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2007 First Committee Resolutions

Summary and Explanations

Compiled on behalf of the Acronym Institute by Michael Spies, Research Associate for the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy and Editor of the Arms Control Reporter; assisted by Ray Acheson, Project Associate for the Reaching Critical Will project of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Below is a comprehensive summary and analysis of the 49 resolutions and 3 decisions adopted by the 62nd First Committee and General Assembly compiled on behalf of the Acronym Institute. A fuller analysis will appear in Disarmament Diplomacy 87, due out in early 2008. Any queries or corrections should be emailed to info@acronym.org.uk.

Voting is given as: for-against-abstention. The votes in the First Committee took place between 30 October and 2 November 2007. The General Assembly adopted all the resolutions and draft decisions featured here on 5 December 2007.

The First Committee votes are shown first, followed by voting figures from the UN General Assembly. GA numbers are given for all resolutions and decisions. "Rev" denotes a revised version of the resolution was circulated subsequent to its introduction as an official UN draft resolution. We identify the state that introduced each resolution-normally this state would have also taken the lead in drafting and negotiating with others on the text. For lists of all co-sponsors, check the UN documents.

Vote tallies given here are from the official records. "Without a vote" denotes that a resolution was adopted by consensus without a recorded vote taken. Some countries state that they have not participated in the consensus, while others prefer not to vote at all and be counted absent. With regard to General Assembly votes, states that are in serious arrears with their payments to the UN are recorded as absent, whether or not they voted, which explains why even the co-sponsors of some resolutions are not recorded in the votes. There may also be discrepancies in voting figures due to requests by delegations for their votes to be recorded after missing or making mistakes during the electronic voting procedure.

In some resolutions, separate votes were requested on specific paragraphs or parts of paragraphs. In these cases, PP refers to preambular paragraph and OP refers to operative paragraph. The preambular paragraphs generally provide background and context on the subject of a resolution, identify and apply general principles of international law, and can broadly indicate the object and purpose of a resolution. Operative paragraphs contain decisions and requests, identifying action to be taken. However, General Assembly resolutions are non-binding on UN member states.

For all statements, resolutions and non-papers from the First Committee, see the Reaching Critical Will website: www.reachingcriticalwill.org/political/1com/1comindex1.html#2007

For summaries of each week of the proceedings, see the First Committee Monitor: www.reachingcriticalwill.org/political/1com/FCM.html.


Nuclear Weapons

Title FC Votes GA Votes

UNGA 62/ (L.6) [Decision] United Nations conference to identify appropriate ways of eliminating nuclear dangers in the context of nuclear disarmament [Mexico]

123-3-44 133-3-43

UNGA 62/24 (L.8) Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [Iran]

Whole: 103-53-15
PP6: 102-48-11
Whole: 109-55-15
PP6: 114-50-10

UNGA 62/25 (L.9) Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments [Mexico]

Whole: 151-5-13
P6: 155-4-2

Whole: 156-5-14
P6: 165-4-2

UNGA 62/ (L.20) [Decision] Missiles [Iran]

117-6-51 123-7-51

UNGA 62/32 (L.21) Reducing nuclear danger [India]

113-50-13 117-52-12

UNGA 62/51 (L.23) Convention on the prohibition of the use of nuclear weapons [India]

115-50-11 120-52-10

UNGA 62/34 (L.25) Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes [Nigeria]

without a vote without a vote

UNGA 62/59 (L.28*) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty [New Zealand]

166-1-4 176-1-4

UNGA 62/36 (L.29) Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems [New Zealand]

124-3-34 139-3-36

UNGA 62/37 (L.30) Renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons [Japan]

165-3-10 170-3-9

UNGA 62/39 (L.36) Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [Malaysia]

121-25-29 127-27-27

UNGA 62/42 (L.40) Nuclear Disarmament [Myanmar/Burma]

113-45-17 117-47-17
UNGA 62/19 (L.44) Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons [Pakistan] 120-1-54 121-1-56
UNGA 62/45 (L.46/Rev.1) Preventing the acquisition by terrorists of radioactive materials and sources [France] without a vote without a vote

Nuclear Weapon Free Zones

Title FC Votes GA Votes
UNGA 62/18 (L.1) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East [Egypt] without vote without vote
UNGA 62/56 (L.2) The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East [Egypt] Whole: 164-3-6
PP6: 161-3-6
Whole: 170-5-7
PP6: 166-3-6
UNGA 62/16 (L.10) Consolidation of the regime established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) [Mexico] without a vote without a vote
UNGA 62/31 (L.19/Rev.1) Treaty on Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty) [Indonesia] 161-1-4 174-1-5
UNGA 62/15 (L.26) African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty [Nigeria] without a vote without a vote
UNGA 62/35 (L.27) Nuclear weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas [New Zealand] Whole: 162-3-7
OP6: 156-1-8
Last three words OP6: 154-2-9
Whole: 169-3-8
OP6: 163-1-8
Last three words OP6: 163-1-9

Other Weapons of Mass Destruction

Title FC Votes GA Votes
UNGA 62/23 (L.7*) Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction [Poland] without a vote without a vote
UNGA 62/33 (L.22) Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction [India] without vote without vote
UNGA 62/60 (L.37) Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction [Hungary] without vote without vote

