and in 2003 a paragraph
vote on PP2 caused splits, with some countries abstaining on a
preambular paragraph that related export controls to disarmament
and nonproliferation treaties, though no state voted against the
actual resolution. The resolution asserts the importance of
national legislation, regulations and procedures on arms transfers
and dual-use equipment and technology as a confidence-building
measure, recognising also the importance of disarmament, arms
control and non-proliferation in the maintenance of international
peace and security. It encourages states to exchange information,
and enact or improve their own national legislation in this arena
and provide relevant information to the Secretary-General. The
language of PP2 has been modified this year, characterising as an
"important tool" "effective national control of the transfer of
arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology,
including those transfers that could contribute to proliferation
activities". In addition, PP3 asserts the incentive of facilitating
"the fullest possible exchange of materials, equipment and
technological information for peaceful purposes".
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
The controversy over this resolution has been largely defused by
the adoption of UNSC 1540, so there was less debate than in past
years. Whilst joining consensus, Cuba said that national
legislation should be viewed as supplementing and implementing
multilaterally negotiated instruments and legally binding treaties,
underlining that "only the framework of international treaties can
provide a guarantee against selective, discriminatory
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UNGA 59/68 (L.10)
Observance of Environmental Norms in the Drafting and
Implementation of Agreements on Disarmament and Arms Control
Introduced by Malaysia on behalf of the NAM
In its tenth year, this resolution emphasises the need to
observe environmental norms in both the negotiation and
implementation of disarmament and arms control agreements. It
explicitly refers to "the detrimental environmental effects of the
use of nuclear weapons". It calls for unilateral, bilateral,
regional or multilateral measures to ensure that environmental and
sustainable development considerations are taken into account in
relation to scientific and technological progress applied to
international security, disarmament and related spheres, and
invites states to inform the Secretary-General of measures they
have adopted in this regard .
First Committee: 165-1-3
UNGA: 175-2-3
The United States, which until last year abstained on this
resolution, voted against for the second time, forcing poor little
Palau - whose pristine Pacific environment has been devastated by
US military activities since the 1940s - to keep it company in the
GA. Noting that the environmental resolution had not changed in
four years, the United States argued that there was no direct
connection between general environmental standards and arms control
and disarmament, and that concern for the environment should not
lead to overburdening crucial negotiations. The US claimed that the
UN should not set standards for arms control and disarmament
agreements - that is for the states concerned to do. Britain,
France and Israel abstained.
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UNGA 59/78 (L.28)
Relationship between Disarmament and Development
Introduced by Malaysia on behalf on the NAM
This traditional NAM resolution underlines the importance
of the "symbiotic relationship" between disarmament and
development, with particular reference to global military
expenditure which reduces the amount available for development
needs. It welcomes the report of the Group of Governmental Experts
(A/59/119), stresses the central role of the UN, and urges an
increase in resources to be made available for the implementation
of disarmament and arms limitation agreements.
First Committee: 165-1-2
UNGA: 180-2-2
The United States voted against (dragging Palau along in the
GA), while Israel and France abstained. The US reiterated its
well-known belief that disarmament and development are two distinct
issues. Since the US did not participate in the 1987 conference on
Disarmament and Development, it did not regard itself as bound by
any of its decisions. By contrast, the UK said it had supported the
resolution because it agreed with many of the conclusions of the
recent expert group on disarmament and development, particularly
relating to mainstreaming, demobilisation, small arms and light
weapons, anti-personnel landmines and explosive remnants of war.
The UK supported the Group's conclusion that the relationship
between disarmament and development was complex, but could not
accept its conclusion that there had been little progress on
nuclear disarmament. Saying that "the UK maintains a minimum
deterrent and continues to work towards disarmament", Britain
argued, however irrelevantly given the subject matter, that the
resolution had not given sufficient credit to unilateral, bilateral
and multilateral measures for disarmament and nonproliferation, as
recognised in the final document from the NPT's 2000 Review
During the General Debate, the links between disarmament and
development were discussed in several ways, with particular
emphasis on SALW. Because they are in such wide use, SALW have a
visible and immediate impact on all aspects of life, especially in
the poorer countries. Turkey noted that the uncontrolled spread of
SALW "pose a significant threat to peace and security as well as to
the social and economic developments of many communities and
countries." Even India and Pakistan see eye-to-eye on this problem.