Outer Space (Disarmament Aspects)

Title FC Votes GA Votes
UNGA 62/20 (L.34) Prevention of an arms race in outer space [Sri Lanka] 170-1-1 178-1-1
UNGA 62/43 (L.41) Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities [Russia] 168-1-1 179-1-1

Conventional Weapons

Title FC Votes GA Votes

UNGA 62/22 (L.5) Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them [Mali]

without a vote without a vote

UNGA 62/57 (L.32) Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects [Sweden]

without a vote without a vote

UNGA 62/40 (L.38/Rev.1) Prevention of the illicit transfer and unauthorized access to and use of man-portable air defence systems [Australia]

without vote without vote

UNGA 62/41 (L.39) Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction [Australia]

154-0-18 164-0-18

UNGA 62/47 (L.49/Rev.1) The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects [Colombia]

165-1-0 179-1-0

Regional Disarmament & Security

Title FC Votes GA Votes
UNGA 62/38 (L.31) Regional Disarmament [Pakistan] without vote without vote
UNGA 62/44 (L.42) Conventional arms control at the regional and sub-regional levels [Pakistan] 167-1-1 177-1-1
UNGA 62/58 (L.48) Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region [Algeria] without vote without vote
UNGA 62/52 (L.52/Rev.1) Regional confidence-building measures: activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa [Cameroon] without vote without vote

Other Disarmament Measures and International Security

Title FC Votes GA Votes
UNGA 62/26 (L.12) National legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology [Netherlands] without a vote without a vote
UNGA 62/27 (L.13) Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation [Indonesia] 112-4-51 123-6-51
UNGA 62/28 (L.14) Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control [Indonesia] 162-1-3 175-1-3
UNGA 62/14 (L.16) Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace [Indonesia] 120-3-45 130-3-47
UNGA 62/30 (L.18/Rev.1) Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium [Indonesia] 122-6-35 136-5-36
UNGA 62/13 (L.33) Objective information on military matters, including transparency of military expenditures [Germany] without a vote without a vote
UNGA 62/45 (L.43) Confidence-building measures in the regional and sub-regional context [Pakistan] without a vote without a vote
UNGA 62/17 (L.45) Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security [Indonesia] 168-1-0 179-1-0
UNGA 62/21 (L.47) Verification in all its aspects, including the role of the United Nations in the field of verification [Canada] without vote without vote

UNGA 62/48 (L.50) Relationship between disarmament and development [Indonesia]

166-1-2 179-1-2
UNGA 62/ (L.51) [Decision] Review of the implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security [Indonesia] without vote without vote

Disarmament Machinery

Title FC Votes GA Votes
UNGA 62/54 (L.3) Report of the Disarmament Commission [Uruguay] without a vote without a vote
UNGA 62/49 (L.4) United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [Peru] without vote without vote
UNGA 62/55 (L.11) Report of the Conference on Disarmament [Syria] without vote without vote
UNGA 62/50 (L.15) United Nations regional centres for peace and disarmament [Indonesia] without vote without vote
UNGA 62/29 (L.17/Rev.1) Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament [Indonesia] 166-1-0 178-1-1
UNGA 62/ (L.24/Rev.1) United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa [Nigeria] 164-1-5 postponed
UNGA 62/52 (L.35) United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific [Nepal] without vote without vote

Biennial and Triennial Resolutions not Introduced in 2007

Nuclear Weapon Free Zones

Title Year last Introduced Year to be reintroduced
Mongolia's International Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status. 2006 (UNGA 61/87) 2008

Other Weapons of Mass Destruction

Title Year last Introduced Year to be reintroduced
Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol. 2006 (UNGA 61/61) 2008

Conventional Weapons

Title Year last Introduced Year to be reintroduced
Information on confidence-building measures in the field of conventional arms 2006 (UNGA 61/79) 2008

Regional Disarmament and Security

Title Year last Introduced Year to be reintroduced
Maintenance of international security-good neighbourliness, stability and development in South-Eastern Europe. 2006 (UNGA 61/53) 2008

Other Disarmament and International Security

Title Year last Introduced Year to be reintroduced
United Nations Disarmament Information Programme. 2006 (UNGA 61/95) 2008
United Nations study on disarmament and non-proliferation education. 2006 (UNGA 61/73) 2008
Transparency in armaments. 2006 (UNGA 61/77) 2008
Question of Antarctica. 2005 (UNGA 60/47) 2008
Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements. 2005 (UNGA 60/55) 2008 (tentative)

Disarmament Machinery

Title Year last Introduced Year to be reintroduced
Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons: report of the Conference on Disarmament. 2005 (UNGA 60/46) 2008

Selected Other Resolutions not Introduced in 2007
(not including resolutions not likely to be reintroduced)

Other Disarmament and International Security

Title Year last Introduced Year to be reintroduced
Prohibition of the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. 2006 (withdrawn) 2008 (tentative)
Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus. 2006 (UNGA 61/72) 2008
Towards an arms trade treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms. 2006 (UNGA 61/89) 2008
Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures. 2006 (UNGA 61/76) 2008

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