"Illicit trade in SALW not only poses a threat to the security of
states but also endangers their socio-economic and political
stability. The impact of illicit trade in small arms is aggravated
by its links to organised crime, terrorism and trafficking in
narcotics," said India. SALW are "creating major humanitarian
emergencies and neutralising economic progress," said Pakistan.
"These crises need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner,
through conflict resolution, ending external intervention, and
halting the illegal exploitation of natural resource which motivate
and fuel many of these conflicts."
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UNGA 59/82 (L.38*)
Consolidation of Peace Through Practical Disarmament Measures
Introduced by Germany and others
With stronger emphasis on small arms and light weapons,
the resolution asserts the need for a comprehensive and integrated
approach towards certain practical disarmament measures. It notes
the importance of the Secretary-General's report and its
recommendations for the consolidation of peace through practical
disarmament measures and welcomes the activities undertaken by the
Group of Interested States, inviting the Group to "continue to
analyse lessons learned from previous disarmament and
peace-building projects. Referring to the "synergies within the
multi-stakeholder process", the resolution encourages member states
to support requests by others regarding the collection and
destruction of small arms and light weapons and welcomes the report
of the United Nations study on disarmament and non-proliferation
education as well as the Secretary-General's reports on the
implementation of this resolution.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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Disarmament Machinery and Education
UNGA 59/95 (L.60)
Improving the effectiveness of the methods of work of the First
Introduced by Indonesia, with support from the United
After last year's consensus adoption of a resolution
sponsored by the United States, with which the NAM countries were
particularly unhappy, Malaysia (for the NAM) and the US put in two
rival resolutions on this issue in 2004. After intensive
negotiations between Indonesia, on behalf of the NAM, the US and
others, including the EU, the separate resolutions were withdrawn
and a compromise resolution was adopted without a vote. Consisting
of four preambular paragraphs and 11 operative paragraphs, the
compromise resolution uses the NAM language emphasising the three
stages of general debate, thematic/structured debate, and
consideration and action on resolutions and US language promising
to continue efforts to improve the First Committee as a means to
enhance the role of the GA in promoting international peace and
Operatively it takes up the NAM language for the
biennialisation or triennialisation of agenda items to be
considered on a voluntary basis (not automatic, as the US draft
implied), more concise and action-oriented resolutions, and the
holding of interactive debates. In new paragraphs, sponsors are
encouraged to consult with a view to finding commonalities and
merging texts on similar issues. It also encourages the First
Committee to include presentations and focus discussions on the
work of expert groups, regional centres, UNIDIR and other relevant
specialists. OP8 also reiterates that Committees be informed of the
"detailed estimated cost of all resolutions and decisions that have
been recommended..."
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
During the general debate, the US cited the "enthusiastic
reaction to the resolution that [it] introduced last year on the
revitalization of the First Committee" as a "positive" example of
progress towards effective multilateralism, also welcoming "the
valuable recommendations submitted by governments to the
Secretary-General on practical ways to improve the effectiveness of
the methods of work of the First Committee." The US claimed that
its draft (L.1) had incorporated many of these suggestions. It
proposed electing the First Committee a year in advance and also
listed a number of specific measures for improving the First
Committee's work, including limiting the number of commissioned
studies to one per year; setting a limit on the number of draft
resolutions and decisions each year; introducing traditional
consensus resolutions on a biennial or triennial basis; and having
a cutoff "sunset" provision.
The original NAM draft (L.13) argued for election of the Bureau
only three months in advance. The NAM wanted to retain the thematic
clustering of agenda items and the three stages of general debate,
thematic/structure debate and consideration and action on
resolutions, with more interactive debates. States were encouraged
to submit more "concise and action-oriented" resolutions, with the
biennialisation or triennialisation of agenda items considered on a
voluntary basis.
Welcoming reform efforts "to ensure greater relevancy for the
work of the First Committee and meshing better its results with the
objectives of the principal treaties in the disarmament field and
the activities pursuant to them, as well as with other work that is
taking place", Canada expressed support for confining the general
debate to the first week of the FC session, leaving more time for
exchange of views on substantive disarmament issues. Canada "would
also welcome more interactivity in such sessions and the inclusion
of lead-off speakers drawn from the ranks of leading
representatives or experts of concerned organisations." Norway said
that the ability of the FC "to face the threats posed by
international terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction, as well as to deal with other security threats,
clearly needs to be upgraded" and in this context has organised two
informal workshops on FC reform and circulated a working paper
based on them.
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UNGA 59/104 (L.27/rev.1)
Report of the Conference on Disarmament
Introduced by Myanmar (Burma) as current President of the
The annual CD resolution reaffirms the role of the CD as
the "single multilateral disarmament negotiating forum of the
international community" and takes note of "active discussions" and
"significant contributions" towards trying to get a programme of
work. Since those efforts have been unsuccessful, the rest of the
resolution repeated previous years' language supporting the work of
the current and incoming CD Presidents to consult and seek a way
out of the long deadlock, and strongly urges the CD to commence
substantive work in 2005.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
Though no-one chose to speak when the resolution was adopted, as
tradition dictates, without a vote, many CD members and observers
have expressed disgust and frustration at the inability of the CD
to adopt a work programme since concluding the CTBT in 1996 (with
the exception of having a work programme based on agreement to
negotiate a fissban for a few weeks in 1998). A number of pointed
remarks have also been made about the US retreat from the Shannon
Mandate because of its inclusion of international verification.
While some blame CD procedures, especially the rigid
institutionalisation of the rule of consensus, others argue that
the core obstacle is a lack of sufficient political will and
collective pressure for negotiations on any of the CD's agenda to
go forward. Notwithstanding this deadlock, it is also pointed out
that useful discussions on topics ranging from the fissban to outer
space, utilising nongovernmental as well as state expertise have
been conducted on the margins of the CD and that even if
negotiations remain blocked, more creative approaches to using CD
time and resources are worth exploring.
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UNGA 59/105 (L.42*)
Report of the Disarmament Commission
Introduced by Kazakhstan
Despite the discussions on reform of disarmament
machinery, this routine resolution remained little changed from
past years and, as in past years, received consensus, though it was
clear that a growing number of states are questioning its role and
effectiveness. The resolution, as always, reaffirms the importance
of the UN Disarmament Commission (UNDC) and its mandate, dating
back more than 20 years. It also reaffirms the importance of
"enhancing the dialogue and cooperation" among this body, the First
Committee and the CD, and requests the UNDC to meet for not more
than three weeks, from July 18 to August 5, 2004.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
Although this went through on consensus, a lot of reservations
were expressed in explanations. The US insisted that the record
should show it had not participated in the consensus. Netherlands
on behalf of the EU and associated called the UNDC both an
"important deliberative body" and "a deep disappointment", which
must "adopt a more realistic and practical approach". Canada said
it was deeply disappointed with the UNDC failing to do any
substantive work yet again, and warned that there was a danger that
putting in another "hollow resolution" would result in a greater
loss of interest and credibility. Cuba said it was regrettable that
the UNDC had been unable to even begin considering substantive
issues and complained that the resolution contained an undetermined
OP5 because there had been a failure to reach agreement for
substantive discussion in 2005. However, Cuba rejected the view of
some members who argue that the UNDC cannot become effective
without changing its working methods. In Cuba's view, no change of
procedures would alter the fact of the core political will is
lacking, particular with regard to nuclear disarmament.
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UNGA 59/71 (L.14) Convening of the Fourth
Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament
Introduced by Malaysia on behalf of the NAM
Back again, this resolution, which had to be replaced by a
procedural draft decision in 2003, decides to establish another
Open-ended Working Group in 2006 to consider the objectives and
agenda, including the possible establishment of the preparatory
committee, for the fourth special session of the General Assembly
devoted to disarmament, taking note of previous working groups,
proposals and consultations. It requests states to continue
consultations on this and decides to include the issue on next
year's agenda.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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UNGA 59/93 (L.53/Rev.1)
United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Introduced by Mexico with co-sponsorship from the study
members and others
This resolution builds on the UN Study on Disarmament and
Non-Proliferation Education, which launched its report on October
9, 2002, after two years of consultations, Containing 34
recommendations for actions to be undertaken by governments,
educators, and civil society, the study was warmly welcomed in the
resolution, which "conveys" its recommendations for implementation
by member states. It "requests the Secretary-General to utilise
electronic means to the fullest extent possible in the
dissemination, in as many official languages as feasible, of
information related to that report" and other related information.
It further requests that a report be undertaken to assess the
results of that implementation for the sixty-first session of the
General Assembly in 2006.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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UNGA 59/97 (L.4/Rev.1)
United Nations Disarmament Fellowship Training and Advisory
Introduced by Nigeria with co-sponsorship from a wide
cross-group of over 50 states
This resolution reaffirms past decisions and notes the
contribution made by the Fellowship Programme to developing greater
awareness of the importance and benefits of disarmament. It
recognises the need for member states to take into account gender
equality when nominating candidates. The resolution expresses
appreciation to member states and particularly to Germany and
Japan, for hosting participants of the programme, and also
expresses appreciation to the IAEA, OPCW, the CTBTO Preparatory
Commission and the Monterey Institute of International Studies. It
requests the Secretary-General to continue to implement the
Geneva-based programme within existing resources.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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UNGA 59/98 (L.9)
United Nations Regional Centres for Peace and Disarmament
Introduced by Malaysia on behalf of NAM
Recognises the importance of the regional context in
progress towards peace and disarmament, in particular the role of
education, and the need to revitalise the three Regional Centres in
Nepal, Peru and Togo. Calls upon the support of member states as
well as NGOs and the UN. Requests the Secretary-General to provide
all necessary support - within existing resources - to these three
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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UNGA 59/99 (L.18)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and
Development in Latin American and the Caribbean
Introduced by Mexico on behalf of states in the
This routine resolution once again expresses its support
for the Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in
Lima, Peru and related developments and work, especially in
education and promoting confident-building measures, arms control
and limitation, disarmament and development at the regional level.
The resolution congratulates the Regional Centre for the expansion
of its activities, encourages further work in disarmament and
development, and appeals for additional voluntary funding as well
as UN resources to carry out its future programmes.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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UNGA 59/100 (L.20)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia
and the Pacific
Introduced by Nepal on behalf of states in the region
This routine resolution again welcomes the report of the
Secretary-General regarding the continuing validity of the Regional
Centre's mandate and welcomes the idea of the possible creation of
an educational and training programme for peace and disarmament in
Asia and the Pacific, including locating its headquarters in
Kathmandu, although that has still not been put into effect. The
resolution underlines the importance of the Kathmandu process and,
as in other resolutions dealing with Regional Centres, appeals to
member states, international governmental and nongovernmental
organisations and foundations, to make voluntary contributions to
support the work of the Regional Centre. It also urges the
Secretary-General to ensure "the physical operation of the Regional
Centre from Kathmandu within six months of the date of signature of
the host country agreement."
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
Despite the traditional text urging the establishment of the
"the physical operation of the Regional Centre from Kathmandu,
Nepal's difficulties with regard to accessibility and security make
this increasingly unlikely, even if no-one seems able to open
debate into an alternative location in the region.
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UNGA 59/101 (L.24)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in
Introduced by Nigeria on behalf of the Group of African
This routine resolution commends the activities of the
African Regional Centre, reaffirms strong support for the centre,
and appeals to states, international governmental organisations,
NGOs and Foundations to make voluntary contributions in order to
strengthen its programmes and activities. It specifically calls for
cooperation between the Regional Centre and the African Union, and
emphasises the importance of its work in promoting the consistent
implementation of the 2001 Programme of Action to prevent, combat
and eradicate the illicit trade in SALW.
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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UNGA 57/103 (L.51)
United Nations Disarmament Information Programme
Introduced by Mexico and co-sponsored by several South
and Central American states as well as New Zealand, South Africa,
Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and FYROMacedonia
This resolution, which has been introduced every other
year since 1996, expresses support for the UN Disarmament
Information Programme (UNDIP). It takes note of the recommendations
in the 2002 study on nonproliferation and disarmament education,
and recommends that INDIP should continue to inform and educate,
maintain its website and intensify interaction with the public,
NGOs and research institutes and focus its efforts on generating
public understanding of the importance of multilateral action on
First Committee: consensus
UNGA: consensus
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